Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, October 31, 2016

And more dreams and multiD



And more dreams and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We think that We are up for the day and We may or may not be. We can still theel dreams and multiD tugging at Us. We spent yesterday in dream and deep in multiD whenever We were awake (which was not much). We do have a few things that We would like to do in the physical today and We do know that “they” really do not matter unless We make “them” matter.

We are having multiD experiences, insights and intuits and “they” are very clear in Our mind. However: finding words to describe “them” is hard. We ARE enjoying OurSelves and that is important. We are focused on feeling the vibration of unconditional love. We wanna get familiar with how that feels.

We definitely are NOT motivated into doing anything physical and that is just fine. Our head wants to berate Us. We send love to All Our parts and pisces. We ARE exploring what it is to live as unconditional love. We are treating OurSelves with unconditional love.

Here is today’s message about unconditional love.

There is just not much to say with words. In and out of dream and deep in multiD when awake.

We have dinner with “Containment” and go dream for a bit. It is One of those nights when We dream, get up and play in multiD and then go back to dream. We are visiting lots of alternate worlds: most are nearby.

We are learning to travel vibrationally and We ARE having fun with it.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Another day exploring multiD



Another day exploring multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:31 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

Again: We woke with thank Us on Our mind. We visited several worlds and played with new friends again. We do not remember much.

What We do remember is that when We got up (this morning) Our world is different. It was kinda like a jigsaw puzzle that is not put together: scattered pisces of the puzzle All around. Then Our head began to notice that the pisces were not in the usual order. Something older was newer and such. So: Our head began putting the pisces in (what Our head recognizes as) the proper order. It is an experience in how this really works.

We live in (and generally abhor) chaos and randomness. Then Our All powerful brain puts things in an order that it likes and We project that onto Our holoscreen and We call it “the real world” “reality” and such. Next (and this All happens in the blinking of an I) We believe that the picture/hologram/holograph that We project IS All that there is. When We say that what We see and experience is not real: what We really mean is that it is not ALL that is real. It IS as real as anything else. It is All soup until We (Our head) puts it in some kind of order. In 3D We make soup out of separate ingredients. In multiD We kinda unmake soup. We see and experience All the the individual ingredients while allowing “them” to All swim and swirl freely.

We really have no idea what multiD actually is. We can only speculate and occasionally remember what it is like from Our dreams and waking process. Generally: even immediately upon waking Our head/brain eliminates anything and everything (from Our dream experience) that does not fit into (or very near to) Our accepted and acceptable pattern of reality. We DO create Our own reality. Until We expand Our thinking and beliefs We will continue to confine Our experience of reality. For Us: this IS a gradual process. This protects Our fragile limitation operating system.

Today: We are Once again stepping/slipping/sliding a little further into the water/soup of multiD. We theel and sense more than Our physical eyes (filters) allow Us to see. We are experiencing it even though We do not “see” it.

Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally. When slipping into the soup it is easy to get excited in the physical ingredients (or withdraw in fear) and forget about unconditional love for a moment. Thankfully: We are tuned in enough to unconditional love that We quickly remember. For love IS the whole point. Without love everything else is just chapped lips.

Here is another message about what We are living, saying and experiencing. We keep getting the message that We are not gonna be here (Our cabin and/or Fairbanks) as much even though We are NOT going anywhere. It IS All about unconditional love and vibration. We will not be “just” here and/or “only” focused in/on here and that will make it seem even more differenter. We will be here AND there AND experiencing different/multiple frequencies, vibrations, dimensions and worlds. We will be multivibrating. In limitation that is NOT possible and so Our head can not really comprehend it. We (Our heart) know it is true.

Our kids are having fun. Some/most are into Halloween even though most are not really wearing costumes. Some have masks in “their” backpacks. The teachers are pretty good about putting candy in “their” backpacks for when “they” get home. We have fun playing with some and just watching others. Our student with the broadcasts in “their” head got picked up so We do not get to hear from “them”.

We are deep in multiD and when We get home We do not really feel like having anything except pie and I-scream for dinner so pi and I-scream it is with a little more “Cleverman”. Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Another experiential day in multiD



Another experiential day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:17 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

Again: We woke with “thank Us” on Our mind. We like being grateful. Especially now that it has become a way (Our way) of life. It theels much different than it did when We were first learning to live in gratitude and that took a few (quite a few) years. Thank Us. We do theel that a key and the turning point was learning that it was not some outside force or bean that We needed to be grateful too: it IS Us. We ARE the force in Our life. Still a bit hard to imagine.

Our head still wants to plan and figure out how it will All work out. That is just NOT gonna happen. Our head does NOT have All the facts, All the information and All the possibilities. Our head still thinks in limitation. We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love. There are options that We have yet to even imagine. We allow Our imagination to fly free. The possibilities are endless and We can not really imagine that either.

There are sooooo many ways that We trap OurSelves in limitation. Things that We think that We must do in order to survive and even things that We think will (and do) make Our life easier. When We think that: “We need to” or “We must” or “We should” then these thoughts can very easily lead Us back into limitation thoughts and beliefs. These ARE limiting thoughts and beliefs.

We try to keep OurSelves out of new experiences. We set OurSelves free with love. Instead of remembering what We need to do: We can forget All that and thereby open OurSelves to new experiences and adventures. Our head gets to go with Us and learn how to theel multidimensionally.

We are having fun with the kids and being in multiworlds and multiD.

We have noticed that Our newest kid tends to appear out of nowhere. There is a door where he comes out of the house, We just never see him come out the door and We are watching every morning and the door is in sight?????? He just seems to appear a few feet (or several feet) from the door. His parents watch him walk to the bus from another full glass door. When he uses that door We do see him open the door, walk through and close the door.

We have decided that he is "poofing" in and out to help Us allow OurSelves to "poof" here and there. Of course: there is only here at different frequencies.

So: Our life progresses. Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally. We do ask other versions of OurSelves to help Us. We are not sure exactly what We are after. We just know that We are on Our way and the new is drawing closer. “New” being living as Our true nature: unconditional love.

Fun with Our afternoon gradeschoolers and preschoolers again. We get into dream and multiD on the ride back to base.

At base We find that We still do not have an afternoon highschool section. It is very easy to slip back into the limitation and separation thinking and beliefs. We are sliding between limitation thinking that something is wrong and multiD/unconditional love thinking that everything is perfect and working together for the best for Us.

