Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013



A little bit different

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:15:15 AM

Good morning. We seemed to spend a lot of time having waking dreams last night. Were We asleep or awake, well We thought We were awake. Funny thing is that We do not remember what We were doing except that We were recognizing and processing experiences of being multidimensional. We really are, All-ways have been but We are just now becoming aware of it.

We remember experiencing OurSelves being on board ship watching another version of Us being earth bound. That is the only specific part We remember. Oh,oh We just remembered more about living here but with the front of the cabin opening to everything and the side opening into an enchanted forest. Do You remember Our dreams about that? Only this seemed to be a waking experience or memory of it

There is a lot going inside each and every One of Us. Some are noticing and recognizing, others are frustrated and even shocked. Each of Us is exactly where We need to be. Many are struggling to remain in the old patterns and energy. Others are trying to change things from the outside in. Each person has “their” own personal journey and mission. No One needs to be wrong in order for someOne else to be right. Opposites can co-exist. If We were All supposed to sing the same note at the same time why would We need over seven billion of Us? It is time (if We want, if We choose) to learn to be different, to honor Our differences and to live in harmony. In harmony with OurSelves, each other and Our planet.

We are having some experiences this morning that might appear less than perfect. We are reminding OurSelf that everything is perfect. Our old habit is to ponder and mull each thing over and over trying to figure out how to “fix” it. Now, We are taking the approach that maybe it is not broken. Maybe holding on to any of these things is part of what appears to keep Us stuck in limitation 3D. We are working on accepting rather than fixing. It is not easy. Certainly it is simple but it goes against everything We have been programmed to do and think.

We are also having more experiences of noticing other versions of Our reality while awake. It is very gradual progress but We like it that way.

The gradeschoolers continue to amuse and amaze Us. We are making better connections every day and learning “their” likes and dislikes. We really love it when We get smiles and laughter from “them” which is happening more and more.

They” are teaching Us and showing Us how to be now. We have no idea how aware “they” are of this. “They” are just being “themSelves” and We are allowing “them” to be “themSelves” as long as “they” are safe.

When “they” talk, We do not All-ways know what “they” say but We try to talk with “them” regardless. When “they” make up a game, We play along if We can. This usually delights “them”. Some enjoy: “pick on the attendant” the most.

We subbed on the noon route that takes two of Our morning students home. We had a great time playing games with “them” and “they” had a lot of fun too.

The boy in the wheelchair did not ride today.

The middleschoolers were quite loud and trying to annoy each other. No obvious reason why.

When We got home We read an email that reminded Us to use ho'oponopono in such cases. It seems that as We focus more on being multidimensional, We need reminders about tools We have picked up in 3D.

Monday, April 29, 2013



Experiencing expanding

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:01:25 AM

Good morning. We slept in because We could and We were having such a great time in Our dreams. Shadow got up to check on Us several times. He knows when We are sleeping in somehow.

It really is kinda amazing to Us the number and variety of worlds and lives that We experience in dream. We rarely visit the exact same world twice. We may return to One when We wake and go back to sleep quickly but each night We are aware of more and different worlds. Last night We played in many worlds. Some/most were inhabited with familiar humans but some were not. Yet, We were completely comfortable and familiar with the non-human looking inhabitants. Perhaps these are worlds We have not been remembering the last several nights. Now, We have a little better awareness since We have visited several times and “they” are becoming familiar? We really can not describe any because Once again We are not visual in Our dreams. We feel and sense “them” and somehow know that “they” appear quite different from humans. “They” feel very friendly and loving.

This reminds Us how many people fear aliens and if there anything to fear it resides in Our current reality and its inhabitants. Or, better yet: It resides inside Us. We fear what is outside and the scariest things are inside. After All, the external is what We project.

In One world We clearly remember being in a mind controlled hover craft taking students home. We missed the road a student lives on so We on to the next road to turn around. Guess what? The next road was also the road the student lives on. We knew that if We kept going, every road We came to would be the road the student lives on until We got the student home. Only then would We find another road. It is a world (actually much like Ours really is but We do not believe it is so) where We can NOT make any mistakes. We get exactly what We ask and are looking for. We can deny this All We want and that is exactly what We will get. We create proof to support whatever We believe.

The reason We are amazed at the number and variety of worlds available is that We have spent so many lifetimes thinking We are trapped in only limitation 3D. It is not true but We create All the evidence We need to support Our belief and to make it look correct. These are deep, deep seated beliefs and do not change on a whim. However, as We change Our beliefs, Our world expands. For Us (personally) this is a very gradual process, it may happen faster for others.

Our mind is trying to think (and even worry) about what We want to do today. We remind OurSelf that Our first priority is to rest and relax. We may even go back to dreaming soon. There is nothing that We have to do today regardless of how important any or All of it may seem. This is a hard One for Us but We are making progress. We are growing and expanding and We are supporting this as much as We are able.

We are remaining aware of Our (out of body) visitors from Our dreams. “They” do not go away when We wake, We may or may not forget and ignore “them”. If “they” are Our imaginary friends, well, everyOne needs more friends imaginary or not. So, We will just sit with “them” for a while. Who knows, “they” may take Us on an adventure and do All the tasks We think We need to do.

BTW, just sitting is hard for Us without going back to sleep and dream, so if that is what We feel We need then that is what We will do.

We went back to dream for about an hour. Apparently there were some worlds that We still needed to visit this morning. All that We remember is that in these worlds, in Our dream life/lives We experience a level of intimacy that We have never experienced in the physical. Is that because at that level We really do get it that it is All Us?

We theel like We are ready to start transplanting some of Our seedlings now. It is (and has been) quite chilly outside. Does not seem to be up to freezing yet. We also hope to get the new ramp for Shadow for the truck fixed up today but We will see. The new ramp will be wider and sturdier yet should be lite enough to be easy to use. It should make getting in and out easier for Shadow, We hope.

The transplanting seemed to go well but the ramp seems like it is fighting Us.

After a while We got it that We are doing 3D stuff while We are not in (or completely focused in) 3D. It is a different experience for Us. It is NOT bad even though at first We would judge it as bad. That is what had prevented Us from experiencing it more previously. Now, though at first We may still resist, We are learning/remembering to embrace the experience and walk through it gaining what there is to gain.

We are going to dream a little early.

Sunday, April 28, 2013



An experience

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:56:11 AM

Good morning. Another busy night. We do not remember a lot of details but We do remember some. There were a lot of the students from Our route and We were in some type(s) of community. Here is the really cool part, there were many versions of each of the kids and there were many similar but different worlds and lives that We were living. There were also some of the people from the kids family and circle of friends. There was not anything earth shattering happening, just living in joy and happiness and acceptance.

