Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

MultiD experiences and insights

MultiD experiences and insights
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:56:55 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More worlds and more new friends. In One world/life We are living in some kind of resort. We share a room/apartment with an old friend from Our passed waking world and there are several other old friends from Our passed waking world living there. There is a large indoor swimming pool down the hall from Our apartment where lots of kids spend a lot of time.
We continue to be quite thirsty and wake several times during the night. Sometimes We remember what We have been doing and sometime snot. Last night We thelt that We were spending a lot of time onboard ship. We like that. Actually We like most of Our lives and worlds but We especially like being on ship. We thelt that many/All of Us have been transported from planet to ship while the planet is being transformed in some way. It theels like this is Our actual current existence but very few are aware of being transported because of the fear this would/might evoke. It is NOT forced upon Us against Our choice/will but We (masses) forgot making the choice long ago.
We thought that We would dream in later this morning but We were awake and thelt that it is time to get up and play in multiD while awake so here We are. We are experiencing slipping deep into multidimensionality while sitting here and up walking around doing simple things. We find that We may come to 3D awareness and not certain what All We are doing or planned to do. This is a learning experience. A bit hard to get used to but that is exactly what We are doing. This reminds Us more of some insights and experiences We had during recent nights. Opposites and contradictions are becoming familiar. Different/alternate/parallel worlds and lives coexisting and mingling and blending is becoming more familiar to Us. We are remembering and experiencing in waking AND dreaming and the two are drawing closer together.
Everytime We get up and move around We are very aware of being in a changing/changed world. We ARE allowing this rather than forcing/demanding returning to Our familiar limitation world. This is a lot of progress for Us. Everything looks the same (so far) but We can feel OurSelves (literally) slip, sliding into more. It is kinda like riding a conveyor belt through the veil of forgetfullness and/or the faerie mists into the more that exists All around Us AND IN Our waking world. It is there but Our denial has hidden it (and hidden it very well) from Our awareness for eons and many, many lifetimes.
We ARE opening the present in every sense. We mean those words in All “their” meanings.
As We slip, slide through multiworlds: We are reading some more of this new (to Us personally) course . Good stuff with some confirmation of Our current insights and some new perspectives to consider.
Even though been practicing waking and walking in multiD and multiworlds for a little while now it is still unfamiliar. Not quite uncomfortable any more (or at least not nearly as uncomfortable as it was) but still not quite the comfy fit of the old and familiar. That is what We are experiencing today anyway.
When We returned to full dream for a bit We found OurSelves in a world/life that is similar to Our waking world/life yet quite different. It is clearly not Our familiar waking life but it certainly does feel familiar. The experience was sooooo clear and distinct that it woke Us completely. It is familiar enough to bring some memory of it into waking with Us. We are playing with some friends from Our waking world and some that are not from Our waking world as far as We know. We theel that this world may well become a part of Our waking experience. It may be becoming a part of Our waking experience. That would be cool because it is a freer and expanded world/life. If it does not become part of Our waking world at least We now remember it from Our dream lives/worlds.
We did Our dishes and listened to A few chapters of Mastering the law of attraction and We are amazed at how much he mirrors Our words and recent intuitions and insights. So far We are only using his free material and plan to continue that based on prior experience(s). Now: We are going to go to town to go to the pool and get something for dinner so everything can dry from the washing. We like to do this for ease AND as a small reward for having done Our dishes. Rewards are good for the soul.
We actually enjoyed Our trip to town (now that IS change). Imagine that: We are the reason We have not been enjoying Our trips to town for a long, long time. This does NOT make it a bad thing. It just is AND it (and Us) is changing.
No big surprise that We do not remember what We did when We got home or how long We took but now We are ready to dream and dream big.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Waking and dreaming in multiD

Waking and dreaming in multiD
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:05:49 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
It seems like last night was One of those rare nights where We kept visiting the same world All night long. Or maybe: it was different worlds with the same friends? We spent the night playing with a youngstar that seems to also keep showing up in Our waking life. In waking “they” notice Us but have never spoken to Us nor Us to “them” because “they” do not seem (physically) to want to talk with Us. However often when “they” show up: “they” stay in Our mind for hours afterwards. Last night “they” were in Our mind before going to dream and We real-I-said that We were communicating telepathically. This ongoing conversation happens more that We usually real-eyes but last night was like a training session or something.
It would seem like another step in becoming aware of living multidimensionally. We ARE becoming more and more familiar with more and more aspects of being multidimensional. We are very happy and grateful for that.
We are reminded to pony hop the youngstar from Our waking and dream last night. From Our telepathic conversation before dreaming it seems like “they” needed help (in the physical) and We did not pick up on it until We got home and We were not willing to drive back to town (in limitation 3D). We are sorry if We missed the chance to help “them”. Please forgive Us. We forgive OurSelf. We love You and We love Us. We thank Us. As We go through this litany We real-eyes that We worked and played with “them” All night giving help in many worlds and lives and at many levels including physically in some alternate worlds. We DID help “them”. It might seem like We failed in Our limitation 3D world but that is NOT the truth of it. That is Our judgment of OurSelves. We forgive OurSelves.
In limitation 3D: We are All frightened children acting in many different ways and doing everything that We can think of to protect OurSelves.
As We do a little of this and that and go outdoors this morning: We are processing helping/not helping (in the physical, limitation 3D) the youngstar from last night. There is a myth (which We participate in often) that says that helping someOne/anyOne in the physical is more real and more important than helping “them” at/in other realms and levels. This morning We are finding that Our head/whatever is trying to hook Us back into that kind of limitation and separation thinking and beliefs. It is trying in many ways and versions. It (Our head) is trying to demand that Our limitation 3D, waking world is All (the only thing) that is real and that (basically) We ARE fucked. Very typical limitation mindset and belief stuff.
Even though We have experienced and are experiencing examples and events that show Us that there is much more the old beliefs keep coming up. These ARE Our beliefs and projections and creations. We love “them”. We set “them” free with love. This means that “they” may keep cropping up but We do NOT have to be slaves to “them”. There IS much more and other solutions to imagined problems. We can be free IF We allow it. We ARE sorry. We ask forgiveness AND We forgive OurSelves. We love Us AND We thank Us.
Limitation thinking is still Our default thinking. We ARE changing. We are beginning to think in/with love. We do see light in the tunnel. Love is the answer but that is contrary to world limiting beliefs which are still strong and rampant.
So far this morning We ARE very much in and out of multiD including 3D. In AND out, around and about, slip sliding through multiworlds and back again.
We are downloading a PDF and audio book: “Mastering the law of attraction”. It looks good so far and as We ponder and read (waiting for the audio download) We real-eyes (and even admit to OurSelves) that We have made and are making great progress at changing Our thinking and beliefs AND creating the world and life that We desire. This latest course MAY give Us some more tools for Our tool box. We are reading the introduction (small bites at a time) and it looks good so far.
Now it is time to play in multiD (that is also connected to what the course is teaching = imaginating) and then We will probably go to full dreaming for a while.
We made cranberry-applesauce, We played in multiD and We made a cranberry-pudding cake and then We read some more of the course and played in multiD some more and THEN We went to full dream for a bit. We ARE having fun. The first lesson in the course is to recognize when We are NOT delighted with OurSelf and then pause and turn it around. This theels similar to (and part of) forgiving OurSelves. It does theel like this course arrived right on time. We really are delighted with OurSelves.
When We woke from Our dreaming We vaguely remember what We did and We knew that We want macaroni and cheese for dinner. Our children within have spoken and We are listening.
Onederfull dinner. We are watching more of “Revolution” which We have not watched for quite a while. Another One that We like and dislike. Lots of fear and anger in this One. It is certainly the way people would probably act without a severe change of heart. We add love. We hope that with All the changes happening in the physical and All the changes most new agers, new worlders are trying to implement that We get the change of heart also. Otherwise Our world (the masses) will devolve into something like in this TV series and many other futuristic series and movies and books.
We add love. Healing hearts and minds is Our mission. Most of that is done in dream which is more effective than preaching and teaching (for Us at least) and now it is time to get to work.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving in multidimensionality