At home We are not really hungry because We ate a lot on Our long break. We have decided to have razzleberry pie with I-scream for dinner. Our head keeps trying to claim and cling to injustice, lack and scarcity around the shorter paid hours. We catch Us and pony hop, open, allow, expand and set it All free with love. We watch more “Cleverman” and enjoy it.

We choose to play in multiD before going to dream. Our head is trying to object and claim victimhood and argue for limitation. We are mostly able to focus on multiD and unconditional love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Reflecting and experiencing multiD



Reflecting and experiencing multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:35 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

Our first thoughts were: “Thank Us and We love Us” again this morning. We like waking this way. Now: We are clearly in multiD. Everything still looks the same yet We truly theel a difference. Our eyes are still focused in 3D, an expanding 3D. We are playing and drifting in multiD. Our head still wants to plan and worry. It is still tuned to limitation and is only beginning to expand into multiD thinking.

Once again We notice that it is hard to put multiD experiences into words. Words really are NOT intended to tell of multiD. In fact words are intended to limit Words are defined and therefore limited. We visited another catering world in Our dreams and We actually remember it clearly and yet do not have words for it. It thelt like a more expanded version than any previous catering life. We actually enjoyed it. If One is in touch with how the world really is then catering would be much easier. There is a lot of lifting involved in full service off-sight catering. That is in limitation 3D.

We are having more fun in multiD than We ever did in limitation. We are much more open and allowing these days. Old, limitation and separation still come up. Years of repetition and programming and practice have a price. Slow and gentle is much more comfortable than suddenly jumping off a cliff. Gentle breezes.

We notice and real-eyes that there are many, many things that can easily grab Our attention and divert Our thinking back to old, limiting beliefs. The good news is that We recognize this. Here is another message about exactly this and more. Even when We are multifocused it is easy to forget that what We are living and doing is about the planet and not just Our individual physical being. We ARE more: much, much more.

Interesting day today. Or is it just normal now? Well: when normal is interesting then We know that We are making progress.

The kids are great of course. We have been thinking about what a great life We have created. We do not like the cold and car trouble and yet We know that somehow, somewhy We created/create those for the best for Us.

We are making progress at accepting it All and even bean grateful for life as it is.

It was quite cold this morning especially when We focused on it. We could tell the difference when We did not focus on it. Now: the sun is out and warming it up again.

Things (whatever that might mean in the moment) are bean different. Not a lot, just subtle. We used to hate these kinds of different. We just sent an email saying that We wish We had spent more time living blond.

Earlier: We were thinking that We hope that when words fail Us We hope that You can theel the energy. MultiD is just sooooo much more. It is everything We ever had and then more. How do We describe that adequately?

We have the choice of participating or just observing. We can slide through the buffet and take Our pick.

We can take Our paint brush and finger paints, close Our eyes and create things oh so beautiful. If We try to imagine what is possible: We fall short and limit the possibilities. If We allow Our imagination to fly free then the possibilities are limitless.

More multiD reflections, intuits, insights and experiences.

We enjoy Our afternoon kids as usual. A variety and most Allways fun. The One kid is talkative today. “They” are excited about the Halloween shows “their” family is planning to watch over the four day weekend. Halloween and Legobots too.

We have dinner and start watching “Cleverman” which is more interesting for Us than “Glitch” was. We will probably return to “Glitch” at some point. We play in multiD for a while and now We are ready for dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

And more insights and experiences in multiD



And more insights and experiences in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:17 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We wake grateful again. Our head is still afraid that We will fail and suffer miserably. Our heart knows that We are safe. We choose unconditional love. This is new territory and Our head is afraid. Our heart knows unconditional love and reassures Us.

We visited more worlds and played with more new friends and as We wake We theel more in tune with these expanded worlds and Our multiD and loving Selves. We know that there are higher vibrating versions of OurSelves. We are closer to contact with “them”. We invite “them” in and ask for help to awaken. This is not about going anywhere. It is about being here, living and loving here. Here AND there are simply different vibrations. This is about living truth.

We are waking, playing and drifting in multiD and multiworlds. Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.

Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You unconditionally.

There is no fight left in Us. We love You for You are Us. We greet You and invite You in to integrate with All that You Allready are. We are NOT better or lesser. We ARE equals and We love You. Please forgive Us for the times that We rejected and abandoned and forgot You. We love You and We thank You. We ask You to let Us console and comfort and caress You tenderly and gently. We love You unconditionally.

We theel gratitude. This is genuine gratitude for such a Onederfull life. We love. We love unconditionally. Perhaps some do have the job of fighting and resisting. Our job is unconditional love and nothing less will satisfy Us. All those that We perceive as enemies, villains and annoying ARE Our castaways and rejects and We ask for forgiveness. We love You gently. We invite You to integrate with Us. We allow You to be YourSelf even is that is a combatant. Allow Us to love You please. Unconditional love does NOT demand that You change. It just is. We love US as We are. We accept Us as We are. We thank Us as We are.

Here is more about what We are living and doing. And here is another from an author that We do not quote too often. There are messages for All levels of Us. Often: We theel that most messages are for levels that are experiencing something quite a bit different from Our current waking (and dreaming) experience. None are better or worse even though We usually judge it so. The good news is that We are quicker to notice this and pony hop, open, allow, expand and set it All free with love.

Thank Us.

It is still winter. The temp is about the same as yesterday even though We do not feel it as much. Is it Us? Of course it is. We are having breakfast and Wifi on Our first break and We will hot tub and do shopping on Our long afternoon break.

We sure enjoy the kids that We have this year.

At the barn We were talking to a driver about the kids ability to multitask and multiplay. The driver is surely a muggle who is beginning to notice the change in these new/now kids.

Bottom line for Us is that We ARE enjoying Our life more as We focus more in multiD and set limitation free with love.

We are having multiD insights and experiences today. It is fun. We still keep OurSelves in the old, familiar limitation 3d world. We just are not as controlled by it as We used to be. We do not give it as much importance as We used to.

We are having fun with Our kids as usual. One is excited to show Us “their” new winter gloves. Another is kinda messing with Us: “they” enjoy messing with Us. Sometimes We mess back. It depends on the situation. It usually catches “them” off guard when We mess back.

