Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Night School "Insights and outsights" 4/30/12


Insights and outsights

(From night school last night)

I don't know where to start with this One. It was like a packet of information was dumped inside My mind and it was up to Me to sort it out. This was part of the message. I have been thinking, knowing and saying that I have been sending telepathically for several years now. What I need is to learn to listen and hear telepathically. I was being shown that I can listen and hear telepathically and that I Am learning how to do it. I Am doing just that. As exciting as I would expect this to be it kinda feels like an everyday experience now. Things have certainly changed in the last few months.

Of course in multi-D things don't happen in linear fashion like “they” do in limitation 3D so that is another reason why I can't really find or give a time-line for My dreams last night. And that was another thing. I was much more lucid than I used to be in dreaming. I was shown how My dream life and My waking life are merging. That is a good thing and to know what is happening when this happens is a good thing. There was stuff about altered states, waking, sleeping, dreaming, being lucid. We are living more and more in a lucid state as opposed to the sleep walking way We used to live Our lives. Being in an altered state as We go about Our lives is more and more common.

I got it that sometimes We don't notice the changes in Our lives because “they” happen gradually. Most of Us are familiar with two ways of turning on lights. There is a toggle type switch where U flip the switch and (All-most) instantly the light comes on (read: instantly it goes from dark to light or light to dark). This can be a little shocking. There is also a dimmer type switch where the light comes on (or goes off) gradually. This is how lighting is done in theaters also, do You think there is a reason for that? The gradual change is the best way for Us to adjust and acclimate to Our new surroundings. Often, We have been through a lot of gradual change over a long period of time and say: “Why isn't anything changing?”

Another thing that happens is that there are technologically advanced beings who have (and use) holographic abilities. We can be taken, teleported, transported to a place and/or time that is actually very different but We are holographically shown surroundings that are so similar to the familiar that We don't real-eyes We went anywhere (and/or We can do this to OurSelves). We can be on a space ship and think We are in Our bedroom. This is to reduce Our shock and allow Us to slowly adjust and acclimate. Our minds are fully capable of doing this for Us to avoid anything that We anticipate as being too scary/different for Us to handle. This can be DE-Nile or knot.

I was reminded that “acclimation” is a psychic gift or ability that I Am (We are) just becoming aware of. We have All used this ability in seemingly minor and normal ways throughout Our lives. However, as We have entered a time of drastic change this ability will become more and more useful. We will also find that as We learn to acclimate, the weather will not affect Us (and Our moods) as much.

Once again We are no longer (if We ever were) in a “One size fits All” world. Yet, We continue to live side by side with people who make very different choices about “their” world, “their” reality and “their” awareness. Therefore, We have to choose (possibly moment to moment) whether to buy into “their” reality or Our reality. As I imagine trying to keep up with All the different choices “out there” being made by All the different people “out there” I think We will soon be overwhelmed and very frustrated and exhausted by trying to live in (experience) “their” reality(s). So, what We see may not be Our reality, but it may well be “their” reality. I can certainly understand how this can get confusing. We have much to learn about being multi-dimensional.

I was shown that We are in the introductory phase of Our transitional world. Many of Us (MySelf included) had no idea We would be entering a transitional world. We did NOT expect the “dimmer switch” approach to en-light-en-ment. We expected to be “poofed” into the land where the streets are paved with gold. We certainly did NOT expect to go through months, years, maybe life times of an introductory phase to this transitional world. However, if We ever did experience getting “poofed” into something totally new and vastly different Our ability to mask it and make it appear like Our everyday world kicked in and We never even noticed a change. EXCEPT that many of Us held vague memories of that different world, even if We only caught a slight, momentary glimpse of it. For some of Us that memory has remained as an itch that We just could not scratch.

Today "Rain and shine" 4/29/12


Rain and shine

Wizard's Log Star-date: 11:34:33 AM

Good morning. I thought I was gonna go back to bed first thing but haven't made it there yet. Of course, this doesn't mean that I Am fully awake or even here.

Lots of fun dreams last night, mostly recess, visiting and playing in alternate realities and can't remember enough details to string together into any kind of post. I had fun, what more need be said.

I'm getting a few things done outside, was gray to start now sun and clouds. Thought I might catch up on email but alas....................

It clouded over again and eventually turned into rain so I ceased to do things outside and came in. I actually did catch up on email. Now what will I do with the rest of My life? He-he

Dream, that's what I'll do and I will get started right now.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Today "Where am I?" 4/28/12


Where am I?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:09:02 AM

Good morning. I remember night school quite clearly so got right into typing that up. Got a phone call and was actually pleasantly surprised to real-eyes how “out” I was and had to really concentrate to say complicated words like: “hello”. It seems I spent most (or All) of My day in this state.

I had a fairly active day but never fully mentally engaged into 3D.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Night School "Beginning and BEING the change" 4/28/12


Beginning and BEING the change

(From night school last night)

I believe I was shown One possible version of the world We are creating and One way We may be (are) creating it. It is a current alternate reality as well as a possible future. It was a combination or expansion of the relief effort, in a way only possible in dream or expanded consciousness.

I started with recognizing the role I Am playing in the Circle of Love group. It is exciting and an important collective movement in creating Our new earth and I Am a very active participant. I know this will unfold into greater and greater manifestation. This is One event in My waking world.

In addition to (or part of) the starving people around the world, there are people living in poverty here in the U.S. and even in My home town. This is One of those things where most of Us have felt helpless to have any real impact on this situation. Perhaps We can help One person or family but that is not even the tip of the iceberg. However it is a place where each of Us can begin. Then there is the question of what is actually help????? Of course, a gift must be freely given without regard to how the recipient uses it. However, it is hard for Me (and many) to give to someOne who is begging by choice rather than need. It is hard to know that the money (or whatever aid) will go to buy booze or drugs. The bottom line (which is a huge lesson on many levels for many people) right now is discernment.

Once again, until We have a change of heart, of thinking, a complete psychic change and a conversion to love centered living, nothing will truly change.

I was shown a world where this inner change has begun. That is a very important point. Money had begun to flow freely but not everyOne seemed to have access to it or know how to get it or use it. In short, there are still people needing help. AND there are people willing and able to help. It is about One person (or family or group) helping One person (or family or group). Then the helped become the helper(s) and the original helper moves on the help an-other(s).

I experienced and observed many variations on this.

There was an alcoholic who was given money and care. “They” began to head back to the bottle but there was (somehow) an inner change and “they” used the money and assistance and love “they” were given to begin to build (to create) the life “they” had despaired that “they” could never have. “They” faced the demons that “they” had never had the courage to face and embraced the love that “they” had so long escaped.