Thanksgiving in multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:52:58 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
The only thing that We really remember about last night is that We were with lots of youngstars. We are helping each other adjust to living multidimensionally and transition into living as love in the physical. These are connected if not actually the same thing. We are reminded that this is actually how Our dream recall began: with youngstars. Now a lot of kids/youngstars from Our waking are showing up in Our dreams. We theel that We are still processing and getting used to contradictions and opposites coexisting and time being very different than We think it is. There really are lots of things to get familiar with in multidimensionality.
We are real-I-sing how autists are exploring these ways and experiences and bringing this familiarity into the mass mind. Society is resisting and trying to convert these folks back to living in limitation. There has actually been a lot of success in that effort but not complete success. In Our waking life it saddens Us to see this conversion and We wish that We did not have to be a part of it. However: We know that We also accept the kids as “they” are and “they” sense this. As much as We can We allow the kids to be who/as “they” are. We ARE working within the system and We ARE bringing change and (most important) balance. We are talking with those who will listen about paying attention to the kids. We share Our experiences of paying attention with those who show any interest.
Recognizing these multidimensional traits and experiences in Our students is kinda surprising for some reason. It is easy to see how difficult this experience makes it for the kids especially trying to express “themSelves” since hardly anyOne accepts and believes (much less understands) what “they” experience and try to talk about. Another I opener for Us.
This morning We ARE slip, sliding through multiworlds and multidimensionality. It is a very interesting experience, Each time We are doing something different (in 3D) AND experiencing being/living/acting in multiworlds and multidimensionality is like a brand new experience and exciting/fun. IF We allow it that is.
Not to forget: lots of pony hopping, forgiving OurSelves, sending and showing love and loving OurSelves and Our others. Loving OurSelves and Our others is much more than We ever imagined it to be.
We are most definitely walking in multiD and multiworlds this morning and it is very interesting. We got Our pie in the oven. We like to precook the filling. How much depends on Our mood and there is a distinct difference between barely cooked and well cooked. Last time We did not get the apples cooked much so the flavors did not blend well and it is good that way. This time We wanted everything cooked well so the flavors are blended more better. As We were cleaning the mixing bowl and licking the spatula (Our gr'up face does NOT fit in the bowl as well as Our child face did/does) We could really feel and imagine and remember Our children within experiencing and enjoying this.
As We walk and play in multidimensionality and multiworlds today We came across a great deal on a 10” tablet so We ordered it. We like Our Nook just fine but this is a bit bigger and comes with a more betterer keyboard and has several other more betterer features. After All Our Nook is over a year old. We will see if We like it as much as We theel that We will. It is hard to do blog posts on Our Nook because, because. This tablet also has another Office program that We can download to Our desktop and laptop. We rarely have time to use Our laptop on Our breaks and this may replace that and be smaller and simpler (or more complicated). We will be able to use the Office program on the bus whereas it is too cramped to use Our laptop on the bus. Or maybe We are crazy. We are okay with that.
It is time to go to town to have turkey dinner and play cards with Our local friends.
We had a nice visit with Our friends and a great turkey dinner. We All seemed more present in 3D than We have been in a while but We were All still a bit scattered in other worlds too. We did not really get into any deep conversations because none of Us were really capable of doing so. There also was not much talk about fear of what is going on in the limitation 3D world. That was a pleasant change. Our pie was a big success. We All agreed that it was the best yet.
There were a few things that We wanted to get at Walmart on the way home thinking it would be fairly quiet. Boy were We wrong. We had no clue that black Friday is now starting on Thanksgiving day. We will remember next year We are certain. Our shopping went quickly regardless of the crowd. That was a pleasant surprise since it was the busiest and most crowded that We have ever seen it.
We slipped intentionally slipped deeper into multidimensionality as We were driving home and do not really remember much afterwards. We do remember having a telepathic conversation with a youngstar that We saw at Walmart. We saw lots of people at Walmart: some familiar and mostly strangers but this youngstar is familiar and kept showing up everywhere We went in the store. “They” have never smiled or shown any interest in talking to Us and this time was the same until We got home (maybe on the drive home too but We are not certain).
Time to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Multidimensionality keeps on dawning