We are deep in multiD when We get back to the barn and when We get home. We did not eat as much during the day (not quite as much anyway) and have a big dish of shells and cheese with “Glitch”. The show really is not holding Our attention. Maybe We will watch something else tomorrow or whenever. There are several other things that We have waiting on Our watchlist.

Now: let’s dream shall We?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Another day of insights and experiences in multiD



Another day of insights and experiences in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:15 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke a little early and had drifted into another world when Our coffeemaker went off. It is another world where We are rebelling. The thing is that it is more of a resisdance than a rebellion. Except that those in power (in that world) are fighting Us. Or at least “they” are trying to. How do You fight love?

It seems that We kept going back to that world during the night and often when We woke Our first thought was “love”. A nice way to wake indeed. We remember throwing food to Our attackers who had very little provisions. We ARE creating a world of unconditional love and many are resisting because “they” do not comprehend how it can work. “They” still think love is weak. It is proving to be strong enough to sustain Us.

Here is an article about pony hopping that We are reading. We are a slow reader.

We are clearly in multiD this morning and that does NOT speed up Our reading. It does increase Our level of enjoyment. As fear lowers fun rises.

We are also drifting in and out of awareness of the worlds We visited in dream. We call it “rebellion” because that is how We first perceive it. We ARE under attack there and yet this attack can only come from OurSelves. Is it Our children within who fear expansion? Remember: We intuit that “they” simply can not conceive of what We are waking to. Plus: “they” do fear Us because of how We have Allways treated “them”. We ask forgiveness. We love You and We thank You unconditionally. The attack and rebellion are only perceptions. Bombs burst like water balloons. We can (and do) turn this attack and rebellion into play.

This makes Us smile. We can (and We are) turn everything into play.

Winter got here and it was cold this morning. Or at least We were cold this morning. The sun is out bright and warming it up nicely.

We are having fun now that We are warmer. We knew that suffering was Our choice earlier: We just did not know how to make a better choice. Or something. Contrast? We got to hottub this morning and that warmed Us up.

Our kids are fun. "They" would like more snow.

We ARE focused on vibrating and projecting unconditional love. That really is what it is All about. We are theeling it more.

Our afternoon kids are fun as usual. One is very quiet. We were told to meet “them” at a different classroom and We theel that “they” were kinda lost and disappointed. We theel that “they” are also into the worlds and broadcasts in “their” head.

Since We have no highschoolers riding “they” take away that section which costs Us an hour a day pay and gives Us a longer afternoon break. Our head wants to be upset, angry and afraid about the loss of pay. We reassure it that this does NOT matter and is NOT important. Our head still thinks in limitation and separation where such things matter. All things are working together for the best for Us. We ARE waking to more than Our limitation/limited body. We ARE multidimensional and We live in multiworlds and multivibrations. We are more than Our paycheck and more than Our bank account. “They” have no power here except the power that We give “them”. This is just part of Our awakening process. Thank Us.

At home We are only a little hungry so We have a small dinner with more “Glitch”. We are not sure if We wanna keep watching it or not. We end early and are very ready for dream as We are deep in multiD Allready.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Insights in multiD and lots of dreaming



Insights in multiD and lots of dreaming

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:17 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We have been up for a bit doing some 3D stuff while pretty deep in multiD. We put a Marie Callender’s razzleberry pie in the oven. That is the most important physical thing We have done. We have also been reading online and playing in multiD. Read several things about what We are living, doing and intuiting. Here is One that sure relates to Us.

Once again We notice how learning/remembering how to live in 3D within multiD really is like learning how to fall off a bike.

We woke several times during the night and most of those “Thank Us. We love Us” was Our first thought. We remember bits and pisces from the worlds We explored and the friends that We played with. We long to do this in Our waking too. The thing is that since Our dreams are real: We do not need to do it in waking to believe. However: We sure would like to live more in love and limitlessness since We spend most of Our time waking. Then again: time is also an illusion. We made it up and We made it real. We did sooooo damn well.

In One world (that We remember) We are in some type of rebellion. The rebels are passive and the powers that were are very violent. The thing is that We (the rebels) use Our minds, Our love and Our natural/real abilities to protect Us. The violence is actually a lie and a fantasy which looks very real to those who have not awakened to who and what We really are. Therefore there is much fear in those. Our rebellion is more passive resisdance than a rebellion. The powers see Us as a very real threat because We are. As We ponder that world it theels like is something very nearby to Our waking world. By “nearby” We mean vibrationally.

We love Us and We thank Us unconditionally.

We ARE mostly in multiD and We theel a shift in Our waking world which looks the same as Allways. It sure theels different. Our head is kinda spinning between the fantasy and reality. Those two are the opposite of what most in Our waking world think. We totally agree with “go with the flow”. The thing is that the river is full of people swimming against the current so it Allmost looks and feels like We are the Ones swimming upstream. We are actually floating gently with the current. That means We are bumping into a lot of muggles. “They” are some of Our castaways and rejects. Please forgive Us. We forgive Us. We love You and We thank You unconditionally. We invite You in. We ask You to integrate with Us. We do NOT ask You to change. That is Your choice. We ask You to allow Us to love You until You can love YourSelves. Until You want to love YourSelves. You can take as much time as You want. No change is required to be part of Us.

Love is Our true nature. We know that now and We are ready and willing to live it. It’s been a long road.

We are having dinner with the first episode of “Glitch”. It is about a bunch of people coming back from the dead. It is kinda slow starting and seems to be picking up. We decide to play a bit in multiD before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

An insightful day in 3D within multiD



An insightful day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:20 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We are having a fun day dreaming. Often We have woken with “Thank Us” on Our mind. We are exploring worlds and playing with friends. We did not really wanna go to town and Our friends do not really want company. That works.

The sun is out bright and looks really nice through My view screen.

We are pondering vibrations and everything being here and now. We have been pondering this for a while and meant to mention it except that when We are trying to type it slips right through Our fingers. Everything that We see as solid matter is actually energy. This is becoming more and more widely known. Therefore everything vibrates and has a frequency. Where this gets difficult for Us is that there is an infinite array/spectrum of vibration and frequencies. We can not conceive of that/this because We have no frame of reference. We have never (except in trans, meditation and/or dream) experienced infinity. Most of Us can not and do not remember experiencing infinity in those expanded states because it is totally unfamiliar.

