Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A bit like stepping into the fire



A bit like stepping into the fire

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:14:31 AM

Good morning. We are still in dream too much to type. We had to get up to go to class this morning which We had forgotten about until just before going to bed. We went to bed early and We have been waking earlier than We needed to this morning but We were definitely still deep in dream. We had a dream about a large group of people having a meeting and getting All excited about changing the world but then everyOne did nothing about it after leaving the meeting. Man does that sound familiar.

We are definitely waking and walking in multiworlds and multiSelves this morning. The predominant version is NOT happy to be here. This is very reminiscent of the version of Us that started typing these “Today”s. In fact, it would seem that in this version We have not moved on at All in All that time. We still feel stuck and jerked from Our dream life/lives back into limitation.

This reveals a lot and supports much of Our beliefs. We are experiencing Our beliefs and aware of it. The awareness is new. It is also very helpful to know and remember that We have been living in and experiencing expansion in Our waking lives.

Though We really do NOT want to be here (awake in limitation 3D) We do NOT feel stuck either. It is funny, We do not really believe that We are even IN limitation 3D yet it feels like it in some way. It seems that the association with going to work” draws Us back into the feeling of limitation 3D. We know this does NOT have” to be this way. THAT is the progress.

As We are thinking: “But We don't know how to change it.” We have the thought: “We change it by remembering who and what We really are.” And that is exactly what We are in the process of doing.

Yesterday, We were reminded about the many, many people who look for financial change as an indicator of real change. We do not agree with this but (Once again) We are trying to honor “their” choice. What We are experiencing IS the sign of real” change as far as We are concerned.

And speaking of finances. This morning We find there is some kind of glitch in Our unemployment. Even in this state of feeling/thinking (that We are in limitation 3D) We are not bothered or scared or much frustrated by this. It is a minor inconvenience and nothing more.

Yes, We are definitely experiencing multiworlds and multiSelves.

We are very happy with the recognitions and insights We are having this morning. We truly real-eyes AND feel that there is nothing that is sooooo important that it must be done NOW. It is All choice and We can follow Our desires. This is a day of shift and transition and We love it. Whether or not We enjoy class etc., We love the awareness and experiences that We are having. Again, the pressure that We have felt comes from Us. We had to return to this previous feeling and mindset in order to move through it to beyond it.

We recognize that as part of eternity and infinity that this trapped (appearances) version of Us goes on and on, yet We know that this is not tragic as We used to think it would be. We do NOT need to feel sorry for this version(s). We have chosen to wake and expand and shift and transition and HERE WE ARE.

Class was not too painful. Knowing that We are making All this up helps. It is amazing to be out in the work-a-day world and see how many people continue to exist in this make believe state of limitation and separation. It does kinda put Our view of others who are waking but clinging to the old (in One or many ways) in a different perspective.

We are pretty wiped out as was/is expected. We called unemployment and got that straightened out. We had a question about how to answer a question when filing and that is probably what gummed up the system. We will probably return to dream and then see if We want to do anything outside or just chill and hang out.

We had a good time dreaming even though We do not really remember anything. It was about Our transition, other/alternate worlds and lives and All that jazz. We are not gonna do much except hang out and dream the rest of the day.

Something We are real-I-sing this evening is about how most people who are aware of Our current expansion/awakening/assension/whatever are thinking about it, talking about it and projecting it from Our limitation 3D mindset. This extremely limits what We can conceive. Even personally We fall into this trap. This will (and does) affect how Our life and world will unfold.

The visions that We (at least personally) hold of living in a world(s) of peace, equality, abundance, etc. may be delayed because of these projections. On the other hand, if We (personally and/or collectively) can adjust and expand Our acceptance and expectations then it is possible and probable that We will experience these worlds sooner rather than later. Of course, in multi-D sooner and later are mute constructs.

The thing is (for Us personally at least) to accept each person as “they” are, whether awake, asleep, in process of waking or choosing to be blind to the illusion of limitation and separation. As far as We can tell, most people on earth are blind to the illusion and happy to stay that way. There is also the factor that this is a reflection of Our own belief(s). Then again it may be a passive shadow of Us.

We theel that the key and/or answer to All this is to stay in the now, accept Our others as “they” are and keep repeating “Open, let go and allow”. That really does cover it All (as far as We know/theel at this time anyway).

Tuesday, July 30, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:33:18 AM

Good morning. Another interesting and fun night. It continues to amaze All the different worlds We explore and friends We make. Much of Our current explorations and adventures relate to expansion. Of course: in Our dream life We experience Our multidimensionality and that is what expansion is All about. However, there is an awareness that was not present previously. Even though We are not remembering a lot of details when We wake, We are aware in Our dream life that We are getting more familiar with more of who and what We really are.

Limitation is a lie and impossibility, yet everything in this world is based upon and built of limitations and separation. Sometimes, in waking We are beginning to get a feeling and a glimpse of what is really here. It is limitless. The physical can still be physical and be limitless. We (masses) just do not know this (yet) because We have never experienced it. Limitless physical is more liquid and or gaseous unless it chooses to be solid for a time. EveryOne knows that liquids and gases are part of the physical yet We predominantly think of physical as solid. What We really do NOT think is possible is for many/most solid physical objects to shapeshift into liquids and gases (on a whim and without any damage) and then change back again to solid if so desired.

For One thing, We do NOT think that objects CAN make choices. We have a lot to learn.

That is something that We remember coming up in dream. A year ago We knew that there was a lot that must change in order for Us to assend and/or become aware of being multidimensional. We were basically clueless about the vast amount of change involved. Many are resisting and that is “their” choice. We (personally) have All-ways maintained that these different versions can and do and will exist side by side.

Most people want to only be aware of and experience One glorious world. To Us that is still limitation and limitation is really what We are most wanting to be free of. That and separation but it does seem like the separation is growing less even for those who still choose limitation. Maybe We can not take on both at Once? Yet, limitation and separation go hand in hand and are very closely related. Perhaps, leaving separation will lead others to limitlessness?

We are feeling very relaxed this morning. We are also getting it how many of Our (personal) motorvations (or lack thereof) and desires directly relate to an expanded world. Some current for instances: We want plants/gardens/forest that will produce great tasting food year around. We do NOT want to have to water, weed or otherwise tend these plants. (Caring for and tending when We feel the desire is a bit different from it being a requirement for “their” survival.) Not needing to heat or cool a building for people to be comfortable in it. Not needing to “protect” anything from the environment. Growing structures rather than building. The list really does go on and on. We get it now that Our desire is based on Our memory that has been suppressed.

BTW: We are planning to go to town sometime today. We want more StarTrek and some groceries and some etc. We hope to get the second coat of paint/stain on All the uprights before that.

We got the uprights done (except the treated Ones which seem dry enough to stain tomorrow or next life). We got some more cleanup done as We were giving One color time to dry before going to the next color on All the boards. We are having a good deal of wind and dark clouds keep blowing through. No rain yet.