There was no feeling of handicaps or problems with the kids. “They” are seen and honored as gifted. Some needed more help with daily living and others just needed friendship and acceptance. The worlds We were visiting accepted these kids as “they” are and recognized “their” gifts for what “they” are.

We guess it was All earth shattering compared to the world We seem to live in where society tries to mainstream these kids and stifle “their” gifts and abilities. Then again, We do not really live there any more. We are aware of that world, and perhaps We could say that We function there, but We live in an expanding world. We like the experience We are having and the world(s) that the kids take Us to.

We definitely feel the galactics observing and assisting as We transition into the new earth and new energies. We recognize that many still do not see and experience the transition and others see and experience it in a much different way. Our typical reaction is to think that someOne is in the wrong. Now, We know that this is not true. Each One of Us is exactly where We belong doing what We are here to do.

We are just now reading an article that talks about gathering (not necessarily in the physical) to join and strengthen Our energies and intents. At first, We kinda balked because often a gathering means trying to get everyOne to do it (whatever it might be) the same way. Then, We got it that this can be a choir (and the article is talking about singing Our songs). In a choir, We do not All sing the same note at the same time. That is exactly what is going on in Our world. We are beginning to harmonize rather than sing solos or everyOne trying to sing the melody or some dis-harmonic cacophony. This is new in this context.

We could also liken this building a house or other building (and maybe keep in mind that soon We will be growing structures rather than building). We are not All installing windows. There is just no way to build (or grow) a structure that is All windows. We need a foundation of some sort and something to support the windows, something like walls. We also need some form of energy to power Our toys and some method of transferring this energy as needed/wanted (in the present this would be electrical wiring). A source of water and a system to transport it is also desirable. If All We have are windows, We would not be comfortable.

For some reason, We (most/many of Us) have a mistaken belief that We must/should All be singing the same note at the same time, or that We should All (everyOne in the world) be window installers. This perspective only supports limitation.

We got lost in there somewhere, or slipped into another reality.

We have a first aid class today. We did get to sleep in an hour but We really would prefer a day off like Our normal Saturdays. We really detest these classes. Sad that We feel this way but alas, We own Our feelings.

We definitely slipped a reality or two, too bad We didn't slip into One (or twelve) where We get to stay home today. Yes, We know something good could come from the class. We are trying to stay open to that. We real-eyes that part of living in a perfect includes this required class attendance being perfect. We are much less resistant than previously so We claim progress. We accept that this class is part of the disguise and illusion that We are beginning to see through.

The class was not nearly as painful as We had anticipated. There were several factors. Fist, We allowed OurSelf to be OurSelf and not focus on only 3D. Next, even though We had the same instructor as last time We did not have to practice on each other. We really have difficulty with touching people in such a setting. Plus, there were signs of people waking even if it is (apparently) very early in “their” process. A bumper stickers saying: “Kill Your TV before it kills You”. The instructor saying We are not designed to live the lifestyle most people live. People talking about getting and living off the grid. A driver talking about moving to a village in Russia to live more natural. This is encouraging.

We have grown and changed in the three years since the last class We took and it is reflected in this experience.

Saturday, April 27, 2013



Living in a perfect world

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:46:20 AM

Good morning. We woke very focused on being multidimensional and remembering that this includes 3D. We do not know if this means anything special or if it is just a continuation of what We have been living. Then there is both and often more both. We went to dream and woke both with Luke Sleepwalker on Our mind. We know that he is working with Us. We have fleeting memories of being with the galactics too. We know that We are with “them” a lot but not aware of it. We are sooooo focused on the kids when We are awake.

We do wonder how much We might be starting/continuing to appear to others like Luke Sleepwalker?

We are getting feelings and visions about the world where everything is perfect. The world We actually live in but disguise with Our belief in illusions and impossibilities. We demand that the world of separation and limitation is real but it is only a make believe disguise. A world, many worlds based in love and built with love are what is truly real. It is here and now, We only have to acknowledge it in order to begin to become consciously aware of this. As more and more become aware, the awareness and acknowledgment and obviousness will expand exponentially.

We continue to have these feelings and experiences of being in the world but not of the world.

The gradeschoolers are interesting today. The boy who does not talk much ad a great time picking on Us in different ways. He is quite imaginative. The helpful boy got mad at Us for some reason. Then he got playful and enthusiastic when there was a basketball in the road and We asked him if he likes to play basketball. Later, he turned sullen again. We think he may not be feeling well.

The twins wanted to sit together for the first time. “They” are much more talkative and active when sitting together. “They” had a good time and are well behaved. “They” really do get the cutest expressions and cat got the canary grins.

Our bus broke down on the way to the home of the boy who lives an hour away. Our driver had reported a problem before We left but “they” said to take that bus anyway. We were not very late because “they” got a replacement bus to Us very quickly. That was actually quite surprising. We had a good time with the student, talking and joking around.

The boy in the wheelchair fell at school (apparently he was using the stairs, We were not there so We do not know the details) and hurt his tooth and jaw. He was NOT in a good mood. We asked if it hurt to talk and he said yes and nodded. It was sad to see him like this. It was like the first couple of days riding with him only back then he was not in pain. We told him We would just send psychic messages and he nodded. We sent a lot of love and care.

There were only two middleschoolers on the bus so We got to exchange a few more words than usual. The awesome invisible boy even responded to Our: “Have a good weekend” with: “You too”. We were shocked and pleased.

We slipped a little into dream after the last student got off the bus.

We thought We might do a few extra things since We get to sleep in an hour tomorrow but We chose to go to dream early.

Friday, April 26, 2013



Expansion and connection

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:05:43 AM

Good morning. Another busy and fun night yet that is All We remember. As We were experiencing Our dreams, “they” were clear but as soon as We woke We knew We could not remember anything except that We had had a good time and it seemed to fill Our night.

As We were drifting into Our night world, We could feel the presence of the sleepwalker. Perhaps others too but he was the clearest. We felt a strong recall of the kids and galactics saying: “We want to work with You”. We had not felt (been aware of) anything that really felt like what “they” were talking about when We first started. It has been fun and informative the whole time but We were not clear about what “they” were doing collectively. Now, We see it taking shape as “they” draw Us further into multi-D. The sleepwalker seems to be a key.

Last night We thought/dreamed/planned to share about the sleepwalker on Our discussion groups. We may do that this morning after We re-read what We typed about it yesterday. Now, that too seems like a distant world, a fleeting memory that brings a smile to Our face. Yes, We want to be like that when We grow up. He has a true gift which is not recognized by society. People will try to change him. So far, he seems to be doing well at resisting being mainstreamed.

