Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, April 29, 2016

More worlds that We likes in 3D within multiD



More worlds that We likes in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:31 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We visited lots of worlds last night with lots of new and old friends. Of course: the Ones We remember the clearest are the Ones closest to Our waking 3D worlds. These waking worlds are now much less limited. As We woke We were thinking about a kind of cereal that We often eat in some of those other worlds. Our first thoughts upon waking are: “We thank Us. We wake to play another day. Some days ARE more playful than others. We are the One who determines which days are playful.” These thoughts are fairly new to Us. We used to think and believe that it was outer events and circumstances that determine how fun and playful Our days (and therefore Our life) are. We thank Us.

We send love into Our future and to All those We are in contact with. Our possibilities are expanding. We really theel that.

We are getting the theeling that Our morning gradeschoolers will more and more become part of Our transitional world(s). This is kinda hard to believe with Our head and still We theel it strongly. This will be quite a transformation. We theel about how One teacher (whom We often read) keeps talking about creating Our earth dream. We do not really know what she means. Or do We? We do theel that Our paradise world that We dream of (and often remember in waking) is part of that and only part. There was a time that it would have seemed to be All of it. These kids being free and nice will be quite a transition and a real dream come true.

Here is another message about what We are living, theeling and intuiting. More confirmation. If We are the One creating these messages then that is even more confirmation.

We really like the worlds We are in this morning. There is a glitch in that in One world the other day We were told that One student would not be riding the rest of the week and this/these world(s) “they” need a ride so We have to go back to get “them” and that makes Us twenty minutes late. Students that usually do not like each other are sitting together and sharing games. Students who normally like each other are putting more distance between “them”. OverAll everyOne is getting along very well and playing well together. That/those is/are (a) world(s) that We like.

EveryOne playing well together. We can really get into that.

Our middleschooler rides alone as Allways. “They” do well and walk into school well.

We so a little shopping, get sushi that is not very good and do get Wifi at the store nearest the bus barn.

Our noon kids are fun and playful as usual. Another group that is changing up who sits with whom. This group usually gets along better than Our morning group. The changing seating is more about doing something different than acceptance and rejection.

We have time to hottub on Our second break except the chemicals are out of balance and “they” close the hottub just before We go out. We do get to see the group of highschoolers that come on Thursdays. Some of these We only get to see at this time. “They” are another group of special needs kids.

Most of Our kids ride in the PM and the verbal Ones are pretty wired. It is a bit noisy until We get a couple dropped off. Funny that is not the Ones We dropped off who are noisy yet the others quiet down better after these others are dropped off. We do not want to be too hard on the noisy Ones as “they” ARE playing and this is the first time this week that “they” have been in a good mood. “They” were not feeling well earlier in the week.

We slip into multiD on the ride back to base and not so much into dream.

At home We take Our time and go slow with any 3D tasks and fixing dinner and play in multiD a bit. We finish “Automata” and start watching a new (to Us) series. We think that We like this One.

We play in multiD a little more before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lots of worlds We like in multiD and multiworlds



Lots of worlds We like in multiD and multiworlds

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:30 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We had a little trouble getting to dream and after that We slept and dreamt well. On waking: Our first thoughts are: We thank Us. We likes that. We ARE grateful and that IS a good thing. We especially like that Our first thought upon waking is: “thank Us”.

We are aware of being in multiworlds and multiD. More and more memories of experiencing nearby worlds that are just a little bit different and sometimes a lot different. Memories that do not quite fit into Our usual waking memories of Our waking world. It theels a bit more like We are waking, walking and living in the faerie mists. That border world between limitation and limitlessness. We ARE changing and that is gradually changing the world that We live in.

We ARE delighted. We ARE grateful. We thank Us unconditionally.

We continue to be a bit amazed about how different being multiD is than whatever We had expected. We had never thought that it would be so down to earth. Of course: We ARE the Ones bringing it down to earth. We ARE amazing. We deny it and still it is true.

We likes Our world(s) again today. Our morning kids get along, share and play well together and are nice to each other. The kindergartners start to run and slow down when We call “their” names. Still some competition. Two teachers meet the bus. We tell “them” that “they” had a good ride. One kindergartner and an older student are arguing. The teacher asks if the kindergartner is being argumentative then and We kinda explain that the older kid is partly instigating it.

Our middleschooler does well as usual. “They” seem to be having a nice spring day.

We barely have time to get gas and grab a samich because We have to take Our bus to shop after Our AM section.

Our noon kids are fun and playful as usual. One throws a mild fit because “they” have to wait “their” turn to exchange “their” first choice of bus toys for new Ones. We take “their” toys away and tell “them” that “they” can not have toys today if that is how “they” act. “They” start to escalate and We sit with “them” and tell “them” that We will talk to “their” teacher and “they” will get a time out at school if it keeps up. “They” calm down right away.

We do have time to hottub on Our afternoon break. We sure do like that. We only ate half of Our samich on Our morning break and finish it on Our second break.

Our last student does not ride again today. The bus We are using is acting up several times so We sit and wait for a replacement. The sitting and waiting is hard on the kids and “they” actually do well even though “they” get a bit wound up. “They” bring Us Our regular route bus since shop finished with it. The transfer goes fast and smooth even with the two wheelchairs. The kids do well. One student in a wheelchair is a little anxious and We sooth and calm “them” easily.

We are about half an hour down and make some of that up because of the students who did not ride. We still finish a little early since the last student did not ride.

We get to go a little deeper into multiD on the ride home since this sub-driver is getting more familiar with Our route. We have taken a different way home each day and still she is getting it.

When We get home We can tell that We slipped way deep into multiD even though We are still very functional in routine 3D stuff. We are glad that We do not have any extra 3D tasks to perform. We play in multiD a bit and remember that We want to install the full version of Pacman that We lost when We reset Our Netbook. It took a bit and We did get it installed with Our original purchase info.

We have dinner and Allmost finish “Automaton”. We do remember it more now. It is okay and does not really hold Our attention. We will probably finish it tomorrow and hopefully something more up Our alley to watch next.

More play in multiD. We barely even notice when We are playing in multiD because it has become familiar. Now: We are ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

More better worlds in 3D within multiD



More better worlds in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:44 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Notice the time stamp above: cool!

We did sleep and dream well last night. When We first woke We thought that We might dream in a bit and after a few minutes: We are ready to get up. We ARE aware of being in multiworlds and multiD and still very much in 3D. Not so much limitation any more though. Something that We read yesterday calls it less limiting limitation.

We find OurSelves wondering what reflection of Us is that driver from yesterday’s noon section. We will probably look into this at some point and face this reject. We are doing more processing and We real-eyes (as We did at the time) that We did not do so well. We also did NOT fail and We certainly are NOT failing now. We ARE learning. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally and We forgive that reject. We do not want to reject any aspect of Us.