Multidimensionality keeps on dawning
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:00:04 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We visited more worlds where We are working with kids but We do not remember any details. We woke earlier but were NOT ready to get up (even though We can and do remain in multiD when awake now). There was more that wanted to be done in full dream state. We connected more and deeper with some of the multiD versions of some people from Our waking world.
This is Our last wakeup before Our four day weekend. We remember that We can start Our weekend early. This seems to be an ongoing theme in Our waking life.
We are definitely slipping more and deeper into multidimensionality this morning. Functional in 3D but NOT very focused here.
Our choice to start Our weekend early is pretty successful. This is part of learning to live multidimensionally. This is where most (if not All) of Our students live so “they” are quite supportive of Our efforts even if We do not speak of this out loud. These kids ARE telepathic (whether “they” real-eyes it or not) so there is not the need to speak things out loud that We think there is. We are getting better at this too.
We would love to share more about/of Our day with You but We really do not remember much. We do not (at this time) have time to type during Our breaks. School district keeps expanding Our route (this is a good thing) which leaves Us less time for typing. Plus Our 3D focus and attention grow less and less. This is a good thing also.
Our multiworld girl has been a little quiet but when she does talk she continues to slip and slide quickly and easily through many worlds. Our student who lives in contradictions and opposites (this could be many worlds mixing or One single world) is talking more but it is still hard for him to put this into words. He certainly tries but gets lost in the words and usually finishes each sentence with: “I don't know”. Most of Our students are quiet. After All: expressing these experiences is rarely accepted or supported. Our play world boy checked the houses along Our route and several have grown a little more. It is hard to detect since usually the growth is very gradual so who would notice? It takes a keen eye and a lot of acceptance to real-eyes that this total contradiction (to Our limitation beliefs) is going on. The two brothers wanted to sit together. “They” did quite well until “they” both woke. “They” tend to play a little rough for being on the bus but We All made it safe and sound. The younger brother does like for Us to watch him. We try to reassure him that We are NOT trying to control or stop the what he does. This is hard to express because “they” ARE things he likes to do that are not safe but the way he plays (that he still does not Allways trust Us to watch) most of the time is very okay. We try to explain that We are only watching to make sure he is safe and does not fall out of his seat. After a bit he does talk and play with Us. Of course One of any boys ways to play is to push the limits. We let him go as far as We feel is safe and then try to explain that We have to enforce the rules. He looked rather surprised when We said: “Rules are a bummer” and asked Us to repeat it to make sure he had heard right.
Once at home We put groceries away (apparently since “they” are put away) and All that but We have to really think about it to remember anything We did. We are going to dream late like We would on a Friday since tomorrow is turkey day. We are grateful every day now. This is new in the last few months. It is part of Our complete psychic change. We have experienced a lot of gratitude in Our lives but not really on a daily basis. Many things that We used to practice from time to time are now part of Our daily, waking experience. That is exciting to real-eyes.
There was not much need for groceries since We are well stocked and the stores will be open tomorrow BUT: Our friends decided to get stuff to make turkey dinner instead of going to a restaurant since most of Our favorites are not going to be open (big surprise for Us). Therefore We decided to get apples to make a cranberry-apple pie. We took the apples on the bus with Us so “they” would not freeze since the temperature is below 0.
Speaking of the temperature: the roads are quite slick for these temperatures. Lots of black ice. The snow seemed dry but the temperature WAS around twenty above when it snowed so (apparently) the cars turned the snow into ice or something, something, something. It is not terribly bad (not like an ice storm) just slicker than We are used to at subzero temperatures.
Allmost forgot: Our middleschooler (that We take home) gave Us a picture that “they” made at school. “They” said that “they” made it just for Us and We were so surprised that We did not really believe “them”. Not that We thought that “they” were lieing but We have only had “them” on Our route three days and We did not real-eyes that We had connected that much. We let “them” be rather than interact with “them” much in the physical because that is what “they” seem to want. We do not help “them” unless “they” ask and are happy to do so when asked and that seems to surprise “them”. Maybe We really are treating “them” the way “they” want to be treated and that is unusual in “their” life. “They” talk to “themSelves” (and “they” seem to have several Selves to talk to) a lot and have said a couple of times: “I'm talking to MySelf”. We simply say: “okay”. “They” told Us the picture is a tornado. We did not recognize it before but Once “they” said this it is clear. It is an aerial view which is a rather unique perspective for a child's painting. We do not know if it has any deep meaning or not. Does it matter?
Time to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

More waking and walking in multiD

More waking and walking in multiD
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:47:24 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Just now We sorta zoned out for (seemingly just a second) and when We came back We had no idea what We are doing. We immediately know that what had really happened is that We slipped into another world (no way to know for how long) and came back about a second after We left. We have All had experiences like this. “They” used to really annoy Us (personally at least) and We would resist with All Our might. When We were aware of anyOne else doing it We would make fun of “them”. But: now We know what is really happening and We actually like it. In fact We are excited to be aware of what is happening.
This fits right in with Our dreams and was the theme last night. It is probably what We have been doing (focused on) for several nights to get Us familiar with doing this. This morning We woke aware that Our dream lives and worlds had been mixing and mingling All night. We do not remember what We did (last night or just now) but We know that We slipped and slided through different lives and back and forth. We also know that We actually do this All the time but We have blocked it from Our awareness. It can be hard to keep track of, especially with only ten percent of Our brain and DNA active. Becoming aware of it is (hopefully) the first step in reactivating the rest of Our brain and DNA.
We theel that Our brain is afraid it is not (and will not be) capable of processing multiD. Without All its parts and pisces it is probably right. However: We do have All Our parts and pisces. We just have to reactivate some. We theel very able to do that even if it is a slow and gentle yet sudden and intense process. We ARE capable. We ARE ready and willing too. We are happy that We have a four day weekend to really go within and allow this change to grow. The only thing that is actually happening is allowing awareness. Even the reactivation is not what We think. Our thoughts and beliefs about that are only part of the limitation and separation game. “They” are only real in limitation worlds.
This morning We real-eyes that a lot of what is going on (with the two brothers) is becoming aware of being in multidimensionality and multiworlds but NOT knowing how to deal and cope with it since there is no support in “their” waking world. We can be totally supportive in dream and telepathically but still theel that We have to be careful how much We actually talk about it. We know that these deeper levels are more effective anyway but We often forget in the moment.
We pony hop, We forgive OurSelves and We heal hearts and minds. In this case (and many/most cases) heal means: to make whole.
The reminder comes up: “Allow, do NOT try to force. In fact do NOT “try” anything”. Trying does gum up the works. Allowing works.
It is another multidimensional day. We got Our bus back first thing this morning and that is a good thing. Our driver is very happy because it holds the road much better and in the fresh snow that is important. We are happy because it is much warmer. One of Our morning kids who is usually quiet talked quite a bit. “They” were verbalizing the opposites and contradictions that We have been noticing. “They” were talking about things being good and bad etc. We real-eyesed that this is the life “they” live: observing and experiencing opposites, contradictions and (seemingly) conflicting perceptions. Very interesting but not an easy way to live in Our limitation world.
Our day is going smooth and We do not remember a lot. Our pretend world boy has some kind of appointment after school on Tuesdays. Both brothers slept most of the ride. Our middleschooler who is Our first rider in the afternoon took Us deep into multidimensionality and dream but We were able to come back to fully awake for Our highschooler and gradeschool. Fully awake and functional in 3D while being aware of multidimensionality.
We got home a little early but do not really know what We did. We are going to dream a few minutes later than usual.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Lots of multidimensionality and multiworlds