This morning We are clearly aware of living in many worlds at the same time. We feel that is a direct and indirect result of meeting and interacting with the sleepwalker. This is part of Our ongoing process and We can now feel the work the kids and galactics are doing with Us, the help We are getting. We do have to remember that the work/role each person on earth is doing/playing is “their” very important part and contribution. We are remembering to leave judgment in the passed and honor and allow the differences. In this paradigm the differences are as important and valuable as the similarities.

It seems that the gradeschoolers are really opening up. Whatever problem(s) the little girl had, We are either working through “them” or she is over “them”. She wants someOne to sit next to her but when there is room (and there is room in the bus We have today) the boys want to sit by “themSelves”. We talked with her a lot, today she wanted to talk to Us and tell Us little things.

The boy who did not talk to Us before is now talking, laughing and teasing Us. He loves it when he gets a shocked facial expression from Us.

We have a long break because the highschooler who lives an hour away is not riding and We did not know early enough to get a sub route. We will go hot tub and do some grocery shopping. It is actually nice to have these long breaks from time to time.

The boy in the wheelchair asked: “What do You want to talk about today?” We said: “Well, what do You want to talk about?” He said: “Today it's Your turn to decide.”

We suggested dragons but he said he had All-ready told Us about those. We went through a list of things he had told and asked: “How about unicorns?” He said: “I don't know.” We asked: “You don't know about unicorns?” He said: “I All-ready told You what I know about unicorns.”

We asked if he had watched any new movies or played any new games. He said: “No” but then launched into an animated story of what he did in Mario. (The middleschoolers play Mario and the sounds he made were identical to the sounds on “their” game machines) He really gets into these stories and it truly seems like he is doing the things he describes.

The connection with the middleschoolers is growing stronger even though most of that is telepathic. We do not mean to infer that telepathic is less than verbal but it is harder for Us to recognize. We are still much like the muggles in this area but We are becoming more and more aware of the telepathic messages and connections. We are learning to pay attention to the feelings We get. Many things that seem like intuition are also sendings from others. These others may or may not know more about something than We do. We check to see if it resonates and sticks with Us.

As We prepare for dream We feel the presence of Luke Sleepwalker. He has much he wants to show Us and share with Us. We also feel the presence and influence of the galactics in this. We sense Our presence on ship tuning and attuning this. We feel the sensation of a world(s) where everything is perfect and flowing and loving. We know that such worlds exist in the here and now but We have “them” disguised and hidden in the illusion of the impossible. We continue to be reminded that separation and limitation are impossible but We made/make “them” to be very convincingly real.

Thursday, April 25, 2013



A sleepwalker

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:21:06 AM

Good morning. We decided to dream in a little. Again, Our dreams/lives in other worlds seemed very clear at the time but now are only fleeting images and pleasing memories. We are certain that the kids are taking into multi-D.

We are learning about the distractions of Our world and how “they” tend to easily draw Us out of multidimensional living into a focus on a single dimension. Single focus is familiar, that is how We could fully experience and examine limitation 3D. Expanding is unfamiliar and We must continue to shift Our focus, pan out so to speak, in order to venture forth into the new.

We are getting snippets and insights and some are clear while others evaporate like steam. It sure does feel like the kids and galactics are working with Us. Some We can grasp and more gets filed until it is more familiar.

We are having a tropical snow storm, slup and frozen melt. A real mess, well an illusionary mess.

We subbed on a new (for Us) route. We met Our perfect match. A kindergartener (or pre-K) who slept/dreamt the whole trip. At school he came to enough to get out of his car seat and put on his backpack and walk to the door with his eyes closed. He held out his hand for Us to help him down the steps and then held Our hand and walked All the way to class asleep. Outside his classroom (We were early) he sat on the bench and slept until the teacher had another boy wake him. He stood up (eyes closed) walked to another boy's father and real-eyesed it wasn't Us, opened his eyes long enough to find Us and walked over and took Our hand and went back to sleep. When the class lined up, he walked over, found his place and went back to sleep/dreaming. What a great kid. Of course the teacher is trying to break him of it, that is sad but most people just do not understand the art of dreaming.

The other kids tell Us he sleeps like this All the time. We were amazed that he trusted Us and connected with Us so quickly. Then We remembered that We knew he was communicating with Us as he was dreaming. We did not know what he was saying/sending but We could feel him. As usual, We were not fully aware, did not really know or believe that anything was happening because We did not “hear” or even sense anything specific. Now We know he was probing Us (with Our consent of course, We were fully aware of inviting him in as We watched him sleeping) and getting to know Us at a much deeper level than if We had been having a waking conversation.

Isn't it funny, that We think it would be the other way around?????

Afterwards, We told the story to several other drivers and “they” too were amazed. We real-eyesed that he remained with Us though in the physical We had left him at school. We hope We get to spend more time with him in the physical too. We also hope his parents have even a small clue what a gift this is. It would be/is difficult in Our society (as it is) but it really takes a lot of intelligence and talent to do what he does.

We can feel his mission. While We were with him, We were deep in the experience and did not recognize the forest for the trees. Much was gained in retrospecting and he probably told Us much Once We could take Our focus off the physical act of getting him to class and go to dream OurSelf.

We want to be like him when We grow up.

The boy in the wheelchair told Us more about playing Halo. He starts out telling about playing a game but then he gets into it and it is him doing these amazing things. It is really fun to be a part of this. He went silent and We asked him if he had gone into stealth mode. He lit up like a light bulb and went into a very animated story about doing many things in stealth mode. Perhaps this is his version of telling about his dreams?

The invisible middleschooler is the king of awesomeness today. He truly is awesome to spend a little time with each day. We hope he knows We feel this way. It feels like he does and he seemed to be telling Us something yesterday, or maybe he was just feeling into Our mind too. Perhaps he sensed the presence of the sleepwalker and was connecting to that.

When We got home, We were anxious to go to dream. We pondered sharing this and are heading into dream.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013



Dreaming multidimensional

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:06:02 AM

Good morning. Another fun night living in other realities and playing with new and old friends. We remember being in and with a native village. It was not All fun (as We in limitation 3D would think of fun) but We were having a good time. There were other realities too that We were playing in. Now, We are drifting in and out of waking awareness and the memories are pleasant but fleeting. We are reminded to be now.

This is an ongoing theme. In the now, All is safe and even pleasant if We stay in the now. Often, the passed and future bite but the present in pleasant. In the present We can float through infinity and drift upon the waves of contentment and feel the love that abounds. We are reminded that “in the now” is where, when and how We have access to the Fae and the magik.

When We are with the students, We are very present in the now as are “they”. When We are apart, “they” often take Us to dream which is living in alternate now(s). In dream life there is no passed or future, only now.

There is much more We would like to share with You but We are spending most of Our day in dream. It feels like the kids are taking Us into now, into multi-D. We seem to be experiencing that there is a definite connection between dream, the now and multidimensionality. Not at All surprising but something We had not really been consciously aware of fully.

