Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

MultiD: some We likes and some snot



MultiD: some We likes and some snot

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:14 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Some very interesting, fun and exciting worlds. We slept and dreamt well until around 1 AM We woke and are having difficulty getting back to dream. Words can not fully/adequately describe the world(s) that We woke from.

We are on the bus like in Our waking world. The kids are playing some kind of role playing game: We are the actors in the game. Something changed so that everyOne should have died and that is not the way the game usually goes. We were concerned and then (without Our help or interference) something else changed and everyOne lived. It was very cool. Once again Our fears were/are ungrounded, unfounded and unnecessary. There is more to it. Our words make it sound kinda lame and it was anything but lame.

Maybe now We can get back to dream. We ARE excited about the world(s) We dream of. It gives Us more hope for Our waking life. We real-eyes that is only Our head that fears and worries about what Our waking life/day will be like. It is habit and limitation thinking and beliefs. We ARE grateful that We are expanding Our thinking and beliefs.

We are clearly walking in multiD and multiworlds today. We likes it. We did not wanna get up when Our alarm went off. We reset it just in case and only stayed in bed another five minutes. We envisioned OurSelves taking Our time and allowing OurSelves to be mostly in multiD before starting typing and so We do. We ARE learning how to do this.

We pony hop Our kids, send “them” love and ask: “How may We serve You?”.

In the world outside Our door (so far) it is freezing. We do Oneder how driving will be and are grateful it is not raining too. We are aware that We are slipping in multiworlds and We open, allow and set it All free with love. Our head still tries to worry about Our morning kids. We have experienced enough to know that We do create and affect what happens. We also still doubt. Old habits and All that. We pony hop. We send love and We practice being grateful for whatever We create. We remember that “bad” is Our judgment and rejection of what We create. There sure is a lot to learn about living multidimensionally.

Our head keeps trying to worry and plan Our day. We keep reminding OurSelves that We really do create Our reality and it is only Our memories and beliefs (limiting beliefs) that keep Us stuck in limitation and separation. We are creating and transitioning to (a) world(s) of unconditional love IF We allow it. Thank Us. Gratitude is a key. Act as if until it is working for Us. Or better yet: until We ARE aware of it working in Our lives for the best for Us.

“Once Upon a Time” and Our heart keep telling/reminding Us to trust OurSelf. That is sooooo very hard because Our head keeps telling Us what a failure We are. It IS a lie and since We are telling it: We believe it. We forgive Us. We accept Us. We act as if. Thank Us unconditionally.

We are slip, sliding in and through many worlds today. Some We like and some not so much.

Our morning kids are in between well behaved, cooperative and acting up/out. Our newest rider is riding today and does fairly well. “They” are clearly a kid that follows the lead/mood of the pack (the older kids). The other kindergartner who has been having some difficulties does not ride. We are happy with some of the students and not with others. We are having trouble being grateful for the behavior and taking responsibility. We pony hop. We do love All the kids even when “they” act up. We do NOT like having to get down on “them”. Some are borderline bullying. Even if not bullying “they” are often mean to the others.

We practice being grateful and “acting as if”.

We do some shopping on Our first break and have lunch. Our truck starts making “BAD” noises on the way back to the barn. This One gets to Us. We try to panic. We know that this IS for the best for Us. Whatever happens IS for the best for Us. We practice being grateful and We “act as if”. We pony hop.

As We start Our noon run: Our driver asks Us how Our break was and We say that something happened to Our truck, something with the front axle and We are kinda absorbed with/in that. Our kids are playful and We get lost in being with “them” and do not dwell on Our truck. After We drop the kids at school: then We start thinking Our truck again and wonder what We should do? We get it that We are pondering options and possibilities and NOT making plans. We do NOT know what We should/will do and We are okay with that. Admitting that We do not know is a big step for Us and since We began it has really helped.

We decide to go ahead and drive across town to the pool and We hope that the hottub is open. We are not liking the world(s) where Our truck is making bad noises and the kids are mean to each other. We wonder if We should leave Our Nook at home for a while and We know that that is NOT the option We choose: at least not yet. We turn on Our cell phone thinking We might call Our friend who worked on Our truck last year. We choose to wait before taking any action or thinking that We are making any decisions. On the way to the pool Our truck noises change. At One intersection it makes a VERY loud clunk and the noise stops. We have lots of thoughts about this and gratitude. Our head tries to plan again. We do NOT know what We will do. We will see what comes and how the truck does as We proceed through Our day. It seems to be fine the rest of the way to the pool.

The hottub is still closed and We take a nice, long, hot shower. We do not call anyOne about Our truck. We are NOT in panic mode. We never really went into panic mode. At first We started to panic and We remember(ed) that everything IS working together for the best for Us. We do NOT have to like to be grateful for it. That/this IS new for Us. For years We have known that We did not have to like it to accept it: but like it??????? We ARE learning how to live in multiD and multiworlds. We are NOT going to like everything: at least not when We first encounter anything. Or even after several encounters of what We have judged and labeled “bad”.

We enjoy relaxing at the pool.

Our truck does fine on the drive back to the bus barn. Our afternoon kids are good AND bad. Some are well behaved and play well and the last two are pushing the limits. We really do not like having to get down on the kids. If We let “them” run free “they” get really, really loud and wound up. “They” are playing quite rough and We are afraid that “they” may accidentally hurt each other. We keep calming “them” down.

While We are getting the wheelchairs off the bus the last two go wild. We stop what We are doing and tell “them” that tomorrow We ARE going to talk to “their” teachers. This gets “them” back in “their” seats and One begins to cry. We finish with the wheel chairs and the crying escalates. We tell “them” that We will not move the bus (take “them” home) until the crying stops. This is kinda hard to explain. We do NOT like it. The child is crying (having a tantrum) over a situation that “they” caused and “they” know it. We are pony hopping and remembering that even this is for Our best.

We explain to Our driver what has gone on while she was outside operating the wheelchair lift. When the crying begins to escalate again she tells the child that if “they” do not get it under control SHE will talk to “their” mom. The crying turns to whimpers and We are able to proceed. We are NOT happy. We practice gratitude and “acting as if”. Our head is having a hay day with this like a god with a bone. Our head keeps rehearsing/replaying the whole thing and We keep setting it free with love and practicing gratitude and “acting as if”. We ARE making progress and learning how to do this.

We slip into multiD and dream on the drive back to the barn. Our head keeps trying to rerun the squirrel cage. We keep setting it free with love and pony hopping and practicing gratitude and “acting as if”. Then Our head tries to worry and plan about Our truck. We keep setting it free with love. We know that Our old ways, habits and behaviors are NOT the answer and never have been. Band aids at best.

We are very aware of slipping through many worlds and liking some and NOT liking others. We have even been in likable and non-likable at the same time. Multiworlds and lots to learn. We ARE grateful that Our truck seems to have gotten better on the drive across town during Our break. That is NOT “acting as if”. It is heartfelt. We ARE grateful. We are grateful for All of it just some is felt more than others.