Plus: We set this game up AND programmed OurSelves to believe only in limitation and separation. In that game, fantasy and program (hologram/hologame) there is not such thing as infinity. It is a fantasy there and in infinity limitation and separation is a fantasy. Interesting contrast there. The rabbit hole never ends.

So: We keep living the summer reruns until We choose to go on to the next season. The thing is that We did such a good job of setting this game up that it is hard to wake. We designed it that way. We set All sorts of traps and safeguards to keep Us from slipping off the game board or out of the hologram. The “end game” button is protected with multilayer, multilevel encryption. In many ways We are exploring and unveiling this in movies and TV shows. We harbor these vague memories of reality and We portray “them” in fantasy.

Our animation movies and shows are another way that We imitate and explore reality. Computers are also based on those vague memories. For everything that We do naturally (and forgot about) We make machines and technology to what We believe We can not do. Once again: We pretend (and pretend very well) to be what We are not. We believe that We are failures. We believe that We are limited and separate. We believe that We are unworthy. We believe that We are evil. We believe that We are cursed. Most of Us deny believing that We are evil and what We deny even more, much more vehemently is that We ARE gods. Oh it is bad to be evil. It is even worse: it is hellfire and damnation to believe that We are gods. In fact: it is the only unforgivable sin to believe that We ARE God.

We did good.

So: each vibration, each frequency is like a frame in a movie. We stream the frames and get movement, time and action. Most of Us are incapable of slowing down this process and seeing, theeling, experiencing anything and everything One frame at a time. Slow motion is about the closest We can come when awake.

In dreams: We do it All. We move from One place and experience to another without moving. Friends (and enemies) appear and disappear instantly. Frame by frame. We believe that We do shit and that We travel. We do it with Our mind. It truly is smoke and mirrors and WE ARE the magicians.

And here is another thing: Our greatest feats and accomplishments are cheap imitations (not even as high quality as Our knockoffs) of what We can (and do) really do and live. We hide reality behind a veil that is not even opaque. We do not need anything more because We believe the lies because WE ARE the Ones telling the lies. Have You ever seen mist evaporate in sunlight? We do not believe in the sunlight or Our fantasies would be revealed at every turn.

This is changing/expanding of course. Remember though: Our greatest discoveries and moves forward are still less than drops in an ocean, We are capable and We deny Our capabilities. It is natural and We call it supernatural. We confuse and confound OurSelves at every turn. We may believe in teleporting and most who do still believe that We must travel to get to another spot on the vibrational/frequency scale. We do NOT go anywhere. We raise and lower Our frequency and vibration AND We disguise even this by making raise good and lower bad. God: We are good at this.

What We are not so good at waking up and smelling the coffee.

We are certain that when We tell anyOne that “they” are beginning to see and experience how the hologram really works “they” will deny it. “The Matrix” is a fantasy movie: right? The code as it is portrayed in the movies is more complex than it really is. In the movies We watch and are flabbergasted that these guys see anything more than streams of numbers. We do NOT need magik glasses to unscramble the code. WE wrote the damn code. We deny it and most will kill and die to prove that We did NOT write the code.

Here is another message about All this. We have never thought about desire this way. Or: if We did We quickly forgot. If We stumbled into a world where this is clear then We quickly stumbled back out. We know that We have read similar before: maybe even the same. We did NOT understand it and said something like: “How nice” or “Nice for You”.

We get it when We are ready. We even doubt that We are ready to begin fully experiencing this revelation in Our daily life. Baby steps. Disappointing perhaps. Necessary for certain. This protects Us. It is like an embryonic sack. It is tearing slowly and gently. In Our world bubbles burst suddenly. Not so when expanding into reality. MultiD, multiworlds and unconditional love ARE reality. We have drowned in De-Nile long enough. We ARE making Our way towards shore: made of shifting sands.

Another thing that We want to mention again (because We are experiencing it again and We theel it IS important) is that a lot, many, maybe All of the adventures and experiences which We have avoided like the plague, run from, hated, judged as bad and evil, etc ARE the very portals that can and will lead Us into living multidimensionally. “They” ARE multiD.

Our head is still trying and clinging to planning. When We recognize it We open and allow: We set it free with love. Our head hates that simply because it does NOT understand. Our head IS multidimensional too. We have spent sooooo much time, sooooo many life times pretending to be what We are not that Our head believes that it is what it is not and NOT what it really is. Our head IS afraid of itSelf. Ever heard of being afraid of Your own shadow?

Sometimes when We really get into Our process it is easy to get caught up in the details (and Our head’s limiting expectations) and forget that the whole point is love: unconditional love. It is easy (even when looking towards being limitless and free) to slip back into old, limiting thinking and beliefs. Of course: that too is okay. We (Our head) want to judge Us and throw stones at Us for this/these slip(s). “They” ARE an important part of the process. We set it free with love: We do NOT abandon or destroy it. That IS very important. Every part and pisces of Us is going with Us.

This is a slow and gradual process that sometimes seems to be moving at break neck speed. Often: We go kicking and screaming even though We are getting and have exactly what We asked for. Be careful what You ask for????? Not really. Just be prepared to get it. If You/We can not be prepared at least We can stop doing a resisdance.

We love Us and We thank Us.

We play in multiD and intuits when awake. We have dinner with the last episodes of “Goliath”.

Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

More insights and experiences in multiD



More insights and experiences in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:24 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

As soon as We heard Our coffeemaker We thought: “Thank Us. We love Us.” That is how We like to wake. We only have vague memories of where We went and what We did. Less limited worlds with unconditional love and more new friends. We ARE grateful. We ARE delighted.

Here is another good message about what We are living and doing. We have been focused on this for some time now.

We recognize some aspects of OurSelves that We have NOT wanted to own and integrate. We have been sending unconditional love. We have just been in denial about “them: (in particular) being Us. Our head hates this part. We really do keep OurSelves limited and separate.

We are having some time experiences this morning. Allmost an inner battle. Our heart knows and Our head is rebelling. We wanna time travel using only Our mind and yet when We find that We ARE: We resist. We tend to go into new areas kicking and screaming. No Oneder this is a slow, gradual process.

We pony hop the aspects that are coming to mind and We do NOT like. These are Our castaways and rejects and We invite “them” in. We do NOT have to like “them” to love “them” unconditionally and integrate “them”. Love IS the answer.

