Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Another training day and more multiD



Another training day and more multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:46 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We remember visiting other worlds and meeting more new friends and that is about All that We remember. Obviously: We enjoy meeting new friends in these worlds and mindsets. We have a hard time making/enjoying friends in Our waking world because We have yet to meet anyOne (locally) interested in thinking and living the way We do and talking about it. Someday, maybe today.

We woke about an hour early and got up to play in multiD a bit. Our computer was doing its usual startup weirdness. We returned to dream and easily slipped back in. We had fun. We woke with a smile. We reminded OurSelves that We can stay in multiD when We get up. We ARE getting better at that but not yet as good at it in waking as in dream. Practice and repetition. We ARE beginning to live what We know AND We ARE grateful. We choose to be happy now. Our head still wants and tries to plan. It grows easier to to be open and allow and believe and set it All free with love. Progress and heading for perfection.

We have another short day of training today. It is classroom and will probably last longer than yesterday. We hope that We can remain open and multiD focused. We are delighted with OurSelves and that is important. We ARE changing and THAT IS what matters.

We are clearly drifting in multiD while functioning in 3D. We ARE getting what We asked for and We ARE grateful. Sure: it takes getting used to and familiar with. We have not been aware of being multidimensional for many lifetimes. It may not be brand new but it sure feels that way.

We Oneder how this will work driving but We have been gradually adjusting these last few months. There is much to learn about Our new way of living and thinking.

Today’s training is classroom which We usually hate because it often turns into a bitch session. The good news is that We can change and ARE changing. We do not have to pay full attention to what is going on in the classroom. There is never a test and it would most certainly NOT be about the bitching. We CAN be “in” the world but NOT “of” the world and this IS a good place to start.

We are reading Sophia’s latest and reminds Us to dream Our wildest and bestest dreams. We theel Our paradise world. We notice that We now have more versions of this world(s) and We did not (consciously) intentionally create “them”. This is allowing Our deep imagination to run wild and free and play with great abandon. YAY Us.

This morning We also theel being on board ship and visiting the areas where We cured hunger, starvation and poverty a few years back. We have not any evidance of this in Our waking but neither have We experienced any hunger, starvation or poverty in Our waking world. We really ARE delighted with Our changes and new awarenesses. We ARE great and it is not humility to deny who and what We really are. It is time to stop pretending to be what We are not (if We choose). It IS All about choice. We start with choosing to be happy now.

We ARE getting better at drifting into multiD and multiworlds as We allow. When We do this AND participate in 3D: We do have to pay more attention when We do complicated things like finding the floor/ground with Our feet. This can be uncomfortable since in Our old mindset We could easily find the floor/ground without falling down. It is easy to revert, especially before the new becomes familiar and before We real-eyes that We ARE getting what We asked for.

We are really enjoying being aware of and experiencing drifting in multiD while getting ready to go for training. Words just can not describe the feeling, the experience and the pleasure.

Our training was short but not as short as yesterday. We talked to Our driver from last year and it turns out that We had completely misunderstood when I thought she was trying to tell Us that she was unhappy with Us. We agreed to be a team again this year. We were able to tell her about two challenges that We have working with her and she agreed to try to work with Us better on those. We did make a good team, good cop bad cop type and she did help more with the problem students than most drivers, she learned that she actually does like and care about the kids. Not a lot of attendants will work with her so with All that We theel it is a good move to ride with her at least to start. If Our summer driver takes a sped route We might be his attendant later on or something, something, something. He is really about the only other driver We would prefer as far as We know anyway.

We did something when We got home and did go back to dreaming for a bit. Another early dinner with “Suits” and “Newsroom”. We definitely prefer “Suits”. We did not go to sleep when We first went to dream so We got up and played some more of Our games and now We are ready to go to full dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Training day and playing in multiD



Training day and playing in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:42 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Lots of worlds/realities and lots of new friends. We remember lots of youngstars living in underground (literally and figuratively) communities. We woke in the middle of the night and got up for a bit because We could not get back to sleep. When We did return to dream We visited similar (or even the same) worlds. That is not new but it is unusual. Then We woke a minute before Our alarm was set to go off. That is also unusual. We reminded OurSelves that We do NOT have to fully focus in limitation 3d. We get to stay in multiD. We are learning how to be both.

We have a short day of training today.

Our beliefs and way of thinking ARE changing and We are grateful. This will be Our first day of work after a lot of changes within Us. We will get to apply what We have learned. We are playing in multiD as We wake and get ready for Our training. Our head is trying to plan. BAD idea. We are open, open to love. We allow. We allow love. We believe. Believe in love and OurSelves. We set it All free with love. Thank Us unconditionally.

We choose to be happy now. We are reminded and confirmed that it is All about love. Love is what We are after, what We are doing AND what We ARE.

It is hard to fathom but multiD, multiworlds, multilocating and multilives ARE love. How to explain what We have never before experienced? Gotta experience it. Gotta live it to know it.

We ARE love. That is important. We know it is.

We just the hit that last night’s dream and the night before are related and connected. This too is not completely new but very rare and has not happened in a long time. At least the awareness has not happened in a long time.

We are feeling very much in multiD as We do small 3D things to prepare to go to town for training. We really, really like being aware of being in multiD. We can not fly safely on Our old autopilot (in multiD) and that is okay it just requires paying attention to what We are creating and projecting. We do tend to forget that Our projecting is ongoing and no longer just summer reruns.

We theel Our cabin and the forest around it being onboard Our ship(s). We like this awareness. We ARE learning how to do this and how to be here AND there (which are both here). We are reminded to stay in the now AND to stay open so that We can be aware of and experience change. We are living in the new.

Our training was very short and that was nice. We went to the pool afterwards and then came home. At home: We played in multiD a while and a thunderstorm moved in. Just as it started raining We want outdoors and did the painting We want to do today. The thunderstorm was very intense. Probably the strongest and longest since We have been here. It lasted around three hours.

We shut Our computer down and played One of Our games on Our tablet. In both games (that We are playing) We get to be the dragons. The programmed game has Us killing people who attack Us and none of the dragons die. In Our mind We are infecting “them” with love and sending “them” to other places and other worlds. Nobody kills anyOne. We likes it that way.

We theel that We got some dream time in but We really are not certain. It would certainly have been after the thunder stopped. Very loud thunder. We even lit Our heater for a few minutes. Then it cleared and warmed up a lot.

We fixed a concoction that We have been thinking about for dinner. It is like stuffed bell peppers only instead of stuffing the peppers We chopped “them” up and put “them” in the mix. We did not get the peppers quite as cooked as We would like but it is delicious and We can cook it some more next time. It is a large batch like We Allways cook. We just barely over ate because it is sooooo good. We watched the latest free episodes of “Extant” and “Under the Dome” with dinner.

We tried to go to dream but another even more intense thunderstorm moved in. We could see the lightning even in bed with Our eyes closed. The thunder shook Our cabin. We got up and watched more “Suits” until the storm abated.