Our truck does great on the drive home. The incidents with the morning and afternoon kids keeps coming up and We keep pony hopping, setting it All free with love, practicing gratitude and “acting as if”. Our head tries to worry and plan about Our truck and We know that We just have to wait and see how the drive home goes and that no matter what decision We make will change when We get home. At least We have learned that much over the years. Planning a decision NEVER works for Us. Whatever We decide is probably THE One thing that We will NOT do.

As We start down Our driveway We put Our truck in four wheel drive and it still does great. We ARE so releaved and grateful. This is genuine gratitude and not acting as if. It is easy to be grateful for what We like. The trick is learning to be grateful for what We do not like also because We really do want it All and NOT just what We like. Really can not have it All and NOT have it All.

We decide not to get Our dragon ready to drive tomorrow as We thought that We might. It really seems like Our truck is All better. We try to figure it out and come up with a reasonable explanation. We are choosing to take credit and be grateful for whatever happened. We do like the world(s) where Our truck is doing fine betterer than the world(s) and We practicing being grateful for both. We are learning to not only have what We like: We are learning to like what We have. This IS a huge step for Us. It certainly does seem to be working. Our head says that it will NOT work with the kids (or anything else for that matter).

That is old, limiting beliefs. That is old energy, old pair-a-dime and part of limitation and separation. We pony hop and set it All free with love. We are able to relax and have dinner with “Once Upon a Time” without throwing too many rocks at OurSelves. We play in multiD just a little bit before going to dream. Our head is volleying between beating Us up and forecasting gloom and doom and giving Us a break. We ARE grateful AND We continue practicing gratitude for what We do NOT like. This behavior IS new to Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Unknown 3D world(s) in multiD



Unknown 3D world(s) in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:44 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well last night. Whenever We did wake We could hear the rain on the roof. We woke a little before Our alarm and lay in bed practicing being grateful and playing a bit in multiD. We were drifting into dream again when Our alarm went off. We are remembering that We can play in multiD while awake. We are hoping that school is closed because of the rain, snow and ice. We are okay either way though. We can see how having specific expectations limits Us and confines Our ability to be happy in the now.

We can theel OurSelves waking and walking in multiD and multiworlds again today. We are not allowing Our head to think and plan and worry about Our day. We are grateful for whatever We create for OurSelves. We are remembering that We ARE responsible. That is NOT blame or guilt. We are creating what is best for Us.

It is snowing and above freezing so no ice. Hard to say what driving conditions will be like. So far no word of school closure or alternate stops.

We really are getting it that whatever We experience in Our day IS for the best for Us. It is Our experience of multiD and multiworlds. This does not mean that We Allways like it. If We only get what We like then that is more limitation. The trick is learning to like what We get (happy IS a choice) because it is helping (part of) Our expansion and transition. Whatever We do not like is what We have judged and labeled bad and THAT IS part of limitation and separation. It is not necessarily easy to be “in” the world and not “of” the world. We ARE learning how.

We check Our unemployment and it has not processed yet. It should be processed by now. We will wait and check tonight and tomorrow before calling.

Wanting this and NOT wanting that is part of limitation and We are faced with this every day. We pony hop. We set it free with love. We really do love Our kids even when (especially when?) “they” misbehave. That may be when “they” are reaching for love the most.

We find that Once again: We are waking and walking in multiworlds. Some We like and some not so much. The theeling is not quite as strange as yesterday. Our morning kids are a little less cooperative and still not bad at All. Our kindergartner starts to try to push and shove and We stay with “them” while the driver gets everyOne else off the bus. We really do appreciate this driver.

Our middleschooler sleeps on the ride again and wakes without a seizure. We really do like this One. “They” do not talk and have a way of making “their” own particular noise to announce “themSelves” (or for whatever reason).

It is raining and snowing this morning and (thankfully) NOT freezing. The bus barn is a real sloppy mess as are a few roads. The barn is worse than just about any place else. One bus gets stuck in the yard. We do not have any trouble with the driving All day. What world is this? Rain and melting in March in Fairbanks? We continue to be aware of being in Our star ship when at home. We must be traveling to far distant realms and disguising “them” as Fairbanks.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our morning break.

Our noon kids are playful as usual. One thanked Our driver for bringing the toys and wondered why she would share with “them”. A curious One and We wonder what is behind wondering why Our driver would share. Our driver really appreciates the gratitude. She does have some Self esteem issues. At school a couple of the kids make a point of hugging Our legs. That makes Us feel good too.

The pool is still closed and Our local friends are quite sick. “They” ask Us to pick up some canned chicken noddle soup and saltines because that is what “they” like when “they” are sick. We hope that We are never that sick. So far We never have been. We likes canned cream of tomato soup when We are sick.

Our afternoon route is a little nicer than yesterday. The last student is obviously feeling better and much more playful. One student does not ride so We finish a little early. We get to go deep into dream on the ride home.

We are in 3D enough to drive home safely and then go deeper into multiD. We have dinner with “Once Upon a Time” and pie alamode for dessert. We Allmost overeat and not quite. We play in multiD a bit before We are ready to dream. Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Multiworlds and multiD feels like a double exposure



Multiworlds and multiD feels like a double exposure

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:40 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well until around 2 AM: then We had a hard time getting back to dream. We knew that We were in multiD just not able to get into dream again. We had just gotten back to dream (or so it seems) when Our alarm went off. We are reminding OurSelves that We can wake and walk in multiD and that seems a bit elusive now. Yet: We are not really, fully in 3D either.

It seems that as We wake it is easier to be aware of being in multiD and multiworlds than it was when We first came outta dream. Maybe because We woke to Our alarm rather than naturally????

We are clearly walking in multiD and multiworlds now. Our head tries to hook Us back into limitation by thinking, planning and worrying. We pony hop and set it free with love. We are open, allowing and setting it All free with love.

It really is Our choice what We do with Our day and where We live and experience. Yes: it looks like limitation 3d. MultiD even includes limitation 3d. That boggles Our brain: how can We be limitless and live in and experience limitation????? Those are questions from a limitation mindset: Our limitation mindset and We ARE expanding. We love being with the kids. It frustrates Us when “they” do not get along and behave. Those are opportunities to express love, care and pay attention. We send love and We ask silently: “How may We serve You?”.

We keep forgetting to mention: We are more and more aware of being on ship too. We know that is part of what We are doing in dream even though We have no clear memories. Our brain is still learning to cope with being in multiD and multiworlds simultaneously.

Lots of worlds today and its kinda confusing. Some We like and some not so much. Slipping quickly and rapidly and being in several simultaneously makes it All kinda blurry.

Our morning kids do well. The One who had been out sick rides again and is coughing and Our newest student (supposed to start today) is not riding. “They” start to fight Us when it is time to share Our Nook with the next student and We sit next to “them” and “they” calm down. Several kids do not ride and the rest do well. The line up goes very well. We can really theel the multiworlds slipping around and Us too. Like double exposures.

