Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Progress in 3D AND multiD



Progress in 3D AND multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:21 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We slept in a bit and allowed OurSelves to take a bit longer to drift in multiD thinking and pondering Our dreams and such. We visited several worlds and We theel these are prompted by yesterday’s events. There was a world early on that We really thought that We would remember: but alas. Now We do remember that We noticed there were many people/players from Our waking life but that is All that We remember so far.

The world We woke from is clearly connected to yesterday’s events: A friend (from years gone by in waking) was shooting people with a rifle and We just could not get “them” to stop. One person was only wounded badly and “their” friend got “their” own rifle and shot Our friend. Our friend was killed either by the gone shot or from falling from the ledge that “they” had been crouching on.

As We ponder Our thinking: We get it that most happy thoughts and thinking are Allmost (or completely) forbidden and taboo (at least for A-dults). Thoughts of paradise, easy living, faeries and castles in the sky are judged as unrealistic and fantasy. Such thinking is only suitable for children in Our waking world. Now: that IS a tragedy. Actually even children (these days) are discouraged from such fanciful thinking. No One is really taught how to think but only what to think. We are programmed. We have many justifications for this but the bottom line is it traps Us in herd mentality and limitation. We ARE masters at that game. We are masters at designing a game that it is Allmost impossible to escape. Escape is not quite the right word.

We get it that All of Our personal judgments about Our thinking yesterday may also be faulty as most has been judgmental. We ARE responsible but that does NOT make it wrong or bad. Those ARE judgments. Did We benefit in any way? Most definitely YES. It is only negative IF We assign more power and reality to it than it actually has. That would be normal thinking but We do NOT have to be normal any more. That would be what We call realistic but it is actually the lie and illusion.

We just had a happy thought: the more that We live in fantasy and forbidden worlds/realm the more We live in reality. Let’s chew on that a while and savor the flavor.

We are doing Our best to allow Our thoughts to run free and happy and visit those forbidden realms of playful, happy and easy living. It is fun but not YET comfortable. Our head is still scared of venturing here. We calm and soothe Our frightened children within.

We keep being reminded that this world and life are so very different from what We have Allways thought and believed.

Our regular driver is back and that IS a good thing. We theel it will make a difference with the older brother and We told her so. We are also able to dream a lot more. We are having fun. We really do find that We imaginate flying much easier whenever We have students on board. We also are imaginating more play.

The older brother does respond well to having Our driver back. There is a mild outburst but We are able to contain and calm him and have a good ride for everyOne. We compliment Our newest rider to “their” mom. She had mentioned that the last bus had problems with “them”. We are really surprised.

We asked the younger brother to move up front so that We could sit with both brothers and he agreed willingly. Both brothers had a new Lego toy but the older brother was not willing to put his together for some reason. We got several smiles from the younger brother and towards the end of the ride even from the older brother. We are happy to end the week on a good note for everyOne.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 27, 2015

3D experiences in multiD land



3D experiences in multiD land

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:51 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate. Reminders work best when We pay attention to “them”. It is easy to skim over something and tell OurSelves that We know it. If We are not living it then We do not really know it.

Another interesting night. We started out visiting worlds and lives where We (everyOne) changed Our outer world without changing Our inner world, Our thinking and Our heart. The worlds had more “things” but “they” were a real mess and very frustrating. Worlds without love. When We real-I-said this We started changing Our own thinking and heart. This (of course) affected everyOne else and Our world and life. Our night evolved accordingly and All the other worlds and lives We visited We had changed and evolved into loving, into love. What a difference a heart makes.

The rest of the worlds and lives We visited were much more pleasant and inviting. As We have stated many times: We do want to be aware of All the worlds, lives and realities (even just possibilities) that exist but We want to focus on the expanded, limitless and loving worlds and lives. That is what We did last night. We made a choice to change and reaped the benefit. In Our waking life We had gotten a bit distracted by limitation 3D and We ARE delighted that We noticed and chose to return to finding and holding happy thoughts. It really does make a difference.

Our head tries to distract Us and drag Us into planning and worrying and future tripping. We recognize it and remind OurSelves to stay in the now. Now is where change can happen, it is where multiD is. Now is where love lives. Love is importantist change that We are after. Everything is nothing without real love. Love IS the energy that We are made of. We keep coming back to this. There are some teachings (that seem good and beneficial) that seem to teach that there may be more than love, something higher and/or better. We theel that “they” are talking about the more common earthly type of love. Or maybe “they” are just trying to distract Us. Whatever: We theel that love is the most importantist thing and it All evolves from there or devolves if We seek anything else first.

This back and forth movement is important and part of the?Our process. It makes it real. It helps Us integrate what We receive. It makes Our learning experiential and NOT just book learning.

We are reminded that We really can choose Our world and experiences and that We CAN change the events and circumstances that “happen”. We are NOT the victims that We have believed, taught and been taught that We are. Or: We can demand and argue for Our limits. We know that Our limits are Ours just as long as We demand “them” even those demands are silent. This completely contrary to world teachings and beliefs and We must keep returning to this new way of thinking.

It is All choice and We choose to evolve, expand and change. We choose Our complete psychic change and We ARE getting it. Thank Us.

We are doing better at thinking happy thoughts today. We ARE finding AND holding happy thoughts. Thoughts about flying and Our paradise world. It does seem like whenever We have students on the bus thoughts of flying come very easy. Playing and playful thoughts come easy too. We saw an ex-coworker at the pool: “they” are still a youngstar. Thinking about that is a happy thought. We let Our theelings drift but not completely. Our theelings are a little bit multiworld(s) and multiD but We do not allow “them” complete freedom to roam for some reason.

Our day is nice and very pleasant. We have a sub-driver who is familiar with Our route so We can dream more. We even have some conversations about driving school bus. This driver took over Our old route a couple of drivers after Us. “They” tend to talk in tones of false bravado (typical) but We do not go there and play the One-up game. We share Our real feelings about the kids.

On Our last section the older brother acts up again but even worse. At first We theel that We have slipped out of thinking happy thoughts which might be kinda accurate but still a judgment. We theel that We have betrayed him by calling for administrators (ended up with four administrators) and then writing an incident report because of what went on after We left the school. However: as We pondered the event at home We had a much clearer insight: this is a child crying out for help. Our actions make sure that We are NOT the only One that hears his cry. What a change of thinking. This IS a happy thought. Old judgments and thinking crop up but We return to this happy thought and thinking of other, more free and less limited worlds. We theel of worlds where there is NO basis for violent thoughts, words and behaviors. We pony hop this too.

We are going to dream about a half and hour late but Our new thinking is well worth it.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Slipping back and catching OurSelves



Slipping back and catching OurSelves

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:46 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

Most of the worlds/lives that We visited are very similar to Our waking world only with more freedom AND We visited world where We live AS an immortal (Our true nature or at least much closer to Our true nature). In some of those world there are mostly mortals and in others mostly immortals and in still others everything in between. The real point (for Us) is to be aware of the variety and slip, slide between many choices. We want to be aware of All possibilities, of infinity and visit as many as We choose. No more limitation for Us thank You very much. We ARE getting Our wish except when We allow Our old thinking to trap Us in any limitation world (usually the old and familiar).