Now We are ready to dream and We theel the thunder is over or far enough away to not wake Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Time travel, 3D and multiD



Time travel, 3D and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:56 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We woke from a dream about time travel. The world was very similar to Our familiar waking world. It may even have been Our familiar waking world and We theel that it was a different version of Us. That is kinda hard to explain since We are not very familiar with experiencing different versions of OurSelves in Our waking world. We are aware that We multilocate but still not familiar with experiencing and being consciously aware of it. In the dream We are the participant AND the observer. Not the first time for that but not familiar either.

In that world there is a guy whom We know who has a time travel machine. It is a motorhome. There are a couple of kids that (for some reason) need and want to time travel. The guy takes “them” time traveling and leaves “their” mom and his wife behind because the machine can only handle transporting so much mass. We are talking to the kid’s mom and the wife tells Us that she has a pretty good idea where he will return. He may have been gone only a few minutes in Our world (this is normal for his time expeditions) and experienced being gone for ages.

We are All excited to go meet the time traveler upon his return.

We decided to get up and type this up. We will probably go back to dream soon. Looking out Our front window (Our view screen) We can see the clouds/mist in the trees. As the sun rises the clouds fade but still remain. We Allways like this view.

We returned to dream. It did not seem like We slept but We theel that We did even though We do not remember any dreams. The clouds are thick in the trees in My view screen, Allmost down to the ground. We have a couple of things We would like to do outdoors today and We want to go to town. It does seem to be time to start putting some things away for the winter: especially from under the front tarp.

Something that came to mind from Our night dreams is that it does seem like We are vaguely aware of visiting multiworlds at the same time. Actually becoming aware of having multidreams at the same time. This makes sense from a multiD perspective but is completely foreign to a limitation 3d mindset. We theel it is part of Our change and expansion. We just had a thought: In “Suits” there are a lot of expansions, mergers, acquisitions, etc. That is what is going on in Our life and Our world. We ARE changing: We ARE changing Our world. We never really thought/believed that We could until recently.

Now the clouds are clearing again. We can not make up Our mind. We like having Our head in the clouds but it usually does not make for being very 3d functional.

We are going to try to go back to dream. That is what We really wanna accomplish today.

This time: We remember talking with a bunch of people. Some are new friends and others just acquaintances. We wanna say: coworkers but We do not theel that world does work. Imagine a world/reality where the word work does not exist or has a completely different meaning.

We are (also) thinking about Our projects around here. One thing We would like to do is dream “them” finished. The other thing is that We do enjoy a lot of the “doing”. Let’s face it: We do NOT do much around here that We do not want to do. Sometimes Our head makes something hard and very difficult and We may avoid it then. Now days though We know better. We have learned (from experience) that most anything is easy IF broken down into small pisces. That is the problem We have had in the passed: We made a mountain out of a bunch of mole hills. We have learned to take it easy, take small bites and small steps. At least: We theel that We have learned this.

We keep remembering to love OurSelves and forgive OurSelves unconditionally. The movies and series that We watch tend to point this out and We see a world of limitation and (especially) separation in fear, anger and greed. However: We also see that this is more and more Our passive shadow rather than the active shadow it used to be. We ARE delighted with Our progress and We do see it reflected back at Us little by little.

We doing a little bit in 3D and very drifty in multiD. We like drifty in multiD. We ARE sooooo happy with Our process and progress.

Getting ready to go to town now. Catch Ya later.

Now it is later. We were mostly in multiD the whole time. We ARE learning how to be here AND there. It is quite a learning process and We are glad. We are glad that We are changing slowly and gently and even that can seem sudden and major at times.

We play Our game and then watch a little bit of “Extant” with dinner. We have some Iscream for dessert. We are ready to go to dream a little early and to dream We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A shift within of some type and stepping into multiD



A shift within of some type and stepping into multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:50 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We woke from a world/worlds that are like video games, exactly like, in fact: “they” are video. Unlike Our waking reality: in those realities We ARE aware that it is a hologram, a video game, a hologame. We did not remember how this waking reality is a video/holo game until We started typing.

What We did real-eyes is that: We left Our tablet on (with the WiFi on) All night to see if it updated. There was improvement in that at least it remembered Our games that We have been trying to install. However: Our games were still not installing and as far as We could see none of Our apps were updating. We went looking for a solution and immediately found the step-by-step guide to fixing the problem. It did take several steps but We also learned more about using Our tablet. Now it is updating All the apps that need updating AND Our games are installing. How cool is that. We walked away for a few days and the answer was right in front of Us but We never saw it before.

Something within Us is shifting and it is not that We are more limitation 3d focused and less multiD focused. One message that We got at some point (last night, last life???) is that WE ARE receiving a lot of updates and downloads.

We also noticed that Our front tarp needed some fixing too. At first it was a struggle but We walked away and another possibility came to mind. A possibility that We had never thought of before (probably) because it required/included not collecting as much (or maybe any) rain water. We real-I-said that We (probably) have plenty of water for what is left of Our summer.

We are not at All sure what has changed and is changing with Us but We likes it. We are grateful that We got Our tablet updated and downloading again. Thank Us unconditionally. We ARE changing and We ARE delighted.

It just dawned on Us that maybe We could not go to sleep last night because of All the information We were subconsciously processing from Our day and especially the reading. We played Our game a lot longer than We would have anticipated. It too seems part of Our process?????

Something within Us is clearly shifting. One point in Suzanne’s channeling is that it is All dependent on unconditional love. In case You can not tell: that IS Our focus. There was a lot about DNA in the channeling and We really do hope that Our junk DNA IS coming online as suggested. We have several intuits and visions of what it will be like to live with the other 97% of Our DNA working and We know that these visions are just the barest of new beginnings. We can not even dream (yet) of what waits in store for Us. We ARE excited. We appreciate Our process.

BTW: it did get cool and a bit smokey last night before We went to bed and it is warming back up this morning. We now real-eyes that it certainly was Our (personal) downloads and updates that kept Us awake last night. We are very excited at the possibility of Our “junk” DNA coming back online. Last night We knew there was nothing wrong with not being able to sleep. It did NOT bother Us and that IS new even for a night when We do not “need” to get up in the morning. We like Our dreaming and do not (usually) like not being able to get there.

Even though We are not exactly clear on what exactly IS going on within Us: We ARE excited, grateful and appreciative unconditionally. We ARE unconditional love AND We ARE learning how to live as unconditional love in the physical AND in the now.

We are having a real gully washer here today. We started doing some painting and that is not what the weather has in mind. Our front tarp has All but collapsed and the piece that We did paint is barely under cover. We had to move the squirrel’s food to keep it dry.

The rain stopped and We were able to finish the painting We wanted to do today. We tried to return to dream and it was waking dreams: more alternate realities and more new friends. We do not usually do that in waking dreams: more multiD.

Now: We are gonna go play with the plastic pallets for the floor for the new shed. We are gonna havta play with “them” to decide what We want and want to do because the ground is totally NOT level and digging out there is usually a real bitch. More 3D within multiD. That is where We live now. Thank Us!