Our middleschooler falls asleep as usual. “They” have a little trouble getting up from sleep and We theel “they” are probably having a mild seizure. We help “them” stand and let “them” take “their” time and “they” do fine after that.

We get gas and lunch and do some grocery shopping on Our first break.

Our noon section goes well and playful. Several students do not ride. We know there is some kinda bug(s) going around. We really do enjoy this group the mostest.

The pool is closed today and tomorrow for maintenance so We go to Our local friends to shower. “They” have a touch of whatever is going around. It is nice to have a short time to chat with “them” since We did not visit over the weekend.

We continue to notice multiworlds happening at the same time. This awareness really does take some getting used to. It theels weird and We really do try to avoid that word when describing Our transition and awakening. Hard to even describe it as We have no words or experience for this.

On Our PM section We do hit some snags. The first parent is not home so We take two others home and come back: this makes Us late for the outlying stops. Not as late as We had thought it would though. Our driver is really frustrated with these parents and so are We. This is only the second time it has happened for Our driver and about a dozen times for Us. Our last student starts complaining of a headache and crying. We have Our driver call dispatch on her cellphone while We take a student into daycare. This simple effort calms the student and “they” go to sleep and sleep most of the ride home. We can tell (Once again) that We are slipping around in multiworlds and multiD.

Our driver wants to talk about her bad teeth on the ride back to the barn so We stay mostly focused in 3D while also in multiD. MultiD does include 3D for sure.

At home We put away Our groceries and kinda drift through the evening. Dinner and “Once Upon a Time”. We theel that We enjoyed “Once” and have no clue what happened. We only spent a few minutes playing in multiD before We are ready to go to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Doing some 3D, playing multiD and going back to dream



Doing some 3D, playing multiD and going back to dream

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:17 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We woke several times and got up to play in multiD most of those times. Then We were ready to return to dream. We do not remember much about what We did in dream. Now: We are going back to dream.

We woke and got up to have some breakfast and pay bills and file unemployment. We are in 3D AND multiD. We ARE learning how to do this.

We got All the money stuff done. Hard to describe how We feel. Our head sure can seem to get a grip on Us through doing money stuff. It really does try to find things to think, plan and worry about. We love Our head even though it still tries to keep Us in limitation and separation. It thinks it is protecting Us. We set it free with love. We ARE here AND there and We are still not used to that. Each time We go a little deeper it theels brand new again.

We are gonna go back to dream.

More playing in multiD and gentle 3D tasks and then back to dreaming. We can theel the shift in OurSelves and Our world and it is slow and gentle. We know that We visit other worlds and play with new and old friends there. Today the other worlds are playful worlds. In 3D We are not doing anything that drags Us back into limitation as much the money stuff.

Just now: We woke from a world that it seemed like We had been in for some time. We were there much longer than the hour since We last woke. We clearly remember what We were doing and yet can not put it clearly into words: We were driving Our pickup/chariot AND We were riding on a city bus. We theel it was a multiD world where We can do multithings at the same time. This is NOT the first time that we have experienced this yet it IS the only time that We remember now.

How do We describe (or even remember) in 3D terms and words a/many world(s) where We are in multiworlds doing multithings All at the same time? It defies and baffles Our brain. It is fun and cool and All that: just beyond Our limitation perception(s). Oh: YES: it IS real. No wonder though that We have Allways believed that dreams are NOT real.

We can experience living multidimensionally without having words to describe it. It is not even clear to Our waking consciousness. We must evolve to understand and express what We are experiencing. We likes it and that is important. We enjoys it.

We are ready for dinner and “Once Upon a Time”. “Once” does help Us get into living in more than One world. Yes: it IS a TV show AND We are projecting it.

Now: We are ready to go dream and see how We do.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Dreaming and playing in multiD and a little 3D



Dreaming and playing in multiD and a little 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:50 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We have been going back to dream so far All day. Big surprise, right? We slept and dreamt in around two hour spells All night and morning. We are very aware of visiting lots of worlds and friends even though We have no real waking memories. Theelings. It is All about theelings these days. We ARE learning to trust Our theelings and honor “them” and believe in “them”. We are playing in multiD when awake and doing a little reading online. Here is another good message that echos what We are sharing and theeling.

Outside the weather is slipping between overcast and dreary to bright sunshine and blue skies. It barely went below freezing All night. Lots of snow melting.

We are clearly in multiD and multiworlds and yet it sure looks alot like the old and familiar limitation 3d where We think We have Allways lived. The only proof of that is Our memories and We are learning that those are not really to be trusted. We create Our memories (and any other proof) to support Our game, Our beliefs and Our fantasies. We just have to get that through Our head. Not easy when We have been creating and living in limitation for however long. Maybe only seconds yet We are fully immersed in limitation and separation.

We bought a frozen Marie Callender’s pie the other day and it is in the over. It smells yummy.

We have some 3D focus and awareness (after All: multiD does include 3D) just not much (if any) 3D energy. Our local friends had other plans so We are staying and (of course) loving being home alone. We had thought that We might do some of Our weekend tasks today and maybe We will: later. Do not really theel like it though. We had thought We would go for water tomorrow morning and find that We do not really need that much yet. We will probably wait ‘til next Sunday.

We know that All of these tasks, etc are part of limitation. The more We set “them” free the more We can explore being multiD and limitless. Our beliefs are still strong though. We are doing Our best and learning and setting it All free with love. We know that We ARE Our own captors.

We have been thinking a lot about creating (transitioning into) a world(s) of unconditional love. We do find Our world shifting, evolving and transitioning in many small ways and even some major ways. We are now very aware of walking in multiworlds and multiD every day. If We escaped (as We and others often wish) We would miss this transition. We would not be here to do and experience the transition. Of course: that is actually impossible anyway. We are part of All and All is part of Us. We can ignore it and deny it: We just can not escape it. Maybe for a short time just not forever and forever is what We ARE after.

We are reminded that Our kids on the bus ARE Our children within. Sooooo much that is easy to forget out of limitation habits.

We are reading some more online and theel that We may take another nap before dinner. Not much 3D energy to do anything else.

We did not get to dream and got up for dinner and “Once Upon a Time”. A little more playing in multiD and We are ready to dream, dream, dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Multiworlds in 3D within multiD



Multiworlds in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:43 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt betterer last night. Lots of dreams and even though We did wake a couple of times: We were able to get right back to dream. This morning We are still very much in multiD AND more able to wake and get up in 3D. Maybe We really are learning how to do this. We are aware that whatever energies are doing in Our world affect Us. The thing is that it is All within and NOT without. What IS without is actually within. It is easy to get/be confused about All this. We do have it All bassackwards. The important thing is that We are NOT victims: We ARE creators. We ARE powerful.

We thank Us.

We bought three types of mini-scones the other day and We are having One that We have never tried before: cherry-honey. Pretty good. We like cranberry a little betterer though.