We know that stuff like this is exactly why We do not manifest like some others do. If We did: We would stop. As much as We would love a more outward show of Our progress, Our abilities, Our true nature: We want to live as unconditional love more and THAT IS Our true nature. Living as OurSelves starts on the inside. Changing Our world starts on the inside. How can We ever expect or hope for world peace, for ease and love when We reject these parts and pisces of OurSelves?????

It has been snowing lightly All morning. Was heavy for about five minutes.

We went to hottub on Our morning break and now lunch and Wifi.

We are having lots of experience and insights: just having hard time finding words as usually happens when We are deep in multiD.

Oh: One preschool girl was late getting home for the bus and she insisted her mom brush her hair before she would get on the bus. Three years old. It was a simple thing and We could tell that there was gonna be a fight if did not honor her wishes. She is NOT One who fights. However: it looked like the gloves were gonna come off is she did not get her hair brushed.

The student with broadcasts in “their” brain got picked up by “their” parents so We missed seeing “them”. The others were playful: very playful.

We got to dream and by the time We got home We are deep in multiD. We had a big lunch so We only have a small dinner with more “Goliath”. We play in multiD a little and are ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, October 21, 2016

A busy day in 3D within multiD



A busy day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:34 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We slept very well last night. We accidentally left Our heater running and had to get up (after a couple of hours) and turn it down. Nest thing We thought We heard Our coffeemaker starting even though it was a couple of minutes early. We ARE experiencing other worlds (in that world maybe Our coffeemaker starts a little earlier or does time work different there?) multiworlds, multiD, time and space travel using only Our mind, focus, attention, vibration and not moving or using any device(s). Small subtle experiences which We could easily ignore or poo poo. We choose to acknowledge and embrace “them”.

Here is a different perspective on memory. It is good to look at everything from different perspectives. After All: We ARE exploring and talking/typing about infinity and eternity. Even though it IS All One there is no longer only One way, One life, One world, One Self. So here are different perspective on One. There is an All inclusive One and a limiting and limitation One and there is everything in between.

We ARE getting betterer and betterer at waking and walking in multiD and at playing. Playing is more attitude than specific actions for Us. We ARE turning what used to be work (work simply by virtue of having to get out of bed and follow someOne else’s schedule, rules, etc.) into play by changing/expanding Our perspective. We ARE loving Our daily life. Our head is still resisdancing. It throws fear in Our face. It tells Us that We die a slow and horrible death if We keep going forward. We face Our fear. We let it pass through Us. We thank Our fear for it served Us well in Our limitation and separation fantasies.

We ARE taking Our head with Us. It does not want to be left behind AND it is scared shitless of where We are going. It will serve Us well on this adventure. It just does not know it yet. We love Us and All Our parts and pisces. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.

With fear being set free and living in unconditional love (both Us AND Our fear are living free in love) life is much more fun and enjoyable. Thank Us for this experience.

More insights and experiences in facing Our fears and living multidimensionally. One of Our (many) fears is poofing into somewhere public in Our jammies or less. We get it that this a fear about “what other people think of Us” (and getting arrested). We used to be afraid that if We poofed in (no matter what condition We were/are in) We would shock people and upset “them” etc. Then (very slowly and gradually) We got/get it that people will Allways see only what “they” want to see: what “they” are ready for. Most people are NOT ready to notice “poofing”. If people wanna undress (or dress) Us with “their” eyes then “they” will regardless. “They” live in “their” world and get what “they” desire. “They” appear in Our world and play whatever role We assign “them”.

These are All new concepts to an emerging god and awakening people(s). We ARE looking at emerging into something completely new and completely different. We tend to want to do that while clinging to something (many things actually) from Our old limitation world(s). We fear losing something/anything/everything. We are taking it All with Us AND setting it All free with love. We ARE taking expanded, multidimensional versions of everything familiar with Us. Of course: multiD versions may be larger/closer than “they” appear……. We may NOT even recognize “them”. This is a lot to take in, accept, own and incorporate.

We did not have time for Wifi because We had a safety meeting during Our morning break and (of course) We chose to hottub during Our afternoon break.

The kids are great as usual. There are a few that We really have fun with.

The forecast is for snow and it really did not look like snow until it did. We had mostly clear skies and bright sun until the storm clouds started moving in. Thankfully: the temp is down near 20 and not up closer to freezing. The snow moved in while everyOne is on “their” afternoon section. It is a little slick (being Our first snow and All) yet not like it would be if it was warmer.

We do not have any trouble driving home. We did put Our chariot in four wheel drive before We even backed out of Our parking space. We have been wondering if the reason We have not gotten Our dragon back together is driving conditions??????

It stops snowing just as We get home. We did not get nearly as much as predicted. Barely a cover.

We watch more “Goliath” with dinner. We are enjoying it even though it represents and portrays everything about limitation and separation that We do NOT like. Interesting that.

Time to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

More play in 3D within multiD



More play in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:01 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke from several different worlds with new friends in each. Just imagine: All those friends are other versions of Us. Lots of Us to like, enjoy and play with. Each time We were able to get right back to dream and into (an)other world(s). Thank Us. The worlds that We remember were All 3D and We moved between worlds and places within worlds by thought alone. Remember: it is All here and now so it really is just a matter of different thoughts and vibration. We just made it seem like a lot more than that to keep OurSelves stuck. We are unstucking. In Our dreams We are getting used to thought travel so that We can begin to allow it in waking.

This morning We woke early to play in multiD and practice being awake in multiD and multiworlds. We ARE on ship and We can theel/sense it.

We real-eyes that We do have a lot of attachments to limitation 3d and those attachments keep Us attached to limitation 3d. We do not seek to destroy these attachments. We seek to recognize “them” and love “them” and set “them” free with love. We can return to limitation 3d any time that We want. We can play here without falling in. We seek to be aware of other versions of 3D, of limitlessness (Our natural state which We forgot) and unconditional love. Love is the most important. Without unconditional love: everything else is just pants. We are after more and not just more of the same. More, more, more.

The energy on, in and around Our planet and galaxy (and more) is supporting this quest. We are more than We ever thought possible and now We are unlocking the gates that We placed upon Our world and lives. Open wide ye gates. We love Us and We thank Us unconditionally. We focus on unconditional love. We vibrate and project unconditional love.