We are gonna head for town in a bit.

We went to town and spent way more money than We had intended but We got what We wanted and We allowed this.

As We got in the dragon and began driving We could and did feel some type of clear shift in OurSelf and/or Our world. We feel the transition happening.

When We got home We found that We have class tomorrow. We knew that We had class coming up BUT We had completely forgotten that it is tomorrow. Not happy. We real-eyesed that this means We also have to go to town Thursday AND Friday. We certainly NOT been planning on that many trips to town this week. If We had real-eyesed this We would not have gone to town today AND We real-eyes that this is why We forgot. All these trips are somehow important.

In Our old frame of mind and limitation/separation mindset, this would be extremely frustrating. We recognize that We are changing. Our head is trying to tell Us about All the mean and nasty things that will result but Our heart knows that everything is perfect (and that We even like the color of perfect).

We are going to dream a bit early in preparation for tomorrow.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Feeling and playing



Feeling and playing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:29:21 AM

Good morning. We do not remember much from last night but We woke with the feeling of abundance gone wild. We feel Our world shifting and transforming. We do remember thinking a lot about Our cabin side wall opening onto an enchanted forest and the front wall opening onto everything. Our vision of what spreads out from the front of Our cabin is growing. We love it. We have a vision/dream of feeding lots of people who still believe in poverty and lack. “They” think there must be a high price to be paid and We invite “them” to help Us with Our projects and play. “They” are welcome to eat whether or not “they” help.

We got up in the middle of the night for some reason and were up for a while. We did not know then what it was about and We do not know now.

We definitely feel the transition happening. We are reminded that some are looking mainly or totally for money or just a better life. “They” still have no interest in real freedom or multidimensionality. Even though that frustrates Us, it is “their” journey and We wish to honor and allow it.

We certainly do not know how the future will unfold. We do theel that there will be many, many versions, worlds and realities. We All-ready know (from experience now) that We live many lives in many worlds and realities. We do desire to be aware of as many of these as possible. We do NOT desire to spend All Our time and focus and energy in any One but there are many We wish to spend even less time in. We are getting it that how any world appears to Us will depend on Our personal perspective. This is still a fairly new concept so it remains easy to think that We will be forced to be ruled by the mass mind. That may have been true under the rules of limitation and separation but it is no longer true for Us (at least personally).

We seem to be feeling like being outside playing at different things All-ready. We will probably spend the day being in and out (physically) as well as drifting and slip, sliding around in different worlds. As We watered Our plants We are reminded to let go, do the foot work and let go of the results. As We feel, We find that the flourishing world(s) is very near. It All-ways has been but it is the vibration that is now closer between Our physical experience and this/these expanded world(s).

We are definitely feeling the transitioning. Sometimes it is invigorating and other times it knocks Us off Our feet.

We returned to dream and We really do not know if We actually slept but We sure did some processing. Some accepting. We have learned and are learning that gardening really is not Our thing, yet We enjoy it is small doses. We do seem to get into Our indoor gardening more than outdoor. What We do get is that Our meager efforts are contributing to bringing this world and the flourishing world(s) closer together in vibration. That is Our part, at least at this time. Our living wall and shed with plants growing inside and out should be a nice contribution.

It is really gorgeous outside so We will be going back out soon. Lots of little things We want to piddle at and hopefully start painting the uprights for the shed. We did get some ideas about setting up the painting (that may work) so We can also be painting two pallets. The two treated boards that We will also be using as supports need to dry more before staining. We do not (yet) have enough uprights for every two feet (like the roof joists will be placed) but We have more than enough for support through the winter.

We are doing some painting, notching the tree trunk upright (and it even looks like We got it right the first try), doing some decorating, emptying some the seed trays and pots that did not seem to grow anything except from Our forest, and other sundry games.

We are having more fun today than We did yesterday. We are happy with how yesterday turned out but it was harder for Us to let it flow. Some days are just more fun than others.

We have been trying to copy and paste from an email We are typing and it is not working right with this new version of OpenOffice. This is why We usually wait a while before We download any new version of anything. Okay We found a way around the glitch.

On Our come inside breaks We have been reading an article from the “Remove the Shackles” blog. Here is Our reaction:

The big thing that comes up for Me (over and over and over and not just from reading any of this) is that We no longer live in a "One size fits All" world. I too fall back into the old consensual reality and beliefs but it does NOT fit anymore. It may (and probably does) fit some, even many, maybe most but it does NOT fit Me.

I believe that there are worlds/realities/lives/dimensions/whatevers to fit each and every belief, option, possibility and then some. If the world (future, whatever) that One person tells Us about doesn't fit, take to a thrift shop and get another. Pass it on, bless it, honor and set it free with love and get Your own that fits.

Most of Us here believe (kinda, sorta, maybe) that We create Our own reality. At least We pay lip service to that idea. BUT: We are sooooo used to living in a consensual reality that We slip back to thinking that there is only One future for everyOne. Yes, if We believe that then that is what We will get. There are uni-verses galore to support that.

But it does not fit Me anymore.

I enjoy (sometimes) reading stuff like this (that is when it doesn't send Me through the roof emotionally) and then take a bit of this (oh, I like the taste of that) and a little of that (mmmmm, smells great) and too much of some (too much is never enough) and just a hint of another and make My reality soup.

If anyOne says and believes that it won't/doesn't work, then it won't work (for "them"). That is "their" choice and it behooves Me to honor that. And I really do try even as I go flying through the roof emotionally.”

Looks like that works. Hard to get used to the changes in how this stuff works.

We got part way through the “Remove the Shackles” article and (for Us) it still comes back to: “not My job”. Our comment as We closed that window was: “It's All smoke and mirrors.” As far as We can see the only real purpose for money is to keep people UN-equal.

Okay, We had a lot of fun decorating and painting and even some cleanup. It seems that opening up the greenhouse was/is the right move. We have 3 new tomatoes today and “they” are All-most as big as the One that started inside the greenhouse. We forgot to check the plants out in the forest. It's been sunny All day today.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Letting go and allowing



Letting go and allowing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:12:59 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night. It continues to amaze Us how many worlds and lives there are to explore and how many new and old friends there are too. We visited a world where a person from an online discussion group exists in an expanded version. (We started to say higher but in Our dream We made that mistake and We were quickly corrected.) This is the first time We have been quite so aware of this. That is, now that We think about it, it actually happens often where We interact in dream with an expanded version of a person from Our waking. This time however, it was pointedly about this expanded version and how “they” are trying to wake “their” 3D version and the resisdance that “they” are encountering.