Our head is trying to figure out and plan how We are going to deal with the kids today and what lies in store for Us. “Waiting for the other shoe to drop” mentality. Our heart is open and seeking inspiration to lead and guide Us. We pony hop. We are open and allow and We set it All free with love. We appreciate expanded worlds that are closer to reflecting unconditional love. Our head will probably NOT lead Us there. We forgive Us and accept Us (including Our head) unconditionally.

More worlds and multiD. Our morning kids are having a little more trouble sharing in this world so far. Only One kid has “their” own game today and even though Our driver remembered hers that is still two for six kids. Sometimes the other, older style games help and not so much today. One of the kids who was in trouble for pushing and shoving wants to play a couple of games with Us. We likes that.

One kid starts to push and run lining up and We have “them” go back to “their” seat. “They” start to argue and quickly make another choice. We likes that too. Interesting variety of worlds We visit now days (are aware of visiting).

Our middleschooler naps on the ride and wakes up easily. “They” often have seizure when first waking and We are happy that if “they” are it is very mild. “They” show no sign and stand up on “their” own and only reach for Our hand after standing. We easily walk “them” off the bus and into class. “They” announce “themSelves” and now the teachers are used to it and do not think anything is wrong.

We do shopping and lunch on Our first break.

Our noon kids play well and line up well. Several do not ride today. Two never ride on Fridays and another day care is closed for whatever reason. One student is having a hard time not getting One of “their” two favorite toys and is slowly adapting. “They” are learning that (on this bus anyway) later actually does come to pass and does NOT mean “NO”. “They” eventually find another toy to replace the favorite and give both toys back voluntarily as We approach the school. Some kids have a harder time giving the toys back and still noOne fights about it.

We check out the hottub hoping We might have slipped into a world where it is open. Too bad. All things ARE working together for the best for Us.

Most of Our kids ride on the PM section. “They” are a bit keyed up after Easter parties and getting Easter basket and candy. Still: “they” do pretty well without too much discipline. The last two start out sitting separate by choice. Towards the end “they” ask if “they” can sit together and We agree to try. As We are getting the wheelchairs off the bus the two are acting up so We make “them” separate again. Of course “they” argue and get mad yet “they” know what “they” were doing and We chose not to even try to explain since words sooooo easily cause arguments and it really is easy to pick words that are not exactly correct and these kids easily find the error. “They” were pushing and “they” know it. The One had started out the ride being rather mean to the other.

Once the last One is alone on the bus “they” behave just fine as usual.

We slip into multiD and dream on the ride to the barn as usual. Not too deep, just pleasantly there and still 3D functional. We stop for takeout Thai food on the way home.

At home We kinda hurry to get ready for dinner with “Once Upon a Time”. The Thai is really good. A dish that We have not tried before. “Once” is probably good too and We hardly notice. After dinner We play in multiD a while and now We theel that We are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Nicer worlds in multiD today



Nicer worlds in multiD today

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:42 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well until around 2 AM. After that We had a hard time getting back to dream. Now: We really wanna stay in dream. We ARE allowing OurSelves to wake and drift in multiD. We ARE aware of being in multiworlds again today and Oneder what Our day will hold. What worlds will We walk in today? We are practicing being grateful and acting “as if” again this morning.

Interesting: something just jumped off the shelves. It appears to be something that has been in place (without moving) for years. Our first thought is probably a small earthquake and then maybe a shaky world?????? Our first reaction is to jump up and check and We real-eyes there is no hurry. It really is NOT important. Our attention has been shifted to multiD and multiworlds again.

We ARE learning how to do this. That means We do not fully know how yet. Once again We ARE aware of how Our head is sly and conniving and tries to hook Us back into Our familiar limitation 3d. We Oneder how much of that is even possible and how much is totally make believe???? Is it even possible or did/do We pretend to live the impossible. We used to think it is/was the ONLY thing possible.

Whatever We are doing: it IS working. Here is another article that echos what We have been theeling and sharing.

We like today’s world(s) betterer than yesterday’s. The student who had so much trouble yesterday did not ride and We are not surprised. The admin that meets the bus is there specifically for that student. “They” will and do help with All the student’s and “their” focus and purpose is to deal with the student that We had trouble with. That tells Us something that words do not.

Our driver forgot her tablet and two student does not have “their” game devices so We are sharing Our tablet with All but One. Still: “they” share well and freely. We do Our best to keep the turns fair. EveryOne cooperates and We are thrilled. We like this world. We know that We ARE creating (a) world(s) of unconditional love. There are still lots of worlds playing out limitation and separation fully. We ARE living in infinity and multiD. Everything and every version and possibility is the point. That does not mean that We do not appreciate nicer versions more. Versions that are moving faster into unconditional love are much more appealing. After All: unconditional love IS Our true nature.

There will Allways be worlds to support every possibility, choice and option. We will Allways be coming up with more ideas to explore. That is what creators do. However: any world that is not built on and of unconditional love (which is actually impossible) will lead down the same path eventually. At some point We will and do evolve and return to Our true nature. Even worlds that seem to oppose, deny and resist unconditional love are actually another version, part, aspect OF unconditional love. It is pretty amazing really. Confusing to limitation and separation mindset.

At the gradeschool even lining up and walking into school goes very well. We tell the admin how much progress these kids have made and how well “they” are doing overAll. We really do think that the One student was still sick and tried to go back to school too soon. We on the outside just do not what may set such a child off. We do look forward to living in a world where We (and everyOne else) is able to be more open and understanding.

Our driver is pretty mainstream and yet sees how what We ARE and what We do works. We have had more good days than bad. She does not understand that We work on deeper levels that are not obvious to the naked eye. We forget that We are also working with her at these deeper levels. We ARE an example AND We ARE having an affect. Much more affect than Our few hours a week with these kids would ever account for.

Our middleschooler falls asleep again and wakes will without having a seizure. Once again”they” announce “themSelves” and the teacher come out to check and make sure everything is Allright. Apparently it is hard to tell between “their” happy sounds and distress sounds.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our morning break. We kinda fall into reading Our email and are Allmost late getting back to the bus. Again: We ARE masters of time and We forget that a lot.

Our noon kids are fun and playful as usual. We really do enjoy this group. One is a little mean to others and does not get it that that is not fun for the others. We just do Our best to include “them” in what We do. A very, very smart child and One of Our favorites and yet We clearly see why others do not usually want to sit with “them” and/or play with “them”. We had similar issues when We were a child: different yet similar and with the same results. We sure did not see the problem then.

We get to hottub on Our second break. We really soak it in as the hottub will be closed tomorrow unless We slip into a world where it is open.

Our afternoon kids are kinda wired and not in the best way. Another world. We are able to calm “them” enough to drive. “They” play and mostly get along. “They” easily get wound up and We have to wind “them” down for a safe ride. We get it that “they” really do not get it. “They” do ask Us why and We tell “them” it is for “their” safety. We end a little early because One student does not ride and All parents are home and ready to receive “their” children. One might think that this would be normal and for most parents it is. However: not for All parents. There are many reasons. A lot of special needs kids here are fetal alcohol and drug babies.

