Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Today "Are We ready to move ahead?" 6/29/12


Are We ready to move ahead?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:58:25 AM

Good morning. Another night full of dreams of alternate realities. There was a definite experience of being in several realities at Once. It is difficult and confusing to begin splitting or expanding the awareness to experience more than One reality at a time but it does seem to be getting easier and more familiar.

We are reading some different things that may explain Our mood yesterday. These are things We suspected but wasn't sure. There is heavy solar flare activity (again/still). We have been experiencing a lot of highly unusual and energetic alignments lately and now We are getting time to process and integrate. This can feel a bit like a null or void. It is anything but that.

We also just got the intuition that We are feeling a kind of push to wrap things up, get ready for anything to happen. There really isn't anything that needs completion (at least in the physical) but perhaps it is just time to make sure We feel that way. Time to make certain that there are no regrets. We don't All-ways get this opportunity and when We do We often are not aware of it or don't know how to use it. Another way to word this might be: “If Our life gets really busy again, are We ready?”

There are many aspects and versions to this cabin, just as there are many aspects and versions to each/All of Us. We viewed several of these: the faerie castle, the growing and living building, the space ship, the holodeck on a larger spacecraft. We felt being on a craft, a large craft and doing Our thing then venturing back into this hologram to relax. We noticed that in All the different versions and realities and holographic displays that Shadow was there with Us. We like that.

We played outside a little but physical energy is VERY low and there seems to be a storm moving in. Feels like dreams are calling again.

We felt very refreshed after dreaming. It felt like We never went to sleep but several hours passed. We have no memory of what We dreamed. It was more like a recharge or reconfigure session.

We did a few little things outside in preparation for what We think We want to do tomorrow. We feel drawn towards taking it easy but winding up Our current projects. All-most like it is time to begin cleaning up for winter. That isn't exactly what this is but it is a bit how it feels.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Today "An odd day for Us" 6/28/12


An odd day for Us

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:02:08 AM

Good morning. Lots of dreams and though We are drifty again this morning We think We have a night school to type up. It has been raining off and on All night. It is wet feeling and cloudy this morning but not raining since We got up.

We got night school typed up, We will let it sit a bit and then proof read it and see if anything more comes to mind. It looks like the sky might clear but the plants still hold much moisture.

We made some flowers using old, colored plastic bags, wire and colored duct tape. Happy with how “they” turned out. An artist friend taught Us. Did a little painting.

Somewhere along the line went into a kind of funk. Can't really tell what or where it came from. We got it that We needed to dream. Woke up in better mood but still feeling something off or shifting.

Obviously a time to take it easy, go slow. Two episodes of Star Trek helped.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


A gentle day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:52:25 AM

Good morning. I'm getting a slow start this morning, perhaps a relaxed start would be a better term. Taking My time and drifting around some realities. Busy night at the dreams again, so many realities to visit. There was a theme and that was about uniting/connection. It is about becoming aware of Our connection. Feeling the connection between Our hearts which creates a band, a frequency that encircles the world. I may type it up but the way I Am floating about, I doubt that I will.

The weather has been overcast All day. WE often One-der which came first, the overcast or Our mood. Today wasn't really an overcast mood but certainly a laid back, take it easy mood. We did do some redo on Our computer desk setup to make it easier to move around. We also decided that since it is such a cool day this would be a good day to make the blueberry granola We've been planning to make for over a month. We also made a fresh batch of blue cheese dressing using yogurt in place of mayo.

We share All this because at One point We were thinking that We weren't feeling creative today. Obviously it is just a different venue for creativity today.

Lots of focus on love and again We are reading more and more from others focusing on love also.

Night School "Realities, themes and the journey home" 6/28/12


Realities, themes and the journey home

(From night school last night)

The last few nights We have been immersed in various/alternate realities. Yet, in the morning there hasn't been the words to type much up. There has been a theme (or 12) running through All the realities. Love (of course) is the base. Love energy is the energy that We are made of. It is love that forms matter. When the vibration of love is slowed down enough it forms matter. Physics knows this, it just calls it energy rather than love or love energy. Many of Us are remembering.

Love is a common theme to the realities We visit as well as sending love into the grid that connects Us All. Last night We saw this grid as an umbilical cord of sorts. It has also been likened to a tether line. Whatever We call it, it connects/ties/binds Our hearts together. Every thought and feeling of every human (in fact every inhabitant of Gaia and possibly other planets) is fed into this grid and this/these are fed back to All connected to the grid. Like Our blood vessels carry life blood to and from Our cells and Our heart organ.

Remembering who and what We are is another theme and We have been sending this memory, this remembering into the grid. Each recipient connected to the grid does have the ability to decide what it takes from the grid, at least to some extent. However, normally this is not a conscious choice so most are not aware of choosing. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that We can filter out what We choose.

Unity has been another theme. This One is very, very important and there are many implications. Most of Us think that to be in union, harmony We must be in complete agreement. Harmony has more than One note and Our unity has more than One thought, believe, experience and perspective. Our strength is in Our diversity. A rope made of One cord is very weak, many cords woven together is very strong. The more cords the stronger the rope and the more complex and intriguing the melody.

Equality is another theme. Equality is similar to and related to unity but it includes elements that can be missed or avoided if it is not part of unity. We are All equal and no One is more equal than any other. This includes All aspects of creation. Yes, We said ALL.

Learning to think and live multidimensionally is another theme BUT it is not for everyOne, at least not at this moment.

We theel that there were more common themes but those are the Ones We remember in this moment.

Last night We were exploring paths home. There was a fallen tree across Our familiar path home. It was not a large tree but it was a pain to climb over. There are many paths home. We each have maps and there are many, many maps. Some maps (and paths) are very similar and the paths are close together. These nearby paths are so close that if people are on differing nearby paths at the same time “they” can see each other. “They” can even join on One path or the other and move back and forth. There are also paths that are quite far apart. The terrain is so different that We could easily believe that “they” lead to a different place. All paths lead home (eventually).

A being on One path might describe the scenery and even think that this scenery is All there is. This is the illusion. The delusion is to think that what We see (hence believe in) is the only truth. Those on different paths headed to the same home see different things. These are All true but “they” are not All relevant to every person.

Different realities can be on the same path or on different paths and each reality can have many paths. We often describe this as layers of the onion, or the rings inside a tree. If another being is on a nearby path, We tend to forget that “their” path (or Ours) can quickly turn, or ascend or descend and “they” can rapidly move out of sight. When this happens We generally think of “them” as fallen or dead.