We also visited expanding and transitioning versions of Our waking world/life/reality. This is a lot of fun. There are versions of friends from childhood interacting with Us there. This is a very pleasant experience. Being physical and limitless is more fluid. Our bodies can mix and mingle, pass through each other, reach into each other and separate again like water can and does. We are imaging that in Our waking life. We can feel it beginning and see it in an ephemeral image. Like a ghost image. We got the message that We just need to begin to tell OurSelves about this and remind Us over and over. We will get the proof, the evidence as We proceed with positive affirming of this. If We succumb to the evidence provided by Our limitation matrix and mindset then We will continue to live there. If We proceed knowing that We are transitioning then We will transition. DUH?????

The new version of OpenOffice that We are using has a glitch in the formatting which is a little frustrating. When We went to support We encountered glitches there also. This was a little frustrating but not high drama and atomic bomb frustrating like computer issues used to be for Us. We reported the problem and will see what comes of this. With the old version (when it was new) We had an issue with the dictionary and thesaurus and We used this same method and it was resolved. This formatting issue should be resolved as it is pretty basic.

It was not terribly frustrating but it did distract Us from Our expanding awareness for some reason. It seems to have dragged Us back towards limitation. We recognize that living in a limitation 3D world will tend to be that way. We are here for as long as We choose to be here (a choice that is made at some level beyond Our conscious awareness and probably for damn good reasons) so We want to learn to adapt and go with what comes Our way. So, We are remembering that We are expanding and transitioning. This includes letting go of “should” and “We will” and “We are going to” in Our thoughts. Replace with “letting go”. We repeat Our mantra a lot: “Open, let go, allow expansion and remember the real.”

The real, expanded and expanding world is here and now. It is just blocked and/or shaded by Our illusionary reality of limitation and separation. One of the messages last night was that if We want to transition then We must keep focusing on the real and expansion and transitioning.

Today is an experiential day on many levels in many worlds. Our physical energy is more available today than yesterday but still not full strength.

It began to seem like We were hitting some snags on the new shed but it turns out it is time to start removing the old pallets and that clears up the issue. We are unsure if this means We are going to lay the new pallets or????????? We really had no idea how much work it would be to get these support boards cut to length but We are glad that We did what We have done so far with the pallets. Now there are a lot less plastic leaned up here and there and We have a better idea of how those will lay out for the new floor. A good experiment and practice run. We think We will leave “them” mostly as is for the winter so We do want to get some better plywood on top but no real rush. “They” could stay like this All winter. Now, We can paint the support pieces when We feel inspired.

We opened up the greenhouse today. It just feels like the right thing to do for the tomatoes. We left a piece of plastic handy to put over the onions in case “they” start getting drowned by rain. The plastic piece that was covering the greenhouse is still rolled up right there if We feel like We need to replace it.

We hope to get the rest of the rock that We brought home yesterday on the drive this afternoon. That is next on Our agenda. Then We will see if We need more rock or let it be until next year. We are kinda working towards winding things up for the summer. Three more weeks until school starts and several things to get done and/or put away before then. We will have a three day weekend (Labor Day) before the snow flies but We really like to be pretty much ready for snow when We return to work full time.

We had thought that We might want to do some decorating on the path and/or fort today but Our inspiration and energy just did not go the way. It still might but probably not if We play rock first.

Okay, the rock is on the drive and All is right with the world. Yes, All would be right with the world even if the rock had not gotten on the drive. It looks like it would be a good idea to get another load for the rut. It was a big rut/gully but We got the worst part filled.

It looks and feels like We could get a good rain but it has felt like that off and on for the last few days and it just flies on bye.

We continue to be walking in multiworlds as We play outside and come in for breaks. We did stay mostly focused in Our 3D reality while working on the shed but that is a good thing while operating saws and such. We also remain aware of more and that is progress. We stayed open to Our intuition rather than insisting on Our plans. That is major progress.

Maybe tomorrow We will do some decorating. Maybe some painting too. Maybe some knot?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Another day of going back to dream over and over again (My friend)

Our formatting in OpenOffice 4.0 is not working properly at this time.  Therefore, until this is fixed Our paragraphs will not be indented.
Another day of going back to dream over and over again (My friend)
Wizard's Log Star-date: 01:12:04 AM
Good morning. We got up early to go get rock for the drive and water at the spring. We had not really intended to get up quite this early but there You have it and here We are. We real-eyes that We are not really awake just out of bed. Partially typing and reading emails and partially dreaming. We do not remember dreaming anything while in bed. Perhaps it is because We are still wherever We were.
Our world is changing and We are changing.
We real-eyes that We no longer need anyOne else's agreement to be comfortable where We are. We are blazing trail. Not a lot of company doing that. We must be true to OurSelf and follow Our heart. This is not a popular journey, yet We know that others will join Us when “they” are ready. We also know that there are All-ready versions of “them” and Us waiting for Us to wake up.
Our feelings and perspective and life are more and more out of focus in limitation 3D and yet 3D is where We wake but it is less and less limited. It is hard to explain and understand because We still speak and think in limitation 3D language. However, We are feeling and experiencing beyond limitation 3D.
Just before going to bed We read about stepping out of time to go multidimensional and then returning a second before We left. We theel that We did this except We may have missed the coming back part, at least partially.
When We got home from getting rock and water We returned to dream. We woke several times and finally got up. We read a few emails and are just about ready to return to dream. We may do some decorating on Our path and fort but it does not feel like We are motorvated to do much else. We do feel the Fae and the magik. Perhaps We will slip out of time.
Well, We certainly have done good at going back to dream today. Practice makes perfect. In fact, if it wasn't so close to dinner We would do it again. As it is We will probably do early dinner and early to dream for the night.
Somewhere in the day We downloaded the latest version of OpenOffice. We usually wait a while to download any newest version of anything but there was a security alert about the old version so We upgraded. We will see how this goes. We deleted the old version completely from both laptop and desktop because of the security issue.
We are processing some incidents that We have been observing and mildly participating in. Each person has choices and One option is to stick to and demand Our limitations. The thing is that in this changing and expanding world, trying to stay in the old can get pretty uncomfortable. One reaction is to try to keep everyOne trapped with Us in Our “stuck in limitation” mode. This does not work but when We are stuck there, We don't know it isn't going to work. One reaction will be denial. We are gonna guess that this will be the most common reaction.
Those “others” whom We try to trap in limitation (the old and familiar world and energy in any form) may well react in a strong manner. This will probably shock Us for We will have deluded OurSelf into thinking We are right and in the right. After All, We are (would be) only acting out of Our old and familiar programing. When this happens: per Our old programing We will probably see OurSelves as the victim.
The pressure is likely to continue and only increase until We cry: “ENOUGH!” If and when this happens Our best option will be to take back Our power which We have given away. The pressure will probably continue until We do that.
Many of Us feel attacked and controlled by outside forces. We think We are slaves (because We are) but few real-eyes that We are also the slave holders. It is possible (and Our personal belief) that those controllers and seeming evil doers are actually acting out of love and trying to “force” Us to recognize who and what We are and take back Our power. This can be quite a conundrum for: as long as We give away Our power “they” will take it and use it to try to wake Us up.
Our beliefs create Our reality and it is very real even though it is impossible and built on lies and impossibilities. WE ARE that powerful.