A home less mother and child were given an apartment or small house (You know how dreams are) with the rent paid for a year. This new home needed repairs and a large group (laymen to the building trades) did online research to learn how to best rectify the problems. Then with donations of labor and supplies “they” got to it.

Of course, there were people who had the response: “I don't want charity”. We assured “them” this was “a leg up” and NOT charity. This was a real chance to start over and live a life of sharing and caring. We (who have) can NOT give unless someOne is willing to receive. The “have-nots” are only a temporary situation. Money has begun to flow or perhaps “need” has begun to diminish.

People who are not able to invite the homeless into “their” own homes for food and shelter ARE able to take the homeless to restaurants and good community kitchens and to affordable housing and help “them” get settled in to this housing. Then “they” are shown how to obtain money to live comfortably and then to pay it forward.

Perhaps the reason that money does not appear to be readily available to everyOne (at first) is so that We All get the opportunity to give to others. It is good practice and definitely a learning and fun experience for All.

Now people are spending less (or no) time working at unrewarding jobs and have time to take care of “themSelves” “their” family and friends and neighbors and strangers. We have begun to care and care for and show kindness to complete strangers. People spend less time working and more time playing. Whatever work and play may look like to “them”. We All spend more time helping each other and everything that needs to be done gets done by someOne who wants to do it and does it gladly and willingly. We spend time paying attention to each other.

I went to a youngstar and asked if “they” would like Me to spend an hour with “them”. “Doing what?” “Whatever You want that We can do in an hour”. “Okay, any suggestions?” “We could get a hamburger, You could show Me how to play One of Your video games, We could play pool or ping pong, You could teach Me a bit about skateboarding, We could just talk. You decide and it doesn't have to be any of My suggestions.” When Our hour was up (I had just picked One hour arbitrarily as it seemed like a good start) I asked if “they” wanted to spend an hour together again tomorrow. The answer was a happy “YES”.

The next day I was helping a group of people work on someOne'ssooooo important. I said that I would be spending an hour with a youngstar. I could tell by “their” faces that the idea would catch on.

I know this is not a foolish fantasy. We have set Our foot upon the road and this journey has begun. Welcome All who are within, upon and part of this earth.

Today "A variety day" 4/27/12


A variety day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:57:59 AM

Good morning. In and out, drifting and now starting to remember night school.

I drifted somewhere and got involved in creative projects and conversations online and working on adding a map to The Circle of Love blog page and and and................................

Spent a lot of time outside, playing and getting dead-fall for My privacy wall. I'm excited about the way My rug design worked out inside. I'm excited about the response and participation to the Circle of Love. I'm excited and having fun with creating and decoration My privacy behind My back deck.

I'm excited about sending love to the world.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Night School "Relative choices" 4/27/12


Relative choices

(From night school last night)

Time is relative. That is the first thing I Am remembering but I'm not at All sure that is where night school started. In recent years We have begun to talk about no time and that time does not really exist. This is like when We tried to kill ego. Everything exists and has a purpose. It is real because Our belief makes it real. The illusion is that “it” (whatever “it” might be) and the way We currently perceive “it” is All there is. There is All-ways more. Time is as real as anything else We believe or experience or imagine. Time is NOT limited to being linear, it is NOT fixed or stagnant even in how it moves and changes. We have set an arbitrary pattern for time, to make it easy for Us to be ruled by time. Time is actually a lot like an unruly child, it behaves however it wants. Time actually has no interest in ruling anyOne or anything, We arbitrarily give it that attribute. Perhaps that is true of All Our rulers??????

This tied into Our new earth and Our choices. In December I started saying that I saw 2012 as a year of changes and choices. It certainly appears that I was correct. I Am being shown how Our different choices create different realities within One dimension and many dimensions. It All exists at the same time and in the same space yet can appear to be polar opposites. One overlays another like a transparency or gauze. We can (and do) exist side by side with people who live in and firmly believe in seemingly opposite realities to Our reality. We can think of it as two people standing back to back each describing “their” view and believing that “their” view is the ONLY view.

I got to visit areas where the relief effort has been (and still is) going on. Even though there is no evidence that this project is being carried out in My physical reality, I know that it is happening and it is happening now. I can feel the results of Our group effort/focus on sending love energy to the world and into the earth's energy grid. I do not (yet) see any results in My waking/physical world but I certainly know without a doubt that We are having a huge affect.

I Am often reminded that Our part is to send the love. What any recipient does with the love is totally up to “them”.

Today "A bit of cleaning and a lot of creating" 4/26/12


A bit of cleaning and a lot of creating

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:22:32 AM

Good morning. I don't remember much from last night but I woke feeling a bit doubtful again. I get the feeling that the night may have been about processing My doubts and fears One more time. As I got into My email and sending love (several emails were about the Circle of Love group) I gradually got more into the positive and aware of more multi-D.

I decided to do some spring cleaning (I think I remember how????) and decorating inside while I wait for it to get warm enough to play outside. This inside turned into creativity as much as cleaning. It is sooooo nice to not feel time pressed. I feel much more able and willing to do chore-ish things as well as creative projects.

That took All day and I didn't quite finish, do We ever?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today "A simple day" 4/25/12


A simple day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:30:15 AM

Good morning. I seem to be having a rather scattered morning. I guess that happens when a person becomes aware of living in more than One reality at a time.

I think I got night school All typed up. I thought I might use it on My blog page for the group, but NOT.

I read a bit from One of My books by DR. Meg Losey. She told a story about being with a 6 year old boy and his mother. The boy said there were a lot of ships in the sky above. The mother looked and said she didn't see any. The boy (with a note of exasperation) said that she wasn't looking “fast” enough. I love that. Dr. Meg is familiar with multi-D and when she tuned into the boy, she too could see the ships.

Continuing to send love to Gaia, Our leaders (good and bad) and areas where there is suffering.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Night School "Review and revelation" 4/25/12


Review and revelation

(From night school last night)

There has been some questioning about sending love to those who (appear to) have harmed Us, and the aspect of anger. I like this that I read this morning after dreaming:

Remember, in moments of anger, that anger is an improvement from lower vibrational states of being. Recognize in your anger that you are actually, potentially moving toward feeling better from where you were before. In every situation there is a perspective available that is love, and which makes you feel entirely good about who you are and what you are right now. Call forth this view in your life.”

