Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Night School 1-31-2012

Night School


Good stuff, I hope I can remember some. There was more about looking at/towards being love and the rest will follow. There was also more about being in 5d which is where I seem to find MySelf now, unable to do the thinking and typing thing in 3D. I took a nap and immediately started replaying night school.

I visited My vision of how We can live as love. Perhaps I visited living in that reality but I don't really think so. I think I was learning about it and the journey there. Yes, We are All-ready love but most of Us (including the mighty ME) aren't living that way, at least not fully.

Most of Us (again ME) try to shortcut the process and get the fruit without ever growing the plant. We are so tuned in to this world and turned off by how unjust it seems and how down trodden We feel that We want to have and live better. We think that money is the answer. We tend to forget that soul development (learning to belief, think, act and live as love) is the answer. We usually think that those who are “in charge” and have money are not developed souls. Hence, We rarely relate being a developed soul with having money and power.

What if those folks only appear the way “they” do because of the villain role We wrote and assigned “them”????????? What if “they” are just playing “their” part? It might actually be painful for “them” but “they” serve Us out of love. Few of Us can see that “they” are actually serving Us. We may follow “them” blindly but most of Us resent “them” and think that “their” status is unobtainable for Us and undesirable if We could, yet We want abundance and to live a life of leisure. Looks like a mixed message to Me.

I have visited this before but it got a little clearer last night and the two concepts were better mixed. Rich and powerful people are NOT villains, “they” just play One on TV and love must come first and the rest will follow.

That's My story and I'm sticking to it.

For several years I have this concept or vision of immortals just knowing how to live and provide for “ThemSelves” and it just comes naturally. That is the fruit of love.

As love, as immortals, as multidimensional beings We know how to reach into the ethers (for lack of better words right now) and pull out whatever We want. We have no needs, at least not material needs. Here again, We have to believe this before We will see it in Our daily lives and We must come from the base/root of love to experience it. There may be a way to artificially create this but that is NOT what I want. I want the real McCoy.

Last night I definitely had the vision of that world/reality.

This change is what it will take to have an economy based on giving. It would never work otherwise, any fool can tell Us that. There is no other way to have a world/society of sharing and caring without first living from and in love.

This is not a sappy, lusty love. That can also be real but it is different or only a part of the love I speak of. It may or may not manifest as a result of this deep everlasting love. The love I speak of is the energy which All matter is made of. That is why We have no real needs. We are love and that is what everything We think We need is made of.

We think of OurSelves as separate, as unworthy, as undesirable, as broken and We think of love (real love) as something unobtainable and/or undesirable. These beliefs are what must change. We can not live as love if We think the way We think and believe.

Love does not foster lack and We believe in lack and need.

We are evolving. All-most everything I read and listen to speaks of this. What do We want to evolve into? Love or lack? Do We want limitation or limitlessness?

To Me: love, immortal and multidimensional are All terms for the same thing.

I saw/felt (selt) MySelf living a sustainable life. I was in tune and harmony with nature and Gaia and All her inhabitants, the other planets and space and All that dwell there. I was Self-supporting through My own contributions. I was giving to others AND I allowed others to give to Me. I did not “need” “their” gifts, but I appreciated “them” (and “their” gifts).

I selt MySelf as the All that is wanting to experience. One of the things I want to experience is exchanging energy with other parts of MySelf and this is what giving, sharing and caring are about.

Today 1/30/12



Good morning. I woke with the thought: “I've been around most of My life.” Interesting.

I'm scattered this morning. I know this is a result of being in both 3D and 5D and not being familiar with this. I asked for it. And now where did My day go?

I went for water and the spring was frozen, hopefully it will be thawed tomorrow.

Did some reading and listening to web-cast replay and now it's time for evening web-casts that I want to listen to and then dinner and then?????

Computers and Internet both kinda weird most of the day but seem to be fine now to listen web-casts.

The first web-cast was talking, All-most word for word about what I've been getting in night school. The second is saying a lot of things I've been saying for some time and some new insights or wordings. Talking about potential.

I think it was Jeffrey of Crimson Circle who talked about what I've been talking about in relation to looking for the fruit without tending the plant and roots. He said that abundance is the natural result of soul development. Which I think is what I call love.

A very good day, most of it spent in 5D which does include 3D, there's just so much more.

Thought 1-31-2012

The All that is, couldn't know Your experience (and what that is and how it is and what it feels like) if You were not having it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Night School 1-30-2012

Night School


There was review, experiential review of being receptive, giving and receiving. Then I was taken behind the scenes to view All the work that goes on to create and maintain this limitation 3D reality.

It was something I had not really considered much before. Limitation 3D is not THE natural state of anything. We have to do a lot of work to convert energy into matter and maintain that vibration. And, let's face it, We have a lot of matter including OurSelves. At least We certainly think it All matters. So, looking at it from this perspective is quite enlightening.

I saw the backstage, the wings and the scaffolding above the stage where We are performing this drama We think of as Our life. All the figures were ghost figures but the distinct areas were quite clear. There was a lot going on and a lot of effort being put into maintaining this play.

I did get to see how easy it would actually be to bring energy from another realm (be it alternate reality, different density or dimension) into this realm and no more effort to turn it into matter than it is taking to turn everything else into matter. It is so funny that We think of experiencing matter as energy as being what is hard to do but it is actually what We take as everyday normal that is taking just about All the time and effort We have.

This is similar to what I was shown a little while back, but from a little different view. Re-enforcement, and reminder. I do forget easily and creep back into the old mentality.

There was a little more but it is vague and hazy now. When I woke I knew I had a choice about how much I remained in 5D and how much I focused in 3D. No surprise I chose as much 5D as I could handle and not hurt MySelf. As a result it has taken Me a couple of hours to get this much typed.

Today 1/29/12



Good morning. I didn't think there was much night school last night but as I started NOT writing about it a lot more came out so I Am going to write it out. It seemed like I spent a lot of time awake last night but felt like I was ready to get up whether I was ready or not. It seemed like I spent a lot of time wondering if My truck would start but more that what trying to pick a course of action rather than deciding to trust My instincts this morning. Silly Me.

Will see if truck starts in about an hour. That will kind of determine where My day goes from there. In the meantime I'm doing a little email and typing out night school.

Truck started, it was still cold and stiff but who wouldn't be after sitting a week at these temps.?

Good, laid back trip to town. Did a little reading when I got home. Dream time.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Night School 1-29-2012

Night School


Not much night school last night, or too much to recall, not sure which. As I started to NOT write this, a lot more came up so here We are.

I was reminded about being receptive and got to practice it and did some mantras around it. One was My typical: “I Am willing to be willing.”