It’s kinda funny: We got a good start with the pallets and the rain returned. We are okay with that as We are a bit tired from manhandling the pallets and such. No digging yet because We hate digging and there are some bug roots in the way. We will prop up the low side with concrete blocks which We started carrying from out front before the rain started up again. What We got done does give Us a betterer idea of where We are going with this. This whole shed really will be more like putting a jigsaw puzzle together than carpentry work.

We are reading yet another channeling that speaks of and to what We are experiencing. It gives some more clarity to Our insights and intuitions too.

We played Our game a while and are having a light dinner with more: “Suits”. We try to go to bed around Our “normal” time but Our head is too busy. We play Our game some more and watch more “Suits”. We end staying up late but not as late as last night.

Now We theel We are ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Many insights and questions into and about multiD



Many insights and questions into and about multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:33 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We woke from a world where the fae and humans live together and mingle every day and many are aware of this. The fae have many things that humans can benefit from. Like something that is eaten which makes Us glow in the dark. The more We eat the longer the glow lasts. We are trying to get free and easy access to this and other faerie items. The fae do not trust Us (no big surprise there) and “their” distrust makes it easier to justify being conniving.

We started out being totally focused on something military and evolved from there. That is a version of Us that We do not particularly like. Another version that We are forgiving. We are finding lots of those. We forgive Us unconditionally. For some reason more and more individual people and traits are coming to Our awareness that We judge (or at least We did). We ARE making progress.

We do not usually want to type when We wake up in the middle of the night like this but We really wanted to get this down and We theel it is important.

We ARE changing. Our thinking and beliefs are changing. Not long ago We would have enjoyed visiting that world where the fae walk around freely amongst humans but We would have thought of it as a fantasy. Now: We know that it is reality and coexists with Our waking limitation world. Our world IS growing less limited and We really ARE delighted about that. We are unconditionally grateful. We appreciate what We have. This opens Us to more. Opening to more is exponential. Thank Us unconditionally. Owning Our power is major. No longer do We theel that being humble benefits Us and is proper. Either that or Our beliefs about what humility really is are changing. Maybe both?

We returned to dream and visited several more worlds, more new friends and some from Our remembered, waking passed. The world that We mainly remember is One where We are still sixteen and living that stage a bit different than We did. It is very similar but We are more free and less restricted and not making excuses for Our behavior. We did not want to get up so We stayed in bed a while. We remember phasing back and forth between matter and energy and emerging from energy into different realities.

We know that some/many of the worlds We are visiting are transitional and transitioning. Our waking world is transitioning and some others are transitioning faster and some slower. Some have evolved from separating with love instead of fear and anger. It seems easier for Us to find transitional worlds rather than those Allready made of unconditional love. Maybe it is just easier to remember those since “they” are closer to Our familiar waking world.

We returned to dream and more worlds, more friends and more fun. We woke at One point to the sound of squirrels running and chattering outside Our window(s). We are rather amazed at how much noise squirrels can make when running. “They” are Allmost as noisy as Shadow was. Perhaps We have a squirrel that is as much of a klutz as Shadow was. Shadow never barked or scratched to come in because he did not have to. He was sooooo noisy We knew when he was waiting at the door. We could tell whether he threw himSelf down or was pacing to come in. We often called him “thundering Shadow”. This squirrel(s) is sooooo much like him it is amazing. Or is it Us?

We returned to dream after the squirrel noise. When We did wake We pondered staying in multiD when We wake. It is not quite the same as remaining in dream but it IS much better than when We used to try to squeeze OurSelf completely into limitation 3d and this physical body when We woke. We see room for improvement and We are grateful for how much We have progressed multidimensionally when We wake. We love Us unconditionally. Love is the key to expansion and being aware of living multidimensionally. It is love that is the energy that All matter is made of. It is love that We do not fully understand and never can with Our limitation mindset. That is why We ARE changing Our mindset and how We think.

We changed screensavers this morning. We had been using a slideshow of All pictures of dark matter since the end of school last year. We liked it a lot (obviously) but it thelt like time for a change. We added some dark matter pics to another slideshow and We really like it. It helps Us imagine and imaginate living in multiworlds. Multiworlds and multiD are not exactly the same but “they” are related and connected. “They” support each other.

Our squirrels are being really noisy this morning. We have no idea why. We do hope that everything is Allright. We can not see any danger but if it is stalking “them” We would not see it if it does not move. We can only hear Our squirrels and not see “them”. From the sounds We are certain that there is more than One. This is One of the delights and benefits of living in a forest; a magik, multidimensional forest. “They” are in the part of the forest that (in Our vision of Our paradise world) is the enchanted forest that the side of Our cabin opens to.

We are not certain what vertigo is but We theel that is part of what We are experiencing as We get used to being in 3D within multiD. We theel this is another something that We (personally and collectively) have avoided, judged and labeled as “BAD” in order to keep OurSelves locked in limitation and separation. We are actually amazed at how good We are at this game. We are truly masters of the game but We forgot and denied it.

We are feeling bodily symptoms of the change and it is not All comfortable. We do understand the tendency (among humans) to run to the doctor and seek relief (in just about any manner) from the symptoms of transforming physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We are looking into whether or not We are scared. We do not find any fear, maybe residual habitual fear. Hard to imagine NOT being afraid. We set any fear free with love.

BTW: it is overcast again this morning.

We ARE learning to live multidimensionally. It is very different from anything that We had imagined consciously. Interesting though that We did imagine it in the depths of Our inner Self which is still unfamiliar to Us. Is that within the 97% of Our DNA labeled as junk? And Our unused portions of Our brain. It is certainly that We would label Our multiD essence: “junk”. Masters at play.

Every day there are many thoughts and insights that We would like to share but We forget “them” (file “them” away) before We get “them” out of Our fingers. Sometimes this is because “they” are still too unfamiliar (far fetched) to remember and type with Our current 3d awareness. We ARE spending more and more time focused in multiD and not very focused in 3d. 3D is NOT going away as some think and teach. At least NOT for Us (personally). If anyOne chooses for 3D to go away it probably will appear to but We ARE certain that it will remain as part of infinity. Even limitation will continue as part of infinity. After All: We (personally and collectively) created it. We really do understand hating it. We love it unconditionally. We used to type and think about love that is big enough to include hate. We theel that We are beginning to experience it. It remains very hard for most people to grok. We just accept it.

Daydreaming IS another key to multiD. It is a skill that We (collective and personal) have tried to school out of Us and judged and labeled it “BAD” in most circumstances. We have even created a plethora of proof and evidance that: “daydreaming is BAD”. Perhaps it is important? “Ya think?”

And then there is the lie (which is widely accepted as gospel): “You can NEVER go back”. Of course We can. What else is eternity and infinity about? We just created filters in Our head and senses to block out any experience of “going back”. If One goes back enough “they” get locked up as a danger to “themSelves” and/or others. Interesting. Very interesting.