Another thing We easily forget is that the whole point is taking the journey. These paths, these maps (sketchy as “they” usually are) were made by Us as We journeyed out and away from home in Our minds and thoughts. Now, We are re-exploring these paths on a return course but again this is in Our minds. We are actually still at home, asleep. These minds, this Us that is still at home is not Our physical mind and/or body, it is more than that. That is why it gets so confusing to Us. We think that We are only this body and mind. We are so much more.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today "One" 6/26/12



Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:04:05 AM

Good morning. Lots of dreams. I have no idea how many different realities I visited. In All of “them” the theme was: We are love and We are sending love into the grid. I like that.

There are many things I do in dream, many jobs so to speak but the common thread is being a vessel for love. This is NOT what I ever thought it would look like, that is a good thing.

I continue to be reminded that the reason that I don't experience more changes and abilities in My waking world is that Once again I would settle for less than what is available. I Am here to experience the highest and bestest possible and to help others (who want it) to attain this also. Plus I made the decision (and still hold to that choice) that I want it All. I want to be aware of All the versions and aspects that We choose/create not just One feel good version. However, if I attained certain “nice” levels I would stop there. All of these reasons are interconnected.

I got messages about One last night. There are (at least) two versions of One. There is: only One” which is obviously limited and restricted and there is: All One” which is limitless, expanded and inclusive.

I Am exactly where I need to be and where (in My heart) I want to be. I still fear/doubt that the future will be the wrong color but now it is a fleeting fear/doubt that I can own and love and set free. It no longer consumes Me.

As I was pondering My yesterday and the today I posted for it I real-eyesed that I slipped realities and didn't notice. We also just real-eyesed We've been writing in 3D lingo again.

Today is laundry day so We will go to town and do that routine. We stay focused on sending love, being love. There does seem to be some advantage along with the drawbacks of being out and about in public.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today "Reflections" 6/25/12



Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:26:06 AM

Good morning. Lots of dreams about love and unity. That really is the change We want to see. Anything less is just chapped lips.

We watched a short part of a documentary about money and debt. “They” start with the premise that Our current, worldwide financial system is broken. Okay, so far so good. “They” talk about the foolishness of trying to fix the problem without getting to the root of the problem. Makes sense. The thing is that even here “they” don't get to the real root which is separation. All of “their” answers (which appear to make a lot more sense than any current policy) are still based in separation/limitation.

They” talk about taking power from One group (a good idea on the surface) and giving it to another group. Whoa, what happened to the people? How about giving the power back to the people? I would guess the answer would be that the people are not able to take care of “themSelves”. Does anyOne besides Us see a problem here?

The good news is that a growing number of people see the problem. The only real and lasting way out of the mess is through love and unity and equality. Changing which minority rules and has power is like switching bath soaps: in the long run it is meaningless. Any man made solution is going to be hard and painful (at least to the majority of people). Love is swift and painless. Love cuts straight to the heart (of the matter) and heals All wounds.

This started Our day on a different foot. How many feet do We have? That depends on what reality We are in. We have been starting Our day with love and sending love for a while. That is the same today. Our 3D perspective is different after these further insights. What proposed plan will work? None that does not address and include and is based on love and Oneness. Anything less are just pants.

Today, whenever We go outside to play it starts to rain. We remember One day when that was happening We went out in old clothes, sat in the mud and played with Our trucks. Today, We decided to go back inside until We change Our mind. The rain is good after the high heat and dry for several days.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Today "Living in perfect harmony" 6/24/12


Living in perfect harmony

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:27:41 AM

Good morning. We dreamt about new earth, or perhaps it was transitional earth. (We had not really thought about these as two separate earths before but it does make sense) We were involved in a TV show about healing. We definitely feel like We may go back to dreaming soon. We felt that way when We first got up but We were having difficulty getting back to dreaming.

Wow, We completely slipped realities right now. Yes, We slipped into a very similar reality but there are distinct differences too the reality We were in only seconds ago. I rarely notice it this quickly and obviously without explaining it away, denying it.

We continue thinking about living in harmony.

We played outside All day, it is hot but there are storms moving in. We helped Our neighbor clear the fallen tree from “their” driveway. It was good to interact a little with “them”.

We think that We finished Our outdoor play table and love it. Gotta remember to keep it so that it can be easily tarped for winter without tearing the tarp when the snow weighs it down.

Watching episodes of the original Star Trek TV series. We think it helps open Our mind some more.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today "How on earth?" 6/23/12


How on earth?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:02:33 AM

Good morning. Interesting morning. After We shared Our thought last night dreaming came quickly and easily.

We woke thinking about and talking to Our guides. We don't often use that word or even think in those lines because it is All too easy to forget that “they” are We. So, We try to stay focused on Our insights and truths coming from another version/aspect of OurSelves. It is so easy to forget that We even have any others and fall back into separation. But, lately it does seem that Our guides are also looking for some recognition/appreciation/acceptance. It seems that in Our effort to be inclusive We have still created a division. Separation is sooooo pervasive in Our thinking.

Then as We walked around and looked around, We felt like: what is this place, how nice, interesting. According to Our memory We have lived here for twenty years and yet there is a feeling/sense of something brand new. Part of it is like looking through a projection and seeing other realities that lie beyond/within.

Yes, We certainly feel like We are more than just here. We like this. Of course it takes getting used to, this being here AND there. Learning to walk in the clouds. Like the expression having Our head in the clouds. Now the rest of Us is following.

Sometimes as We wake We slip out of multidimensional awareness and refocus/zoom in on 3D. We are learning to continue expanding.

We thought a lot today about how We (or at least most of Us reading this) know that We have been lied to. These lies don't seem like much until compared to the truth. In comparison the lies are absolutely absurd. How (on earth??????) could We believe “them”? The only way/reason is that We told the lies to OurSelves. No One would believe such preposterous lies coming from someOne else. Not an easy pill to swallow but think about it.

And if We would believe such nonsense coming from someOne else, We have certainly given “them” All Our power.

We are happy and even excited to see how many more people are talking about love these days. We have seen writers shift from condemnation to forgiveness in the last few weeks. We are living in and observing a real shift in thinking and consciousness. This is what real change can be built on and from.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Today "Experiences" 6/22/12



Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:11:08 AM

Good morning. We did not sleep well last night. We thelt it was energy and information coming in. Often this wipes Us out and sends Us quickly into dream and other times it keeps Us awake. We don't know the reason for the differences.

