Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Lots of ponyhopping in 3D within multiD



Lots of ponyhopping in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:17 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and doing lots of pony hopping.

Our head is trying really hard to keep Us locked into playing the victim and rerunning the incident from yesterday. We keep pony hopping and setting it free and We keep jumping back into victim mode, victim mentality and victim defending. We forgive Us. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You. We love Us and We thank Us. We created this. We are NOT the victim of anything or anyOne.

We created our victim and victor world: Our world of separation and limitation. As much as We hate it: We wanna keep playing the victim. We forgive Us. We want Our pity. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us. Gratitude IS powerful. Gratitude and acceptance are NOT weak. That is One of Our many lies. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us.

We ARE changing the way that We think and We ARE grateful for that. We forgive Us. We appreciate Our process even though We would like to be done. We ARE infinite. We will never stop improving.

As We listen to Our “Vortex” meditation We get that well being IS Our natural state. We have created this unnatural world, life and state of being. We forgive Us. We love AND We thank Us. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You.

At base the dispatcher tells Our subdriver NOT to let her attendant make decisions about maintenance. We are standing right there and We are certain that she knows it and is saying it more to Us than Our driver. We are kinda shocked and Our head wants to go into defense. We ponyhop and ponyhop again. We just keep hopping while Our head keeps trying to attack and defend. This IS an old energy game. We created it. We take responsibility. NOT guilt: responsibility. Guilt is an old, tired and worn out game. Our head wants to play that game because it is the only game that Our head knows. We forgive Us. We forgive Our head. We love Us and We thank Us. We set Us free with love.

Our kids are great. Thank god for Our kids: a safe haven. Our head still wrestles with offense and We cling to it as We set it free. We ponyhop over and over. Thank Us. We love Us. All of Our morning students ride. Our separation kid has a little trouble. Our quiet kids are mostly quiet. One has started coming to life and wants to play more than sit down. We like to let “them” play and We havta have “them” sit down. We really are looking for a balance.

Our head does not do balance very well. Our head wants to cling to old behavior because it is comfortable because it is familiar.

On Our way to Our last student Our bus goes to engine power reduced. We feel vindicated. This is what We were trying to tell dispatch was gonna happen. We do NOT wanna play this game. Ponyhopping more. Dispatch says to finish Our route and go to shop afterwards. Maybe “they” will get it and maybe not.

Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You.

We have lunch on Our morning break. We do not take time to grocery shop since Our break is short because of taking Our bus to shop. One of the drivers that We do not like gives Us a ride back to base. Wouldn’t Ya know it. We really are trying to give Us room to change and grow. We forgive Us. We wanna change AND We wanna cling to Our old ways and behavior. Our old ways do NOT bring freedom and joy yet “they” ARE familiar and We cling to the familiar. We judge others for the very same things. Mirror, mirror:

We have a standby bus with few seats for Our noon and PM sections.

Our noon kids do fine even though the rivalry continues.

We are concerned about the few seats for Our PM section. Two preschoolers do not ride and that helps. Two kids who do not normally get along do just great. We really ARE grateful. We sit next to Our foster kid for the first two stops. “They” are very quiet and do not object. We thank “them” and apologize if We are crowding “them”. We just let “them” be and move as soon as there is room. “They” seem to be in a good mood just tired and a slight cough.

We go into dream and multiD on the drive back. Our head still tries to cling to offense and wrestle with Our defense. We ponyhop and ponyhop some more. Ponyhopping does work. Our head has not foot to stand on when We take responsibility. We ARE responsible and We forgive Us.

We stop for groceries on the way home. We get the ham that We wanted and the ingredients for split pea soup.

Our head still struggles. We do theel that the best thing to do at work is to keep Our mouth shut. We have caused offense and We ponyhop. We wanna live by/as love. We do not theel like We are doing a good job of it. We recognize that We ARE making progress. This does not please Our head and neither does forgiveness, love and gratitude: the things that We wanna live by. We do NOT wanna just change Our outer behavior. We wanna change and grow from the inside out. This does NOT leave room for vengeance. We keep pony hopping All the way home.

We play Animal Crossing a little while Our cabin warms up. We have phi for dinner with more “Dr. Who”. Then We play in multiD a bit and now We ARE ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. We open and allow. We ponyhop. We breathe and relax. There is much for Us to gain. We forgive Us and We love Us.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wrestling with victimhood in 3D within multiD



Wrestling with victimhood in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:19 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

Thank Us.

We are still NOT used to being this deep in multiD and it does seem a little harder than being totally focused in 3D. That is only because We are more familiar with 3d. We ARE getting familiar with waking and walking in multiD. We are learning to breathe and relax rather than struggle. Funny that struggle seems easier. It certainly IS normal and totally NOT natural.

We are having a great morning with the kids. Our driver is out of town the rest of the week. Our morning subdriver is familiar with Our route. “They” are very Self-assured. “They” tell Us about “their” current computer (IT and internet security) work and background. Interesting the money that “they” make and it still does not bring the satisfaction and security that We think it will. It is an interesting world that set up to experience.

Our middleschool kids are quiet as usual. Very nice and very quiet. We send love and do not try to manipulate “them”. We allow “them”. That is what We do.

We also ponyhop.

All of Our noon kids ride. One wants to keep playing and another acts up some. The competition thrives. The other two are happy. We tell the rivals to leave each other alone and “they” just are NOT having it. After a bit both settle down and have a good ride.