The bus We are using has less seats so We had to do different seating for the gradeschoolers. Several who have All-ways wanted to sit alone had someOne sitting next to “them” and “they” were All talking and laughing and had a great time.

The autist has been out sick for a week and he rode again today. He wanted to stay home again and he voiced his displeasure but he was completely cooperative. It was interesting to be a part of and observe. We are not used to someOne throwing a tantrum and yet cooperating.

It feels like he is the main One taking Us into dream today. The highschooler also seems to be playing a part and sending some kind of message that We are receiving the feeling but not clear on what it is.

The middleschoolers started a bit loud and antagonizing each other. “They” settled down quickly and had a good ride. Again, more connection at a deep level.

We just do not have the energy and words to describe what it is like where We are going today.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013



Let it come

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:11:19 AM

Good morning. Another great night of playing in multi-D. Again, We do not remember a lot of details but it was about letting/allowing the transition to happen, to come to Us. It was about relaxing and taking it easy and playing. What a relief.

Towards the end of the night there was a shock wave, a blast that swept through the area We were in. We knew that this symbolizes the wave of new energy that is sweeping the earth at this time. It will clear All the debris in its way. The false constructs will be swept away. Only the real will remain. Limitation will exist in another level, but not here anymore. But then, here and there are concepts that belong to the old energy of limitation. So...........

In Our dream life We are easily allowing multidimensionality to come to Us. To a lesser extent We are also doing so in Our waking life. In waking it is sooooo easy to slip back into the old ways and mindset. We All-most have to struggle not to struggle. Of course, We really only need to remember not to struggle. Open, let go and allow. That is not the way of Our world but it is gradually becoming the way.

The gradeschoolers are becoming more talkative. One supervisor used to say: “Kids are solar powered”. Is it that or are “they” becoming more comfortable with Us?

The boy in the wheelchair got a very serious look on his face as he said: “I want to tell You about something today. It is something very mysterious. You have never heard of it before.” I became very attentive. I All-ways give him My attention but now even more so. He told Us about cards that are alive and give powers to people. We were very interested. He got into his usual animated story telling. Some people had only One card but some have several. He of course had cards that gave him super powers and he was bigger than other members of his family. He thought that was very funny.

We subbed on a route We have subbed on before so the kids there are getting familiar and comfortable with Us. The boy (on that route) that rides alone was playing several games and he would push Us into a sticker bush so that he could pull Us out. Then he would fall in so We could pull him out. He has a stuffed bat named Mabris that he showed Us and his friends at school.

We continue to see how the middleschoolers act over time. “They” really do not conform to societies standards. “They” want to fit and be accepted but “they” refuse to conform. We remember as a child wondering why We could not be accepted and liked for being who We are. At least We can accept “them” as “they” are. We have to try to keep “them” safe and low enough volume for the driver to be able to drive safely but We can allow “them” to be “themSelves”.

We chose to spend Our free time dreaming rather than typing so other than reporting that We are experiencing being in multi-D more and more when waking We do not have a lot to share. We like being multi-D but it is still hard to type when We are there.

Monday, April 22, 2013



Sit back and enjoy

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:29:36 AM

Good morning. What a great night at the dreams. Even though the only part We remember clearly is the last dream world before waking, We remember that All the others were similar and connected. As We have mentioned before, a lot of the dreams We have not remembered were leading up to dreams that We can remember. Those We can not remember were precursors that familiarized Us with the new and unfamiliar.

The last dream though an actual world, reality and experience was also metaphorical of Our current reality:

Once again We met a new friend for the first time and immediately clicked and connected. We were driving through a tropical area with extreme heat and bugs during the day and very cold at night. The thing is that We were able to adapt and be very comfortable in these conditions and We were able to comfort each other. We were escaping limitation. Escape might not be exactly the right word but We were being pursued by those who wanted to remain in limitation and felt that if anyOne left it would bring an end to limitation. So, We were leaving limitation and there many refugees along the way. The good news is that these refugees were quite unlike what We would imagine. There is no hardship in this journey and everyOne aids everyOne else.

We had a truck and picked up anyOne who wanted a ride. When the truck got full, We found a car and some rode in the car. Whatever apparent need arose, there was the supply to fill it. We created as We went and the camaraderie was simply amazing. These refugees were not beaten and battered. “They” are free and “they” are creators.

Whoever was pursuing Us was blind to Our presence.

It was like We were on holiday and going on a camping, exploring expedition. We were in a well known area yet We were the first to explore it. It was the same place at a different vibration. Our vehicles were part of the transition and turned into hover craft powered by sustainable, environment friendly methods. This is a grand adventure to be sure.

The dreams that preceded this led up to it. “They” laid the foundation of belief to build upon. Love abounds. Love is Our foundation and Our building material.

We are practicing letting go of the old. There are sooooo many ways that We hold onto the old without even real-eyesing it. We are bred in limitation and separation. We are programmed in those beliefs since birth and from previous lives in limitation 3D. We keep remembering to let go. We keep being reminded to let go. All-most everything We think and believe is part of limitation 3D and We choose to release it. We bless it. This All served Us well as We played Our game of pretend. We fully experienced because We fully believed.

Now, We can set All this free with love and appreciation. That is quite different from escaping.

We spent some time online reading and doing emails and then returned to dream where We actually returned where We left off. We do not do that too often, or are rarely aware of doing so.

We real-eyesed that the part of the forest where We have Our fort and will probably do the potable garden is on the side of the cabin that We have seen open to the enchanted forest in Our visions and dreaming. Interesting. It sure does feel like We are evolving and sliding into Nova Earth. No struggle, no earning, no running around All the bases just a gentle slip slide in to home base.

After typing about the ease and allowing We watched the April Crimson Circle Shoud. Find it here at first there was a lot that did not seem to fit for Us. The live audience is made up of people who are at/in a financial bracket that We are totally unfamiliar with. Yet, “they” are not any happier. Then, as the show progressed, We began to be able to relate. It was focused on ease and being. The main point was to let the energy come to Us. Struggle and earning is part of the old energy. Trying to attain to the new energy keeps it at bay and keeps Us stuck in the old.

This is totally contrary to what We have All-ways believed and been taught. It totally contradicts what is supported in Our society. It is revolutionary, and All We need to do is allow it.

Sunday, April 21, 2013



Laid back and jazzed

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:02:19 AM

Good morning. We woke earlier than We had intended but even though We are awake, We are not fully here. That is a good thing. We know We were playing with the students from Our route in Our dreams but We have no idea what We were doing.