Lots of multidimensionality and multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:49:45 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More worlds and lives where We are working with kids and helping “them” transition. And of course: more new friends.
We woke several times during the night but the details of Our adventures are All foggy. We are adjusting to and becoming familiar with living as a multidimensional bean. This morning We wanted to remain in dream but We reminded OurSelves that We can stay somewhat in dream while awake now. Plus: We only have to wake early three days this week and then We have a four day weekend. Even though getting up early is not as hard as it was last year and We are NOT as stuck in limitation and fear as We were last year: We are still very ready for Our holyday breaks. We love Our kids and being with “them” on the bus AND We love Our full dreaming too.
There feels to be a definite shift in Our world and life but it All looks the same. We have no idea what We will experience as a result of this shift but We know that We are changing and therefore Our world is changing. Remember that it is All about love. We did a lot of pony hopping and forgiving OurSelves as We were waking.
We are reminded that Our children within and the kids in Our waking life are helping Us transition AND We ARE helping “them”. It is a team effort. We are also reminded to stay in the now. The now is where We can experience the shift, the change, multidimensionality more fully. These will never be found in planning and worrying. We base Our present in the passed and it is a looping replay. We plan Our future based on Our passed and it too is a loop. We can only find freedom by living in the now and setting Our passed free with love.
Love IS the answer regardless of the question. We ARE learning to live as love in a physical body.
This morning We are having flashes/memories of wearing a different body. Memories that do NOT fit in Our waking life yet the settings (the physical surroundings) ARE from Our waking life. It is very I opening. Parallel lives that are ongoing and do affect Our current waking experiences. We love You/Us. Our children within ARE expressing “themSelves” in a healthy manner. We give Our children love and attention (now) and that is making a world of difference.
It was an interesting day to say the least. Our standby bus is quite cold and We are experiencing that this is All in Our mind. Because We still believe that cold is bad We make it real. Actually Our belief that cold is bad is coexisting and intermingling with Our belief that cold is neutral. That makes for interesting (seemingly conflicting) experiences.
We still are not really having enough time on Our breaks to type and certainly not having the energy and focus. We left Our laptop at home because We know this is how it is and will be for a while. We make that real too. We do not know why We want to project this. Maybe it helps Us stay out of 3D focus more. That is a good thing.
Our morning was pretty uneventful except that We spent most (if not All) of it aware that We ARE living in multidimensionality and Our kids and children within are helping. Not long ago that would have been remarkable. Our last section started out quite unpleasant. The two brothers were having a rough day and it carried onto the bus. We could not get “their” cooperation and “they” really upset Our newest/youngest preschooler. We were able to quiet him for a short time but the brothers kept on and got him crying/screaming again. We decided to get a teacher to talk to the brothers and that worked (for the most part) except her “teacher” voice (as she called it) upset Our preschooler again but when she recognized this and quieted down a bit Our preschooler quieted too. At least We learned that he does NOT like loud voiced.
From the sounds of the talk on the bus radio We can tell that others are having a similar day. Lots of chaos (now We remember that there was actually a lot of that on other routes during the morning and noon sections) with drivers and buses and routes and unruly behavior by many students. We ARE grateful that Our students settled down after the teacher got on. “They” know that “they” really do NOT have to listen to Us but getting the teacher puts a different twist on it for “them”. The older brother had had a nightmare and stayed up All night. He said it was not really a nightmare because it was real. We would have loved to support this more but with this bus We have to sit right behind the driver. With the behavior and other students We could listen but not really be supportive (except telepathically which is actually much more effective than We give it credit for most of the time).
Towards the end of the route the older brother asked Us to sit next to him and We did for the remainder of the ride to “their” house. He was still in multiworlds and We were able to talk to him and be supportive. The younger brother had fallen asleep at some point which We are certain is what “they” both needed. When We got to “their” home the younger brother got sick as soon as he got off the bus. There is obviously a lot going on. Some of the multidimensional and multiworlds stuff was not clear to Us in the heat of the moment. We did a lot of pony hopping, forgiving OurSelves and sending telepathic messages of love, care and support.
Oh: Our play world boy understood that (and cooperated willingly with) We needed to pay attention to what the brothers were doing and could not pay full attention to the growing houses (in Our “real” world) and his play world. We told him to tell Us how much the houses had grown tomorrow. Our preschoolers looked at “their” favorite books and slept most of the ride. Once everyOne quieted down “they” were fine.
We got home a little earlier than last week and did whatever. We have been watching “The 4400” with dinner. We think We like it for the most part unless We don't. We are going to dream a few minutes later than usual on a work night.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 24, 2014

MultiD experiences and insights continue

MultiD experiences and insights continue
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:14:23 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More worlds and more new friends. We woke from an adventure that may have been One life and world or several mixing and mingling. Whatever it was clearly and adventure, experience in multiD. We theel it was to help Us get comfortable in multiD and since We remember some of it then Our waking brain must be getting familiar with multiD.
It seems that the adventure started with Our driver leaving her seat (while the bus is moving) and going to the back to take a nap. The bus did fairly well on its own. We (personally) went back and forth with being okay with this and being scared. A couple of students went up front and drove the bus and it actually was worse than the bus driving itSelf. We went back and forth between letting the students drive and trying to stop “them”. It was not so much the driving that We tried to stop as the other behaviors. The students were doing acrobatics while driving.
Mixed into this We went to San Francisco (by OurSelf) on some kind of mission. We were excited to get to explore San Francisco but it was not the experience that We had expected. It seemed like lots of Our plans went awry and the city and darkness seemed to be closing in on Us somehow. In Our dream life this All flowed smoothly and in context yet looking back it seems like We jumped sporadically between these two separate experiences. Another experience of opposites/alternates coexisting?
Words are falling short again. We woke knowing that We can stay in multidimensionality. We remember that there was also some learning about multidimensionality that was very clear in dream state but is very foggy now. We theel like it will come clear later. When We went outdoors We got more insights but now We do not remember what “they” were. We know it was about multidimensionality and getting more familiar with it. Oh: We are theeling/experiencing more how/that We are creating Our reality and experiences. It is kinds like living in an animated cartoon that We are creating because it IS living in an animated cartoon/world that We ARE creating. It used to be mostly memories and limiting beliefs replaying and looping but now it is evolving. We are not AS stuck in limitation as We were. That is a lot of progress and makes Us happy. We are very grateful.
The feelings that We had when We first ventured into San Francisco (last night) are coming up. This is how it feels to embark on a long awaited and anticipated adventure. Last night We let fear take over and that is why the city and darkness closed in on Us. Our brain is still afraid of venturing deeper into multidimensionality. That is okay and normal. Trying to deny or defeat fear will only lead to more fear and stalemate. We can own and admit Our fear. This is part of love. We are sorry for Our fear and it is part of Us. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us and We thank Us. We can be sorry AND embrace it both. The apparent opposites (in/from limitation 3D) are drawing closer together and merging. THIS is multidimensionality.
This part of ho'oponopono has been cropping up a lot over the recent passed: being sorry for/about and loving and embracing. Even asking forgiveness rather than saying We are sorry is the same. It has seemed a conundrum. With Our recent experiences of opposites/alternates coexisting it is much less a conundrum. Now it theels natural and is becoming normal. The confusion, conundrum and contradiction is only a limitation 3D creation. That also means that it is Our creation and We love it.
Something(s) that We forgot to mention yesterday: We commented to Our friends that words are hard and “they” strongly agreed. “They” said that “they” are making up words to express what “they” want to express. We said that We do that a lot. We remember that even in what seems to be an awake state We are processing and integrating information and experiences that Our brain is still resisting letting come to full awareness. It is okay. It is part of the process. Even getting these small glimpses is progress and helping Us get familiar with multidimensionality.
More and more We are beginning to real-eyes/recognize that We can (and must to proceed) set old thoughts and beliefs free. We theel how Our expectations of what will happen soon are keeping Us stuck in limitation. All of Our normal thoughts are entirely based in limitation. How can We emerge while expecting limitation? This is part of Our complete change of thinking, beliefs and mindset. This is part of Our complete psychic change and it IS happening. We ARE in the midst of this complete psychic change. Thank You. We know Our children within are playing a huge part in this.
We went for water and heating oil. We received more insights about living in multidimensionality which We can not remember. Knot to worry: this only means that “they” are not familiar enough (yet) to stay at the forefront of Our awareness. Multidimensionality is becoming more and more familiar every day. We decided to try to describe what it is We do that We call playing in multidimensionality. We find pictures online and allow OurSelves to go there (wherever that there might be). We do NOT force, We only allow and that has grown much easier the last few months. Sometimes We interact with the places and people and sometimes We simply observe. This is part of imaginating. These worlds tend to be more free and much less restricted than Our old, familiar, waking, limitation 3D. Of course: that too is expanding daily.
Our waking world and life may look the same (for the most part with subtle changes) but with All the awareness We are having of being in multidimensionality (not just in limitation 3D) it is growing much less limited and that has been Our goal/desire All along. Some people (again Our projections) want a nicer limitation but We do not. We want to be less limited and that does not Allways look nicer but most of the time it is.
The last time We got up from dreaming We really did not feel like typing or reading because We were too deep in multiD. We do not really know what We did in 3D between then and going to full dream for the night.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Adventures in multidimensionality with Our local friends