Our bus computer gives the message that it is cleaning the exhaust filter. This function does NOT work right on this bus. After We get back to base We talk to the assistant manager and he says that the shop manager wants Our bus taken to shop as soon as the message comes on. He tells One supervisor to give Us a standby for Our PM and take Our bus to shop. We start Our PM section and Our route bus is still at base.

At the highschool Our standby bus gives a similar message. Dispatch calls shop and “they” do NOT want this bus driven on route either. “They” deny knowing anything about Our route bus so dispatch sends Us Our route bus. We try to explain and apparently We stirred a hornet’s nest. We know that this is about Us getting caught up in Our victim mentality and a world of limitation and separation. We have a hard time setting it free. We ponyhop a lot.

Things sound pretty crazy (on the radio) for most. We get it that this is NOT personal beyond the lesson and experience We can gain IF We choose. Our head clings to Our offense, Our victimhood like a dog with a bone. We keep ponyhopping and setting it free and then take it back and wrestle with it some more. We forgive Us. We love Us and We thank Us.

Our highschooler does pretty well waiting for a replacement bus. “They” are obviously bored which is normal.

We have time for a quick pitstop before going to Our PM gradeschool. The standby bus We were in would have been hard for this section because it has a lot less seats. We are certain that Our route bus will be on reduced power in the morning. The message keeps coming on and going off which is the pattern.

One of Our kids is upset in the classroom and the school is not gonna put “them” on the bus. Two of Our preschoolers do not ride. We are still glad that We have Our route bus for the seating. The teacher runs out and catches Us just We pull out. The father of the upset kid wants “them” to ride the bus. “They” come out crying: We have no idea what is wrong. After “they” get seated We ask if there is anything that We can do and “they” shake “their” head no. We know that We have let “Them” know that We care. “They” participate a little in the other kids conversation. Our foster kid does NOT wanna be a part of the other kids conversation.

Our “bad boy” is in a good mood and has some little, colorful, plastic bubbles that he is fascinated with. “They” had a kinda bad day at school. We try to be supportive. Our foster kid moves to sit with the upset kid. We let “them” know that We do NOT mind “them” moving: only We want “them” to let Us know before “they” move. We try to give this kid a lot of slack. “They” are very sensitive and try to behave. “They” are pretty quiet until We tell Our subdriver not to pull into “their” driveway. “They” speak up and tell Us the last driver (who got stuck) tore the drive up so bad that “their” foster parents got stuck. We are NOT surprised.

We keep wrestling (in Our head) with Our victim incident. We really do NOT understand why Our head wants to wrestle with this. We do not really like being and feeling a victim. Yet: We created it. We ponyhop and set it free with love. A few minutes later Our head is trying to defend Us again so We ponyhop some more.

We are kinda in multiD except when We wrestling with Our defense. We ponyhop and then take back Our victimhood. Back and forth: over and over. We forgive Us. Please forgive Us. We love You AND We thank You.

We go straight home and continue Our back and forth between victim and creator. Our victim role IS getting weaker yet it still persists. Thank Us. At least We do see the game that We are playing and how We have rerun this lifetime upon lifetime.

We have the last of the stew that We did not freeze with the last biscuit. We watch some more “Dr. Who”.

Soon: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. We wanna just breathe and relax: open and allow. Our head is kinda whimpering. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us.

We really DO get it that this IS All an inside job. We have looked outside for salvation and rescuing. We know that it comes from within AND We ARE living it.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Another day deeper in multiD



Another day deeper in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:24 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We woke early and went back to dream. Then We woke to Our coffeemaker: a nice gentle way to ease into 3D while also waking in multiD. We ARE grateful.

Thank Us.

Yesterday We thelt kinda/quite disconnected because We ARE in unfamiliar territory. As We continue going deeper into multiD then We continue to explore unfamiliar territory. Open and allow: breathe and relax. Taking the easy road. The easier, softer way IS the answer. Used to be We had to strive to succeed. Now: We relax Our way to success. We still try to plan and worry. We set it free when We real-eyes what We are doing.

Easy does it.

Thank Us.

We are mostly in multiD and that is the way We wants it.

Both of Our middleschoolers ride. The first One has “their” own tablet again (not sure if it is the same tablet or knot) and plays a game on it the whole ride. We do Oneder why “they” went so long not bringing it? The second has “their” DS and does not play it. “They” do not seem to go to sleep: more like zoning.

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride. One of the playful Ones does not ride and so “their” friend is quiet. One who is usually quiet is more playful. “They” wanna play not settle down and stay seated on the bus. We usually have “them” in a regular seat and theel We need to put “them” in a starseat to keep “them” seated for the ride. “They” do great this way. Our separation kid has a little difficulty. “They” do not want Us to help “them”. “They” cheer up after a while. No screaming today: just pouting. The last kid (mom used to have to buckle “them” in) gets right on and helps Us buckle “them” in. Also playful AND cooperative.

We have lunch on Our first break, get gas and do some grocery shopping. We save half Our lunch to have while We wait for time to go on Our noon section. Because this is unusual We forget that We have it and it gets cold. It is not too bad cold though We do prefer a hot lunch. The thermos say colder and it theels warmer than yesterday. Still cold though. We are reminded that even freezing is cold.

We have Our usual riders for a Tues. One is kinda protesting life. As usual: “they” calm down and cheer up after We get going down the road. The two originals (on this section) definitely have some rivalry going. We tell “them” to leave each other alone. We theel that “they” actually like each other and only know how to express that through competition. One keeps talking about the other coming to “their” house. We can only imagine how that might go.

Our driver is still having some upset stomach. She is gonna be out the rest of the week: going somewhere for her husband to see a doctor.