So, here We sit, sliding amongst different worlds wondering what We are doing. We had some interesting experiences and insights during the week. We were thinking that there sure seem to be a lot of people still stuck in limitation and separation but We real-eyes We just visited worlds where that is the case. In other worlds We visited (yes in waking as well as dreaming) there are some people shifting that We would not have expected to meet there.

We are experiencing transition but it is not really Our world or the people in Our world/reality that are transitioning, it is Our awareness and focus. We are expanding. We have All-ways wanted to be aware of everything and All worlds/realities/dimensions/whatever. We even want to visit and sample each and All. We do NOT want to live in limitation of any type. We seem to find a lot of people who do want to live in limitation but maybe (again) those are only certain realities We are sampling. Judging anyOne or anything does seem to lock Us into that which We judge.

This morning Our mind is kind of scanning around trying to find things to think and/or worry about, focus on, attach to. We real-eyes that it is trying to re-anchor Us into 3D or even A higher D. We are slip sliding around in multi-D and this is just not familiar to Our conscious mind/brain. It thinks We must have a plan: that if We forget something or just drift lazily through the worlds and realities We will most surely suffer and maybe even die. This is unfamiliar territory We are in and We are kind of drifting aimlessly through (and around in) it. This basically terri-fries Our brain and delights Our heart. Our brain and ego think and demand that this is unsafe territory and practice. That is sooooo wrong. It is the limits and being stuck that are unsafe but “they” are familiar. We have a few things that We do want to accomplish today and We may or may not get around to “them” and it really does not matter. Thinking about “them”, planning and such are what keep Us stuck in “their” limitation reality.

Set My people free. The cry of Our heart.

It is normal (All-though not natural as We think it is) for Us to find projects, tasks, chores and to-dos and then think that Once those are done We can relax. Most of Us are thoroughly convinced of the validity of this. Experience has shown Us that We just scurry around and find something else that simply “must” be done. There is no end to it because it is the monkey mind at play and the monkey mind is infinite. The only way to end it is to stop. The only way to win is not to play. There is no amount of doing or activity that will bring/create rest and relaxation just as there is no amount of war that will bring and/or create peace.

We have created a “scurry” world and most of Us think that this is the way it has to be. As long as We believe it then that is the way it has to be.

We returned to dream and had a nice long dream session. The only thing We remember is that We were in a world where spring is much further along and We woke with the song: “Bright Eyes” running through Our head. We wonder if some of the dreams We do not remember are versions or pieces of Our life that We think We experienced in waking but experienced in dream instead. We do know that this used to happen when We were a child. Interesting that as much as We do not remember Our childhood We do remember having that experience.

We have decided to spend the day relaxing and procrastinating. We will take everything very, very slow. We may or may not get any projects etc. done. We are going to relax Our way into getting things done.
An online friend sent Us a link to Fab Tree Habs Here is a link to Google search results and We got jazzed. It reminds Us of Our onions or vice versa. Since We have been dreaming about this for about a year, it is exciting to find a university project from Our dreams. Soon, We will remember how to this in a reasonable amount of time (or instantly). Soon, We will be living in harmony with nature and Gaia.

We got quite a bit of transplanting done as there were quite a few seedlings ready to live in larger pots. We have been saying that We won't be doing an actual garden garden since raised beds are the way to go here and We won't get any built in time to plant. But why wouldn't Our pots work as raised beds???????? DUH and double DUH. If We want to improve the look, over time We can do that too in a variety of artistic and recycling ways. We can also follow the square gardening idea and if We put a pot where We want something else, We can easily the pot (plants and All). In the fall some pots can come inside, some can go under the cabin and some can stay out in the forest. Then We will learn what works best with what and so fourth. It will be a potable garden, hehehehe. We have started using scraps of old carpet to make paths through the forest. By expanding on this We can easily access Our potable garden out through the forest and use Our little red wagon (that We got from the dumpsters) to transport pots, plants, harvest. This is exciting. We are recycling, terraforming, permaculturing and playing.

We do want to redo Our fort this summer since it is falling down. From what We learned building Our privacy wall last summer We have lots of ideas for what We want to do. Then We may use that area for some of Our potable garden and let that lead into the forest garden. The pots will also simplify terracing Our garden if We want to do that. This is gonna be fun. We also hope to get a storage shed on wheels built so We can tear down the last section of temporary storage We built over 20 years ago. Then We can figure out for sure how We want to do a carport/spaceport, perhaps a greenhouse on the front of the cabin and grow a deck and front entry porchish and All the truly One-der-full ideas that We are not even aware of yet.

Saturday, April 20, 2013



Musings and experiences

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:23 AM

Good morning. We are changing and We know that Our dreams are a part of that. More than a part actually. We woke knowing that this world We wake into and live in is Our own projection. We were thinking about work and other daily situations and We started to judge some of Our others who are still very caught up in the game. We real-eyesed that this too is Our projection.

Our 3D world is messed and no mistake. This is because it is based in and on separation and limitation. Nothing short of changing that belief will actually affect any real change in Our 3D world. We are All-ready multidimensional so this should show Us that We can not escape (or be saved from) the world We created in order to experience the impossible. But, We are very fond of Our creation and this experience of the impossible. We want to keep the old AND live better lives. Good luck. But, We are All-ready doing the impossible so who knows what We will create next? The impossible takes a little longer but We have become quite good at doing the impossible.

We (personally) continue to open, let go and allow. This is the avenue We see that will affect real change in Our life.

The children We work with every day refuse to conform. We theel this is a great example. It is hard for most of “them” because “they” also want to be accepted. We who are A-dults know that it is easy(ier) to be accepted when We conform and that is how We (masses) chose to live. Now, We are not really happy living a regimented life but most do not know how to change or even have the will to do so.

There is something that We have been trying to convey in words for some time yet feel that We have fallen short, very short. It may well be what We are living and doing in Our dream life. There is a multidimensional world that exists, maybe it is many worlds maybe it is One world. That distinction and any importance to it is a 3D mentality construct. It just is, the need to label and restrict it is only important in a separation and limitation construct. What We are trying to convey, what We are trying to grasp and draw into Our own awareness and experience is that perfection All-ready exists.

All the disasters and woes and wars have All-ready ended, possibly long ago or in the now. But, out of habit and attachment to the familiar, We keep playing the same old tapes and viewing “them” on the screen We call Our world. This concept is sooooo hard to grasp and harder still to convey. We demand Our “real world” which is actually a lie and an illusion. There is no separation, no limitation, no starvation, no war, no April fools but We have a preponderance of evidence that proves it is All real. How do We slide into a perfect world? How do We do what We are here to do AND experience harmony and healing?

We know that We (personally and collectively) are love but We have very little evidence of this. Ah, but that too is arguable. There are examples every day but it is easier to notice and quote examples of anger and hatred (separation and limitation). We did so damn good when We set up this game, this experience of the impossible. The only way to win is not to play. We (personally) admit that (as much progress as We have made) We really do not know how to do that. We too are caught in the game. Yet, We are not.

