Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, December 31, 2012



Detaching with love

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:23:14 AM

Good morning. Another fun and busy life. Sometimes it still amazes Us All the things We can do in One night, All the places and times We can visit. All the people We can meet and how We usually become friends right away. We can do and be and live sooooo much when We set OurSelf free of Our Self-imposed limits and Our lie of separation.

Last night was experiential and metaphoric/symbolic both. It could be called a life review even though it was NOT anything We had actually ever done. There were people from Our passed remembering mixed in with lots and lots and lots of new faces. We visited places from Our remembering in ways We have never experienced in waking. We did things We only imagined We could or would ever do.

We know that the experience at the movie yesterday (the Star Kid sitting next to Me for no apparent reason) played a part. We thought it happened for the kid's benefit. Now, We would say it was much more for Us. That is generally the way it works now that We think about it. We were given a gift in that encounter. We wondered about the lack of talking between Us. We did exchange a few words, but very few. We thought that might have been a type of failure on Our part. We see now how not correct that thought was. The meeting and energy exchange (which We did focus on at the time) was a complete success. That is the gift, the energy We gave and received.

There were several lessons in the playing We did last night. We really are All One, just different versions of the same thing. Sometimes the versions vary only slightly, sometimes there appears to be more difference. When We really get down to the essence of each person there is even less difference. There is sooooo much available to Us when We set OurSelves free. The things, people, places and beliefs that We tie OurSelves to, that We think bring Us joy, security and sense of purpose really tie Us to pain and a sense of failure. TG nothing is ever really a failure, not in the end.

Remember We have mentioned Our recent dreams being experiences of the world We are stepping into? That too is what last night was. It was hard to recognize at first because it took experiences from Our passed memory and twisted “them” into things We had never done. It is easy to miss the point that something from Our passed can be done over and done differently. The experiences were set in a future version of Our passed. Can You see why this was hard to grasp and it is hard to translate into words?

Remember too that We have had a few times recently when We were reflecting on the lie: “You can never go back”. Obviously, as much as We know this is a lie and We do not want to believe it, We still believe it. We have old Simon and Garfunkel songs running through Our head ever since that day We fell into You Tube. (Funny, We knew at the time it was an important experience though it seemed frivolous) This morning a particular line from “Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover” is running: “Set YourSelf free”.

Yes, there parts in the dreams about leaving Our lover. We have All-ways done that in the passed yet remained attached at some level (and We are not talking about the attachment that everyOne has to everyOne else). This could be about still needing to cut some of those cords (and this would be a blind spot) and/or it could be about a current lover that We are unaware of (probably a thing not a person since no person is playing that role).

We knew that typing this up was much more for Us than for anyOne else. Probably both but We sure are getting some deep clarity from putting it as much into words as We can.

As We do Our day We are reminded of how We attach to “the way it was”, routines, plans, agreements and “to do(s)”. We want change yet We cling to “the same”. It is familiar and it really is scarey to dive into the unknown. Well, it used to be anyway. It does not feel so scarey right now. We usually think We are clinging to stability and security when actually We are drowning and clinging to a rock expecting it to float. We were reminded that very few (at least Us personally) want to wake immediately to an adventure first thing in the morning. At least not until We have had Our coffee. But, by that time the lullaby (matrix/game/story/hologram) has Us and We are trapped Once again. We can All-ways free OurSelves at any time because it is Our trap and We hold the key. But, it seems very hard most of the time. It feels like We have to wade through miles of knee deep molasses to get to the key and even then We forgot exactly where We put it. It is just sooooo much easier to slide back into sleep........................ It is All illusion of course. There is no molasses and the key is right inside Our heart.

We are reminded that this is the era/age of taking back Our power.

We fell into You Tube again today. Music, what can We say?

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