Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, December 31, 2012



Detaching with love

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:23:14 AM

Good morning. Another fun and busy life. Sometimes it still amazes Us All the things We can do in One night, All the places and times We can visit. All the people We can meet and how We usually become friends right away. We can do and be and live sooooo much when We set OurSelf free of Our Self-imposed limits and Our lie of separation.

Last night was experiential and metaphoric/symbolic both. It could be called a life review even though it was NOT anything We had actually ever done. There were people from Our passed remembering mixed in with lots and lots and lots of new faces. We visited places from Our remembering in ways We have never experienced in waking. We did things We only imagined We could or would ever do.

We know that the experience at the movie yesterday (the Star Kid sitting next to Me for no apparent reason) played a part. We thought it happened for the kid's benefit. Now, We would say it was much more for Us. That is generally the way it works now that We think about it. We were given a gift in that encounter. We wondered about the lack of talking between Us. We did exchange a few words, but very few. We thought that might have been a type of failure on Our part. We see now how not correct that thought was. The meeting and energy exchange (which We did focus on at the time) was a complete success. That is the gift, the energy We gave and received.

There were several lessons in the playing We did last night. We really are All One, just different versions of the same thing. Sometimes the versions vary only slightly, sometimes there appears to be more difference. When We really get down to the essence of each person there is even less difference. There is sooooo much available to Us when We set OurSelves free. The things, people, places and beliefs that We tie OurSelves to, that We think bring Us joy, security and sense of purpose really tie Us to pain and a sense of failure. TG nothing is ever really a failure, not in the end.

Remember We have mentioned Our recent dreams being experiences of the world We are stepping into? That too is what last night was. It was hard to recognize at first because it took experiences from Our passed memory and twisted “them” into things We had never done. It is easy to miss the point that something from Our passed can be done over and done differently. The experiences were set in a future version of Our passed. Can You see why this was hard to grasp and it is hard to translate into words?

Remember too that We have had a few times recently when We were reflecting on the lie: “You can never go back”. Obviously, as much as We know this is a lie and We do not want to believe it, We still believe it. We have old Simon and Garfunkel songs running through Our head ever since that day We fell into You Tube. (Funny, We knew at the time it was an important experience though it seemed frivolous) This morning a particular line from “Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover” is running: “Set YourSelf free”.

Yes, there parts in the dreams about leaving Our lover. We have All-ways done that in the passed yet remained attached at some level (and We are not talking about the attachment that everyOne has to everyOne else). This could be about still needing to cut some of those cords (and this would be a blind spot) and/or it could be about a current lover that We are unaware of (probably a thing not a person since no person is playing that role).

We knew that typing this up was much more for Us than for anyOne else. Probably both but We sure are getting some deep clarity from putting it as much into words as We can.

As We do Our day We are reminded of how We attach to “the way it was”, routines, plans, agreements and “to do(s)”. We want change yet We cling to “the same”. It is familiar and it really is scarey to dive into the unknown. Well, it used to be anyway. It does not feel so scarey right now. We usually think We are clinging to stability and security when actually We are drowning and clinging to a rock expecting it to float. We were reminded that very few (at least Us personally) want to wake immediately to an adventure first thing in the morning. At least not until We have had Our coffee. But, by that time the lullaby (matrix/game/story/hologram) has Us and We are trapped Once again. We can All-ways free OurSelves at any time because it is Our trap and We hold the key. But, it seems very hard most of the time. It feels like We have to wade through miles of knee deep molasses to get to the key and even then We forgot exactly where We put it. It is just sooooo much easier to slide back into sleep........................ It is All illusion of course. There is no molasses and the key is right inside Our heart.

We are reminded that this is the era/age of taking back Our power.

We fell into You Tube again today. Music, what can We say?

Sunday, December 30, 2012



A very warm day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:59:56 AM

Good morning. We listened to the Beethoven symphony that Bashar recommended just before going to dream. We remember waking up in the middle of the night and thinking the night was especially peaceful. We had been busy, We were on board ship Once again but We felt calmer (somehow) than usual. Bashar said it was good for letting go.

We vaguely remember doing lots of things in dream, but again We are very calm and peaceful. When We woke We thought that We were deep in 3D again. Thinking the familiar is more comfortable. However, as We try to function We find We have to concentrate to do 3D. We have to really think about how to start Our computer, how to access the programs We use every day, how to spell, what is a Beethoven, things like that.

We met some more new friends last night, as All-ways fun and playful. We did quite a bit of merging with Our others and We traveled or actually it was more transported or poofed to different places while merged two bodies (energy bodies that appeared and felt to have form) into One. This is the first time We remember traveling while merged. Usually We are very sedate when merged, more focused on experiencing the feeling, the newness of the merge. We have had different amounts of bodies merging in the passed, last night it was like the right half was One body and the left half was the other body and We perfectly joined and functional. Actually highly functional. The other halves of these bodies were not noticeable anywhere nearby.

We are glad We are finding We are not really focused into limitation 3D. We like being multidimensional and do not want to forget what We are ever again. We know We have not yet experienced All that We are but We are making progress. We are love. We never want to forget that again.

We remember also that there was some information about different types of 3D like We have thought exist. A freedom 3D instead of limitation 3D is what We most remember. We also remember that as We move further into 5D, 3D will be less apparent and meaningful. We will be less and less focused in and on 3D. We feel We may need to enter more reminders into Our Google calender as time and dates etc. are obviously loosing “their” relevance to Us while still being important to most We share Our world with.

We are clearly shifting Our reali-D.

This morning (now that the sun is up) We look out the window and though it seems to look the same as yesterday, We feel a difference, a big difference.

Turns out that an unexpected Chinook moved in and the temperature out here is near 20 above. We did not real-eyes this early enough to make the early showing of “The Hobbit” even if the temperature is this warm in town. We are not going to visit Our local friends today because “they” are not feeling well but We will still go into town and see how that unfolds.

Fast Forward: The temperature was near +20F in town too so We decided to go about Our errands and see how We timed out with the second showing of “The Hobbit”. We finished the errands We wanted to do on that side of town about fifteen minutes before the second showing. It was definitely warm enough that everything in the car would be safe from freezing or only freeze lightly. At the theater We were confused by All the versions of “The Hobbit” and the times for each. It turns out that the time We had been told was for the “IMAX” version, whatever that means. So, We went to the “IMAX” 3D version. It was awesome but We have no idea what was different from the regular 3D version besides the price and time.