Friday, July 26, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:57:33 AM

Good morning. Another fun night in a variety of worlds with a variety of friends. We just real-eyesed something: sometimes it feels like We are participating in these worlds and living these lives and other times it feels like We are observing another version of OurSelf living these lives. In most cases it seems that the version of OurSelf in each life goes on living that life when We are focused elsewhere. This raises some questions, mostly from a limitation 3D mindset so We are not going to spend a lot of time on “them”. We know that many things and possibilities in limitlessness are quite beyond Our imagination. We are having fun, what else matters?

Early in the night We had some ideas about Our new shed, the fae and life in general. We real-eyesed that We could push OurSelf and get the first eight foot section of roof on but that is not how We want to play. There are also other things We want to spend some time doing before school starts and We really do want to stop pressuring OurSelf. There is just no rush and We feel that there will be some differences by next summer that We can not plan and prepare for this summer because We do NOT know what “they” are and would not understand “them” if We did.

Does this mean We do not need/want the shed. Clueless. We will keep working/playing on it but We will not try to get the roof on at this point. We may do that in a week or so, who knows?

We did visit more worlds where harm is impossible and everything flourishes. We are calling this Our world. We do see how in many ways We (Our current life) are there and in the rest moving that direction. It is a system built on beliefs. All worlds are.

This morning: Our head wants to think and plan but We are practicing staying present in the now and being aware of more than the limitation Our head wants to plan.

The new energies are palpable today and today We are enjoying it. Going slow and gentle. Enjoying looking at the decorating and the beginnings of the new shed from outside AND through the windows. We are very happy and even more comfortable with Our home.

It feels like We may be heading back to dream soon. It is a good day to dream.

We have noticed that We are getting better at procrastination rather than pushing OurSelf.

We returned to dream and had fun. More worlds and more friends.

It's a bit windy today and the wind is moving the clouds around. Hard to say if We will get any rain or not. Maybe if We water Our plants it will bring the rain? We are kinda getting ready to go outside and see what feels it wants to be done.

So, We got the dog yard out of the truck and stored where We want it (We think anyway). We have no idea if We actually use it but it does feel good to have it. We mucked with Our shed. It seems that if We go slow and gentle and feel Our way the pieces of the puzzle are making “themSelves” known where “they” want to go. This is a bit hard to explain so We will just say: “trust Us on this One”. We are feeling Our way towards what We want. Is there really any better way to go?

There is a piece of tree that We cut down a few years ago that We will use for the end support for the 18' board. We got it cut to length and began notching it to fit in and support the board. We knew it was time to stop rather than pushing ahead with the notch. We do not know exactly why but We are willing to wait.

Now it is time to clean up and close up and then start dinner.

We just flashed that We are discovering/remembering a new way to live. It is a deeper letting go and going with the flow than We have known so far in this waking life. It is quite contrary to how We All-ways thought/believed We need to live. It is probably quite contrary to how the majority of people think We should live. But then, it is Our world. TG it is changing.

Shifting into living multidimensionally is quite an experience.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stretching into limitlessness



Stretching into limitlessness

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:55:58 AM

Good morning. Another night spent playing in a variety of worlds with a wider variety of friends. There was some important information but We do not remember what it was. It seems like it remains in Our subconscious for when We need it and/or are ready for it. We are changing that is for certain. In the last life We visited We are living and working on the school bus in Washington D.C. Pretty much clueless what that is about.

It seems that We are mostly in Our familiar world this morning. We may try to alter that a bit. There are some mundane tasks to be done but We are not in any rush to do “them”. We are looking forward to starting to lay out Our new shed. As We have said before this will be a bit like putting a puzzle together. First step will be moving some lumber that is stored alongside the cabin where We wish to start. We invite the Fae to participate and We will also be playing at decorating Out faerie path.

That reminds Us: We were dreaming about this new shed being a part of Our cabin wall that opens onto Our enchanted forest, for indeed it will be. Our kitchen window looks out onto Our fort and Our faerie path and that is the side where We will be building Our new shed which We hope will have a living wall (hopefully sooner than later).

Ah yes, We visited some different versions of Us living here. There are many versions that are nearby leading to versions that are less similar, step by step and slide by slide. It is getting quite exciting. We like expanding even if there are some rough spots.

Once again Our first venture outside for the morning reveals that things are different than We remember. Subtle differences to be sure but definite differences. The best example is that Our tarps are at a different angle in relation to the rest of the stuff out front. Think about All the little oddities in Our lives that such a difference would explain. We know that We have been noticing more and more of these oddities. We often strive to set up or build something that is level or properly upright or aligned with this or that. If (and when) We shift to a different perspective and/or a slightly out of kilter (for lack of a better description) world/reality All that effort is lost and wasted. For Us (personally) this relates to the futility of All the planning We used to do and Our head still wants to do. Again: it keeps Us locked in a defined and therefore limited reality. This defining worked while We were exploring and experiencing limitation. Now: We are exploring and experiencing transition.

Aha, that reminded Us of some information and experiences in dream last night. We (hopefully the masses but definitely personally) are choosing to experience being physical but limitlessness. This choice is blowing away the ETs and assended masters who are observing Us. Basically: “they” said it could never be done. It has never been done before and everybody (except Us humans) thought it was impossible. Nothing is really impossible. Yet even the angels are shocked at what We are doing. At least that is what We experienced in One (or more) dream lives last night. It is an important point. Nobody, nowhere has ever been physical and unlimited before. Go Gaia Go. We felt Gaia doing some very heavy breathing at this real-I-sation. We are not sure if this was a news flash for both Us and Gaia or just Us.

This does NOT nullify the energy body/light body work that many have been doing. This incorporates that work. Just because nobody saw this coming does not mean We were not preparing at some level. This shift of physical into limitlessness will (or at least can) involve shapeshifting, teleporting and transporting, telekiwhatsit and much, much more.

We All thought that being physical required being limited. This is what earth humans are doing that is totally new. The ETs and assended masters knew that We were doing this new and unexpected move in Our bodies but even “they” did not get it that We are taking physicality into limitlessness. It changes All definitions of physicality.

Is it any One-der that many of Us are feeling odd? We are taking Our bodies which are by “their” very definition and existence limited and stretching and morphing “them” into somethings that are limitlessness. Trust Us on this One: We have no idea what We are talking about but We feel it deeper than Our bones. Now We know why We did not remember it and why We have not been remembering a lot of Our dreams lately.

We've spent most of the day outside doing/playing this and that. We got the 18' board up for Our new shed. It is not completely secured yet because We have not decided on uprights etc. We did figure out where We want the pallet/living wall to be and We did an experiment w/the roof joists and it looks like it will All work the way We think/thought We want it to. Happy with how it is going and figuring out some jigs and such to make it easier.