It is cooler and rainy outdoors and still very nice. We ARE grateful. It would be nice to stay home and enjoy the weather and yet We know that if We did We would return to dream and miss it anyway. Interesting perspective about going to be on the bus. In this world it is easy to practice gratitude and We ARE.

Once again We like today’s worlds more better. We are going to have the driver from out of town on Our morning and afternoon routes while she is here (unless it changes of course). We like her as a driver. Our last driver is learning other routes. She tells Us that she did learn a couple of things driving different buses and working with other attendants. Things that she took for granted or did not even notice working with Us. Each bus is a little different too. Our morning kids got along well again and everyOne played and shared well. The two kindergartners have some competition going and it is the better behaved One that is having the hardest time today. Interesting to see the other One turn around and know that “they” are doing well.

We do continue to feel physical symptoms of Our transition into crystalline based energy body. These are mostly mild and only a little annoying. Some days “they” are more intense than others. Usually: when We are focused on the kids We do not notice Our symptoms. We ARE grateful that We are aware of what is going on within and without.

Our middleschooler falls asleep again and We go very slow and gentle getting “them” up in case “they” have a seizure. “They” do fine and are awake by the time We get to class. One teacher offers to walk “them’ into class and “they” choose to keep holding Our hand. Today’s choice. Kids are good examples of living in the now. In fact: A-dults often criticize kids for exactly that.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our first break. As You can probably see: Our life expanding into multiD is much more 3D than We ever expected. We have known for some time that (at least for Us personally) 3D was not going anywhere and neither are We. We just did not know how much We would remain in 3D while expanding into multiD. We are not nearly as totally focused in 3D and it is not nearly as important to Us as it Once was. 3D is no longer life threatening. 3D accomplishments are not as important. 3D “doings” do not captivate and enslave Our every thought. Planning: well Our head still loves to plan and tries to lock Us into limitation with its planning and then worrying. We are much quicker to notice and pony hop and thank Our head for sharing. We do theel that Our thinking (and Our head) is expanding.

We ARE becoming more consciously multidimensional.

Most of Our noon kids ride and We have a driver that We like. We do have a discussion with Our supervisor and some other about the driver that We do NOT like. He tells Us that he made sure that We did not have to ride with that One but when the rotation comes around again ..... We told him that then he can put another attendant on Our route. He started to say something else and We told him that We can Allways get sick. We theel he knows it is a promise and not a threat. We really do not say no to very much.

A couple of Our PM kids do not ride and the last One is not feeling well. Our driver thinks it is fake and a play for attention and sympathy. It kinda looks that way to Us too. It really is not like We do not pay attention to “them”. Sometimes “they” do not want Our attention. Whenever “they” use Our name or include Us in “their” games We are there. We do have other kids on the bus to pay attention to also. When “they” are the only kid on the bus then “they” have Our full attention and sometimes “they” let Us know that “they” do not want Our attention. We do Our bestest.

We get to go to multiD and dream more today on the ride back to base. This driver is getting more familiar with Our route. We went further today than yesterday and after a while the road is the same.

It starts to rain heavy just after We get home. It is still pretty warm and We have Our back door open for a bit. Nice to get the fresh air in.

We play in multiD, check the leaks on Our chariot and it seems We ARE learning how to help it leak less and have dinner with more “Automata”. It does seem to be getting more interesting. Some movies really do get off to a slow start. A little more playing in multiD and We are ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Good worlds and bad worlds in multiworlds



Good worlds and bad worlds in multiworlds

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:31 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We did not sleep well last night. It took Us a while to real-eyes that it was too warm. We have not had the heat on since yesterday morning or maybe the night before? We are aware of slip, sliding through multiworlds All night.

We are going to lay back down for a bit. That was good.

We ARE practicing gratitude again this morning. We are sending love to Our students, whoever Our driver will be and into Our future. We ARE creating and projecting (a) world(s) of unconditional love. We pony hop.

This really is All about love. We may forget that sometimes and then We come back to it.

It is really nice outdoors this morning. We truly appreciate mornings like this and it makes it much easier to be out of bed. The longer daylight helps a lot and the weather is unseasonably nice.

We like the worlds We are in this morning. We get Our latest driver (the One who got just promoted) The weather is very nice. Our gradeschoolers get along and share well and are nice to each other. “They” All line up without pushing and shoving and walk All the way into school without running. We tell a couple of admins in hopes that someOne at school will compliment these kids. We really like giving compliments. We especially like worlds where We All get along and cooperate.

Our middleschooler is doing well too. A teacher happened to meet Us in the hall and Our student latched onto “them” to walk the rest of the way. As We are leaving One of Our students from last year is being dropped off and “their” grandmother honks and waves emphatically at Us. We have seen her before and this is the first time she has recognized Us. It is nice that she is happy to see Us.

We had lunch and Wifi on Our morning break. We are enjoying being in 3D in multiworlds and multiD.

Then comes Our noon section. We do NOT like this world(s). We get the One driver that We really, really, really do not like. Hate is actually not too strong a word. We are reminded that a few years ago We thought about love that includes hate. Maybe that is what this is about. We can unconditionally love this driver and still NOT like “them”. In these instances: unconditional love is much easier than conditional love: as in it IS possible. Not really possible to conditionally love any One/thing that We hate. We did make it through. We also let everyOne know that We are NOT happy. We tell Our supervisor about the two small incidents. He asked if that was All and We said: “Other than him being himSelf”. We described that as being locked in a big yellow box with the guy and having to listen to him for two hours. Like Chinese water torture.

We ARE learning how to do this. We were told that “they” will try NOT to make Us ride with that driver again.

We did not have time to hottub because of that driver running late. We will cope. We did kinda forget that We created and projected All this. We ARE doing Our best to turn Our attitude around. Mountain Dew is helping.

We have another sub from out of town for Our PM section. She has been here before and knows the town a little better than others from out of town. She is very pleasant and does well. We do not have Our last student so We finish early. We get to have a good time with the next to the last student since “they” are on the bus alone for a bit. One of Our mirrors popped out of its frame so We took Our bus to shop after route and still finished early.

We do not go as deep into multiD on the drive home as usual because of giving directions.

On the drive home it starts raining and rains heavy. It had been sooooo clear earlier it is kinda odd and We know that it is also typical even though it is early in the year for rain.

At home; We do a few little 3D things and when it stops raining We do a few more outside that We had hoped to be able to do tonight. Then is starts raining again. We ARE creating and projecting All of this.

We have dinner and watch some more of the new movie. “Autotopia” or something like that. We real-eyes that We have seen it before. We will probably find something more better to watch soon. We also download Roboform on Our Netbook. We think that is about All We need/want to upgrade on it for now anyway.