Open, let go and allow.

We do recognize that We have made (and are making) much progress. We also recognize (though We usually forget) that each person is having “their” own perfect experience. Each One is entitled to do it “their” way for that truly is the only way We can.

We see what We project. Another concept that is hard to really grok. We are looking inside when We think We are looking out. There are sooooo many implications to that.

It is being a busy day. The schools had early outs which is All-ways a challenge for the buses. We have a charter/field-trip for a student in a wheel chair. Our bus is broken. Fortunately the bus We are using is larger because the entire class is riding with the student in the wheelchair. “They” would not have fit in Our regular bus. We got to meet and interact with a lot more students than usual.

We ended up with a longer break than We had anticipated with All the chaos and We chose to take care of a few things and go hot tub. This is very good for Us. We tried to stress about time and kept being reminded and reminding OurSelf that We are masters of time. We got everything done that We wanted to get done including the hot tubbing.

It is sooooo fun to observe the gradeschoolers as “they” grow and progress and get more and more comfortable with Us. Another boy who does not talk much talked with Us today. The non-verbal boy continues to make progress learning how to buckle and unbuckle himSelf in his car seat. Fortunately, he waits to unbuckle until We are stopped and parked at school. He gets the biggest grin when he knows he has helped and is doing good. The girl seems to be comfortable on the bus again and talks a little with Us.

The boy in the wheelchair asked what he should tell Us about today. He rehearsed All the things he had taught Us so far and remembered some more things that We need to learn about. He is a real delight.

Three of the middleschoolers had video games and were playing together. “They” tended to get excited and a bit loud and We had to keep reminding “them”: “Not so loud”. We told the invisible boy to have an awesome weekend. We have no idea if he even heard it and registered in 3D. As usual We wished each One a good weekend.

Friday, April 19, 2013



Reflections and experience

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:31 AM

Good morning. We continue to be busy in Our dream life experiencing a transitional world(s) and world(s) that are expanded and based/founded in love and built of love. We are love. Open, let go and allow. These mantras continue to flow through Our minds like automated programs. We are love. That is the basis of Our real world. The world We experience in waking is an illusion that We make real by Our belief. It overlays the real and perfect world like a film or gauze that is wearing very, very thin.

We continue to have few clear memories of Our dreams and again this is mostly because a perfect is sooooo unfamiliar to Our waking mind. We just remembered that it is also possible that We are working with others in Our dreams and what is happening is none of Our business in the waking world. It feels like there is a combination of these reasons.

We real-eyes that some/much of what We are writing may be (very) unclear right now. We theel this is because of Our (personal and collective) transition. We are slip sliding back and forth. It is hard to be clear 3D when experiencing being multi-D. We live in a perfect world that is filled (and often covered) with Our own projections of what it would be like to be separate and limited. These are impossibilities so Our projections are chaotic and insane imaginings. It is hard to conceive of a sane mind have insane ramblings but that is what is going on. Our world (for most of Us) is a collective dream/projection of impossibilities. That is what is happening on the world stage. Trying to change it from the outside is like rearranging the set on a stage or movie setting without changing the script.

As We speak of acceptance and living in a perfect world, We are not saying that nothing needs to change. Change (evolution) is the nature of infinity and eternity. Or perhaps it might be more accurate to say: “Changing perspective, sliding from One thing to another is the nature of infinity.” These really are hard concepts to convey in 3D without mixing in some separation/limitation because that has been the nature of 3D as We know it.

What We are saying is that the change must begin on the inside in order to be affective and that even this change can not be forced or mandated or regulated. It must be allowed its natural flow and progression. It will happen as We chose for it to happen long before We incarnated here. Trying to force it is like trying to push the river. We think that it is Our nature to force and push and “make something happen”, to: do something”. That is NOT Our nature. THAT is Our illusion. Our true nature is to create with/through Our love, Our loving thoughts and Our dreams. Action through non-action.

Again, difficult concepts to grasp and harder to convey with words.

Children know how to live and play this way. That is why We chose and are blessed to work with children. Especially those who refuse to be socialized and refuse to conform to a system that is broken. Even though We are working within and for that broken system and We must follow its rules, We are changing OurSelf from the inside out and supporting and paying attention to these kids.

Again confirmation: after typing that We started reading Aisha North's latest “Manuscript of Survival”: Part 301 Must be the message of the hour.

We were/are just now reminded that All of this is personal experience and choice. Others may/will experience something that seems to be completely different and perhaps even opposite to what We are experiencing. This does NOT make anyOne wrong. It is just a different experience/perspective to bring to the collective soup.

Meanwhile back at the bus: The gradeschoolers continue to amaze and entertain Us. The girl rode again today so We do not really know what is going on there. As We All-ways say at work: “We dispense information on a need to know basis; if You need to know, We don't tell You”.

The boys were All in an extremely good mood. The helpful boy sat next to the boy who rarely talks and “they” were both talking away.

We subbed on the same noon section as yesterday so the kids recognized Us and the boy who rides alone was talkative the whole ride. First he was riding a dinosaur then he was playing light sabers with Us.

The boy in a wheelchair asked Us if We had an imaginary friend. He started to ask his usual: “Can I tell You something?” but he decided to find out how We felt about imaginary friends first. We said: “Well, kind of” not knowing how to explain that Our whole life and world could be described as imaginary. He asked Our imaginary friend's name. We stammered on that. He said: “You forgot?” We answered: “We don't think he ever told Us”. We wanted sooooo bad to tell him he is One of Our imaginary friends. )We really do have to be careful what We say in this capacity. We can give Our full attention and support but We can not try to influence “their” belief. When We think about it, that is really a good thing.) He told Us a lot about his imaginary friend.

The middleschoolers are getting to be a bit of a challenge. As “they” become familiar with Us “they” are letting down “their” guard and not trying to be on “their” best behaviour. We want to allow “them” as much freedom as We can but it is sooooo easy for “them” to get excited and then get too loud. The language that We would allow and what We are supposed to allow are not the same. We are trying to find a balance here. Our driver seems to want the line drawn closer to normal guidelines yet further from his own language. Interesting how We as a society tend to do that. We do see many examples of that changing too though. The thing right now is that “they” tend to defend “themSelves” by putting others down. We are having a difficult time with that. Also, “they” like to poke each other which is not safe and really can easily go too far. And, being teenagers, sex is becoming a topic. We will learn how to deal with this in this setting.