We hang out in Blu again. It is fairly warm with the sun shining through the windshield. We do not get much into dream. Of course We are way more in multiD than a few months ago. We ARE adjusting to being aware of living in multiD. Sure glad Our kids live there too.

Our highschooler rides and is a little bit ornery and not as bad as some days. We do not move away.

We look at the salad bar at Our stop between schools. It does not really do it for Us today. Not sure if it is Us or the salad bar. We are thinking about having phi when We get home.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride. Our “bad boy” seems like “they” might go either way. “They” calm down and everyOne has a good ride. Most of the other kids are playful. The two friends (who were not getting along yesterday) are doing betterer today. Two of Our preschoolers are very playful. The third is quiet and sings a little “Ole McDonald” quietly. Our foster kid kinda makes a point of sitting alone. We ask if “they” are okay and “they” say yes. We sure hope it is the truth. “They” fall asleep: sound asleep. We sit with different kids as We move along the route.

We finish later than usual because of having All of Our riders. We finish a few minutes before Our scheduled time.

We stop at Walmart on the way home. There are a few things that We wanna get there and We do not have much time to go there during the day. “Their” deli seems to look kinda nasty lately so We do not really wanna go there for lunch plus not much is ready on Our first break. The lines are terrible. We are Allmost patient. One guy ahead of Us is talking to everyOne and slowing the whole line down. Then “their” plastic does not work. We theel it is operator error. The cashier does not put the transaction on hold and We All have to wait and wait. The cashier is nice though.

We are mostly in multiD when We leave the store.

At home: We forget Our groceries from earlier in Blu. It is above freezing so We are not in any hurry to bring the groceries in. We start to play “Animal Crossing” and it is updating so We bring in Our groceries while We wait for it to update. We do a couple of things and then We are bored with it.

We decide on leftover nacho casserole rather than phi. We could have both except We are full after the casserole. We watch more “Dr. Who” and now We are soon ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Continuing to learn to live in 3D within multiD



Continuing to learn to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:22 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and that IS important.

We visited lots of worlds over the weekend. Another great weekend of dreaming. Many of the worlds are becoming more familiar. Sometimes We theel that what happened in a dream world happened in waking and then real-eyes it was another world/life. That is happening more often.

Thank Us.

Another great day with the kids. Our driver is back and both of Our middleschoolers ride. “They” are both sooooo quiet. What a change from the three that no longer ride?

Our gradeschoolers All ride. “They” are typical: some quiet, some playful. Our kid who was having separation issues has a football and shows it to everyOne. We try to put it in “their” backpack at school and “they” are NOT having it. “They” wanna show it to everyOne “they” see. Most of this group is playful.

We go to the pool on Our break. The roads are getting a lot better and that is nice. It feels colder than the thermo says. There is a cold wind/breeze.

All of Our kids ride on Our noon section. There is definitely some competition between the two original riders. “They” seemed to be friends before and now wanna boss each other around.

We hang out in Blu on Our second break. The sun is out and it is fairly warm. Nice where the wind is not blowing.

Our highschooler is ornery again today and We move a couple of seats away. “They” have One picture of someOne that “they” look at.

All of Our PM gradeschoolers ride except Our bad boy. “They” are having such a rough time that the teachers do not even put “them” on the bus. We have several new kids with strong personalities and it would be hard dealing with “them” when “they” are angry and acting out. It is a real mix of personalities and some of the other kids do know how to push other’s buttons and enjoy doing it. One is not very nice to “their” friend that “they” usually sit with. “They” came out of school this way and who knows what is going on.

We get deeper into multiD on the ride back to base. We stop and check the mail on the way home because another package arrived over the weekend.

At home We are pretty dreamy and deep in multiD. We play Animal Crossing while Our cabin warms. We are kinda unfocused or multifocused. We start watching “Dr. Who” with dinner and it is not streaming well. We start a new movie “The Rift” and it looks pretty good. We are soon ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, March 26, 2018

A typical day in 3D within multiD



A typical day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:34 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and We likes waking grateful.

Our driver is out again today. We only have One rider for middleschool. “They” are Our newest rider for the middleschooler and very quiet. We do Oneder what is going on in the minds of the silent Ones.

Our first gradeschooler rarely rides on Fridays and today “they” are not riding. That gives Us a break between schools. Lots of the roads have been scraped down. We are pleased to see this because it would have been a mess if the hardpack had gone soft. Now: most of the hardpack is gone.

Thank Us.

We finish about the usual time and have lunch on Our morning break since We are planning to hottub after We finish today.

All of Our noon kids ride. We have the subdriver who got stuck so many times before. We do not get stuck. The roads are much better than “they” were those days. The kids are playful and have fun. We sure do like watching “them” play. We like playing with “them” when “they” include Us.

The sun is out and We hang out in Blu on Our short, second break.

We have the same subdriver this afternoon. We have All of Our riders except the last One. Most are playful. We finish a little early. Our “bad boy” continues teaching Us how to play game characters. It is great to see “them” in such good moods. At the start “they” tell Us that “they” had a rough finish to the day. We ask: “You are doing fine now though” because “they” seemed to be. The rough part seems to be quickly forgotten.

We finish a little early and go straight to the pool. The hottub is a great way to start Our weekend. We stop and check the mail on the way home.

At home We are deep in multiD and ready to start Our weekend of dreaming.

We play in multiD some and have dinner with “Dr. Who”. Sometimes there is a message in the show. Tonight: a doctor/therapist tells a little girl that the real world is a lie.