We play in multiD a bit and now We are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, April 25, 2016

More 3D than usual lately and lots of multiD



More 3D than usual lately and lots of multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:49 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We seem more focused in 3D this weekend than We have been in a while: even in Our dreams. Yet: We do not remember Our dreams which means “they” remain foreign to Our waking head. We are finding that throughout Our day We do tend to remember flashes from Our dream lives and those are worlds that are nearby yet different to variant degrees. The answer is that We are more in expanded 3D which is what We are after. We are in (a) version(s) of 3D that is multiD and in multiworlds. Our head still does not fully accept and understand this. We ARE learning. We are in 3D that is in and of unconditional love. Our head certainly does not understand this.

We are doing more 3D stuff today than We have in a while on the weekends. We ARE reminded (both by Our heart, intuition AND what We are reading online) that 3D is NOT going away. We ARE learning how to live in 3D within multiD without being “of” limitation 3d.

We just had (and maybe still are having) an interesting experience in time, multiD and multiworlds. We are pretty sure that We synced All of Our clocks after the last time change. As We were getting ready to take Our chariot down Our driveway and empty the buckets of rocks (from the back) to fill some ruts and holes We distinctly remember that it was Allmost 5 PM and We Onedered where the time had gone. It had to take around half an hour to do the rocks. Then We sat out on Our front porch to rest and cool down and get some rays. We figured it would be around 6 PM when We came in. The wind blew the plywood (from the back of the chariot) over so We decided to get the empty buckets out of the back and put the spare tire back in and the plywood back on to cover the back.

After We finished All that We came inside and it is not yet 5 PM. How did that happen? We could probably search for and find some explanation in limitation and separation 3d. We choose to acknowledge that it was an experience in time/no-time or time slip.

We are (Once again) reading stuff online that confirms what We are intuiting and experiencing. BTW: We can not find any clock that is an hour ahead of the rest.

We are clearly experiencing shifting, slipping between and through multiworlds today. Memories of worlds that do not quite fit into Our memory/awareness of Our current waking world. Not yet quite an awareness of being in multiworlds simultaneously yet close. If Our head would allow it We just might be aware of experiencing these other worlds coexisting simultaneously.

We are having dinner with another futuristic movie. This One is about robots. We play in multiD a bit and now are ready to go dream if We can.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

More multiD and multiworld experiences in dream and waking



More multiD and multiworld experiences in dream and waking

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:58 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Hmmmmm: kinda interesting, kinda nothing. Maybe the nothing is interesting? We are reminded that it IS at the still point, the zero point where everything actually happens. In limitation and separation We think it is action that is required to make things happen. In multiD (infinity and limitlessness and unity) it is stillness that allows everything to happen. We chose everything. That is hard for Our head.

Certainly: nothing is going the way Our head wants today. We choose to be still and know that We ARE God.

Our Netbook will not connect to the internet or even find Our wireless router. Our head is having a hayday with that One. We know that it is NOT important and has no matter. Our head wants to figure it out and win. Computers have Allways done that to Us and We used to allow it. We can not find the tape to repair the stand for Our RCA tablet. We do NOT have the focus and energy to do anything with Our chariot or dragon. And so it goes and We are really Allright with it All. Our head is NOT Allright. Our head is predicting a slow and painful death starting immediately.

We love Our head. We ARE grateful. That is the One thing that We remember from last night and Our morning dream. We ARE grateful for everything in Our life even when/if We are just “acting as if”. Things may NOT work out the way We “think” that We want and “they” will work out/together for the best for Us. Our head still disagrees. Our head is very used to limitation and separation. That is imaginary worlds where harm is even possible.

Thank Us unconditionally.

Outside it was overcast earlier and now it is clear and sunny: gorgeous. Maybe We will go sit outside for a while. That was nice. We left Our chair out there waiting for Our next session.

As We relax: We are reminded of how fully We have “everything” bassackwards in Our limitation world(s), thinking, mindset and beliefs. Our head has lots of rocks to throw at Us and even those are turning into melting snowballs. We really think and believe that We MUST “do something”. The answers are in Our heart. We have created evidence of the need to do and fix and plan and worry for sooooo many millennia that We believe that it is THE truth AND the ONLY truth. We ARE master liars as well as everything else. We are sooooo powerful that We can even prove beyond any shadow of doubt that We are powerless and victims.

We love Us and We thank Us unconditionally.

After a couple more dream sessions We woke to a nearby world(s). It/”they” look(s) the same. We took the plywood off the back of Our chariot to make emptying the buckets of rock easier which will make changing the tires easier (deadline is next Sunday). We set up One chair with accessories out on Our front porch (lounge chair is still in shed). We practiced sitting out in the sun. We found that Our Netbook is now connecting to the internet. We likes this/these world(s).

We are reminded that We DO live in 3D within multiD. Doing stuff in 3D is not really what traps Us in limitation: it IS the planning, the old thinking and mindset, the belief that limitation is All there is, that limitation is THE “way” IT is.

Our Netbook says that it is downloading 138 Windows updates and taking its time. We watched more of Our movie with dinner. We decided to go ahead and pay some bills to have that done. Now: We are going to play in multiD a bit before We go dream.

In case We have not mentioned it: We have been having flashes of the worlds that We visited in dream lately and some of the friends that We know and some that We do not know in Our waking life.

Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

More multiworlds in 3D within multiD



More multiworlds in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:28 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We do not remember what We did in dream. We do remember that whenever We woke We were remembering how We thelt yesterday and We were practicing being unconditionally grateful for what We created and the world(s) We were in (Our creations). We are “acting as if”. It works. We know that everything IS working together for the best for Us.

Our sinuses are better than when We went to bed and for that We are genuinely grateful.

Because We decided not to take Our games with Us on the bus: Our head thinks it has license to plan everything else too. We ARE learning not to plan and make decisions ahead of time. We theel that not taking the games is the best choice AND We theel it will probably cause some problems. We do NOT have to cause/create these problems. Our head is ready and waiting with “I told You so”. We ARE exploring multiD and multiworlds. That does NOT make Our head happy.

We do Oneder how much of Our driver’s angst the gradeschoolers were picking up and echoing yesterday??????

This morning: We are pony hopping and sending love to Our kids and Our future lives and worlds.

We are glad that We know that We are slip, sliding through multiworlds even when We forget. We are also grateful that We know that everything in Our life IS Our creation even when We forget. We are also, also grateful that We know that everything IS working together for the bestest for Us.

As Our driver said when We returned from walking Our morning gradeschoolers into school: We went through every spectrum of every student this morning. We had it All. In truth: that is what We asked for. We had no clue. However: We do NOT change that choice. We just want to remember what is going on when/while it is going on. We like some of these worlds and others not so much.

