Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Not many words today



Not many words today

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:06:18 AM

Good morning. Lots of worlds and lots of friends. At the end of the night We seemed to revert to something less. We are unclear what this feeling is about. We are going to just let it be. We do love OurSelf unconditionally. We are ready and willing to have a complete psychic change. Perhaps honoring how We feel is part of that?

Our computer is being weird too. Probably All part of changing. When things change, things are different. Imagine that.

Interesting, as We wake We feel more in touch with Our expanding, multiD Self. That is the opposite of how We usually feel. We likes it.

We are getting some insights into how much We have changed AND We are feeling very multiD and multiworlds even though everything seems to look the same. We theel this is a day to feel and integrate. We love Us unconditionally.

Today We are going to have turkey holy day with Our local friends. We will be getting ready to go hot-tub and then go spend the afternoon with Our friends.

Interesting, We are reading an article that says that the current shift in energies may cause Us to feel a bit off. So, We are right on schedule. We knew it was something like that. At first We (Our head) tried to tell Us that We had missed the mark or some such but Our heart told Us that everything is fine and today Our heart voice holds more (can't find the right word, “they” All sound so old energy) anyway, We listened to Our heart.

We went to visit Our friends and had a good time but We also see how We are just not relating much any more. One friend did say that in meditation “they” woke to find “themSelf” levitating (which is absolutely One-der-full and We would love to have that experience) but “they” seem to still be much more attached to limitation than We have any interest in. Then again, We do want to be aware of everything not just any One version of reality/experience.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Processing and integrating



Processing and integrating

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:54:02 AM

Good morning. We really enjoyed dreaming in. More worlds, more new friends and friends from Our waking world too. As We wake We are practicing opening, setting free and allowing. We are feeling (and Allmost seeing) more overlaying/overlapping Our familiar limitation surroundings. We are allowing Our imagination to explore the more. This is not forced imagining, trying to imagine based on/in Our limitation mindset. This is allowing Our heart to imagine and letting it run free. We are practicing and learning how. Instead of Our normal head thinking and planning Our day (or even options) based in and on limitation, We are just drifting in the great unknown while sitting in Our familiar surroundings.

We are changing.

As We ponder and read some email: We see (Once again) how easily We (personal AND collective) give away Our power. We (personally) are practicing taking it back by setting it free. We remind OurSelf that We are not abandoning or even leaving Our limitation creation. It is right here and so IS everything else. All here, All now. We just need to learn/remember how to be aware, consciously aware of this. Right now the answer/key is setting it free. When We cling to and focus on limitation, that is All We see and experience. Of course: that is the whole point of limitation. Our head can NOT conceive of limitation and limitless co-existing. Our heart know this is how it actually is and that is here AND now.


Right now We are experiencing more than typing and that is why some of Our posts are short. We are kinda hoping to type up some kind of “Night School” or summary or such or something or something else over this long weekend but We may just be too busy experiencing and doing what looks like doing nothing but is actually doing everything by: opening, setting free and allowing.

As We are going about Our day and pondering Our process We are having some interesting thoughts, insights and intuits that We will attempt to share: We theel that when We return to Our true nature (everything will be completely different. The End) We will think with Our heart. We theel We are in the midst of the process of sorta rewiring OurSelf to do this. This does NOT mean abolishing, abandoning or ignoring Our brain. We theel Our brain has a purpose and it is not just processing junk mail. We (most everyOne) know that We currently only use ten percent of Our brain. This is the part that processes limitation information and perspective and feeds it back out to Us.

The brain projects its information onto Our view scree which We believe is Our world (it is only ten percent of Our world, maybe less). What if the other ninety percent of Our brain holds and processes and projects limitlessness information? Does that give Us a hint at how much We are ignoring?

In order to fully and completely experience limitation and separation We had to shut down and/or cordon off that ninety percent of Our brain that holds limitlessness and Oneness information and files and memories and experiences. Our heart also knows and remembers this information so We had to shut it down also (think about it). Now, We have pretty much done limitation and separation to death (quite literally actually). However: We are NOT destroying or forgetting or abandoning limitation and separation. We are only expanding. We can return here any time We wish. In fact: We will continue to be here AND We will be (are) there also and at the same time. We will also be able to play and observe limitation and separation from a whole new perspective of also knowing We are limitless AND connected. That should be a real hoot. We really can do it All. If We allow.

So, here are two fears We (personally at least) about expansion which are unfounded and now We know this: We fear that We will abandon or try to destroy Our brain AND We fear that We will abandon or try to destroy Our creation: limitation and separation worlds and realities. We reassure OurSelf that We will remember, honor, embrace and set these parts of Our true Self free. Freedom is NOT banishment. All of Us is welcome and able to be here and be now.

Again, these are hard concepts to wrap Our limitation mindset around. We are looking for a complete psychic change. Reinstalling Our heartmind will do just that. We are ready, willing and able.

We are reminded about when the galactics asked Us if We wanted to be a leader. Boy did We misunderstand that question. We got it that We were being asked to lead by example and NOT to rule the way many current and passed leaders do and did. What We did NOT get is that We were/are NOT being asked to be a popular leader. We were/are happy that We were/are not going to have a following. We would be happy to feel We are better understood and appreciated but We also get why We are not. Trailblazers are rarely popular and/or fully understood. We are not whining or being grandiose here. We are simply being honest (as We see it in Our now).

It is quite interesting that We are reminded about comet/planet/starship Ison about an hour before it is expected to come closest to Our sun. We also found that We may be able to see Ison a little before sunrise tomorrow. We are going to check into the time etc. Oh, also interesting that Our friends postponed turkey holy day until tomorrow so We are home dreaming and processing and integrating and remembering that We are love and We love Us unconditionally.

As We call Ison a starship/planet, We are reminded that earth is a planet AND a living starship. Recently We are more and more aware of being on ship (both here and somewhere beyond in space) and that Our cabin IS on/in a space port AND a small craft that is part 0f (and removable from) Our planetary ship. We are also reading the Ison's message, function, purpose, nature is LOVE and We certainly have been focusing a lot more on love these passed few days and weeks.

We are unconditional love as is Our planet earth/Gaia and Ison etc. It is Our nature to emote and exude unconditional love as it is the nature of Our sun, planet and other planets and comets etc. We have forgotten but this knowledge is coming back online. Our hearts are being activated and brought back online and Our brains are beginning to access the information hidden in the unused 90%.

Will We see any sudden and major shifts and changes from Ison? That remains a mystery but We (personally and others) are convinced that change is amping up.

We are finding much that We may want to read but We are also finding that We are being drawn into dream. So, We choose to have dinner and movie a bit early and then early to dream. We hope to remember to watch for Ison before sunrise tomorrow.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

More time flies



More time flies

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:22:40 AM

Good morning. We are still mostly in dream. We remember having fun visiting other worlds. We are practicing allowing OurSelf to stay in dream. We look forward to dreaming in tomorrow morning. We do feel that this world is just another dream world. We have known this for some time but this morning We feel it.