Thursday, April 18, 2013



Living and learning/remembering

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:39:02 AM

Good morning. Again We do not remember much from Our dreams. We continue to process the information We have been given and are receiving. We are in the midst of the shift, but most people do not know this and continue to live and create out of habit. We are repeating the same dramas, the same reality even though the door (portal) is wide open to slip into something brand new. We (the people, the masses and the individuals) are the Ones who must pass through this portal. No body can take that step, make that choice for Us.

This is an individual process and each of Us will bring the story Our personal experience (how We awoke, how We ascended and just how many times We went around the mountain to get home) to the collective. It will be a grand sharing with much revelry. We will have some amazing stories to tell. Living those stories may not feel quite so grand.

Everything is perfect exactly as it is. Can We grasp even a tiny bit of that concept? Everything is designed and intended to help/force Us to wake up and take back Our power. Even as difficult as life on planet limitation 3D has gotten, most would still rather cling to the familiar than take responsibility for “their” life.

We are the Ones who created what We have and how We live. Yes, that includes the ills and woes. Who wants to hear/read and accept that? Not many. We would rather blame someOne else and go back to sleep, return to misery and deny Our part as co-conspirators. Most would and will claim: “I would never do that”. And so it is. We believe Our own lies and deceits.

As long as We believe that Our world is not perfect, then Our world continues to be/appear as not perfect. There is a perfect world waiting for Us just beyond Our Self-created veil of: “not perfect”. The world We created, the world We are projecting onto Our view screen and Our stage in based on impossibilities and lies. Yet, We believe in it with unwavering devotion. Our belief makes it real.

No Oneder We are not remembering Our dreams. We are cracking the shell of delusion and at the same time trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

We are transitioning. We dream of Our world in transition and as it emerges yet We can not believe (in waking) that it is really even possible. We demand Our limits and cages walls. We bloody Our fingers scratching on the air believing it to be solid walls and iron bars that hold Us in a life of slavery to a system that We created. We have a plethora of evidence to support Our delusion because We create the evidence like a factory mass producing consumables. We are caught in a loop of Our own creating.

Yet, We are also awakening. Little by little We open Our eyes and see the dawn. There is hope and cause for joy but it does not lie in anyOne or anything external. We are the Ones. Until We get that, until We stop denying and demanding Our limits, We will not allow the sun to fully rise. We are not dependent on the masses awakening for Our personal awakening. We each are the One.

We continue to be reminded that everything is perfect exactly as it is. It is the the thinking, the believing, the speaking that anything is: “not perfect” just as it is that keeps Us trapped in “not perfect”.

It is (or seems to be) that the desire for something better keeps Us trapped in Our world of illusion. Once We accept that Our world is perfect and it is only illusion that it is anything less is what can free Us to move on.

Being multidimensional can seem to be (and usually is) much different from what We expect. The expectations limit Us and keep Us trapped. Paid-a-docks after paradox.

The gradeschooler who can talk but does not talk (much) was delighted when the driver showed him how the ladder (on his firetruck) extends. The boy got the biggest grin and immediately extended the ladder when he got the firetruck back. He spent the rest of the ride opening and closing the ladder. One time when he opened it too far and it came apart he figured out how to put it back together right away.

Another boy who (so far) appears totally non-verbal is learning to buckle and unbuckle the straps on his car seat and is very proud of himSelf. He also helps hold a friends hand walking in to school and had the biggest grin, apparently because he was helping.

The downs boy continues to grin and giggle every morning. He is a real delight (until he decides to lay down in the hall on the way to class but to him that too is a fun game).

The gradeschool girl is not riding (at least) for a while so it is now All guys on the gradeschool section.

We are going to sub on another noon section today so it will be interesting to see what that will be.

There is another set of kindergarten age twins on the route We subbed on. Very bright boys. Interesting that these two want to sit together and the twins on Our regular route want to sit separate. There was a boy who rides alone to another school and at first he sat with his back to Us. However, on the walk into school he played games with Us and talked about the things We would do together.

The boy in the wheelchair was excited about what he wanted to tell Us today. He seemed to have something wonderful planned out. Yesterday he told Us about dragons and today it was about ultimate aliens. A very animated story and information.

Only two middleschoolers rode today. The invisible boy was very something and just would not keep his hands to himSelf. The driver finally had him sit up front by himSelf. We sat behind him and after a bit he settled down and stopped making faces etc. at the other student. He really does not like to conform and yet........ He had a certificate and bumper sticker for being on the “merit roll”. He was very proud of this and showed “them” to Us. An interesting paradox. We congratulated him. We want to support him but that does NOT mean allowing him to poke and make fun of others. A fine line to walk. More to learn.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Pondering and dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:31 AM

Good morning. We woke from a world where We All are much more free. This may be the same world of freedom We dreamt of about a week ago, or just a similar world. Once again We had trouble adapting to this freedom. However, Once We got used to it We really loved it. We really did not want to leave and return here but …........

As We are waking We remember that We transitioned into this world of freedom from a world where everything We touched turned to shit. We were basically ostracized from Our home and community because We were causing/creating havoc everywhere We turned, literally. We nursed a guinea pig back to life and We are not sure where this fits in. It was an abandoned and forgotten pet. It was very grateful for Our attentions. Ahhhh, metaphor.

We know that We are in the midst of major transition. We have no idea exactly how this affects the outer world and/or if others are feeling the change the way We are. We are changing from the inside out. Everything is perfect regardless of appearances. Appearances are what We created to support Our believe in the game of separation/limitation. It is a hologram. A distorted version of the real. A limited version of the real. We are transitioning beyond that. It will probably continue to exist but it is only a very small fragment of All that exists. We (the masses) believe it to be All there is and that is the illusion, the lie.

As We read some messages posted on discussion lists We are reminded that many people continue to try to change the world from the outside in. Maybe this will work for “them”. We (personally) remain focused on changing from the inside out. Perhaps the results are not as instant but We theel “they” will be more lasting. If the change from outside in does result in inner change, then that too will be a success. If not, if there is no inner change then that outer change will also fail. We have seen examples of this throughout history. Teaching that tell Us that: “going within and doing Our inner work is to do nothing” is another trap We laid for OurSelves. We were very clever when We set up the physical limitation/separation game.

We really feel this “change from the inside out” and the teaching that it will not work. This is important stuff for Us. We are the example for Us that it does work. It is working.

We feel quite a bit clearer today and We are doing some processing of the information We are getting. We get it that when We claim and demand Our limits We really do keep OurSelves limited. It is sooooo easy to do. So many things that We think are bad are actually the portals to multidimensionality. It is a hard concept to grasp. It must be experienced but since it tends to “feel” bad, We avoid going through the experience.

That is part of what has been going on for/with Us.

The gradeschoolers on the bus continue to be fun and insightful. It did seem like the boy who does not talk was communicating with Us this morning.