When We first woke this morning We knew that We are given the choice of what world We focus in today AND it does not have to be All One world. Our head can not grasp this possibility yet. We ARE playing in multiD and allowing OurSelves to wake gently and Our process to evolve slowly and gently. This is important. Blowing Our fuses helps no One: especially Us. Those who have chosen full waking within limitation are not generally having an easy time of it.

It is All Our projection. It IS All Our choices. Our head really does NOT get/grok that. We can accept that it is possible and then We begin to understand.

We are reminded to stay in the now. That is the only way/place that/where things can change. Our head wants to rerun the passed and stay (safe?) stuck there. We are very familiar with this looping thinking and it IS easy to fall back into that squirrel cage. We ARE practicing thinking happy thoughts and imaginating other worlds that are less limited and more free. This may not be Our final destination (there may not be a final destination since We are infinite) but it is certainly a step in the direction that We wish to go.

We are also reminded that worlds that are closer to Our familiar waking world are easier for Our head to believe in. We must also be kind and gentle with Our children within to reassure “them” that nothing and noOne is being destroyed or left behind. No more rejects and castaways which means no more judgment(s).

This morning We ARE doing better at being in 3D and getting ready to go to work/play while drifting and playing in multiD. We ARE more allowing. We find OurSelf looking for nearby realities to slip into. That is progress.

More sub drivers and more attention in 3D. We find it has distracted Us and We are (Allmost) only paying lip service to changing Our thinking. We notice that We are slipping back into limitation/negative/default thinking. We are delighted with OurSelves for noticing. This is NOT a race. We take it at Our own pace and that pace IS perfect. We make feeble attempts to find happy thoughts, find a better theeling thought but We have slipped down a ways. This (of course) affects Our students, OurSelves and everyOne else around Us. The kids still delight Us and are “themSelves” but on Our last section the older brother acts out. We pony hop but We take a while to really get it how much We ARE responsible for his behavior. We ARE sorry. We forgive Us. We love Us and We thank Us.

This IS a real I opener. A wake up call to the nth degree. We had Our driver call dispatch to have his teacher come out to help Us calm him because he tries to hurt himSelf as well as call another student names. It is very upsetting as We have to keep him from hurting himSelf and mostly ignore the other students. Somehow We know that he knows that he is not actually in trouble with Us but rather We are trying to protect him as well as the other student. He knows (and We know) that he has lost control of himSelf and his actions. We wonder about the world that We slipped into and real-eyes that We need, really need to get back to theeling happy thoughts.

Our head tries to squirrel cage the incident and We know that there is NO benefit to that old type of thinking. We set Our old thinking and behavior free with love.

At home We slip mostly into multiD and theeling happy thoughts. We are going to dream a few minutes late.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

More focus in 3D today



More focus in 3D today

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:42 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We visited Our world/life as an immortal most of the night. Some of it was waking dreams and Our happy thoughts. It does All seem to be blending together more and THAT is a good thing. We got more insights into living as an immortal in a world populated mostly with mortals. Most mortals are afraid of being immortal AND of love. That IS Our projection of Our own beliefs and fears. So: We pony hop. We do not know why We are afraid or rather why We told/tell the stories that feed Our fears. Our legends and myths have served Us well to engender fear. We told lies and We believed Our lies.

We have long known that this part of Our life is about facing Our fears. Another teacher (maybe several teachers) recently wrote about Our deepest fears coming up for no apparent reason to be released. We are used to fear coming up for a reason but it is newish for fear to just come up for no apparent reason. This is part of Our transition. Once again: We face Our fear, We let it pass through Us. We acknowledge Our fear, We love Our fear and We set it free. We feel Our fear as it comes up and passes through. We can return here anytime We want. For now We set OurSelves free with love.

This is All about Our transition: nothing more and certainly nothing less. We have Allways been love and immortal and limitless but We have pretended (for sooooo long) to be what We are not that being what We are seems new and frightening. We told tales of misuse and abuse and retribution for Our (make believe) evil ways. We turned saints into demons with Our fables. We made creatures bringing Us love into bloodthirsty monsters. We played the game well. We truly ARE masters of the game.

Now: We remember separating with love rather than hatred and fear. However: We have only vague memories of how that evolved and Our memories of the evolution of fear and hatred are very, very clear and present. We try to complicate Our journey back to who and what We are. Theeling happy thoughts changes everything. However: Our head wants to keep Us in limitation where it thinks that We are safe. It is wrong but it is very clever and powerful. Our head is part of Us AND We ARE very powerful creators. We love Our head. We pony hop. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us and We thank Us. We set Us free with love. We feel Our head and ego cowering from this love. Amazing. We never real-eyesed that We are afraid of love. We do Our best to comfort these cowering, frightened children. We are calm and gentle.

The way We treat Our students on the bus IS a big part or integrating Our rejects and castaways. Perhaps this is why We resist waking each work day morning. We are afraid of loving and integrating Our rejects and castaways because of the lies that We have told. It’s complicated. A very intricate and tangled web to be sure. We can spend eons trying to unravel what We have created or We can just change how We think. Theel happy thoughts. Even if that is not the answer it is certainly a good place to start.

It seems that Our head likes to be afraid and does NOT want to face Our fears and let “them” pass through. It wants to wallow in fear and We real-eyes that We have created/projected a world that supports this. We are sorry for projecting this onto Our friends (which made enemies of many of Our friends). It’s complicated. We forgive Us. We love Us and “them”. We thank Us. We set Us (and “them”) free with love.

We real-eyes that Our head does NOT want to take Our changes, Our evolution into Our limitation world and implement/integrate “them”. It fears losing something/anything. We must reassure Our children within that nothing is being lost, destroyed or abandoned. This is a bit hard as most everything We read about changing and evolution implies (or demands) abandonment and/or destruction of the old. We created that old AND We love it even when We (think that We) hate it. It really is like killing Our own child or leaving Our baby on some strangers doorstep. We are NOT doing that but try telling Our rejects and castaways that this time will be different. Why should “they” trust Us? There is no (or damn little) evi-dance to support Our claim. Truth be told: We do not even know that We will keep Our word. We only know that right now: We love All of Our parts and pisces and welcome “them” home.

As We think about and wonder whether or not there be school today: We get the (very strong) impression that it does NOT matter. We Allways get what We need whether We likes it or not.

We are picturing, remembering and imaginating some of immortal friends. It is fun even if We are afraid of those worlds and lives. We fear AND look forward to experiencing (in waking) being limitless and immortal and living as love. It is interesting to be aware of how much We want AND fear this change and evolution. We embrace AND resist with Allmost equal strength. Perhaps We will be a bit more empathetic with Our others who experience the fear and resisdance too.

Our driver is out sick again and We have new sub-drivers so We have to stay focused mostly in 3D. The roads are still slick but the big problem is that many of the buses are parked in the wrong places (because We had state inspections yesterday) and Our bus is over at shop (but no One knew that until We searched All the barns and yard). We finally an available bus with a wheelchair lift but it needs a jumpstart. We left the yard forty minutes late and even with the slick road ended up only fifty minutes late to Our last school this morning.