This morning We are aware of experiencing another stage/step of Our journey, Our expansion and transition. We are releasing Our grip on the old and familiar. We are accepting many things which We used to resist (things that We thought of as important and mandatory are no longer so). We are experiencing setting the old free. This is very empowering and brings great change for Us. We feel the change inside.

We begin to see and feel how We live Our beliefs and We are beginning to change those beliefs. Again, the things We “believed” were important and mandatory and just the way it is” no longer hold power over Us. We are changing gently but in retrospect it will probably seem like the blinking of an I. Acceptance and allowance are keys. Releasing Our grip on Our limits is also key. We thought that We needed those limits for Our security and made “them” Our cage. We can not force” Our freedom, that is old paradigm behavior and thinking. We can accept and allow Our transition.

Wanting to rush is like wanting to jump off a cliff rather than take the train down the mountains. It is All choices and experiences. We can honor the choice others make but We do not have to follow “them” off the cliff or stay in prison with “them”. We can visit, We can observe and We can join Our energy with “theirs” and experience “their” experience with “them”, as “them” while also experiencing Our experience. These are new modes of living. These are part of love. We love OurSelf unconditionally.

Limitation is sooooo familiar that expansion and freedom and limitlessness are/is a bit foreboding as We stand on the brink of becoming All that We are. It sounded exciting and enticing from afar. Upclose and personal it is a bit more daunting. Of course this is partially because We still fear/think that We have to give something up to have this more. It will remain right here with Us as part of All that is. We can return anytime We want. We just do not have to fall in and drown in it anymore (unless We choose to). We have All-ready experienced it that way and We can remember and revisit that if We choose. Or, We can just re-feel it AND be in other worlds and realities at the same time. We are learning how to do this. We are remembering how to be Our true nature, Our true Self and Selves. Open, set free and allow.

We are also beginning to be aware of why We do not remembering much from Our recent dreams. Just too far beyond Our physical/mental comprehension so far. We are starting to be aware of and embrace these expanded states.

We are learning.  We get it that everything We encounter is about Our expansion.  It is easy to revert to thinking that there is something external and outside of OurSelf.  It is easy to believe that We are victims.

We are learning.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Another day looking in



Another day looking in

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:24:48 AM

Good morning. More different and interesting worlds and friends. The memories are different from how We usually think of memories. More like We hold the essence rather than every detail. This has actually been happening for a while but We called it no memory. It is a memory or memories but not the way We think of memories in limitation thinking. Well, DUH. We are seeking a complete change of thinking and belief.

We had felt that We had kinda lost Our multi-focus yesterday. We were very happy with Our weekend but felt We slipped back into limitation thinking Monday morning. Later, We got it that slipping back and forgetting and then remembering is One way of helping those who are stuck in forgetting. Our remembering and returning is a gentle nudge for “them”. Another quiet wake up call.

We are also seeing and experiencing more hooks into limitation 3D. One thing that We really do want to continue experiencing is flavor. Oneder how that works in expansion and multiD? We continue to get it that 3D will continue and is continuing. In fact, We are not “giving up”, abandoning or destroying anything. That is limitation and separation thinking and beliefs. We fear this “giving up” and/or losing something/anything. That too holds Us back. We remind Our head that We are adding more and NOT giving up anything.

We also try to figure out what it will be like. That is impossible with Our limitation mindset.

Our heartmind is coming more and more online and We are reminded to tell OurSelf that We love Us unconditionally. Love is the answer, love is the key.

Our driver and Us had a bit of a misunderstanding.  We think We got it clear and straightened out but We are having a hard time letting it go.  That is normal for Us but We also see progress.

Earlier We were pondering the term "let go".  It does imply (at least for Us personally) losing, abandoning, getting rid of (that kind of thing).  That never works for Us.  Whatever "it" is, it is Our creation and therefore: letting go sends double messages. Set it free sends a clearer message.  We are holding it hostage or being held hostage.  Neither are We sending it away.  We are giving everyOne freedom and choice.

Is it any Oneder that much is coming up and out to be blessed and set free.  That does not mean that We have to like it.  We can own it, honor it and set it free.

This is a hard time for the kids: it is pre-holidays and too cold to be outside very much.  So where do "they" spend "their" excitement and energy?   Moods are also on edge as the kids sense the moods of parents and authority figures.  The energy affects everyOne whether "they" are aware of it or not.

One of Our highschoolers did something that is typical of kids trying to cope with Our world: going in to school there are three doors.  He All-ways uses the middle door.  Today it was locked.  He walked through the open door, opened the middle door and locked it open, walked back out the first door and then walked in the middle door.  This would look strange to most outsiders but these kids need the stability and familiarity to cope with living in limitation and separation.  We have similar difficulties trying to step into expansion, limitlessness and connection.  It is unfamiliar and as much as We want it, We do not know how to cope with it.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A short entry



A short entry

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:09:13 AM

Good morning. Once again We do not have any specific memories but We know that We enjoyed exploring other worlds and making more new friends. We got up a little early because Shadow wanted to go outside and We decided to just stay up since it was sooooo close to time to get up. We are a little more present than We have been the last few mornings. We may need to practice relaxing that a little.

We did see that it is snowing fairly hard but light fluffy flakes.

Now We seem to be drifting into multiworlds. We like that. We used to think We preferred being focused in limitation 3D. Silly Us.

We just watched the video of Imagine Dragons performing at the American Music Awards. “They” are very moving. Took Us out to dreamland. Dragons can do that, yeah “they” can.

We seem to have slipped into Our old limitation thinking and focus and the loopy loops that go with that.  The good news is that We recognize it and are repeating Our mantras and pony hopping to change Our focus.

There are also several old memories coming up for release.  We are blessing these and setting "them" free along with Our old thinking and beliefs.

The temperatures are up and which makes the cold feel colder.  We theel Our focus affects this also.

We did not find much time and energy and focus to type today.  More experiencing and also We did more email than usual.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Dreaming and doing



Dreaming and doing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:24:26 AM

Good morning. We decided to get up early and probably go get water and heating oil. We started to type heating oil and water but that sounds like We use water for heating. That brings up some interesting thoughts and vague memories......

Shadow got Us up several times during the night and We were wondering why? The last time We were laying in bed pondering, waking dreaming about the vision We typed about yesterday. We were wondering if We want to type that up separate as some type of blog entry and announce it publicly like a “Night School” or something, something, something. We choose not to choose yet.

We know that We are One of the starseeds and We will be bringing change and answers as more and more and more people become ready. For now We are learning and remembering. We feel the change in Us and We likes it. We see definite progress. We have no idea how many answers and solutions We know personally. In Our vision it was the kids that were whipping out answers and solutions on computers and verbally like some maestro on crack at an electronic keyboard which is also on crack. Just now We get it that Us and the kids were mindspeaking All along. Ideas were flying back and forth so fast that it was impossible to know who or where (specifically) “they” were coming from. We were sharing and contributing and mutually building on each other's ideas. We have All seen this happen when a group gets together and “they” are All excited about some project.