Even though We are very present in 3D as We do stuff, We are also very aware of being in other dimensions and realities too. Slip, sliding around is kinda cool if We let it be.

We finished Our doings about the time it started raining. We really did not want to stop but We did recognize We were running low on energy and it is about time for dinner (as Shadow is reminding Us).

After dinner We have this desire to “do” something but We do not know what. We can not think of anything that We want to do besides go dream. Even though We want to go dream, this feeling is not (or it does not seem to be) about going to dream. We will probably go dream soon and see what happens.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Night School returns



Night School returns

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:27:16 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night and We remember a little more. We notice that recently more and more others from Our waking passed (or what We remember as Our waking passed anyway) are showing up to interact with Us. We also notice that We (personally) are quite different in many worlds and similar in others. This is not just a personality or physical difference it is also Our expansion and limitations that vary. We remember going through quite a spectrum of OurSelf and how We feel (regarding being limited and less limited even if not quite limitless).

We recognize that We are experiencing different versions of OurSelf in waking and dreaming both. This is a bit hard to adjust to but it is part of living multidimensionally. Our head wants to latch on to One version and ride it to death. Well, that is exactly what We and most of the world have been doing for eons. (We do theel that there are a minority who have not been experiencing this but rather have been consciously experiencing living multidimensionally and it would really surprise most people to find out who these people are.)

We clearly remember noticing that We were in many worlds where All everyOne did was play. This was astounding. Not to mention a lot of fun. In Our current new age movements (or any who are aware of enormous financial change) there is great fear (by many) that this is what will happen and nothing will get done and Our needs will not be met. The thing is that Our needs are imaginary. Nobody really believes that part, not yet anyway. Until We believe it, Our needs are very real. We noticed All this in dream and/or waking dream. We are learning a lot about Our transition and expansion yet (so far) it does not feel like night school. We are quite unclear about the difference but there is One. Perhaps it is mostly that We are not ready to share this current learning as openly as We would feel compelled to share a “Night School” or even “Morning Review”.

We recognize that We are introducing these concepts (new or simply remembered whichever “they” may be) to the mass consciousness through Our awareness and trying to push the words would fall very short. First, these things must be introduced to Our hearts. Many of the ideas that We have tried to share which seemed to fall on deaf ears are now being introduced by established and accepted leaders and teachers. For the most part, We are okay with this. We know that We are doing Our part.

It is fun to know that We are experiencing these different versions of Our world and of OurSelf. It is also a bit scary. It is certainly different from what We are used to. Of course Our head insists that We will fail and die trying. However, Our heart is confident that though We may stub Our toe a few times, We will ultimately succeed and this success is not All that far off.

What does it look like? Hard to describe in limitation vocabulary because it is about living limitlessly. Interesting, that is not even a recognized word. It is about staying in the now. Our head is really screaming about that part.

For some reason We decided to do a little clean up on Our external hard drive. This kinda shifted Our focus, a lot. This may well be a part of experiencing these different versions of OurSelf.

Ah, now We remember a dream that We wanted to try and share a bit of. It is One of those worlds where everyOne spends “their” time playing. It is a world where We can do no harm and everything flourishes. We were aware that food is not really an essential, We just believe that it is. We are aware of eating purely for pleasure. We were All playing with each other and there were vines everywhere full of blooms and fruits of every description. In fact, it was rather like some old Twilight Zone episodes and other horror type movies. The thing is that We recognized this and there is no fear. We recognized that We had been taught to fear abundance through these shows, movies, books and folk tales. We want to share this but are unsure how at this time.

Maybe it will be a night school after All. Looks like it will.

When We were outside for the first time this morning and looking at Our fort and Faerie path We are reminded to keep ideas as ideas and not plans. Ideas can flow and flourish. Plans tend to be fixed and stagnate. Plans can be flexible but for Us personality, We tend to get stuck, fixed and stagnate in plans. We allow OurSelf more flexibility with ideas. It is a personal thing. Like Our real-I-sation that it is Us (not the outer worlds) that expand into a state of limitlessness. Certainly, Our perspective and attitude and belief affects Our world but the world actually has much less affect on Us than We real-eyes.

We finished painting Our 18' board for Our new shed and We are happy with it. Now, We are getting ready to go do laundry. This is kinda One of those “shoulds” that We hate, but it will be good to have it out of Our mind. We are practicing slipping in and out and around and abouts while doing 3D stuff. It is fun to slip out into a more panoramic view of Our life while walking around and doing stuff.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013




(From night school last night)

We were looking at some of Our hopes and dreams and fears:

As One might infer: there was a group (or class) of Us. We were on/in a world where We can: “do no harm” and everything flourishes. Perhaps We should expand on this just a bit. We real-eyes that We have not shared a “Night School” for a while (because We have not been aware of being in night school for a while). If You have not been following Our blog (click here to check it out) then You may not be aware of Our opinions and experiences in worlds where We can do no harm”.

It is said that the first and foremost cosmic law (perhaps the only cosmic law) is: “First do no harm”. A good rule and/or law to be sure. However, in some (even many) worlds and realities it is unnecessary. We know, We have been to many of these worlds. Yes (for Us personally) it began as an idea, a possibility, a theory if You will. Then, as We decided We like the idea, We found there are worlds that support and experience it. In these worlds: not only do We do no harm, it is impossible to do harm. This is definitely hard to conceive of and imagine from Our (the masses) current mindset.

Most would say that: “In the real world that is impossible”. Funny (in a sad, sad way) that We (humans) really believe that it ever being impossible to do harm is an impossibility. Of course, as long as We believe it is impossible, then it is. Perhaps, if You can not believe that such worlds exist, You can say that it is possible? That would be an excellent place to start with anything that We can not believe is real.

Of course the most important part of any class is recess. So, We were All playing, romping around and being silly and such. We knew that (at least) in this world food is not a necessity. Food (in this and many other worlds) is only for pleasure. There are plants flourishing everywhere and “they” do NOT need any tending. The plants get enough water and sun and dark naturally. (Much like many believe Our world is intended to be and will be soon.) There is fruit in abundance. Vegetables are a bit less common (joke).

As We were playing We noticed just how many plants and especially vines there are in this world. Not only are “they” visible, flourishing and obvious, “they” also exist in an ephemeral fashion or slightly out of vibrational synch. In fact, as We became aware of these plants, blooms, vines, trees etc. in this nearby but out of synch vibration or reality it was like an old “Twilight Zone” episode or other horror movie or book. “They” were everywhere. In those movies, shows and stories “they” would soon eat Us, or strangle Us, or entwine Us and take Us home to mother.

In this world, there is no fear of any of that. Ummmm, it is impossible?????? WE (the people inhabiting this world) believe it is impossible and so it is. You know, now that We think about it, We have a very similar belief in this current world too. We would be willing to say that You believe it is impossible for plants to gang up on You and do You harm. Or, at least You think You do.