I read it at Life at the Ideafrontier. Expect Wonderful by Meredith Murphy

Another synchy-sank.

We have every reason and right to be angry about the way Our world has gone. It seems only right to focus that anger at those who are (seemingly) in charge. We have many labels for these and though I don't use the words much I do believe in the cabal and the Illuminati. I view “them” (in some ways) much the same as everyOne else BUT I also view “them” as performing a service to All mankind.

We chose to give Our power away in order to experience powerlessness. That makes sense even though it may be hard to conceive of why We would want to experience powerlessness. It is fairly simple: We got tired of being All power-full. Therefore, someOne had to be in charge and take the power We were giving away. (Talk about free energy and I DO think there is a clue in there) Now, even though We are tired of being raped and pillaged, We (the vast majority of the people everywhere) still don't want to be responsible for Our own lives, the state of the world, the conditions that have created Our conditions, or cleaning up the mess (a bit like soiled diapers after creamed carrots and peas). It's a mess and We would much rather BLAME others and be rescued than take responsibility and pay the price and do WHATEVER it will take to straighten things up.

Therefore, if anyOne deserves to be tried and found guilty, it is US and NO I don't mean the United States, I mean WE THE PEOPLE of the world.

I believe that Our leaders (the banksters, the swindlers, the cheats and the frauds) are probably ass-ended masters who feel the pain of what “they” are doing every bit as much as We feel the pain of the results of what “they” are doing. Maybe not, maybe “they” just inherited the job along with the money. I real-eyes this is a very unpopular belief. It means WE are responsible, even if We deny it and run from it.

WE ARE THE WORLD. In the figurative sense that sounds lovely, in the literal sense it is rather disgusting. Yes, Our planet remains a beautiful place and is capable of healing and being healed despite Our best efforts to destroy her.

This is where love comes in. (wouldn't this make a nice script for a play: Enter stage left: )

We need to forgive OurSelves and Our others for the (perceived) crimes that We think have been committed. In truth, there is nothing to forgive as We All played Our parts, Our roles. Nothing more and nothing less. Once We forgive and begin to love then We can see this. If there is another way to get there, I don't see it but I think I would approve of it.

SomeOne Once said: “Love Your neighbor as YourSelf”. I don't think it was: “Love Your nice neighbor as YourSelf”. It might have been: “Love Your neighbor for “they” are YourSelf.” Also: “Turn the other cheek” (checkbook???) And: “Love Your enemy”.

I do not say to condone what has been done and allow it to continue. I say: “If You/We don't like the way Our leaders are playing, then take away “their” toys”. “They” may kick and scream with an All-most nuclear anger, but in the end “they” will thank Us. We need (for OurSelves, for Our benefit) to take back Our power.

We can send love to Our world, Our leaders and any area where there is suffering and this will begin (and finish) the healing. Love IS the most power-full force in the uni-verse, in the omni-verse.

This is the inside change that We need to experience in order to truly evoke and create outer change that will be real and permanent. Anything less will eventually just be more of the same, business as usual. Do any of Us want that?

When We send love to someOne (or thing) that is full of hatred and anger and power hungry (and wants to remain that way), it will not feel like ice-cream and birthday cake. Perhaps, a bit more like eating nettles. Or maybe even like playing catch with a hydrogen bomb. (Certainly not My favorite game) What an interesting way to say: “Have a nice day”.

As You can see, I was given a review of some of My beliefs and questions and given some answers which seem like revelations to Me.

Today "An early morning" 4/24/12


An early morning

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:28:17 AM

Good morning. I woke up very early for Me these days. Interesting night, busy night, should get most of that in night school. Been pondering ideas for decorating around My cabin, mostly outside since that is where I have the most room and it IS spring. I want to do some privacy walls and decorate “them”. I keep thinking about doing a bottle tree.

I got started on the privacy wall along the far side of My back deck. I had planned to expand the deck a little this summer but not sure about the finances/energy for that. If I can I will. I need to focus on pallet steps for the front porch as Shadow simply does NOT use the back door in winter (this is actually a good thing) and neither do I. Shadow is 14 years old this summer and I just don't know it he will be able to climb the regular steps much longer. Along with the pallet steps I wanna turn the porch to make it easier to park My pickup next to it and will give Me more privacy there. Once the tree leaf out I Am quite secluded but in winter and spring it feels sooooo open. I started decorating the new privacy wall in back as I go. I had One brown bottle I hung with some bells and tied different colored pieces of ribbon and yarn up there. I started decorating some jars and bottles with wax and maybe glitter etc. I want to take My time and enjoy being creative with this. I plan to look for some cheap colored glass bottles, yarn, rope etc. I hope to stay interested long enough to do some carving with/for it too.

And then there was dream.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Night School "Variety" 4/24/12



(From night school last night)

There is much that We don't want to face, not really. There are many reasons, some apply to some of Us and others to others and so forth. A lot of it is about responsibility. This is One reason why complete love is sooooo hard.

I was definitely on ship, maybe still am. That was One of the things I got to see, have been seeing for a while now. Being on ship can and often does look exactly like Our familiar 3D physical world. This is to acclimate Us slowly and gently. It works except that We tend to miss the fact that We are anywhere besides in Our normal, familiar environ. Until We do anyway. I think many of Us visit ships and other realities and dimensions etc. much more than We ever real-eyes. We are masters of disguise and limitation and imitating limitation.

There was a lot in dream and then several hours of what I call waking dream, except this time I was more awake than usual. In fact that is why I got up so early. Yesterday a friend asked Me about what I call waking dreams. I didn't really have an answer. Tonight as I pondered this, I real-eyesed that My waking dream state is probably much like many people's meditative state. Mine is usually going into full dream state (sleep) or coming out.

Acclimation was One of Our topics. I have been pondering this some lately, actually for years but had not heard of it as an ability from anyOne else until recently. I didn't have a word for it until now. I thought of it as thermal something or other or temperature something else or or or............. I have felt for some time that acclimation is an important part of Our current process. I would love to do more, to be more comfortable in weather extremes, especially living here. I real-eyes that I actually have done a lot, but I want more.

I was noticing how much I have changed in the passed few months. What I have been doing is paying off. I have many more good days than I used to. I really like the way My life is going. I get to see how I Am living in a world of My making.

There was more about lucidity and I think that is what led to gradually wake while I was dreaming and processing and eventually get up and start My day while still in dream.

Today "Love between worlds" 4/23/12


Love between worlds

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:19:56 AM

Good morning. I started a morning review for last night and this morning. I hope I can remember most of what I knew I wanted to remember during the night, but again there was just sooooo much.