We were quite surprised when a youngstar broke off from a group of friends to sit next to Us. There were plenty of empty seats with the group of friends and even more empty seats in Our row. There was no need to sit next to Us but this was “their” choice. We did know that it had to be about the energy. More about that in tomorrow's “Today”. We real-eyesed that We were so “into” the 3D affects that We missed a lot of the deep meanings, the symbology (hidden and not so hidden both) and even most of the story. The affects are quite dazzling and really do suck You in. That in itSelf is a huge metaphor.

We only exchanged a few words with the youngstar (probably college age) and We felt this might have been a failure on Our part.

When We got out of the theater if was starting to get dark and it was even warmer than when We went in. Nothing in the car had frozen and We went to have dinner and skipped the rest of the grocery shopping. Nothing needed that could not wait until laundry day which really does need to happen this week, unless it doesn't.

On the drive home the moon was gorgeous with a few clouds drifting in front of it and a few stars coming out. The clouds ahead (north) were lit up by something, no clue what as the sun was off to the other side (northeastish) and town was behind Us. Only wilderness where the clouds were. When We reached home there were many very bright stars out. It felt like a very happy sky.

Saturday, December 29, 2012



Remember what We really are

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:29:49 AM

Good morning. Another interesting, fun and informative night and We don't remember a thing. Perhaps as We get more focused in 3D We will find 3D words to translate Our memories into. It was definitely about being multidimensional and that seems to be expanding.

We have noticed that more and more people are getting the message of love and more and more are turning from “their” heads to “their” hearts and more and more are getting it that We have the ability to change. Many still feel stuck and trapped and We understand. We really do want to help those who feel this way and that is how We begin most nights, by asking how We can help.

We are more and more aware of being on ship AND being multidimensional. We woke thinking about: “Is it real”. This can really be a hard bone to chew. One answer We got is: “If anything is real, then it is All real.” We have the song: “Strawberry Fields” running through Our mind. “Nothing is real, nothing to get hung about................” Again, it is Our beliefs about “real” that are messed up.

As We go about Our daily routine in 3D We try to give OurSelf little reminders like: “this is pretend”, or “this (what We see) is here AND there is more.” This real-e (pun) can get confusing and even frustrating. If We are frustrated We are trying/thinking too hard. Everything “out there”, everything We see or perceive in any manner is Our creation, Our projection. (Interesting aside: We ran across [not to worry, no One got hurt] a couple of article and vids yesterday where Our projections and projecting were mentioned) If it is not real then We are not very good creators. Maybe We are just really good counterfeiters?????? That takes skill too. However, I prefer thinking of MySelf as a great creator (that is when I'm not busy doubting and beating Me up).

So, We try to remember that what We see/create/project is real BUT it is not All that is real. There is more, much, much more than what We perceive. The part that is not real is the separation and limitation. However, 2 points: 1. Our entire world is built on separation and limitation (the I forgotron particle). 2. We created this, imagined this, projected this AND We believe in it. Therefore.................... I now call it reali-D. My latest and bestest: a new particle (the “I forgotron”) and a new dimension (reali-D).

We may have discussed this before but We were just reminded of it. A big part of what We see forthcoming on/in physical earth and society is those We have seen as Our enemies (dictators, CEO’s, banksters, etc. etc.) basically turning over a new leaf. There are many aspects to this. One is “they” were never actually Our enemies but rather trying to force Us to take back Our power (and most of Us would say that “they” went too far). Another is that “they” accepted the role of bad guy” when We originally did the casting for this drama/game. Yet another is that “they” are a reflection of Us. For some “they” are an active shadow (reflecting something that is active and present in Our life/person) and for others “they” are passive shadows (reflecting something that was {maybe will be} in Our person/life but is not active inside Us now. And it could be that Our love has reached and affected “them”. Perhaps We actually won and this turn around is the result/manifestation of that.

One thing that We are continually reminded of is that Our physical body is a tool for experiencing and exploring the physical world just as a hammer is a tool for a carpenter (to assist the carpenter, make it easier for the carpenter) to experience building (being a carpenter). To think that We are Our body (which most of Us do and find it very hard to get beyond because We have played it that way for sooooo long) is like the carpenter believing that “they” are the hammer. Yes, it seems silly from that perspective but remember that We have been pretending to be “what We are not” for a very, very long time.

We experienced a couple of things from Our dream/expanded perspective last night. We were aware that One of the things Our on-board ship aspect is doing is adjusting the hologram that Our earthbound expression(s) is/are projecting out as reali-D. Another aspect (or maybe the same in another capacity, doing another task) is visiting places on Gaia where teams have been sent to send love into Gaia and/or relieve poverty, starvation, slavery, etc.

Wow, the progress is amazing. The thing is that very, very few people are aware of the progress because it is being hidden. The media (alternate and mainstream) still portray the suffering and devastation etc. whether or not it is real. We can blame “them” or We can take responsibility and own that We simply can NOT believe that healing and cleansing and end of suffering and war has actually happened. Who wooda thunk it? We did it. No, We were only dreaming. Which world do You choose? Your/Our/My belief will make that choice real.

We experience a world where the man made holes in Gaia have been filled with love. Where the grid/matrix has been so filled with love that it touches and affects every person, place, plant and action. There is no more starvation and utter poverty has been eliminated. Areas that were barren and stricken with drought are now a paradise. A lush tropical garden where Once there was only desert and waste.

Here is the thing: bad weather and barren lands and natural disasters are the result of Our (humanity's) fear, greed, and anger. “They” are the result of Our thoughts and beliefs even more than the result of Our actions. No body believes that. Or hardly anyOne believes it anyway. It can not be healed if We deny it. So, for those who choose to believe that We/”they” are not that powerful the world appears to remain a place of extreme goods and bads.

We are reminded of the importance of remembering (and repeating to OurSelf): We are love. We are also reminded that some methods of processing, clearing, and moving forward that were valid and useful before and up to the 12/21/12 may no longer work well. “They” may actually pull Us back into (and hold Us in) the old energies and paradigm.

Follow Our hearts is the best advice. This means PAY ATTENTION to Our heart.

Another thing We are noticing is that there is more support, more positivity, more ability to hold on to and really believe (and even live in) these new ideas and beliefs (that We have been exploring in dream) in Our waking world. We see and feel the progress and it is good.

Thank You, thank Me.

We are listening to/watching an interview with Darryl Anka (“Bashar”) click here which We have watched in segments over three days. He mentions a concept We have been reaching for the last several years: “The idea that things happen “to” You rather than through” You.” A few years ago when I was saying: “I know I did this, I created this. I know I chose for it to happen to” Me.” A friend suggested I look at it as happening for” Me rather than to” Me. This idea of it happening through” Me takes it One step further. Also, here is the link to the music (Beethoven) that he mentions: click here

Friday, December 28, 2012



Able to do anything

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:34:25 AM

Good morning. Another fun and busy night exploring and adventuring in Our new world, new Us. This time We clearly remember a lot of Our experiences but still can not find words to describe. It is a world that is multidimensional and without separation and limitation. That is sooooo different from Our current experiences and Our language is totally inadequate.