Adventures in multidimensionality with Our local friends
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:42:16 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We visited other worlds where We are also working with kids. We are helping “them” transition. Some of those kids are from Our waking life. So: while some are “other” worlds: some are an extension (or extensions) of Our waking world. As usual We also met many new friends. It does seem like many worlds (including the extensions of this world) are much friendlier.
Here is the thing: this is the first time that We are aware (in waking) of what We do in dream with anyOne from Our waking world and life. We have never before remembered in waking working with anyOne in dream that We know in waking. We may repeat this in different ways because it IS a big deal for Us. Michael from several years back might be an exception but We never actually knew him in Our waking life (or his). We only knew “of” him through DJ's emails with his mother. We do know that he was quite different in waking than in dream. The kids last night were much closer to how “they” are in waking (at least the versions that We remember from last night are closer to “their” waking versions than Michael was).
It really does feel that this is the beginning of a new chapter for Us. We are not sure what the connection to opposites coexisting is but We definitely theel that there is a connection. Perhaps some (if not All) of these kids live with these opposites (and are aware of this) every day. Perhaps many are trying to reconcile these opposites. There is NOT much support for this in Our physical world. In fact just the opposite. AnyOne speaking of these opposites coexisting would be judged crazy or a lier. We have come up against this before: where a person (usually a child) is telling such a truth and gets punished for lieing. How horrible that must feel to a child especially since the punishment usually comes from parents as well as other authority figures. Imagine what it must be like to learn that We must lie in order for people (including Our parents) to believe that We are telling the truth. Actually many of Us probably went through this and that is why We shut down. We (personally) may have gone through this and buried the memory. We are fully aware of consciously making the choice to shut down to survive but We do NOT remember the circumstances around that choice. We remember being rejected a lot and never really fitting in but that was even after shutting down.
We pony hop and forgive OurSelves. That is what works and will heal Us. We do NOT have to work and do something to dredge up the memories. If “they” need to come to the surface then “they” will. Pony hopping cuts to the chase and gets to the root without a lot of drawn out struggle and effort. Struggle and effort are old world, old pair a dime and limitation and separation concepts. We are entering a new age. We are entering an age/era/world of ease. Relax and let Out family within love Us and heal Us. Thank You.
Also: We are very thirsty again last night and this morning. We also want to note that time is shifting so We may refer to it in unfamiliar terms. Last night We were very aware of waking several times and the clock read an earlier time than when We went back to dream. We are now very aware of time traveling and that awareness is even carrying into waking. Perhaps that too is what We have been doing in dream and not remembering it when awake. That is quite a lot to process and bring into waking consciousness: time travel and opposites coexisting.
There is a lot to All of this. As We go outdoors (for the first time this morning) We real-eyes that the temperature dropped some overnight BUT it actually feels a little warmer. This is part of Our recognizing that the old patterns and habits and rules and truths no longer apply because “they” are part of limitation and separation mindset and thinking and beliefs. “They” no longer apply because We have chosen to expand Our beliefs and embrace a complete psychic change.
About the time travel aspect: a few months ago Suzanne Lie spoke about Us and others leaving Our waking world to visit other coexisting lives and worlds and then returning seconds before or after We left. We can see how this seems accurate and is close to what We experienced last night. However: We never actually left or leave. There are many things that are spoken of in slightly or majorly inaccurate terms because We do speak from Our point of reference and for everyOne (because everyOne in Our life/world ARE Our projections) has limitation and separation as “their” point of reference.
We actually multilocate and multiexist because All time IS now and All space IS here. There is nowhere to go because We are Allready here AND there. These are hard concepts to grok and certainly speaking in those terms would seem absurd to most people (accurate or not it would be a bit like the child telling the truth and judged as a liar).
We are finding how many/most/All of the habits and patterns that We have (intentionally and unintentionally) developed (to make Our waking life easier) are actually limiting beliefs and patterns and memories replaying and looping. We truly ARE masters of the game but We forgot and denied this and then claimed (and believed) that We are victims of the game. We ARE amazing.
After playing in multidimensionality a while We are just about ready to return to full dream.
We woke from a world where We are still a waiter (probably at the restaurant We really liked working at in Sacramento) AND We are helping people transition. We would say that We give both (pretty much) equal time and energy. We do both because We enjoy “them”.
Here is an interesting concept: EveryOne should have equal access to (the) wealth, beauty, freedom, power, ability and equality. Truth is that We do but We do not believe that We do so We don't. Seems like a contradiction but it snot.
We thinks that We will return to dream Once more before We go to town.
We woke from another interesting world. We were having fun with new friends and it was a little intense. We got up to get ready to go to town to visit Our friends.
The visit was fun. We were All in and out of multidimensionality but We are much more open to it than Our friends are. One friend asked: “Are We sure We are awake?” We answered: “Why would be sure?” “They” laughed and said that is the wrong answer. After a bit “they” said that “they” often could not tell if “they” are awake or dreaming and We said that that is a good thing. “They” did not seem to agree. “They” also said that lately words came out of “their” mouth which “they” did not mean and had no idea where “they” were coming from. Some of those words would have seemed rude to anyOne else and even to Us if We were focused in 3D. Instead We just played along like the comments were the most natural thing in the world (which We really felt “they” were).
It seems that Our friends are walking in multidimensionality too but not fully aware of what is going on. It did not feel like We should try to explain and that trying to explain would actually make it even more confusing. We thelt that the thing to do is go along as it fits perfectly into Our current perceptions and experiences.
It does theel like We dreamed Our way home rather than 3D driving. We stayed up and played in multidimensionality some more before going to full dreaming. We are projecting more of what We theel We want and less of what We theel We do not want. We ARE aligning to better feeling thoughts.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