Once again focusing on sending love. Also feel today is gonna be a real lesson in walking between worlds.

Well, the lessons seem to be very gentle and gradual. I actually like it that way.

I spent quite a bit of time chatting and also started doing some clean up and that outside. There are some things I have wanted to do for a while that are much easier in early spring than after the ground dries and everything starts growing. It's nice to have plenty of free time and energy in the spring to do some of those things.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Morning Review: "Attempting to remember My night" 4/23/12


Attempting to remember My night

Morning Review (as I was waking)

Early in the night there was something that I really wanted to remember to type up. Of course, I forgot it in the course of events throughout the night. I Am hoping that typing this will jiggle/joggle My memory. There were dreams of different realities. I do remember feeling that it is important for Me to know and believe that the relief effort has begun, whether there is any sign or acknowledgment or knot. I remember visiting relief sights and talking with people there. I remember something about inviting someOne to be a part of My relief team. I felt funny calling it Mine, but I was re-assured that this was fine and part of each of Us taking ownership. It is important to remember that it is not Mine alone, I Am a joint caretaker/custodian.

This is One of the new perspectives/attitudes that We will need to adjust to: taking co-operative ownership without taking sole ownership. Nothing is Ours alone, for We are no longer alone in any sense of the word, and EVERYTHING is Ours to experience and love and care for.

This is All contained in love. That has been an important point that is emphasized many times recently. Love is no longer an abstract idea or some mushy surface infatuation that We play lip-service to. Love is real and concrete and can/will be the basis of Our lives, if We so choose. Love includes All the virtues and benefits that We long for. Many of these can possibly be imitated without love, but “they” are empty and false imitations. Pouring Our lives into these is like pouring water into a sieve. We have All-ready had lots of experience doing this and living in this manner. Now, We can experience and live the real thing.

I remember now that last night (night school) seemed to be a lot of review and recess and practical application. I know there was information and practical experience about sending love energy. Yes, I remember specifically sending to certain world leaders, not easy. I remember noticing that We really have a difficult time knowing who are the puppets and who the puppet-masters. I remember about sending love directly to some individual and All-most dueling.

Ah yes, love is like a force and it is a force. Here We go, this is what I think I wanted to remember. We have All seen or heard of feeling sounds. Sounds in the extreme ranges (at least) have force and can be felt as well as heard, perhaps even more than heard. We have All heard about sopranos that can shatter glass and crystal. Most of Us have felt the bass sounds pounding away either from Our own sound system or a neighbors. Sound can be directed as a force. In “Dune” it is called: “The Weirding Way”. We usually are aware of this (and access this ability) in anger, hatred or fear.

Love can be directed in much the same way. The thing is that the recipient has totally free choice, free will what to do with this force of love Once it is perceived and/or received. To a person who is filled with hate and chooses/wants to continue living filled with hate a loving onslaught does not feel good. To a person seeking love and higher vibrations (expansion, awakening, awareness) an onslaught of love will feel like bliss. To One recipient (hateful) it will actually feel and be perceived as evil. To another it will be feel and be perceived as divinely good.

Then there was recess. The joyful abandonment of little children.

I woke with the real-I-zation that I had been dreaming about two different realities that were All-most identical. The only difference was My coffee cup, in One it didn't have any coffee stains on it. Everything else was exactly the same. I real-eyesed that I need to start paying attention, watching for slight alterations in little details to inform Me when I have slipped into an alternate reality. This is a technique that is used in lucid dreaming. As I have said before, I want to learn to lucid wake. It seems My training has begun.

Today "About Our focus group" 4/22/12


About Our focus group

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:49:49 AM

Good morning. Last night was definitely One of those nights where there was too much to remember much. I do remember there was some major information about “phase shifting”, and the different terms lime dimension, densities, realities etc. I know it gets confusing for people. Often I try to find a way to make these things clearer, or help more find the path that I Am on and I Am All-ways reminded that this is My path and may not be the path for others. Again, what I can do is send love and let that sort itSelf out.

I continue to be reminded of how much I love doing My work in dream. Once again I Am seeing people struggling with and against this idea of sending love to Our (perceived) enemies. I must accept that and send these people love also. It's not My job, or really even My desire to “make” anyOne see things My way. My job is to share what I have, send love and dream, dream, dream.

I continue to read articles etc. that support where I Am and what I Am doing. I appreciate that and if others are on another spot on the circle or spiral, well: isn't that what makes the world go 'round? And haven't I said that Our strength is in Our diversity? And: “Our greatest strength is Our greatest weakness: US”.

I added a new page to My blog for the focus group. I also re-did the layout to make it easier to get to that page since it is certainly and obviously My focus at this time.

I hung out in the chat room for a while and I think I met a new friend from Chicago. Felt a real connection, like maybe someOne I have worked with in dream.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Today "A world of giving" 4/21/12


A world of giving

Wizard's Log Star-date: 11:35:14 AM

Good morning. Shadow woke Me at 2AM (which isn't really unusual) and wanted to go outside (lately that IS unusual). I did notice it was abnormally dark. I've been awake at 2AM quite often in recent years in All seasons and moon cycles. I've never felt and seen the darkness quite like this.

Again, I spent the night sending love whenever I was aware during the night. I do think I Am spending more and more of My nights lucid. I remember that I wanted to remember something from last night and type it up even though it did not feel like night school, more like recess or night activity. Of course, the best laid plans of mice and Mark.

I Am thinking about focusing the front page of My blog on this group collective sending love. That would certainly be appropriate. Will see how the group is doing, progressing. Right now the focus seems to be on comparing boo boos. It started with talking about Self-healing and accepting help from others. Certainly important topics and “they” do relate to building a world of giving. A world of giving will require people to give and heal, We do heal the world by healing OurSelves. This is certainly part of My focus in this. I Am definitely incorporating pony hopping. In a world of giving, there must also be people who are receiving. I know I need to work on this area. I have begun asking My higher Self, space friends and ass-ended masters to help recently. That is major progress for Me.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Today "Continuing to send love" 4/20/12


Continuing to send love

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:58:28 AM

Good morning. I'm jazzed about this group We have started around the globe. So far, in less than 24 hours We have well over a dozen who have responded by email. I know that there are many more who are choosing to participate without speaking up. If each positive thought affects 1000 people then We have reached well over 12,000 people in less than 24 hours. Imagine where this can go. I'm happy that We have begun and will work out any needed details as We go rather than stalling in committee as many well meaning projects do.