Our middleschooler is awake and happy and showing more awareness of Us and Our driver. “They” walk into school well again and stop to view the baby chicks in the classroom. A little reluctant to give Us Our hand back today as often happens.

We do a little shopping, have lunch and Wifi on Our morning break.

Two of Our noon kids never ride on Friday and another has been (and still is) sick All week. So: a small group today. “They” are playful and fun as usual.

We have time to hottub on Our second break and We really go deep into multiD and multiworlds. This is easy the way We have been slip, sliding around today.

Most of Our PM kids ride. We find out that One of Our noon kids sniped “their” two favorite toys without Us noticing. We ARE amazed since We keep a pretty close eye out for that after it happening the first day with the toys. The last student starts crying as soon as “they” get on the bus. The teachers are NOT at All sympathetic saying the incident happened quite a while ago. Our driver tells Us that the student is very shocked to find the teachers are still on the bus and notice. Apparently the student is playing for Our attention and sympathy.

We are in multiworlds and multiD and do not really go into dream on the ride back to base.

We decide to stop for a burger, fries and milkshake on the way home. Good stuff, good choice.

At home: We play in multiD a while and now We are ready to dream. We kinds review Our worlds today. We remember to be grateful and NOT throw rocks as OurSelves for any apparent shortcomings.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Many more multiworlds in multiD and 3D



Many more multiworlds in multiD and 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:37 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We do not remember the worlds that We visited and/or what We did there as well as yesterday. Kinda disappointing. We real-eyes that it is probably even more advanced and unfamiliar. Multiworlds simultaneously and being limitless is unfamiliar enough and We are surprised We remember that much. So: to be advancing beyond that is pretty exciting.

We do remember that whenever We woke We are/were focused on evolving Our waking world. We are moving into being limitless and unified. It is hard to find words. We are evolving and Our language has not evolved that much yet. Words to describe what We are experiencing would make it seem more limited and separate than it is because that is what Our current words are about. We are experiencing healing Our chariot. This involves knowing, believing and living that Our autos are alive and sentient. We do know this and still it seems like a foreign concept. It is not completely real to Us. Step by step. Progress. We ARE delighted with Our process. We ARE grateful.

We also notice that We are more in multiD this morning. It feels like We are sleepier and We acknowledge that this is less 3D focused and more multiD expanded. We have Allways thought of this as being tired and sleepy to deny what We really are. Even though We still try to deny it: We ARE making progress. We know that We theel more multiD and We ARE grateful unconditionally.

Another good message about what We are experiencing.

We do not like the world(s) We slipped into on Our morning gradeschool section. We can still appreciate it as what is best for Us. Our driver talked to the kids about being more respectful of Us. We got a lot of attitude and some were being mean to each other. We really do NOT know what is going on with these kids today. Spring is probably part of it. Another world is more of it. We gotta remember that the kids ARE feeling everything the A-dults are feeling and have no idea what is going on (at least not at a conscious level).

The One kindergartner who often has trouble actually did about the best and the other did okay except that “they” argued with Us mildly about (seemingly) everything We said. We told the admin that We had had better days. We could really lay Our finger on anything specific. There is One student who is Allways well behaved and the only fault We can really find is accusing others of misbehaving and “they” are usually (or Allways) right. That student did well again and seemed to have a bit of a hard time with the others behavior and attitude.

We told Our driver that We will probably NOT bring the games tomorrow. Sometimes it seems “they” create more problems because in some worlds it is hard to share. We do pony hop and try to remember that We are slip, sliding in multiworlds. So easy to forget and revert to old thinking and acting.

Our middleschooler is sleepy and still does well standing up from “their” seat and walking in to school. “They” let go of Our hand and then take it again as if to try to keep Us there.

One teacher asks if We are “their” bus for the field trip again today. We tell “them” no, not today. She seems a little disappointed.

We get gas, do a little shopping and have breakfast on Our morning break. We even get a Wifi connection at the store where We often have a bad connection. We Oneder how much of that is operator error and how much is the store’s Wifi?

When We are in dispatch to start Our noon section We find out that Our driver is going to be a standby starting next week. She had been told before Our morning route that she needed to talk to Our supervisors after route and been worrying about that All morning. Did the kids pick it up? What world are We in? We are sad to lose this driver and still We know it will work for the best for Us. We tell her that We hope she is happy with her choice.

Our noon section goes much smoother than morning These kids are playful and happy as usual. One student does hit another and We have no idea if it is playful or what. We tell “them” that We will talk with the teacher about it when We get to school. “They” sulk the rest of the ride. The rest play. Our driver makes a couple of wrong turns and We get to school a few minutes late.

We have time to hottub on Our second break. We get to see a bunch of kids from Our middleschool at the pool today as well as the highschoolers that We usually see there on Thursday. When We get out to the lobby the teacher that asked if We were “their” bus was there and commented about Us being there anyway. We told her (and the other teachers sitting out there) that We come hottub Allmost every day.

The next to the last PM student does not ride. The others are wired. It is a beautiful warm spring day and kids ARE solar powered. The non-verbals are happy and showing it. EveryOne does well and is playful with a few reminders to quiet down and settle down.

On the ride home We are present in 3D and drifting around in multiworlds still very focused in 3D and pondering the last few days experiences and worlds.

At home: We play in multiD a good deal before dinner. We theel We need it. It is relaxing for Us. We have dinner with an anime movie We started watching last night. It seems that We have watched All available free episodes of “Once”. We did not even notice that happening. What world is this? We are not sure how well We like the movie as it is about training special kids to be soldiers in the future.

We play in multiD a little more and now We go to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Limitlessness and multiD in 3D



Limitlessness and multiD in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:28 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We woke from a limitless world. Our head can not even conceive of such. It seems like We spent most of the night there. Even living in such a world (We were both a participant and an observer) We found/noticed OurSelf thinking in limitation and separation terms. Anything that We want We just think of it and it is here. Anywhere We wanna be: We just think of it and We are there and/or it is here. Any friend that We think of is instantly with Us or We join “them”. Everything just appears and when We are done with anything We just set it free and it goes into infinity to live its life.

We can sure see why Our transition is slow and gradual. Our thinking really does have to change One hundred percent in such realities. And imagine an infinite number of limitless worlds and realities. What powerful and magnificent creators We are. Why did We choose to hide in limitation and separation? The book “A Course in Miracles” says that We went insane. The more We experience the more reasonable that seems.

Living in limitlessness is Allmost a bit scary to Our limitation and separation mindset. Not long ago it would probably have terrified Us to get even a glimpse of it.