We fell into daydreaming outside while imagining that Our cabin IS in an area where everyOne and everything lives together in harmony. Our head can not even imagine or really conceive of such a thing. We can believe that it is possible though. Our heart can very well imagine it AND believe in it and begin to live it. We ARE changing Our world. We want to change Our world and We KNOW that We have the ability. (EveryOne does but not everyOne is ready to own that yet). It has begun AND We are delighted AND grateful. We appreciate Us and Our process even when it is uncomfortable.

We did a few (mostly) light 3d tasks around Our cabin and We have no idea where Our morning (time) went. Perhaps it went to “now” (multiD)?????? We are actually happy to find that time flew. We would like to join it in learning how to fly and doing so. The few projects that We want to do before school starts are coming along nicely. We are doing “things” because We want to NOT because We want to get “them” done. More progress for Us!!!!!! Thank Us.

We read Suzanne Lie’s latest in bits and pisces throughout the day. We finally finished and We do not know how to describe Our reaction. Confused is NOT the right word but maybe overwhelmed is????? There was just sooooo much information and it theels resonate AND important. Our head is certainly on overload.

We are staying up late because We can not go to sleep. We take breaks from Our game trying to go to sleep but We keep returning to Our game.

Finally We really theel ready to go dream. Of course We have been in waking dream for hours. Hmmmm.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Adventures being in 3D AND multidimensional



Adventures being in 3D AND multidimensional

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:53 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We woke from a space age, futuristic world and more new friends. It was kinda fun but there was also a lot of pressure. We are just coming out of some kind of budget/money crunch and the financial restraints and restrictions have just been lifted. We are making a surprise visit/inspection of someOne’s living space and We have Our weapons/lasers/phasers drawn. It theels like the person is a friend but will not be happy to see Us.

We did not seem to sleep well again last night and We stayed up late because We had trouble getting to sleep. We hold the idea/feeling/concept/knowledge of phasing back and forth between matter and energy. We remember theeling that We ARE learning to do this, to live this way. We are now reminded to be delighted with OurSelves. It is Our choice how Our day will go. We easily forget that still. Thank Us unconditionally. Our mantras and pony hopping do help. We love Us unconditionally and We choose to be happy.

It is interesting: We find several people/teachers/leaders (online) who are saying and teaching what We are experiencing AND We find (and notice) common, everyday people who are still stuck in the old thinking/paradigm. We do real-eyes that this is Our projection and We are not certain if these are active or passive shadows. Perhaps it is in between? It does seem that the majority of the people/masses are stuck in the old thinking/paradigm and that We CAN change that through dreamwork and heartwork and mindspeak. Written and spoken words still meet the many, mighty filters that We placed upon Our brains and physical senses.

We used to feel driven to “try” and “do” something. Now: We know to take it to Our dreams.

We are having some sort of theeling about Our current changes, process and progress. It is a good theeling but We can not put it into words.

We have noticed that Our body is feeling kinda strange and uncomfortable. We theel this is part of Our changing, transforming. There is probably a connection to getting used to phasing between matter and energy. Change does mean change. Our bodies adapt but it is not often completely comfortable.

It was overcast outside when We first got up but it is clearing and looking very nice out there now.

We returned to dream and even it did not feel like We fell asleep: We are pretty sure that We did or at least went into waking dream. We are experiencing phasing between energy and matter and visiting other worlds/realities and playing in multiD. We are very much here AND there and We have longed to be aware of this for a very long time. We are reading about opening portals between dimensions and We theel that Our phasing is part of this or a result. We have been aware of creating portals for many years now. We are more than ready to start using “them”.

It also seems that Our squirrel(s) or bird(s) are busy redecorating outside. We find a couple of decorations from Our privacy wall behind Our back deck laying on the deck. “They” did not get there by “themSelves”, well: maybe. We do live in a land where the fae live also. Perhaps Our squirrel is the form that We can see a fae bean in? It is kinda overcast again with patches of clear, baby blue sky. We really do love Our life here in Our cabin in the woods. We ARE blessed. We are unconditionally grateful and We appreciate All that We have in Our life unconditionally.

Change or being stuck do not feel good but We are willing to go through. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally for judging OurSelves and projecting it onto Our world and Our others. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally for reflecting that judgment back at/on Us. We love Us (All of Us) unconditionally. We appreciate multilocating. We are more and more aware of multilocating and living multilives on multiworlds. Phasing between energy and matter is clearly part of this.

We are playing in multiD and playing Our new game where We are dragons protecting Our eggs. It is a pretty basic strategy game which is really Our favorite type of game. We are kinda falling and that too is part of being multidimensional. We are having fun and THAT IS important.

We are also waiting to hear from Our local friends to decide if We will go to town or not today. Staying home. We had a feeling. We tried to go back to dreaming but maybe too much coffee or too much on Our mind? We did have some great visions of multiD and multiworlds, slipping into energy and emerging in other realities. More fun and more new friends. We like meeting friends at these levels. Less demands and expectations from both sides and more compatibility.

We are doing some more light tasks in 3d and very much drifting in multiD. We really are learning how to be both.

We finally got the last of the extra pallets stored out in the forest, started playing around with the plastic pallets for the floor of the shed to be and are getting ready to paint the boards We will use for the marker post of the front steps. All small tasks but small tasks add up. We do not Allways have the focus, initiative and energy for even One small task. We ARE having fun piddling around, playing in multiD and playing Our game. We likes being dragons.

We had some thunder and lightening and now We are having a fairly heavy rain. The air sure smells nice.

We read something from someOne that talks about changing Our thinking. We have yet to read or hear this (specifically) from very many teachers. We read a lot about a lot of changes but not much about changing Our way of thinking. We have begun to project it.

We slipped deep into multiD again and really do not remember much from the rest of Our day. We theel that We stayed awake but simply can not be sure. We did start watching a new (for Us) series on Amazon Prime: “Newsroom”. Interesting: more to forgive OurSelves about. We keep finding a lot to forgive. This is NOT some exercise or deep digging that We are doing. That would be rather old energy, old pair-a-dime. We face, own, honor, accept, love and set free whatever comes up. Much of the current is about separation. We are not sure if there is something more for Us to do in order to stop projecting separation. We would love to leave separation behind and yet We choose to keep projecting it, facing it and living in it.

We do clearly imagine (and even visit) worlds that separated with love but We have yet to be aware of worlds that evolved from there and remained worlds of love. Is it just because that is sooooo unfamiliar that We have no frame of reference? Or is it something more? We theel Our children within hold the answer and it is probably: both!!!!! (and more). We know that We do not need to struggle with this in any way. We can open and allow (with love of course). Any type of struggle is old behavior. Our head wants to wrangle with it. That would only serve to return Us to limitation and separation. More of what We choose to set free with love. We ARE learning and THAT IS the whole point. We ARE forgiving OurSelves unconditionally. We thank Us unconditionally.

We chose/wanted to explore and experience limitation and separation and We have done that in spades and aces. Now: We are loving it unconditionally and setting it free with love. Thank Us.

Now: it is time to go to full dreaming. It is not as late as last night and We theel that We can easily get to dream tonight.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

And We continue in 3D within multiD



And We continue in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:11 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We remember visiting several worlds last night. In One We were keeping a schedule like a bus or train where it is best to be on time and You can be late but You can NOT be early. We were on some sort of mission and using some type of ground transportation. It was like a train, only different somehow. We vaguely remember other worlds but not as clearly as the first One.