We get deep into dream and multiD on the ride home. We are also focused enough in 3D to function.

At home We decide to play in multiD more than watch “Once” with dinner. We have fun and enjoy Our dinner. At home: We do generally have fun even if We are not really aware of it. At home We often take that for granted. We ARE grateful for Our homelife.

Now: We are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

MultiD and multiworlds and still VERY physical and 3D



MultiD and multiworlds and still VERY physical and 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:39 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

It took a couple of tries before We could get into dream. After that We slept and dreamt well. This morning We are quite sleepy and would/cold gladly remain in dream longer. Sleepy is actually being in multiD and learning how to do this. We look forward to being able to dream in over the weekend. Two more wakeups. Then lots of time in multiD and dream.

Once again: we notice how it is habit, pattern and easier to drag OurSelves back into limitation 3d focus as We wake and get ready to go to town. We ARE well trained by Our family, peers, society AND (especially) Selves to focus and zoom into limitation when We wake from dream and living in multiD. So: this morning: We chose to open, allow and set it All free with love. We notice how We use food as a hook back into limitation. It is VERY sneaky. Yes: We DID say “sneaky”. “Oh: the cleverness of Me”.

We do have to really focus to do simple 3D tasks this morning. The challenge is to be in 3D enough to function without reverting to the habitual limitation 3d focus only. We practice being grateful and acting “as if”. Thankfully it is a bit more than just pretend. We ARE grateful for the progress AND awareness. Thank Us unconditionally. We ARE open and allowing AND setting it All free with love. Our head is trying to drag Us back into limitation: trying desperately and using fear as a catalyst. We practice being grateful.

Here is an article about Our life and world that looks pretty good so far.

We can theel that We are in different worlds and slip, sliding around as We begin Our day on the bus. The kids get along and share: there is something different moment to moment. Something theels different. All the kids ride for the first time since before spring break. The ride goes well. Our youngest and newest rider is acting a bit off, not much. When We get to school “they” try to push and shove passed the kid sitting next to “them” and We stop “them” and the battle begins. We ask Our driver to get the rest of the kids off the bus. The rest are doing great. Our driver is happy to help and know what We need from her.

As the student acts up and fights Us more and more We end up telling “them” that We will walk “them” to the office and this makes it worse. We hold “their” hand and “they” resist every step. We barely get “them” to walk off the bus and an administrator meets Us. We tell her what is happening and she takes him and he gets away from her and takes off. She chases him down and he is now screaming and won’t walk to the doors. We go inside and ask the office to get help for the aid who is barely able to restrain the kid. It ends up taking four admins to get the kid inside.

What world is this???? We ponder and wonder and know that We are here for the experience and awareness. We have Allways wanted to be aware of All the worlds and possibilities. Do We have to experience to be aware? It would seem so. As much as We want to say that this is NOT the case: We theel the truth of it.

Our middleschooler is awake and alert and seems to be in another great mood. “They” do well and We enjoy this part of Our morning. There is just something about this One that catches hearts.

We do some shopping on Our first break and have breakfast. It is a nice, calm break and the world still theels different: like it is shifting. We theel like We are walking on shifting sand or water. We can theel OurSelves slipping through many worlds: some are nice and some are snot.

Our noon section goes smooth. The kids are fun and playful and everyOne rides today. At school two start to push and shove as soon as We let “them” line up and We have those two return to “their” seats and wait and be last in line. One argues and the other complies silently. As One supervisor used to say: “Kids ARE solar powered”. Our driver noticed two squirrels chasing each other playfully. We said: “they” have spring fever too.

Our driver suggests that We begin a line up order for the kids that We take to school (these are All gradeschoolers and preschoolers) We only want to do that as a last resort. Kids have plenty of regimentation and We want to give “them” as much freedom as We can. “They” All have done well more days than not. We do agree that if the pushing and shoving persists then We will have to try something more. We would probably start with having the miscreants be at the back of the line for a few days. We really wanna let the kids get this on “their” own just as much as possible. “They” have shown that “they” can if We allow it. “They” have gotten very good at sharing the toys and games. We ARE making progress.

We ran a little late on Our noon section and We still have time to hottub. We ARE masters of time and We are walking in and through multiworlds. We had thought/accepted that We probably would not have time to hottub. We are happy to be in a world where We DO have time to hottub. It is sooooo relaxing.

Our driver is in a difficult world All day. We pony hop. Whatever it is in Us that is causing problems for Us and You: please forgive Us. We forgive Us unconditionally. We love You and We thank You. We love Us and We thank Us. Little things are really eating at her and she keeps chewing on upsets. She is a drug and alcohol counselor and still does not seem to get it about this simple part of living: holding on to upsets and mulling “them” over eats Our lunch. Of course: it did take Us a while to get it too. We got it in little bites over the years. We kept on long after We knew that We are hurting OurSelves. In fact: now We get it that it is only recently that We have begun setting it free with love. We have made a lot of progress recently. Mirror, mirror everywhere.

Our last two students do not ride so it is a very short PM section. We stop at the store because We decide that We want sausage for dinner. We also have time to stop at the post office because Our SD card that We ordered for Our Nook has arrived.

At home We are here AND there. We think that We ordered the wrong SD card and yet find that apparently it is the right One. How many worlds are We slipping through today? We got home early even after the two stops. It takes longer to cook the sausage than it usually takes for Us to fix dinner and We still finish dinner and “Once Upon a Time” a little early and are really ready to go dream. Living aware of being in All these different worlds is kinda like having gone hiking All day.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Slip, sliding in multiworlds and multiD and 3D



Slip, sliding in multiworlds and multiD and 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:28 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We woke early for some reason. Maybe the Allmost full moon. We tried to go back to dream Once Allready and now We will try again for a bit.

We are doing gratitude again today. The main thought going through Our mind/head is: “thank Us”. That is a good thing. Dream still seems to be alluding Us and We are grateful that We are grateful. We are drifting in multiD both in bed and up at Our computer. That is a very good thing. We ARE learning. Our head is trying to plan Our day and Our heart is staying open and allowing and setting it All free with love. We smile as We type that. Thank Us.

We are just taking it easy, drifting around and reading a little on the internet. One of the folks We get email updates from just moved to Australia and THAT sounds tempting. Better yet: bring Australia type paradise here. Maybe that is the paradise world that We dream of? Front of cabin is totally open to meadow, then beach, then a peaceful cove that goes on and on and on.....

As We try to navigate Our computer: We are clearly NOT fully here and that IS a good thing. We remember when such things irritated Us and We avoided “them” like the plague. Oneder how many such traps still hold Us and We are still blind to “them”?

We are enjoying Our morning drifting in multiD and doing a little in 3D. Our head keeps trying to plan Our day and We keep setting it free with love. We really ARE creating a world of unconditional love and transitioning there. Setting specific expectations free. Specific expectations are limiting. We want more than a nicer version of limitation. We want limitlessness and unity.