Once again: We find that when We look into Our future We see it through the eyes of limitation and separation. We notice this and do Our best to shift into a more expanded view. It is hard for Our head to conceive of anything more even after experiencing it last night. We bring up memories from that experience. Still not much comes up for Our daily life and still We do theel more hope.

Living in multiD is simply NOT about leaving 3D. It is expansion and NOT contraction. We keep finding this out more and more through Our experiences. This may come as quite a shock to many. It is even a little surprising for Us who Allways wanted it All not just some nice part.

The possibilities of multiD and multiworlds are pretty mind boggling. Actually: head boggling. Our heart mind knows and embraces multi. Our heart mind gives Us hope and strength to examine and explore multi. To go beyond limitation and separation. Limitation and separation worlds remain in the infinite to explore and observe any time that We wish.

The internet is a powerful and helpful tool for exploring multiworlds. Many people are using it as such without really being aware of what is going on. We theel that gradually the awareness will dawn. Those who are aware will infect the mass consciousness.

We remember Our night experiences throughout the day. We may be a little too multiD and multiworld focused to share much of what is going on within Us. That is the problem with chronicling going multiD: words ARE hard. That is why many autists communicate better with pictures than words and here in limitation 3d We think that “they” are the Ones with the handicap. We are sooooo bassackwards. We know that a picture paints a thousand words and yet .........

Our kids are fairly typical except that the morning kids do get along better. Perhaps “they” sense what is happening with Us. Perhaps “they” know that A-dults are finally reaching “their” levels of awareness. Of course: many kids are not aware of how aware “they” are. A-dults make the waking kids feel like “they” are behind the curve when “they” are actually ahead.

Some of Our noon preschoolers have a hard time getting it that something (like the school) can be “theirs” and the other kid’s too. Again: We A-dults indoctrinate Our kids in limitation and separation. Other kids really get it that something and someOne can be Yours AND Mine: it is Ours. We are learning to share.

We do get to hottub on Our afternoon break and We submerse OurSelves in memories of being limitless and manifesting Our thoughts. We especially remember joining friends that We think of. Friends are an important part for Us and We have sooooo few who relate to what and where We are. It is lonely and yet not. We do know that We ARE connected at a much deeper level than that which We may miss.

Our last kid does not ride in the PM so We finish Our route early and take Our bus to shop for a minor repair. We are deeper and even deeper into multiD and limitlessness (or less limitedness). (see: that is NOT even a word)

At home We sit and play in multiD using the internet to take Us to places We have never been (and probably never will be) in limitation. We are and will be there in Our expanded consciousness. We are able to do a few 3D tasks as We float around in both 3D AND multiD. We just need a bit more 3D focus than when We first got home. We clean up (uninstall) more of the used up free games on Our Netbook. We theel that All these free games stored there may be part of what makes it sooooo slow.

We have dinner with “Once Upon a Time” and then play in multiD some more before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

More 3D experiences within multiD



More 3D experiences within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:39 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Another interesting night: lots of worlds and lots of old and new friends. What is interesting is the perspective. Nothing actually new. An expanded and experiential perspective. We have Onedered before why We had so many dreams about catering still/again. We did it for quite a few years. We left it several times and went back to it until We moved here. We are happy to be done and maybe that is the catch now: last night We real-eyesed/experienced that these worlds are simultaneous. Yes: We knew that before in Our head and words: this is experience. We could/can tell that We are living those other lives while We are living this life. Exciting!!!

It is All here and it is All now. Our knowledge is becoming real to Us as We experience it. So: what is different? Hard to say. We certainly feel different. Living this does take away the importance of what We do. Life is sure less threatening. If what We experience and what happens depends totally on what/where We put Our attention (on) then that is totally different than We have Allways thought about life. We have Allways thought, taught and been taught that what happens depends on what We do and that is not true at All. It depends totally on Our attention, Our energy and Our vibration. Others have said this and We have known and said this for some. Now: it is becoming Our experience and that makes a lot of difference.

We do not truly know something until We live it.

There is some song stuck in Our head that We do not recognize. We theel that We brought it with Us from a less familiar world.

We are experiencing and intuiting and insighting. Sooooo many things that We have wrong in Our thinking. We have judged OurSelves over and over and over and then projected that judgment onto Our world and reflected it back at Us. We forgive Us unconditionally. We have thrown problems at OurSelf like throwing rocks at an enemy. We are NOT the enemy and We never were. So: We forgive OurSelves. It is All experience. It Allways was and will be about experience. There is NO right and wrong or good and bad even though We made “them” real through Our belief and judgment. We accept OurSelves unconditionally. We open, allow and set it All free with love. It begins with Us. It begins within.

Again: We pretty much like and prefer the worlds that We are exploring today. Well: with some qualifiers. First thing at the barn We learned that We have a charter that takes up most of both breaks. That is kinda a bummer and yet We will get to meet some more new kids and it is only One day.

Our morning kids do well and We have a nice ride. We explain to One kid that We do not have to provide the toys and games that We do. “They” have grown to expect it. Some have that is. We are still not sure if bringing the games is a good thing (helpful) or bad. It has pros and cons. Of course there ARE worlds to support All options and versions. Our driver helps with the line up and that goes well again.

Our middleschooler is sleepy again and does well walking in to class. It is “their” class that is going on the field trip. There is an annual arts event for special needs kids and adults and that is where “they” are going. One student has an Ipad that the teacher has locked out the videos. “They” take Our hand and try to get Us to unlock it. These kids are amazing.

Our noon kids are being a bit more creative and playful even than normal. We certainly do enjoy watching “them”. Some have had such a busy morning that “they” fall asleep on the ride.

We pick up the kids at the art event and “they” are quite excited. Again: it is fun to watch.

We have time for lunch on Our second break. We can not get connected to Wifi at the closest store again. We do not have time to hottub. We can cope. We do go deep into multiD.

On Our PM section One of the last students does not ride again today and neither does the first. This makes for a short day. We get to enjoy watching the kids who do ride play. There is less behavior management with less kids.

We are wiped out by the time We finish. Missing Our breaks does take more energy.

At home: after sitting and relaxing a bit We do have the focus and energy to do some updating on Our Netbook. Most of the games that We have on it are free, promo versions with only limited sessions. The kids have used up the sessions on several of those games. We buy a full version of Pacman which seems quite popular and delete some of the other used up games.

We have dinner with “Once Upon a Time” and then play in multiD a bit before dream. Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Lots of 3D and lots of worlds in multiD



Lots of 3D and lots of worlds in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:25 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt better than We usually do on Sunday night (at least We are more willing to wake this morning than usual on Monday). We woke a few times from other worlds that We remembered at the time. Now: All We remember (of most) is fun, play and friends. We do remember that there were several worlds recently where Shadow is still with Us and We like that. The last world that We remember is having a nuclear war or incident. Many of Us instantly transitioned into Our energy bodies thus avoiding any harm to OurSelves. (Probably One of the few ways that We could handle instant transformation) Gaia also instantly went multiD so that many versions of her survived. There are also many versions of scorched earth and different degrees of devastation. We could witness the horror(s) or be oblivious to that: it was/is a choice.