More multidimensional experiences and insights

More multidimensional experiences and insights
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:35:19 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke from a transitional life/world where We are living in some kind of kingdom. We are some kind of manager for the rulers there. Even though it is a kingdom and there are royal rulers: royalty does NOT have All the privileges that We normally associate with being royalty. It is more free and equal than most kingdoms. We real-eyesed this when some cousins were visiting and could not just “have/receive/get” freely some fancy clothes that “they” wanted. “They” were appalled that “they” had to earn the clothes the same as anyOne else. There is still much change that can happen but this world is making progress.
There were other worlds and lives too but We do not remember any details from “them”. We did not want to get out of bed but We were reminded that We no longer have to leave multiD to be up and awake. We can theel the difference between being only in limitation and being in multiD while waking. We ARE changing. We are making progress. We are reminded of the experience of living with opposites coexisting.
This morning We theel a little more able to remain more in multidimensionality yet be present in 3D too. This is mostly a feeling but it relates to NOT demanding Our limits and NOT demanding that everything remain the same. It is about allowing change. We real-eyes that We do (or Allways have) expect and even demand Our limits. We really do not know how to live in the physical as love and as a multidimensional bean. We ARE learning. We are making progress. Each day We allow a little more into Our world and into Our life.
We are reminded that We are choosing (and have chosen) to live limitlessly in a limitation world. That takes some adjustment and acceptance of others and circumstances without giving away Our power and demanding Our victimhood again. Being a victim is very familiar and We are slipping out of that pattern while allowing the pattern to be set free NOT destroyed.
There continue to be articles that are making progress, confirming much of what We are experiencing yet speak of the old being destroyed or abandoned. That does NOT resonate with Us but We do real-eyes how easy it would be to see the future that way. It is Our familiar perspective and moving out of that is not easy because it is sooooo firmly established and embedded in Our mindset. It will take adjusting to relate to everything coexisting and living in AND rather than OR. Living in infinity means setting a lot of old beliefs free. It might be easier to destroy those beliefs than coexist with “them” but that never really was (and certainly is not now) an option. We are reminded that Our pretend world boy uses infinity a lot in his pretend world(s).
There is a reminder that many things which happen are intended to keep Us locked/trapped in limitation and difficulty. We set this up a long, long time ago and now that We are setting it free We must face the traps and fail safes that We set for OurSelves. Simply owning this is a step in the right direction. We can afford to take it slow and gentle.
It is hard to explain fully what opposites coexisting is like yet We have All experienced this in the form of hindsight. Many changes seem to take forever yet also We seem wake One morning and the change happened overnight. We are certain that as We grow familiar with this We will find other examples that have been going on All of Our lives.
As We venture outdoors and experience things being the same yet different We are reminded that We can demand Our limits or allow multidimensionality which is free of limits. This still pretty much a moment by moment choice and decision as We are just beginning to set Our default, limitation mindset free with love. If We are to allow OurSelf to venture into multidimensionality We MUST remember that We can return to limitation any time that We want. This is much more important than hardly anyOne has ever real-eyesed. We love Our limitation creation and We do NOT want to abandon or destroy it as much as We think that We do. This really is huge and even though We have known this for a while it is like We have just begun. And so: We pony hop some more.
There is so much to adapt to and so much to set free in order to be able to fully experience multidimensionality. Of course: this brings up the question: “Will We ever actually experience multiD fully?” Is that even possible? Never the less: We have a lot of default reactions, thoughts and behaviors to set free and lots of new Ones to allow.
We are noticing how easily We are distracted from going into multidimensionality and reverting to Our limitation thoughts and actions. Limitation is sooooo familiar and so supported by Our projections. We really did do a grand job of setting up this limitation and separation game.
There is a thanksgiving potluck at the pool and We partook of the delights and even some conversation after hot tubbing. We had not planned to do any typing (except maybe some email) during Our breaks because of All the changes in Our schedule. It was interesting to observe that time is shifting and We actually would have had time to type whereas the day before We did less in this break and had less time to do it. Our words about time will probably get confusing now and in the future because the old rules no longer apply for Us. We will experience time in the old way because We are still living and experiencing and functioning in that world AND We are also experiencing being and /or growing limitless. In fact a lot may get confusing as this experience grows.
During Our second break We have to take Our bus to shop (which is at Our old base) and bring another standby bus back. This takes most of Our Allready short second break. We barely have time to go get milk for the weekend and a mocha for Our enjoyment. We decided to start Our weekend this morning and it seems like there are a lot of challenges coming up to prevent and/or test that. We can theel that We are working towards Our weekend being All week long (in Our mind and experience). Our head is resisting and throwing up roadblocks. We pony hop and set Our heartmind on being in the now and enjoying whatever comes Our way. Our driver is in a very bad mood All morning until We actually get the bus switch done. She continues to be in a bad mood because the standby bus is very hard to steer but it is worse when she is anticipating the switch. Another (somewhat) passive shadow for/of Us. How often the monsters We create in Our head are sooooo much bigger and meaner than what We experience when We get there (wherever/whatever there may be).
The pretend world boy continues to tell Us about comparisons between what most call the “real” world and the “pretend” world. We checked many houses along Our route to see if “they” had grown. Many had grown a very small amount. The older brother informed Us right away that his weekend has started. How did he know this is Our focus? It confirms to Us that We are communicating telepathically whether either of Us are aware of it or not. The younger brother is being playful and for some reason gives Us a look of real, deep love. He can rebel against Us AND express this love at the same time. Opposites do coexist and Allways have We are just now becoming aware of it.
Obviously (to Us anyway) Our choice to begin Our weekend early is working and We slip deeper and deeper into multidimensionality. This is what We have been missing for sooooo long. We resisted working these split shifts five days a week because We could only get into multidimensionality in Our night time, full dreaming. Now: We are accessing multidimensionality even when awake AND We are (for the most part) fully 3D functional. It is easy to be in multiD AND pay attention to the kids because “they” are experiencing multiD most of the time too. And remember: multidimensionality includes 3D.
At home We do some stuff but We do not really remember what it was or the doing of it. We stay up a bit late like We usually do on Fridays and played even more and deeper in multiD.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Adjusting to being multidimensional

Adjusting to being multidimensional
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:57:53 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Once again: We do not remember anything from last night but We know that We visited lots of other worlds and met new friends. We do remember the smiles and warm feelings for these friends. Again: We theel that it was too new and too much for Our waking brain to process. Interesting that We do not remember much more about yesterday than We remember about last night. Perhaps the dichotomies and contrasts continue.
We real-eyes that much of yesterday was about setting Our 3D focus and attention free. That explains a lot. We have been doing this for a while but it gets deeper and stronger. We can not yet focus clearly on the vastness of multiD. We do know/remember that We continue to pony hop Our experiences and forgive OurSelves. When We see a problem (in OurSelves and Our others) We are reminded that We are responsible. We want to honor other's choices AND offer “them” love and options.
It is apparent that many (even new agers) want to remain in the familiarity of limitation. If that is “their” choice We must honor it and We bless “them”. We also see many more following love, expansion, limitlessness and connection. Gentle and sudden continue to be evident for Us. The opposites playing together at the same time is hard to grasp. We are exploring and experiencing living in both rather than either or. That is hard to adjust too and type about.
Being here AND there (and aware) is still strange to Us. Simple 3D tasks seem hard or get done automatically without any memory of doing “them”. Other things get left half done and We find OurSelves Allmost lost. These are also common symptoms of going crazy. We maintain that (in the now) We have a choice of believing We are in multiD or that We are going crazy. While this choice may have Allways been available to everyOne few are or were aware of it. We ARE aware of it. We find that We are doing 3D tasks and when We return Our focus to 3D We may or may not remember how to do something We have done hundreds of times. We love Us and forgive Us for judging this as weird and crazy (in the passed). Now: We observe and bless it and appreciate it because We know that We are learning to live in multiD. We have been seeking this for a long time. We welcome it even if We still have some fear around it. We are sorry for the fear and judgment and limitation. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. We really ARE grateful. We are also full of great.
This: “full of great” is not (i-snot) being grandiose or conceited. That would be part of limitation and separation. It is actually natural and true. It is progress to admit how great We really are. This does NOT mean that We are greater than others just like We are NOT lesser than others. Those are old limiting beliefs and We are sorry. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us and We thank Us. We really are great and that's the truth.
We are experiencing being multidimensional and living as love in the physical. This brings love to everything We do and everyOne We meet. We do not have “to do” anything to share this love or prove OurSelves. Our greatness AND Our love is Self-evident and it is also contagious. We have been noticing this with Our driver and she is warming up to many of the students. She has even commented on this.
Learning to do things and function in 3D (and experiencing it consciously) AND be aware of and experiencing multidimensionality is quite the experience. It does not actually take any real (or new) skill but it certainly does take getting used to. The opposites coexisting is probably the hardest thing to get used to. Can You even imagine living in a world that is light AND dark at the same time? We have not gotten there yet (and lived to tell about it. Haha) but other opposites coexisting are showing up and gradually and suddenly We ARE adjusting.
EveryOne has had experiences of this in tiny doses. We have All been distracted while doing something. This is just more and deeper and stronger. Like getting distracted while breathing and finding that We accidentally stopped breathing for longer than is possible (and remain alive) in limitation 3D.
We are reminded that We can claim, demand and cling to Our limitations if We choose.
Again today We are mostly in multidimensionality and NOT focused only in limitation 3D. We are functioning but do not seem to have time and energy to type during the day. This seems to be a developing and ongoing pattern. The kids are great and continue to take Us into dream and multidimensionality. Remember that multiD includes 3D and We are fully functional for the most part. We do have to pay more attention to doing routine things or We may find that We make mistakes or miss doing some things. It is just getting adjusted to NOT being fully focused in only limitation 3D but still being there.
Our pretend world boy has started noticing things changing in Our waking reality. There are two very large houses near his house and he likes to point “them” our most days. There is now another house near those that We had not noticed before and We decided that it sprang up overnight. This led to seeing that other houses seem bigger than We had remembered “them” to be. We decided that “they” are growing a little each day.
Each day when We get home it seems like We are a little deeper in multidimensionality too.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Which way did We go?