I got take a long look (or lots of looks) at trusting (or not trusting) MySelf. I experienced examples (between yesterday during the day and processing in night school) of some of the complications and challenges of being in 5D AND 3D. It can be a lot like walking on the railroad tracks with a train behind You and suddenly loosing Your hearing. How is that for encouragement?

But that is kinda the point. I also saw how many times I got close, had difficulty adjusting and shut down. And this All ties together. There were sooooo many times of One step forward and two steps back. Then One step forward and One step back. Then two steps forward and One step back. I have made progress and slow but sure keeps the brain and All circuits (relatively) intact.

There was practice being in 5D and 3D. There was a hint or tool to help recognize or return to 5D. Interesting as I think about it, it's a lot like lucid dreaming techniques, Ever since I first heard about lucid dreaming I knew that I wanted to learn to lucid wake. It would seem to Me that being in 5D would be what lucid waking would be like. Looks like lucid waking here I come.

Anyway, the tip is to pick an object or person that You recognize from 5D (probably from dreams) but not from 3D. IF You find YourSelf noticing this object or person You are in (or very near 5D). Something important to remember is that 5D includes 3D so don't expect 3D to disappear when You are in 5D.

When You are in 5D, it is easy to forget things or neglect doing things in 3D. I leave Me a lot of notes. It is good to get as much practice as possible whenever You don't have to function in the physical world. Funny, as I was thinking how to word that I flashed that the physical world is NOW beginning to feel like “The Outer Limits”. It is common to slip between realities and not notice. This happens a lot in 3D too but the realities are sooooo similar that few notice.

As We start getting more into 5D the differences between the realities may be more noticeable. Like the way time passes differently in dream or a person trans-locates without moving. We have come to accept this in and as dreaming, but the first few times We do it waking, holy crap Batman!

I read yesterday an article that spoke of the hands being the most direct (body) link to brain. It suggested holding a self-charged crystal in Your hand and working with it to do healing work on Self and then others. In dream (about) a year ago I dreamt that One way to do flying cars involved holding a self-charged crystal in One hand while driving. I played with that some more last night.

Also, got to experience more house plants and car plants etc. It was fun to get the joke that when We live in house plants with everything inside also being living, sentient beans We won't need to rearrange the furniture it will rearrange itSelf according to its mood. I sure hope everything gets along well and agrees easily??????????? I can just see My recliner sitting out on the front porch at sub-zero temps: I don't wanna play with bookshelf, he's sooooo damn moody.

So, I guess there was a lot last night. Even feels like I'm still missing some.

Today 1/28/12



Good morning. Interesting night and even more interesting morning. Definitely experiencing and exploring being in 3D AND aware of (even a little bit in) 5D. It does take some getting used to.

Okay, some email, very little writing, some reading and then getting ready for a trip to town. It's -40F today so would stay home if it didn't feel important to go in. Sun is out beautiful and bright which means cold, cold, cold this time of year here. Or is that just My belief? Well, for now, that's My story and I'm sticking to it.

Hope to get over that soon.

It's looking like this may be a short post but there was a lot in Night School which stretched into day school this morning.

After My adventure in town today, maybe I'll have more to share.

Well, My adventure into town turned out to be an adventure in My truck not starting. The plug for the electric heaters had come partially out and so it was too cold to start. Got everything plugged in but needs to heat for a few hours at these temps and by then the pool will be closed and what fun is town without the pool?

Will try again tomorrow. Fortunately I don't let anything run low enough to run out before then and My movies aren't due 'til tomorrow. Maybe I'll watch a Star Wars episode tonight.

Nice thing is I'm not frustrated or scared about this development.

I did a lot of reading and watching some interesting vids.

Off to dream without too much to report.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thot 1/28/2012

"Love is the answer."
What is the question?
Doesn't matter.

Today 1/27/12



Good morning. It was a very interesting night last night. Lots of dreams, some information relating directly to an Internet friend and lots of My re-united aspects visiting night school which was very intense. I All-most got up at 3 AM to type up what was coming through but it was just too intense. What was intense, the experience or the information? Both.

The information was in light language which means I experienced it. I'm going to try to type some up now. Not sure how here I Am yet, may go back to bed soon. Oh, All-most forgot: old fears and doubts came up too to be accepted and owned, loved and re-leased.

In My dreams and seemingly separate from night school there was information about portals. Portals are interesting and like dragons don't fit into any box. Portals can be places and “they” can be people or objects or animals or trees or or or................... “They” can be stationary or portable. Hmmmmm, maybe My new business will be “Porta-Portal”. Less messy and smelly than “Porta-Potty”. That just came to Me and I really like it. I'll be exploring it (or forget it totally).

You see, it took some time for Me to get it, but I now know that I Am a portal.

So, I got most of night school typed up, what I remember clearly anyway and I'm taking a break to see if any more comes up. A lot came up, got most of it written.

Oh, I was thinking earlier about My morning reset button. Gotta say that Once again I was actually grateful to not suddenly wake up in the condition I was in during dream. Condition may be a misleading term. It was My physical or non-physical state of bean. Also, I Am definitely not being jarred back into limitation 3D like I was. In fact, having a hard time being focused enough to type.

Oh yeah, having flashes of experiencing different states of being last night. That was cool and fun and exciting but can't words to describe it. It relates to the expansion and bursting the seams that I spoke about in night school.

Here is what I just sent in email about portals:

I got something about New York in dream last night. This is rather new for Me, I've never felt a message for someOne in particular before, but it feels important for many/All of Us and pertinent to Your specific situation. So, here's what I got:

New York is a portal. It is a space AND time portal.

There are many types of portals. Places, people, objects, plants, animals and and and .... can be portals. Portals can be stationary or movable. Some places that are portals need a particular person or persons to activate or enhance 'them". Some people who are portals function better in One place than in another. And this applies to All the types of portals. There are portals and supporting energies.

The New York portal will have (probably All-ready has) human beans and space beans coming and going through it. I would emphasize here that space beans are aspects of Us not some separate or foreign being, unless We demand to believe that "they" are such. We have a choice as to how "they" appear and function in Our life.

This portal is going to be getting a lot of attention and will not be able to be hidden. There are many important portals All over and around the globe but somehow New York is extremely important.

I don't know or sense if You are a portal or support team.

I know that I Am a portal but not sure how I function as such except perhaps through My writing. I also know that I Am a gate keeper or portal keeper. This is not a guard so to speak but a guide. I walk beside people (living AND dead alike) who want to pass through the portal. Some are ready, most are not for beyond the portal is simply TOO much for Our finite mind to handle. Our judgments make it nearly unbearable. AnyOne who has never been through a portal needs someOne to walk with "them" and be "their" friend and ally and to guide "them" back whenever it is time.

That is One of the things I know I do but have no actual memory of ever doing it.

I dreamt that last night.