What We real-eyesed is that through such programming (the horror shows, movies and stories) We taught OurSelves to fear abundance. We (probably the masses) are actually afraid that if everything flourished and there was no predator to keep it in check, then We (personally and collectively) would be consumed and/or abused.

Our class (One and All) laughed in the face of such danger. Are We a brave lot? No, We just know that in this world it is impossible to do harm. We recognize that Our fear of complete, total and unchecked abundance is truly: false evidence appearing real.

What an I opener. To really get it that We (personally and probably collectively) are actually living in fear of abundance gone wild. Wowsa. Talk about law of attraction at work.

This is Our experience. Your mileage may vary.

Happy day



Happy day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:08:29 AM

Good morning. We had another fun night until the end when We were catering again. We really do NOT understand why Once again We visit a life where We are catering?????? What is that about?

One thing about this current life in limitation 3D: We are NOT catering. Okay, in connection and limitlessness catering might not be so bad but those lives still seem like limitation. Yes, We were playing with new and old friends and it did seem more fun than when We were catering in Our waking world. However, We were a very different person than We are now and it would have been very hard to be who We are now if We continued catering. We do feel that there is something We need/want to look at since this comes up over and over. Is it just so that We are aware of these lives as part of eternity and infinity? That is a possibility but it really seems like these visits are more than that. We are not just observing. If We are doomed to visit catering lives for eternity, We guess that really is not such a terrible fate if it is the price of being multidimensional.

This could well be part of learning about being multidimensional. Nothing really dies or even ends. And, the version of Us in these lives seems happy. Of course, there were times when We were happy in Our catering life and We did have some good friends. We also wonder if the dreams are connected to the owner reaching out to Us from wherever and whatever he is now. We are not surprised at All that there is a connection. We knew that when he was still alive.

We just hope there is not something about this that is holding Us back. If there is We really do want to know and face it. Maybe We just need to real-eyes that is part of Our infinity. It is kinda funny that We do not visit lives where We are a smoker or a drunk. We do visit lives where We are lots of things but catering seems the most common. Many lives are in limitlessness, or at least closer than this or any of those We are typing about right now. We would have to say that this recent catering may have been in a world of more connection. Perhaps........ We know that there are many versions of the future. Maybe this is somehow showing Us about that. We (obviously) can and will expand in many directions.

There are expectations. Even though We would like to be free of expectations, We still have “them”. We know that Our world is transitioning All-most (or completely) beyond recognition. The path there may be through a progression of worlds that begin as very similar to this and then progressively get less and less similar to this and more and more expanded, connected, equal, free and limitless. Each world/reality or version will have its own offshoots that are going in other directions but begin similar to “their” nearest world. We believe that is how infinity and eternity works. Like a starburst shining and reaching out in All directions at Once.

We know that We do not have adequate words and expressions to describe infinity. Yet, We are certainly beginning to feel that We are expanding into it more and more.

And so, as We read some email and ponder and feel into this: We get it that We are in a very different space/world than before (when was/is before????). It looks much the same as Our memory tells Us the world looked here yesterday. Maybe it does but We sure feel different. We feel OurSelf changing and transitioning. Expanding.

It is nice that (so far) We do not feel any pressure today. The pressure may seem work related, or any type of “outside demand” related, but it really comes from Us. Yes, having to meet some schedule increases Our opportunities to make OurSelf feel pressured but the pressure comes from Us, Our expectations, plans and goals. These things keep Us locked in limitation. We are expanding and this All is changing.

All the external stuff is free of matter. It is experience. The experience is important, how We have that experience I snot. We (personally and collectively) tend to assign a lot of importance to Our limitation 3D reality. This keeps Us locked in. There is much more to experiencing physicality than limitation. Very few get that but it will catch on sooner or later. Limitation and physicality are NOT synonymous though most everyOne thinks of “them” that way. That feels to be the next step (for Us personally at least but maybe also collectively with a growing awareness): exploring and experiencing being physical without limits. That is hard to imagine and conceive of but We can do (and are doing) it.

We are doing quite a bit outside and taking lots of breaks. We are having fun with Our doing and that is what matters. Oh, We are also happy with everything We have done so far.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Gentle as We go



Gentle as We go

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:45:58 AM

Good morning. Yes, another fun night in lots of worlds with lots of new and old friends. While Our memories are clearer and more distinct than others, We still can not really describe what went on. It is beyond the physical and therefore hard to describe in physical words, but yet it was also very physical??????? Maybe it was beyond limitation and separation and therefore even harder to describe with words which limit by definition.

We are adding yet more to Our current mantra: “Open, let go, allow and remember the real. All of this which We see and experience is imaginary. It is a collective imaginary and agree to by All involved. Therefore it is hard to fully let go and break free. “Break free” is not really the right phrase because it implies struggle.

We are reminded that no successful pioneer, explorer, inventor or revolutionary ever listened to (or followed) the admonition: “Be realistic” or “this is the real world” or any such limiting demands and commands. And even still “they” were doing “their” think in the imaginary world. “They” were not even broaching the boundaries of limitation and separation and yet “they” were pushing accepted boundaries and limits. Then how much more are We admonished to: “be realistic” and live in the “real world” and such. Perhaps We are not that much closer to breaching the borders of limitation and separation but it sure feels like We are just about to slip through the walls that are imaginary. It is probably the same as the early explorers felt when pushing beyond the boundaries of civilization.

And that is okay. If there is still an infinite space to travel, that is fine but We just gotta get beyond these current limitations. Many/most just want a better version of limitation. As hard as it is for Us to accept that, We must. It is none of Our business and not Our job. Our job is to tend to Our own garden (figuratively mostly) and follow Our heart and send love to everyOne. Even those who may appear to oppose Us.

Money is NOT the answer for Us and even though We feel it is NOT the answer for anyOne, maybe it is for some. We want more. We want to slide into worlds where everyOne is equal. We believe that in those worlds money is pointless. We know that everything in this world is false and imaginary. Money is part of that, just like war and famine and All suffering. To believe that suffering is not real is very farfetched and delusional to most people. That's okay. It does not bother Us as much as those still clinging to money. But We are trying to honor and allow All choices.

It is very easy to get caught up in this imaginary world, after All, We are here and We are here by choice. Whenever We make progress towards finding Our way out (or remembering Our way out) it is very, very easy (and comfortable) to slip back in to the holographic fantasy. This is All part of the game, the way We set it up. It is to keep Our transition slow and on track and not mind blowing. It is easy to judge OurSelves and Our others when We slip back in over and over and over. That too is part of the set up. The word “failure” comes up over and over and over. It is NOT real but it feels very real and ever imposing.

Learning to live multidimensionally is a process and does not All-ways seem to be an easy slide even though it really is. It is Our resis-dance that complicates it and makes it seem painful and difficult.