Apparently We All-ready got someOne's attention as the only thing I clearly remember from dream last night was: some entity appeared to Me and said: “There are some things You should know about Me if You intend to fight Me.” My response was that I had no intention of fighting “them” I only intended to send “them” love. Then “they” offered Me money and other bribes to stop. I have never in My life done anything that anyOne offered to pay Me to stop doing it. I said I would take the money but that I would NOT stop. I have only just begun and I spent the night sending love every time I woke or was aware and in control of what I was doing.

I Am spending another day sending love energy, freedom and heart healing into the grid. Especially focusing at 11:11 on world leaders and areas where there is suffering.

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Call to Humanity to Begin Utilizing your Collective Potential

We haven't picked a name yet but so far the consensus seems to be daily at 11:11 AM and/or PM local time for those who are able. For everyOne else, whatever time works since in 5D All time is now anyway.

I've attached two of the graphics that  members have created for this gathering.

We are considering setting up an online meditation room or joining One (or more) that are All-ready set up.

We are considering setting something up on Facebook.

We are considering making You Tube vids.

We are considering making fliers that each of Us could print out and distribute locally.

Any suggestion, comments, participation and/or creative additions are welcome and appreciated.

Our focus is sending love energy to All world leaders (especially those We feel have harmed Us either directly or indirectly) and All areas where there is any suffering.

Let's try Our first occasional, synced gathering on Earth Day, Sunday 4/22/12 at 12:12 PM GMT/UTC. For as many as can join at the same time.

Here is a link to a time converter:

GMT/UTC= Greenwich mean time and is Reykjavik Iceland time.

Today "A group to send love energy" 4/19/12


A group to send love energy

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:57:50 AM

Good morning. The first thing I did was go back to dreaming. How's that for a great start to a great day? And I just might do it again.

Actually, first I read a message about creating groups to send love to world leaders and parts of the world that need it the most. Sound familiar? I'm processing how I wish to proceed with this. First step is to dream about it. And then dream some more.

As You can see from My previous post We have started a group and the work has begun. Guess what My focus is gonna be for a while?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Call to Humanity to Begin Utilizing your Collective Potential

graphic by Rene Matthijssen
There is a group beginning, forming, organizing, gathering (whatevering) around the world to focus on sending love energy to All world leaders, Gaia and All her inhabitants. Especially those We feel have harmed Us (directly or indirectly) and those who are impoverished in any way.

So far there is no set time or agenda besides sending love and knowing We are part of a collective movement to send love and begin creating a world of love. WE can do this. WE are the Ones We have been waiting for and here is the opportunity that each and everyOne of Us can play an active part in.

As there is more information/organization I will pass the word on, but personally I theel We only need to know that if We participate We ARE participating as part of a large and powerful group.

This movement was inspired by a channeling by Wes Annac.  Here are some excerpts from that channeling:
More than anything, these souls need Love sent their way and this is a topic and truth that has been discussed in previous messages. These souls cannot thrive without the density and hate manifested continually on the surface of Gaia, and if they were to be sent pure Love unconditionally it would disempower their dark agendas and moves substantially, which is why we make the call now for you to begin to collectively beam these souls as much and as pure Love as you can.
We recommend you all begin to get together in organized discussion groups, perhaps through the power of your internet which spans countries and continents. You cannot move forward on your world without making the collective effort and seeing the resulting progress play out, and we can feel that many of you are quite connected with each other through the realms of the astral and through previous experience with each other.
We recommend a planned mass mediation session in which you focus and beam your beautiful Kundalini energy to the souls who need it most. By this we mean not just the dark souls on your world clinging to power who need this Love to transmute their own long held darkness.
We speak as well of the various areas of Gaia’s surface that are still experiencing suffering and densities, the likes of which cannot be fathomed and understood fully by the many souls Living in more prosperous countries.
You have all played each and every role that the Earth experience has had to offer, which has included roles in the countries and as souls who are experiencing despair rather than prosperity. Deep down within for each and every soul who will be led to this communication, you all hold and carry memories of your own difficult experiences toiling in such low density for so long, which is why we ask you to give your energies of compassion to these souls [experiencing such poverty] en-mass upon a large, planned out and organized meditation session.
There are numerous areas of Gaia’s surface that could use your Loving energies as a collective, and while many of you have been personally and individually beaming Love to various souls and areas on Gaia’s surface and this power is very strong and has served to help and uplift, the power you carry individually is not as strong and pure as the power the that you carry collectively and this is because that at its heart and at its core, individuality is an illusion as we are all soul-fragments of our One Infinite Creator.

Night School "We are writing Our story" 4/19/12


We are writing Our story

(From night school last night)

There was a story, like a news story or news report. I was writing it. I was reading it. I was living it. I was reporting it.

I don't usually do a “night school” when I have so little to say about it, but this may be it.

Today "Balancing" 4/18/12



Wizard's Log Star-date: 11:25:22 AM

Good morning. I don't remember much from last night except that it felt important to add “freedom” to My sending love energy and heart healing. I woke with feelings/thoughts about how We are sooooo locked into this prison of need and shoulds and musts. We believe sooooo strongly in the rules and laws of exis-dance. How to break on through to the other side?

I have begun, I forget that I Am living in opposition to these rules. I Am busting the paradigm. How long will I continue before the paradigm busts Me? Good question. One suggestion is to stay in the now for in the now I Am keeping on.

So, this is My focus today and that is what I Am sending into the grid along with love energy and heart healing. I do feel the majority of the heart healing is done for now but it never really ends.

As the reign of negative energy draws to a close, it is fighting and struggling and trying to re-exert it's control. Notice I Am avoiding using words about death and endings. There is a reason. Many of Us are focused on defeating the negative. Hmmmmm. Reminds Me of the days when We were so busy about killing the ego. Think about it (or knot).

Okay, let's approach this from another angle. Maybe balance????????????? I continue to see and experience how when I don't get or attain to something I want and know is possible there is an underlying reason like this. There are a couple of reasons actually, both related and connected. Often, I aspire to less than My highest potential. If I actually attain this aspiration, I would settle there and live a long and happy life there. I would never move another inch. Even if I were sitting in a cesspool with My new found whatever, I would happy as a pig. But, that is not what I truly desire, that is not what is at the root of My quest.