How to describe a night of being able to do absolutely anything? At first it still feels like We are violating some law or boundary. We feel We will be seen as some kind of freak or piece of refuse but it isn't so when everyOne else is in the same condition. It is new to All of Us. Yes, there are guides and wayshowers who are familiar with being in this state but All the souls who have been playing out separation and limitation with Us (7 billion+) are still new to this. That is why it seems like a new world. We never knew it was here and possible and even after We knew in Our hearts it was real it took Us a long time to be able to live here or even visit.

We did dream about parting the veil early in the night. Apparently We did a really good job of that because We certainly were All over the place doing All sorts of things. We do remember feeling younger and more energetic. We remember running in a field just for the shear fun of running in a field.

We remember struggling to wake in the dream world. We were not trying to wake from the dream world but in the dream world. We also remember feeling this exact same sensation before but not since childhood and then it was more like trying to wake from the dream. We were trying to stand and there was an invisible pressure holding Us down. It was completely exhausting to try to stand. As We remember it We theel this is what We are actually going through in waking as We try to shed the illusion of separation and limitation.

The good news is that We were successful and there were lots of people around Us Once We stood up whereas it seemed like We were completely alone before. These people were genuinely happy to see Us and We set about playing right away. Great priorities: “Well, now that You are finally here, the first order of business is to start to play.”

Something We have recently real-eyesed is that We are spending as much (or more) time in multi-realities and multi-D as We are focused in limitation 3D and even that is becoming less and less about limitation. We real-eyes that We have actually been doing this for several months without real-eyesing it fully. Thank You, thank Me.

One of the things that We do is when We look around remind OurSelf that there is more, All-ways more. We do this sitting at Our computer reading and righting but NO rithmaticing. We do this looking out Our windows at the snow covered forest. We do this on Our brief excursions outside. The temperature is finally back up to 0F after a couple weeks of -20F and colder. But even 0F is cold (32 degrees below freezing) so as nice as it feels in comparison We still do not spend too much time outside. We make several short trips outside in the course of a day. One of Our intents/goals/desires is to be in tune and harmony with nature/Gaia and We do feel this change happening but it does seem to be a very gradual process. We know that as much as We want to rush We really do prefer the gradual process approach.

For those who remember the new atomic particle We discovered (the: “I forgotron”) scientists at Purdue University have discovered that there is a new particle being created and emitted by the sun. Haha haha ha.

Also, We went for water and heating oil today and a small rock came home with Us. It crawled into One of the milk crates We use to carry Our jugs of water. It was too large to crawl in through the holes in the bottom of the crate, the crate never left the truck from the time We took it out to the truck until We carried it back inside, the back of the truck (where it rode to the spring and back) is covered and there were not any rocks in the back of the truck. Yet, when We took the water jugs out there was this rock. It must be important so We placed it on Our computer desk.

Thursday, December 27, 2012



Having 7 billion+ experiences

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:38:23 AM

Good morning. More fun dreams about Our new earth. Actually it is a new Us on an earth that has All-ways existed. It is Us free of separation and limitation. It has been so long that We have believed in the lie and deceit of separation and limitation it is hard to even begin to imagine what a world without separation and limitation is like. We are beginning to experience it and it is amazing.

I continue to feel the change in Me. It is hard to explain but it is definitely more.

We are enjoying a day of relaxing, expanding and catching up on some emails and articles. We are finding that most everything We find is in alignment with what We feel and intuit.

Here is something We were running through Our mind: We are here for the experience. We are here for 7billion+ experiences. We are getting/having exactly that. It is All about experience and each experience is genuine and valid. If anyOne tells You different “they” are wrong. No, not wrong, “they” are having a different experience. “They” are viewing Our world from a different perspective than We are and “their” perspective is exactly perfect for “them”. We get to decide whether or not to make it Our experience.

For Us (personally) Our multi-realities are becoming more and more real and present. What lies just beyond the edge of Our 3D vision is beginning to really make itSelf known and felt. The thoughts and doubts that used to grab Us by the throat and threaten to strangle Us have lost “their” grip. “They” pop up but it is like someOne greased “their” hands. Guess who that was?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012



A change

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:47:41 AM

Good morning. We spent the night exploring Our new world/reality that We are birthing/creating. It is a lot of fun to play in a world without limits and separation with new and familiar friends. It is kinda amazing to be making and playing with new friends every night. These connections are sooooo strong right from the get go. Apparently it is like every new friend is a part of Our soul family. Never dreamed We had such a large family.

We also know (now) that this new world was actually here All along, We just did not see it. It is hard to really describe this recent difference. Prior to 12/21/2012 these worlds seemed like alternate realities, different places from where We live. Worlds built on completely different ethics and beliefs. Now, these are definitely what Our world is growing into. “They” are not different from Our world. Our world may not resemble “them” yet but it is still only a few days old.

How to explain that it was All-ways here but is only a few days old? That is the nature of time in multi-D.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012



A knowing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:25:21 AM

Good morning. Great dreams of the world/reality/future We are building. Some new friends and some familiar friends joined to play and explore and create and experience. It is gonna be grand. “Despise ye not the small beginnings”. Again, Our world is only a few days old and All-ready We are feeling the connection, the unity, the joy. Maybe in only little ways but isn't that what days old babies are All about?

We are sliding into Our new creation rather than leaping off the ledge and that is exactly the way We wanted it. There may well be some who are experiencing something completely different. That is “their” creation and “they” are certainly welcome to it. We hope “they” own it. We are sure that many will share “their” experience at the bonfire.

We have a feeling that is hard to describe. It is a knowing, knowing from the inside. We have felt this before about other things and this time it is more All inclusive. This feeling has never been wrong. We know that We are capable and that We ARE experiencing being here AND there, being now AND then. Often, when watching a scene from some place that is very picturesque or attractive at any level We wished We could be there. For the last couple of years We have reminded OurSelves that We actually are there (or then) or if not We can be. Now, We really feel it. We may not see it yet, but We know it.

We were just reminded of something from dream last night. It was about saying and feeling: “I'm falling in love” (not something I have said in a good many years and really would not expect to hear coming from My lips and certainly not what I Am currently feeling) Then: “You are falling in love with YourSelf”. Now that sounds much more like what I would say and feel to Me or My others. But, the feeling that accompanied this was deeper and more real than anything I have ever felt in waking 3D.