Our noon section went smooth and We had time to go to shop and get Our personal stuff and starseats out of Our bus. This calmed Us because some years (for state inspections) personal items got tossed and We had left Our library books on Our bus since We did NOT know that state inspections were gonna happen. We did pretty well at not worrying and accepting/knowing that We do get the best for Us (All things work together for Our best) but there was still some doubt.

The kids are a pleasure but the morning kids were not happy about being late to school. We found out that Our newest middleschooler got switched to Our route and middleschool because “they” had been at the middleschool close to home and would ride the bus to school, go in the entrance and then out the back door and walk home. We knew “they” are a smart One.

The PM section went fine except that All the gradeschoolers rode (including the brand new kindergartner) which has not happened since before Xmas. The roads are slick and We do have some challenges getting up some steep roads. We have to pay attention to the roads and give the driver directions and do not get to pay as much attention to the kids as “they” are used to. We ended up an hour late getting back to the barn (mostly) because of the slick roads.

At home We did whatever and ended up ready for dream only half an hour late.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Insights and experiences and dreams



Insights and experiences and dreams

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:02 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We visited the same world as the night before again. This is very, very rare for Us. Yes: We wanted to but that is not so rare. We theel that this message/idea/concept of mortals and immortals living together is important. It is also fun to live in this limited 3D world as a limitless immortal. There are some others (shadows and reflections) who want to remain mortal and limited and then there are those who are willing to wake to Our true nature (more shadows and reflections). It is All Our projections and We do take responsibility.

That world kinda melded into another world where there are a lot of mutants. These mutants were mostly rejects and castaways from society. We were caring for “them”. Most were not born mutants but were damaged as a result of wars and fighting amongst the people. It was a world that evolved without love, without a change of heart. We were quite appalled at the condition of these mutants. We are reminded of Our own rejects and castaways and of course this is what “they” are. We were caring for “them” even before We real-eyesed that “they” are Our own castaways.

There was more to the night but this experience and insight kinda overshadowed everything else. Seeing and experiencing the misery that We caused will do that to a person. We pony hop and We forgive OurSelves. We integrate All who will be integrated and do All that can for the rest. Some want to wallow in “their” misery and that is “their” choice which We honor. We do try to show everyOne what is available but not everyOne is willing to look and/or believe. Some just do not think that “they” are wanted. Sometimes We can show “them” that “they” are wanted butt knot Allways.

We ARE doing better at waking and walking and playing in multiD and dream this morning for a work day. What is the difference? We ARE evolving. We are theeling happy thoughts. We are open and allowing and setting free with love. We are pony hopping. We ARE immortal.

We are kinda thinking/hoping that “they” might cancel school today because it is sooooo warm but as We go outdoors it does not look like there was enough rain to make it that slick plus it is well above freezing (at least out here). It is Allways nice to stay home but We must also practice being who We really are (Our true nature) out and about in the limitation world. Guess We do not have to but in order to really evolve and assist that world to evolve, or something like that.

We just got the call that “they” canceled school. This is a good call rather than have Us out there sliding around and kids waiting for the bus that never came. Plus: We get another day home alone!!!!!!!!!! We are gonna play in multiD some more before We return to dream.

Playing in multiD and going back to dream is a One-der-full way to spend the day. We are exploring more worlds but do not have many details to share. We are not really much in 3D to type and Our waking brain still has to get familiar with some/much of what We do in dream.

As much as We are enjoying OurSelves: We are also aware of Our process and there is some discomfort because as much as We want to change: We also fear and resist change. It is One thing to be home alone on Our mountaintop and another to take this into the backstreets and alleyways of the limitation 3D world(s). Either way though: change is unfamiliar. We theel Our change happening. We embrace if and We repel both. We are complicated beans.

So: We spend Our day dreaming, playing in multiD, remembering and thinking about Our paradise world, exploring being limitless immortals and We theel change and evolution which is uncomfortable because it is unfamiliar. We embrace and comfort and invite Our rejects and castaways back in but We are being very gentle because We frighten “them”. Our newfangled ideas and love and attention frightens “them” and so We must be (and are) very, very calm and gentle. Soothing is a good word.

We (All of Our parts and pisces) must get familiar with Our immortality, Our limitlessness and Our true nature. We must do it slowly and gently. We see many pitfalls, distractions and mindfields that We have lain for OurSelves to keep Us in the game. It is time to emerge and/or move to another level/path/choice (not higher or lower but more parallel or even an intersection at the same level). There are so many limitation concepts and beliefs that waylay Us. We do not try to demolish or abandon these. Rather: We embrace and integrate All of Our creations and projections. We love Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, February 23, 2015

3D within multiD



3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:29 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We seem to have spent the night returning to the same world/life over and over. This does not happen often so We theel it is an important experience. The world is One where immortals and mortals live together and are aware of this. This is the main difference between it and Our waking world. Both worlds are 3D and physical. [We theel (are certain) that actually happens in Our waking world too but We (personally and masses) are NOT aware of it or really believe in it. We do theel that this awareness and belief is shifting.] We met many new immortal friends in Our visit.

All the immortals spent “their” time playing and this is a GOOD thing: not the bad thing that We have taught and been taught. Yes: in this world the mortals do reject the immortals for this and other reasons. The immortals can change the mortals but it is not really changing as much as waking. Just like in Our waking world the mortals have mixed feelings and fears about being immortal. The common belief is that “their” society will fail if everyOne becomes immortal. This (of course) is true but it will/can be replaced with a true Utopian society. It is All choice and perspective. We are having a lot of fun being immortal. Our group only changes/wakes those mortals who want to experience immortality. Others, well ...............

We got up early to play in multiD and because of Our dream experiences went online to get a bunch of pics for immortals. We will return to dream soon and hope to return to that life as an immortal or some similar life. Another thing We real-I-said this morning is that We get to stay home today. When We go outdoors We find that it is raining and melting. Feels nice but driving could be treacherous.

We returned to dream and when We first woke We could not remember what We did but thelt that most of it was something beyond Our waking brain’s comprehension. After being awake and playing in multiD a bit We do remember some of what We did in that same world. This part seemed to be in Mexico????

It seems that We spent Our day in dream and multiD and forgot to record anything. We had fun. We explored Our paradise world and experienced being an immortal living in a limited world. We do theel that We evolving into this.

We functioned in 3D while mostly in multiD even though We are not much aware of what We did in 3D. We see that some things got done and We must assume that We did “them”. Perhaps this is what it feels/looks like (what happened) when We think that some good faerie or ornery gremlin has visited Us. Of course there ARE times when faeries and gremlins and other species visit Us too. We just do not remember those clearly yet. Our waking brain still has trouble processing anything beyond limitation 3D and limitation physical.

We did finish watching All the Netflix episodes of the originals. We look forward to the day when We project more accurate portrayals of vampires and other immortals.