This is what is possible for Us: building Our future together and the children will be as much a part as any A-dult. This may not be the universal story but it is what We personally choose. At least it is One choice. We All-ways want multiple choices.

We are (and have been) having visions of flying, levitating and teleporting. The thing is that none of these terms (or Our understanding of “them”) is completely accurate. It is more a combination of All of “them” and more. Much more. No real surprises there. We are also reminded of: “folding space” from Dune”. This reminds Us that space (and the experiencing of it) is actually in Our mind. This reminds Us that Our heartmind and headmind are actually integrated and operate in tandem. “They” are not actually two separate parts. “They” are two integrated parts and in Our quest for the impossible We messed up the wiring. Our heartmind kinda went underground. A bit like the Fae. Perhaps there is a connection.

Truly, We can not begin to tell You, how much “setting it All free” and “I love Me unconditionally” have helped and opened doors for Us. Doors that would at first (on the surface) seem completely unrelated to loving OurSelf/Selves.

We forgot to mention that after We got up, We thelt that One reason that Shadow was up so many times was that We are having visitors of the non-physical and/or that We are/were visiting reality(ies) where We are more involved (or aware of being involved) with ETs.

As We go about Our morning (mainly getting ready to go for water and fuel) We are experiencing Our shift, going through Our transition and having Our mental shift, change of mindset, complete psychic change. It is not happening in the blink of an I (for Us anyway). It is a step by step process. We are finding We are having more trouble coping (keeping Our physical balance and such) while We are inside Our cabin. Perhaps We are more “there” (allow OurSelf to be in multiworlds) when inside Our cabin (a safe place for Us). We find that old thoughts and ways of thinking come up and We recognize “them” and set “them” free and All-most automatically slide into more open and accepting thoughts and feelings.

We are having more and more feelings and experiences of closeness and interaction with Our galactic family. It seems that there is One in particular who is making contact and trying to appear in Our waking physical world with or without a physical body.

We returned to dream. We are not sure where, when or even IF We woke up. We are feeling more in another dimension or density than Our familiar limitation 3D. It just feels different and We are certainly less focused in/on whatever here” We are in.

We had more experiences visiting other worlds and making new friends. One new friend really surprised Us by stealing from Us. We found out that it was a ploy to get Us to pay more attention to “them”. Well, We are learning to pay more attention on many levels.

We are also reminded about letting go (releasing Our death grip) and relaxing rather than trying” to grow and develop/access Our natural abilities. It sounds kinda funny put that way. Who or what has to try” to grow or force” what is natural to/for “them”. Who but a human would even try or conceive of such an idea?

This feeling, though not totally foreign is intriguing. We like it.

Several times lately We have been reminded that back when We were first starting to wake and become aware We wrote and often pondered a line: “I Am the dream, I Am the dreamer”. We were pretty clueless how big that is. We are also reminded of the line from “Dune: “The dreamer must awaken.”.

We did some emails and watched some vids and made cranberry sauce. We plan to mix some cranberry sauce with raspberry pie filling to top a cheesecake for turkey day and have the rest of the cranberry sauce for ??????

It is nearing time for dinner and movie and then early to dream before Our 3 day week. Wish every week was 3 days of work and 4 days of play. Even though Our work is play, We still have to get out of bed early and follow someOne else's schedule and rules.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Visions, insights and experiences



Visions, insights and experiences

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:17:41 AM

Good morning. More interesting worlds and friends last night. More insights into Our expansion. More processing and integrating. We are still mostly in dream mode and We are practicing staying there. In dream mode Our mind is much more open multiD.

In dream We were talking two waking friends who are very mainstream in waking. Somehow We got started taking about levitating and “they” said: “It is not that hard” and began to rise off the ground. We were blown away and very happily excited. We do hope this is another new beginning for Us.

As We had hoped We are re-reading Sophia's blog post: Agape there is sooooo much in it.

We are putting everything mundane on hold for now to wallow in the now. We are experiencing being in multiworlds including Our usual surroundings. Even though We would appear to still be within Our usual limitations, We do not feel bound and gagged like We used to. Even on those morning when We would prefer to stay in full dream: We do not feel as much a prisoner as We used to.

This Agape also sheds more light on Our knowledge that We ARE a healer of hearts and minds. Paraphrase: We do not completely heal by focusing on healing a symptom or even a disease. We fully heal by real-eyesing, admitting and owning that We are love: unconditional and perfect. This is how We (personally at least) function as a healer.

As We are processing and sharing on a discussion board more than We have in weeks, maybe months and experiencing being here AND there, We seem to have decided to go to town to do laundry. As We looked at the dragon, the last time We drove/rode it was the last time We did laundry it just does NOT seem possible that that much time has passed. We get it that things, time, OurSelf is/are shifting.

We choose to do laundry to get it out of the way but also because it really like the right timing. We could easily postpone until next weekend but it feels better to do/be it in the now of the now. We also promised OurSelf some oriental take out afterwards.

On the drive We are experiencing a lot of multiworlds and multiD. It is slick and We real-eyes that (at least in 3D) with Our current driving conditions (for the last several weeks) We are much better off driving the chariot than the dragon. Chariots are made for driving on roads, dragons are meant to fly. We have had this intuit ever since the dragon started overheating but it is now an experiential reality. We have not had these conditions going on and on before, since We moved here. This is part of Our expansion too. Knowing and integrating knowledge and insights that do not quite seem to fit and/or apply until “they” do.

Doing laundry while being here AND there is an interesting experience and We are doing quite well. No major incidents. We are learning how to do this.

We are remembering some things from dream or waking dream.  There was some group of Us (starseeds) integrating and implementing new knowledge, wisdom and ways of doing stuff (without effort) and living in joy and freedom.  We knew that the children had the knowledge and answers.

We visited the children's homes.  We were in hover craft and/or spacecraft.  We were obviously advanced and totally loving and caring beans.  We emanated these vibrations.  We invited the children to join Us and asked the parents permission.  We also invited the parents.  We told the parents that "they" would need to relax and release some old concepts and controls.

Many/most of these children are autistic.

It was important that everyOne involved agreed to this and that "they" know that "they" were All free to come and go as "they" please.  However, Once the children agreed and were allowed to join Us, then the children would be making "their" Own choices and decisions from then on.

Parents releasing these controls is/was very important and vital to the children being able to accomplish what "they" are/were capable of.

Once the kids (some are from Our waking world and the parents were happy but shocked that "their" kids were acknowledged in this way) joined Us We basically turned "them" lose.  "They" were free to explore Our ship and technology, to play however "they" want and use Our computers (and any other equipment desired) freely.

All of Our equipment is sentient and incapable of being harmed.

The kids went wild in a very good way.  Once allowed to run free, let "their" minds and mouths run free "they" were amazing.  After All the superfluous and pet up stuff was expressed "they" started rattling off information, theorems, equations and solutions to every problem ever created by humanity (or any other race for that matter).  The speed at which this was All happening was incredible.

Sometimes the kids would confer with other kids, Our group and/or A-dults but for the most part "they" would just share to confirm what others had done/said.