Monday, December 24, 2012



Falling out of time

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:02:04 AM

Good morning. It seems it was a fairly quiet night. We do not think that it really was, We think it was quite busy. It just feels like it was quiet now.

We had thought that We might go to town today. When We woke We knew that was just not a good idea. This is the final day of a three day portal. It is a beginning and We need to be present for it. Present will probably mean being multidimensional. So We will stay in Our cabin and/or space ship. We release expectations and open to possibilities.

SomeOne's email reminded Us of Kermit the Frog singing “The Rainbow Connection”. Very appropriate to Our current process. Looking for it (and finding it) on You Tube seems to have lead Us on a stroll down memory lane. We have fallen into music vids from Our passed. We assume that We will return to the present at some point, but maybe not.

Sunday, December 23, 2012



5D and beyond

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:45:27 AM

Good morning. A very busy and informative night and We do not remember squat.

Well, that is not exactly true. We remember in feelings and images. Not much to pull into 3D awareness but then again, We have little desire to be focused in 3D awareness.

As We wake We remember more. There was a lot about multi-D, about being and becoming multidimensional. Lots of experiences in multidimensionality which are hard to translate into 3D. We met in person with some friends from the internet, that was fun. We are reminded that 5D includes 3D and this is an important point. How much 3D will be noticeable in 5D will vary. Every 3D form has a 5D (and beyond) version/aspect/part. We are thinking the word counterpart but that might imply more separation than actually exists.

We have All-ways assumed that since every 3D form has an aspect in 5D that every 5D form has an aspect in 3D. This does not appear to be quite as literally true as We would have thought. The 5d aspect of a 3D form is more expanded and connected and much less physical (if at All physical). Depending on how much the 5D version has integrated its parts, its rejects and orphans would determine whether or not it keeps a permanent 3D form. A 5D bean can visit 3D but it does NOT have to live there. That is an important point that We obviously forgot.

We read a very interesting post on the Keshe forum today titled: What do you want to say? Extraterrestrial civilisation? This helped Us to remember more of Our dreams. We feel that this is the point of reading the Keshe material for Us: it triggers Our remembering. The foundation is changing servers soon and after that the link may or may not work.

We do know that what We felt last night was closer to what might have been expected the night before. That probably would have happened if We had not tried to get up and do webcasts in the middle of the night. We had planned to stay home today feeling that it might just be even more intense than the 21st. Early in the morning We were certain this is the right decision. We are feeling rather neutral about it now as We have no intention or desire to go anywhere.

We just remembered visiting the groups around the world sending love into manmade holes. The groups are diversifying and sending love remains the focus. We continue to feel a special draw to those groups gathered on the shores. There is just something special about the sound of “their” music, laughter and love being carried out across/upon the water.

Saturday, December 22, 2012




Wizard's Log Star-date: 01:50:21 AM

Good morning. We got up about 1AM to watch some online events coordinated in synch. With 11:11 AM GMT for the 12/21/12. We could not connect to One of the webcasts and the other was mostly guided meditation. Mixed feelings.

We returned to dream and set Our alarm clock for about an hour before the next webcast We wanted to catch (would be around Our normal time to wake but since We had been up very early We thought We might need to be woken). We woke many times, about every hour it seemed. In the last hour before the time We had Our alarm set for We turned the alarm off. Then it seemed like We slept and woke several more times, seemingly for several hours. It felt like We had slept in quite a bit to make up for being up and functional in the middle of the night.

We know a lot was going on in dream though not consciously aware of what that was. After what seemed like several more hours of dreaming We woke. Just before waking We were learning how to drive a school bus telepathically. The thing was that We were doing this with students on board. Probably not Our best idea ever. It was a couple minutes after the webinar was to start (the One We felt like We had slept through). We immediately knew and thought: “Oh, We are entering no time.” We had a little trouble getting Our computer to connect to the internet and when We joined the webinar it was at the end of yet another guided meditation. We really do not usually do well with guided meditations.

Friday, December 21, 2012



The day before the day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:25:20 AM

Good morning. The last two nights Shadow and I both have slept longer without any interruptions than either of Us has in months. For Me it has also been a deeper sleep. He has not talked about it.

We visited middle earth last night, yes hobbits and orcs and elves oh My. The only thing We can really say for certain is that it is on the move. There was something like a forced march but with no One appearing to be doing the forcing. A voluntary forced march? The dwarfs were quite grumpy and the hobbits (marching behind the dwarfs) would sprinkle faerie dust on “them” to cheer “them” up. It worked temporarily and then more faerie dust was needed. The overAll mood was a mixture of excitement and fear. A lot like upper earth at this time.

We met another new friend and We connected quite strong quite quickly. This was like a mentor/protector type bond. At first I did not think either of Us was human because We were both able to shapeshift easily. It is difficult to say what species We were (if We were any specific species) since We would adapt to fit in with whatever species We were with. In a mixed group We would appear to each One as being of “their” species.

When We woke We could tell that something has definitely shifted or is shifting. Several times We started to get up and it just was not happening so We went back to sleep. We finally got up when Shadow came to check on Us. We felt very strong that he was letting Us know it was time for Us to get up even though he went right back to bed.

We have been listening to Drunvalo's webcast Q&A session for preparation for 12/21/12. link good until 12/31/12 We find there is much We resonate with and also quite a bit that We do not resonate with. We observe that when We do not resonate it tends to be when he gives any One absolute for the way things are or will be. We remind OurSelf that is telling his story, his version of Ourstory. We try to recognize that he is adding another possibility that We may not have considered. Not everyOne is interested in everything.

We appreciate that We are not noticed as a leader or teacher and therefore it is not expected of Us to explain any of what is happening or will happen in words. We go to dream where We do Our best work. We convey possibilities in images and meanings rather than limiting words. We appreciate this freedom.

We see tomorrow (12/21/12) as the day We the people (100th monkey, critical mass, collective) take back Our power. The day We begin to really remember what We are or at least more of what We are.

We are reminded that in 5D and beyond it” is All-ready done (whatever it” is). In 5D and beyond there are versions of OurSelves waiting for this version (and other lower/slower vibrating versions) to wake up. So, any person We fear will not get it and maybe miss out All-ready has a version, an aspect that made it. Not easy for 3D thinking to comprehend.

Last night in dream We were comparing Our now (and ascension) to summer camp. It is a summer camp that runs in One week increments All summer long and it is open to A-dults as well as children. Plus, anyOne who chooses can attend One week or All the One week sessions. Obviously, those attending the first week are more advanced and honored and in tune than any others. NOT. It does not matter what week anyOne attends.