As We zone and ponder: We real-eyes (Once again) that We use very untraditional methods/forms of meditation. We had not thought of Our “playing in multiD” as a form of meditation and now We do. We find pictures and videos online from other places in the physical and allow that/those to kinda take Us away. We kinda pretend/theel that We are there. After a while the pretend is not so much pretend. Or is it that the “real” is not so real?

Today: We are clearly slip, sliding in multiworlds and multiD. It becomes more evident to Us later in the day.

On Our morning section it seems that We are Once again in a better version and Our kids are getting along well and playing well together and sharing. We are aware that We ARE making progress in Our transition to a world of unconditional love. We ARE creating it and transitioning into it: perhaps many of “them”. We ARE grateful. By the second stop Our watch died and nothing can do brings it back. This watch is only about (or less than) two weeks old. We ARE certain that this is about time shifting and changing in Our multiworlds and multiD.

On Our morning We do some shopping including a new watch even though “they” are out of the type that We like. We also have some lunch and We notice that We are eating more. We also notice that Our watch has come back to life after buying another watch. However: it has lost time and We do not know how to reset it without the instructions which are at home. Time IS important in limitation 3D. We are learning something here or is it just another experience?

Our noon kids are fun and playful as usual. One of the kids tends to be very moody especially when caught doing something wrong like taking cuts lining up at school. Our driver catches “them” and We have “them” let the other get back in “their” place. The One goes very sullen. This is typical behavior for “them”. We tend to ignore it and NOT let “them” get “their” way with it. Our driver deals with “them” in her way and that is fine with Us. We ARE a team.

We have time to hottub on Our second break. Even though Our world is fine today: it just gets better. We do notice something different about Our world and do not know what it is: just different. We still really enjoy hottubbing in this world.

On Our PM section We can sense a definite shift in these students. We (of course) look for a 3D/physical explanation. Here is where being with others makes it easier to slip back into limitation and separation as Our driver supports Our search for 3D explanation(s) and answer(s) and neither of Us even knows the question. Silly beans. Our first student has noOne home when We get there. We wait for what seems like forever or longer. Here is where We really notice the slip into other worlds. Some of the kids get close to melting down from just sitting and waiting and then flip into being happy to sit and play and back again. We feel a bit like a frog in a blender. We are slightly aware of what is going on and yet old habit tends to kick in. We really feel like a ship in a bottle adrift upon the high seas.

Finally: the first parent shows up and We can proceed without any major meltdowns. The second parent has called dispatch to get Our eta and yet are not home when We arrive. We are quite late and right on for the eta We gave. The mother arrives shortly. As We leave that stop the meltdown begins. We are able to calm the student easily and We really do NOT know how We do it. We are actually quite amazed. We are also very happy that it did not go into a full blown meltdown.

The rest of the ride goes well. Another shift or twelve. After the third stop and on the way to the fourth (quite a distance out of town) the remaining kids flip into happy and playful mode. We have never been good at shifting gears on the fly. Fortunately Our driver is involved with the kids take the lead at playing “guess what I like?” a game that the kids and her are making up as We go along.

It is easy for Us to slip into dream and multiD after the energy output of Our last section. The hard part is getting back to 3D enough to drive safely. At home: We put Our groceries away and fix dinner. It is a little late and We want to make rice to go with some spare ribs that We have thawed. Because it is late We think about skipping the rice and yet Our taste buds are set. WE have rice and BBQ spare ribs with “Once Upon a Time”. We finish a little late and are too into multiD and dream to stay up and play in multiD afterwards. We try and find that We are gone and not able to sit up in 3D.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Back on the bus in 3D within multiD



Back on the bus in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:39 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Not surprisingly it took a while to get into full dream. Perhaps that is why it took a while: We expected that. After several tries and getting up to watch more “Once Upon a Time” and other times playing in multiD: We finally got well into sleep and dream. We visited several/many worlds with old and new friends. Only vague memories though. We woke early and had drifted back to dream when Our alarm went off. Our first thought was: “Thank You”. We really likes waking grateful. We know that acceptance and gratitude are keys to Our awakening. We ARE learning how to live as unconditional love in a physical body.

We open, allow and set it All free with love. We thank OurSelf unconditionally. Being grateful to OurSelf, taking credit and owning Our creation(s) is new to this pair-a-dime. We are the only One that We see/hear/read sharing this so far. As We project this more and live it then We will see it reflected in Our world.

We had been seeking inspiration for making Our daily life more of what We want: less limited and unified and then read this. Why didn’t We think of that? Of course: We did and then We sent OurSelves this inspiration before We even asked and then read it after We had asked. We ARE that powerful. We ARE creating this: making it up as We go along. We are getting better at it and much better at recognizing it.

We are (and have been) lots of memories coming up. Some are clearer than others. All are coming to be forgiven and accepted. Often: these memories are judgments of OurSelves and actions that We have seen as failures. If not then “they” usually lead up to such thoughts. We have judged OurSelves a lot over the years. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally. We accept OurSelves unconditionally. Though this could be a One time fix All: it is not working that way for Us. Lots of judgment(s) and resentment(s) built up over the years. No need to judge and beat OurSelves up for going back and revisiting Our passed and needing to keep forgiving and accepting OurSelves. After All: We do not wanna forget any of it. We just wanna add new experiences and memories. We want to expand NOT destroy or abandon.

Once again We are loving the world(s) We find OurSelves and Our bus and kids in. We ARE grateful. Our driver brought her old tablet with lots of games on it and that went over well. Nice to have another option for when nobody brings “their” games. We did not need to get out Our other, older style games. No admin met Our morning bus so We did not get the chance to tell “them” how well the kids did. One of the two competitive kids even let the other go first. Our driver and Us were both shocked.

We had lunch and Wifi on Our morning break.

Our noon kids are a lot of fun as usual. We do have to remind “them” to keep the volume down which does not do much good. We are having fun playing with the toys.

We get to hottub on Our second break and that makes Our world even betterer. Then We even have time to drift into waking dream before We head back to the barn.

Several kids do not ride in the PM and We get to interact more with One (of the last two) than usual and We really enjoy that. At school “they” show “their” teachers the toys. The student who was having trouble getting on the bus a few weeks ago seems to be doing fine these days. “They” are now the first or second One home and that was the main issue: being third????? Also: the toys give “them” something to look forward to on the ride.

We are way into multiD by the time We get back to the barn. We are early because of the kids that did not ride. We think about stopping at the store or post office on the way home and find We have no energy or focus for either. We ordered an SD card for Our Nook which may have arrived. If We knew it was here We might stop. We just do not have the energy for stopping since We are uncertain.

At home: We seem to take a long time getting dinner ready, warming the cabin and watching “Once Upon a Time”. Where does the time go? Oh well: time is not real anyway. We play a little in multiD.