Which way did We go?
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:38 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
So many interesting worlds and lives to explore. No Oneder We have felt cheated and trapped when We did not real-eyes that limitation is Our choice, Our dream and Our creation. Many time We have envied those who live in oblivion but this IS Our choice. We do not remember a lot of details from last night but it theels like the apparent contradictions coexisting continue to be Our theme. We are processing this and continuing to get familiar with living in both. It is a very abstract concept and so contrary to what We know in Our limitation mindset.
It can seem a bit hard to be in limitation 3D and function here yet not be very aware of other Ds and worlds. It is taking adjustment and We Are adjusting. There is sooooo much more. What used to be theory and philosophy is becoming Our reality. Our experience(s) in limitation 3D is now a minor part of Our life. We often thought that We would never get here. We are here even if only at the threshold.
It is hard to hold thoughts long enough to type “them” but We know that the energy and consciousness flows. We are reminded to stay in the now and stay fluid. We set it All free with love. What used to be (and still are somewhat) Our boundaries, safe zones and defining limits are no longer valid. We open and allow love. Love flows.
It is an interesting experience as We go deeper into multiD AND remain functional in and partially aware of limitation 3D. We theel the shift and change and nothing feels as important, as life threatening and earth shattering as before. Now: We are aware of doing things because We want to experience “them” rather than thinking We do “them” because We have to in order to survive. That is sooooo different. It feels like walking on the air.
Perhaps We really are at the Space Walking Academy.
Adjusting to the changes being at the main base bring makes it difficult to type during the day. We are short on time during Our breaks because of the change plus We got another section added. The new student is very pleasant but does not interact (at the surface level) much on the bus. We know that “they” communicate much more at the telepathic level.
The pretend world boy continues to tell Us about the pretend world. He is obsessed with things being big. Whatever books We get for him need to about the large versions of whatever subject “they” are about. We real-eyes that (for him) it is more about the attention than reading the books. The preschoolers actually like to look at the pictures. The younger brother likes to read the books that interest him. The older brother rarely wants to even look at any books. The pretend world boy likes for Us to get books for him and then wants Us to find the biggest whatever in “them” for him.
By the time We got home We are very deep into multiD and the only thing We much remember doing is thinking about how much We have changed in the last year. We are going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Contradictions coexisting

Contradictions coexisting
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:53:08 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We thought that We remembered a couple of worlds from last night when We woke but now only One seems available. In it: We were in a group of body guards or maybe “they” were Our body guards or both. Things have a way of changing like that in dream AND multiD. We have been pondering this since experiencing the sudden and gradual changes the night before last. Our memory is having a bit of a struggle with this and that too is experiencing this sudden and gentle change. Perhaps this is what We have been building up to recently.
In limitation 3D sudden and gentle or instant and gradual are impossible partners. In multiD it is just part of the norm. That is a pretty drastic change to get used to. We are getting used to it. As with All new concepts: being able to adjust and integrate it starts with accepting that it is possible.
This morning We are reminded to set old habits and beliefs free with love and to stay in the now. Now is where multiD happens. We continue to think that things will be the same as “they” Allways have been and “they” will if that is what We believe and project. If We stay in the now then there is a chance for change. If We live as love in a physical body then the change can be lasting. We would say permanent but that is a limitation 3D word and belief.
There are sooooo many things that We do and experience based on habit and memory. We set that/those free with love, We forgive OurSelves and We bless Us. These are important parts.
We are slip, sliding around in multiD and multiworlds this morning. We are getting better at allowing this on a work morning. We can be there and be functional here and We are learning this experientially.
Our world is different AND the same and this is Our theme today. We got moved to the other base. We did not have much extra time during Our breaks and We just did not theel like typing. We are deep into multiD and words are hard. As the day progressed We went deeper and deeper into multiD. We remain functional in 3D (on the surface) but Our attention and focus are deep within multiD.
The younger brother was mad when he came out of the school and he went off on his older brother. We called the teacher back onto the bus (not knowing for sure what was happening and would happen) and got the brothers separated. The younger had gotten to the point that he was out of control. We kept Our hands on his shoulders and guided him. When We asked him which seat he wanted he answered in gibberish. We guided him into the seat across from his brother and got him seated and buckled in. When We asked him (several times) if he wanted a book he still could not answer. As soon as We gave him Our bag of books he began to calm and Once he had picked out a couple of books he was fine. The teacher was there observing and backing Us up and “they” checked the older brother to assure that he was okay.
We got home a little early because Our new base is closer to Our last stop (the two brother's home) and closer to Our home. We did Our usual putting things away etc. without really being aware yet being aware. This being in multiD and experiencing this AND that continues. We ARE aware and NOT aware at the same time. We had dinner and watched more of “The 100”: liking it and not liking it at the same time. We are going to dream a little early.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Instant and gradual at the same time