This morning We do feel different in a mostly subtle way. We woke thinking about the 3D experience, We are here to garner experience from this perspective. We felt something, not sure how to describe it, like a memory or watching Our Selves from a distance. It was a sure sense/awareness/experience of multidimensional living. There have been instances where it seems like We have to re-learn/re-master some basic skills. A good time to go slow and gentle.

We are here to experience from this perspective. We have done that well. Perhaps it is time to shift Our here a bit, expand the awareness from which We experience.

We've had another day of doing a lot but taking Our time, taking it easy and being playful. We like the way the place is looking. We feel the magik more and the presence of Our faerie aspects. When We use the word faerie, We mean/include All elementals. Some may see this as an error, but then again All is One.

We have also been a bit more active on the discussion groups than We have been the last few days.

We're experiencing insomnia again tonight. Is it the heat (All of 74F) or the energies?????? We tend to think it is the energies.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Today "A day to be AND do" 6/21/12


A day to be AND do

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:49:12 AM

Good morning. We're feeling very much like just taking it easy today. Focusing on the heart and love and Oneness. We thought that yesterday (being the solstice) might want to kick back but felt compelled to do the things We did. Today it feels like the energies are calling for attention and integration. That's cool, We can do easy.

We are listening to Celia Fenn's solstice webinar and doing some weaving on Our privacy wall.

We ended up “doing” quite a bit, a lot more than We had thought We would. The difference is that We took Our time, went slow and gentle and took lots of breaks. We did a lot of breathing and reflecting.

We have started watching old episodes from the original Star Trek series. We are surprised to notice that several episodes are very familiar as if We watched these within the last year or two YET We have no memory of having done so.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Today "Progress" 6/20/12



Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:03:31 AM

Good morning. We woke to waving Our hand and flowers springing up out of the ground and quickly blooming. Where We walked, instead of trampling plants like We currently do plants began to grow in Our footprints. Now that is the kind of unity and harmony We can live with.

In Our 3D life and Our artistic endeavors We keep coming up against what “We think We want” not working. We have a really hard time letting go of these: “What We think We wants” and just letting it flow. Hopefully, this will be another case of: “Seeing the problem is the first step in resolving the problem”. Today, We were able to stop, after struggling a while and trying some different approaches. Different approaches is different for Us.

Just now, when hitting a brick wall (so to speak) We quickly got it that We needed to just stop and take a break. What progress. Will We remember next time?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Night School "A review of diversity" 6/20/12


A review of diversity

(From night school last night)

We revisited diversity and differences. Interesting that I dreamed about this and One of the first emails I read (this morning) is a thread discussing different perspectives and time-lines.

We (humanity) tend to think in terms of only One reality and that everyOne “should” agree. This is part of Our separation/limitation thinking and belief. Thinking that everyOne should agree is dividing Us because We don't agree and as individual parts of The One there is no reason to agree 100%. We each see, express and experience a slightly different version of the world/creation from anyOne else.

We are each of Us a unique piece of a/the cosmic/galactic/infinite jigsaw puzzle. Something really cool that We were shown (in night school) is that instead of a still picture this puzzle is a movie or hologram.

We have often been told that We hold a piece of the puzzle (which is true every bit as much as anything is true) but We ARE MORE. We are: “a piece”. Now, obviously, a piece at the bottom edge of the puzzle has very little in common with a piece at the top edge of the puzzle. This analogy also brings up the misconception about up or higher being better. Pieces at the top are very different from pieces at the bottom (unless it is a very small picture) but All the pieces are just as important as the others to make the whole. Without a single piece, instead of the whole We have a hole.

So, do the pieces All agree and All see and portray exactly the same thing (individually)? No, the picture or movie in the puzzle would be pretty boring if every piece were solid white.

If a blue piece demands that any piece that is not blue is wrong and does not fit into the puzzle, that would be considered absurd behaviour. Yet, We (at least most of Me) do it every day.

Our strength is in Our diversity.

We are All One and We need to live this in order to manifest the world We are dreaming of creating. If We choose not to, then We will continue in a world very similar to the present world. IN order to live as One We must allow and accept All of Our others, each and every One regardless of how “diverse” We are. This is One aspect of love. Without love it is All for naught.

If We disagree, that is One-der-full. We can celebrate Our disagreement rather than disdain it.

This is only One area where Our thinking needs a re-wire, but I gotta think that as much as it comes up in night school, it must be important.

There was more about the world that We are creating. We are creating it right now, whether We know it or not. We have Our pallet in Our hands/minds and We are choosing the colors. Again, I will probably playnt (new word We discovered when typing about playing and painting) My house a different color than Yours. Ours will be All the colors, Our IS All the colors.

Today "Waking the magik" 6/19/12


Waking the magik

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:23:35 AM

Good morning. As We wake We Am having thoughts and ideas about Our mass waking. We are day dreaming of ways to decorate portals and other ideas that will aid in Our remembering. Walking barefoot is a great tool in that as it connects Us to Gaia it also makes Us consciously and physically aware that We are doing something different and it is for a purpose. We have been having fun with the things We have done around here so far but We can tell that there is more to do to remind Us on an ongoing basis of Our evolving.

This is a summer of bringing in (waking) the magik.

I remember that there is a message, something important about messages and insights from other beings. Many of these We consider to be “higher” beans. The thing is that “they” share what “they” see or foresee and that may NOT be the entire picture. “They” too may only have a piece of the pie or a piece of the puzzle but the whole enchilada. This does NOT mean that “they” are wrong or invaluable, quite the opposite actually. “They” probably have a piece that We do not (yet) possess. The thing is that We need to real-eyes that “their” insight is NOT the be All end All. Regardless of who or what “they” are, there is All-ways more because infinity is All-ways expanding. There are experts in every field and few of the experts in ascension (or waking or remembering what We really are) wear human bodies. Those experts tend to be what We call higher beans BUT remember that being an expert in One field does not mean “they” are experts in everything. Most experts are very finely tuned into “their” field and oblivious (or nearly) of anything outside that field because it rarely holds any interest for “them”.

Once again We are receiving reminders about expectations. Our wildest expectations limit Us. These are far, far less than what is possible AND available. Reach for the stars, reach beyond the stars.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today "Playnting" 6/18/12



Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:48:12 AM

Good morning. If I find Me I will tell You where I Am, unless I have moved on by then. Space is a One-der-full place. Lots of input and experiences around the importance of accepting Our diversity. It is needed. We fight it, that is Our normal but NOT natural reaction. We fight and try to destroy Our very life blood. We are like Our own cancer.

We are infinite, it takes All this diversity to “be infinity”. We must learn to accept and respect and honor Our differences, “they” are what makes Us what We really are. It is time to stop pretending to be what We are not. Unless We choose to stay in limitation. It is not a place, it is a mindset.