EveryOne will have a slightly different experience than anyOne else regardless of what week “they” attended and even if “they” attended the same week.

When We return to Our “normal” life after camp, much will appear the same (or very close) as it was when We departed for camp. However, We will be forever changed.

Our 5D (and beyond) Self knows that these bodies are simply tools or vessels to explore and experience physicality. We do this by inserting Our body into a chosen holographic experience. We get to explore it from the inside AND as an outside observer (Our 5D+ aspect). When Our 3D/physical mind fully gets this, then We can step out of Our hologram and be home in time for dinner.

Thursday, December 20, 2012



Ready to be still

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:49:47 AM

Good morning. Another night of playing and exploring in multi-D. New friends and friends from Our school age years uniting and merging and remembering what it is like to be One. We experienced being part of the whole. It is Our true identity and yet We have completely forgotten what it is like.

It was another night where/when there was sooooo much going on that it felt like the night lasted several years.

We are everything but We have forgotten so well that the concept is actually frightening. We are facing this.

All-most forgot: As We were going to bed We noticed a new light in Our space. It was 2 blurred lines, rather fluorescent in appearance and it moved so as to stay in Our vision (as in We were projecting it AND observing it) when We turned or moved. It was like We became of (experienced) Our holographic projecting.

We are finishing up any 3D chores We wanted done to be able to relax and focus in (while maintaining [or not] a limitation 3D body) for the next several days. There were several things that got put off because of last week's heavy snow. So, All the ketchup has been played and the mustard is full and in place.

We are not sure how much We are here and how much We are there but We are certain that We are both.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012



All-ways more

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:56:45 AM

Good morning. Another very informative night with lots of recess. We continue to explore being more AND being part of the limitation 3D hologram. There is a lot to adjust to in this. It is the expansion that is taking the adjustment, We are very familiar with “how to do” limitation. Stepping out of limitation/separation is the bugger sometimes.

There is just sooooo much that We experience(d) in the expanded states We can reach but it is very hard at first to put it into words. Again the focus must remain on being and sending love because without this it is All pointless. We are more, so much more than We think We are AND Our world, Our true reality is also sooooo much more than We think/believe it is. We truly are limitless when We allow it.

We theel We are making a connection between multi-D and holographic. Probably more to follow on that.

We did some more 3D chores (snovelled yet more show, got heating oil and water) and We were able to continue to remember that what We see is only a small part of what is really here. We did not attach to what We were doing.

We are watching some more vids and reading emails and articles and We are sooooo happy how many people are talking about getting out of Our heads and into Our hearts and love being what this is really All about. There is such an increase in this mindset since the beginning of the year We are thrilled.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Slipping in and out of the hologram

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:40:25 AM

Good morning. Most of the night was recess. At the end there was inspiration to take back Our power, to feel Our way through the veil and begin living in connection and limitlessness.

We see how the thoughts of having failed in the passed feed the belief that We should give up now. This is another part of the trap We set for OurSelves.

We just had the thought of “breaking” through the veil and then the thought that maybe “slipping” through would be easier and really make more sense. Perhaps this idea of storming the Bastille is another part of the trap? Another way We give away Our power. When We fight We are feeding that which We fight. Wind and water never fight anything yet either can wear down the mightiest barriers ever created.

We just got the image/idea of bungee jumping from multi-D into 3D. It is a great way to drop in to assist without getting stuck. That has been the problem for sooooo long: We came/come to limitation 3D to explore and experience and assist and Once here We feel/believe We are stuck/trapped. “Help, I've fallen and I can't get up.”

During the night We flashed on the TV series “Once Upon a Time” and how close to what is going on it is. The Reconnections call this type of entertainment “Dreams of the Mass mind”, where the deeper truth is revealed/explored by the mass mind through art, plays, TV and movies.

We are having an interesting day. A combination of being present more in multi-D AND doing some very 3D stuff. Finished most of the snovelling and spent quite a bit of time outside even tho it is still at least -30F (maybe colder) out there. We are also facing Our fears.

Once We got it that not only are these fears old stuff (We got that part right away and tho “they” felt exactly the same as before “they” no longer owned Us) but also We are feeling and processing fear etc. from and for the collective it really took on a different feeling. Now it really feels like: “What was that again?” “Was I afraid? What was I afraid of?”

Now We started watching part two of the workshop about the holographic uni-verse click here for info. and it feels like this will either take Us into dream or dinnertime or both. So, with that We are going to wind this up for the day. Type to You tomorrow.

Monday, December 17, 2012



Experiencing expansion

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:46:05 AM

Good morning. Another interesting, informative and transformational night. Oops, All-most forgot to mention fun. Again old and new were participating in fun ways to make the learning easier, clearer AND fun.

There was a lot, most of it about releasing separation and living in unity and Oneness AND going back and forth. We are going to try to put it in a night school but if it does not come out well will continue here. It is like the more We wake the more We seep back into the matrix. Holding awareness of expansion while being in limitation is new and not All that easy but that is exactly what We need to experience and learn how to do it.

We got night school typed up and posted. We theel We pretty well covered All that We wanted to share. Now, We are going to slip out of experiencing separation/limitation at least a little ways.

Of course, We returned to dream, both waking and sleeping. At One point We experienced merging this waking world of limitation and separation with the expanding/expanded world(s). It was exactly like the merging of two hands from night school last night, or the merging of two bodies that I refer to as an energy exchange. It is like drops of water joining to form a larger drop. The choice whether or not to separate the worlds again is up to Us. Like drops of water, We can merge, separate and merge again continuing this cycle as many times as We choose. As it is with drops of water, there is no judgment, no guilt or blame or feeling of rejection or abandonment or being forgotten. It simply is what it is and it continues to flow like a river to the sea.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Exploring and expanding

(From night school last night)

Wow, it has been All-most a month since We had anything We could type up that felt like night school. We really are not sure if We can get this One out through Our fingers clearly but that really is not an unusual feeling when We begin.

This One is about the matrix, the hologram, the illusion and delusion of separation and limitation. About getting out and going back in. Why go back in? Because there is service to be done there and for Us and many of Our others, that is Our current purpose/focus. It is very easy to get sucked back in completely when We go back in and that is what has been going on over and over and over. It is also why We are not sure how well this is going to come out. We keep reminding OurSelves that what We see and experience is based on, built from the illusion of separation.

Separation really is the root and foundation of what We think of as: “The real world”. We contend that Our belief does make it real BUT We can change what is real. That is the illusion: that We are stuck and can NOT free OurSelves. This is a trap, a cage, a prison of Our own making and We hold the key. We just forgot where We put it. This is why We discovered the new atomic particle the “I forgotron”. It is the basic building block of everything in this reality. We forgot what We are and built a world based on what We are not.

