Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Processing and integrating



Processing and integrating

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:54:02 AM

Good morning. We really enjoyed dreaming in. More worlds, more new friends and friends from Our waking world too. As We wake We are practicing opening, setting free and allowing. We are feeling (and Allmost seeing) more overlaying/overlapping Our familiar limitation surroundings. We are allowing Our imagination to explore the more. This is not forced imagining, trying to imagine based on/in Our limitation mindset. This is allowing Our heart to imagine and letting it run free. We are practicing and learning how. Instead of Our normal head thinking and planning Our day (or even options) based in and on limitation, We are just drifting in the great unknown while sitting in Our familiar surroundings.

We are changing.

As We ponder and read some email: We see (Once again) how easily We (personal AND collective) give away Our power. We (personally) are practicing taking it back by setting it free. We remind OurSelf that We are not abandoning or even leaving Our limitation creation. It is right here and so IS everything else. All here, All now. We just need to learn/remember how to be aware, consciously aware of this. Right now the answer/key is setting it free. When We cling to and focus on limitation, that is All We see and experience. Of course: that is the whole point of limitation. Our head can NOT conceive of limitation and limitless co-existing. Our heart know this is how it actually is and that is here AND now.


Right now We are experiencing more than typing and that is why some of Our posts are short. We are kinda hoping to type up some kind of “Night School” or summary or such or something or something else over this long weekend but We may just be too busy experiencing and doing what looks like doing nothing but is actually doing everything by: opening, setting free and allowing.

As We are going about Our day and pondering Our process We are having some interesting thoughts, insights and intuits that We will attempt to share: We theel that when We return to Our true nature (everything will be completely different. The End) We will think with Our heart. We theel We are in the midst of the process of sorta rewiring OurSelf to do this. This does NOT mean abolishing, abandoning or ignoring Our brain. We theel Our brain has a purpose and it is not just processing junk mail. We (most everyOne) know that We currently only use ten percent of Our brain. This is the part that processes limitation information and perspective and feeds it back out to Us.

The brain projects its information onto Our view scree which We believe is Our world (it is only ten percent of Our world, maybe less). What if the other ninety percent of Our brain holds and processes and projects limitlessness information? Does that give Us a hint at how much We are ignoring?

In order to fully and completely experience limitation and separation We had to shut down and/or cordon off that ninety percent of Our brain that holds limitlessness and Oneness information and files and memories and experiences. Our heart also knows and remembers this information so We had to shut it down also (think about it). Now, We have pretty much done limitation and separation to death (quite literally actually). However: We are NOT destroying or forgetting or abandoning limitation and separation. We are only expanding. We can return here any time We wish. In fact: We will continue to be here AND We will be (are) there also and at the same time. We will also be able to play and observe limitation and separation from a whole new perspective of also knowing We are limitless AND connected. That should be a real hoot. We really can do it All. If We allow.

So, here are two fears We (personally at least) about expansion which are unfounded and now We know this: We fear that We will abandon or try to destroy Our brain AND We fear that We will abandon or try to destroy Our creation: limitation and separation worlds and realities. We reassure OurSelf that We will remember, honor, embrace and set these parts of Our true Self free. Freedom is NOT banishment. All of Us is welcome and able to be here and be now.

Again, these are hard concepts to wrap Our limitation mindset around. We are looking for a complete psychic change. Reinstalling Our heartmind will do just that. We are ready, willing and able.

We are reminded about when the galactics asked Us if We wanted to be a leader. Boy did We misunderstand that question. We got it that We were being asked to lead by example and NOT to rule the way many current and passed leaders do and did. What We did NOT get is that We were/are NOT being asked to be a popular leader. We were/are happy that We were/are not going to have a following. We would be happy to feel We are better understood and appreciated but We also get why We are not. Trailblazers are rarely popular and/or fully understood. We are not whining or being grandiose here. We are simply being honest (as We see it in Our now).

It is quite interesting that We are reminded about comet/planet/starship Ison about an hour before it is expected to come closest to Our sun. We also found that We may be able to see Ison a little before sunrise tomorrow. We are going to check into the time etc. Oh, also interesting that Our friends postponed turkey holy day until tomorrow so We are home dreaming and processing and integrating and remembering that We are love and We love Us unconditionally.

As We call Ison a starship/planet, We are reminded that earth is a planet AND a living starship. Recently We are more and more aware of being on ship (both here and somewhere beyond in space) and that Our cabin IS on/in a space port AND a small craft that is part 0f (and removable from) Our planetary ship. We are also reading the Ison's message, function, purpose, nature is LOVE and We certainly have been focusing a lot more on love these passed few days and weeks.

We are unconditional love as is Our planet earth/Gaia and Ison etc. It is Our nature to emote and exude unconditional love as it is the nature of Our sun, planet and other planets and comets etc. We have forgotten but this knowledge is coming back online. Our hearts are being activated and brought back online and Our brains are beginning to access the information hidden in the unused 90%.

Will We see any sudden and major shifts and changes from Ison? That remains a mystery but We (personally and others) are convinced that change is amping up.

We are finding much that We may want to read but We are also finding that We are being drawn into dream. So, We choose to have dinner and movie a bit early and then early to dream. We hope to remember to watch for Ison before sunrise tomorrow.

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