Then: this morning We are experiencing phasing in and out and between Our familiar, waking, physical world and other energy worlds. The energy worlds are the worlds that coexist in the same time and space as Our physical world(s). We are merging with All of Our others, Our parts and pisces in Our energy world. We pass through each other and buildings etc. like walking through thin air. It is All energy yet it is phasing into and out of form. It is not magik. It no longer looks and feels abstract. It is real. It is happening now and it is where We are going. As One energy form passes through another it may or may not absorb (take on) some qualities/aspects of the other. As it moves on, around and through it is changed. Sometimes the change is minor and subtle and sometimes it is major.

As We have been examining, experiencing and forgiving many of Our other aspects and versions We get it that some are more attached to this limitation 3d world than others. We want to detach with love. That is Our current course and process. Remember: negative attachment is the same as positive attachment. Becoming aware of being limitless does NOT mean giving up anything. It means experiencing more.

We are noticing (again this morning) how beautiful is the area where Our cabin is. It is (so far) another gorgeous day outdoors. The view through Our front window is lovely. Breathtaking is not sooooo familiar. When We think of detachment We immediately think that We will be giving up this beauty. That is Our old way of thinking. That is limitation mindset. We will experience this beauty and MORE. MultiD includes 3D it just does NOT have to be limited unless that is Our choice. At least for the time being that IS the choice of some/many of Our parts and pisces. We honor that unconditionally. We love Us (All of Us) unconditionally. We forgive OurSelves for when, where and how We have judged any and All parts of Us.

This merging and melding of All Our parts and pisces IS happening and We theel that it will be Our daily experience. We do not see Our future because it is beyond Our comprehension. Can anyOne (at this point) imagine being, experiencing and being aware of being many people (in the same place AND in many different places) All at the same time? Mind boggling.

That is exactly what We are dreaming of today. Perhaps/probably: We have been dreaming of this for some time and building familiarity. It seems bizarre and far fetched (even a bit scary) and yet a little comfortable so it must be a little familiar. The fear is here but it is mild. Thank Us.

We know (and are reminded) that We must simply open, allow and believe. Our brain still wants to figure it out and plan what it will be like. That can only end in limitation. That remains what Our head knows. We are learning about and experiencing and getting familiar with more but Our “figure it out” and “plans” remain limited. When We open, allow and believe (in love, in more, in everything) then We can live in limitlessness. We ARE getting what We have been seeking for sooooo long as long as We get out of Our own way. It is time to stop throwing up roadblocks, barricades, borders and boundaries. It is time to stop laying mindfields in/on Our path. We can only do that by setting it free with love and detaching (from limitation) with love.

We are in 3D and playing in multiD and remembering Our visions/experiences of merging Our physical world(s) with Our energy world(s). Merging Our physical body/bodies with Our (and everyOne else’s) energy body/bodies. It is quite a vision and experience. We can not even imagine what it is like and where this will/can take Us yet it is Our imagination that IS taking Us there. There do seem to be two types of imagination: limited/controlled/head and limitless/free/heart. We do not (yet) know how to easily distinguish between these types (and real-eyes that there are probably many other types still unknown to Us) because this is still fairly new to Us.

Our head is still trying to plan Our day. It is trying to “choose” between focusing on multiD (the merging We are experiencing) and 3D (doing some projects around Our cabin). We choose to follow Our heart and inspiration today AND stay in the NOW. We can do both choices (3D and multiD) and more IF We allow this. We choose to experience being limitless and free of need.

We real-eyes that this merging and melding IS the reconnecting, the reintegration, the returning of Our rejects, castaways and Our orphans. We ARE delighted. We have been seeking this for quite some time. It is Onederfull to start to experience it.

We can see where this would be going (would have gone) if We had settles for less. If We had attached to One thing instead of reaching for limitless and freedom. These are still choices AND there ARE versions of Us focused (zoomed in) on only One thing, One version, One experience. We honor, love and thank those versions. As We merge We will gain what “they” have gleaned from “their” experience. We will (and Allready do) have it All. We have no clue how this will manifest and what it will look like and that IS the adventure.

We theel that since there are only three weeks before school starts: We will probably leave the lightweight tarp up (out front) and keep the new tarp new for next spring. Unless We change Our mind. We are kinda getting ready to paint the new post to mark the steps for the snow plow. So: We are doing small 3D things while mostly multiD focused. This multiD focus feels spacey. We are revisiting the merging Our Our physical world(s) and energy world(s) which includes many bodies. We are reminded that All the bodies (in waking and dreaming) are the many, many versions of Us.

Earlier: We were reminded of something that is here and gone in a flash. It is important and fleeting for some reason. We set it free with love. It is about Our many bodies and versions and coexisting in/as All at the same time and in the same place. This relates to All time and space ARE here AND now. We ARE here AND there. We are this AND that. All at the same time. Our mind IS boggled and baffled.

Today: as We play in multiD and go back to dreaming: We continue to practice, experience, imaginate and remember (Us and Our world) going back and forth and in between phasing in and out of being matter and energy. We know (and/or get the message) that We (everyOne) do this All the time but We have filtered it out of Our awareness. Interesting: it seems so abstract and yet feels sooooo comfortable. We really have changed and are changing. We have decided to put everything limited and 3d (not necessarily the same) on hold and focus on this phasing. It theels like a key.

We will probably do a little bit of 3d stuff because We want to and We can hold this memory/awareness and do 3d stuff. That is really what We are doing. We are learning to do and be both. MultiD and multiworlds ARE energy. Everything is energy (BTW: that energy IS what We call love). So: in order to live in and be consciously aware of multiD We must get/be familiar with being energy. Every world is strictly energy until We focus on it. Then We slow its vibration down enough for it to become matter (or something like that). This is not totally new to Us but the experience is. Our words and explanations may well fall short. We are okay with that. Words are bound to fall short of explaining limitless, love and multiD regardless.

Here is another blog entry by Suzanne Lie which We have just started reading. At first We thought it was not pertinent to today but now it is looking like it is right in line with Our learning to be aware of phasing between being matter and energy. In an email We are typing We were clarifrying that this phasing is actually raising and lowering the vibration. That too is probably important.

We did get a start on preparing to do the new post for the front corner of Our front steps. Baby steps. We kept returning Our mind to phasing. We really do want to get this and We theel it IS a corner stone for change, the change We wish to see in Us AND Our world(s).

We did a little bit outside and stayed focused on phasing in and out between energy and matter. When We came inside We chose to check into downloading games on either Our RCA tablet or Nook. Both seem to be glitching. We know it is somehow Us but We also wanna win. We are still trying. It may finally be working on Our Nook. We really do Oneder what is causing the glitch on Our tablet?????

SomeOne (probably a bird) Our ripe tomato before We did. It was about the size of a pea and grew on One of the stems that broke off when We moved the plant outside. We were a bit disappointed but We can share. We do not think it was Our squirrel(s) because We do not think “they” could have gotten to the tom without knocking the plant over. We figure that the birds are getting Our raspberries too. Perhaps this is part of the natural cycle and seeding process.