So, We have embarked on a simple mission: completely change and rebuild Our world. No problemo.


We tried to imagine what a world free of separation and limitation would look like. We are clueless. We forgot sooooo well that it is completely elusive, We have no frame of reference. We just have to allow and know that it is possible. In fact, We have experienced it in dream and even in this night school. The thing is that since We are not visual, We do not remember (yet) what it looks like. We know how it feels and “One-der-full” is an understatement.

Trying to explain and describe what We are theeling, dreaming and intuiting gets a bit tricky. Our language is not intended or designed to express such things. In fact, quite the opposite. Our language is One of the methods We designed to help keep Us in the game.

This”, what We normally see and feel and experience in Our waking world is separation and limitation. Everything in it and about it is separation and limitation. There is more and it is right here and right now. We have filtered that (“the more”) out and projected a hologram of only separation and limitation. For most of Us, when We begin to real-eyes this We want/choose to blame someOne. This is another way of keeping OurSelves locked in to separation/limitation. It is Our choice and All choices are honorable and honored.

Accessing “the more” is becoming easier day by day. For Us (personally) it begins with feeling it. For others it may begin in other ways. It probably will begin with whatever sense is each person's primary sense. Many people expect limitation 3D and separation to go away. Perhaps (for “them”) it will appear to do so. To Us (personally) that will be just another form of limitation. We theel that everything and/or “All that is” includes everything. Maybe that is just Us.

So, at night it seems We open Our doors and unlock Our cages and allow OurSelves to fly free. This is happening more and more for more and more people. We check out of the matrix or hologram or illusion and remember what We really are. We even (sometimes) allow OurSelves to experience being what We really are. It is just sooooo much more than We think We are and experience in Our daily lives that it makes limitation 3D seem unreal.

And yet, in the morning We log back into that 3D world. Why? Many reasons. We are addicted to it. We set a timer (before We originally set up the game) and either the timer has not gone off or We hit the snooze button. There is still more to learn, experience and do here. We have the opportunity to take this experience to the next level and many have chosen to slide gently and gradually from One level of the game to another rather than jumping abruptly from level to level.

In class, We met others who are new to unity, connection and limitlessness. We even met with some who were quite unfamiliar with the concepts in any manner. With some We could show “them” what it is like. On a few occasions We would hold “their” hand and Our hands would merge into each other and then We would withdraw and Once again We appeared to be separate. For some this was a completely shocking and baffling experience, for some even horror-frying. Others responded with: “Oh, I get it now, kinda.” Some were looking at “their” hand in amazement wondering why it did not hurt. Each person walked away with a slightly different experience of the exact same experience. Each One is honored and loved.

In class We could All (All who chose this) feel Our connection. Some could see the energy that connects Us. We remain individual parts of the whole yet We are connected like cells of Our body are connected. The connection between people can appear as energy chords but “they” are NOT ties that bind. Connections that leave Us completely free to roam and adventure and experience. We are connected to everyOne not just One or twelve. We do have stronger connections to some such as soul groups and soul family.

We explored and experienced some of these close and distant connections. We made a game of interacting with One and many. We used dancing as One method of exploring and allowing OurSelves and Our others this experience.

It is difficult (especially at the beginning stages) to remain in a space where We can fully feel this expansion and connection while typing about it. Even the typing and sharing (in any physical form) is a form of the separation and limitation.

And so, We will stop typing for now. We will explore connection and limitlessness in Our dreams both waking and sleeping. In this way We will continue sharing the experience with each of You/Us. We hope that this little explanation may make it easier and more comfortable for expansion to be a part of Your waking experience.



Put Your heart into it

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:08:27 AM

Good morning. Another busy, busy night. We got the summary long before the night was over: “Put Your heart into it”. Perhaps it was All recess after that. As We woke We got it (Once again) that of All Our jobs and chores and assignments the primary and most important is being love.

We do not know if We can convey much of what We experienced, it was All very expanded. We theel this is what Our current time is focused on: expansion beyond the illusion of separation and limitation.

We spent a lot of time experiencing escorting people back and forth across the veil. At least in the dreams “they” were All alive. This is another important (and fun) aspect of Our mission/purpose. We looked at being multidimensional and doing All these different things We do. We revisited many of the areas where parts/versions of OurSelf is working. That was cool, revisiting friends We have not been aware of spending time with for a little while.

We remembered something that Mr. Keshe mentioned (All-most) in passing: “What causes light? Friction.”

Another thing We remember is that whatever We do and encounter: infuse it with love. This initiated in respect to the infinite soup of possibilities AND whatever Me make to appear real out of that. There was a lot more about the real and unreal and both those words are really obsolete. “They” were coined to cause confusion and feed separation. It is All free and needs to be infused with love as We manifest it. We create everything in Our lives out of the soup of possibilities.

We also experienced cleaning up the planet (starting in Our own backyard literally and figuratively) by returning/dissolving objects into energy. We flashed on the “fear” We (probably many of Us) have had of “needing that” and “not having it” which is sooooo obviously a lie and/or misunderstanding. If We need it later We can (easily) bring it back into material form. The problem is that We have not remembered/experienced how easy this is yet. We do not completely believe that We can do this but We know that We can.

We have to start somewhere. Put Your heart into it.

Another thing We experienced (or were aware of) for the first time is seeing with Our heart. Quite interesting and it really makes perfect sense when We feel into it. Our eyes filter out and Our heart lets it in. Our heart is probably more connected to Our sleeping/inactive (junk) DNA.

We remember pondering the parts of an atom, the neutrons, and protons and electrons and We added a particle, the: “I do not rememberton” or the “I forgotron”. These may be different parts but very similar and closely related. Clueless what this was about but it was definitely part of Our dreams.

Saturday, December 15, 2012



In the shift

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:29:22 AM

Good morning. We can feel the shifting and transitioning. We feel it the strongest at night when We can more easily access altered states of consciousness. That is when the expanded reality of All that is seems more familiar. We feel that separation and limitation being an illusion is the big message for Us at this time. That alone makes a huge difference in Our reality, Once We fully accept and believe it. Integrating that information seems paramount at this time. It feels to be exactly what is shifting. We are witnessing the gradual expansion of Our reality from a limited, shrunken piece of the whole back into a larger part of the whole.

There is just sooooo much to this. It affects everything as everything that We know and experience is built upon the belief in separation and limitation. Everything We have ever hoped for is available and waiting just beyond the veil of this belief. And We feel it growing thinner and thinner while Our world expands in direct proportion to this thinning.