I just listened to the replay of Sheila Gillette and Theo and got a lot out of it. I hope to listen live to “Ask Theo” this coming Tuesday morning. I got the impression it is free and open to anyOne who signs up for free.

Night School 1-28-2012

Night School


Once again as I started to wake, I didn't think there was much to report. That was when a bunch more started coming in and an explanation of sorts about what had gone on All night.

The night started with the message that I need to be receptive. Yesterday I re-listened to a channeling of Theo by Sheila Gillette. She/he was speaking to someOne who had concerns about starting a business and told “them” You must be receptive. If You want to receive money You have to be receptive. I saw that this was spoken to Me as well.

For those of Us who have tuned into giving, it can be hard to be receptive. I need to be receptive.

Then We went to recess which went on most of the night. There was a part where I was working as some type of supervisor at a recreation center for youngstars. One boy started acting up. I had never seen him there before. Then a second boy (who was a regular) joined him. (Interesting in retrospect that I knew the One had never been there before and the second was a regular as I don't remember ever being before MySelf)

I asked My co-worker what We should do. He said nothing really just to follow his lead. We just stood in front of the two, kind of blocking “them” and keeping it from spreading and watching “them” closely. Several other boys stood between Us and the original two, just standing and blocking much the same as We were. My partner (Gary) and the second boy (the regular) went off somewhere and the boy facing Me said: “Gary is an ass.” I said: “He's just doing his job.” “So are You.”

Then the first boy calmed down and everything returned to normal. I thanked the boy who had been standing in front of Me. He said: “What if I was just helping My friend?” “Then it worked, You did well and I appreciate it.”

Somewhere in here I explained that if it was up to Me I would allow the behaviour but it was NOT up to Me.

This turned into a party which lasted until just before I woke. Then I got the message that it was All about love. Love is the message, love is what counts, love is the answer.

As I became more awake, I started to real-eyes several things. I was given many gifts. The party was like My birthday party that went on day after day. It was an experience in Me being receptive.

The boys who diffused the situation didn't say or do anything. Upon waking I real-eyesed that “they” used telepathy with “their” friends.

Love is the answer, and the only thing that will work has been a repetitive theme. I believe it fully yet do tend to focus more on the fruits of love trying to develop those more than nurturing the plant. For Me it is a matter of My focus. I spend a lot of time sending love even when I Am focusing on developing a skill or ability more than focusing on love itSelf. Hard to explain but I know that there are at least some who will understand what I Am saying.

Then I experienced being 5D AND 3D while I was awake but before I got out of bed and kept My eyes open. Throughout the night and now I was practicing seeing/looking through the illusion that what We see is All there is. It was pretty cool to see the realities and dimensions overlapping. It is also much easier to do with My eyes closed.

I knew that it is important for Me to do this while awake, out of bed and with My eyes open. What I know I can do is reaffirm to MySelf that it exists, it is here and I can feel it if I don't see it. With My eyes closed I could easily see the apparent solidity of 3D in a more blurred manner and see the ghost images of other realities and dimensions weaving in and around My familiar limitation 3D.

I saw how easy it is upon waking to let the multi-D images fade and let the limitation 3D images return to apparent solidity. That is what happens. It is the believe, focus, attention and focus on limitation 3D that makes it the only thing that is real to Us in Our day to day lives. The rest is there, available to Us at any time. I got to see and experience how (since) these worlds/dimensions overlap and are All-ways present We can bring objects, thoughts, knowledge, abilities, technology, whatever back and forth between the realities and dimensions. I don't know how the physical (or non-physical) properties will change as We move these objects, it will take experience, exploring and practicing to find out.

Limitation 3D is a reality of focus. When We relax this focus (pan out a bit) We can begin to experience 5D and 3D is still here. It really is All a matter of belief and focus.

I keep getting the word diffuse, like a diffuser over a light to dim the glare.

There was a point this morning when I had to steady MySelf as I was walking between worlds/dimensions which can feel a bit like walking on shifting sand (or a rock-slide) and I was reminded that I need to take this slow and gentle.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Night School 1-27-2012

Night School


Intense and that is the only word to really describe it. Okay, fun too. A bit like riding every ride at Great America All at the same time. I All-most got up at 3 AM to type up what I was getting but I think it was just too intense. The experience and the information were both intense. The message was in the language of light which is experienced. Many of My newly found aspects were there for input and support.

The message was about the change and choices We are experiencing. I felt Our old system coming apart at the seams and was told that this is exactly what expansion does, it bursts the seams of old, outdated and ill-fitting garments. Our current system and beliefs are definitely not fitting well.

The choices I see are:

A: To be destroyed. Not too many are choosing this outcome but it will be available, boarding at gate A.

B: To be rescued. This destination is certainly a popular One. We may have to add extra flights to accommodate the crowds. Boarding at gate B.

C: WE are creating a new earth. This choice doesn't require travel and is growing in popularity. For this choice, stay where You are, turn on Your heart-light, tune in and stay grounded.

D: All of the above. Not nearly as comfortable and easy to get to as single destination. Definitely not very popular at this point. You may have to just wing it to get there as there are not enough people interested to provide transportation.

E: None of the above. Make up Your own choice and change. I have no idea how You will get there because it is Your choice.

I think that about covers the choices. Except that if at any time You want to change Your choice, that's cool, go for it.

The old system coming apart feels quite intense but We are building the new as the old collapses (or taking a flight to other worlds). It is like as We take out a section of the old foundation, We are building the new foundation only faster.

In Our current system We are deemed unworthy and unable to take care of OurSelves. At this point, there is All-ways the danger of getting into the blame game. If that is what You want to do, please exit at door 1, I'm not going to cover that because it is NOT where I want to live. I believe We set this All up and there is simply NO ONE to blame. The choice is Yours (and Mine).

The new requires a change in how and what We think. We need to get out of the victim mindset, poverty mentality and unworthiness. If that is not what You want, then head back to the boarding area (at least for now).

The boundaries, limits, definitions and borders of Our beliefs and thinking and living are going to be pushed to bursting. First, “they” will be softened and then “they” will appear to dissolve. In alternate worlds “they” will remain with varying densities and influence according to the belief and desire of that world.

This idea of softening has come up several times. No jack hammers and bulldozers here, those are through door number 2.

I experienced Us learning new ways to believe and think and live. I call it new, but really it is Our core that We buried beneath the game We played, the script We wrote. It is a returning, yet We are not leaving. It is becoming who We were originally only with the added experience and awareness of what We learned as We played. It is hard to put in words. I felt it All. In My mind there was a chart with two columns, One was old limitation beliefs the other was new or remembered beliefs. I thought I would be able to share this chart but I'm blank now. Maybe each One of Us is supposed to make Our own. I like that idea. Let's go for it. It can be written out or just imagined, whatever works for You. Remember, this is a year/time of choice every bit as much as a time of change.