We try going to dream and it takes a couple of tries.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Waking and walking in multiD in 3D



Waking and walking in multiD in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:55 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well: waking a few times and able to go right back to dream. The world that We woke from is fun. We have been traveling, kinda homeless. We encounter some orphans who are trying to stay together (legally) as a family. “They” ask Us to stay with “them” to give “them” the stability of an A-dult that “they” need for the system. We agree and it theels like the beginning of a home for lost boys.

As We wake and walk in 3D, multiD and multiworlds We real-eyes (Once again) that We really do have everything bassackwards. Our belief(s) make bassackwards (limitation and separation with All “their” ramifications) work. The truth (unity and limitlessness of unconditional love) not so much. Again: this IS because of Our belief(s). We ARE that powerful. Acceptance and gratitude are keys to living in unconditional love. Unconditional only happens in the now. Our head thinks that it hates living in the now. The now and unconditional love are unfamiliar. Our head does NOT trust anything unfamiliar.

We have been back to dream several times and played in many worlds with many friends. (2:04 PM) Now: We theel that We are up for the day so that (hopefully) We can sleep tonight. We are back on the bus tomorrow. It is a beautiful day outside now. When We first got up (this time) it was clear blue skies out the back window and cloudy out the front window. Now: it is mostly clear out front too. Still way below freezing out there so much better through the looking glass.

We are reading another message about Our lives. We have been saying/theeling this for years and often thelt like We would never get there consciously. We have also known that We have been ahead of Our time. That is not a brag or anything of that nature. It has been quite frustrating. It is not All that fun blazing trail and theeling like the lone wolf or even a failure. We have thelt that most of Our life. Feelings are what create Our reality. What does that tell You? And still, somehow We have managed to keep on keeping on for years. Everytime that We have given up We have come back later stronger than ever. Our heart has never given up on Us.

Last night We got up around midnight and did most of the things that We like to do before Our weekend ends and We go back on the bus. There are still a few things to do today: or not. We are having fun reading about Our life online, playing in multiD and well: learning to play in multiD while awake in 3D. Certainly NOT Our strong suit. Sooooo easy to fall back into dream when deep in multiD and that is NOT a bad thing: EVER.

We do know that getting into dream is never really about being sleepy or having had too much sleep or too much coffee. Those are myths. We just happen to believe alot of the myths.

Now: it seems that a wind has come up outside. Our friends told Us that the forecast is for wind and snow last night and today. Sure does not look like snow. Of course: that can change in a moment. We ARE reminded that We ARE creating All of it. We open, allow and set it All free with love. Unconditional love.

We have been reading online and playing in multiD while in 3D. Now: We are dreamy. We get it that We have gone deep into multiD and visited/visiting multiworlds. We are gonna lay down and see what dreams may come.

That did not last long. We did slip into dream for a brief spell and got up to watch “Once Upon a Time”. Now some dinner too.

It may (or may not) be One of those nights of up and down and if so: that is what We need.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The kids were never waiting for Us



The kids were never waiting for Us

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:58 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Okay: let’s see if We can get this into words. We have been sleeping and dreaming in short spells tonight. We do not know why and We do know that it IS part of Our process. We just woke from a very interesting world:

We are on the schoolbus in a world similar to Our waking world and also very different. Something happened and One student went ahead of the pack and We were worried that this would become a regular thing. Somewhere (in dream) We real-eyesed that this could actually never happen since We load that group at school and not unload “them”. We were very worried about something that could never happen. Then a song came on the radio (which was not even on):

“Spring was never waiting for Us girl. It ran One step ahead as We followed in the dance” and We real-eyesed that in this (dream) world We are living this song. Only it is not a romantic love song. The words could/should have been: “The kids were never waiting for Us folks. ‘They’ ran One step ahead as We followed in the dance.” Tears well up as We listen to the Donna Summer version.

This is only One of many worlds/lives that We are visiting tonight and it seems like it is an important One. We got up just to type about it and get the links. Of course: We fell into different You Tubes of “MacArthur Park”.

Once again: We find OurSelves walking (sitting at Our computer) through multiworlds even though it All looks the same. There is a lot in the dream world that We woke from. One thing that really stands out and grabs Us by the throat is how We were/are worrying about something that could never actually happen and We do that a lot. And: the kids were never waiting for Us folks. “They” ran One step ahead while We followed in the dance. Ain’t that the god’s own truth?????

Yeah: We are more than just here. Much, much more.

We open, allow and set it All free with love.

In another world/life/reality that We visited We are working in, running, own a restaurant that has an enchanted over. We use magik there. It is a frustrating world when We forget that We have magik and forget to use it. Hmmmmm??????? Sounds familiar.

We are probably up for the day now as We are going to town to visit Our local friends.

We just read a couple of messages about staying in the present and even getting lost in the moment. We real-eyes that this is something that We have been doing and that it IS making a difference for Us.

More vertigo as We wake and walk in multiD and multiworlds. We are noticing some things: We have three florescent lights going out and both Our dragon and chariot have power steering leaks. What are the odds? Are We grateful? Not fully and that is a key.

This morning One of the messages We read is this: “People often believe that because something happened, and because it is a fact or true, that it should be focused upon, and therefore kept vibrationally active. And so, many people keep many things active that do not serve them.

If we were standing in your physical shoes we would not keep something active in our vibration just because it had happened. We would only keep things active that we want to repeat in our life experience."


We know that this too is a huge key. Our head hates staying in the now, the present and the moment. Our head wants to plan, worry and keep Us stuck in the old, familiar (and seemingly safe) limitation and separation. It wants to keep what happened in limitation and separation vibrationally active. Plus: We love limitation and separation. It IS Our creation and We love it dearly. We still tend to think that in order to live in multiD, to live AS love We must give up, abandon and/or destroy limitation and separation. We have plenty of orphans, castaways and rejects: We do NOT need any more. We embrace and integrate Our limitation and separation creation(s). That is what WE ARE doing.

We can have both and more. We can be multidimensional (We Allready ARE actually) and live in 3D: even limitation and separation 3d. That does NOT make any sense to Our head and We know that it IS true!!!!!!! We love Us AND Our creation(s) unconditionally. We CAN be here AND there. We ARE here AND there.

Now: it is time to get ready and go to town. Catch You later.

Throughout Our day We are reminded of “act as if”. We real-eyes that sometimes when We are practicing gratitude that “act as if” is exactly what We are doing.

We had a nice visit with Our local friends. First: We played cards and ate chips and dip. Then: We had hot dogs and sauerkraut and played more cards. At some point “they” got into the drama of world wide weather and We just zoned out for that. Mostly: the conversation was positive: at least the part We were there for.

At home: We are still stuffed from the snacks and dinner. We watch “Once Upon a Time” and play a bit in multiD. Our focus is All over the place. After a while We barely have room for the blueberry pie that We brought home from Our friends. It IS Onederfull. Lots and lots of blueberries.