Now: We go to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Learning to live in 3D within multiD



Learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:39 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again today.

One more wakeup before We get to dream in for two days. We love Our kids and We love to dream in. We would like a better balance.

Thank Us.

We remember waking from a couple of worlds during the night. One was a world that reminds Us of some incidents during Our highschool days. Interesting.

It is below 0. The radio says five below to eight below. Brrrrr……

We did not have either rider for middleschool. That is kinda unusual.

Most of Our gradeschoolers are riding. Our separation kid walked to the bus by “themSelves” and showed Us “their” yellow car. “They” showed it to everyOne. “They” had something to tell Us that is very important. We have no idea what it was. The girls are playful as usual. The One is getting better at buckling “themSelves” in. “They” like to play peek-a-boo.

We finish a little early because there is One kid that We know We do not have to go to “their” house.

We go to the pool on Our morning break. A lifeguard made cookies and We kinda gorge. There is a big bag calling Our name. We have not had homemade cookies in a while.

We have three riders on Our noon section. It is colder so We get to All but the last house with no problem. EveryOne is playful.

We hang out in Our chariot for Our second break. The sun is out very nicely. It is Allmost warm in the sun. We are still full from the cookies.

Our highschooler rides and starts to be ornery. We ask about any pictures. One of the other attendants had told Us that “they” have lots of pictures in “their” backpack. These are pictures that “they” drew/painted. “They” are from the same movie. “They” must really like that movie.

We have Our samich with a Starbucks between schools. We do not think that We will want it tomorrow since We plan to go to One of the delis on first break and hottub after We finish for the day.

We have All of Our gradeschoolers and preschoolers. We will have another kid returning on Monday. That will give Us a pretty full bus with lots of personalities. It will be interesting and probably a bit more challenging.

We are deep in multiD most of the day. We can barely get into 3D and certainly can not stay there. We are glad that the kids are in multiD too. We used to resist theeling this way before We knew what it was. Society teaches Us that living in dream/multiD worlds is “bad”. Another trap.

We stop at the store for weekend groceries since We wanna hottub tomorrow and the store is usually crowded Friday evenings. We are learning how to live in multiD (3D within multiD). That is what We have wanted for a long time. We just had no idea what it would be like.

Thank Us.

At home We are not hungry or much into playing Our game. We decide to have some milk and watch “Dr. Who”. We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream earlier than We have All week.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

A cooler day in 3D within multiD



A cooler day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:27 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We decided to dream in for a few minutes. We stayed in bed repeating Our mantra(s). We love Us AND We thank Us. We wake grateful.

We are enjoying being back with the kids AND We love to dream in. We love spending lots of time visiting other worlds and being aware of being multiD.

Our waking life IS becoming more multiD as We breathe, relax and set resisdance free with love.

Thank Us.

We are gonna drive Our chariot today and (hopefully) get heating oil. We left it parked blocking Blu last night because of the slick drive.

The pumps were not on yet to get heating oil. We will probably stop on Our way home.

Both of Our middleschoolers rode. Both are quiet. We would like to get to know both. We must remember that We communicate at deeper levels. We hope that All of Our kids have great lives. Some do and some it is questionable. We hope that We have positive effect(s) on All of “them”.

We get stuck in the driveway of Our third stop for Our gradeschool. It takes about an hour to get out. This is the drive for the kid who has had separation issues. “They” seem to be improving. “They” showed us the cartoon on mom’s cell phone as “they” got on. “They” are in a good mood. We have “them” check “their” backpack for toys with no luck. The three kids do well with the waiting and We have to stand across the street while the tow truck pulls Our bus out. “They” do great with that too. “They” are very interested in watching the tow truck pull Us out. It is warm enough to be outside.

We only have One more student to pickup after dispatch calls the parents. “They” are very excited when We get there. This is the student who had to have mom buckle “them” in for a long time. Now: “they” get on happily and help Us buckle “them” in.

Afterwards the state bus inspections have started again and the barn is a real mess from the radio chatter. We get back close to Our noon checkin time so go to the store for lunch instead of returning to base. The deli has large meatballs marinara so We have One with some mac and cheese. We remember that We wanna finish Our meatball samich when We get home. Guess it is a meatball day.

One of Our noon kids does not ride. The others are in good moods and play. We do enjoy watching kids play. We like seeing “them” happy and having a good time. We finish a little early because of the One norider.

It is a sunny day and We hang out in Our chariot for Our PM break. This is Our very short break. We had a big lunch Allready so We have some crackers with a Mountain Dew. We do love Mountain Dew. We have ever since We first tasted it as a kid.

Our highschooler and is ornery again. We move away instead of right across the aisle. After that “they” get a couple of books out to show Us. “They” are from the same movie as yesterday’s pictures. We had thought We might ask if “they” have anything to show Us today and We forgot. We are not real good at making suggestions for the kids. “They” get direction from A-dults All day long. We like to let “them” choose on the bus. There is probably a balance to strike. Imagine that????

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride. Our “bad boy” is trying to be nice and have a good day and is having a hard time of it. Some of the other know how to push “their” buttons and like to do so. Others just do not how to deal with “them” even though “they” try to be friends.

Our foster kid seems in a good mood and gets quiet after reading “their” book for a bit. We get the theeling that it bothers “them” when We have to give “them” any correction. Another kid was grabbing “their” book and We had to tell both to stop. It was a game in which the library book could easily get damaged. We also theel that the kid does NOT like going home to seven other foster kids. That could be overwhelming.

