Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, April 5, 2013



More adventures

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:42:51 AM

Good morning. Once again We dreamt of other worlds and/or changing world. Maybe it is after the changes take hold. Hard to say since We really do not have any clear memories of the details. We just have the feeling and the memory of feeling the feelings. A vague, fleeting memory that We dreamed and had fun with new and old playmates Once again. Probably hard to pull memories of playing amongst the stars and planets into limitation 3D.

The conversations in the break room at work have been enlightening, like stepping into another world but We really do NOT want to continue exploring that world. As We have All-ways said: “We wish to be aware of All the worlds and realities but there are many We do NOT want to live in”. The old world illusions of limitation and separation are NOT where We want to live.

It is rather surprising how We have returned to work and being IN that world yet We not OF that world. We are rarely even that much in that world. It is an amazing shift now that We see it. Perhaps there are many people who will be seeing examples of this in “their” own lives. It is also amazing to Us to see how sooooo many people are still sooooo stuck in the old energies and pair-a-dime. It is also interesting that We have ridden with many of those same people as “their” attendant and One on One (and without the focus of this new contract and All that it implies) this difference, this gap between “their” world and Our world was not nearly as obvious. Interesting indeed. In-sight-full.

We love Our life and We really do appreciate that We can look at the limitation and separation world and name it a lie and illusion, bless it and set it free. “Goodbye silly lies.”

This morning We are reminded that everything is perfect right now. This is sooooo important. If people can really get this and adopt it as a belief, this will truly change the outer world as a result of changing Our inner world. We can see that there is still a large number of people who want to change the outer world without having a clue that anything needs to change on the inside. Therefore, We are now quite certain that a world where that happens will evolve. What is really different and new for Us (personally) is to know, to real-eyes that We can live in that world but NOT be a slave or victim to/of it. We are free regardless of what the massed do. This is sooooo new to Us. It may have All-ways been this way, and even though We have known this for a few years if has not been real” experientially before (at least not to this extent).

We just had an interesting experience of living in many worlds at Once. When We got up We are certain that We turned Our heater up on high (We are still experiencing cold nights) and We just found that the heater was on the very low setting We leave it on at night. We were/are in both worlds. Love it.

It is interesting being aware of being in this world AND in other worlds as We go about a work day. We were pondering this and enjoying it this morning. Observing and paying attention to and learning from the gradeschoolers continues to be fun and interesting. Now, We have two boys vying for Our attention. We sat next to the little girl for the first part of the route and she seemed to be happy but she still does not talk much with Us. She will answer questions but that is about it. When One of the boys sat next to her “they” were both jabbering away.

We talked to Our shop steward and it was interesting to hear some answers to the concerns that other people are just talking (and bitching) about. Again, We do recognize that it is All part of the illusion but even still it is interesting to understand what is going on. It would still be easy to get caught back up in All that. The temptation certainly does arise and We could easily go back to thinking it matters. We understand how easy it is for people to get caught up in this fake system.

The boy in the wheelchair told Us more about the alien movie(s) he watched again last night. He said his dad picked him up at day care and took him home and he watched the movie on his mom's phone. (In case We forgot to mention it he says he will be turning six in the spring). He says the name of the movie is Fantam (sp?) but We did not find any listing for it online. He chattered away the whole ride and at the end said the driver is weird. What could We say. We did resist laughing.

We continue to enjoy reminding OurSelf that this limitation 3D world is a mirage, a fantasy, a hologram. We did notice (Once again) that many people think that 3D is 3D. More and more We theel that limitation 3D is only One of many versions of 3D. We keep thinking about how We (most if not All of Us) limit OurSelves and demand and argue for these limits. It is a curious and nearly uni-versal phenomena.

We watched some more of the Michael Jackson video that We got from the library. It is titled: “Vision” and We thought it might be more insightful than it is. It is a collection of his performances. Fun but not really informative.

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