As We wake: We ARE aware of being multidimensional and living in multiworlds. Our cabin still looks the same. We just feel a little different. Last night’s visits seem to have affected Us more than previously. It kinda theels like We have crossed some kind of threshold. We are sending unconditional love into Our world and Our future and Our NOW. We theel those worlds from last night are still with Us and We are still there even though none are clear except what seems to be the familiar waking world. We Oneder about the earthquakes in Japan.

Something is clearly going on in Our worlds and We likes it. We ARE aware of more progress and We ARE delighted. We are unconditionally grateful. This is more than just “acting as if”. Clearly: something has shifted and We thank Us. This shift is mostly within and that is what (where it) really counts. We are a bit relieved to find that there is no sign of nuclear holocaust outside. We really would not want to wake to that reality. It is enough to know that it exists somewhere (everything does) and We do have flash glimpses of those images. We pony hop and send unconditional love to those worlds and All other worlds.

Another message which echos and expands what We have been saying. Hopefully We will start living it more.

We are reminded that We can view other worlds up close and/or from a distance. This does NOT make “them” any less real. It may affect “their” intensity. We real-eyes that sometimes We may seem and feel like Our current life is not so good. We have created a Onederfull life for OurSelves. It is just that We know that there is sooooo much more available than what We are normally aware of and focused on. We ARE grateful. We do not experience and live unconditional love as often as We would like. Any time that We focus anywhere besides unconditional love We theel like We are missing something: actually missing everything.

We choose to vibrate at the frequency of unconditional love. That IS Our choice and Our mandate. There is NO other demand, duty, chore, assignment or mandate. We ARE creating (a) world(s) of unconditional love.

We like today’s worlds more betterer than some. We did slip into a world where the kindergartner did not want to share and We slipped through it into a world where he could cope with it. The rest of Our morning kids got along and were nice to each other. Several had “their” own games in this/these world(s). “They” even lined up well and were orderly. We got to tell the admin that We had a good ride and even lining up went well.

Our middleschooler is sleepier than most days/worlds last week. Of course: We like sleepy world. “They” did well walking into school: even standing and waiting for Us to tie “their” shoe.

We did some shopping and had breakfast and Wifi on Our morning break. Getting the Wifi connection was slow and We thought We might not get a connection today.

We remember to pony hop and send love even when everything is going smooth. This helps it stay smooth. We ARE delighted and grateful for Our progress and for the worlds We are exploring today.

Our noon kids are fun and playful as usual. We get to school early and We suggest that Our driver play her word game with the kids. It is more of a question game: not sure why We call it a word game. The kids get really excited and really enjoy it. We can barely keep “them” in “their” seats and We relax Our rules a bit.

We have time to hottub on Our second break so that is very nice.

One of the last students does not ride on Our PM section so We finish early. The last student is much more mellow after the other kids get dropped off. This is normal: We just do not notice as much when the friend rides too since that is much closer to the last stop.

We stopped for a rest break after the last drop off and Our driver treated Us to Iscream. It took Us a while to notice that the last student had taken Us deep into dream and multiD. This has not been so noticeable lately.

We are way, way deep into multiD when We get home. We can barely put Our groceries away and fix dinner. There are a few extra things that We wanted to do that will have to wait. We just do NOT have the 3D focus to do anything more. We watch “Once” with dinner and are off to dream.

We slept and dreamt a short time and then woke. We got up to play in multiD a bit before We are ready to return to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, April 18, 2016

More 3D within even more multiD



More 3D within even more multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:02 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Last night We slept and dreamt in short spells again. We theel this is about the downloads, updates and Our transition.

Today is another day of going back to dream. We have a few 3D things that We want to do today. Nothing major. Really do not have the 3D focus to do anything major.

We have not posted to Our blog since Friday so We hope to catch that up.

It has been overcast and still nice most of the day. Now: We hear rain on the roof and trees. A gentle spring rain it seems. Very early still for spring. Allmost All of the snow is gone. We are finishing Our blog posts for Friday and Saturday and We are gonna put a ham in the crockpot soon.

Once again: We find that it takes more concentration to do simple 3D tasks (like typing and posting) when in this multiD state and awareness that is becoming more and more familiar. The things that used to distress and frustrate Us are actually signs of being expanded. It is difficult to cut down One tree while looking at the whole forest. Concentrating on only One tree makes cutting it down easier and We miss whatever else is going on All around Us.

We real-eyes that We have been sending OurSelves mixed messages about evolving and waking and going multiD for some time. We Allways wanted it All and whenever We got a tiny taste We recoiled with fear and often even with anger. We forgot sooooo much. Because We still hold onto judgment: multiD does NOT All seem nice and pleasant. Thankfully: We are setting judgment free too.

Love IS the answer. Gratitude is a key. We are practicing being grateful for everything that We have in Our life: that which We judge as good AND bad.

We continue to notice that the temperature on the thermothingy has little baring on how We feel (hot or cold). Our world(s) is/are gradually expanding and evolving.

We notice that We ARE enjoying Our day: dreaming and playing in multiD and doing 3D stuff. Our head has been trying to accuse Us and berate Us for not doing more 3D stuff. We are setting that free with unconditional love. Because of Our choices there will probably Allways be 3D in which to do 3D stuff. We have no idea what that will look like because if We have ever been/lived in multiD before: We have completely forgotten. If there ever was an instruction manual: We destroyed it.

As We go about Our 3D “doings”: We remind OurSelves to do what We “want” rather than what We “think” that We “need” to do. These may be exactly the same things and because of the different perspectives: One has rocks and/or lead weights tied to “them” and the other flies free. We are theeling less pressured with this attitude. We do real-eyes that All pressure comes from within even though We often forget that.

Another good message that reminds Us that what We theel and intuit is accurate.

Our ham turned out wonderful and We have some with macaroni and cheese. Yummy. We watch a little “Once” with dinner and now We are ready to dream again.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Another short entry while mostly in multiD



Another short entry while mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:04 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt (mostly) in two hour spells. That was okay since We got to dream in. Once again: We do not remember what We did in dream. We just know that We played in other worlds with lots of new friends and maybe some old friends too.

Another good message.

We decided to sit out (on Our front porch in the sun) a while. That was very nice.