Saturday, November 23, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:40:00 AM

Good morning. We are still mostly in dream state so We are going slow and taking it very gentle. It is a bit difficult doing some tasks in this state but this is part of learning how to be here AND there. One or the other might be easier but that is not Our goal. We want it All. To have and be it All and be consciously aware of this requires change and expansion. We are willing even if somewhat resistant.

Part of Our dreaming was processing and pondering making this transition and other parts were experiencing it. We really enjoyed One reality that is a mix of passed and present with some absurd thrown in to make it fun.

Shadow is having a hard time with this cold spell. We are pondering what (if anything) to do. He and Us are taking this part of Our journey One day at a time. He is still happy and not suffering just stiff and having a hard time walking but adjusting and taking it easy. Hmmmmm, reminds Us of Us: go slow and gentle. This is new for Shadow too.

We are having a good day but also another experiential day.  Learning to be here AND be more.

We had more typed up about the day but something ate it.

We are also having more insights and intuits about changes, choices and expansion. We really do get it that two people can live and experience life side by side and yet have two totally different experience. We theel this will be happening more and more.

We are needing to be very present and not able to dream much because We have a substitute driver.  She is a driver We are friends with from when I was driving and We even had two of her kids on Our route One year.  She says "they" said I was "their" best driver ever.  We are sure that "they" only said it because it is true.  She also knows a lot of the kids on this route.

Even though We are more present than usual, We are also exploring other worlds (often called zoning or spacing out).  If only We knew.

So, We spent Our day walking in several worlds while mainly focused in Our waking limitation 3D which IS expanding little by little.  When We got home We read a blog entry from Sophia: click here to read it confirms and expands what We are intuiting and experiencing.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Experiencing transition



Experiencing transition

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:36:55 AM

Good morning. We visited some more interesting worlds and made more new friends. Interesting that We do not remember details from the world that seemed most clear and understandable during dream time. The dream world that We remember was about the little people but that is All that went on: We were just aware of the little people, especially focused on a house gnome.

Perhaps the little people are reaching out to Us more right now or maybe One of the kids is trying to talk about “them”?

We really are making progress in engaging Our heartmind. We do not notice much this morning yet there is a strong feeling........

It is still cold but it is supposed to be back above 0 this weekend. The sudden change is another reason it seems sooooo cold.

We are reminded that there are several reasons why the dragon is still leaking and overheating AND it really is in Our best interest. We are okay with that, mostly. We open, let go (set free) and allow. We engage Our heartmind. We love OurSelf unconditionally. We ARE learning how to do this.

There has been a lot of draw towards flying lately as well as time flys.

As We (Our head) try to linger in old thinking and beliefs We are getting practical application experience at setting old stuff free. We bless it and set it free. We are changing AND We are changing the rules. We may even be starting to live without rules, maybe. We are reminded that this is NOT destroying or abandoning anything, it is All still right here and available to visit any time. In fact this is about being here AND there at the same time. We are learning how.

Part of what We are experiencing is the habit of living by routine and habit. It is easy to do. Right now We have to think about many steps and mundane tasks to accomplish what We used to do by rote. That used to upset Us. Now, We see it as a sign of progress. Our memory and routines and habits were anchors into limitation and separation. What is hard to get and practice is that We can have All the memories that We want without “them” being hooks into limitation and separation. We can watch All the home movies of Us playing that game, We can even return to the game without getting lost (falling in) and forgetting what We really are.

We can, We ARE beginning to live by Our true nature. Pretending to be what We are not is sooooo familiar that it seems natural. It is only normal and totally NOT natural.

It seems colder but "their"-mom-meters are not showing any colder.  We really are seeing and feeling how this is Al in Our mind.  We do not know how to explain it better.

We are experiencing more and more being in multiworlds.  We are not having to leave or destroy or abandon this world, creation, reality, hologram, whatever to be in and experience other worlds.  We are shifting, expanding Our focus.  Is One world more real than another?  Who knows.  Probably not.

What is not real and only imagined is limitation.  Limitation is the cornerstone of how We perceive and experience Our world but it is not real.  When We remove limitation it seems like an entirely new world.

This is what We are experiencing while being in and functioning in limitation 3D. We see and experience it as limited AND expanded both at the same time.

We get the feeling that We could imaginarily impose limitation upon any world or reality or dimension and experience it from that perspective.  We theel that some are probably experiencing this world (which We experiencing as limited and separate) as expanded, infinite and All is connected.

It is hard to imagine, grasp, understand this but We are starting to experience it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

More time flys



More time flys

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:38:42 AM

Good morning. We had a lot of fun exploring and playing in alternate realities. We do not remember much except that We were having a lot of fun and did not want to leave. We look forward to Our waking world being as light and playful as Our dream worlds. Even the worlds that are more serious and also more free. We real-eyes that the difference is Us and Our focus. We are changing. Just knowing that We can change is a change. Knowing and even feeling that We can wake and still live in a free and playful world is progress. We sometimes have to remind OurSelf that We ARE making progress.

Being A-dult is highly over-rated. We sure fell for the party-line. We played separation/limitation really good. Now We get to play Oneness and limitlessness in a world still believing in limits and separation. It would probably be easier if We really got it that it is a game and were allowed Us to be more playful.

We are having visions of being playful in Our waking life. Waking visions and feelings. It has been hard for Us in winter especially with Our passed life fear of the cold and Our extreme cold temperatures. We are making progress and We know it is Us that changes. We are activating Our heart mind.

It is very cold, maybe that is what makes time flys?

We do realeyes that We go into survival mode when the tamp drops this cold (below zero and getting belower.  This can be good and bad.  We are in survival mode rather than play mode but We do give OurSelf more free reign, more open permission in this mode.

We continue to see how We put pressure on OurSelf. Time is One way We do this, work ethics, perfectionism to name a few.

We are having a good time with the kids and enjoying dreaming with "them".

Gotta go.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Time flys



Time flys

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:03:10 AM

Good morning. We visited a resort town that is very familiar. We remembered being there before, quite often actually. There are a lot of youngstars there and it is very free and playful. This time We were introduced to its geothermal activities. It is very extensive and the locals keep it private rather than commercialize it and have it over-run and torn up out of greed. This town is very clean and serene and private. AnyOne is welcome as long as “they” do not try to change things. We do not carry any memories of this town with Us when We leave. We do somehow find Our way back. It seems like We have the same experience with the Dragon Rider's Academy. We were dreaming of Our dragon flying free earlier. Perhaps there is a connection?

Remember: We are changing everything.

We are learning to live as love and that has many unexpected ramifications. It is the key to Our expansion. How to describe this? Words fail Us right now. We have been feeling and typing about the importance of using accurate words. Our thinking and beliefs are expanding. We are not leaving anything behind. Our head is afraid that Our creations will be destroyed. That is NOT gonna happen. This is a big, deep, hidden fear that We were totally unaware of until the last few days. We theel most people have this fear and are also unaware of it. Like a child who has lost “their” castle or other magikal fortress and fears losing more. These are limitation fears and We leave and/or lose nothing by expanding.