Ahh: another message about what We are living. These have gotta come from Us. “They” know Us too well to be from outside and beyond Us as We used to think.

We love Us unconditionally. Unconditional love is infinite. We want to experience and live in unconditional love infinitely. How is that for a goal? On and on and on it/We go(es).

Short break because we had to go back for a kid was not supposed to ride today. We still had tome for lunch and Wifi. Again: We real-eyes that We have slipped into a slightly different world and there are some things about this One that We like more better than Our familiar world.

We do Oneder how often We slip worlds and do not even notice??

Once again We are having a good time with Our kids and drifting in 3D within multiD. We are getting better at playing. We are enjoying Our life more.

We real-eyes that We fell deep into fear over the years. After All: We came to Alaska to face Our fears and We did damn well. Maybe too well???? Or just enough? Yes: Our fear still exists and arises. We are NOT about killing Our fear. We ARE about owning and loving Our fear and setting it free in love.

Our afternoon kids are fun as Allways. Again: We move around as each kid gets home to accommodate those who want Us to sit with “them”. We likes it. We enjoy Our last section a lot, maybe the mostest.

By the time We get home We are well into multiD and multiworlds. We play in multiD before and after dinner. It is taking a little longer to warm Our cabin as the temp outside is lower (or so We think).

We watch “Goliath” on Amazon with dinner. There is a line(s) that We really like: “You drank too much.” “That is not accurate. I drank just enough.”

Now: We are ready to dream. We try turning Our heater up a little so it maybe takes longer to go out.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Another experiential day in 3D within multiD



Another experiential day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:16 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke with “thank Us” on Our mind. We likes that. We lay there a few minutes thinking: “We love Us and We thank Us”. As We wake and walk in multiD We continue to have insights into living in the “real” world and accepting that this physical world is a fantasy. A house of mirrors and a house of horrors and completely make believe. We are very good at make believe.

We visited some interesting and very different worlds in Our dream adventures. We remember some though We remembered “them” more clearly when We woke during the night. We had fun with more new friends. All those parts of Us that We had to forget about in order to be human. Now: We are learning how to remember and still be human. Some call it metahuman.

We are getting it (experientially) that how much We are stuck in limitation and how much We are aware and live in limitlessness, multiD and unconditional love is really up to Us. We do NOT theel that We have to cling to limitation nearly as much as We used to think that We did. Every morning We made and make the decision. It was mostly habit after We decided that it keeps/kept Us safe. What a lie that is. There is no safety in playing the victim. We played it well. Our judgment of OurSelf and Our others reflected back on Us and it was like falling into a cesspool and thinking We belong there. Sad isn’t it?

Fools R Us. That is the game We played. Whenever We are ready We can wake: alert, alive and refreshed. Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.

One of the things that We notice this morning is being on ship and in/at Our space port.

As We ponder possibilities (that have recently come into Our field of awareness) We are reminded that there are many, many, many possibilities that have yet to come into Our field of awareness. We have barely scratched the surface of an infinitely deep pool/field of possibilities. We remain clueless and still We try to plan without anywhere near All the facts.

Here is another important message about Our lives and Our world: about Us.

We are enjoying playing in multiD and imagining possibilities. We theel that Our future is about being here AND there. We theel that will be less focused here and it will be less important to Us. We ARE Our own captors and We ARE setting OurSelves free.

We are having a good morning. The kids are great and so are We. We are on Our first break and having breakfast with Wifi. the pool is closed today so we won't get to hottub. At least We knew ahead so not disappointed.

We really like Our newest student; very nice and talkative. we get another new preschooler on Our noon run.

We are a little more into 3D today so We keep reminding OurSelves that it IS a holographic game. It is still easy to believe in it and think it is real and life threatening.

Our newest student is really cute. Just turned three with long curly hair. "They" were shy at first and soon warmed up to Us. We did not understand what "they" were saying. It may not even have been English. "They" obviously knew what "they" were saying and were telling Us something important.

The sun is out and warming Us up. It may not be up to 50 yet even though it is above freezing and may hit 50. No matter what it is: it is certainly warm and very nice for this time of year.

We ARE having fun playing in 3D within multiD. Earlier fear was trying to sneak up on Us and bite Us in the ass. We recognized it and made the choice to play a new game. There really is nothing to fear: not even fear itSelf. We ARE creators NOT victims.

Yes: this IS a new way of thinking and We are just beginning to think this way on a moment to moment basis. Life IS more fun when We think this way and practice living in gratitude and unconditional love.

Thank Us.

We are enjoying OurSelves again. We have made a lot of progress in Our daily life/lives. We no longer hate getting out of bed and We no longer think of being on the bus as work. We play and play All day. Yes: We do slip back into Our old way(s) of thinking and limiting beliefs. We just keep setting it All free with love: setting OurSelves free with love.

Our afternoon kids are fun as Allways. There are still several who want Us to sit with “them” so We move to the next as each child gets home. We are happy to sit with “them” and very happy that “they” want Us to.

We get into dream on the ride back to base. Thoughts of limitation 3d try to assert “themSelves” into Our thinking. We focus on Our progress and multiD and unconditional love. Vibrating unconditional love is the real answer. Unconditional love is the only place We really want to go. More of the same: nicer limitation without unconditional love on the inside and as the foundation and building blocks of Our world it just ain’t worth nothin’.

We love Us and We thank Us unconditionally.

At home We are full ‘cause We ate on All of Our breaks and had Starbucks before going to the gradeschool. Since We do not feel like eating We just spend Our evening playing in multiD. It is fun and good practice. We like going from multiD to dream. We are glad that We have taken off the pressure to “do something” when We get home each day. We likes the freedom. We likes multiD and unconditional love.

And now time to dream, dream, dream and live unconditional love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Having fun in 3D within multiD



Having fun in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:25 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

The winds of change have been blowing hard All night. We woke several times and went right back to dream until around 2 or 3 AM. Then We lay in bed drifting in and out of dream and waking dream until Our coffeemaker went off.

We do not know if anything external is changing or not. We do know that We are changing within and that is what really matters. We still wanna forget the world(s) of struggle and strife. Or forget enough to not live there any more. We can remember and observe. We do wanna be aware of All that is: even the miscreations for “they” ARE Our creations. We love “them” All. We no longer choose to play the victim. We ARE the creator. Thank Us. We vibrate unconditional love. We project unconditional love. That has to make a difference: especially now that We believe it makes a difference.