Our local friends must be feeling better because “they” want a visit today. We are okay with either staying home or going for a visit. We did a few 3D tasks including more changes to Our new netbook to get it more the way We wanna use it. Our internet connection is slow today and We are not much 3D focused so We did not get any more games.

We are experiencing more awareness of Our home/cabin being multiD. Still looks the same through physical eyes and Our inner/third eye and heartmind can theel and sense more. Remember: nothing is going away. This is about increase not decrease. This is the beginning of Our abundance.

We have a nice visit and dinner with Our local friends. As usual “they” do try to engage Us in talking about drama and Our lack of interest curbs those conversations. We do talk some about Our adventures on the bus. It seems that Our interests are drawing apart.

We are ready for dreaming when We get home so off to dream We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

More, nicer worlds in 3D within multiD



More, nicer worlds in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:42 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well last night. We would love to still be dreaming and tomorrow We get to dream in. We remember that We can remain in multiD as We wake. This is still new to Us. We do not remember what We did in dream and whenever We woke We were practicing gratitude for what We have in Our world/life and sending love to Our kids: especially Our morning kids and Our driver.

We ARE grateful and delighted with Our progress. Some days are gonna be more fun than others. There is a lot of variety in multiD and infinity. We send unconditional love to Our world, kids, life and future. We ARE creating and projecting a world of unconditional love.

We notice that some (a lot) of Our gratitude this morning IS “acting as if”. There certainly ARE worlds that We prefer. We remember that We have been forewarned that lots of old stuff is coming up for owning, pony hopping and setting free with love. Many still think that this “stuff” needs to be destroyed and/or abandoned. That may work for some. We theel that actually just festers and comes out again as an exploding infection. Our way may seem harder at the time and (hopefully) will pay off later. What We are absolutely certain of is that We want multiD, limitlessness and unconditional love. Destruction and rejection of anything is NOT part of that. Pony hopping and more pony hopping. We ARE a pony hopper. We ARE grateful. We are glad that We are doing this Our way.

We are reminded that We are returning to (re-membering) Our true nature. It has been buried and hidden for sooooo long that We do not recognize it and it seems totally foreign. Here is the message that is reminding Us some more. More hints and breadcrumbs that We left for OurSelves.

We are liking today’s world(s) more betterer. Our morning kids have a much better ride than yesterday. At school: Our driver makes everyOne go back to “their” seats and start over because “they” were pushing and shoving again. The admin met the kids at the school door and had trouble with the kindergartners. We told her that “they” did have a good ride.

When We got back to the bus Our driver says that she hopes We did not mind her doing that. We said it was fine and it is a very effective tool that used when We first got these kids. We agree that “they” are getting wild again. We kinda wish she had seen “them” when We first got “them”. Today’s lineup and walk into school was mild and even good compared to how “they” were at first.

Our middleschooler is a little quieter and still happy today.

We are having lunch and Wifi on Our morning break. We are not asked to do any other route.

Our noon kids are fun and playful. Two never ride on Friday so it is a smaller group. That means more of Our attention for the others who do ride.

We get to hottub on Our PM break and All is right with the worlds that We are exploring today. We do sense shifting as We focus less and less on the struggle and strife that is sooooo familiar in limitation and separation.

On Our PM section the last student does not ride again. The next to last is a bit bored again and We get to play with “them” more. The first student is excited to tell Us tales of going to McD0nalds and other adventures. The three nonverbal students All seem happy. “They” too seem to like the spring weather and daylight. Two get very excited as We get close to “their” home.

We finish early and are in multiD by the time We get to the barn. We check Our mail on the way home and play a bit on Our netbook when We get home. We are mostly focused in multiD and do not do much 3D. 3D clearly still exists in multiD just not as important and threatening as We Once believed.

If it seems like We are repeating a lot of words and actions: it is probably because We are. Our transition is gradual. We are NOT leaving 3D. We ARE setting limitation and separation free with love. We ARE expanding into awareness of multiD and multiworlds. We slip, slide around in multiworlds. We are just beginning to grow aware of being in multiD and multiworlds All the time. 3D still is and has Our primary focus just not as strong as before.

We ARE expanding the way that We think. We are focusing more on unconditional acceptance and forgiveness of OurSelves AND Our creations and co-creators. We are remembering that it IS All about unconditional love. We start with OurSelves. That is the only real place to start.

We think that We had dinner with “Once Upon a Time” and now We are ready for a night of dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, April 15, 2016

MultiD: some worlds are just more fun



MultiD: some worlds are just more fun

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:31 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well waking a few times. Our computer woke Us when it woke up installing some new updates. That is probably why it was slow yesterday. Again/still: whenever We woke We are focused on unconditional love. We can theel Our world shifting and transitioning. We ARE evolving. We ARE delighted AND grateful.

We anticipating seeing Our regular driver and hearing how the afternoon went with Our regular kids and telling her about seeing kids from last year.

We are downloading another game on Our netbook as We wake. It is going a little slow.

We continue to focus on unconditional: knowing that this is what it really IS All about. We send love to Our kids, to everyOne that We encounter, to Our world and to Our future. We real-eyes that this is about loving OurSelves first. Everything that We see and think of as outside of Us is actually within Us. We ARE starting to theel this.

Our game download completed and We theel that We probably need to check the available space on Our netbook.

Some days and worlds are just more fun than others. We are NOT destroying or abandoning any world(s) and/or people and that is a bit harder than leaving some behind. No One and No thing is being left behind. Some may fear rejection and being left behind and that may be what is being acted out. We love All of Our creations: even Our (apparent) miscreations. It IS All love regardless of appearances.

Our morning kids did well until “they” did not. It got loud and there were some disagreements and some being mean and some tantrum and, and, and....... We slipped through several worlds and back again. One kindergartner came dragging out of the house and asked why “their” mom is Allways yelling at “them”. We started out okay and that quickly devolved when “they” started acting up right away. We do know that “they” are feeling rejected because the other kindergartner has “their” imaginary friend BB8 with “them”. “They” tried to turn it around and succeeded at times. We like those worlds better.

We do not really know what was going on with the other kids except that We slipped through different worlds. Some are more better and some are difficult.

The kindergartners tried to push and shove to line up and so We had “them” return to “their” seats and wait. Both protested and the One fought Us. We walked the One up to “their” teacher and We also explained about the problem over the other’s imaginary friend.

When We returned to the bus Our driver said: “That was awful”. We did not think it was quite that bad. She did have some constructive criticism and suggestions about Our knee jerk reaction that We had also noticed. We forgive OurSelves. We ask forgiveness for whatever it is within Us that is causing problems for Us AND You. Later We found out that Our driver is tired from working her other job as well as this One. We ARE responsible. This is NOT blame or guilt: just responsibility for what We are creating and projecting. We ARE grateful: especially for Our progress. Our ways of thinking ARE expanding. Less limitation and more unity. Sometimes Our others do act up and have rough times. We have trouble adjusting: how much more those who do not know what is going on. Our whole world IS transitioning. It is different. No more of the same ol' shit.