We remember to stop and get heating oil. There has been a lot of melting today and some roads have been polished today. We do not have any trouble even in Our drive. Of course: We have decided not to try and park in Our usual spot. That is the part that gets tricky when it is slick. Still Our drive does not seem as slick as yesterday. It is a little colder today.

We play “Animal Crossing” and do email while We let Our cabin warm up. It is colder inside too.

We have Our meatball samich with “Dr. Who”. We finish watching the episode that We started yesterday. We also have a little bit of phi left from yesterday. We play in multiD a bit before We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Another day in 3D within multiD



Another day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:21 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and We likes it.

We ARE experiencing the opportunity to change/expand how We think. We get to choose thinking with Our head and old ways or theeling with Our heart (the new energy). We are choosing to begin being heart centered. We are seeing just how much Our old ways of thinking keep Us stuck in limitation. Not too many are talking about limitation 3d and limitless (or even just less limited) 3D yet. We believe in and experience both. Our choices.

Thank Us.

Our driver is back and it is a little colder than yesterday. Our bus is running on low power and it is really slow going uphill. Our driver still has a touch of stomach flu too. We have to use this bus for Our morning section because All the standby buses are being used. We have several norides so We get to school on time. Our second section is on mostly flat ground.

Our kids are great as usual. Our kid with separation issues starts to cry and settles down right away. “They” have something to tell Us. Wish We understood better. We pay attention and “they” fall asleep right away.

On the way back to base dispatch asks if Our bus is running okay and We do not know because We are on flat ground.

We go to the store on break because We wanna get rolls to make samiches for lunches. We have lunch and do not get a Wifi connection so We go back to base a little early.

We do have trouble going uphill on Our noon section. We have a couple of norides so We still finish on time. One student wants to be first in line to the bus and it is the other kids turn. The One has a crying fit and We let “them” work it out. After a bit a teacher puts “them” on the bus and “they” go right to “their” seat crying All the way. Crying turns to sobbing and soon “they” calm down. “They” are a little mad at Us and spiderman saves the day.

On the way back to base dispatch tells Our driver to take the bus to shop.

It is fairly nice and sunny outside so We spend Our break in Our chariot. We do not really get into dream yet We are not really in only 3D either.

Our driver gets back just in time to go on Our PM section. She brought a standby bus back from shop. The driver who drove yesterday tells her that We do not have a highschool section because We did not have it yesterday. We tell her that he does NOT know as much as he thinks he does. We go to Our highschool and Our student is there waiting for Us. “They” have a bunch of pictures from a Disney movie and show those to Us and tell Us about “them”. We enjoy this more than having “them” poking at Us the whole ride. It is fun to have “them” tell Us about things. “They” are really into Disney movies.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride except the foster kid. Maybe “they” were getting sick and that is why “they” slept yesterday? The rest are in good moods except the new One has a rough start. Our “bad boy” is in a good mood until One of the other kids makes jokes that “they” do not like. You just never know what will set a kid off. “They” All did okay though.

We finish a little early because of the kid that did not ride.

We are pretty much in multiD.

It has snowed a few inches at home. It looked like there was even more snow from town. It has warmed to above freezing again so Our drive is a little slick. We just leave Our chariot out in the drive rather than fighting to get it parked. Our head wants to fret. We relax and breathe: open and allow.

We play “Animal Crossing” a little and warm up stew and a biscuit for dinner. We decide to watch more “Dr. Who” with dinner. We had thought that We might play Our game more. We are not here enough to really get into Our game.

We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream before We finish and episode of “Dr. Who”. Dreams here We come.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A warm, slick day in 3D within multiD



A warm, slick day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:02 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We had a Onederfull week of dreaming a lot every day. We visited lots of very interesting and fun worlds with new friends. One was sooooo real and sooooo familiar that We thought it was Our familiar waking world. However: the experience did NOT happen in Our waking world/life. It IS an alternate/parallel world/life. Cool to be getting familiar with those.

In another world We experienced being a dog in a pack of wild dogs: not feral just wild. We phased back and forth between being a small pup to being the leader of the pack. We remember/experienced other lives and worlds and those memories are fading as dream memories tend to do. Of course: many of Our waking memories are fading nearly as fast these days.

We got more work done on Our Blue dragon too. Our mental attitude about this is progressing.

We did laundry and baked a cran-raspberry phi. We even snovelled some show.

The temps have been around and above freezing and We got some more show.

We ARE making progress even though Our thinking does keep reverting to Our old ways. We are thinking and believing less and less as a victim and more as the creator of Our life. Two steps forward and One step back seems to be the course.

We ARE grateful. We ARE delighted with Our progress. We are NOT as hard on OurSelves as We used to be. We forgive Us. We are practicing forgiving OurSelves. We pretended to be less than We are and to suffer and be a victim of Our world and life. We fell into those beliefs and lived “them” to the fullest and beyond.

Now: We fret and worry less and relax and breathe more. We open and allow.

Thank Us.

It is nice to see Our kids again. Another One of Our middleschoolers is a no ride until further notice so We are down to two riders for Our first morning school. “They” are both quiet. What a change from Our original group of middleschoolers. We get to school quite early. Our regular driver is out again today. It is warm and a little slick.

We start Our gradeschool late as Allways. There is just no way to get to the first stop on time after dropping at the middleschool the earliest “they” allow. We have to go to All stops and make it to school on time. A couple of kids do not ride. Some of this group are quiet as usual and two are quite loud. We keep reminding “them” to keep the volume down. “They” are just loud kids when having fun. We just keep reminding “them” that “they” need to learn to play and have fun quietly on the school bus. We certainly do prefer happy loud over unhappy loud. One student who had to be buckled in by mom until recently has improved enough to let Us buckle “them” in. “They” are One of the quiet, happy Ones. The student who has a hard time with separation does not ride.