I'm going to take a break and see if anything more comes up. This is like (or literally is) translating My dreams from light to words and it isn't easy. I certainly see why I didn't get up at 3 AM to do this. It is hard enough to stay awake (barely) now.

I have remembered a lot more. Not sure how to sort it All out. Some seems to belong in dreams, some in The Dragon Riding Academy, some in Space Walking and most of what actually belongs in night school is All-ready there, except for what is not.

Ah yes, there was a lot about portals. I experienced New York being a portal. It is a time and space portal. I'm not sure how it will work or what the purpose is beyond the obvious. I theel there may be space beans coming and going as well as human beans using this portal. At this point I want to emphasize that I believe the space beans are aspects of OurSelves (MySelf). I don't believe that “they” are a separate entity or entities that will save Us. Remember, that reality is Gate B. There may be an effort to cover up this portal or keep it secret, maybe even the real reason (or a reason) behind 911. If that happens it won't work, this is too big.

Porta-Portal business. Portals can be time or space portals or both. I was reminded that I Am a portal. I don't know how that works except maybe through My writing.

Today 1/26/12



Good morning. Neat dreams/night school last night which I Am attempting to put into words this morning. I think I got it done, more came out than I was expecting. I'm gonna let it rest and simmer for a bit before I post it in case more comes out.

Just downloaded a radio show from The Awakening Zone of an interview with Lee Carroll. I will listen to it in a bit and then this evening Maureen Moss is live on another show (don't remember which right now).

For now back to email and such.

I just started reading an article that is trying to describe reality. It is coming from the perspective that I tried to put into words quite a few years ago. If I can find that story I will post or re-post it. Bottom line: reality is NOT the same for everyOne as We believe. We institutionalize (or penalize in some way) anyOne who doesn't conform to the mass consensus of reality. Trying to get through the first paragraph of this article shows Me why I didn't try to explain in this manner but chose more of a parable approach.

I can't seem to find that story. I may have to re-write it. Oh gosh and bother.

I finished reading the article and she is basically saying what I dreamed last night only with much different words. It's from Sonia Barrett posted on Spirit Library. She wrote it in 2010, I had My dream last night and read her article today.

It seems to be a day to listen to speakers on the Internet and doing email. I would like to work on recording My next journey but My energy isn't right for it, at least not yet.

I made the video for My next journey “Take a Look at Your Beliefs”. Removing the background noise was more complicated than it looked so I'm gonna wait about that. Otherwise I'm very happy with how it turned out. I'm trying to upload it to You Tube now. It seems to be working. It seems that the way I reduced the size worked. The pics in the slide-show are a little smaller than I would have liked but that too I will work on another time. This works well for Me. Especially if I can get it up on You Tube. Then I will post the written version on My blog w/the link to the You Tube. Exciting for Me.

Did some more reading and wrote a little in the Dragon Rider's and worked a little on Space Walking waiting for time for today's webinar.

I enjoyed the webinar. So much good stuff being put out there now.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Journey #2

link to video

Look at Your Beliefs

 Written 12/29/11


Find a comfortable position and relax.

Breathe deep and relax.

Breathe deep and relax.

Breathe deeper and relax.

More and more relaxed.

With every breath becoming more

and even more relaxed.

And when You are ready,

begin to count down from 10 to 1.

Going deeper inside YourSelf, with every number, as You count down.

Becoming even more relaxed, with every number.

Breathe deep and count down.



Let All the sounds around You carry You deeper.



You are safe


even deeper

You are in control



Imagine that You have a speed and motion control, that You control


Going deeper

If at any time You feel this is going too fast,

If at any time You feel that You are spinning

Then You can slow it down, or speed it up.


Deeper and ever deeper

You control Your speed and motion


Going deeper into YourSelf

You are safe and in control


Deeper still, and more relaxed

You have everything You need to keep You safe


Deeper and more relaxed

You are safe now and You are safe All-ways


You are asleep.

You are safe

You are in control.

You are deep inside YourSelf.

We are going to look at Your beliefs, again today

Take Your time

and place Your beliefs in front of You in whatever manner feels most comfortable.

Perhaps on a buffet line

Perhaps in a journal

Perhaps in clouds

Perhaps along a path

Or anything else that makes You feel comfortable.

Take a little time with Your beliefs

Notice which beliefs are actually other people's beliefs that You have adopted

And notice which beliefs are truly Your own. These fit comfortably with who You are at Your core.

Sort Your beliefs into these two groups.

One group is the beliefs that belong to other people.

The other group is beliefs that resonate with who You really are.

Imagine that All Your beliefs, both groups

Have a volume or magnitude with which “they” affect You

An intensity with which “they” affect Your life.

Imagine now that You have a control which can adjust this volume, magnitude or intensity of each group.

If You want, You can turn down the control for the group which is other people's beliefs

And turn up the control for the group which are Your own beliefs.

Take a little time with this.

Allow YourSelf to imagine Your own deep, core beliefs having a strong impact on Your life, everyday.

Imagine that other people's beliefs have little affect on Your life everyday.

Again, take Your time with this

Sit with it as long as You want.

Let this suggestion take root deep inside YourSelf.

Every day let this suggestion grow deeper inside YourSelf.

Each morning, as You wake

Remember Your own, deep, core beliefs.

Whenever You make a choice, or a decision,

Remember these deep, core beliefs that belong to YourSelf.

Make every choice, every decision based on these beliefs.

Allow Your own, deep, core beliefs to guide Your life every day.

If You want You can pause this recording and take as much time as You want before going further.

And when You are ready

Begin to count up from 1 to 10

With each number You begin to wake

And as You count up, and wake, You bring this memory of Your deepest Self

You bring this memory of Your core Self.


waking slowly and gently


You will remember All that is important


waking a little more


Remove any unwanted suggestions


Every number brings more awake


Remembering You are All-ways safe


You can return here any time You want


Remember Your own true, core beliefs


You are refreshed, alert, alive



Night School 1-26-2012

Night School


Night school was about the world being malleable, mutable, changeable. It is much easier to see this in dream than in waking.

I recognized this and the need (to some extent) for Our reset button and the transition We encounter just before and at waking. This doesn't mean that I Am going back to My original reset defaults, only that I Am more comfortable with it as I have and continue to reprogram it.

In My dreams during night school the world, even the earth was like a glob, a gel. This was obviously very easy to mold and change. What I real-eysed upon waking is that this would be difficult to walk on, build houses on etc. It would be fine if We had lived on a glob All Our lives, but because We (at least) believe that it is solid and unchanging and not shifting to suddenly wake up on a morphing glob would be very difficult to cope with.