We are reminded that balance is a key. We are pretending to be here and limited for the experience. It is free of matter but We want the experience (whether We real-eyes it or not).

We are doing a good job of letting go and going back to dream this morning. We are even finding some waking experiences of expansion and remembering the real.

A bit of inspiration hit Us and All-most knocked Us over. We did a very few light and little things outside and We are tired and sweating. This tells Us that the energy really is NOT supporting much physical activity right now and We are okay with that. We got a couple of things transplanted and did some preparation for some others. We did discover that the mint plant that We have been nursing is not mint. We are clueless what it is so We put it in a pot where We can watch it and water it as We water other stuff. We brought in some actual mint plants that need repotting and We will (hopefully) plant “them” in the decorated jug We made for indoor mint. BTW: Our outdoor mint barrel is doing great. We put some more mint plants inside an old tire down by the new outhouse wall.

The tarps and greenhouse outside need to be closed up because it does look like more rain soon. As soon as We feel like We will get right on that. Oh, We did find the green Xmas garland that We want to use to wrap the long portal overhead pole that We stained a couple of weeks ago. We have been waiting to put that up before We add any more decorations to the pole. We might do that today. We checked on the little people's picnic table and it feels fine. We had a pink rolling cart that We had placed by the fort wall and it felt like it wants to be with the picnic table so We moved it. It may not be placed quite right so “they” may rearrange it a little.

We are happy with the way everything is progressing and We feel like We are doing fairly well at detaching with love and allowing expansion. We do feel that We are learning to consciously live multidimensionally, even if it is a slow process. There was some great revelation that dawned on Us a few minutes ago but now it is gone. Well, We theel it is in Our heart but not able to get out Our fingers right now.

Ah: We are experiencing a (or several) major attitude and perspective shift. It is in the right direction as there is no other direction it can really be in. It is affecting Us just as it is probably affecting everyOne.

So, We got the garland on the portal cross piece and the bow with some kind of greenery was falling apart so We redid it a little. Honestly, We are a bit perplexed by that greenery. We can not tell for sure if it is real or memorex. It has a distinct odor but the color faded onto Our hands when wet. We think it may be eucalyptus but We have not seen eucalyptus in sooooo many years that We are not certain. We think We like what We did with it and the bow and We put some stalks in water. Who knows?

The tarps and greenhouse are closed up for the night. Shadow had a bit of a hard time following Us around and just came back to the back door (he went there when We first went out again????) to come in and he seems to feel it is dinner time. It is a little bit early. He really does like having the other side of the cabin opened up so he can get around that way also. We plan to keep that in mind as We work over there and get it ready for winter later on.

We hope to get the mint in its new home soon and We found the pot that We “think” We want to put Our lavender rootings in. The lavender seems to want to be in a bunch and We accidentally (or intuitively) rooted a bunch of stems together. So, We will plant “them” that way in an indoor pot and see what becomes of “them”. We are not certain if We want to put the lavender and citronella plants in the ground before fall or leave “them” in “their” pots and put “them” under the cabin or some such for winter?????? Perhaps none of the above? We really do NOT think We have enough room inside for All the plants We would like to bring in for the winter but maybe that will change???????

We did get more potting done, had a nice dinner with a banana split for dessert and watched some Star Trek. Then We are off to dream.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Today: 07/20/13


Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:08:34 AM

Good morning. Again, We only remember that We had a good time in Our dream lives. We woke feeling different, like Our world is more magikal. We real-eyes that this is an inner thing that can project onto the outer.

It is a rainy day which is good and expected.

Our first priority is gonna be going back to dream.

Again today We are reminded of different versions of Our world that are being chosen and experienced. It is easy to judge those that are different from Ours and yet Ours changes too so how can We judge? Well, it is easy. Yet We do know that each and every version is perfect. And no, some are NOT more perfect than others. We are glad We chose to be aware of the others even though sometimes it affects Our mood. We are also glad that We are experiencing the version(s) that We are. We certainly have Our opinion(s) about many of the versions We see people choosing and demanding but part of that is because in “their” demands “they” are blind to what “they” are doing. “They” are keeping “themSelves” locked in what “they” think “they” do NOT want. Again, yes it is perfect but that does not mean We like watching “them” hurt and limit and separate “themSelves”.

This is All part of Our personal processing. We also real-eyes that Our personal processing is also for the collective when “they” choose to embrace it.

We are having an interesting day that is not what One would normally think of as interesting. We have not really done anything (in the physical) but We are drifting and dreaming and letting go and staying in the now and enjoying it. We are only doing what We want and Our head does not like that but Our heart is very okay with it. Our head may just be learning to follow Our heart (or not).

The thing is that We really are getting it that “this” the way to affect the change that We wish to see and be. This is the way to expansion. What We have All-ways thought of as the way to advancement is really what keeps Us stuck and spinning Our wheels. We are even okay (right now) with those who still do not see this.

And so, We continue to have a rather otherworldly experience of Our now. We went out and watered the onion tub which is under that sawhorse greenhouse and is not really benefiting from the rain. We really do not know if Our plants are doing well or not and We theel that We need to stop judging “them”. “They” are what “they” are. Why do We need to go beyond that? Humans are (or can be) odd and perplexing creatures. Expectations and judgments tend to make up most of Our lives (if We look deep and are honest).

We are happy to find that more and more writers, teachers, etc. are looking deeper and getting (and sharing) the same messages that We are getting.

We went to visit Our friends in town and after being there a bit something weird kinda hit Us and We had to leave much sooner than usual. We really do not know what it was but We turned into a very foul mood.

Se, We came home early and went to dream early.

Saturday, July 20, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:21:51 AM

Good morning. Lots of worlds and lots of friends. All that We remember is that We had a good time.

It finally started raining and that is a good thing.

We are barely here and do not really have anything to type right now. We like where We are. We are having a good time.

Our head still wants to make plans and keep Us stuck in limitation, demanding how things “really” are. It kinda amazes Us how much We used to fall for it and how easy it still is to start to buy in. But that is All fantasy and make believe. In fact it is impossible because it is based in separation and limitation. It is sooooo enticing, but it is NOT real”. We are reminded to stay in the now and now We like it.

As We plant a tomato stem that rooted nicely for Us, We real-eyes and ponder. As humans We make plans and set goals. This may have its place but it also is based in limitation and separation. All of Our plans and goals depend on and demand everything staying limited and separate. That is We think and believe and therefore how We plan. If and when We let go and do what We want in the now, We allow for connection and limitlessness. We may not appear to experience it but We have begun to allow it. That is a great place to start. So, We try to do what We want in the now and let go of plans. Part of this involves trusting OurSelf. Another big hurdle. Personally, We believe that if We do not follow a plan or plans then We will fuck up.

Now there is something else to look at and process, own, honor and set free with love.