So, now as I send love and freedom I shall look towards balancing the negative powers and influences with the positive. I One-der if this is another source of free energy?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Today "A day practicing telepathy and bean multi-D" 4/17/12


A day practicing telepathy and bean multi-D

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:27:35 AM

Good morning. More multi-D. The night was filled with experiences of being multi-D and telepathic communication. At this point, describing being multi-D is too hard for Me to try to put it in night school. And the telepathy mixed with being multi-D, that is even harder to describe except to say it was One-der-full and exciting and fun.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Today "A spring day" 4/16/12


A spring day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:34:28 AM

Good morning. Busy night but I got into chatting with an online friend I haven't connected with in a while so I don't know how well I will be able to type up My dreams. Something is causing My Internet connection to run really slow and I Am being called back to dream.

I went deep into dream and remembered most of what I experienced in night school last night. When I got up I finished typing up night school even though I know there are some things missing in My memory.

I'm having trouble with My Internet connection today. I tried resetting the modem and router but that doesn't seem to have helped. I may shut everything down and go outside for a while, see what that does. Well, as soon as I typed that it reset and is working fine so far. I still think I will go outside soon, a gorgeous day. Connecting with nature and healing Our hearts is a good thing. The last few days I have been able to have the front door open a lot even without the screen up (which needs some repairs) but have left the plastic on the windows because it still gets chilly at night. Today I started taking the plastic off the windows to get a cross breeze and more air flowing through. What can I say but: “Let Me breathe the air”.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Night School "More about Heart healing" 4/16/12


More about Heart healing

(From night school last night)

We started out with looking at the people I meet in dream that I have never met in waking. Some are earthlings, but many are from the stars. I had not real-eyesed that before. That opened to more connection.

I was reminded that the real priority is asscention or awakening (as I have All-ways felt but get distracted from) not the physical state of affairs. The thing is that for many of Us, it is hard to focus on spirit when We are starving, Our house is in foreclosure, etc. We reviewed these things.

We need the relief, and We need to heal Our hearts. We need to reconnect with source, Gaia, creator, OurSelves and Our others.

I was practicing pony hopping (ho'oponopono) with this. Sending love to My heart to heal My others. As I repeated: “I love Me, I thank Me, I forgive Me” I found MySelf stuck on the “I forgive Me”. I repeated it over and over, it was like the scene in “Good Will Hunting”: “It's not Your fault” and I was both characters. So, I repeated it over and over until it started to penetrate the layers of scar tissue. Incidents and people from My passed came up that I thought I had forgiven MySelf for but there was still pain. I focused on these: “I forgive Me”, “I forgive Me”, “I forgive Me”. This went on for sometime.

I was shown more of how to send love to hearts, especially Mine. It was like I had some type of hand held device that sent a beam like a laser, or amplified the love that came from My hands. I One-der-ed about this: “A device that sends love????????????????????” I remembered that I had been told in previous classes about heart centered technology. I practiced this a lot.

I experienced sitting in a chair with My hands on consoles on the armrests and controlling a ship with My mind.

I experienced being in the relief camps and sending love, playing with the people and sending and showing love in this manner. I questioned building deep bonds with individuals, after All We would have to leave some day. That is old paradigm thinking. We worked on evolving that thinking. We can be many places, We can travel instantly by thought now. This is a new world Once We remove the negative shackles from Our hearts.

Today "Heart healing" 4/15/12


Heart healing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:07:26 AM

Good morning. Interesting morning. Usually I tend to loose focus on multi-D and focus in more on 3D the longer I Am awake. Today seems to be the opposite and I like that.

I feel there is a heart healing that needs to happen around the world, on the world and in the world. It is something I feel to focus on. It isn't that much different than what I've been doing, My mantras etc. but there is a slightly different focus. This need is something that is holding Us back. The healing (as I see it so far) involves sending love energy into the heart of each person and the planet and All beans living upon, within and around her. To do this I experience MySelf as each person, bean and the planet and send love directly into My heart. This is similar to and involves pony hopping.

I Am reminded that this is not about removing differences, it is about healing and accepting differences.

I was just reminded of something I used to say quite often: “Our greatest strength is Our greatest weakness”.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Today "Another simple day" 4/14/12


Another simple day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:46:25 AM

Good morning. Another night of knowing I was busy but not much clarity. However, I did get the feeling that part of that block is My pre-existing denial of some/much of what I Am being shown. I theel this resisdance is breaking down and I am beginning to accept more of what I see/experience. Just typing that puts Me in a better frame of mind.

Again today I Am focusing on sending love energy into the grid, the uni-versal/unified field. Seems like another day that it is extremely important, like another turning point.

An interesting thought: “the very thing that I fear the most, is what I actually desire the most”.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Today "A day for pondering" 4/13/12


A day for pondering

Wizard's Log Star-date: 12:10:11 PM

Good morning. A rather interesting day so far. Lots of great dreams last night, traveling around the world, doing stuff accessing multi-exis-dance and I thought I might something to write about that but NOT. Oh well.

First thing I found out that a spam email I opened in Google Mail hacked into My Yahoo Mail and sent out spam to All those contacts. So, I deleted All My Yahoo contacts, did a virus scan on My computer and changed the passwords and security questions on both Yahoo and Google Mail. I should probably reset hotmail too, forgot about it. Done.

Lots of light fluffy clouds today, moving very fast. When I went out to sky gaze “they” were moving in a circular pattern, never seen that before.

I'm a bit more focused in 3D because of the stuff w/email, heading back into multi-D now. I Am thinking about this, about the 3rd sight that We have heard of for years, about the changes most of Us wish to see in Our world. We want thing to be better, more comfortable for OurSelves and Our others. We ask (read scream) for change while demanding (with Our action and/or in-actions) that We be allowed to keep Our old beliefs. We cling to the old and familiar like the drowning clinging to an anchor.

I find MySelf thinking (or having flashes) more and more about expanded thinking, believes and such. I Am reminded of the line from “Illusions” by Richard Bach: “Argue for Your limitations, and sure enough, 'they're' Yours.” How many times do I do that. I think of lines like: “I can't” or “I don't” often in relation to more and change. Also there are lines like: “We have to play by the rules” or “face reality” and such. If We believe that what We see is All that there is, then sure enough, for Us, what We see is All there is. It's pretty simple really.

Another One is: “I want”. Whenever We say (or think) that We are telling OurSelves (at every layer) AND the uni-verse, the multi-verse and even the omni-verse that We don't have. Can it get any more powerful than that? Well, actually yes it can. We can say: “I have” or “I Am”. However most of Us can't go directly from believing in “I Want” to believing in “I have”. I start with: “I Am starting” or “I Am beginning”. That I can believe, at least most of the time. I can also use: “I feel” because I often/usually feel the exis-dance of something or someOne long before I see or touch it. We are often (even I who am NOT visual) bound to: “seeing is believing” when in truth, more often than not: “seeing is deceiving”.