Instant and gradual at the same time
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:42:33 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We did not sleep well last night. Lots of activity on the inner plains and realms, some of which We remember and much that We do not. What We do remember is that much is new and advanced and Our head is not ready to translate it into limitation 3D thoughts and words yet. We did a lot of transition work especially with kids. We visited many worlds where the kids are being regimented even more than in Our waking world. We visited camps for restricting and regimenting the kids similar to what We did a lot a few years ago.
In some of those worlds We are transferring the kids to space ships. It is really cool. The transfer is seamless, gradual and comfortable yet instant. It seems like We All remain in the camps until We become aware that when We look out the windows We see space and not earth and sky surrounding Us. As We transition We experience much more freedom, equality and acceptance. Acceptance and cooperation is hard at first as We are so used to eons of competition and strife. We work slow and gentle and give much comfort. It feels thrilling.
What adventures await Us as We gradually transform Our waking world? Will We feel like We are living the same old business as usual and One time look out the windows and see that We are in space and off world? We theel that is what Our dream adventures (last night and recently) may be preparing Us for. We have long known that We are really in space and on a holodeck but now it is becoming experiential.
Some will be shocked at first even though the transition (of/in awareness) is gentle and gradual. At some point We cross a line and no matter how broad and wide that line is there is bound to be a shock. We (personally) and others are being prepared to be of assistance to those crossing over. This is related to Our dream experiences of being a gate keeper several years ago. Many threads are starting to reveal a tapestry.
As We ponder this: We are reminded that We do Our best work in Our dreams. That is where most of this still needs to be done rather than at the physical and surface level where there is still much fear and resisdance. We remember (now) that during the night We did a lot of pony hopping, adding and sending love and forgiveness. There is still much groundwork (building solid foundations) that needs to be done. We are willing and able. We do real-eyes that this is more important and actually more real than Our waking life. We are grateful that We get to spend a lot of Our day and work time in dream. It is a lighter dream state than at night but it is better than being fully awake in limitation.
We also remember that the song “Tiny Dancer” kept running through Our head All night. We have no clue what the significance is. We did try to figure it out but slipped deeper into dream each time.
We real-eyes that there is something new (at least to Our waking awareness) that We are learning (experientially) to do in Our dream and waking dream states. It is about helping others, sending and adding love and it begins with pony hopping. Now there is something more being added but it is not (yet) quite familiar enough to translate into 3D.
Not too much to say on Our break this morning. The kids continue to be great and help Us get into multiD.
The weather is a bit cooler in town but was warmer at home. We continue to experience that this really is All Our projection of Our beliefs.
Our route is supposed to be moving back to the main base but it keeps being postponed. There is much less drama at this base but more plugins for Our cars at the main base.
Our pretend world boy continues to tell Us about pretend world and We enjoy his adventures and are happy that he feels comfortable sharing “them” with Us. Sometime We have to pay attention to other things in 3D and as long as We tell him then he does not seem to mind but if We do not tell him then he kinda demands Our attention. He is a very smart kid. The two brothers slept most of the ride home and later when We were driving home We real-I-said that We were very deep into multiD AND functioning fully in 3D because multiD DOES include 3d. We just have to get used to it. The hardest 3D functions (in multiD) are thinking and words. Not really surprising.
We did Our 3D stuff when We got home not really aware of what We were doing (at least not the instant something was completed). We watched some of “The 100” with dinner. We can not decide if We like it or not.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Even more multidimensional insights and adventures

Even more multidimensional insights and adventures
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:37:09 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke from a world where One of Our students (from waking) climbed into a trash compactor just to explore. It was very dark inside and We had no idea that he was in there when We ran the compactor. SomeOne else opened it after it had completed its cycle and found him. Of course “they” told him to come out but he was very reluctant to come out. He was fine but very dirty and he had had a great time of it. We basically freaked.
For a little while that is the only thing that We can remember from Our night's adventures. We Oneder if that student is trying to contact Us or why We would visit such a world? Is it a world that he and We coexist in? Apparently so when We think about it. We Oneder what other adventures he and Us have there???????
After a few minutes of pondering this We remember that We kinda time traveled during the night. We visited (at least) One world/life where We are junior high age. We played and visited with a friend from Our waking junior high life. We are even better friends in that other world than We were in Our waking life. We actually did not have any close friends during most of Our school years and in this other world We are pretty close friends. We never really fit in to Our waking world. We tried and We are certain that We blocked Our powers and abilities consciously to fit in. We never quite made the fit but We did stifle Our powers and abilities. We completely shut “them” down as far as We remember but We were Allways searching for whatever it was that We had lost. We were Allways trying to fill the hole inside.
It is funny. Now days We have forgotten that most others never seemed to miss what We were/are missing. We sometimes Oneder why some others seem to be insanely happy in this limitation world. We assume that it is because “they” do not know that “they” are missing anything whereas We have this insatiable drive to live and be more. We forget that this has Allways been the case in this waking life.
There was also something about multilocating during the night. We vaguely remember that We experienced multilocating but it is still something that Our waking head can not fathom so it blocks the experiences from Our awareness. The good news is that We can process/grok it enough to have this vague memory. We have been feeling like it is now time to start activating Our natural powers and abilities that We turned off as a child. We have been One-da-ring what ability We would develop first or would “they” All start functioning together? We real-eyes that We All-ready use telepathy even though We do not seem to receive as well as send thoughts and messages. We do real-eyes that (at least) some insights and intuitions are being received telepathically but We rarely real-eyes it at the time.
We are excited thinking about multilocating and teleporting. We are also thinking about and remembering living in Our Pandora world. We are remembering how it feels, how All of it feels. That is a key to imaginating which is a key to experiencing in/with conscious awareness.
It is still dark outside and the sky is clear with lots of shining stars. We are experiencing living in the sky AND on stars, planets and ships as well as living here on Gaia. This expanded experience is rather like getting a glimpse of something. It has yet to be a full blown experience but even this glimpse is a lot of progress. It certainly denies most everything that We have taught and been taught in this limitation world. We ARE bending and breaking the rules of limitation. We are NOT destroying or abandoning limitation. Limitation is Our creation and We love it. We are simply expanding Our creation. We are allowing not forcing and We are allowing with love.
As We allow OurSelves to feel being here AND there We are reminded that All such experiences, All expansion begins with accepting that it is possible, then believing that it REALLY IS possible. That is where We theel that We are now.
After playing a bit in multiD and focusing on being aware of being/living in multiworlds and multilives: We have gone deep enough that We are ready to go back to full dream for a bit.
Once again We do not really remember what We did in Our dream adventures. We woke with the song "Tiny Dancer" running through Our head and We theel multidimensional. What does that feel like? Like being more than just this body and being in multiworlds and multilives. We ARE making progress.
As We play in multidimensionality: We remember more of what We have been doing and can do in Our dream lives and worlds. We are allowing OurSelf to go deeper and deeper within yet remain awake, at least for a while. When We get really deep it is easier to go back to bed so that We do not fall out of Our chair.
We return to dream again and enjoy it. We do not remember much of what We have done in waking or dream. We know that We have spent Our day mostly in multidimensionality without much limitation distraction. We also read several things online which confirm Our present course. More and more are focusing on love. Many are still speaking and thinking in limiting terms but that is where most of humanity remains. These terms are still necessary to reach the most people. We are reminded that We each have Our jobs, Our platform and Our listeners. We set judgment free with love.
We finished “The Tomorrow People” during and after an early dinner. The last episode is kinda a cliff hanger so We are certain there is more but when it will be on NetFlix there is no way of knowing. We have several other shows and movies bookmarked to watch. Now it is time to dream and We are certain that We will be adding love to many realities.

Good night AND thank You for playing.