I just thought of something I want to mention. I do sometimes/often distinguish between dreams and night school. This probably gets confusing to others. What I want to mention is that there can be a difference but there doesn't have to be. Often night school uses a combination of dreams, waking dreams and a wakeful state to teach or show Me something(s). Like this morning, the only dreams I remember are from night school and then My processing (which I might call waking dream state) and then the awake experience that showed Me how it would feel to suddenly wake to a world like in My dream last night. The dreams I don't include in night school are often more entertaining, usually visiting alternate realities that are very similar to this with (usually) pleasant changes.

Back to night/morning school: As I was thinking about the difficulty of suddenly waking to living on/in a glob it struck Me (gently) that Our world AND Our bodies are energy so to experience both as such wouldn't be quite as difficult. BUT, We are here to experience being physical. Now, We have experienced being physical for eons and lifetimes and god(s) know just how long. To death perhaps?

The thing is, We have a choice(s). We can and could just leave the physical and return to being fully energy. That would kind of end the physical experiment and I have read that is what everyOne expected Us to do. Many of Us decided to experience being physical AND being energy (often called spiritual) and that is the tricky part which We are learning about right now.

That is how and why My angel aspects (many call “them” guides and angels etc.) are helping Me with. “They” are present to assist like someOne who holds the bicycle for Us the first time We try to ride. As of last night I have started to become aware of more of these other re-united aspects of MySelf assisting also. “They” do NOT play the classic role of a classroom teacher who stands at the front of the class and lectures or points to maps or diagrams or and and and or or or.................. “They” are hands on and interactive instructors.

Perhaps this is why I have been sooooo slow to recognize My guides and angels? “They” appear more like classmates than teachers. “They” are aids.

It might seem like I got way off course, but this is ALL part of My learning process.

Seeling My world in it's more malleable form helped Me to real-eyes that it is malleable but having the vision/feeling of stepping out of bed into a glob helped Me to see that I don't want to rush the process. Knowing that My aids are here to assist Me gives Me courage in case I do step into that glob.

Another part of All this was real-eyesing that We are softening Our beliefs. We are also softening Our world. We know that Our world is energy and We are energy and that both are constantly changing, yet We “believe” that it is All solid and cast in stone. What is up with that? And then We complain about new teachings that seem to be contradictory????

We are softening these beliefs and concepts, if We choose to.

Today 1/25/12



Good morning. I got up very early this morning to type up night school. In fact it was around the time when I used to think I was in night school. Just like time seems to have changed for many of Us during the day, the sense of time at night and in My dreaming has also changed. I do feel that this is part of what We are learning.

After I got night school typed up it seemed just as important to return to My dreaming as it had to get up. When I finally awoke (kind of anyway) I was coming out of a dream about doing computer work and One of the files was about a local friend who committed suicide several years ago. I have no idea what that was about.

I was just thinking about how much I have changed since I started working on re-programming My morning reset button. I continue to be amazed at how much information I Am finding that agree with what I Am seeling (seeing/feeling) and exploring. I watched another vid about sacred geometry. It's All quite amazing tho I can't/don't really grasp it All. If You are interested try Googleing spiritual science. Or search You Tube for jordanduchnycz.

I'm ready to start proofreading the second chapter of Dragon Rider's. Also doing a bunch of reading today.


I'm proofreading The Dragon Rider's and flashed on something I really meant to mention in One of My night schools. I have no idea which One now. Time is doing it's thing in/with My mind.

At One point, I saw an eagle-person. “They” were a messenger. Immediately Mercury also appeared. Hopefully I will remember what else I wanted to say about this.

I'm guessing now that this was last night because I thought maybe Mercury appearing was connected to reading yesterday that mercury is connected to anti-gravity technology.

Well, I certainly did not plan to (or even anticipate the possibility of) start the next chapter of the Dragon Rider's today but here I went. I have a webinar I want to listen to in about an hour (w/Sheila Gillette the channeler who got Ester Hicks started with Abraham) on: and tons of vids I want to watch today and and and.........

But, when the dragons call don't put “them” on hold.

I added a pic to the post and changed the top picture on the main page.

Listening to a couple of webinars All-most back to back.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Dragon Riding Academy Chapter 2

The Dragon Riding Academy


Chapter 2


I Am a driver in a caravan. I do NOT do this because I need a job or any such nonsense. I do this because it gives Me pleasure.

This is an ageless, timeless caravan. Just like dragons, just like Us. I Am driving a cart which You might call a convertible. It can change with My need, want, and/or mood from a horse drawn cart, to a gas engine car, to a flying car, to My cabin, to a faerie castle and probably more that I haven't experienced or wished for yet.

At this point, You may be a little confused because You just read about Me being at The Dragon Rider's Academy. If that is the case, it is because You are still thinking from the perspective of there being only One version of You, living only One life in only One reality and in only One dimension. I Am not asking You to change but You may need to cock Your head a bit to One side and just go with My story here.

If You can not get Your head around this enough to follow along, here is a possible solution: I have many names, pick One and think of this Me as that name and then pick another name and assign it to the Me that is at The Dragon Riding Academy. At some point, you may need to use this same coping skill when reading My story about space walking.

I usually have a rider and/or navigator. Let's call it Ego. There have been times (many times many times) when I tried to kick Ego out of My cart. There were times that I was successful but I was never quite able to kill Ego even though I have given it My very best effort.

Then, not long ago I real-eysed that Ego has an important role, the role of navigator. Ego only tried to drive My cart (My life?) when I fell asleep at the wheel and We were in danger of running off the edge of the earth. This was a very deep sleep, more than sleep even. Poor Ego spent a lot of time and effort trying to protect Us. In the course of these events Ego forgot it's purpose and took complete control because that is the only way it could see to keep Us alive. Today I can say it was probably right.

There were many times when I would start to kind of come to My senses. Perhaps a bump in the road or the wheels starting to slide into the ditch or some such. At these points I would re-take control and usually berate Ego in a drunken manner that went on and on until I passed out again. It was at these times (a bit in and out of consciousness) that I would try to (sometimes even succeed at) kick Ego out of the cart (My life) but I was never quite able to completely destroy Ego. Try as I might, Ego All-ways stood by Me (or ran alongside) and eventually climbed back into the cart.

So, I have had several talks with My navigator. I certainly can not blame it for being fear-full of Me as I awaken. Who would not fear the person who had tried so many times to destroy “them”? We continue to have little talks, I continue to try to maintain (sober and safe) control of Our cart and let Ego do it's job. I have even begun to identify other aspects of Self that are helping Us on Our trek.

Where was I? Yes, right here, where else could I be? Perhaps a better question would be: “when am I?” The answer being similar: right now, when else could I be? Wasn't there a book about that?

You may wonder where are We (the caravan) headed and what do We carry and those types of things. Or You may be so lost and confused by My rambling that You just assume We are All lost and stumbling around blindly.