Dreams of multi-D and Oneness. It is All connected, a rope or a chord that depends on the other threads for its strength, its very exis-dance. So many places (seemingly) and realities to visit. Some similar to the familiar, some vastly different. Any reality that is about Oneness is quite different from the familiar, All-most too good to be true.

We had no idea that WE felt like typing up a morning review but there were thoughts and ideas rattling around in Our mind screaming to get out through Our fingers.

We want to do some painting today (that is different for Us) and We want to start early so it can dry some before the rains move in. It may not rain, but it usually changes during the day and it is starting out clear blue skies.

Because painting is One of the several things We are playing at today (and trying hard to keep remembering it is play NOT work) We are having some lessons/explanations about perfection. So, what exactly is perfect”???????? We know One definition is complete, hmmmmm........ Could Our perception be skewed??????

When painting (pro not artistic) there are supposed to be exact edges and borders, a bit like the imaginary borders around cities, states and countries........................... We real-eyes that One of the reasons We have never liked this type of painting is that We are perfectionists and that takes the fun out of the playnting. BUT, whose definition of perfect are We playing bye?????? What if perfect means it All blurs together, like fluffy clouds in a variegated blue sky?

And then there is acceptance.................... This is another key in being who I Am and who I wanna be. We All get these ideas in Our little heads about what We want and what We want it” to be. Then, the rains hit and the then the sun and after a bit the color is bleached/washed out of it”. We can fight it or We can accept it. What do We fear, really and truly? We know We will be taken care of and that We will get exactly what We need so what do We really fear? We fear that it” will be the wrong color.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Morning Review: "As I try to put the pieces together" 6/18/12


As I try to put the pieces together

Morning Review (as I was waking)

I review My night (school) and try to put the pieces together. It is All love AND We need every version and aspect to make the whole. Some/many versions and aspects are not at All appealing but “they” are needed. We don't need to like “them” to accept “them”. As long as We try to destroy “them” We are trying to be less than whole.

There are about 7 billion versions/perspectives about what is going on and what Our future will be. That is IF You only look at planet earth, it You look further, then there are a lot more versions/perspectives. WE need “them” All. NO single One (or One hundred) is the absolute. This is where We tend to stumble and get corn-fused. We believe there is only One answer to any question or problem. Actually there are myriad answers and solutions. We taught OurSelves limitation and We did a damn fine job of it.

Of course there are also a myriad of questions, especially at this time.

It is like a huge book, so huge it must be published in volumes or on several discs. Remember when writing books on discs was either a story from the Flintstones or the Jetsons? This book is a narrative (because each of Us tells Our story in this book) and there is One author or narrator but it seems like there billions of writers. It can be considered either fact or fiction. When We turn to the next chapter We expect to move on to the next day or week or year and find out how the plot resolved. Instead, We find another version of the same drama and the same time as the last chapter. Will it ever end? Each chapter is a real thriller and it appears “they” are All cliff hangers for the end has not been written yet. We can tell from the variety of stories telling about the same time and place that there are going to be about seven billion different endings. Here is the really cool part: We get to live each and every version. Is that messed up or what? Or We can opt out at any point.

The person(s) who disagrees with Me and declares Me a liar is important. “They” are as important (or even more so) as those that agree with Me. In One version We destroy the bad guys, in an-other the bad guys destroy Us. And yes, there is at least One version where We All live happily ever after. In the end (after We read/watch/experience the ending) We All gather around and congratulate each other on what a fine acting job We did. The cast party is to die for (or live for if You are immortal).

Then (after the dance) We each get to decide whether to “play again” or choose a different game.

Today "Again I become We" 6/17/12


Again I become We

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:42:56 AM

Good morning. Feeling much love and connection with My others this morning. I woke from dreams of connecting and playing. Still mostly out in the vastness of the multi-verse this morning.

I sat out on My front porch a while, just to enjoy being here. There were several birds singing and a couple of little birds put on a little flying show for Shadow and I. The were occasional sprinkles and just about the time I was ready to come inside the rain started in earnest. I remembered that life is not supposed to be a struggle. It is a flight, a game. I was aware of many elementals moving about. I theel “they” are happy with what I Am doing. OOPS, what We are doing. Wanna remember to think multidimensionally.

We are getting ready to go outside to play and as We were going to put on socks were reminded that it would be a good idea to go barefoot. We usually resist this because Our feet are All-most All-ways cold, We got the feeling that We need to go barefoot more and that All-ways wearing socks, slippers and/or shoes is contributing to the problem. As We were about to put on sandals (to be able to easily slip in and out and be barefoot more) We opened an email that had an article about the benefits of going barefoot. We have All-ways been told that the main reason for Our cold feet is poor circulation. Going barefoot is supposed to improve circulation.

For several years We have gotten the intuitive/telepathic idea that in order to be warm in winter, in order to live in harmony We need to open up more rather than closing up and insulating against the cold. We have not yet been able to apply this very much in practicality but continue to know there is a way as We grow, expand and progress. We see/feel a connection here between this opening and Our current inspiration to go barefoot more.

Many lessons/examples of how Our fear of lack has ruled Our life and still controls many of Our thoughts and actions as We play and create and fix things around Our home. We continue to be reminded that it is All recreation and entertainment. It is snot about getting done, that is a myth. It is about the art of doing. Not striving or forcing, but doing as flowing and doing as being.

WE have known/sensed for years that everything We believe is just about 180 degrees off center. This is becoming clearer every day.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Today "Multidimensional WE" 6/16/12


Multidimensional WE

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:51:23 AM

Good morning. Lots of dreams about living multidimensionally. I will see what I remember clearly to type up as/when/if I get more into 3D. I'm still very much enjoying being multidimensional.

We are reminded that as multidimensional beings We are We rather than I. Did U enjoy Our dreams? I actually used to talk a lot more like this in 3D, it is kind of abstract. Perhaps that kick started Our journey. Lots of byways and detours along the way. But, We must remember that the journey IS the point, that IS the destination. We have arrived because We are on the journey.

I met another friend in dream and We spent a lot of the night playing together and a lot of time talking. This time I think I recognize this friend from My recent 3D passed or perhaps a compilation of recent 3D acquaintances/friends and co-workers. All people I liked but no One that I really got close to.