This reassurance helps. We have been struggling against OurSelf and We clearly did not understand how and/or why. This is One reason and there may be more to be revealed. We are adding beliefs. We thought We were going to lose Our limitation beliefs. We created “them” and gave “them” life. As much as We hate being limited, We also love Our limited creations. We have All heard of (and probably experienced) love/hate relationships.

We are adding: “set it free” to “let go”. For Us, let go means releasing Our death grip, not clinging to, etc. However, it can also hold a sense of abandonment. Many of Our well-meaning and seemingly innocent words hold such ties and emotions. We need to re-examine this. We are activating and using Our heartmind. We can NOT lie to Our heart. We have spent eons lieing to Our head. Somehow We got that to work for Us to play limitation and separation. It has to stop and it will stop. We do not have to try and force it. That is the old way. Our heart will tell Us when there is something that is out of place, something We are struggling against as We begin to embrace it. The old fears can be owned, honored and set free.

This really is a complete change. We have stood on the precipice before but We never dared spread Our wings and fly. Now, the energy fully supports Our effortless effort. Our wings have grown strong enough to carry Us. We are beginning to see, feel and experience great things. A few months/years/weeks ago We would have called “them” miracles. Now We know that “they” are results of living by, from, for, as Our true nature.

We are doing a lot of processing and integrating of these new concepts. We setting Our old beliefs and fears free. Most of Our old beliefs ARE fear. The thing is that when We tell OurSelf that “Our old stuff will be there to revisit later”, We get it that to kids: “later” does NOT exist. To kids: “Later” means “no”. All time is now, especially in a child's world. (We told You the kids are helping Us) We can visit, explore and play with limitation right now. We are visiting and playing with/in limitation and separation right now. The difference is that We are NOT trapped here. We are aware that there is more and We are playing in that “more” too, even while We play in limitation. Our head is having trouble with that but We can go slow and gently and allow Our head to catch up.

Breathe. Baby steps. Breathe some more.

This is complete change for Us. We knew several years ago that We wanted to play limitation and separation while knowing there is more and experiencing “more”. Changing the rules and moving/sliding up/down/across/next-door One level in the game. Now, We are ready and doing it. Again, We remember going through a lot of this (or getting very close) last year but that was in seclusion. Now, We are doing it AND spending Our days out and about in the world that is still (seemingly) locked into limitation and separation. Last year was needed preparation time.

We see how the pieces and steps (squares on the game board) fit together.

Telling OurSelf that We love Us unconditionally is a key. It has potential and power that seems beyond what it would do for Us. A hidden treasure it seems.

We are getting to experience and practice setting old thoughts, beliefs and fears free. We are free but We must acknowledge, own and practice this freedom. When We hold old “stuff” hostage, We also hold OurSelf hostage. It is hard to be free while dragging around an old, rusty anchor.

It seems that time is flying today and We did not have time to type anything during Our day. We are having fun and getting insights and experiences.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lost time



Lost time

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:05:16 AM

Good morning. We are focused on love. We do not really remember what We did in dream but every time We woke We are focused on love and letting go of the old. We are still in the world and no longer of the world. We feel the shift. We may continue to loose Our focus and return to the old from time to time and that is okay. That is part of learning how to do this. This is brand new. No maps or manuals. We are introducing how to be love to the mass consciousness.

Focus on love and let go of the rest. Be open and allow something even better than We have ever imagined. We ARE changing everything.

We have not typed much today but We are having lots of experiences and insights.  We are letting go of a lot of old stuff.  We are getting some insights about the words that We use.

Set it free might send a better message too Our brain than detach does.  This is not about losing or destroying or giving or even forgetting anything.  This is All about more, not less.

We are also focusing on connecting Our heartmind and rewiring Our head and heart.  We theel this is the key to Our change of beliefs and thinking.  Connecting and accessing Our heartmind should bring about Our complete psychic change.

We are being reminded that several years ago We knew that We are a healer, but a healer of hearts and minds rather than a healer of bodies.  It certainly feels like this is what Our now is about.

Today is the first day back to school after the storm closure.  There are still a lot of people without power.  We have seen a lot of trees down on houses and power lines.
The kids All say "they" enjoyed the long weekend.  We are having fun with "them".

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lots of insights



Lots of insights

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:16:06 AM

Good morning. It seems that We spent the night playing with Our transition, transformation, expansion. We are not sure exactly what that means, it is new. We decided to dream again rather than getting up early to go for water and heating oil. It feels very right. This is Our focus: We ARE unconditional love. We repeated (and keep repeating) over and over: Open, let go and allow. Plus more than repeating it, doing it. We ARE learning how to do this: how to be physical and live as unconditional love. We are love and We are learning to believe and incorporate that into Our physical life. We see/acknowledge how everything that has happened is leading Us to this point and aiding Us to let go.

We recognize that this IS a communication center. We are practicing mind speak and tech speak both. This is about combining and melding and merging love with the physical. After All, the physical is made of love and built of love even though We (humanity) has denied it. It looks and will look very different from what Our logical, unbalanced brains imagine. That is why We MUST let go, open up and allow the new and the rewire of Our hearts and brains. We know that We (personally) will discover how to use Our natural abilities, how to live by/as Our true nature and introduce this into the mass mind simply by doing so. Nothing mysterious, just a complete change. We also feel certain that there are others doing the same thing. We have no clue who (or what) “they” are and where “they” are. So far, We are a pretty quiet group. Probably not a bad idea when it is something that is just about 100% opposite of how most people think and believe. Being the subject of a marshmallow roast would not serve the interest of the people even if it is the people hosting the roast.

We do NOT advocate anything. We simply are open to complete change (even though We also resist but Our resis-dance is slowing drastically) and therefore (because We truly are All One) We will introduce this to the mass consciousness. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. We do NOT know how this will work, how it will proceed, what the discovery is that We will make. Our head is unable to figure it out and We are letting go of trying. We are letting go of Our old ways of thinking and believing. That is the only way this can happen (at least for Us, it may be different for others). We are also getting it why others have something (seemingly) different to contribute. Because this is a blending of physical and love there needs be those who are also changing the physical. The goal will be to meet somewhere in balance. We may need to send out search parties to find balance, she is lost, forgotten and probably starving. She is certainly One of Our many orphans. She may not come willingly after All the years of being abandoned and left out in the cold to wither and die.

This is why We must honor All choices, decisions and paths. Even those that would seem totally contradictory to Ours. This is new. No, not new today but certainly new these passed few years and to live it completely and totally is still futuristic.

Our world is completely different from how We see it and think of it, perceive it and believe it to be. Remember: it is real (even if We call it unreal) because We believe in it AND We created it. However, there is much, much more that is also real. So much more as to make this limited/limitation reality appear unreal. It is very confusing but only to Our limitation mindset. The rumor of its death are highly exaggerated. We (most everyone) spent years trying to kill the ego. Today most people get it that that is impossible and undesirable if it was possible. Our ego has its place and served Us well. Our brain has its place and served Us well. This limitation world has its place and served Us well. All these can and will continue to serve Us well (and play well with OurSelf) if We honor and allow it. That is certainly Our personal choice (even if We seem to do otherwise from time to time). This is a process and We are IN it.