We have plenty of time to go shower on Our first break and get back early for Our noon section. Today is state bus inspections which Allways makes things a bit crazy.

It is getting warmer and slicker. Our first kid on Our noon section did not come to school today. Our next kid has a steep, slick road and We get stuck. We have to get pulled out. We are sliding even with chains on. Our subdriver has an early checkin for PM and We know that she will not make it because We are about an hour late and Our noon section is a late One anyway. We ask dispatch to cover Our PM highschool section as We have done before. We suggest that the driver who is supposed to drive Our PM do her PM. “They” have that other driver meet Us at her highschool with her bus. Because of the state inspections We are in another routes bus and “they” have to take Our route bus on “their” PM. We get to this subdriver’s highschool barely before “they” pull out.

Because Our highschool is covered We have time to go fuel. The other route meets Us there and We swap back to Our regular route buses and fuel both.

We get to Our PM gradeschool a few minutes before bell.

We have a new preschooler that We had forgotten was starting today. Our regular preschooler does not ride.

Our “bad boy” is working hard to have a good day so that “they” get “their” DS back. “They” did well in school and some of the other kids do make it a challenge for “them”. It is very easy for other kids to set this One off.

Our foster kid seems a little quiet today. “They” are reading and only talk with others a very little bit. Then “they” fall asleep and We get the difference in mood is from being tired. This driver pulls into the last driveway further than usual and We get stuck in the soft snow. This drive has NOT been plowed most of the season and hard pack is soft because it is sooooo warm. There is also a snow storm moving around the area. It is near blizzard where the storm is.

We finish about an hour late because of being stuck and having to get pulled out. Several other buses are also stuck.

We are pretty deep in multiD when We get back to the barn. We remember that We wanna stop for I-scream on the way home and pick a couple other things too.

The drive home goes fine even with the fresh, wet snow. At home there are several inches of fresh, wet snow on Our drive and there is ice underneath from the earlier, warm snows. We have trouble getting parked without blocking Our chariot. After We start warming Our cabin and relax a few minutes We decide to go out and shovel out and sand Our usual parking spot for Blu.

Our head is trying to worry and plan. We see how much We trap OurSelves in old thinking, old energy and limitation. We choose to set that All free with love and NOT dwell in what We will do later and tomorrow. Our head demands to be allowed to think in the old ways. We thank it. We love it. We set it free. We ARE delighted that We see Our behavior for what it is. We set it free with love.

We open and allow.

We set Our thinking and worrying free. We do an email, check on Our unemployment and play a little “Animal Crossing”. We have a package of glazed sausages that We have had a while and those sound good for dinner. We heat “them” up. We thought that We might just play “Animal Crossing” with dinner. We change Our mind and watch more “Dr. Who” with dinner.

We got home about an hour late and now We ARE very ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream…. Night, night.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Last day before spring break in 3D and multiD



Last day before spring break in 3D and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake gratefull and We likes it.

We ARE feeling betterer this morning AND We are clearly deeper in multiD.

Thank Us.

We are sure looking forward to spring break.

We decided to lay back down for fifteen to twenty minutes. That was nice. We were really dreamy and slipped into deep dream for a few minutes. Now: We are up in multiD.

It is Our last day before spring break and early outs.

We enjoy Our kids as usual and most ride. A few stay home.

We have Our normal morning break and go straight through from Our noon to PM sections.

There is a bad snowstorm a ways out on Our noon section. It is very slick and We run late. When We get back closer to town We find that the storm is isolated and never got close to town. People look at Us like We are crazy when We tell “them” that We are late because of the snowstorm.

Our highschooler is waiting for Us and “they” are anxious to begin spring break.

We get to Our PM gradeschool right on time.

Our kids are very ready to begin break. Our “bad boy” is acting up inside the school and never even comes out. “They” have been picking on another student who rides Our bus All day and We are glad that We do not have to deal with that.

We finish early and are in multiD. We enjoy being in 3D within multiD. It continues to be new and We do have to adapt.

At home We stay up a little late.

Now: We are ready to begin a week of dreaming.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Back on the bus in 3D within multiD



Back on the bus in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:33 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

Check the time stamp.

We wake grateful again. We can tell that We are in multiD and We likes it. We know that We create Our day. Our old beliefs keep Us in the same ol' same ol'. We can resist it or embrace it. We created it.

Thank Us.

We stayed home the last two days. Our stomach was not feeling well. We knew it was about Our transitioning AND We found it was about processing the current energies. Something(s) needed doing that required deep dreaming. The kind We only get to by staying home alone. There is a world/life that We visited and woke from that thelt very familiar. We revisited it several times. We really likes it. We thelt other stuff going on inside too.

We are way deep in multiD. Thank Us.

We decided to plug in Our chariot for a bit since We have not driven it in several days. It is warm enough that We probably do not need to. It is nice to have it start easily. Glad We plugged it in ‘cause it was still a little hard to start. We theel that it needs more fuel system cleaner. We love Our chariot.

It is nice to see Our kids again. Very few mention Us being gone. Our driver is glad to have Us back. She said she had some doozies for attendants. She told Us some stories as We went through the day.

Only two of Our middleschoolers rode. “They” both appreciated having Our Nook again. We get the theeling that Our first kid (the quiet One) is happy to see Us even though “they” did not actually say anything. “They” do seem quite shy.