The energy boy is more co-operative this week. (There is sooooo much that We do not know about these kids, it's hard to have a clue what might set “them” off.) He really enjoys looking at Our map book and he is delighted that One of the maps has his name on it. We will probably make a copy of that map for him.

We had a nice conversation again with the highschooler who lives an hour away. He is opening up more and more and We continue to learn little things about him and his background through Our conversations.

We really enjoy this learning experience that We are living.

We had more musings about Our process that We wanted to type about but what little We did share tells Us that We really do not have the focus and words yet.

It is interesting how much We are NOT focused in 3D. Hard to really explain clearly in 3D what it is like to not be only in 3D. Once again We have the feeling that We are on/at the verge of a major breakthrough and change. These things can turn out to be sooooo different from what We might conceive or expect. Our expectations would limit Us. If We open, let go and allow, then We can slide into the fullness that awaits Us.

Again, this is quite contradictory to what We have All-ways been taught and experienced. The traps We laid for OurSelves to keep Us locked into the experience of limitation are very effective.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013



What is going on?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:25:57 AM

Good morning. Our process continues, whatever it is. We do know what it is, it is expansion. It feels like We are adapting to a new environment, a new atmosphere. We are learning to live at a different altitude. Not to mention a different attitude.

We find OurSelf trying to think and even worry about shoulds and musts. Not so long ago this would have taken Us into a rat's nest in Our mind. Today, We can see it and own it, bless it and set it free. Even though this process has been ongoing for some time, it still feels new at every stage. We really can not focus on outer change and events. We can be aware of those but Our focus be on Our inner process.

The thing is (and this is very hard for most people to accept) the world where All the bad shit happens is a make believe world. The real world, the One We tend to call “New Earth” All-ready exists and is waiting for Us to join in. The air is cleaner and All the inhabitants (people, plants, animals, rocks etc.) are free. The air is sooooo clean that We have to adapt to it. It is a bit like alcohol or drug withdrawal. Or: like doing a body cleans with herbs and such.

The result is that We can fly. We All-ways could but We forgot real good. We All-ready exist in All these different places and lives and times but We have such limited consciousness that We can only be aware of One anything at a time. There is sooooo much more if We can just open to the possibility that there is more.

We are way too far out in multi-D to really type much and make any sense. The thing is that in multi-D things tend to be different than when only in 3D. Sometimes that difference looks like what We have All-ways labeled as bad to keep Us out of multi-D.

We All-most felt plagued by many of those bad things this morning but “they” All turned out for the good. Was it because We knew it was NOT bad? Because We did not think and react as if it was bad???????????

The gradeschoolers took Us deep into dream and We gave OurSelf about an hour of dream time in between sections and that really helped. Sometimes We just do not get All Our dreaming done at night.

The boy in the wheelchair told Us about playing Halo and more aliens.

Now, We are gonna take about another half-hour to dream. Later All.

Monday, April 15, 2013



Pondering Our process

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:02:44 AM

Good morning. We have no idea what exactly is happening, going on with Us this morning but there is definitely something going on. We choose to just go with it, even enjoy it. It is some kind of download or such energetically. It is a bit uncomfortable because it is new and therefore unfamiliar. We are not going to try to change it or fix it. It is not broken. It is some type of upgrade, We can feel this for certain.

Last night's dream life was very busy and fun. It was about integration and expansion. It was about being free to choose. We are on ship most of the time and also traveling, multilocating to many areas on planet. We had friends with Us and made new friends along the way. We remembered how, when and why to use abilities We have long forgotten. We saw much new technology that has been available for eons. NO, that is NOT a contradictory statement.

We saw views of Our world from many different perspectives. We are reminded of how many people think there is only One option, One reality, One possibility. This is sooooo far from the truth. There are many versions of everything and “they” All co-exist in the now.

Processing and integrating this information and sliding into a life where We live this way is what today is about for Us. It is a life of living many possibilities at the same time. Possibilities that would appear to be antagonistic and opposites. This is the life, and way of living that We have chosen to explore. It boggles the mind, at least in the beginning and the beginning can last quite a while.

We are changing and that is how Our world changes, from the inside out. From the microcosm to the macrocosm. A flow of energy rather than a sudden shock.

Today is definitely about being and staying in the here and now, both physically and mentally. Keeping Our attention and focus in the here and now. This here and now can appear to be many places and many times because these are All fragments of the One. Here is where confusion easily creeps in. There is only One. However, the One that We normally see and experience (in/from limitation 3D) is only a tiny fragment of the One. So, when We think that what We see and experience is All there is and therefore the One, We are sorely limited. We are each and All welcome to live this way just as long as We want, until We are done.

Personally, We choose to expand and that may be and continue to be an uncomfortable process until it becomes familiar. But, since We are dealing with and living in eternity and infinity, whenever life becomes familiar: more will be revealed and it becomes unfamiliar again. We will need to get used to being comfortable in the unfamiliar. Or else We will continue to be uncomfortable.

We returned to dream. We know We were exploring other realms and worlds. We theel like We will probably return to dreaming again soon.

Sunday, April 14, 2013




Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:58:54 AM

Good morning. We slept in because We wanted to. When We got up We real-eyesed that We had a conference call that would be starting in about forty-five minutes. We had wanted to sleep in more but something knew. It was a good call and We just got done with it.

We are heading towards doing more transplanting and trying to set up a hose and funnel on Our hotbox so that We can water the seed trays inside without moving it. We think that this will work, unless it doesn't. We did check and water the onions that We transplanted last week and it looks like All but One are thriving. A few even needed haircuts. We have not gotten into the hotbox yet.

The temperatures did drop last week so We do not know if any progress has been made with sproutings in the hotbox. We do think that We saw some mint sprouts. That reminds Us We need to look for more information online about growing mint. We are sure that We will need to transplant and thin soon after “they” sprout but clueless how soon or how to know.

This is an ET contact focus weekend. We theel that the contact with the autist is part of that and We know We had One-er-full dreams of new worlds, multiworlds and living there. We felt like some students from waking were visiting and playing with Us.

Beautiful clear blue skies and warming up today.

We are experiencing being/living in multiworlds. Within seconds of starting to do something/anything We have no idea what We were trying to do. We were reminded of a recent dream about multilocating. We have no idea if We All-ready typed about it or not. In the dream, We wondered if We were teleporting but recognized that this was more than that and much faster than teleporting. We real-eyes that anywhere We choose to go/teleport to, there is All-ready a version (maybe identical, maybe not) of Our body waiting for Us to arrive. It is only shifting Our awareness Our focus and that happens (can happen) in less than a nanosecond.

We returned to dream. We know that We were busy but again have no clear memory. We are having a hard time finding focus in 3D now.

We spent the day much more in multi-D than focused in 3D. This is a good thing as far as We are concerned but it is hard to describe clearly in 3D.