We continue have insights and experiences of being and living multidimensionally and “in the now”. We find that Once again there are many layers to the onion. It is rather amazing how long ago (and as recent as yesterday) We really thought (as many still probably do) that there just could NOT be any more to learn and/or remember. We look at how far We have come (and how much We have learned, remembered and changed) since We first thought that it is incredible. So, We can not help but believe that there remains much, much more. Perhaps an infinite amount?

So, even though We get short of patience with those who think “they” are ready and demand to get more, We really do understand because We have been there. It is just frustrating knowing that We can not do” anything to shorten the path for “them”.

As We do stay in the now rather than planning it is sooooo much more comfortable. We do want to mention that plans and goals are (IMO) different from ideas, possibilities and even probabilities. IF We can keep Our thinking in the perspective of ideas rather than plans We are more able to allow expansion and NOT be keeping OurSelf stuck in limitation. Allowing for possibilities (that We are/may be currently unaware of) keeps Us in a better frame of mind and belief.

Once again We are reminded that the days of One size fits All are over (at least in Our experience). This too takes a shift in thinking.

There may not be quite 7 billion plus versions of now and how Our world evolving but there are damn close to that many.

Friday, July 19, 2013

People buy into distractions



People buy into distractions

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:25:17 AM

Good morning. Again We visited many worlds, many lives and many friends. It does seem that We are recognizing more and more of Our others. This is probably because these lives are becoming more familiar. We have often One-dered if Shadow was/is some of the characters in Our other lives. This morning he woke Us from a dream where a person was doing All-most exactly (in that world and life) what Shadow was doing here to wake Us.

This morning, as We begin Our day, We are aware of how We are changing. Or at least some of the ways We are changing but mostly: We are aware that We are changing and expanding.

We have been experiencing a lot of frustration with/over people who are focused on money as sign and evidence of change. We feel strongly that this is a trap. We find OurSelves feeling extremely like We did when viewing Atlantis from afar and it is extremely distressing. We do not know how to really handle this but We do recognize it AND We are typing about it. That is the best We can do at this time. We sorely hope that this is NOT going to be anything like a repeat of Atlantis.

As We peruse Our email We feel strongly that many are going down this path of letting money distract “them”. All We can do at this time is follow Our own heart, send love and observe. We feel like We are taking a step back and that may be part of being in” the world but not of” the world. This does NOT make Us special or above anyOne else. We are certain that there are others feeling the same and/or similar and We truly hope that those who are distracted will wake. However, We each have Our own path to explore. We hope that Our sharing assists those who feel what We feel.

We recognize that even if Our typed words do not reach those who can relate to Us, Our dreams and love and energy do. These are new days and new(ish) ways.

It is interesting how Our feelings change. We were surely in an emotional slump over the weekend and first part of the week. Then yesterday (when We got home) and this morning We want” to tend to Our garden. It is NOT a feeling of obligation but a desire. This feels much betterer.

We did notice yesterday and then again this morning that whenever We start Our planning ritual: “I want to” or “I'm going to” or “I need to” We are finishing with: “LET GO”. This is much improvement.

We continue to have experience and insights about staying in the now. Also, We added: “expansion” to Our mantra: “Open, let go and allow expansion.”

We were also thinking about the distractions We have set up to keep Us locked in separation/limitation mentality. Money is a biggie, either lack or lots. Fear also plays a big part in this. We are grateful for the insights and lessons We have had which are helping Us through these emotional times.

We are going to dream early, because We can.

Thursday, July 18, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:23:15 AM

Good morning. Another very fun and interesting night. We mainly remember One part: a world that is very similar to this (well, now that We type that We get the feeling that maybe not but it felt so comfortable that We assumed it is?????). We met a bunch of new friends and some surprising Ones from Our waking life. One in particular caught Our attention, maybe even Our heart. This raises the question was this a soul mate and if so is it the same as the One We played with a while back? We are clueless but We really, really enjoyed Our experience with this One last night.

It was a definite physical attraction but it was more than that too. We were very attracted to how comfortable “they” are with “themSelf” but We also wonder how much of that was/is show or pretense. False bravado or real acceptance of Self? It is hard to tell at the first meeting. We know that in that world the meeting is continuing. We are kinda anxious to test (bad but how else will We know?) whether the attraction is actually mutual or are We just being teased?

This brings up another point/question: How long can We hold onto the awareness of being here AND there? Or is it something We can only hold on to by letting go? Probably that. We do theel that this ongoing awareness of actually living in multiworlds is growing and expanding. It is part of the current change and We really do hope it continues and expands. Since We are going through the discomfort of firstish experience, We would rather keep sliding in rather than withdrawing and having to start over again later.

Interesting too that the two brothers and “their” world are slip, sliding in and around at the same time. It feels like “they” are really enjoying observing this exploration and experience. We theel that “they” are happy for Us. Are the two worlds intertwined? Well, All worlds are but these two feel very close and maybe even the same.

That was another thing that We noticed, Our ability to transport through space and time. That is a lot of fun. We do not know if the word: “teleport” is correct or not.

Now We are One-da-ring how this might affect Our day???? It sure is affecting Our morning but We find that We do not want to cling to this experience. That would be another form of limitation. We want more and more and more.

This (of course) brings up the topic of letting go Once again. We know that in order to have this person in Our life We must let “them” go. It seems to be human nature to cling to what We like but it is only human normal. Another human tactic is to reject it before it rejects Us. We can release and detach with love but that it is not Our normal m.o.

We wish to let go of many things for We do real-eyes that in Our planning and clinging and and and We are only clinging to the old and familiar limitations. We are ready to consciously make the choice to slip, slide on outta there (limitation).

Several time We have been reminded that We are “in” the world, but not of” the world. Maybe it is different for Us than the majority of people. We do NOT theel that it must be so but it remains a choice and We do try to honor All choices. Sometimes it really hurts but We really have no choice but to stand back and allow. It is not easy. We also know it is Our choice to co-habitate with those who choose to do harm to “themSelves” and “their” others. Again, it is not easy.

We want to live multidimensionally and be aware of it and All that encompasses. These are some of the results. Worlds and lives like the One(s) last night are another result.

We just real-eyesed another reason for staying in the now. (This may be fairly obvious to others but apparently it just dawned on Us) We never know where (what world/reality/dimension/whatever) We may be from moment to moment. Acting from/on any basis other than “now” may mean We are acting totally inappropriately and contrary to where We are and what is happening. We may well be (and probably are) keeping OurSelf stuck in One world (and limitation at that) by not being present and aware in the now in every moment.

Trust Us on this One as We did just find OurSelf acting as if We were in One world and One set of circumstances when We were in an other place. We may have been in that world too but We were focusing only in the One and not acting according to what was happening in the other world. Confusing? You should try living it.

Once again We went deep into dream on the return trip after dropping off the last student. We do recognize that We are in the midst of transition.