Changing All this is simple but not usually so easy. We've All been taught that if We are out of step with the rest of the world then “We” are the One who is wrong. Sounds like Sheeplish to Me. If I want to expand, I must begin to believe that there is more. Okay, I All-ready believe to an extent but I still want proof etc. So, I have to believe more or stronger or or or................. I have to remind MySelf. I have to be okay with believing things that appear bizarre and out of whack. I have to be willing to seem a little bit crazy, even to MySelf. I have to be willing to let go. I have to trust Me. And isn't that the catch? I know every rotten thing I have ever done to Me, why should I trust Me? I can only find One good reason: “Because, deep down inside, I know that I Am right”. Perhaps All those rotten things I did were the result of NOT trusting what I know inside.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Today "Multi reality" 4/12/12


Multi reality

Wizard's Log Star-date: 11:09:29 AM

Good morning. Another busy night at dreams but much is a blur. However, it is continuing in waking and I've been back to dream Once and feels like I may return again.

I'm in and out of waking dream. It's hard to describe, We really don't have adequate 3D words for being in a multi-exis-dance. I Am also listening to an interview with Gregg Braden. He is talking the energy field that connects everything. This is the net/grid/matrix that I have been referring to so much lately. I theel it has been subject to much negative input for quite some time. I also theel that We are changing this and that the negative stranglehold upon Us has been broken. It is now up to Us whether to continue feeding and growing love in this field/net or allow it to return to a (nearly) total negative charge.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Morning Review "Waking dreams" 4/12/12


Waking dreams

Morning Review (as I was waking)

The night was busy but mostly a blur. However I woke with a clear sense of creating the new world now and creating it with love. I Am also reminded that it looks different to different people because We are working of different things and looking from different perspectives. As I've said before it is no longer a One size fits All world.

I Am mostly in a waking dream state every day lately and today is no exception. I Am focused on this creating the new with love, unity and Oneness. It is quite gorgeous, reflective of (or by) the beautiful spring weather We are having here.

I continue to visit many places around the world and the negative energy is losing it's strength. I feel this new, this love and care, this awakening so strong that it All-most feels like I can see it yet everything looks the same. Except that I do see ghost images of other realities.

I returned to dream Once and may do so again. It is easier to create in full dream because of less distractions.

I continue to get visions, images, sensations (in waking dream and full dream) of how different people are experiencing these different realities. I read a couple of emails in which the authors are frustrated and becoming disillusioned. I Am feeling very excited and positive, even have the feeling: “Today is the day”. What a difference perspective makes. As All-ways I want to be aware of All the realities and choices as I possibly can. I Am happy to feel that I Am experiencing a reality where We are creating with love.

I Am experiencing many people in many impoverished areas beginning to live in abundance and sharing love.

The negative stranglehold has certainly been broken. As (and if) We choose to send love, unity and Oneness into the grid then that is what We will get. It is working, perhaps faster for some than others. It can be confusing to see (live in) the different realities co-existing. To see One continue to suffer while another moves into peace and calm, but it is All about choices. Some of those choices are made at such a deep level that We are not aware of “them”. Often We need help breaking a cycle and that is why it is important for Us to keep feeding love into the grid, to assist those still held captive.

Today "A bit of ketchup" 4/11/12


A bit of ketchup

Wizard's Log Star-date: 11:35:14 AM

Good morning. Taking it slow and gentle again today. Definitely making progress in being aware while awake of more realities than just the 1.

I watched a webinar by Steve Rother (Planet LightWorker) and then a channeling from El Morya. Both focused of Self trust. This has been something I have spoken about and personally addressed many times. Interesting that as I Am getting into this new phase (for Me) I get the message of Self trust from two sources this morning.

Last night I dreamt about the relief effort, love sending and information release being focused on/in the Philippines and then this morning I read a post about fleets of starships being seen over the Philippines. The post was sent yesterday and I think the sighting were the day before but I didn't read about it until after I had dreamt about it.

I watched another episode of “Awake”. I really to different realities being explored on mainstream TV.

I caught up on email and watched the second half of the Crimson Circle broadcast from Saturday. Checked out the chat room for a bit and then dream time.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today "Moving forward" 4/10/12


Moving forward

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:25:22 AM

Good morning. There were dreams of some really bad stuff going on. I questioned this and was shown it was partially to let Me show compassion and also to emphasis the need to keep sending love. I added to My mantra so it is now: “Sending love into the net/grid. Sending love, unity and Oneness.”

This is My focus today as I go about My 3D life. Even thought I have been working with this in many ways for several this is still new to Me. I Am allowing MySelf to expand beyond the previous limits I had set for MySelf. I Am reducing My level of denial and going beyond, believing beyond what I see to what I feel and perceive.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today "All new" 4/9/12


All new

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:03:10 AM

Good morning. Another day of walking between worlds and changing.

The night was busy yet I have no clear memories of My dreams. I do remember being awake and processing and accessing other realities and continuing to notice how this seems to be sooooo much easier at night.

One of the things that dawned on Me is I Am having a hard time describing what is going on every day because it is brand new. I read an article which confirms that We are remembering and becoming who We are and finishing up pretending to be who We are not. To Me that is the crux of the situation.

I think I Am seeing a shift of focus from money to awakening, caring, equality, sharing and unity.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Today "More changing" 4/8/12


More changing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:47:13 AM

Good morning. Taking it very easy today. Continuing to focus on love and being in other realities. Dreams were quite awesome but I Am taking My time typing “them” up because even though “they” were brilliantly clear I have yet to find words to describe.

I just read that this full moon is/was a super moon. This means that the moon is at it's closest approach to the earth. I feel this is ass-isting but as usual it feels.

I do feel/sense that I Am becoming more and more multidimensional. What exactly this means or will look like I have no idea as I have never (or don't remember) been there before. Yet, remembering is exactly what We are doing. We are remembering ALL that We are, and it is hard to grok.

Once again I get the feeling that many people remain focused on changing the outside before (with or without) changing the inside. This is fine for “them”, but it doesn't work for Me. I know that when I communicate with “them” it drags Me down. I have no desire to push My perspective on “them”, it isn't necessary but I have to really pay attention NOT to let “their” perspective drag Me in. As part of ALL I want to be aware of “their” perspective but not get sucked in.