We finally got a couple of games to load on Our Nook and for some reason not on Our tablet. We can see why We were hesitant. Games are addictive and We are kinda amazed at how much time We spent playing.

We had another light dinner and are staying up late watching “Suits”.

We went to bed and could not get to sleep so We got up to play more of Our new game and watch more “Suits”.

We are going to bed at about the time We have often woken up. Just an interesting point there.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Experiencing multiD while functioning in 3D



Experiencing multiD while functioning in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:07 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

It seemed like We did not sleep well and We remember being in several coexisting worlds. We theel like We are missing something, some message or shift and change. It seemed like We had a hard time getting into dream and yet We remember these visits to (lives in) other realities. We remember enjoying OurSelves and meeting more new friends. It would seem that the two do not gel. Yet “they” are from the same night. Maybe it is two (or more) versions of Us? We get the theeling that We are experiencing something new, some major change and We can not process it yet.

That is not surprising with something new. Our awareness is new. Not judging OurSelves and being open are new. This morning We read something about light language and what We took away from that is that We are getting these packages of light language (complete information without words) All the time but We are sooooo consumed with Our 3d life that We do not notice. We had the thought: “pay attention”. Paying attention is One of Our themes. We theel that All this ties together some how and it is as clear as mud.

We are certain that the answer is to be open and allow rather than Our old m.o. of “trying” to figure it out, define it and put it in a box. When We put it like that it is pretty obvious. The new paradigm is to open, allow, believe and set it All free with love. Love is Allways the answer. Change is usually uncomfortable and discomfort is NOT a sign of failure as Our head would have Us believe. Discomfort may well be a sign of progress.

Certainly: much of what We are feeling and experiencing has been foretold is several of the teaching We have read lately. We ARE changing AND We ARE delighted. We are especially delighted at Our reaction and insights.

We theel like We are getting the part that We missed or at least that: We are being steered in the right direction. Our ego IS Our navigator. Is ego doing its job, playing its part? Is not that a delightful thought? We ARE excited about this possibility. Thank You ego. Thank Us unconditionally.

While We did not seem to return to dream: We did do some great processing and get some great insights. We do not remember what any of it was but We do know that it is All filed away for when We are ready to access it. We also know that “trying” to remember it will result in less than satisfactory results.

Our mind is now drifting around in multiD and We likes it. We are clearly in 3D AND multiD or 3D within multiD. We theel a lot like We are walking around in a dream and that IS a good thing.

It is a really nice day outside and We appreciate that. We do sometimes/often take Our life for granted. We do love the view out of Our front window. Being able to raise and lower the shade helps a lot. We have a nice breeze blowing through as We can have the back door and front windows open. We ARE sooooo blessed. We are having/living Our dream. We are also learning how to live limitless and free of need and how to live aware of being multidimensional. This too is Our dream. We are even aware of Our paradise world and other even more betterer worlds coexisting here and now. That takes some getting used to believe Us.

We got an email from Amazon that Our new tarp has arrived so We do theel that We will go ahead and go to town today. The pool is closed the next three days so We had thought it would be a good idea to go but had not completely decided. Of course: We have not left yet so who knows???????

Again today: We are going back to dream, playing in multiD AND doing a few little things in 3D. We feel something that We can not really, clearly explain. We “FEEL” the presence some of the other worlds/realities/dimensions that coexist in the here and now. Not a totally new feeling but deeper and more real. It does seem that We are experiencing more and more that does not fit well into words. A bit like Us not fitting well into this physical body.

The view out Our front window is sooooo beautiful that We just have to mention it again. We sure do appreciate it. Thank Us.

More worlds, more new friends and more play. We likes it. We notice a difference in Us. We do not feel a resisdance to waking and getting up. The more We are aware of being in multiD when awake the less We resent being awake. We also real-eyes that We probably have waking and dreaming reversed. We can choose to be happy to be awake or We can choose to be miserable. We choose (right now anyway) to be happy. Being limitless and free is no longer restricted to Our dream lives (never was actually).

For some reason it just came to mind that We would like to have a local, like minded friend. It truly is not a big thing, unless it is. We real-eyes that time would be a factor (in Our current belief system anyway). Perhaps We will be setting Our time beliefs free with love, soon.

We are also thinking about finding some new treats and rewards. We have Allways used food. Now that Our appetite is not what it was and Our stomach has shrunk food does not work as well. It is not the enjoyment it was. Sure: We still enjoy cookies, pie and Iscream but not the way We used to. We theel that more multiD awareness and adventures may be the answer. What will that look/feel like. We can imagine the feeling: thrilling.

We notice that We are (finally) enjoying the journey. It is not that We were not happy before but it was more by accident and not by choice, not by design. We loved (and still love) Our life but We knew there was more. Since We felt trapped in less and did not (yet) know how to experience more We felt less than happy. Less does tend to breed less.

We went to town and picked up Our new front tarp at the post office. We went to the pool and did a little grocery shopping. We are functioning in 3D and very much in multiD. We did not loose Our multidimensional focus today.

We read a new idea about what multiD is: multi-DUH- mensional. We likes it.

We ARE delighted in Our process, Our progress and Our day.

At home We try to take a nap and are not sure whether or not We went to dream. We are having a hot dog, macaroni salad and pork-n-beans for dinner. A small portion of each so as NOT to overeat. After about an hour We have some Iscream too. We are spending several hours watching episodes of “Suits”. We real-eyes that there is much going on within as We watch. We ARE forgiving and integrating Our many parts and pisces portrayed in this series AND We are enjoying the series. There is more, We can feel more going on inside that We can not describe or define. We do NOT have to be aware of this/every part of Our inner process. We only have to allow it, be open, believe in it and set it All free with love. Love IS the answer. Living in the physical AS love is what We ARE learning to do. We remember when We first glanced that idea: living as love in the physical. It seemed very weird, far fetched and abstract. Now: it feels concrete. Well: as concrete as any energy can be.

We are grateful for and appreciate Our process. We know that these are similar but not exactly the same. We love and thank OurSelves unconditionally.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Accomplishing 3D tasks while very much in multiD



Accomplishing 3D tasks while very much in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:28 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We do not remember much at All from Our dreams last night so We were probably visiting very unfamiliar worlds, lives, dimensions and realities. We woke feeling more focused in 3D than We have lately and We are also aware of being in multiD. We do not know what is going on and if We did that would mean that We were in limitation for that is what We know. We want to be and live limitless and free of need and that is where/when We are heading.

We are reminded that everything is working together for the best for Us. We no longer have to wait for problems to come up before We remember this. We ARE changing. Our way(s) of thinking and believing are changing. We choose to be happy. We ARE delighted with OurSelves. We feel multidimensional. We know that there are many, many worlds coexisting in this same time and space. Time and space do not really exist. Time and space are constructs to support this limitation and separation world. This is only a hologram on a holodeck on/in a multidimensional ship. We really have no conscious concept of what a multiD ship is. The name ship implies physicality which implies limitation. We are certain that it is neither. However: it (like Us) can take on a physical appearance.