There is much more experience and awareness of multi-D in My waking. It continues to take getting used to. I guess it really is like learning to ride a bike. First We fall off a lot, then We learn to stay upright and in the saddle. Then as We continue We increase Our skill. When We ride a new trail or try a new obstacle course, We know it is new and will need to be mastered as well as enjoyed. There will be enjoyment because it is the first time that can never be repeated. If We miss that the first time around, We miss it (in 3D terms at least). We don't look at a new bike riding experience and complain: “but, I All-ready know how to ride a bike”. We either take the challenge or ride away in another direction.

All choices are okay and honored. It can be hard to watch others make choices that appear to be separative but really what do I know about what is inside an other? We remain One. Our unity is in Our diversity not in-spite of or outside it.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Today "A step into multi-D" 6/15/12


A step into multi-D

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:11:21 AM

Good morning. I can tell it is going to be an interesting day. It is about multi-D and I becoming We. I just read a blog entry by Suzanne Lie about building New Earth where We All-ready are but have just forgotten. A key to this is Oneness. She suggests writing as We in place of I to instill a deeper feeling/awareness of Oneness. So here We go.

We will endeavor more than ever to be aware of being multi-D today. Our dreams were about playing with the children in alternate realities. That is a good start. We don't have any specifics to share from Our dreams but We can carry this idea into Our today.

I see that this is going to take a real of mindset/thinking which is exactly what I have been saying for years that it will take for Us to “shift” into really new. Perhaps this is a key WE have been looking for. I've read a lot lately about changing I to We but somehow nothing quite hit the mark like this blog/journal entry did.

For two nights now the old song “Down in the Boondocks” has been going through My dreams. I thought this was trivial but it does refer to crossing the lines of poverty and riches. It is actually a good analogy of where We are and what We are doing. We are (experientially) being creative and doing some cleanup around this cabin in the woods. This can easily be seen as metaphor of Our larger mission. WE have dreams of creating living buildings and even though We have forgotten how, the idea is pushing its way to the surface, especially as We participate in Our projects.

There is sooooo much in Our thinking that We adhere to which is contrary to living in harmony. Ideas and precepts that We have been taught since childhood are traps that keep Us locked into separation/limitation. Again this is no One's fault, it is how We designed Our game.

I Am absolutely getting some insights and practical application experiences about control issues and going with the flow. This relates to what I said above. My control issues are another thing that keeps Me locked in the old and locked OUT of harmony with Gaia, My others, All of creation.

I Am enjoying the expansion, even thought at times it can also be frustrating. Continuing to learn to get into the flow and go with it rather than trying to swim upstream.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Today "A bit of telepathy" 6/14/12


A bit of telepathy

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:15:12 AM

Good morning. Lots of dreams, All over the place literally and All kinds of subjects. I woke with the feeling that We have begun the healing. We are beginning to live in harmony with Gaia.

I get the feeling that the reason I continue to see the same reality every morning (or believe that I do) is to help Me begin the healing. To wake to a world that needs healing and is beginning to heal is inspiring. I Am learning to live in harmony with Gaia. I have some One-der-full visions of this.

For a while now I have felt that Shadow (My dog) has been sending Me telepathic messages. I would ask him to remind Me of things and lo and behold, just before the time to do those things I would get a reminder. Of course, it is very easy to explain this away if One is so inclined. Sadly, I tend to be so inclined. This morning Shadow had wanted to go outside at around 4AM. He is so noisy I don't need telepathy to let Me know this. Then, later while I was still asleep I got the thought/feeling to wake and get up. I was a bit surprised that there was no resistance to this. As I started to walk around I felt/thought that Shadow might be at the back door wanting in and that I should open the back door and check. If the back door were open or I were awake (again) he is noisy enough that I would have heard him, even without him whining, barking or scratching. He knows this and only whines or barks when he is very anxious and he never scratches at the doors. But, this time the door was closed and I was asleep. I thought I was being silly and there was no reason to trust My intuition or telepathic message from My 14 year old puppy. I checked anyway. There he stood and when I opened the door he began prancing and dancing with de-light.

I Am learning.

There are several autistic children that I have been in contact with over the years. I have figured out that I can definitely send messages telepathically but I Am weak at receiving. This morning's incident and a few others lately are teaching Me about hearing the silence.

I'm getting some input about My mission. I Am very much into sending love and being love and I have begun to add at least One thought each day as part of that. I Am also very into free energy. I theel that both of these are interdependent. As I focus on being and sending love, I will (shall We say) stumble across the free energy technology that I envision. The free energy devices may be a step in that direction and I may or may not be a part of those. My thing” is Us” being the source of free energy.

Once again I see the distinct possibility of settling for devices that would be less than the real possibility.

I got to play outside quite a bit until I got tired and it started raining.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today "Let's do the time warp againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" 6/13/12


Let's do the time warp againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn”

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:17:58 AM

Good morning. I brought through some interesting info from night school. I'm not sure if I want to type it as night school or morning review.

I Am getting it (a lot) that I need (for My peace of mind, serenity) to really let go and just be love (and All which that entails). The rest, All the doing and getting things done is just recreation and entertainment. Yes, I have projects that I would like to “get done” but I know “they” aren't really important. None of these will matter soon and certainly not in the 100 year plan. My life today, My now is very comfortable and pleasant. In fact, it is nearly a fantasy world. Still missing My beach front property but it is only a matter of time/imagination/belief.

I Am certain that I have time shifts going on today. I feel there are anomalies happening All around Me. The only way I know to describe it right now is that I can not remember doing whatever it took to fill an 8 or 12 hour period. Part of that time either I was somewhere else or several hours “poofed” or both. In the (recent) passed We relegated episodes like this to mental illness. I shudder to think how many people who were experiencing multi-D have been drugged, electrocuted and locked away for this.

There was a time when I feared this exact thing. I feared experiencing it and even more I feared sharing it if I did experience it. Today, I know that the difference between Me and an insane person is that I'm not crazy. Perhaps neither are “they”.

What I really feared was that I would go so far out (or in) that I would not be able to take care of MySelf. So far, I Am able to care for Me and My Shadow.

I watched a couple of episodes from Star Trek about time loops with dinner.

Dreams call.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Night School “Your mission should You choose to accept it” 6/13/12


Your mission should You choose to accept it”

(From night school last night)

We began with visiting many alternate realities. This is common but lately I haven't been able (or willing) to describe these experiences in words. So many alternate realities and possible futures are sooooo different, “they” seem too far fetched, often too good to be true.