No We are going to dream for the night.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Insights and experiences in many Ds



Insights and experiences in many Ds

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:09 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We woke early for a Saturday (about normal time for a week day) and decided to get up and play in multiD awhile before going back to full dreaming. We are aware of slip, sliding around in multiworlds and multiD. We are aware of the energy very much supporting multiD and not supporting being focused only in limitation 3D. Not sure exactly what that means but We sure theel it. We do not remember what We did in dream except for some vague tingles of multiworlds and new friends.

We were not gonna start this entry this early but the experience of clearly being in multiD and making choices about the world(s) We project is sooooo strong that it Allmost demanded Our typing about it. This is helping Us experientially real-eyes that We DO have choices about Our daily reality. Holding onto memories, to do lists and shoulds only serves to keep Us stuck in limitation.

We are reminded how in The Celestine Prophecy the author suggests going slightly out of focus to see auras (but We never seemed to quite learn how). We are theeling the need to do this now to allow Our vision to expand. We are gonna allow this to unfold as it will rather than trying to force it OR force Our vision to remain completely focused (zoomed in) to Our familiar limitation projections(s). Slow and gentle as We goes.

As We go outdoors We are more aware of multiworlds coexisting in this time and space. As We open to this awareness We theel (more strongly than usual) that We are on ship. This sensation makes it easy to lose Our equilibrium so We have to pay attention to walk around. This tends to bring Our focus back to limitation. We have to remain consciously open to 3D AND multiD. Remember: multiD includes 3D but We are NOT used to (familiar with) experiencing this. We love Us and We ARE delighted with OurSelves. We celebrate as We become more and more aware of Our divinity exploring itSelf in different forms. We open, allow and set free with love.

We returned to dreaming for a while and now We are up playing in multiD. We are practicing allowing OurSelves to drift in multiD and be aware of multiworlds coexisting in the multispace and and multitime of the now. We are experiencing more and more in Our 3D world. We really do not know if there are borders, boundaries and clear definitions of the various Ds. That concept is probably a limitation concept. It only seems necessary and factual in/from a limitation perspective.

We are reminded to stay focused in the now AND not to try and force multiD and multiworlds (the awareness of living in these) but rather to allow. To think happy thoughts and allow Our thinking to evolve and therefore create and project more than just limitation. Earlier (maybe in dream, maybe in waking) We were processing input about Our space ship(s). “They” are multidimensional AND “they” are physical and non-physical depending on Our need/desire. That is another hard concept for Our head to grok but We begin by just accepting that it is possible. Then it grows into being perfectly normal and understandable. Soon: Our paradise world(s) and All of Our imaginated world(s) will be normal and acceptable. Then We can imaginate and evolve even more. We really can not conceive of All that is possible. Maybe We never will.

As We are aware of drifting in multiD: We are reminded that We only “think” that We must be fully focused in limitation 3D in order to function in 3D. That is just another lie that We tell OurSelves to keep Us trapped in limitation. It does take practice to be zoomed out (so to speak) into multiD and function in 3D but only because We are so used to only being focused totally in limitation. The more complicated the 3D function the more practice it takes. Again: We go slow and gentle.

We went back to dreaming again and whatever We did We had fun. We feel like We will finally do laundry. We do not know why that shift. We plan to visit Our friends for leftover meatloaf, cards and fresh berry pie. We need to stop at the store and get I-scream for the pie.

It is quite warm as predicted but gloomy gray clouds. It is supposed to be above freezing even in town but We do not know if it is that warm or snot. We are gonna start getting laundry ready soon (unless We don’t). We are having fun experiencing more glimpses into and awareness of multiworlds and multiD. It is really becoming real for Us. We woke feeling much more aware of more All around Us. Maybe that is the difference. We are theeling less trapped than We were. We are theeling being much more than We were.

We went to town to do laundry and visit Our local friends. We had a good time (some serious and some playful) and a great dinner. We were pretty much in multiD by the time We drove home and very much in multiD by the time We got home. We really do not know if We did anything but now it is time to go dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

More multiD experiences while 3D functional



More multiD experiences while 3D functional

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:54 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We are learning and We are changing. This is Our first thought this morning. We want to stay in dream and We remind OurSelves that We can. Our old belief that We had to leave dream and fully wake is another limiting belief and certainly NOT a fact. We ARE multidimensional beans. We can live Our life in multiD and not just in 3D. That is natural. We have Allways believed that We had to leave dreams and multiD to live Our physical lives. That IS a limiting belief. We have learned much these last few years (and especially months).

Living only in (and only being aware of) 3D is what makes 3D limited. We have Allways that limitation 3D is the only version of 3D that exists. We connect 3D and limitation. That is an error. 3D does NOT have to be limited. Limitation 3D is Our construct, Our holographic projection of Our limiting beliefs. It seems like it is the only thing that is real, the only thing that exists because THAT has been Our belief.

The divine IS the only thing that exists and that is anything but limited. However: We have been exploring and experiencing the divine as limited. We pretended to be limited and We pretended very good. We are very, very good pretenders because We are sooooo powerful. We are sooooo powerful that We can proof that We are powerless.

We do not remember what We did last night but We would assume that it was about what We just typed. We are reminded to stay in the now. Since We have procrastinated doing laundry (and We do theel that procrastination is intuition) We think that We should (and want to) do laundry tomorrow. If how We feel now is any indication We will put it off again but We really would like to have it done. However: We and Our process, Our change comes first. WE ARE Our priority.

We are delighted with Our insights and progress. We are the divine exploring living multidimensionally in (a) limitation 3d world(s). It takes a bit of adjusting. It is easier to do at home and alone but the real mastery comes out on the streets amongst Our creations and projections.

As We go outside We are reminded that We ARE creating something completely different AND that it includes the old. This is a very difficult concept for Our head to grok. This is why when We wake and see/experience the old All around Us We think that We are still stuck in the old and then that is what We create and project. Our own thoughts/thinking are/is what traps Us. We create Our own trap. The door to Our cage is wide open but We do not see it because We do not believe in it.

We also glimpse more of Our old beliefs and memories about being/living rich and powerful. We have a lot of misconstrued concepts around this. We have beliefs that We have been greedy AND that to allow others to live “their” chosen path/life would be greedy. We and Our society have some very messed up concepts that effectively keep Us locked in limitation, scarcity and lack. We really are masters of the game of separation and limitation AND masters at denying being masters.

It is also interesting that We find that Our head is using Our desire to stay in dream as a means to keep Us from experiencing being multidimensional in waking. Oh the cleverness of Me.

We continue to imaginate that We can actively play with the kids on the bus and that We are taking “them” where “they” can play freely and get lots of attention and then back home to loving, caring homes where “they” get lots of personal attention also. We are imaginating a world that We desire. It may or may not the same or different from Our paradise world. In Our visions of Our paradise world(s) it extends from and surrounds Our cabin. When We are in town and on the school bus that is not exactly the case.