The word organic keeps coming up when We look at Our cabin, it is becoming organic. Whatever that means. Again We are reminded that We do NOT see the BIG picture. We only see limitation and We can not even imagine (if We are controlling Our imagination) All that is really here and now. We feel the space port which We have recognized (mostly in dream) over a year ago. It is here and it is much more than what We see but even that is just a small fraction of All that is here. Remember, in dream We have seen (and known in Our heart) that the front wall of the cabin is actually permeable and opens on to everything.

It feels like We want to go get water and heating oil soon. We are learning to balance and stay in the now. We are love and We love OurSelf unconditionally.

We are back from getting water and heating oil. We had anticipated a long line at the spring (as late as it was) but there were only two people and “they” were leaving just after We arrived. We got more insights about Our process, letting go mainly. Letting go and allowing the new to happen is big. Letting go is not easy for Us. We are practicing.

We are also practicing sending unconditional love to OurSelf and Our others.

We keep being reminded that the way We see, perceive, think of and believe about this world is only a tiny, minuscule fraction of what is real. We really are ready for a complete mindset change. We are ready, willing and able. We are reminded of back when the galactics asked Us if We are willing to be a leader (note: NOT the leader but rather A leader). Yes, We are ready, willing and able. We also remember the kids and the galactics telling Us that “they” wanted to work with Us. It is happening. We are changing.

We open, let go and allow. We are facing Our fear(s).

Here is a very interesting article that adds to what We are intuiting AND experiencing: click here it adds to and confirms. It talks about disconnecting from the game. We do feel it is time but are not being very successful. There is resis-dance. We fear leaving Our creation. However, We can open, let go and allow. We do trust Our higher Self, at least We think that We do. We know that We will get exactly what We need. We have no idea if We will like it or not. Whatever it is, it is perfect. Hopefully We will remember that while getting it.

So, We ask OurSelf how do We detach? It does not seem as easy as it might sound. We get the reply that We are in the midst of detaching. What We are doing, how We are living, Our dreaming, etc. is Our way of detaching. Yeah, let go, letting go over and over and over........... Remember this is new ground and there are not of people exploring this but there are a few. Unconditional love for Self and Our world and Our others is key.

Sooooo many questions and the only answer (at this time anyway) is; “let go”. We open, let go and allow. We get the feeling that there may be some legitimate reason to fear from a 3D perspective. Can't explain that because We also know that We have no reason (or desire) to fear. It is not exactly that there is actually anything to fear but some stuff may well be (probably is) coming that is a bit scary. A bit like waking through a Halloween haunted house.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Our true nature



Our true nature

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:18:00 AM

Good morning. We visited a/the world where We live in community. We act as a sort of greeter there, Our gatekeeper role? We really enjoy it there because people are different there, We are different there. Many of those We work with are just beginning to adjust to this difference but the basic change has begun. We are open, honest and free. We have no interest in living in community in limitation 3D. The pain, hurt and anger of separation is just too strong. In connection and limitlessness living in community is a fun and beautiful experience.

We are telling OurSelf and Our projected/imagined others that We love Us unconditionally. We repeat it often in different forms. We started (in dream and/or waking dream) feeding OurSelf unconditional love. A nice diet that is. We continue to open, let go and allow. These non-actions are beginning to have an effect. We are changing. We feel the expansion. We get it that We All-ready do the things We desire to do. We have just been in denial. This unconditional love does not judge or berate Us, it opens doors and illuminates the veil.

We love Us unconditionally. This is another key. Letting go is also a key because Our true nature can not be forced or figured out by Our denial. We have no need to “become” for We All-ready are. Trying to become” is fruitless. It is an oxymoron and even an impossibility. We can NOT become” what We All-ready are. We can become aware of what We are. We can begin to believe in Our true nature. We can leave De-Nile. We love Us unconditionally.

It is Our true nature that We seek. Why does it seem such a struggle to be what We are? Because it has been bred into Us for sooooo many eons that: We are what We are not. We firmly believe the lie We told OurSelves over and over and over. Through All of this struggle and force has also been bred into Us.

Somewhere/somewhen in Our recent journey We were pondering the word: “power”. To many this is a nasty word. Why? Because We believe that We have misused and abused Our power and others have surely abused Us through the use of power. This too is part of the lie and illusion inherent in Our limitation/separation game.

However, We only need allow Our true nature to come forth and All of this is a mute point. Until then these are very real and valid points. This has been and continues to be a gradual process. When will We (or have We All-ready?) reach the tipping point? We would say that We have reached and gradual is a whole lot faster than it used to be. The important thing is that there is NOTHING that We must do because We are what We seek to be. There is only letting go and even that is not quite what We imagine. Letting go does NOT mean destroying or banishing. It means owning, honoring and setting free. We can visit anytime We want. Once We are familiar with Our true nature then perhaps We will not have to forget and fall back in to limitation. We can visit without living there.

Telling OurSelf that We love Us unconditionally is definitely helping. It opens doors and locked closets in Our head. It is probably the/a key to linking Our heart mind to Our head and activating Our multiD operating system, activating the unused portions of Our brain and DNA. It is sooooo much easier and affective than struggling to be what We All-ready are.

We are reminded that We are learning how to do this: how to be physical AND live as love. We are also transmuting and transitioning All at the same time. A bit like walking on water and it is NOT calm and smooth water.

There are lots of insights coming through. We would call “them” knew but “they” are not new. However, now “they” are much more real to Us. The idea of travel seems to be a biggy right now. We have many limited concepts of travel. Even Our most expanded and exciting concepts and possibilities are limited. We have the idea of travel as turned around as any other. We travel within Our mind but experience and conceive of it as traveling outside of Our body. This is One of those concepts that We have yet to be able to fully grasp and convey with Our 3D brain. However, We know it is true and part of Our true nature. The best thing We can do is open, let go and allow while feeding OurSelf unconditional love.

We are (again) reminded that We are learning how to do this AND We are walking in uncharted territory. We are actually navigating through chaos, total chaos. Not a small feat to stay aloft in complete chaos.

Aisha North's latest: click here really does describe what We are experiencing.

The latest from Sophia: click here for Nov. 15 entry also confirms what We are intuiting and experiencing.

We are having visions of what lies around Us and before Us, that which We have denied and literally turned a blind eye(I) to. It is hard to explain as it is far beyond Our current concepts and precepts and wildest imaginings. It is turning everything We think and believe on its ear (or ass). Very Onederfull and glorious but hard to type and to believe.

Remember, We are walking in and blending two (and more) worlds. We are NOT abandoning Our creation as some believe. Maybe “they” are or maybe “they” just can not imagine it being this way AND that way. Not Our job. Our job is TO imagine AND believe that it IS this way AND that way. And so it is. We are expanding NOT contracting. Contracting is another part of the cycle (or not).