This was the case again. There were many realities of love. People knowing “they” are One. One with each other and One with All that is. That's a lot of Oneness. It is pretty amazing and it feels really good. There are realities/futures where We are aware of (and live in) Our energy bodies and still revisit Our physical bodies just for the experiences that We can only experience from the perspective of a physical body. (Try saying that with Your mouth full of peanut butter) We did energy field merging. Two (or more) energy bodies come together and merge, each feeling the others energy fully. Flowing through, in and around an other's energy is quite an amazing experience.

I know that I Am here to assist humanity in the shift, what many call ascension. I know there are many possible futures that really do NOT interest Me. I do want to be aware of those but I don't want to live there. At this point I don't particularly even want to visit. However, I also know that We (the masses) will have to go through a transition, a gradual process into a world of love. This is such a drastic change that We need an adjustment period and process. Step by step rather than seeming to leap off a cliff into some void or unknown. Cliff jumping is fine for some but it won't work for everyOne.

I got it, it felt like I was told but I didn't hear anything, I just felt the insight but it seemed to come from beyond somehow: “If and when I leave this plane of existence, this limitation 3D reality, it will be a long, long time before I Am willing to return. It's not that this is “bad”, it's just that there is sooooo much more in the multi-verse, in multi-D. It is very hard to settle for limitation when there is limitlessness. And, when We visit limitation, it is sooooo easy to forget that there is anything else. It is part of limitation to be limited to only limitation. It makes sense really, sad, logical sense. I need to stay here to complete My mission (and accept it I certainly did) of assisting Gaia and her inhabitants to ascend. BTW: now I understand that it is actually the whole nearby uni-verse (and maybe more) that is ascending.

All that being said, I feel compelled to insert that I was reminded that there really is NO going or staying. It is All done in the mind, the imagination, the spirit. We project a reality, a belief onto the canvas and We call it Our world and then We close Our eyes (We forget who and what We are in some cases) and We pretend to step into the canvas, the/Our projection. Hint: “smoke and mirrors”

Once I step out of limitation, stepping back in to be of assistance is gonna look like a very big step. Eventually I Am sure that I will want to visit again, but not for a long time and WE need help and hope and love NOW. Yes, All time IS now but My now is here.

I Am willing to see this through. Really no problem there, even if I don't want to settle for what many would be willing to settle for. That has been part of My training for/during this mission. Learning how easy it would be for Me to attain to something minor and settle for that as complete and total mastery of everything. Maybe this is not a pitfall for many, but I have a hunch it is (or could/will be) a pitfall for many more than are aware of it.

To be of assistance, I must be on the ride and not just along for the ride. I need to be participating. (Was that a groan I heard/made?)

I questioned the how and what of it. I got it (again felt like I was told but nothing verbal) that I only need to use the tools and abilities I currently am aware of having. As I do that, if “they” are needed then more will be revealed. A bit more belief on My part would also be very useful.

The last few days and nights I've been getting some items/thoughts to add to love. It must All start with love and grow and bloom from there. It is All part of love but love has many parts that We need to become aware of. One part is Oneness. We are “them” and “them” are Us. This is very important and lasting/eternal peace really is not possible without Us living as One. It starts with Me.

We are All connected by an energy grid. This grid has been misused (for lack of a better term) and abused for eons. We have successfully broken the negative stranglehold on this grid. Now, We have the opportunity to fill this grid with love (which is what it actually is) with awareness of love and positive thoughts. For those who don't think We are seeing any results of breaking this stranglehold, check Your own thoughts. Isn't it easier to be positive than it was a few weeks ago? Yes, it is still easy to find negative and latch onto that. This is habit. It takes time to break a habit, plus the vast majority of people are still acting and thinking and believing from the old negative base and habit. We can influence this by feeding love into the grid. Every time, everyOne (each One) of Us sends love, thinks love, acts from love, lives love it gets fed into the universal and earth grids.

The grid is being filled with love but there is still a lot of old habits being fed into the grid also.

The other day I felt strong to feed Oneness thoughts and beliefs into the grid. As I have said this is part of love. This morning as I woke I felt strongly to feed the concept: “We are much more than We think We are”. I learned this from/through The Reconnections:

WE are Our source. It is hard to fully belief and harder still to fully comprehend. We are Our source of free energy, Our source of telepathy, Our source of teleportation, levitation, remote viewing, foretelling and on and on. Can We even begin to imagine what All We are capable of?

Instead of giving OurSelves the credit, the ability, We create, discover and develop “devices” to do these things. These devices serve until We can finally believe in OurSelves. Certainly “they” are and can also be tools to make Our job(s) easier but for now “they” are mostly a substitute for believing in Us.

Today "A day of insights" 6/12/12


A day of insights

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:42:06 AM

Good morning. This is at least the second night that I have woken in the middle of the night with: “Love Your neighbor as YourSelf. Not just as You love YourSelf or as You would be loved, but AS YourSelf”. I know it is important. It is a key to everything to really get it that “they” are Us.

Interesting stuff about acceptance this morning. When We accept and just go with the flow, everything flows. Imagine that. When We fight and try to swim upstream, it's like swimming against the current. How can that be? When We try to force something to happen it is like trying to push a chain. How can it be so simple?

It is not human nature to just let it happen, let it flow, Love the process. Perhaps that is why it has taken humans sooooo long to get to now.

Several times lately I have been reminded of 40 years in the wilderness. Sometimes when I look out at the world (My reflection of Me) I wonder if We are headed on yet another trip around the same ol' mountain. So many parts of Me demanding to be separate, demanding material, physical things and evidence rather than going within and recognizing All as One. Of course I see MySelf and usually don't recognize Me. It is easy to deny and I Am a king of De-Nile.

It seems that as I focus on love and sending love I Am getting expansion of My thoughts and beliefs. Today, I see many areas where I can expand and choose to exit limitation even if in little ways. I find that as I look around My world, and expect it to look a certain way, for “things” to be a certain way and the many “shoulds” that I hold (so dear?) I Am clinging to the old. It is Our memory that keeps Us locked in the old. We cry for the new and refuse to let go of the old.

We are in a time of much change. It is easy to experience the new, if only We will let go of the hold. But, as I have said many times before: We cling to the old like the drowning cling to an anchor.

More and more I real-eyes that the alternate realities/worlds that I visit in My dreams (and little by little in My waking) that can be Our future, are so totally different from Our current reality that I just can't put it to words. There are no limits and We don't know how to grasp that. It is All Us/Me and that is very hard to conceive. The veil is thinning every day but We must agree to look through it. That is not as easy as it sounds.