Our middleschooler is not quite as animated as the last few days and still happy. “They” do well and walk by “themSelves” Once We get to the classroom.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our morning break. When We return to base Our supervisor asks if We can do the same afternoon route as yesterday. We explain that We really can not because of living in a dry cabin and Our morning break is not long enough to get to the pool and back on time. The other route does not have an afternoon break. We do not say that We really prefer Our afternoon kids. After the challenge of Our morning kids We do not need a challenge in the afternoon too. Our kids are only a mild challenge.

Our noon kids are fun and playful as usual. One seems to get upset and We wonder what is going on. “They” fall sound asleep and We know that “they” were just too tired. This certainly does happen a lot and it is hard to predict or detect until the sleep sets in. Kids try to go, go, go just as long as “they” can. Tired often shows up as upset and/or acting out.

We get to hottub on Our afternoon break. The usual highschool group does not show up. We wonder why?

At Our highschool pickup We ask about that group not going swimming and learn that “they” went iceskating instead. We are sure that “they” really enjoyed that. The teacher said “they” did have a really good time.

Our last student did not ride at the gradeschool. The friend is a bit bored and shows it without “their” friend. The first two students are a bit wound up too. We know that part of that is because We were missing yesterday. We can tell that “they” are kinda making up for lost time. Kids do not know when “they” are being rejected and abandoned when We do not show up. Explanations only go so far.

We finish early and are wiped out. We theel it is partly because of the long afternoon yesterday. Part (of course) is being/slipping further into multiD and Our head and body are still adjusting. We theel that We may need a nap before We can get ready for Our nightly dreaming. We find that We just need to sit a bit and We are able to function in 3D enough to get ready for dreaming. We download another game on Our Netbook. We found that the other games that came with it are only free “trial” versions and only get so many free sessions. We did get One that the kids have played out loaded for free on Our Nook.

We make macaroni and cheese to have with Our dinner because We have been wanting some. We also watch more “Once Upon a Time” and then play in multiD a bit before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Very different 3D worlds in Our “normal” waking



Very different 3D worlds in Our “normal” waking

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:35 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are theeling a further shifting and We have been theeling it All night or at least most of the night. We started to say “change” but again: change implies something being left behind or ended. Nothing is ending or being abandoned. This is about expansion. We do not know what this latest shift/transition is about or looks like. We only know that We woke focused on love. We continue to remember that this IS All about unconditional love. Nothing else matters. Not really. Everything else that We want to have and/or see is a result of unconditional love. That is the only way it will really work. Anything else will just go back to the way things were.

As We wake We sense that We are more in multiD. Because everything around is also shifting it is hard to distinguish. We theel this is about freedom and being less limited, less restricted and more of who We really are. We ARE returning to Our true nature. We have totally forgotten what that is and what it is like. We know that it is unconditional love. We really do not know what unconditional love is. It has been sooooo long.

Our computer is running slow this morning. We are reminded that We are creating everything in Our world. We are reminded to focus on love. Here is another important message that echos what We are experiencing and intuiting.

We are remembering a little more from Our dreams: less inhibited and restricted worlds. More love, more freedom, more acceptance. We theel Our world transitioning. We really ARE changing everything. Sometimes it seems minor and sometimes monumental. We usually resist. We tend to want (and cling to) the old and familiar even when that is exactly what We do NOT want.

Interesting worlds in here (out there?) that We are slip, sliding through. Our morning kids are All over the map. “They” are making “their” own map of course. When “they” suddenly slip from being nice to being mean it catches Us off guard. We really are learning how to do this. We walk One kindergartner into school because he is really acting up/out. We pony hop.

We have a sub driver this morning because Our driver overslept. This is a driver We have known since We started. He does very well and does everything he can to help Us. Our driver is driving his route which leaves much later than Ours.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our first break. More messages that confirm what We are living and intuiting. We do like the confirmation. More and more We do get it that We are the One sending those messages. Nothing outside Us. We also forget and easily slip back into old thinking. We recognize this a lot faster. We did not used to recognize it at All. Lots of progress.

Our noon section goes well as usual and We have Our regular driver. We talk about working with those We worked with in the morning. Some of Our kids decide to change who “they” sit with and this changes the dynamics and interactions some. “They” are still very playful. Towards the end of this section dispatch asks Us to work a different PM: One that runs straight through until evening. We agree hesitantly. We are more concerned for Our driver doing Our PM with another attendant. When We mention that she it dawns on her that this is what it means. She has dreaded that since she started driving Our route. We are sure that she will do fine it is the other attendant that We are unsure of: especially since We do not know who it will be.

Back at base It is kind of interesting to hear who All knows that We are doing another route. We hear a lot more good comments about Us today. Our driver for this new PM section is happy to have Us. It does make Us feel good to be appreciated and have people tell Us so.

Our first pickup is the kindergartner who is having trouble on Our regular AM section. On this section “they” ride alone and this makes a world of difference. We get to play like We have a few times in the AM. On Our AM We have seven other students to pay attention to. The teacher talks about that with Us. The student has not had much social experience.

After One section We have a break because the One student did not ride. Our driver is hungry so We stop for takeout at a restaurant that We like and have not been to in a long time. We get a really good and juicy bacon cheeseburger. We have been wanting a good burger for a while now.

This driver is a real “take-charge” person on her route. Since We have only ridden with her on Our noon section where We know the kids and take charge We are a little surprised. It works well since We do not know how the route goes and how the kids act. It runs out that most of the rest of the kids were the kids that We had in the PM last year. It is fun to see “them” again. The last student on this route is still having a lot of emotional issues. “They” have been absent because “they” have been in the same care facility that “they” were out in last year. “They” leave the bus because as the driver is kinda scolding “them” she gives “them” that option. After a while “their” teacher brings “them” back and We start the route.

At first there is some friction between the last student and the One who was sitting where “they” used to sit. The other student let Us sit with “them” which put Us between the two and it worked out after a bit. Eventually the two were playing together.

It was really nice to get to see these kids that We had not seen since last year and We All had fun on the ride after the friction dissipated.

We stayed more in 3D than usual on the ride home because of the change.

We got home a little later than We have been. We fiddle with Our netbook and download a new game for it. We decide to only have Iscream for dinner since We are still pretty full from the burger on the route. We play in multiD rather than watch “Once”.

We are ready to go dream. We wake shortly and find that Our download did not take because Our netbook went to sleep. We change the sleep settings and start over. We lay down for a few minutes and get up until We get the download completed.

Now: We are really ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.