We are not familiar with thinking of OurSelves (or anything physical) as only appearing to be physical. Notice that We even still type: “OurSelves” rather than just Our body. We still think of OurSelves as only Our body. This is changing but Our old thinking and beliefs are still Our default thinking and beliefs. We welcome change. We are delighted that We notice Our old, faulty, limitation thinking. No more shooting OurSelves in the foot every time We turn around. Thank Us. Thank Us unconditionally. We accept Us unconditionally. We are repeating a lot of mantras these days. We are doing a lot of pony hopping. We are finding a lot of ways that We need to forgive OurSelves. Lots of opportunities (not needs) to forgive OurSelves unconditionally. Need is very ingrained into Our thinking, beliefs and vocabulary. We set it free with love.

We ARE learning how to live free of need. A lot of that is to stop pressuring OurSelves to achieve and perform and keep time. Time creates a lot of pressure AND need. Time is a limitation concept.

We really like today’s quote from Abraham-Hicks (7/22/2015). You will have to click on “previous quote” to find it: “Never face reality unless your reality is just the way you want it to be.” We are reminded of what We have been talking about for a while now: We teach, are taught and “believe” that We MUST face reality and be realistic. This is One of Our most limiting concepts. As We have mentioned many times: the problem is Our concept/belief/thinking about reality (misunderstanding). IF: We believed that reality is what reality really is then facing it and being realistic would not be limiting.

However: up until now: when We said: “Be realistic” We meant: “be limited”.

We are finding that as We read and type We are drifting/slipping deeper and deeper into multiD (where Our physical balance is weak). As We go outdoors We do a few 3d things with Our plants and We think in 3d terms about Our plants and life. We ARE in 3D because it is part of multiD. We are also aware that limitation 3d is NOT All there is. Limitation 3d is NOT All that is real. Our thinking AND beliefs are less limited. THAT IS progress and We ARE delighted. We thank Us unconditionally.

We are (Once again) reminded to focus on what We DO want rather than focus on what We do NOT want. A simple AND easy key but sooooo contrary to Our habits.

We are learning to live limitless and free of need. We notice that We are beginning/entering is nothing like what We had expected. Our specific expectations were based on and built of limitation. Is it any Oneder that We have no clue what have begun. At least Our head has no clue. No need or reason to blame Our head it has no experience to draw upon. We starting to get the experiences of being limitless and free of need. We ARE delighted even a bit scared. We admit and accept and bless Our fear. We face Our fear and let it pass through Us. We set Our fear free with love.

We ARE experiencing more multieverything than ever before. More than We ever dreamed and/or believed possible. We ARE thrilled, grateful and appreciative.

The last few days We have been trying to download some games for/to Our tablet. We are having difficulty to say the least. Setting this free with love has been the greatest difficulty. Accepting that We are blocking OurSelves (for whatever reason) is hard when We think that We want this. How often is that (has that been) the case? A pattern to be sure. Usually (in hindsight) We find that if We had succeeded (at that point in time/now) We would (probably) have settled for less than what is possible, less than what We really want.

We are also thinking about buying the gear to play in virtual reality. The good stuff is quite expensive and the cheap stuff might be really disappointing. We are putting the decision of hold. We do see potential benefit from VR but perhaps there are other ways (to spend Our time) that We will benefit from more??????

Everything (absolutely everything) IS working together for the best for Us.

Being aware of, feeling and experiencing multiexisting (while awake) is/can be a bit daunting. It is much easier in dream. In dream is where/how We prepare to do it in waking. Experiencing multiexisting in waking is NOT something that We can force but We can avoid it (at least for a while). We are (We theel) finding a balance.

And yet more confirmation and even Our own words reflected back at Us: And We read that after We used the words.

We seem to have decided to do the repair to Our front bamboo shade (replace the pulley that fled to freedom a few weeks ago) since it is now done. Thanks to All the prep We had done (a bunch of small, simple steps when done One at a time) it was quick and easy (even though it had to be done from a ladder about twelve feet in the air). We chose to leave Our ladder our because it felt like a good idea. Once again We found/experienced the benefit of saving the parts and pisces that We have saved over the years (at least now that most of “them” are sorted and stored where We can find “them”). We looked at the stores for a pulley and could not find what We wanted so We looked in Our saved “stuff” and found exactly what We wanted and We had the perfect lag screw in Our collection of nuts and bolts and such. Taking Our time, bean patient and following Our intuition have really paid off. We even got All Our tools put away and You probably never even noticed that We were gone.

We know that this is All very 3D but multiD does include 3d. (So there!!!!!) We also did a few other light tasks that have been patiently waiting for Our attention. Tasks are actually much more patient than We normally are.

Now: We are having a rootbeer float for Our reward/treat.

It is funny: Our squirrel(s) is as curious as Shadow was. We just found it checking out everything that We had messed with while doing Our repair. “They” are getting braver (less timid) around Us. We like that and hope that it does not carry over to the predators. We would like to slip into a world without predators and victims. Maybe We are.

And so another day spent playing in multiD and going back to dream AND plus: We got some 3D tasks done. There is One left that needs to be done before the snow flies and another that We would like to move forward. We would prefer to do both with Our mind but so far Our mind is doing better at making the physical job easier and simpler rather than eliminating the physical “doing”. Maybe there is another lesson in that?????

We thank Us.

We ARE learning how to do this. If You would like a clearer explanation of what “this” is and what We are experiencing: perhaps You need to experience it for YourSelf. Perhaps You Allready are.

We are watching several episodes of “Suits” and enjoying it. We have another lightish dinner and watch more “Suits”. We are even staying up kinda late (for Us) and One-da-ring about that.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Multidimensional insights and experiences while walking in 3D



Multidimensional insights and experiences while walking in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:54 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Once again We got up to play in multiD several times Allready. In Our dreams We have visited (are visiting) several worlds that seem vaguely familiar. This is new in a couple of ways: We rarely revisit the same world/reality twice and these worlds are very different from Our familiar, waking world. The worlds/lives/dimensions that We usually remember (on waking) are very similar to Our waking, limitation 3d reality and life.

In these current (other) worlds and dimensions: We multiexist/coexist in many worlds AND We are consciously aware of and experiencing this. We do not so much teleport as simply slip Our awareness between different places. Some of these places are on the same world and others are totally different worlds, realities and dimensions. We realeyes that doing this is not really new BUT the conscious awareness IS new. In these worlds We slip (easily) through wearing Our physical body and Our energy body. Here/there We know that We are much more than just this body. We know it AND We live it. Communication is very different here/there. We simply know what Our “others” want Us to know. We ARE aware of being “them” and “them” being Us in other forms (some are wearing bodies and some are knot). We are individual parts of the whole. Not everything is Allways shared with every part. There is no need for privacy since there is no judgment.

Most of these concepts are too far fetched for Our brain to process: or at least “they” were. We are beginning to get it.