I continue to think about free energy, in My dreaming and waking. One of the things this shows Me is My attitude about working a job. On the surface it would seem that I don't want to work. The truth though is that I don't want to work for a/the broken system. At first I thought of: “in or for a/the broken system” but I Am willing to work in and help change from within. However, I want to be doing something new and progressive. I want to support the children rather than limit “them”. I want to pay attention rather than pay bills. I would like to teach, encourage and spread the use of free energy. I continue to theel that WE are the source of free energy. At this point I remain clueless how to channel this. We often use the word “harness” (especially) in reference to power and energy. This is sooooo old paradigm. We need to start thinking (and living) in terms of allowing and channeling, but channeling with willingness to allow everything to be what it wants to be NOT what I/We want it” to be.

Perhaps now I see the significance of My experiences with My creative/artistic endeavors yesterday. At first I thought: “Well, I got a lot done but My artistic project was an utter failure”. After I stopped and stepped back (and let go) I could see that it was a success. Just not the success I had envisioned (limited/expected).

Another point that keeps coming up is living in harmony with Gaia and other people, plants, animals, insects, etc. This (of course) is part of Oneness too. I want to live in harmony. We can NOT live in harmony with OurSelves without living in harmony with ALL and vise-versa. I want to live in harmony yet I cling to My old dis-harmonious ways and thoughts and beliefs. Once again, seeing what it is We want to change is the first step in changing. And also (Once again) the change needs to come from the inside and then manifest outwardly and this is part of the process of becoming love. I also theel this is a good time to mention that often/usually when I say change it means expand. The old ways served Me and I want to accept and embrace “them” NOT try to destroy “them”. I can love “them” AND set “them” free.

What I theel is REALLY cool is that these types of messages are showing up more and more on the internet (and probably other places too).

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today "Bean here and there" 6/11/12


Bean here and there

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:02:43 AM

Good morning. Very drifty this morning, may need to go back to dreaming soon, what a surprise............................... Lots of dreams and information last night. Thought I would be able to type up a night school or morning review but definitely not yet.

Another day of walking in many worlds.

The weather was nice, even hot and I did a lot of creative play outside. Some went the way I wanted and others needed My acceptance to allow “them” to be what “they” wanted to be. I was here in the physical but not in the mental. Mentally I was beyond. Often watching MySelf.

I recognized My friend as Me. This is becoming more and more of a focus for Me: remembering that “they” are Me. It is important, it is part of love.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Today "And Oneness" 6/10/12


And Oneness

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:38:58 AM

Good morning. I woke earlier than I have the last few days. Dreamed of lots of alternate realities. I was very aware of My new friend as I woke.

Nice day outside, a little overcast but able to be outside mostly. Doing projects and being creative and aware of being in more than One reality and bringing the magik here.

Getting it that My new friend is another version of Me whom I had forgotten. Enjoying getting reacquainted. All-though My focus remains on being and sending love (for it is the basis and is All there is really) there is an increase in focus on Oneness. Oneness and love are very connected. I have known for a long time that separation is the root of All Our evils. This wound must be healed first, everything else will follow. Love is the only balm that can heal the wound of separation. Again, We can try (and succeed) to make imitations of the result (of healing separation through love) but the results won't last, it will just be more of the same. In order to create lasting change We must feel, experience and live Our Oneness. Oneness with All, All Our others: people, planet(s), stars, air, rocks, plants and animals.

To heal We must love Our others AS OurSelf. Not just love Our others the way We would be loved, but AS Us. “They” are Me and I Am “them”. This is hard to fully grasp, and many are sooooo different (in appearance and action and belief) from Us that is easy to deny. As Richard Bach said: “Argue for Your limitations and sure enough, “they” are Yours”.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Today "A new friend" 6/9/12

A new friend
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:07:44 AM
Good morning. My night was filled with dreams of empowering the children. There was a lot of pony hopping with “them”. Letting “them” know that “they” are powerful creators and that I/We believe in “them”. It feels like this is where the real mass change may begin. It may be easier for children to change, to accept that “they” are more than We have been taught by society. From the children may come the words that will affect the establishment.
I keep having the feeling that free energy is in My nearby future and now that it is connected with working with the children. I was getting “free energy devices” now I'm getting “free energy technology”. It feels really strong that the children have some great stuff for Us Once We support and encourage “them”.
Spent My day focusing on this and sending love while doing My mundane tasks.
It seems I have met a new youngstar in My dreams and that “they” are interested in working with Me in some capacity. I Am invoking the mantra I used with the kids on the bus: “How may I serve You?” I like it and I also ask things like: “What can I do?” “Is there more I can be doing?” “I Am ready, willing and able.”

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:07:44 AM

Good morning. My night was filled with dreams of empowering the children. There was a lot of pony hopping with “them”. Letting “them” know that “they” are powerful creators and that I/We believe in “them”. It feels like this is where the real mass change may begin. It may be easier for children to change, to accept that “they” are more than We have been taught by society. From the children may come the words that will affect the establishment.

I keep having the feeling that free energy is in My nearby future and now that it is connected with working with the children. I was getting “free energy devices” now I'm getting “free energy technology”. It feels really strong that the children have some great stuff for Us Once We support and encourage “them”.

Spent My day focusing on this and sending love while doing My mundane tasks.

It seems I have met a new youngstar in My dreams and that “they” are interested in working with Me in some capacity. I Am invoking the mantra I used with the kids on the bus: “How may I serve You?” I like it and I also ask things like: “What can I do?” “Is there more I can be doing?” “I Am ready, willing and able.”

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Today "How perfect is My now" 6/8/12


How perfect is My now

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:30:13 AM

Good morning. Thinking about My life and how perfect is My now.

Once again, the first thing I did was go back to dreaming.

Feeling very much the desire to send love and focus now on creating a world of love. Feeling very supported.

Continuing to get the impression that free energy technology is very close and will be a part of My next adventure in 3D.

Did more creative stuff and in the afternoon felt very much that I was drifting further and further away from 3D. Found a One-der-full vid that I linked to at the top of My homepage under Sending Love. I really do feel that the change, the shift has more than begun.

Love is in the air. And I ain't talking maple syrple.

Another huge storm moved through.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Today "Letting go" 6/7/12


Letting go

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:19:22 AM

Good morning. A lot of dreams about choices. I was looking at My feelings about 3D. I know (and was shown more) that I think I dislike 3D but what I dislike is limitation and feeling stuck. Yet, I chose this. We/I remember (usually vaguely) what it is like to be free and limitless and We want to experience this again. But moment to moment We tend to choose limitation and stuckness because it is familiar and seems stable, safe and secure. Plus, We usually believe that We don't have any choice. Traps within traps.