Our cargo is quite an interesting subject. Have You guessed that it changes? Certainly it changes. We carry whatever the next settlement needs or wants. It does get a bit tricky when We are approaching a settlement of immortals since “they” real-eyes that “they” have no needs and can manifest anything “they” want. That is really another story or at least another chapter. My point bean that for these settlements We carry the stories. What greater purpose could anyOne carry than the stories?

On Our journey We often sit around the campfires and listen to the locals share “their” experiences and history in words and sometimes music and even pictures. We take these with Us to exchange with anyOne who cares to listen. It is really quite a calling. It is fun and exciting and educational All at the same time.

Right now We are headed to The Dragon Rider's Academy. (Had You All-ready guessed that?) What do You think it might possibly be that dragons would want from Us. Again (obviously) it's the stories. The stories and trinkets and baubles. Dragons love to tell stories (and it really matters little whether “they” be considered true or not) and (as everyOne knows) dragons love trinkets and baubles, the flashier the better.

I know that there are many stories of dragons stealing treasure to line “their” lairs but that is (mostly) rumor and fable. Those tales are told by people who simply can not come to believe in (or even think about) Our caravans. Why? Why would anyOne

There are worlds where We are accepted as just another every day part of every day life. Some of those worlds are not really that far from this reality. “They” are a nice day's dragon ride at the farthest. However, the people who tell hurtful stories about Us and dragons would not ever think of taking a dragon ride. Pity that.

Another phenomena of caravan life is the weather. I'm not going to say the weather is All-ways nice. It is more that We live in tune and harmony with Gaia and nature and therefore the weather is never bad. This too is hard for most humans from Your reality to grasp. I do have it on good authority that this is changing and soon some from Your reality will be learning and experiencing how to live in tune and harmony with Gaia and nature.

Oh that will be a happy day for the elementals. A very happy day indeed. That too is another story or chapter.

Please do not let Me forget to talk a bit about the connections between the Fae and dragons. You may think this is fairly obvious (only because it is) but I theel it is still worth some mention. I Am doing some research too and finding some more topics that I hope to surprise You with.

Try to imagine (if You will) what it is like to be doing what You enjoy, All the time and every day. Imagine feeling comfortable in any weather that You encounter. Imagine that if You feel hungry (it is different from hunger but We will stick with that word because You can relate to it) You just reach behind You into the cart and grab something absolutely delicious and pop it into Your mouth. There is more to tell You about My life, but for now I will leave it at that because that is plenty for You to try to digest.

We travel from town to village to city............... Oh, now that is an interesting topic: a caravan entering a major city. Before We enter a city We have to make some changes. We have to put on clothes and it is a good idea to put on rather plain clothes. What fun is that? In large population centers, what is fun for a caravaneer may not be safe for a caravaneer.

We usually change Our carts into small cars. These are easier to maneuver, find parking space for and attract less attention. We need to create money (currency) in order to fit in. Since We do not accept money for Our services or products, this can get a little tricky. One method of dealing with this is mind control. Think Star Wars: “These are not the droids You are looking for.” The thing is that We really do not like to control other people's minds. I Am sure You can see Our point here and even agree with Us. After All, would You want Us to manipulate Your mind? We prefer creating money or at least the illusion of money. This is probably hair splitting here but believe Me that We would rather show You real money as opposed to making You “think” We are showing You money.

It is an interesting life We live.

Back to Our journey to The Dragon Rider's Academy. This is All-ways an exciting time for Us, as You may well imagine. You are probably thinking that We are excited to see dragons, that We are hoping to ride a dragon (or 12), that We will be happy (thrilled) just to watch the dragons fly, that We are excited to meet dragon riders and potential dragon riders, that We anticipate what it will be like to watch and learn more about how the academy functions.

It is that and sooooo much more.

Let's start with: We have visited The Dragon Riding Academy dozens, maybe hundreds of times. Each visit brings something new and exciting. BUT, the most exciting thing is that We don't know where it is. That's right, none of Us (not even the oldest and wisest which are not necessarily the same person) has any idea where the academy actually is or how to get there. That is a bit baffling but absolutely true.

You have got to be wondering how this is possible and even more important how can We possibly get there?????

It is much, much simpler than it appears.

We decide it is time for a visit and begin. We go to the next town or village (or maybe even city) along the road. Perhaps We change course and direction, perhaps not. We just follow Our gut instinct. Maybe it is intuition, maybe it is some inner compass or maybe ????

As far as We know We have never taken the same route twice. I know this is raising more questions than it answers. Dragons do have a way of doing this.

Once We have decided it is time to visit the academy and begin to follow Our instincts We find OurSelves either taking a seemingly direct course somewhere or wandering around aimlessly. What We are doing during this time is waiting for a signal or inspiration from the dragons. I would think that idea might have All-ready occurred to You. We travel or sit and wait. It totally depends on what “feels” right. No, We don't All agree One-hundred percent. Or maybe I should say We don't All-ways think We totally agree. It just works out and it works out every time. I will say that none of Us has ever died in the time between deciding to visit the dragons and the time We arrive at the academy.

Okay, there have been a few close calls but those to are another story.

The first time We spot or even feel a dragon near, or catch the feeling of a dragon's thoughts is usually a time when We want to shout and cheer yet find OurSelves silent. That My friend is just how dragons make You feel. You are exuberant AND silent when first encountering a dragon or “their” thoughts, even if it is the hundredth or millionth time it has happened.

Dragons are magical, mythical, awesome and inspiring creatures. Do NOT ever (however) make the mistake of worshiping “them”. If You ever wonder what it is like to experience a dragon's wrath I personally know of no faster way to learn than to even begin to worship “them”. The rest of that story is also for another time.

The instant of first sight or first thought it feels like waiting for further contact is insufferable. Waiting feels like a weight upon Your heart that will break You into a thousand pieces in a nanosecond. It feels like Your heart will burst and an ocean of tears will cascade down Your face and flood the area where You stand, drowning the entire world before You can take another breath. This really does not even come close to fully describing how it feels.

I hope You begin to fathom the incredible feeling of making the slightest contact with a dragon. It is One of those things in life that simply must be experienced to comprehend. A dragon is beyond comprehension without experience. A group of dragons defies the boundaries of thinking or even imagining.

This moment is upon Us now. Each and every member of the caravan has felt the touch of a dragon's thought. We stop as One. We breath as One. No signal was given except the touch of a dragon's thought upon Our minds. In silence and dread yet ecstatic anticipation We wait for more. More of whatever this dragon will offer Us. To say that You could hear a pin drop is an understatement of such magnitude there truly is no comparison. The horses are silent as well. The birds and bees do not even breath. No wing, no foot, no heart nor lung can bear the waiting nor make the slightest motion.