Some days the kids are more interesting, active and entertaining than other days. Today is a more active day. We are having a lot of fun interacting with the kids. We do not what decides the differences but it IS All Our projection anyway. The gradeschooler who like to talk about pretend world wants Us to visit “their” home over the weekend. Interesting. The younger brother is more active and alert than he has been since his return AND more talkative than We have ever seen him. Both brothers want Us to sit with “them” (the first time for the younger brother since he returned) so We sit with the older brother for part of the ride and then the younger brother. When the younger brother wants to draw (after taking Our pen from Our pocket) We get him paper and move back to the older brother’s seat. The older brother tells Us to go back to his brother because he needs Us more than. Another interesting.

By the time We get home We are well into multiD. We probably do Our usual but We are much more aware of other Ds and worlds than just 3D. We stay up a little late but are really, really drawn to dream. It seems/feels like We could dream forever. Maybe We can and maybe We will.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 20, 2015

What We call reality is pretend



What We call reality is pretend

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:48 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We want to stay in dream and We remind OurSelf that We wake to play in multiD. We find happy thoughts. We hold happy thoughts. We remind OurSelves that it is great to be comfortable, it is great to feel good. We are drifting in multiD. We do not have to wake the way We used to think that We did. We are changing. Our world and Our waking is now different IF We allow it.

We ARE experiencing changing Our attitude by changing how We think. This (also) actually does change Our world. Our head tries to tell Us that this is wrong and is not real. We know that it IS real. Limitation is imaginary and IT is the fantasy. We have played in limitation for sooooo long that We believe that it is the only thing that is real. We are wrong. There is much, much more and We are beginning to explore and experience it. We do not wake over and over again to the same ol' thing. We just think that We do. We imagine that We do and therefore that is what We create. We wake to incredible possibilities and Our head craves the same ol’, same ol’. So: We pretend that it is Allways the same.

Now: We are also bored with it. We are torn between the imagined safety of the same ol’, same ol’ while craving the more that We know awaits Us. We must allow this more if We are to experience it.

As We keep reminding OurSelves that the physical is Our pretend world We can tell that it is true. We never thought that truth is a choice. We never thought that We ARE divine creator beans. As We allow, as We theel happy thoughts: We are experiencing being much more than We ever thought possible. We have been reading about this change from several other teachers and pilgrims.

As much as We would love to stay home, go back to dreaming and spend the day home alone dreaming: We theel that We have charged up enough (for lack of betterer words) and it is time to take OurSelves and Our process into the work-a-day world. We are grateful that Our job is NOT really work. It is more play and the more that We choose to allow it the more it is play. Play is how children learn best. Regardless of appearances We imagine that We are taking the kids to play. That is the/a world that We want to experience and it is Us who allows or disallows it. It really is easier to blame someOne/something else than to take responsibility. We pony hop. We ARE responsible. No blame or guilt: We (the divine) just wanted the experience and now We want to move on to more and new experiences.

Our perspective is changing and again it is hard to explain and describe because We really do not (yet) have words for being multidimensional. We do not have words to really go beyond limitation. We are learning/experiencing that what We see is far from All that is here. This needs repetition because We have been trained for sooooo long that seeing is believing BUT: seeing IS deceiving. There is much more here than meets the I. We must be here to experience this. That is Our current lesson. We would rather hide but that will never bring real growth. We ARE learning how to think.

We spend Our days imaginating that We live in a world where We take the kids to play and then to homes where “they” get lots of positive attention and get to play more. We imaginate that We live in a world where All that We have to do is relax and play. Most (including Our head) would say this is impossible and NOT realistic but that IS the lie. Struggle, scarcity, survival and limitation are what is actually unrealistic. (Not impossible because We have created “them”) We really are powerful creators.

We real-eyes that We (personally) have been very stressed over Our morning schedule. We have no idea why We took it sooooo personal and allowed it to affect Us physically. We are remembering to breathe and allow Us to relax. The kids help, “they” really do. It is the A-dults that support struggle and that too is Our projection.

As Allways We enjoy being with the kids. We have a new preschooler who has just started riding the bus. “They” are a delight as are All the kids. The preschoolers tend to be the most fun for Us.

The younger brother is more himSelf today. We find opportunities to smile at him and he notices. He communicates a lot with hand signals and body language and just does not talk much. We do try to support him just as he is.

At home: We must have put away groceries (as “they” are put away and probably did not do it “themSelves”, not yet anyway) and fixed dinner and ate. We read some short snatches from some article and it confirms what We are experiencing and have envisioned for some time. It talks about Our ability to create and people beginning to use this ability. We really do believe that this is the key to Our future. Of course there are worlds to support every belief and more. We theel that Our creating is a key to living free of need. It may not be the final step but it may be a necessary step along the way. Words are falling short here. Living limitless and free of need is different than having Our (perceived) needs met. Having All of Our (perceived) needs met would make it easy to settle for only that. Now We are ready for dream a little early.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Another day functioning in 3D and focused in multiD



Another day functioning in 3D and focused in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:45 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We woke early and lay in bed playing in multiworlds and theeling happy thoughts. When We looked at the clock and it read 3:33 We decided it is time to get up. We theel different this morning. More expanded. More aware of living in multiworlds. Any distinction between multiD and multiworlds is unclear and probably only an exercise in semantics. “They” are connected. It is difficult to be aware of multiworlds without being in and aware of multiD.

We are enjoying this sense of being in multiworlds. Our head tells Us that it will not last. That is old, limiting thinking and beliefs. We are delighted with Our progress. We celebrate and theel happy thoughts. We are theeling Our true nature, Our immortality. We ARE the divine at play.

This morning We are experiencing being in multiD and multiworlds while awake. Even though We have had glimpses of this before: this is sooooo much more, so much deeper that it feels brand new. It is like being in a trance, perhaps We are in a trance. We continue to focus on being open, allowing and setting free with love. Our head wants to plan and figure out what is next but until it begins to use its multidimensional abilities it can only figure out and even imagine in limitation. It is hard to describe the difference between controlled and allowed imagination but there clearly IS a difference.

We continue to focus on loving OurSelves. This is very important. We must proceed with love or it is All for naught. We repeat OurSelves but it is worth repeating.

We are experiencing and aware of more of what it is to be immortal. Being immortal is part of being limitless or being limitless is part of being immortal. We are experiencing in Our waking consciousness what We have been having visions of for some time. We real-eyes that Our daily life in the work-a-day world is like a cover (an alias) that allows Us to live in and experience the physical and limitation 3D. One does not (necessarily) require the other as We have Allways believed. For now: this daily life is a safety net. We do love Our head, brain, ego and children within. “They” ARE keeping Us safe and We need the balance. We must learn to handle the balance. It is a lot like learning to juggle.

We do try to share as much of Our journey as We can but (often) some of it just does not fit into 3D words. Sometimes You will have to tune into the energy and allow Your imagination to run free in order to get a glimpse of Our experiences. Imagination running wild and free (not controlled and directed) (much like We envision for the children) is the language of Our multidimensional mind. Think (theel) happy thoughts. Find (and hold) better theeling thoughts.

Today We are playing in multiD, doing some email and enjoying Our waking process. We are not demanding that We be fully present in limitation 3D. We are delighted with OurSelves and the more We are delighted the more We find/experience to be delighted about. We celebrate Our divinity. Thank Us. We love Us.