When We begin to break free of these traps it is a lot like walking on shifting sands, walking in an avalanche. It can feel like living in “The Twilight Zone” and We have been conditioned to believe that these are “bad” things. The unfamiliar seems bad”.

I even had a conversation with My nemesis. He was talking about how ungrateful I Am, here he offers Me safety and stability and I rebel and demand freedom. I pointed out that it is false and fake safety and stability. PLUS with All the changes, the apparent safe and secure is turning into something more like a forest fire. Of course, he blames that on Me. So be it.

Today I Am experiencing and experimenting with letting go of My attachments to schedules, limitations, restrictions and shoulds”. This is not anything I planned, just where I find MySelf living. It is a bit like experiencing and applying what I dreamt as I wake. I like that. As much as I have worked to get away from these things/thoughts in My life, I still revert to “them”. Old habits die hard. The trick (Once again) is building new rather than trying to destroy the old.

Mid-afternoon My dreams called and I returned to dream. It didn't really seem like I had even gotten into dream when I looked at the clock and it was two hours later.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Today "Many worlds" 6/6/12


Many worlds

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:08:00 AM

Good morning. Gradually drifting into 3Dm or knot. It is the 6/6/12 but I'm not sure what that means. I got night school typed up, seems like ages since I did One.

Checking out Celia Fenn's webinar now. I read a lot of her stuff but this is the first webinar of hers I've listened to.

Doing a little creative stuff outside but it's cloudy and a bit rainy.

Did a trip to town but never was fully engaged in limitation 3D. Often found MySelf wondering where I was and what I was doing and why I was doing it.

I think I have stayed up a bit later than usual, not sure again what I Am doing even as I do it.

Definitely walking/waking in several worlds. I Am doing and living what I have wanted for a long, long time.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Night School "An explanation of where I Am" 6/6/12


An explanation of where I Am

(From night school last night)

I began with a dream of when I was a waiter. I quickly real-eyesed this was about serving people. I enjoyed being a waiter, I enjoy serving people, being a servant. Then I reflected on the reason I remain in limitation and in My current familiar reality is to be of service. Then My first thought was: “Being of service bites”. I knew I don't really feel that way but being stuck bites. However, I no longer feel stuck, at least not the way I did. I real-eyes now that when I was a waiter I also felt stuck in some ways. I enjoyed My job and there were good things about My life. I was fairly well rewarded for the work I did. What is that phrase: “Like a bird in a gilded cage”??????

I Am very okay with being of service but couldn't I do it from a distance? Of course, the answer to that lies within Me. As soon as I get comfortable living in many worlds and realities, as soon as I feel and appear natural in these then I can experience serving while not feeling stuck in One reality. This is beginning to happen, it is beginning to be My experience.

Then I had a dream that began with: “Oh look, a toy human”. “I assure You I Am very real”. “Of course You are dear” as “they” lifted Me up by One of My arms. This was not at All comfortable. “Put the human down, 'they' are not to be played with like that.” Wasn't there a Star Trek episode like that??????

Once again We reviewed some of the material that I have not been able or willing to translate into words. I see the reason for this. Again there is sooooo much. So much of it is so new and different that I can not (yet) relate it to this reality. People have choices. Much of what I have been experiencing in dream and night school will not be real and/or true for many people for a long, long time (if ever).

I was reminded of a dream from several years back: I was in a crowded movie theater with some friends. It appeared that We were All watching the same screen at the front of the theater just like We are familiar with. However, each person actually had “their” own screen and was watching “their” own, personal movie. One friend kept leaning over trying to watch other people's movies. Most of Us were perfectly happy watching only Our personal movie. I actually felt violated when “they” tried to watch My movie without being invited. This represents how We live. Most of Us have no clue that Our movie is any different than everyOne else's. We think We are looking at the same screen at the front of the theater. I real-eyesed that having experienced this dream (having this experience be real to Me) gives Me an advantage over many people. That had never occurred to Me before when I wondered why so many people have a hard time getting “their” mind around this concept (of alternate realities co-existing) when it seems so natural to Me. Don't get Me wrong, I still (quite often) revert to the mass mind set that We are All experiencing the completely same reality (refer back to the first lesson tonight) but the concept that We experience different realities makes perfect sense to Me.

The current energies (and who knows how many other influences) are helping and supporting Us to move beyond the limitations and negative mindset of the masses. Even the masses are able (and many are) to move beyond these imagined limits. The stranglehold of negativity and limitation and separation and duality and polarity has been broken. We needed to fully believe in these things to fully experience “them”. We did that and We did it well and very thoroughly. Now We can move on. It takes love to move on for love is the energy that connects Us and prevents Us being separate. We can do things to change the outer (and imitate the world We can create through love) but those changes will never last unless We change from the inside out. The change (in order to last) must begin with Us living from and AS love. We are being supported if We wish to make this change.

Gradually, in My waking (or semi-waking) experience I Am getting it that I Am beginning to break the accepted rules for exis-dance in the mass culture. I Am living a rather story book life still mixed with a smattering of limitation 3D.

I did feel some change/expansion with the Venus transit but I also know that I got a ton of downloads and upgrades during the time between the new moon annular solar eclipse and the full moon lunar eclipse.

Today "A bird and the transit" 6/5/12


A bird and the transit

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:55:45 AM

Good morning. Not quite here yet. Will probably go back to dreaming. Even tho there was something about facing fear I was still having fun and haven't really come into waking yet.

I was very successful at going back to dream. Today is the Venus transit, and even though My physical energy is higher than last week, I may need to do a lot of dreaming today.

I was reading about being in nature (which is where I live) and I remembered One (or part of One) of My dreams. There were some tame birds perched on a wall or such and others flying around. “They” were free, not caged or fettered but also interacting with people. There was One sitting alone and I went to it and asked if it would like to ride on My shoulder. I accepted the offer and We walked around a while together. For some reason I returned it to it's place and went about doing other things or I may have left the area. When I returned, this same bird was sitting right where I left it and looked quite forlorn. A person there explained to Me that the bird had bonded with Me and was feeling abandoned. That had not been My intention in any way so I explained that I had thought the bird would be happier with it's friends and kin. I again invited the bird to ride on My shoulder and We remained together. My dog was okay with All this which was a bit surprising since he is very possessive.

I got the new front pallet steps done, I may do some finishing touches later but about the time that the Venus transit started and I was losing My gumption another heavy storm moved in. I thought it was quite interesting how the storm moved in as the transit started. Much, much clearing out.

As I participate in My creativity I get the feeling that I Am opening the magik around Me.

I do feel something happening inside as the transit progresses.