I know that many/most need to go through a transition. Immediately waking and finding OurSelves in a land of milk and honey just doesn't work for most of Us. I'm okay with that but for Me I MUST remember that the important change is on the inside. I Am changing (on a daily basis) and because where I Am headed is sooooo new it can be hard to cope with. Yes, it seems easier to stick with physical changes but that is not what I really want.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Night School "All-most too much" 4-8-2012


All-most too much

(From night school last night)

I was shown a little bit of how things really are and what is happening. This requires some explanation. The short version is: EVERYTHING AND EVERYWAY. I wish I could just leave it at that. I was not shown everything, only a small part. Small in relationship to everything and huge when trying to comprehend it with the 3D mind.

Another way to describe this would be to say the veil was lifted or thinned. Not enough to reveal everything, My mind (even in dreamscape) could not handle that. I also want to mention that this went on in sleeping and waking states during the night. Perhaps lucid would be a better word than waking except that I knew I was awake and not asleep. I would say it is more a state of altered or expanded consciousness which is hard (for Me) to attain when fully awake. For some reason this state seems easier to access during the night, laying in bed and in between waking and going back to sleep. I Don't know how or why, I just want to point that out. Perhaps in trance would be another term. How I have been spending My days is related to this. I Am more and more in dream state or expanded consciousness while awake during the day and therefore accessing more and more. This makes it difficult for Me to type or chat for some reason. I seem to able to read easier in this state than talk or type.

So, I saw much more than We normally see while awake. Perhaps it was layers, maybe like looking at things through water. The familiar physical is here AND there are other physical realities overlaying it and underlying it and permeating it and and and. All of these realities (including the familiar) look translucent. Not clear or invisible yet not solid or absolute. I knew that I want to bring this awareness into My waking and it is important.

It is also important that what I saw and felt, what I experience and share is NOT the only way anything is or happens. It is only One way, or even several ways but not All the ways. I can't cope with ALL (YET).

There is sooooo much happening. Is it All happening to each of Us? Probably not, but maybe. We are going through some major changes, upgrades if You will and energy downloads. The two sides of Our brain are integrating, Our male and female aspects are connecting, Our junk DNA is waking and We are beginning to access that unused portion of Our brains. Oh, and yes, We are remembering. Is it any One-der We shake Our heads and trip over Our tongues when trying to describe what We are experiencing?

Today "Another day" 4/7/12


Another day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:46:36 AM

Good morning. Another day not really focused in 3D and that's a good thing. I continue to focus on sending love energy, that feels paramount.

I get the feeling that somehow this weekend is a pivot. Should be interesting to see how this plays out. Lately, a feeling like this has manifested. I continue to focus on sending love as I do My 3D activities. Learning to balance being here AND there at the same time.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Morning Review "More visits on board ship" 4/7/12


More visits on board ship

Morning Review (as I was waking)

We spent the night taking kids to visit the ships and sending love energy into the net/grid/matrix. The visits are a massive operation and the kids are mostly excited. I'm sure there is some fear and hesitation but over All kids are much more open to adventure than most A-dults. Using a combination of A-dults (that some kids are familiar with) and other kids (that have had previous visits and contact) helps too. We use a combination of transporter and small craft to take the children on board. This is mainly to give the kids a variety of experiences. Once on ship it's a fun time for All. There is much to learn, on both sides. The kids can teach Our space friends a few things too. Now, that is an interesting twist.

There did seem to be some type of blockage or resistance to feeding love energy into the net. I got it that We have been successful enough that We have been noticed and those who fear love and unity and equality are resisting. Guess what turned the tide? The kids. This was pretty cool to experience. The kids consciously banded together and literally pushed through the resistance. What to do with the love when it touches an individual is still up to the individual but love is infusing the net and getting stronger every day. Now people have the opportunity to get familiar with love and living from and as love.

I get the feeling that this weekend is some how a pivotal point. There is still much anger and fear in the world and this will continue as We transition. It is not quick and easy (for most people) to transition from eons of slavery and misery, fear and distrust to a world of sharing and caring. Forgiveness may be on everyOne's lips but it can be a hard pill to swallow after being in prison for lifetimes.

Today "A day focused on sending love" 4/6/12


A day focused on sending love

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:00:28 AM

Good morning. Once again I feel compelled to focus on sending love, feeding love into the planetary net/grid. The full moon culminates in about an hour and I feel this timing is very important.

This is My focus throughout the day. The weather is nice so I did a few small things outside to get ready for spring.

I did some email and watched some vids but I really wasn't focused much in limitation 3D.

More and more I Am here but not focused here. I Am sending love and that is very important and powerful now.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Night School "Continuing to focus on love" 4-6-2012


Continuing to focus on love

(From night school last night)

We visited multiple dimensions and multiple realities. Again the focus is love. WE could see and experience the affect this is having on many levels, many realities and many dimensions. This is affecting Our abilities in All areas. We are transforming Our world and many versions of this world. Feeding is definitely an accurate word: feeding love into the net or grid that connects Us All.

As more and more people are feeling and receiving this love energy and sending it back into the grid We are also feeding love into Gaia. We can see and feel the results in the people and in the planet. Water is starting to spring forth and flow directly out of the ground in areas that have existed in drought and poverty for eons. As the barren ground becomes moist, grasses and other plant life issue forth. We can palpably feel how the fear, hatred and anger of millenia parched the land and drove fertility into exile. Where We used to have to cultivate and plant and tend crops, now the earth sends forth her abundance Once again.

We were shown how sooooo many things that We believed are the result of belief in separation which breeds fear, anger and hatred. It is not the way things really are or have to be (as We believe) it is only the way We project, create and manifest because of Our beliefs. Things that We believe to be absolute and written in stone are actually Our creations. There is no need to blame or live in further anger, We wanted to experience this and therefore chose it.

Now, We are being given the choice to change and being given the help We need to do so. Today and every day (indeed every moment) We can choose to live in love and therefore exude abundance. We are the answer. We needed help to get out of the trap We set for OurSelves and We have gotten that help and will continue to receive help if We choose to live in love.

This is how love works as it is fed throughout the world and people. By world I include All the stars and planets, air, rocks, animals and plants. I include ALL. This is paradise and it flourishes wherever love touches.

We could see how the old beliefs have truly shackled Us, chained Our hearts and drained the planet of nearly All her resources including life itSelf. We are no longer separate, We are connected and united. We flourish as Our world and Our others flourish.

As We send love, We remember who and what We are for truly: WE ARE LOVE.

I know that this is connected to the April Full Moon which is culminating as I type.