After a while We are ready to dream and dream We shall.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

More 3D and physical while lost in multiD



More 3D and physical while lost in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:57 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We have been up several times during the night and morning: usually to play in multiD and do a little reading online. Then: We return to dream. We visited many worlds and many old and new friends. Of course: what We remember is very close to Our familiar, waking world AND We have little theelings of more abstract, more different and far ranging worlds, lives and realities. Admitting this helps: much better than denial.

We theel OurSelves changing/expanding and making progress.

There are many things that come up, come to mind that never quite make it to these pages. And others that even though We repeat “them” We never really theel that We fully expressed what We are really theeling. Change implies loss and We are NOT losing anything. We ARE gaining everything. We fear change because We fear loss. Sooooo much of Our thinking needs to expand. Sooooo many words are simply inadequate and limited and limiting. Our waking life is actually quite Onederfull and yet We know there is more and We long for this more even though We block and trap OurSelves at every turn. Not experiencing All that there is gives Us a dissatisfaction. We remember the term: a dissatisfied, satisfaction. That is a good description of Us and Our life.

Even though We may have it All (in theory and/or experience): infinity is Allways expanding and so We are Allways just a stone short of a full load. We Allways will be.

Here is another message about Our life. This theels really important for Us, especially right now. We hope to absorb and integrate and live this. We are reminded that We choose to vibrate unconditional love. At times other things seem important and that is the trap. Unconditional love is truly what We are after: what We wish to live. All the rest will be added, will follow naturally as a result. AND: it will Allways grow and NEVER diminish. And here is yet another message to/from Us to/from Us about Our process.

We have been theeling that We will go to town and do laundry today and We may. We got up thinking that We were getting up to get ready and We may be. What matters is that We are IN the now and that is where We wish to stay. We ARE doing what is in front of Us to do. We ARE following inspiration. We ARE love in the physical and We ARE learning how to do this.

We thank Us unconditionally. We pony hop a lot every day and today is no exception. We know that We are going where many autists have gone before.

It is a very loverly day outside. Still a bit chilly with clear, blue skies. We appreciate this. We appreciate the view out Our front window/viewscreen.

We would like to express what We are experiencing and We are pretty sure that words will fall short. We get/got sleepy at Our computer even though We had drank a large cup of coffee. We laid back down and only got to waking dream. The sleepies are actually the/a portal into multiD and even the experience of being consciously aware of living and being multiD. We do not know how to be awake in multiD and We ARE learning.

We got up to allow OurSelves to experience being in multiD and multiworlds while awake in 3D. Yes: We have had experiences of this before and this is more and deeper AND here We are. We are getting ready to go do laundry and doing a few other 3D tasks along the way. We have extra time before We want to leave in order to time laundry and hottubbing. We are clearly in multiD and multiworlds even though it looks the same as Allways. It certainly theels different: it theels more. We are being gentle with OurSelves and allowing this to unfold. In the passed We thought that being here AND there was/is failure. It i snot. MultiD includes 3D and We are learning how to be in 3D AND multiD. Neither is exclusive of the other. There is sooooo much thinking and beliefs that are traps and blocks.

We are going to town to do laundry. If We are repeating OurSelves please bare with Us. We ARE walking in multiworlds. We are “trying” (bad word, bad word) (hmmmmm bad is a judgment!!!!!) to remember to play in 3D. It is not as easy as the other day. We want to blame this or that and We know it is only Our focus and habits. We ARE learning how to do this. So: whenever We think of it We remind OurSelves to play while in town doing laundry and a few other chores. We do get to hottub and it is that time of day when folks who do not like the bubbles are also using the hottub. How RUDE. Where is the play in that?

We get Our laundry done, do a little shopping and pick up a Subway samich for dinner. We ARE in 3D within multiD and much more in multiD than We had real-eyesed. We called this lost in multiD. We like being a lost boy in multiD. We love being a lost boy in multiD.

At home: We bring in the water that We got at the laundromat and groceries and laundry and then have Our samich with “Once Upon a Time”. We can only eat half of Our samich. We stop before We are overfull again.

We play in multiD a bit and find that dream is calling Us. We do a quick, temporary bed makeup for One night and crawl into dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, March 18, 2016

3D and physical experiences within multiD



3D and physical experiences within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:07 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Lots of worlds and lots of friends new and old. Some are from Our childhood and are still the same age. In One world We are a lawyer and/or prosecutor and Our friend and neighbor plays the opposing side. We switch roles with ease. We live in a cabin very similar to this One except that it is where We lived as a child. We were kinda surprised at being a lawyer until We remember that We actually had thought We might pursue that career when We were a teenager. We noticed the cabin’s outside lights not working right and We knew that this had to do with slipping through multiworlds and different realities. Things work differently in different worlds. DUH!

We have vague memories of other worlds too and some are from waking as well as dream. We ARE experiencing other worlds. We can tell the difference between allowing these other worlds (especially when awake) and creating “them”. We find that both are valid experiences. The worlds/realities that We allow are able to be more different from this world than the worlds that We intentionally create (so far anyway). Our conscious thoughts and ideas are still limited to (mostly) limitation 3d. We can only barely imagine anything more than limitation 3d.

We decided to have blueberry pancakes and watch more “Once Upon a Time”. Good stuff.

One of the things coming up is that We have Allways thought, taught and believed that We develop beliefs based of facts and evidance. This is absolutely the opposite of what happens. We create facts and evidance based on Our beliefs. YES: We ARE that powerful. Denying that is part of the game of limitation and separation. When are We going to get it? When are We going to believe in OurSelves?

BTW: it is a lovely day outside and still quite cold. Much nicer through the window (view screen). We are aware of being in multiworlds and multiD. We keep going back to dream and loving it.

We are experiencing more vertigo today as We walk in multiworlds. We real-eyes that All the things which We Allways thought are/were important are NOT. No blame or guilt: only choices.

We made One of Our favorite meals (We have sooooo many favorites) for dinner. This is One We rarely make for whatever reason: warm peaches. It used to be over toast and that was white bread. Since We only have wheat bread We bought biscuits (canned to bake). It is delicious and (YES) We overate a bit. We are watching “Once Upon a Time” and there are some good nuggets in this episode.

We set free All that We ever/Allways thought was/is important. Even if We can only do this for a moment: it IS a start. We can make as many starts as We want. Each start is a step. After a while: We will see that We have taken enough steps that We are well on Our journey.

We can even see/imagine a portal(s) like a funnel, a swimming, whirling vortex of light and energy. Remember: All energy is actually unconditional love. That may be hard to believe and if it is contrary to everything We have taught, been taught and believed (in limitation and separation) then there is a very good chance that it is correct.

We watch more “Once Upon a Time” and play in multiD. It seems that We are not quite ready to really get into dream and that is okay even if it isn’t. We know that everything that We are going through IS part of Our process AND important. The external is NOT important even though We have lived many lifetimes making the external important and then living that. Within: that is All that matters. Within We ARE love. We ARE learning how to live as love in the physical.

Maybe now We can go dream, dream, dream. Worlds, lives and realities await Our attention.

Good night AND thank You for playing.