Our driver is out sick again. We wonder what is going on and hope that everything is Allright with/for her. We have the sub that We have had several times so We get to dream. We continue to imagine that We get to frolic and actively play with the kids on the bus and that We are taking “them” to places to play freely together and then to happy homes (where “they” get to play and receive attention) afterwards.

The younger brother rode for the first time in a month. He is very sedate and looks pretty rough. We ask him if he is okay and he shakes his head “no”. We tell him that his teacher said he had a great day. We do not know what else to do at the physical level and with All the other kids around. We pay attention to All the kids and mindspeak with the younger brother. We want to help at All levels but what We can do in the physical is quite limited. We are more able to aid at the deeper levels and that is okay too.

We slip into multiD and dream after We drop off the brothers (“they” are Our last stop of the day). The weather is quite warm but We do not know much in 3D beyond that. We do not even know if We got home early or late or if We are going to dream (after dinner) early or late. Off/in We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

More dreaming and exploring



More dreaming and exploring

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:05 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

Again today We got up early and played in multiD a while and then returned to full dream. We are experiencing a lot of change, expansion and multiworlds coexisting. There was some information about dimensions and densities somewhere along the way. We get it that there are myriad versions of 3D available to explore. Multiworlds within 3D. Our waking awareness denies this and blocks out anything other than whatever world We are awake in. This is changing and it is changing today (and every day) but very gently. We have no words to fully describe Our awareness and experience of multiworlds coexisting today. Other than it is like double and triple and multi exposed pictures, slideshows and movies. It is like walking on shifting sand or more like floating just above the surface and feeling calm and safe.

We are repeating a lot of mantras but the most importantist is: “We love Us”. Love is the center, it is the key. Without love All of this would be for naught.

We ARE delighted with Our progress and process. We celebrate Our divinity even if We do it quietly. We ARE love. We are learning to live as love.

We are also getting ready to go do laundry but most of that preparation is being done in dream so far. We theel that We will return to dream again soon.

We are reminded to stay in the now and We head back to dreaming.

We got up thinking that We are ready to get ready to go do laundry but We decided to stay home unless We changes Our mind again. It theels important to stay home and allow whatever is going on to go on without outside influence and interference. Yes: We do need to learn to be OurSelves out in public but sometimes We need to begin/progress while home alone. We can generally go deeper while home alone. Then We can practice while out in public.

We are more aware of multiworlds coexisting than We have ever been. We are experiencing this more than ever before. Even though this process is gradual and gentle this mild introduction to being consciously aware of living in multiworlds simultaneously is about All We can handle and fathom. We ARE delighted for the experience and grateful it is going gently. We would NOT want to be dropped face first into everything that coexists.

We are spending a lot of time opening, allowing and setting it All (including OurSelves) free with love. We do this both awake and in dream. We are playing in multiD when awake and exploring more in dream. We can feel Our expansion. We are enjoying Our exploring.

And this brings Us to dinner and some Netflix and then back to dreaming. We do love to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another day going back to dream and going back to dream



Another day going back to dream and going back to dream

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:09 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We got up early again to play in multiD and then went back to dream. We keep visiting new (to Us) worlds and meeting new friends and sometimes people from Our waking world show up in those worlds too. We rarely visit the same world twice and most of the worlds that We remember are similar to Our waking world but usually more free and less limited. We theel that when/what We do not remember is those that are very different from Our familiar waking world. Our head is still getting used to those. There are worlds that We remember now that We would not have remembered a few months ago.

Our thinking and beliefs are changing and evolving. We ARE grateful. We focus more on less limited worlds. We find and hold happy thoughts. We are changing up Our routine a bit to help Us. We love Us and We thank Us. We are taking All of Our parts and pisces with Us into being aware of living in multiD.

As We are getting ready to go for water and heating oil: We are playing in multiD and theeling happy thoughts. We are having more visions of Our paradise world. We imagine waking there. What a joy that is.

We are learning through experience about changing Our thinking and thereby changing Our world or clinging to Our old ways of thinking and believing and remaining stuck in limitation 3D. We make choices every minute of every day that define Our life and Our world. We can accept and honor this or continue to live in DeNile. It is up to Us. It is easy to remain in DeNile. It is more challenging to change how We think. We keep practicing theeling happy thoughts. As We theel happy thoughts Our vision of Our paradise world becomes more solid. However We do NOT want to just switch to a nicer limitation world and life. We want it All. That takes a bit more practice. It is kinda like dancing on the edge of a cliff except the landing would not be disaster, just the same ol' limitation or a different version of limitation.

We are reminded to be delighted and to celebrate even when it seems like We have had a failure and returned to Our old ways. This is NOT a set back but an experience and a choice. The really good news is that We are seeing and recognizing when and where We chose to take a step back AND We keep taking two (or more) steps forward for every step back.

More dreaming, more insights, more experiences functioning in 3D while not fully focused only in 3D. We are learning how to do this. We do notice that those times when We feel disappointed in Our progress and process are times when We are NOT in the now.

We did go for water and heating oil. We find that it is above freezing outside. That feels nice. We created that (if We are willing to accept that We did). Now: We are going back to dream.

The rest of the day is spent in multiD. Dreaming and going back to dream. Multiworlds within multiD. Most of the worlds that We remember and are aware of are in 3D and nearby. That is still All that Our head can cope with and translate into waking awareness. This IS expanding.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, February 16, 2015

More dreaming and playing in multiD



More dreaming and playing in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:44 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We got up early (again) to play in multiD a while and then went back to dreaming. Today We remember quite a bit of what We did in dream. We visited several worlds and processed more information and insights and intuits. We ARE aware of transitioning (transforming and transmuting) in the physical and mental and spiritual realms. We know that what Our body is going through which is mildly uncomfortable is part of Our transition. We are not clear on what and how this will turn out but We are certain that it IS happening. Some worlds are very close to this One and others are way advanced. All are still physical (whatever that means). We visited Our paradise world and that refreshed Our memory and clarified a bit more. We visited a life where We are living in SanFrancisco (We have lived there in Our waking life but NOT like this) in some kind of communal setting. A childhood friend lives nearby and visited Us. “They” are not completely comfortable with Us or with “themSelves”. In another world it is a combination of Our life here and in Sacramento and more.

We have insights about getting more and more comfortable living in multiD and multiworlds. This world and life are NOT the only Ones. We ARE becoming more and more aware of and comfortable with living many lives in many worlds. So far: the lives We are aware of are other versions of limitation 3D. These are the worlds and lives closest to Our familiar, waking world. We know there are others which can not (yet) conceive of. Not long ago We could not have conceived of actually living in the worlds and lives We are now aware of. At least not simultaneously if at All.

We are making progress and changing Our thinking is a key if not THE key. We do not really theel that there is only One key but Our thinking and beliefs certainly do create Our reality. It took everything in Our life to get Us here. We remember to be delighted and to celebrate even if only in Our mind. That is where it really counts anyway. We think that We must act out in the physical (and there IS a time and place for that) but the importantist work/change/play is IN Our mind. Along with happy thoughts We are learning to allow Our mind to play. Interesting.

