Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, November 11, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:00:01 AM

Good morning. We know that We were working on Our transition and expansion but We do not remember any details. We did wake repeating Our mantras.

We woke about an hour before Our alarm went off. We wanted to get up early to go get water before the rush (since the spring was closed for a couple of weeks it will probably get busy early). When We woke We thought We might not wanna get up after All so We turned Our alarm off and laid in bed repeating Our mantras some more. After a bit it felt like We were ready to get up. We do plan on/hope to return to dream when We return.

We are doing better at releasing Our thoughts and expectations about this transition. We really would like to start flying, teleporting and time traveling but We are okay to let it be.

The messages so far are: “Stay in the now”, “Let Our fear pass through Us (liquid or abstract)”, “open, let go and allow” and mostest important: “Trust OurSelves”.

It's snowing like mad so We are gonna go snovel some show to prepare for going for water and heating oil.

Shadow is walking very tenderly this morning. So??????? He has never liked snow in his paws and with his back legs being weak he is more careful about his front paws and legs. He is still happy and that is very important. However, We may be making a choice soon.

We got Our water and heating oil. It was kinda fun driving through 6-8 inches of fresh and falling snow. We were in a different space mentally than We are used to. The entire thing reminded Us of Our childhood trips to Our cabin in the winter. Fond memories. The only really fond memories that We have from childhood. Often (here) in these conditions (and such) We go into survival mode and forget Our play mode. Today, We were in play mode. We had fun. When We got home We unloaded the chariot and decided to wait about putting stuff back in and putting it away. That part will be much easier in daylight.

So, We had a piece of warm apple pie with cheddar cheese and went back to dream.

We were not sure if We wanted to get back up but We decided We are ready. Our life and world look the same but feel different. We are taking everything One step (or ½ step) at a time and enjoying that. We plan to do dishes today after We go outside and do some playing out there. We will call Our plow guy soon too.

Our thinking is certainly changing. Baby steps perhaps but progress to be sure.

The snow is so deep and slick that We can not get the chariot into its parking spot and out of the way of the snow plow blah, blah, blah. If he does come today We will just run the chariot around the circle until the drive is plowed. We also wanted to get the dragon moved a bit for the plow (not a biggy) but the dragon does not want to be driven right now. Maybe later. The thing is that none of this is making Us as nuts as it used to. We go outside and move a little snow and do a little of this and that and come inside and read and type and drink mochas.

We listened to several You Tubes while We did dishes. One reminded Us that We ARE blending the feminine and masculine. We know this but We did not get it that that is a big part of what We are experiencing. The masculine wants to plan and direct, the feminine lets go and follows heart and feeling. We are NOT destroying either or trying to swing to the other extreme (well, maybe a little but that is not Our higher Self) instead We are blending and merging. This is another part of what has never been done in the physical.

Letting go is getting a little easier and We are definitely getting better at it. Much mantraing going on.

It does seem like the dragon's leak is getting less leaky but that may be wishful thinking. We know that regardless it is All perfect. We are continuing to change and expand and evolve and this All helps Us do that.

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