Several of Our gradeschoolers called out so We have extra time and get to school earlier than usual. Our separation kid does great even getting on the bus. “They” have a black eye and a story to tell Us before “they” get seated. We can not make out most of the words. “They” are very intent to tell Us “their” story. It seems a pet bit “them” or scratched “them” (something along those lines). It is sooooo cute to see such intensity from a three year old.

We are happy that We have time to go to the pool on Our first break. We really do not wanna smell like the flu All day.

Our noon kids play for the most part. One often has trouble stopping playing on the playground and getting on the bus. Today is One of those days. The other two do great and play most of the ride: until “they” fall asleep.

We hang out at base on Our PM break. As usual: the only We would accomplish on this short break is losing Our parking spot. The ice is way hanging off the One roof where there is a lot of parking. Rather not park there.

We do not have Our preschoolers today. “They” have not ridden much this week according to Our driver. There is a bug going around. Imagine that.

Our “bad boy” basically ignores Us. We theel that “they” are expressing “their” version of missing Us. Our foster kid gets upset when We tell “them” not to take another students mitten. It is part of “their” play. We are very careful about kids taking other kids things regardless. Especially when “they” have to reach across the aisle to do it. “They” get over it pretty quick.

Our mechanic called so We called him back after the last kid is home. Everything is done and now he found a vacuum leak. He had suspected that. We tell him to see what he can do and if it is gonna take too much it will have to wait. He says that Blu is starting and running much, much better and it was doing good before. He says the front end work makes a big difference.

We finish early and stop for groceries for Our coming break. We wanna make stew. Have not made stew in a long time. We ARE multiD and still in 3D.

At home We bring in Our groceries and warm Our cabin. We got cheddar, broccoli soup at the store. We were gonna make steak soup with it and decide it is much easier to just eat it. We got a large container and there is plenty leftover to make steak soup. We got a large package of sirloin steak for the stew and there should be plenty for both.

We played Pocket Camp a bit with dinner while Our cabin warms. We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream a little early. We have thelt really weak All day. Our body is clearly in transition.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Can’t stay in 3D: mostly multiD



Can’t stay in 3D: mostly multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:27 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We did not set Our coffeemaker ‘cause We had enough leftover coffee for this morning. We still woke a few minutes before Our alarm. That IS a good thing.

We are practicing and remembering being more of who We really are. We ARE source energy AND unconditional love. We wanna live as/by Our true nature. We are nearly ready to stop pretending to be less than.

We had a great weekend dreaming. We are aware of revisiting some worlds All weekend. We have some really fun friends that We met there. We are becoming aware that We visit tons of worlds All the time. We only remember a few still. Our awareness IS expanding gradually. Not that long ago We did not even know that other worlds existed. We certainly did NOT know that it is All here. Not different locations: different vibrations/frequencies/dimensions.

We are way deep in multiD and can barely stay outta dream. We have a new rider on Our middleschool section and “they” enjoy playing on Our Nook. Our first rider goes to dream when “they” pass Our Nook on to the new rider. Our third rider does not ride. Mom says it is Monday stuff. Later: We real-eyes it is energy stuff.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride. “They” are “their” typical Selves. Some are quiet and some are playful. The One with separation issues has trouble leaving mom and settles down right away Once “they” are buckled in and the bus starts moving. When “they” start talking to Us: You would never guess that there was a problem.

We go to the pool on Our first break.

We notice that We do not wanna eat much.

All of Our noon riders ride and are happy and playful as usual. We are having a really hard time staying in 3D at All.

We do not theel like eating Our samich on Our second break. We hang out at base. It is a little cold and cloudy to spend break in Our chariot.

Our highschooler is quite ornery today. Our driver and Us both theel that the trip was not that good for “them”. Driver thinks “they” messed up his med routine. We theel it is more like overload. Probably both.

Several of Our gradeschoolers do not ride. We finish early and that is just fine with Us. Still only barely in 3D.

At home: We are much deeper in multiD and ready to dream. We do not theel like having dinner.

Our mechanic calls to tell Us “they” hit a snag on the frontend work. “They” will have to get some specialty tools to finish.

We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream which is a very short trip.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Another 3D day within multiD



Another 3D day within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:23 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again.

Thank Us.

Our first rider does not ride. We miss “them”. Then Our next rider does not ride either. We call in that We have no riders for Our middle school. We take a potty break on Our way to start Our AM gradeschool. Most of those ride. The One who has separation issues rides and has a rough start as usual. “They” settle down right away as usual too. The other kids are either quiet or playful. One has a game with “them” and plays that most of the ride. Of course “their” seatmate is fascinated with it. “They” are happy to just watch. The kid who was being buckled in by mom is now getting in by “themSelves” and letting Us buckle “them”. “They” like to play peek-a-boo on the ride.

We have lunch on Our first break.

All of Our noon kids ride. “They” are playful and fun.

We stay at base and eat Our samich in Blu on Our second break. We do a little more organizing in Blu. It is a little colder than yesterday so We do not do too much. We do reset Our alarm for this break.

Most of Our PM kids ride. Our foster kid is quiet and sits alone again. We theel that “they” do not get much alone time. This gives Us the opportunity to play with Our preschooler on the way to “their” house.

We go hottub after We finish. We think about going to get German food after. We are way too relaxed to wanna do even that.