There are insights and concepts that are coming through into Our mind but We can not put words to “them”. “They” are still too abstract and seem too bizarre to really gel. “They” are in Us and ready for access when We become more familiar with “them”. How is that for clear as mud?

We get it that the more We are aware of and comfortable with living these other lives the less We will resist waking each morning. Even if these other worlds and lives are still limited, easily accessing “them” with and from Our familiar life makes “them” All much less limited. To easily travel through and traverse the veil of forgetfullness, the faerie mists, the borderlands makes a lot of difference. Time (as We know it) is another huge barrier and obstacle. We know that Our discomfort with waking is partially to incite Us to expand Our thinking and beliefs about time. Happy thoughts? Those do help but so far have not (noticeably) affected Our beliefs about time. Awareness of this may be the newest key. We can theel a change in Our experience with multiworlds, that too may change Our beliefs about time. It certainly affects Our beliefs about space and its limitations and borders.

We keep getting the message to stay in the now AND to open, allow and set free with love. Our head wants to figure out and plan. That might be okay if it used something more than limitation thinking to do so.

We returned to dream and visited more worlds. It seems like We woke more in Our old and familiar 3D but then again: how would We know? Our world is very different than We have Allways believed but that difference is that the limits do not really exist. The world that We see would look the same (at least it probably would) until We begin to see beyond the non-existent borders. That takes this gently and gradual process that We are in. We must remind OurSelves that there is more than meets the I. If We suddenly woke and were consciously aware of All that is (whereas We were not when We went to sleep) it would blow Our fuses. We know this.

We are spending Our day going back to dream and doing some reading online and playing in multiD. We are reading from a couple of sights which refer to much of what We are doing and typing. This confirms that We are beginning to project Our change: Our new thinking and beliefs.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Insights in multiD and 3D experiences



Insights in multiD and 3D experiences

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:45 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We woke early (for a non-work day) and played in multiD a while and then returned to dreaming. We enjoyed that. We do not remember anything from Our dreams but it does theel like One of Our middleschoolers visited Us or We visited “them”. We do theel a stronger connection with this One than We have with very many or is it just different? Different because “their” needs/wants/interests are different? Something like that or something else.

We are playing in multiD again and allowing rather than planning Our day. Yes: Our head is trying to plan but We choose to allow. We do not have much to say right now because We really are not focused enough in 3D to do 3D words and typing.

We are practicing allowing OurSelf to drift in and around in multiD while being awake in 3D. That is what We really want to learn to do (better) and get comfortable with. We do it some but We are not automatically comfortable and familiar with it. It is not Our default when We first wake each morning. We want to get familiar with it, allow it to be normal so that We dread waking a lot less. We also theel that it is a key to living limitless and without need. Once again: We theel that living free of need is not about changing (only) specific thoughts and beliefs about need but rather changing how We think and belief, changing Our mindset. The specific thoughts will surely change as We change how We think. Also learning more and more to theel rather than just think.

We ARE in the process of Our complete psychic change. We are learning to live from Our heart. Our head still has its part and it IS important. Our head’s role is just different. Our head, brain and ego like the old and familiar. However: Our brain is meant for more. It is made/intended for doing much more than just playing out and remembering the old and familiar. That has made it lazy and stagnant. It is meant/intended to imagine and fathom and explore the new. We told/trained OurSelves that the new is unsafe. Another lie. We have explored and experienced limitation for long enough. We can also return here anytime We want. Nothing is lost, abandoned or destroyed. This is VERY important to Us, Our children within. We can NOT and will not set anything free with love IF We think that We will lose it. Losing is a limitation 3D concept but that is still Our default thinking.

We ARE grateful and delighted that We ARE making progress and changing. We look forward to projection a world that reflects that progress.

We had thought that We would do laundry today before visiting Our local friends but We decided that that would be pushing too much. After All We DO have a four day weekend and it would be more betterer to go to town on Tuesday to do laundry and shower. We need/want to focus more on being comfortable in and familiar with multiD while awake. We want to go deeper and even deeper in to multiD and stay in the now. Our head/brain would have it otherwise but We do theel that even Our head, brain and ego are getting it that We CAN safely explore the new AND that it will be fun and exciting. We have to set Our beliefs that Our old memories will replay and kill Us (or at least cause terrible harm) in order to move forward. We ARE setting these beliefs free and Our head is doing less resisdance. We still create Our own personal mindfield but there are less booby traps and bombs to navigate. It may be a mindfield but We are not throwing as many rocks at OurSelves as We traverse this mindfield.

We are going to return to dream before going to visit Our local friends. See You soon.

We enjoyed Our dreaming (big surprise huh?) and barely came back into 3D enough to get ready and drive to town. We had fun with Our friends. “They” are going through some rough times and We were able to listen and allow “them” to vent and maybe process a bit more of “their” dilemmas. We laughed a lot. It did seem like Our presence and attitude helped “them” let go and laugh.

We are slipping into multiD and need to get home. We can tell something is going on but We unclear what it is. All that We know is that We are growing less and less able to function in 3D.

At home We do not turn on Our computer but We are watching “Jericho” on NetFlix. It is a prime example of what Our world will be like if We do NOT add love and change Our hearts. We do not stay up very late because We know that We need to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Another day in 3D within multiD



Another day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:43 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We do not want to wake this morning. We remind OurSelves that We can (and do) stay in multiD when awake AND that We can change Our thinking about this. We can find and hold happy thoughts. We are looking for some happy thoughts. We remind OurSelf that these happy thoughts do not have to be about waking specifically. “They” can be about anything. “They” can even be about continuing to dream. After All We have a four day weekend to dream in and that IS a happy thought.

This reminds Us that We have been pondering Our process of changing “how” We think. It really is not about changing the specific thoughts about anything but rather changing Our general way of thinking: Our mindset. Before: We have Allways tried to change “what” We think more than “how” We think. This is part of the limitation and separation mindtrap. When We focus on happy thoughts and hold “them” We change Our overAll mindset and Our old negative patterns. There is a base for Our thinking, a root. Our thoughts are just the fruit and that is what We have tried to “fix” without healing the root. Happy thoughts change that base and heal the roots.

We focus on having not wanting and We create more having. When We focus on wanting (which is sooooo easy to do in a limitation world) We create more wanting. If (and when) We make a gratitude list We find that We really do (Allready) have a lot. Thank Us. We also remember that WE ARE Our source. Our abundance does NOT come from some outside source, power, company or entity. Neither does Our (imagined) lack. Scarcity and lack are constructs of/by Our mind/head. Our unruly mind. Our chaotic thinking. Our limitation mindset. We love Us and We set Us free with love. All of Our old thinking and mindset are free to roam the galaxies and We can return to visit Our constructs, Our creations and Our old thinking any time We want. Nothing is destroyed or abandoned. No more throwaway kids. We love All of Our children within.