Eternity has passed into night before the dragon appears and greets Us with joy and laughter. You would think that a mighty storm has been unleashed as everyOne and everything for miles around breaths Once again. Dragons can do that. Yes, “They” can.

That was incredible, worth waiting a lifetime for and We are unbelievably glad it is over.


Thank You”

Follow Me.”

And so began another journey to The Dragon Rider's Academy. You may be thinking that it had All-ready begun. Perhaps it had but that was nothing compared to being in the presence of a dragon and following in it's wake. It seemed as if life had just begun, like a star had just been born. For in truth, that is the way it is.

You might wonder how We could forget such a path. Would You expect that We were blindfolded or muzzled in some way? If You flew in the tail of a comet, would You remember the directions and be able to repeat the journey? Of course not. That is the closest I can come to telling You what it is like.

Our wheels never touched the ground from that moment until We arrived at the academy. Our feet were more like wings and Our arms touched the stars, or so it seemed. We thought that perhaps Our faces would burn from Our proximity to the sun. Yet, even the sun would pale in comparison to the beauty of a single dragon. We went like this until We arrived in the academy. We were never at the gates or standing outside the walls. We met the dragon, We journeyed and We were inside and that is All there is to tell.

Except for the banquet that awaited Us. I have never figured out if it is the dragons who display such a wealth of food and beverage or if it is the people who choose to serve. At the banquet, I assure You, no One has any such thoughts. It is pointless. We just enjoy the hospitality until We are through.

As difficult as it is to tell a story on such a full (or should I say bloated?) stomach, it is expected and comes with much more ease than One would imagine. For who would ever think of disappointing a dragon? I will not even dare You to try for someOne would probably be fool enough to take that dare.

Hence, the stories began. If One could measure time here, One would or could say the telling went on until the dawn. As it is, We have no way of telling how long it went on. Once in the midst of so many dragons and “their' devoted servants One could go on until long after “they” had died and never even notice taking a single breath.

Apparently those who live at the academy grow accustomed to the time no-time and the glory and beauty of the dragons. At some point another meal is served. There is singing and dancing and merriment of All sorts until another story is called for. One story leads to another as any fisherman worth his tale can confirm.

To hear a dragon laugh would be worth a thousand lifetimes in hell if that were the price. Fortunately, a dragon's laughter comes free and easy. If I were only able to visit the academy Once in a lifetime it would be worth any price required. Can anyOne ask: “Why the life of a caravaneer?” We get to visit not just Once, but every time the dragons call for a story. Truly, that is how We know it is time to begin the journey to The Dragon Rider's Academy.  We get the call.

Today 1/24/12



Good morning. I woke a little early to write out some dreams before I go to town to do laundry. It certainly feels like I have successfully re-programed My morning reset button. I wonder if it will feel that way tomorrow? And the next day?

The inner process certainly continues and it feels like I'm making great headway.

Watched another energy field, geometry vid. Very cool stuff. Getting ready to go do laundry and a bit of email.

A laundry trip to town takes most of My day, and then putting everything away and and and.............. Some listening to a guided meditation while putting away laundry, dinner, movie and off to dream.

Night School 1-25-2012

Night School


My newly united rejects and castaways were a steady if not constant presence with Me yesterday and last night. Smiling and offering assistance and I kept asking: “What can I give in return?”

Class started early, showing Me more connecting and more buried memories coming to the surface. I got up very early to type this out and All-ready have forgotten some of what I wanted to share. Do You remember?

What I remember clearly dreaming is that if I were to try and explain what I Am remembering of forgotten technology, You would say: “Silly boy, everyOne knows that. That is so simple. It is too simple.” And I would reply: “Exactly. THAT'S THE POINT.”

We All know, We All hold the secrets of the mystery schools, the source and tools We need to access Our free, abundant and renewable energy. We just need to admit it. But it is too simple. We can NOT see the forest for the tress. We are convinced that We need a savior, a scientist, a genius, a Moses to lead Us to the promised land.


We have bought the belief that We are unworthy, We are stupid, We could NOT possibly know how to take care of OurSelves. And as long as We believe it, it is true.

We are beginning the evolution, We are the critical mass. I saw Our numbers swelling and the control systems coming apart at the seams.

There is a new economy being birthed, it is happening right now not ten years from now. It is an economy based on giving. Most of Us will say: “It can not work. One (or many) can not give without getting in return.”

And as long as We believe that, it is true.

Yet each and everyOne of Us has experienced the joy of giving, even if only in a small way. It starts with Me, and hopefully with You. It starts today. If not now, when?

My rejects have much to share. I saw Us and the youngstars around the globe giving. We sent love to the world leaders. We think Our leaders have Us in a strangle hold, and as long as We believe it, it is true. We sent love to Our leaders. We are sending love to Our leaders and We are a storm.

Another thing My rejects are still trying to show Me is that I can wear “them”. This body is just a suit that I put on when I enter 3D. I can put on another. I real-eyes I Am quite attached to this One. There was more and if I remember I will write another edition.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Night School 1-24-2012

Night School


There wasn't anything that I really thought of as night school last night, but certainly some interesting dreams and One in particular that I wanted to write about.

I was sitting at some tables outside a bar with other people. Some seemed familiar but not really anyOne I knew. We were sitting at tall round tables. One guy sitting next to Me was acting quite odd.

I think I actually left the dream and returned and it was either then that the odd behaviour started or it continued. I pondered his behaviour for some time. Finally I asked him what was up. Now that is unusual behaviour for Me. He didn't answer, just looked a bit shy and continued.

THEN it hit Me. “Are You One of My rejects?” Again, no answer but a shy nod. “I didn't know I had rejected You. Why on earth would I reject You? I Am sooooo sorry. Forgive Me please.”

He did immediately and We merged like two drops of water merging. Right away there was this flood of people and memories of others who I had lost in My life. Each One came up individually and I asked for forgiveness and We re-united. I know that many of the memories I had no idea I had rejected “them”. The way I remembered it “they” left. Funny how that works isn't it? Of the actual people who appeared I'm sure I recognized some as castaways and rejects others not.

I don't remember ever having such a reunion. I have worked on accepting and owning My rejects and castaways for several years. Many refused to return and I can't blame “them” after how I treated “them”. Any that I was aware of “their” return has been in Ones and twos and certainly nothing quite like this first guy.

I did a lot of ho'oponopono (Google it if not aware of it). We have nicknamed it hopping on a pony and further shortened it to pony hopping. This was All in full dream state but definitely real and very effective. I can't really put into words the relief I felt and the integration I was aware of. I feel much lighter even though it would seem I'm no carrying a lot more of Me.

I think I spent a lot of dream time pony hopping, or maybe I just don't remember what I did during the time that passed before the next dream I remember.