We do not remember any specifics from last night, but We know We thoroughly enjoyed it. While We are awake We focus on remembering that there is more here than meets the eye. This morning We were thinking it is like being in a highly camouflaged area. Our collective hologram is made/projected very well but it is fading.

We are love. This continues to be the key, the hinge upon which everything hangs.

We fully get it that others are exploring something a little (or a lot) bit different from Us. We honor that, it is important. There are so many versions and parts to All that is. Each part is important.

We continue to get the reminder that We must let go of expectations to reach the fullest experience available. Our biggest and bestest expectations place huge limits on Our possibilities. Having such expectations is completely normal, in fact even many new age teachings support and reenforce these expectations. This does not decrease “their” ability to limit Us. Remember Our current world is based and rooted in limitation. It takes a lot of focus (not effort) to break down this foundation and create a foundation of limitlessness.

We are part of source and All that is. This is love. We are love but We gotta remember and acknowledge this being.

There is more, so much more than meets the eye but Our trying to describe it limits it. Our wildest imagination (if done from Our limitation 3D thinking) locks Us in a little box compared to what is really here and now. We love Our hologram of separation and limitation no matter how much We hate it. We love it because it is familiar and appears safe no matter how much it hurts.

We were just reminded about optical illusions. Similar to the idea of a limited hologram this is another explanation of what We see being only a small part of what is here. And another email reminded Us of part of a dream last night: We were considering what a great idea it would be to start a gift shop at the point where All timelines converge.

Friday, December 14, 2012



Saying goodbye or saying hello?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:02:19 AM

Good morning. We certainly ran the gauntlet last night. Many, many really fun and exciting alternate realities. We really did not want to wake to this reality today. We are ready, so ready for more.

We feel like We really need to grok the hologram better, get a better grasp on how it really works for Us. We know that love is the key. That was Our focus again last night as We played with new and old friends in expanded worlds.

We could feel a slight sense of mourning, of saying goodbye but We got it that this is a trick of the illusion of separation. We are actually saying hello. What We will be giving up is the illusion, the projection that represents the real. What We will be getting is the real.

We knew something had shifted but it is subtle. Now, We are beginning to feel it stronger. A new beginning. Say: “Hello”.

We just remembered a part of the night We had forgotten. We had a sinus attack. We ran the course of a usual sinus flare up that takes about a week in a few hours. It was an awesome experience. We are not fully clear what this was about except that it does show Us the illusion of the hologram and time and space. We were reminded over and over during the night that separation and limitation are only illusions. What We have filtered out of Our awareness is so vast We can not (yet) comprehend.

We get it that part of Our emotion today is the hesitation to step into the unknown. This is the holographic reaction. The expanded Us is smiling and even giddy with anticipation.

Our electric went out early this morning and was out most of the day. Not All that unusual after a big snowfall. We got 18 inches or more in the last 24 hours.

We spent the day back and forth between dreaming, imaginating and snovelling show.

Continuing to feel more expansion every day. We know, We are certain now that We see only this small fraction of what is really here. This has gone from seeming possible a few years ago to being a certainty. We can look at Our current focused reality and honestly say that regardless of appearances there is more AND We are part of that more.

Thursday, December 13, 2012



A reverse hologram?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:18:38 AM

Good morning. Well, it is 12/12/12 and quite frankly We do not know exactly what We are feeling yet. Oh, that is a good sign, it means We are NOT fully in limitation 3D this morning. Computer is acting a bit strange this morning. Perhaps it is adjusting to being more multi-D as well.

Many people suggested and chose to be awake focusing and meditating around midnight last night. We decided that since We know that We do Our best work in dream to just let whatever happened flow freely. And really, that is what We want Our life to be about any way so it makes sense........................ Sure enough, We were aware (whether awake or not We are not sure) up until sometime after 11PM. We were doing mantras, looking at Our progress and focusing on opening and expanding Our awareness and beliefs.

Then We woke at 12:40AM. We could tell that We had gone deep to usher in the 12/12/12 at Our location.

We spent the rest of the night focused on mostly the same: opening and expanding whenever aware of what We were doing. There was a dream about healing the feminine, the mother. There were visits to other worlds and realities and some glimpses into Our true nature and reality.

There was an interesting part that kept coming up throughout the night. It is about Our universe/world/reality being holographic. Although this is a good way to describe what We do, how We live and experience, it is actually more of a reverse hologram. At least, in comparison to what We see as holographic images and programs on Star Trek and movies. That idea of holographic programs is rather expansive. We take a room, a holodeck or holosuite and transform it into much more. In this life what We do is take much more, everything, All that is and filter out the vast majority of it and project a world of limitation and separation into/onto Our holoscreen. We take everything and make a very small something and then We believe that this is All there is.

This is the programming that love can change and expand. Again, this could probably be done circumventing love but that would not have long lasting results. It would eventually devolve into the same old thing unless We (at some point) evolve back to being love. Love is Our true nature. Nothing less than that will ever satisfy Our hunger.

So, while We aim at opening and expanding We keep Our focus on being love. We send love on the holographic carrier waves and into the grid/net/matrix. We envision Our controllers (who are actually versions/aspects of OurSelf) being totally immersed in love.

We intend to keep this as Our focus today.

We added a little bit of this to yesterday's today since this will not get posted until tomorrow. We may decide to type and post some more about Our transition as the day goes along.

It is snowing heavy this morning as the weather forecast predicted. We will have to do some clearing of Our paths outside and Our plow guy is scheduled to come tomorrow to plow the driveway. It would be nice if by then We had remembered how to teleport but so far it does not look like We will advance that far in remembering.

Shadow is certainly being insistent about wanting (All-most demanding) extra attention this morning.

We went to dream and never really came back, kinda.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012



It is time, it is now

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:02:01 AM

Good morning. Another fun and interesting night. We visited worlds of possibilities of what it can be like with Our believe in separation and limitation removed. At first We really could not figure out what was going on. It was sooooo frigging bizarre. We do not think We have ever used the word frigging before, and it is very appropriate. Talk about open and expanded. Our phobias, taboos and inhibitions can come down as We are All One. What can We possibly do wrong, what can be harmful? Simple answer: nothing. What can We do: everything.

We would see people behaving in very odd seeming ways and no One else was even noticing. Then We found OurSelf in the middle of it All and We would merge with the bizarrest of the bizarre. We would merge like drops of water merge to form a puddle, then a stream, then a river and We would actually flow. No more resis-dance, no more swimming against the current, just flowing and Oneness. Pretty One-der-full.