We find and hold happy thoughts. The only thing holding Us back from fully exploring and experiencing multiD is Us. We have known this for some time but We theel that now We have the tools to make a change. Change MUST begin within (at least for Us personally) to be effective and real and lasting. Without changing Our thinking, beliefs, mindset and psyche We will revert to Our old ways of acting no matter how much nicer Our projections get. This has been a missing key (and part of living in De-Nile) for some time now. We project this missing key onto Our world and Our others and then We judge and blame “them” for what We see. Our projection is reflected back upon Us. This has been Our pattern for eons and it is why We are afraid of OurSelves AND Our world(s).

We are finding tools hidden and buried in Our tool chest, Our treasure chest. We expected to find gold and riches in Our buried treasure chest and We did. However: the treasure is in the form of learning/remembering how to fish and All that We expected was some fish. Once again: expectations (specific expectations) limit Us. We ARE changing and We are delighted AND grateful.

We are having another great day mostly in multiD and theeling happy thoughts. We can even hold some happy thoughts for a few seconds, maybe even a minute(s). Most of the kids are very excited about Valentine’s day. Our rebel middleschooler wants to talk to Us. We like that. We really theel that We have made great progress in a very short time. Pony hopping does work.

We remind OurSelves that it is great to be comfortable AND it is great to have a lot more than enough. The thing is that “enough” implies need, scarcity, lack and limitation. However: it is also where We are. It IS a start. We can move on and evolve but We MUST start where We are. Theeling comfortable would also include being prosperous and abundant as well as being free of need IF We set/train Our head/thinking that way. That is certainly not how Our head/thinking is currently trained. We do notice that We ARE making a lot of progress in changing Our thinking and mindset. We are grateful.

We practice and rehearse being grateful and delighted with OurSelves. We are reminded that WE ARE the One(s) that We are grateful to and for.

At home We played a while before dinner. We made bleucheese stuffed burgers for dinner. We love those. Then We stayed up late watching NetFlix.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 13, 2015

More 3D within multiD experiences



More 3D within multiD experiences

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:39 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We do not remember much form last night but then again We do not remember much from yesterday either. It does theel like We are exploring some very new territory. New for Our head anyway. When We woke We thelt the awareness of being on ship quite strong. We are aware of going deeper and deeper into multiD and We are reminded that this IS going in much more than going out as We had Allways thought.

Again: We are learning and experiencing that everything We have Allways thought and believed is bassackwards at best. What We thought was out is in. That alone is a major change and upsetting to Our brain. That One simple change totally changes Our world and life. It is easy to explore such things as a philosophy but when We start living “them” it is very, very different. It puts Us in opposition to everything else in Our world. At least until We start projecting Our new perspective. It really can be a bit like living in a wringer washer or spin dryer that reverses its spin without warning. It is easier and more pleasant when We recognize what is happening and allow it.

Trying to destroy and/or abandon this inside-out world does not help because: A: We can’t and B: We created it therefore We love it and do NOT want to destroy or abandon it (not really). On the surface We may think We hate it and want out but that is NOT Our true desire. We just like to torment OurSelves. Or something like that. Our world is actually a holographic projection made of energy. Energy can not be destroyed even if We wanted to. Our creations are within Us and We love “them”. We no longer wish to abandon “them”. We do wish to honor and nurture “them” but that is not easy initially since We have spent lifetimes casting “them” away. No more throw away kids and/or creations. However: We still live in a world where throw away kids are the norm. We created that too.

There is sooooo much to learn and experience. We love to dream. We are grateful that We have found a job where We can pay attention to children (many of whom are throwaways and spend most of Our day dreaming. We are willing to change enough to enjoy waking early to go be with the kids every morning. We know that We do NOT have to shift gears (as much) between waking and dream as We have Allways thought. Perhaps: real-I-sing that We are actually going within when We wake to Our pretend, holographic world will help.

As We go outside We are getting more insights and awareness of living in multiD AND multiworlds. It is quite an I opener to become consciously aware of multiworlds coexisting in this same time and space (which We are reminded is within NOT without). There really is a lot to this awareness and to jump in head first would really be a shock to Our system.

We continue to sense how We really are learning and even when it seems like taking steps back and/or failure We ARE making progress. We are delighted with Our progress and learning. Even if/when We forget We are delighted with Our experience. This is NOT book learning. This is experiential learning. We can remember that it IS play whenever We want.

We are reminded that Our world and life is VERY from what We have Allways thought and believed. The thing is that even the difference is different from what We thought, believed and expected. Ahhhh: “expectations”. The difference is the limits, the boundaries, the restrictions. Those do NOT really exist. We constructed/created those too. We are limitless beans playing that We are living and stuck in a limited/limitation world. It is All a game. A very, very elaborate and well constructed game (hologame).

Once again: We are aware of the pressure that We put on OurSelves to keep Us stuck in limitation 3D. One might say it is NOT Us but it is. We can love Us and We do. We forgive Us. The only thing here IS the divine. We thank Us.

We are having fun functioning in 3D AND exploring multiD and multiworlds. There are many versions of 3D to explore and since the nearest versions are sooooo similar We often slip, slide between versions without ever noticing. This happens All the time. We are beginning to notice more often. Limitation thinking keeps Us from noticing so We think that We ARE limited. Our projected world supports this and it is easy to slip back into when We first begin to be aware of limitlessness.

We did pony hop Our newest middleschooler AND he did not try to defy Us this morning. We thanked him mentally AND verbally. We also got Our route changes (since the latest additions We have NOT been to middleschool on time) and “they” made the needed time changes on All Our morning route and took off One of the new middleschoolers. We will miss “them” but “they” did leave the rebel on Our route. We know that this is for the best. We Allways connect with the bad boys (whether “they” are boys or girls). This One is clearly a reflection of Us. A part of Us that needs acceptance and nurturing. We have connected with the other and will stay in contact on that deeper level. In Our dream lives We know what “they” need and We can and will provide it there. We are grateful that We know this AND it IS real for Us.

We spend a lot of time being grateful for what We have and thinking how good it feels to have it (even if it does NOT appear that We have it). We know that appearances are Our projection of Our beliefs. Those are changing. Reality is that We Allready have everything that We desire. The only thing here is the divine regardless of appearances. This is part of changing “how” We think. We are learning to theel more than think. It feels good. It is great to be comfortable. It is great to have a lot more than necessary. After All: necessary is part of need which is a limitation concept.

These too are happy thoughts. We have a lot of everything. We can set want free because We Allready have whatever We want. This changes how We think. We ARE experiencing Our complete psychic change. We ARE in that process AND We ARE grateful. We thank Us. We ARE the divine. We notice and honor Our children within. We treat Our children within with kindness and compassion. Our ego, Our head and Our brain are some of (part of) those children within. We do NOT try to conquer and rule Our children within. We recognize that this newest middleschooler is a manifestation of Our head, brain and ego. We treat “them” with kindness, courtesy and respect. A lot of insight is coming with this. Thank Us. We appreciate this child within.

We got home a little early and are going to dream a little late for some reason. Wonder what We did in between? We do remember having a chilidog for dinner.
Good night AND thank You for playing.