And another message about what We are living. We real-eyes that We ARE a little bit afraid of creating something new, something that goes against Our age old beliefs. Not as afeared as We used to be. The fear is still there. We do remember that WE are Our greatest fear.

We ARE changing. We theel it. This does NOT mean that We are leaving anything or anyOne behind. We are taking All of Us AND Our creations with Us. The parts that are kicking and screaming get Our love and patience. We ARE learning to live as unconditional love in the physical and that includes All of Us and Our world. Nothing and NoOne is left behind ever again. We love Us. We love All Our parts and pisces unconditionally.

La, la, la, la, la...... and that about sums up Our morning.

It is very windy and the wind is cold. Don't think we are in Kansas any more.

The kids are playful and so are We and that's the way We likes it.

We have two new kids this week. We met One and the other should ride tomorrow. The One that We met likes to talk a bit and We likes that.

We are clearly in multiD and multiworlds and not focusing in limitation 3d. Whatever worlds We slipped into: We really likes it. We seem to like a lot about Our day. Guess that We are doing something(s) right.

It is amazing how quickly We can revert back to Our old thinking and behavior and not like it so much as We do Our new thinking and behavior. We slipped into thinking this is real, important and a challenge for survival. The old Us vs. “them” game reared its ugly head and We answered the call. TG: We recognized it right away even though We still wanted to play in Our shit for a while. We kept remembering to be grateful and love All of Us unconditionally.

We have been reminded several times that All those powers, abilities and such that We Allways thought of as special, super, magik, psychic and impossible are actually Our normal, natural state. Several years ago We said: “There is no magik. Only an accurate perception of reality.” We are beginning to live that. It has taken some time and experiences for it to become real for Us. It is still not normal and common and everyday. We ARE expanding slowly and gently. It does seem to be speeding up exponentially.

Still no afternoon highschoolers and Our grade and preschoolers are fun as usual. Some of these guys are really getting close to Us. Several want Us to sit with “them” so We move around as We get kids home. That makes Us feel good.

On the trip back to base and the drive home We keep getting insights into Us. We are enjoying this. We are reminded of lots of things that We learned over the years which got integrated and put in the back files to work from there. It has been working and We really are beginning to live more and more of Our true nature: living as love in the physical.

At home We are aware of 3D and deep in multiD both. We have dinner and start watching something new on Amazon video. It is good: We just are not much here to pay attention. We play in multiD a bit and are ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, October 17, 2016

And yet more 3D within multiD



And yet more 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:06 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We slept and dreamt in short spells last night. We got up to play in multiD a couple of times and then went right back to dream. We kinda wanna stay in dream: however We ARE awake. At least for now. We are very unsure about playing with Our dragon today. We really wanna do this different, make progress and experience more of what We really are. We ask for help from All Our parts that We forgot about to become human. We seek the experience of living multidimensionally. We seek to live as unconditional love. We vibrate and project unconditional love and that is what is important to Us.

We ARE grateful. We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love.

We ARE learning through experience. Our head is screaming that We are gonna suffer. Our heart knows that We ARE learning a new way of living and being. We surrender to Our heart. We are taking it easy in the physical and drifting deep in multiD and multiworlds. Our head says that We are being irresponsible and not facing reality. The thing is that what Our head considers reality is the actual fantasy. Any type of suffering (which is what Our head fears) is a lie and make believe. Our thinking IS bassackwards. Shifting into living in and/or moving into reality is not as easy as it might seem. We have lived so long in De-Nile and demanded Our limits ‘til death do Us part (literally) that We really do not know anything about love and freedom.

It is quite windy and We theel it is the physical manifestation of the winds of change that are blowing across Our planet and through Our lives.

We have done most (maybe All) of Our weekend tasks and let Our dragon be. We theel that We are following Our intuition. We ARE certain that We can not see or even conceive of any options and possibilities beyond limitation. We theel that We are after limitlessness and that is where Our dragon is taking Us. Open, allow, expand and set it All free with love. We are focusing on this.

We laid back down and theel that We went to dream again for a bit. When We woke We are aware of being on ship. Maybe We were aware when We laid down, maybe not. Our memory is fluctuating and that IS a good thing. Our memory serves to keep Us stuck. We are getting better at forgetting. There is NO president for that in limitation 3d. Progress: not perfection.

We ARE here to experience. Progress is a bit frightening. We dip Our toe(s) in the water that is rising All around Us. Are We ready to dive in? Nope. We ARE ready to gradually and gently test the waters.

Thank Us unconditionally. We love Us unconditionally.

We are getting better at answering Our heads inquiries with: “We don’t know”. For a long, long time that was NOT an acceptable answer. Now: We are happy to acknowledge it. There is much that lies beyond Our physical awareness and knowledge. We ARE learning to live multidimensionally and as unconditional love. All that We know and are aware of is limitation. We ARE beginning to reach beyond that and We truly do NOT know what lies beyond. Our head IS getting better at accepting that and facing it. Thank Us. We do love OUR head. Our head is NOT the enemy. We love You. We accept All of Our parts and pisces. We are All going forward into multiD together. As One.

We keep theeling of the tornado in “The Wizard of Oz”. Are We experiencing (or going to experience) something like that? Would that be fun and exciting or would it scare the shit outta Us?

Lots of old lessons and intuits are coming up. A big One is play. Imagine a world of play.

We still believe in a world of struggle. We can theel a shift. We are turning from struggle to play.

Thank Us.

We are reminded that there are many versions of play and struggle is NOT One of “them”. Relax. Again: Our head hates this and fears for Our life. Trust Us. Thank Us and love Us unconditionally.

We finished up Our day with dinner and the last episodes of “Person of Interest”. We get it that a lot of the appeal was the codes, the ASI, the matrix type stuff and All that. We enjoyed it.

The wind has taken out the power a couple of times. We reset Our clock and alarm twice and decided to take a battery operated clock and alarm to Our bed. We keep it on Our communication desk and it is not loud enough to wake Us from there. We reset Our bedside clock and not the alarm because We are tired of resetting it.

Now: We go dream. What worlds await?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Another day in 3D while mostly in multiD



Another day in 3D while mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:31 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We thought that We got up early until We actually looked at the clock. We had lain down and thought We stayed awake. Apparently We were dreaming and did not know it.