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Changes are happening



Changes are happening

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:22:27 AM

Good morning. More worlds and more new friends. There are sooooo many possibilities.

We slept in since We know that there is no school. We are actually up a little early but We thelt it was time to get up for a bit. We woke repeating: “open, let go and allow”. We theel there really is a lot of work being done whether or not it shows. We feel the shift. We are very comfortable just dreaming Our days away the way We have been the last few days. We theel that is exactly what is needed now and that it is bringing in the change. There is nothing to do but lots to be. Our focus and intent is love. That is what matters.

Interesting how each day is beginning to feel like its own world. Everything looks the same but it sure feels different and the old continuity from One day to the next does not feel as substantial. We are changing. Our outlook, idea, thoughts and beliefs are expanding. We let go and that is a big key.

It seems like We got up to make a waking decision where to put Our focus: do We want to focus on the old limitation realities or let go and allow the new to take root. We choose love. We may still waffle back and forth but Our root is planting in love. That is Our choice and Our intent. We are getting better at letting go of the details. The details are what We refer to when We type (and think) about expectations. Just like the version of “intent” that Matt talked about. We held the old meaning of intent for a long time and knew that it did not work for Us. We did not have an expanded meaning but We were doing what Matt talks about for quite a while. He gave a meaning that corresponds to what We theel. These are the subtle changes that ARE happening.

We are finding many examples of the choices We are (and will be) making moment to moment. Just as this is no longer a One size fits All world, so to it is not a One time choice covers All world. It is a world of choice after choice after choice. That is free will. As We make more choices of love, connection and limitlessness this will (Once again) become Our natural (and even normal) choice. It will be Our default rather than limitation, separation, lack and struggle being Our default. This shows Us a lot. We are NOT to blame for Our choices and circumstances etc. We had to experience these in order to choose to expand and live as love. This is not the airy, fairy, mapleslurple love of romance novels. This is the down and dirty, nitty gritty, in the trenches love of OurSelf and Our projected others.

We are making more and more choices to let go and allow. Choices to live as what We really are rather than pretending to be what We are not.

We keep being reminded to stay in the now, this is related to letting go. We are relaxing and playing so far today.

We snovelled Shadow's path to the back door. This show is very different from Our normal show here. It is very dense. Lots of work to clear it. We are leaving most until after the plow gets here or to pack it down until spring. Being okay with that is very new for Us.

We keep reading different articles and watching vids that focus on love. That really is the answer to where We are and where We are going and what We are building/creating. This is a much different type of building than anything that We are used to in the physical. For those of Us who still only remember Our physical lives, this is brand new and totally different. We must open, let go and allow. That is the way into the new. Of course, there are other versions that We may explore if We are not ready to open, let go and allow. However, those (while differentish) will be more of the same. That choice is honored.

It is nice to see that the focus on love that We felt strong in 2012 is becoming more and more what others are finding.

This also tells Us that this current path We are on (which quite frankly seems totally bizarre and absurd to Our brain) is just as accurate (can't find the right word here) as sending love and being love is/was. To hold on to the old is to deny that We are love. We do not choose to continue living that way. We may slip back but We have the feeling that We will find that the only way is forward.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Our intention is love



Our intention is love

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:03:56 AM

Good morning. Lots of processing and letting go. We found that We were repeating: “We are love”, over and over and over. We vaguely remember visiting other worlds.

The power went out several times so We did not sleep much after midnight. We dozed a lot and woke again when the power went off again. We spent that time repeating Our mantras and telling OurSelf that We love OurSelf unconditionally. We also know that We would like to just dream and integrate these energies deep within.

It is warm, snowing and the wind is blowing hard.

We are very drifty and We remind OurSelf that We can just relax and enjoy it.

As We are drifting We also got some things done around the cabin to make it more comfortable for Us. Little things that We wanted to do.

We just got the call that school is canceled again today. It is nice to get the call before We go into town. Our intuition (or something) is telling Us that there is major change happening and it is much more than warm winter storms.

Distinguishing between intuition and head is often still difficult for Us when it comes to these kinds of things. We know We are in the midst of change but it is the result that is very unclear. That is why We continue to be open, to let go and to allow. We are unconditional love and We love OurSelf AND Our others unconditionally. We are reminded that We do NOT have to like someOne or something to love “them” unconditionally. In fact loving anything that We do NOT like is more unconditional than loving something We do like.

Also, We just want to mention that the song: “Good Morning America” has been running through Our head a lot lately.

We just got the third call about no school. We were One-da-ring why We were still up. We would not want to be getting jolted out of dream by these calls. We were hoping the last One was gonna be that “they” canceled tomorrow too but that will probably wait until later today or tomorrow.

We are watching a new video by Matt Kahn watch it here and at about half way We have to go back to dream. Well, We probably do not have to” but We are being drawn really strong and We choose to follow this.

Shadow and Us both woke up from Our dreams about the same time. Shadow got up right after We did and wants out. He does not seem nervous, just curious. We can not tell that anything is going on besides the storm and it is still fairly dark outside. It is snowing lightly and the wind is still blowing strong. There is some drifting apparent even though this snow is very dense and heavy. We have not gotten more than about half the snowfall predicted.

We are going to watch some more of the video and then probably go back to dream. We have no idea if We will snovel and show today or call Our plow guy. We are not in the space to make these decisions.

Matt is talking about intention (which would normally bore Us) but he is talking about the intention of love. Usually when We read or hear about setting intention it is about many other things than setting Our intention on love. We are love, that is Our nature why shouldn't it be Our intent as well. We have been doing this and moving this direction so this is more confirmation and some more suggestions. Remember, We kept repeating: “We are love” over and over last night and lately We have felt that love is the only thing We should/can be focusing on. We are letting go of the rest.

We finished the video and subscribed to his newsletter. Now, We are just about ready to return to dream and integrate what is valuable for Us.

Spending the day going back to dream is Our favorite, at least right now. The wind is still blowing and We have not gotten any emails since We went back to dream. We theel there may be something down with Our internet provider. We hear the snowplows running on the roads around Us. We theel it is time to bake cookies.

The first batch of cookies is in the oven.

It seems that We are returning to the large city We visited in many of Our dream sessions. It feels to Us that it is Seattle or San Francisco but a slightly futuristic version. We are having fun there. It would be cool to shift Our awareness there in waking. Open, let go and allow. There is sooooo much We still do not understand (or even have a clue about) regarding multilocating, travel, other lives in waking. We are good at it in dream but have yet to be aware of it in waking. That is probably the control issues. In dream We fully let go and just be OurSelf. In waking We are too used to pretending to be what We are not. We are willing to change and begin exploring.

More dreaming and then more dreaming. We open, let go and allow.

We did try to move some snow but it is very hard going so We will leave it.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Returning to dream



Returning to dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:48:01 AM

Good morning. We know We are focused on Our transition in dream as well as waking. We open, let go and allow. In waking dream We got the message that We will remember and introduce the concept of control, doing, having, accomplishing by letting go. We will find how it works and be able to apply it. Somehow, this feels different to Us than any previous thoughts about any kind of discovery. It feels real.