The next dream I was with a group that was stealing some cars. Quite unusual for Me, I assure You. The cars and the characters were All what I call ghost figures which is common for Me in dream if I see anything at All.

The man that We were stealing from was yelling and threatening Us but not actually taking any action. Our leader appealed to “the little people” (think leprechauns) to assist Us. “They” had a bridge blocked with living room furniture which was constantly moving like a living maze or labyrinth. “They” said that “they” could not aid Us against “their” own kind but neither would “they” hinder Us. I know that I felt We had every right to steal these cars and this assured Me that “the little people” agreed. It felt like it was sort of game and the cars were the trophy or goal.

When I found the keys to All the cars hidden in One car the keys were suddenly clear and in intricate detail. These were the only thing like that. As I said, the cars and other characters were hazy, the furniture was a blur and “the little people” did not appear at All. The keys were like looking at keys normally only even clearer and there were several key rings and hundreds of keys. The key rings were a special type and the detail was amazing.

I started sorting keys. I had a hard time finding the lock in the first car but immediately knew which key was the right One. I handed the remaining key rings to Our leader and drove the first car out of the warehouse. I didn't drive away, only a short distance from the warehouse and then walked back to the warehouse. Our leader told Me to get the last car and handed Me the remaining key rings. There were at least 3 key rings and I panicked. I couldn't find the ignition lock and fumbled with All the keys.

The man whom We were stealing from walked up and asked if I might look at his watch. He had bought it recently at a local restaurant (?????) and paid a high price. When it quit working he went back and not only would “they” not replace it but “they” would NOT sell him another. I saw that it was battery operated and said that I had heard of cases where people's energy fried “their” watch battery. In fact I wear a pocket watch partially for that reason.

Then I found the correct key and drove off.

It seemed a good deal of time passed before the next dream. I think I was playing with energy fields and processing My reuniting dream during that interval.

EveryOne was accepting and allowing of everyOne else. This was obviously (to Me) a different reality.

Some more processing and playing with energy and then I woke.

Today 1/23/12



Good morning. I'm pleasantly drifty this morning, definitely on the verge between worlds. I'll get into that more in night school but wanted to jot it down here real quick.

I got night school typed out. There was a lot there in the last hourish of dream waking.

Having fun checking out more geometry vids this morning too.

One of the things I remembered from My time playing with the energy fields is sensing a tube torus around Me, several others inside the cabin and a larger One around the cabin.

Finding and watching more vids on geometry and energy fields. Catching up a bit on email. Reading stuff I'm behind on. Feeling the energy. Feeling walking between worlds. Cool stuff.

Listening to a webinar from the wellness revolution. Listening to a channeling from Lee Carroll of Kryon.

I don't know where the day went. I certainly does seem like the days are getting shorter as some are saying.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Night School 1-23-2012

Night School


Class didn't seem to get started until early this morning. We spent the rest of the night in recess. I was observing and playing with energy forms and fields and visiting many alternate realities. That (I could see in retrospect) was prepping Me for class.

Class was about the choices We are All making right now. We are choosing what reality in what dimension and density We wish to focus. I was quite amazed at the variety of choices. We tend to think of alternate realities being different dimensions (which “they” can be) but “they” may be many in any One dimension. It seems there are different densities within any One dimension also and many realities within any One density. Becoming aware of this is part of what We are doing now (if We choose). That was a huge point last night: choice.

We each get to (and have to) make Our own choice. No One else can do it for Us (maybe as Us but that's another class). Others can help and support and that is a very good thing. It's hard to break out of the shell All by OurSelf but it is possible. We just aren't equipped with beaks to break the shell. I helped a local star-kid last night. That was really cool.

Many are choosing to stay in the old familiar simply because familiar is (or seems) comfortable no matter how much it hurts or scares Us. Others are choosing One focus or another and ignoring the myriad other possibilities. The star-kid wasn't sure whether to go for One reality or multi-choice. I suggest multi for anyOne considering it at All.

I must tell You that the multi-choice is a bit mind boggling for the finite mind. In fact, it's more than a bit mind boggling, it's damn near overwhelming. Even in waking dream state I could only handle 3 at a time though I did cast My awareness around and glance over many, many more. When I did this I was a little shocked (read: All-most had accident) to see/feel (seel) Me in each One I noticed. WTF?

Now, I will state for the record that I do want to be aware of multi-D and multi-choice. I'm not sure I want to be “in” every choice???????????

This was another important point. There is a version of Us in many (if not All) alternate realities and dimensions and and and................. WOW. This illustrates how little it matters what choice We make or when. It also points to the idea that We aren't going anywhere because We are All-ready there. Like I said, it really messes with the finite mind.

The only difference really is Our awareness. What are We aware of, where are We aware of being and how does it feel? What do We choose to experience right now? All the other choices are out there (or in here) waiting for Us (whether We ever visit or not). The star-kid I was helping was definitely having a hard time adjusting to the multi-choice decision and then All the versions of Self in All the choices..................... I was glad I could help (a little). I was close to losing it MySelf and had to remind Me that I only needed to notice as much as I wanted.

I did feel compelled to ask about the different versions of Me in different realities. That was how I found out about the importance of awareness. I can't (yet) get My mind around how this works. It hinges on All time being now. When You get a slight grasp of that it does take away the seeming pair-o-docks (kind of).

I think what really blew Me away was: here I Am in multi-choice, multi-D and I see a Me that has chosen to stay (and feel) stuck in limitation 3D. Poor sod. There he was struggling with the weight of it All just to avoid getting into something unfamiliar. I had to ask if I would have to experience this. The only answer is: It is a choice.

It took Me a little time to deal with this and get out of bed. I wasn't sure if I was waking to limitation 3D, expanded 3D, multi-choice, 5D or what. Well, I guess I'm still not totally sure. Slip, sliding away................... because it is choice in every moment, with every breath. I did recognize that when I Am really getting into My writing I Am definitely sliding into that reality. Not much limitation in that.

I knew I was forgetting something. This was something I discussed with the star-kid and Our instructors. We can (and many do) return to any state of any reality We wish. Many of Us do this to be of assistance to others, the way I did with the star-kid. There are also many who choose to never return. There is a danger (if You want to view it as a danger) or strong possibility of returning and falling back into the game with complete loss of memory or re-installing the veil of forgetfulness.

This is the state of many who have chosen to remain in limitation 3D. It's a lot like hitting the snooze button One too many times. We can pull the blankets back up over Our heads and return to sleep. For those who choose to stick with this choice, 2012 will seem a rather uneventful year. For others it is a portal. I was reminded of My dream (a few years back) of being a gate keeper.

I asked about Our choices.  Is it necessary to believe One thing or another in order to be in multi-choice or 5D or any of that.  The answer was: "Not really.  It may be helpful, may be not."  There is a lot of freedom in these choices.