This world We are familiar with is sooooo much less than what is possible. Again: We are love. This is the key. We can create All the devices and wealth and good living We could ever imagine and improve Our lives immensely but We can only reach the point We dreamt of by being love. No shortcuts, no hidden doorways, no secret passages or passwords. Only love which leads to bliss. At first bliss is hard to recognize, We are sooooo used to limitation and separation. Freedom looks like chaos and trouble. It is anything but that. It is very unfamiliar and takes a bit of getting used to. But Once We put it on We find that it fits like a glove. A love glove.

We theel these coming stargate, dates and alignments are bringing Us to the power point where We can fully choose this as an option with no opposition beyond Our own resis-dance. We are sending love into the grid, into and onto the carrier waves that project Our hologram. Love is creating a feed back loop to the origin of Our hologram and grid, matrix, net. Love will energize Us at Our deepest core level.

It is time.

We went back to dream and Once again it seemed like We had just laid down but a couple of hours had passed.

We got it (Once again) that the stuff, manifestations, changes We are looking for are (or should be) the result of being love. Many people seem to be trying to bypass this and jump to the result. That is the old way. This method will just produce more of the same. We get the feeling that We will be living in a world that is being transformed by love while watching many try to do it the same old way. This should be interesting to participate in even if (and when) it is a bit frustrating.

We certainly feel the shift to being (and fully acting/living from) love.

Something interesting to note, We are finding that We are no longer certain whether We are part of humanity living on earth or One/part of the galactics in ship(s) orbiting earth and experiencing earth via holographic imaging. Probably both. Hmmmmm.

We have chosen to insert a bit on the 12/12/12 since what We are feeling and typing today (12/12) will not get posted until tomorrow: We were reminded that Our reality is actually a holographic projection of a very small fraction of true reality. What We see is only a tiny part of what is actually here. We will be reminding OurSelf and focusing on there being much more here and now than We see and even imagine. We will feel into this. We are also reminded that love is Our true nature and being love, living as love MUST be Our primary focus and goal. Anything less will only disappoint.

We real-eyes that the masses may avoid the part about love and Our vastness (at least for now). It is hard to speculate on what the masses will project and manifest and the collective reality. We also do not know how much Our world will be affected by what the masses create. We are remaining open and that is Our intention and goal. We have All-ways asked to be aware of everything even though We are probably only going to experience part of that for the most part. That is exactly where We are planning on staying today: Aware of everything. Whether We see it and experience it or not.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



A time to choose

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:52:41 AM

Good morning. Lots of processing last night, visiting and playing in lots of realities and seeing “them” from a holographic perspective. This really does shed new light and more expansion on this. There was much about multidimensionality. It is All connected and We are connecting the dots.

Throughout the night and especially as We were waking the mantra “We are love” was running. Very important (especially at this time) to keep this at the forefront. We do NOT want to lose sight of love being Our goal, Our foundation, Our true nature.

We experienced people making different choices. There are many levels, realities and experiences available as We have known All along. It is still easy to think We will All be making the same choice, experiencing the same reality/hologram but this just is NOT so.

The controls and safety features that We installed to keep Us in the game/experience until the proper time are breaking down, the time lock is beginning to turn. It does seem that this should have happened earlier but We are confidant that everything is happening in Our best interest. We feel quite certain that many of Us hit the snooze button, the reset button over and over and over. Some will do so Once again.

We decided to return to dream and again Our mantra: “We are love” was running. We do not know what We dreamed/experienced. We feel it was connected to adjusting to being multidimensional and being in different realities. This can be disorienting when We begin AND when We reach new levels. It can be difficult to remain present in 3D while exploring multi-D.

Monday, December 10, 2012



Creating Our new world

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:34:43 AM

Good morning. Another very fun and busy night. We were very aware of what We were doing most of the night. We even have memories but somehow nothing We fit into words right now. Of course, a big part of that is because We are not fully here right now. So much shifting and sliding going on. It is incredible how much there is to explore and some of that (which goes way beyond Our current imagination) was what We were exploring last night.

Just now We got a flash of what We will be doing after 12/21/12. We have said before that this is a beginning, a shift into something completely new. This is so hard to describe because We are not going anywhere. How in the world can We stay right here and build a brand new world? One way to put it is that We are going to be everywhere. This is certainly way beyond Our current concepts and limits. Okay, this is All kind of philosophical which is something We do not usually dive into. We prefer to focus on experience.

This flash We just had was experiential. We are hands on building and creating a world without boundaries and limits. We are rending the veil that keeps Us separate. This is All a bit like molding clay rather than laying bricks. It will be important to really get it that We are more than just these bodies. These bodies are simply tools We use to experience physicality. The new We are creating will be physical AND it will be sooooo much more.

Thinking that We are just Our body (which is how most of Us identify) is like a carpenter thinking he is a hammer. That example is especially applicable as We use Our bodies and minds and energy to create this new earth.

So, last night We romped and roamed in world still undiscovered and unexplored (at least) by humans. We continue to find new playgrounds and new playmates. Many of Our old friends accompany Us as We poof” and teleport to other places, other realities, other dimensions and experiences that take place in something far beyond any “physical” space. It can be a bit like walking on air, playing in the wind far above the ground only there is not even any air. Very hard to explain. We are not even bodies yet We have individual awareness and experience and interact with other aspects.

It is Our experience and yet beyond Our imagination and understanding and ability to put to words.

We just had a vision of assisting beings (humans, animals, etc.) with disabilities onto and into healing vessels, cities and chambers. What a delight-full experience.

Getting an impression of how though the world may look and appear very much the same, it will feel and be very different and changing rapidly.

We returned to dream and boy oh boy did We have a good time and go sooooo deep. It never really felt like We went to sleep but apparently a good deal of time passed and We are still somewhat (quite a bit) in dream.

We dreamt of Our creative mind being/holding/something like a computer monitor/desktop with icon for shortcuts to different worlds/realities/levels of exis-dance. We added a new shortcut to an even more expanded reality than We had ever imagined much less experienced. We clicked the icon and visited that world. We backed out/off and viewed this desktop and All the icons of All these different and varied worlds and holograms. We can pause a world and when We return We can return with new found knowledge, wisdom and joy or We can return in exactly the same frame of mind as We left. We can change the film in the holographic projector or We can run the same movie over and over as We have been doing All Our many lives.

We are reminded that trying to figure things out, wondering how” things will work out, how” We can possibly live in bliss and abundance, that is part of the old fear programing. That thinking is the trap that We have locked OurSelves in for eons.

We had a vision of establishing an awareness center here in downtown Fairbanks. We choose not to try to figure out” how tomake” that happen. Rather We choose to be willing, ready and able and allow” it to happen. In the vision the center grew and many children started participating. At that point if felt to be time to get up.