Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Night School "Morning School?" 3-4-2012


Morning School?

(From night school last night)

I definitely woke feeling I had spent much more of My night dream-walking than I did in night school. It kind of seems like I may be moving to morning school, where I review and get the messages as I wake.

We'll see. I'm going to try starting a dream-walking post and see where that goes.

The messages I got as I woke were about Our assignment (should We choose to accept it). I think that the fact We are here and aware shows that We are accepting it. Our part may be small, even appearing minuscule but it is very important regardless.

I remembered MySelf sending love and acceptance to My others, this is what I will focus on in My dream-walking post (I think).

Love is the key lesson Once again. Sending love and being love is My major task and focus right now. Also, sending awareness of what each of Us is doing (that feels vital right now).

There are many of Us who feel We have All-ways been bystanders. That is no longer a very viable option. It is still a choice We can make but it will be more difficult than playing Our role, for We chose Our role long, long ago.

These are parts and fragments of My message today.

I Am being given a choice every moment of how I want to live and what changes I Am willing to experience at this time.

We are the One's to start building the foundation of the new world. How fast the old can be dismantled depends on how fast We take up Our tools and begin to re-build.

One of Our major obstacles will be Our desire to DO rather than be. This is Our old mindset and pair-a-dimes. One of Our new tools is Our sitbacker. Another is whatever We use as meditation. We MUST start where We are and use what We have. We are in the perfect place and We have enough. We have much more than enough. When We begin to use what We have We will see just how much We really have and even more will flow to Us.

Once again I/We must look to the inside for Our confirmation. Inside is where Our source is and from there will Our abundance flow. If We continue to look for Our source and abundance outside then We will continue to receive limitation for that is All the outside can offer (at least at this time). I must insert that I think it will All-ways be the case that We will benefit greatly from looking inside rather than outside even if the outside gets better and better. That is the way We will avoid giving Our power away Once again. We are welcome to choose that. All choices are honored.

The way forward that looks the easiest will actually be the hardest for the support for that is waning. It looks easy because it is familiar. The new looks harder simply because it is new. However, this is what the energies (and Our galactic family and future Selves) are supporting. The choice remains Ours.

And there is something EVEN BETTER in store for each of Us as We learn to BE as Our way to do. “Being is the new doing”.

As I woke I saw (yes visual) and experienced MySelf and an-other unpacking a ship which was disguised as a normal car. ( I was both an observer and a participant) This other was shifting or phasing back and forth between looking human and a blurry nonhuman form. As if maintaining a disguise mentally and the focus was slipping. We were in a carport (which doubles as a space port) and I have a tarp covering the side that is exposed to view by the outside world. However, We have chosen NOT to use this tarp. I get the sense of NO MORE HIDING.

How cool is that?

As We unpack the ship I put the cargo in storage. Again, I know that I used to bury (or otherwise hide) the shipments but this need no longer be the case. This is also the reason for My partner's appearance changing. “They” still need to maintain some/most of “their” human disguise so as not to freak out My neighbors but expose some of “their” real body and features to begin acclimating any observers as to the nature of “their” identity. Does this imply that I Am 100% human? Not really, remember I Am bilocating and apparently I live here so it might be best that My neighbors continue to see Me as 100% human for the time being.

That is about All I remember. I think it is enough for now, especially in light of My new remembering of My dream-walking.

1 comment:

Herrienne said...

Fantastic dream I had one literally similar but they were living next door to me hope it happens!and yes my star family will keep a human appearance until they are fully accepted and the ascension is complete super cool speak soon myr love and light to you Herrienne!