At home We decide to have a dish of I-scream. Our mechanic calls and wants to connect to take Our blu dragon to do the front end and finish some other stuff. We got blu stuck when We drove in knowing it was gonna happen. We were too far outta 3D to stop before it happened. He is gonna come out and help Us get out. About an hour before he is gonna get here he calls and tells Us he is on the way. We are now in 3D enough to see about getting Blu out OurSelves. It just takes a little snovelling and some rocksalt and it backs right out like a good little dragon.

Thank Us.

We are getting more better and better at taking it easy and not stressing. Breathe and relax.

We had thought about taking a nap before time to connect with Our mechanic and the time seemed to fly bye. We ARE in multiD.

We follow Our mechanic to drop off another customer’s rig and have him drive home since We are fading. We stop at Carl’s Jr. Since fast food is about the only thing open this late. Neither of Us has eaten and We both need food.

We get home and only play in multiD a little before heading to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Colder 3D within multiD



Colder 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:29 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again.

We left Our heater on low pilot All night. It is still chilly yet warmer than it would be otherwise. The temp outside is near 0. In town it is -17. We created this.

Thank Us.

Another great day even though it is starting Our cold.

Our quiet kid is the only who rides to the middleschool. “They” are speaking up more when saying hi and bye. “They” really do seem like a nice kid. God knows how other A-dults treat “them”.

Most of Our gradeschoolers rode. The One who screams when mom puts “them” on stayed home (maybe overslept). The One whose mom was putting “them” in “their” starseat got on by “themSelves” and let Us buckle “them” in.

The playful kids played hard.

We went to the store for soup on Our break. It is nice to have Our warm blue dragon. We are bundled warm and the booster heater on the bus works some. It IS colder than yesterday by a few degrees. We are warmer because of how We dressed.

We have three riders on Our noon section. The last One had been out sick a couple of days and is excited to be back. At first “they” get mad because “their” friend wants to sit alone. “They” get over it fairly quick.

We stay at base on Our short PM break. We do a little cleaning up inside Blu. We really like having sooooo much space. We are parked in the sun so it is very nice.

Our highschooler is not riding and We go to check out the German food trailer. We find him outside a local German brewery. He does not open until 3 which is kinda close to time for Our PM gradeschool. We think We can make it One day at least. We could stop by after We get done on the bus too.

Our gradeschoolers are a little quieter than usual. The foster kid wants to sit alone. Rather sullen. We ask a couple of times if everything is okay and “they” say it is. Our “bad boy” is in a good mood and still not as excited as yesterday.

We slip into dream and multiD on the ride back. We remember after that We wanna get groceries on Our way home. We will wanna hottub tomorrow afterwards and this shopping makes that easier.

We get Our groceries and slip deeper into multiD.

At home: We bring in Our groceries and heavy clothes. We had unlayered during the afternoon.

We play Animal Crossing into and with dinner. We are enjoying it. We leveled up enough amenities to be able to craft an air balloon.

Now: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream a little earlier than the last few days.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

A cold 3D day in multiD



A cold 3D day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:21 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and We do likes it. We got up a few minutes early since We were awake and did not wanna return to dream that close to time to get up.

Thank Us.

It may be a little colder this morning. It only snowed a little since Our plowguy came. Good news for Us. We did a little show snovelling this morning. Maybe more later. Maybe snot. We theel that We will probably end up getting a bobcat to make room for more plowing.

Sure would be nice to see some melting.

It is a lot colder than We had any idea it would be.

Thank Us.

We ARE creating this to assist Us to accept and allow who We really are.

Our first kid is speaking up a little more when “they” say good morning and see You later/tomorrow. Maybe “they” are shy? We hope We help “them” have a better life. We have no idea what “their” circumstances are. Of course “they” create what benefits “them” the most.

Our second rider is absorbed in books that We have on Our Nook. We might look for more over Our spring break.

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride. There is a stuck sped bus on Our route. “They” go to a school back in Fairbanks so We can not be much help until after We finish Our route which is about another half an hour. “Their” rescue bus gets stuck too. The bus that We rescued yesterday is doing fine today.

Our driver asks if We wanna stop at Safeway and We do. It is pretty cold on Our bus. We decide that We just wanna stay at base where it is warm. We find the dispatch is warm. The rest NOT because “they” have the barn doors open to remove ice. “They” work on ice and snow removal All day. We have Our soup in dispatch which is quite unusual for Us. It is just too cold anywhere else. We do find (Later) that the training barn is not quite as cold.

Our last student (on Our noon section) does not ride. We do fine getting to the rest. One mom meets Us at the main road and Our driver tells her that We can get to the house tomorrow. No fresh snow and colder temps does make driving better. We finish about Our usual time because We go to the end (of Our route) for a potty stop.

Our PM break is short and it IS cold so We stay in dispatch again. We do walk to the training barn to find a warm place to hide.

Our highschooler rides and at “their” stop “their” careprovider tells Us that “they” will be going to Juneau for the next two days for some sort of special needs conference/assembly or something. We ARE happy for “them”.

We do not theel like getting anything to eat between schools. Starbucks sounds really good though so We indulge.

Two siblings do not ride. We do NOT know what is going on with “them”. “Their” mother had told Us that One would be temporary. We are pretty sure that the house where We were taking “them” was the grandparents house?

Our “bad boy” is in a really good mood. “They” had a good day and are very excited about it. “They” tell Us about some of “their” Minecraft adventures.

It is too cold to get comfortable even though it is warmer than earlier. The sun is actually working. That IS nice.

We go directly home. We wanna unload Our heating oil and do a little snovelling. It is supposed to be even colder tomorrow and We wanna drive Blu because it is warmer.

We play Animal Crossing and decide to have dinner with the animals. Then We play in multiD a bit and now We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.