We still have water to put away from yesterday and there is a bag of toys that We brought in outta Our chariot that We wanna find a new home for. Plus: We wanna look at Our dragon. We keep thinking about a way to get the new line on and even bought the parts We need to do it that way. We have been resisting trying it so maybe We need to follow Our intuition and recognize Our resisdance for what it is????? Or maybe the dragon gods have something else to show Us.

We are waiting for an email from Our local friends about going to town for a visit. It feels like it got colder last night and yet it looks very, very nice outside now. Of course it is now in the time of year where clear skies can mean cold. Still: the sun has been warming it up during the day. Our world IS changing and weather is part of that. Our tropical paradise may well be on its way into materialization or We may be nearing that vibration through Our transition.

We are playing in multiD and doing some email. We did real-eyes that We are also more focused in being onship than usually are. Slip, sliding around.

We definitely theel that We are too deep into multiD to do much in 3D. A new level? Deeper and deeper We go. Where We stop nobody knows. We hope that We do not stop. Once again We ARE aware that not wanting to stop IS the reason that We have not done some of the things that We know that We can do. If We did: We would stop and probably never grow another inch.

Oh: here is another good message about what We ARE doing and living.

We got some 3D stuff done and looked at Our dragon a bit. We really theel that We are NOT in the space to actually do anything with Our dragon. Well: anything in the physical. We are drifting in multiD and not quite into dream. Close: just not quite.

We are going to town to visit Our friends and We lay down a short bit before getting ready to go.

We had a nice visit with Our friends. Salmon cakes and canasta. “They” are a bit caught up in the drama of the weather in the lower 48. Not too bad though. We are more in multiD and dreamy. We tell “them” that We are still in dream. “They” may or may not believe and We do not think that “they” understand. We do not completely understand either.

We are probably more in multiD as We drive home.

At home We watch some more “Person of Interest” because We are not ready to dream. After a few episodes We theel ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Another 3D day within multiD



Another 3D day within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We slept and dreamt well last night. It did seem a bit cooler in Our cabin even though the temp is about the same. We used Our comforter which We have not been using.

We have vague memories of Our travels and friends. One visitor from Our waking world stands out clearly.

We woke just before Our coffee maker this morning. We think that We wanna do laundry during Our long break today. We asked for a noon section and Our supervisor did not sound hopeful. We thelt there was something else for Us to do during the break and later laundry came to mind. If We are going to do that there is some prep to do this morning. We must be leaning that direction since We woke a few minutes early and are having no trouble getting up.

Of course: We are also in multiD so who really knows?

We can sense/theel that We are in (a) slightly different world(s) again this morning. Nothing We can really put Our finger on. Just a slightly different vibration and recognizing that IS something We have been after. Progress. We love progress. Thank Us.

We are reminded to focus on unconditional love. We are finding that (while getting ready to do laundry today) it is very easy to slip, slide back into old, limitation and separation thinking and focus.

Because We have One five hour break We ARE doing Our laundry. We did not have time to do Wifi during that time.

Our kids are about the same which means different. Some are talkative and some are into “their” own/other world(s). We like being aware of that and able to observe it.

We got home quite early and put away Our laundry before dinner. Watching “Person of Interest” and playing in multiD while putting away laundry. We seem to be getting gooder at doing 3D things while zoomed/zoned into multiD. We paid some bills too and paid off another credit card.

We are ready to dream early. See You on the darkside.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Another day more in multiD



Another day more in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke several times during the night. We even got up and played in multiD a couple of times and then We were able to get right back to dream. Then: We woke around 2 AM and just could not find Our dreams again. Now: We probably could and may find Our way back to dreaming. It is about an hour before We need to get up.

We were able to get back to dream for a bit and still wake before Our clock radio went off. We remind OurSelves that We get to stay and play in multiD while waking.

It feels a little colder outside this morning. We Oneder what world(s) We are in today? Our head wants to keep Us in the familiar, limitation 3d. It may be too late for that. We are reminded of the old saying: “It is hard to keep ‘em down on the farm Once “they’ve” seen Paris”. We have tasted and are tasting multiD. We will never be quite the same again. For that We are unconditionally grateful.

Another message about what We are living and learning. We thank Us.

So: here We are on another long break. Taking Our time with breakfast and Wifi. Thinking to get some hose and clamps to maybe jury rig Our dragon. We have been thinking about this and doing resisdance. Maybe?????? If it works then it works. Might make the difference between being able to install the line and not being able to install it.

There are still unforeseen opportunities ahead. We know this and We theel it. If there are a large number of possibilities in 3D: how much more in multiD?????? So: We do not wanna get too invested in One possibility. Open, allow, expand and set it free with love.

Stay focused on unconditional love. That is what We seek: living in and as unconditional love. We Allready do (actually) We just do not usually real-eyes and experience it. It is not real until we live it and We have not been living it.

It feels really cold outside even though the thermothings say about the same as yesterday. It feels much colder. the sun is coming out and warming it up some.

The northern lights were spectacular this morning. Lots of people were commenting on "them".

So: this world looks much like Our familiar 3D and even feels more like it. However: part of that is getting used to walking on shifting sand. Or is it more like walking on water? Now there is a thought.

Still no highschoolers in the afternoon. Our gradeschoolers are fun even though One is very quiet. We let “them” know that We are aware of “them” and We do not try to push “them” to talk. We theel “they” have a broadcast going in “their” head. We do envy “them”. The preschoolers are about the same as usual. One wants help getting the rocks out of “their” shoes and another kicks “their” shoes off. One wants the older kid to sit with “them” and later the older One asks if “they” can move next to the preschooler. The preschooler was very disappointed that the older kid sat by “themSelves”.

We get deep into dream and multiD on the ride back to base. We are barely aware of the drive home. We are getting closer to being aware of how We really get from One place (vibration) to another. There does seem to be more and more coming out about frequencies and vibrations. There is less focus on “fixing” the physical world and more on looking within. More about raising Our own vibration and allowing the change to flow from there.

At home We are not really hungry so We decide to just have Our last strawberry shortcake for dinner with a little “Person of Interest”. Not much interest in food and the show so We are off to dream early. Our bed theels pretty cool so We throw on Our comforter.

Good night AND thank You for playing.