As We were pondering not remembering anything from the last few nights We get it that We are dreaming about letting go. Not much to remember when We dream about doing nothing. How many times do We have to repeat doing nothing before We get it right? We have spent years practicing doing nothing. Eventually We will remember how. This may not make much sense but to “not control” or to not try to control is not human. It is Our true nature but it is not known to humans. Humans want and try to control everything.

What We are learning to do is like breathing but We have replaced it with machines and All kinds of devices and rules and regulations and lies. Humanity needs (IOO) to learn to breathe again, or to learn to fall off a bike. Failure is not an option, it really is not even a possibility. Hard to imagine that.

And that brings Us to another part: We are open to change and life far, far beyond Our wildest imaginings. That is what We were processing and experiencing yesterday afternoon. These changes are so foreign (even alien) to Us that We just can not conceive anything remotely close to what lies ahead. We try. God knows We try. We use words like flying and teleporting and the images these words bring up are so limited and minuscule in comparison to where We are going and what We will be experiencing that “they” could All-most be called lies. We have to completely let go of Our former limitations and concepts and perceptions.

That is what Our now is about. Others have other jobs. We are blowing the lid off. We will discover/remember/learn how to travel without effort AND enjoy the journey. This is NOT about skipping the journey the way Our concept of teleporting would imply. This is sooooo different that the only way to fathom it is to open, let go and allow.

It is pretty awesome to know that We are on the verge of such a startling discovery. We know We will be introducing it into the mass mind. Few will know who the trailblazers were in this development. That is not a problem. This is not about fame and glory, those are old pair-a-dime needs. This is not about doubting OurSelves and Our abilities. This is about letting go. Assension in freefall. That term keeps coming up for Us. Something like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. Except, this limitation dimension is not really that great. It has been an experience and a thrill ride to be sure. We are not gonna abandon or destroy it. We will return (probably many times). We just are over (way over) believing that We are stuck here.

For some time now We have been saying and learning that this is no longer a: “One size fits All” world. Maybe it never was. Recently We are reading this from more and more of Our others. Just like how this current new way of living, thinking, believing and doing (that We are dreaming, experiencing and intuiting) will gradually seep into the mass mind and then begin to leak out is tiny trickles until it becomes a flood, so too is the concept of variety and diversity beginning to come forward. Today's Abraham-Hicks quote of the day says it well:

There is a big mix out there, and there's lots of different things going on, and there is not one way that was intended to be the right way. Just like there's not one color or one flower or one vegetable or one fingerprint. There is not one that is to be the right one over all others. The variety is what fosters the creativity. And so you say, "Okay, I accept that there's lots of variety, but I don't like to eat cucumbers." Don't eat cucumbers. But don't ask them to be eliminated and don't condemn those who eat them. Don't stand on corners waving signs trying to outlaw the things that you don't like. Don't ruin your life by pushing against. Instead, say, "I choose this instead. This does please me.




Excerpted from the workshop in Rye, NY on October 12, 1997

There is much that We are experiencing and intuiting again today. We would like to get it All down but We just do not have the energy and focus. That is okay because it is in the mass mind as We (and any others) get it then Our connection feeds it into the mass mind.

Getting it that others doing it different is okay is hard for Us and We are certain that it is just as hard and harder for many others. We are All in transition and We are doing it Our own way and that is perfect.

We are having another ice storm today and “they” canceled school. Of course because We have to leave so early to get to town on time in adverse conditions, We were at base before We found out. (the good news there is that We will at least get paid for some time) We stopped at Wally World for some supplies in case even though it is only expected to be One day. There is just no way to know what the roads will be like in a few hours much less tomorrow.

Now, for Us here is the interesting thing: Yesterday there were All kinds of predictions and nobody knew what might happen since the recent forecasts have not been accurate. We thought about stopping at the store to pick up supplies on Our way home. We really wanted to just get home (as usual) and knew that We would be going in to work today, school would be canceled and We could pick up supplies on the way home. BTW: supplies are the necessities like extra milk, cookie mix, almond bark and such.

Also, We have thelt for a while now that the stuff with the dragon is partially because this/these ice storm(s) were coming and it is better that We are driving the chariot in these conditions. Over the years We have learned that things like: a car not starting or not running right, loosing Our car keys, a flat tire, etc, things that seem and maybe even feel bad, frustrating and irritating may be the very thing that prevents Us from having some kind of really bad experience. We have had many times where We learned (after the fact) that We had just missed some multi-car pile up etc.

So, We had a piece of warm pie with I-scream and will head back to dream soon.

We really enjoyed Our dream time. We visited many versions of Our world and lives. Some are very abstract some are very similar to this version. We had a lot of fun. That seems to be the theme: have fun!!!!!!!!!

We are reminded of how many things We cling to that keep Us locked in Our limitations. Very few are about having fun. “They” are about responsibilities and struggle to survive. Life was never meant to be a struggle. Struggle is only part of Our limitation hologram. Yet, We have become addicted to it. Let go. We cling to Our prison bars and if We would only let go and turn around the doors stands wide open. Like the dreams of Our cabin that opens onto everything. This is real. Everything awaits Us if We will just let go. This is not a pretty song or dream. It is reality awaiting Us.

Here is an excerpt Suzanne Lie:

Although, it isn't really our short-term memory that we are losing, but the memory of where our consciousness just dashed off to and returned form. We do not remember what happened because we just left time. Since our 3D memory is based on the past, present and future time, it cannot register a concept of moving into a timeless reality and returning just before, or shortly after, we left.

This explains a lot of what is going on with Our memory of both waking and dreaming experiences.

We returned to dream again. We enjoy a day of returning to dream. We would/will enjoy having more of “them”. We woke from visiting a large city with friends. We did recognize anyOne from waking but We are familiar with these friends. It was interesting in that We were living/acting in many of the ways We foresee. Little things, and incidents would come up and yet nothing phased Us. We knew We would have any answer when We needed it. Happy go lucky is the common term.

Something else came to mind from Our reading or dreaming or, or, or...... that We wanted to mention but now it is gone. If it comes back up maybe We will remember it long enough to share. It was more about Our world and reality. Again: it is not that this world is not real. It is the limitation that is not real and We totally see it and believe in it as limited. This is changing.

Open, let go and allow.

Aha, We were reminded of the phrase: “nobody's perfect”. What a bold faced lie and yet All-most everyOne (if not everyOne) believes it. How could We believe anything so preposterous unless We are the Ones telling the lie?????????

We just read the term: psychic passages. Perhaps that is a key to Our quandary about travel?????? Again: if We instantly teleport from One place to another We will miss the journey. At least for now the journey is what is important.

As We read about the splendor of Lemuria ( U should be able to read it here ) We get the idea that this is where We were during that last dream.

Another round of dream life before dinner, movie and more dream time. Fun, that is All We remember. It was about transitioning and having fun doing it.

We theel We are in for an early dinner and an early night dreaming.