We are forgiving OurSelves on many, many levels. Our forgiveness IS unconditional. It is not easy to forgive many parts and pisces of OurSelves because Our distrust and judgment, shame and blame runs very deep and is pretty old. However: it is simple and repetition makes it real. There is no punishment required or extracted. For those who desire to see “their” (inner) enemies punished and/or banished that is a different path, a different reality and journey than Ours. Infinity and eternity house realities to fit every choice, need and possibility. As We have Allways chosen: We are aware of All these uni-verses but We do not want to live in each and every One. We can accept and own and love and integrate Our versions who choose other choices than We do. That is how We are aware of All. It boggles the brain but Our heartmind and multiD mind CAN conceive of All this. We are following and listening to Our heartmind more and more. As We expand and listen to Our heartmind then (gradually) Our brain can grok these new (to it) concepts and ideas. Then Our brain can do its job with and in these new (to it) dimensions.

We ARE grateful for Our progress. We have been a little withdrawn the last few days and We will probably continue in that vein as We absorb more and more. This is virgin territory (to 3d Us anyway). We go slowly and gently into the fray. Observing OurSelves forgiving OurSelves is a very interesting part of Our process. Just imagine what We will be like when We have completely forgiven OurSelves unconditionally. We are beginning to accept All of OurSelf unconditionally and truly love OurSelves unconditionally. When needed We act as if.

3D is becoming more like the dream and multiD Our waking reality. The shift is subtle, slow and gradual and it IS happening. We are thrilled.

We do theel that We are growing more and more autistic even though (at least) so far We are completely able to take care of OurSelves in 3D. We are still able to be in (and function in) 3D within multiD. We no longer fear NOT being able to take care of Our 3D Self.

We are delighted to find that (at least in some arenas) We ARE projecting Our change(s) in thinking and acting onto Our outer world. Thank Us.

We are noticing a bit of how much We have changed. We used to think of OurSelves as less than and very limited and even deprived. That is no longer the case.

In Our dreams We are visiting worlds that are further along in transition than Our waking world, worlds that never needed to transition to be perfect, paradise and equal for All and worlds that are evolving in ways that We can not (yet) imagine or conceive of with Our physical brain. We are experiencing many, many varieties of each of these types of worlds. We are aware of multiexisting/multiliving/multithriving in each and everyOne of these worlds. We even have multilives on each of the multiworlds. We really are more than We ever dreamed possible.

In Our waking We are playing in some of these worlds while We remain in 3D. Our 3D is still limited but not nearly as limited as it was only a short time ago.

We multiexist in multiworlds and We have multilives in each world (even in Our waking world). This is NOT new but it is deeper and more real to Us.

Now: We are reading another article/channeling that talks about what We are experiencing:

We made a short trip to town to go to the pool and do a bit of grocery shopping. Even though We did not really engage with any of Our others: still it felt like We were/are drawn more into 3d than usual lately?????

At home this feeling persisted as We ate, watched the latest free episode of “Under the Dome” (another not so great episode IMO) and then more episodes of “Suits”. We recognize that there were a bunch of Our triggers being pushed. We were judging OurSelf about slipping back into limitation 3d more (maybe We did and may We din NOT). We see many more areas and possibilities where We can forgive OurSelves (and Our rejects and castaways) unconditionally. Is that any part of limitation? Not really. Judgment, blame, shame and guilt are part of limitation. Forgiveness is the doorway/portal to being limitless.

We real-eyes that We judge and blame OurSelves for being rich and powerful AND for being poor and weak. We tackle OurSelves at every corner. We lay in wait (for OurSelves) around every corner and then “pounce” on Us with every weapon We have ever known. Yes: this is growing less and We ARE delighted that We finally recognize what We are doing. Our old ways of thinking, believing and acting are getting tiresome and boring. Thank Us that We ARE changing.

These TV shows, movies etc. (which seem inappropriate for Us) are showing Us opportunities to forgive OurSelves unconditionally. “They” show Us how We have projected Our blame and judgment (of OurSelves) onto OurSelves and then reflected this back on Us. We see how We hurled rocks at OurSelf and those rocks have injured Us. No Oneder We have trouble trusting OurSelves. We can walk through these mindfields forever OR We can forgive OurSelves. We can accept OurSelves. We ARE forgiving, accepting and loving OurSelves unconditionally. We ARE grateful for Our process and insights. We appreciate what We are experiencing even when it does NOT feel good.

We are having opportunities and choices to either forgive or attack. More and more We ARE choosing to forgive OurSelves. Real progress even when it does NOT feel like progress.

Now: We are ready for some real dreaming. Dreams, multiD and multiworlds await Our presence, attention and awareness.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Experiencing multiD while in 3D



Experiencing multiD while in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:50 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We got up a couple of times during the night and played in multiD and soon We were ready to go back to dream. We plan to return to dream again soon.

Yesterday We were very aware of 3D but We were just too far into multiD to type. We enjoyed OurSelves and spent the day going back to dream and playing in multiD whenever We were awake. Time seemed to have no meaning. We would like more of that. We faced some of Our rejects. We have been aware of “them” before but We could theel OurSelves still judging these. We faced “them”, accepted “them”, owned “them” and loved “them” unconditionally. We theel that We made progress.

We found some more teachings about exactly this even though We were not specifically looking. SomeOne was talking about being awake when We think We should be asleep. We seem to be doing quite a bit of that lately.

We are visiting more worlds and meeting more new friends in Our dreams and remembering some. Others are still getting Us familiar with the unfamiliar and We do not remember those until “they” become familiar. Even Our waking has a lot of unfamiliar. We like it but there is more and more (in waking and dream) that We do not really fully remember.

We ARE changing and We are delighted with Our progress. We remember to be happy now. Sometimes in the midst of great change, when it feels very unfamiliar and We are facing Our demons it is easy to forget to smile and be happy. Choosing to be happy now helps Us change Our thinking and beliefs. It IS important.

We ARE changing and that is the point. If We “try” to find evidance in Our physical We probably will not find any (yet) and here the operative word is “try”. Trying is old pair-a-dime. We do find evidance in other people sharing and teaching and supporting what is happening within Us. We find evidance in Our dreams which continue to help Us get familiar with multiD and multiworlds and Our new multifriends.

We want to mention that when We went outdoors (in the middle of the night) We startled some kind of animal (or other bean) that was on Our front porch, close to the door. We did not see what it was and only heard it. It moves fast whatever it is. This is One advantage of not getting another pet: other animals and beans are coming around Our cabin more.

As We play in multiD We also get more feelings and insights into what it is like to live multidimensionally. It is different from whatever We might have expected. We continue to be reminded that Our world and life are VERY different from what We have Allways thought and believed. So it is no surprise that being and living multidimensional would be different too. It is not as complicated and different as We had imagined. We have Allways been multidimensional: We just forgot and denied it. Denial did/does not change the reality completely. We simply had blinders and filters to ignore most of what is. Dark matter is probably a good example since We can not see it and it makes up eighty percent of space. We do not know if that is eighty percent of outer space or also the space around Us on earth but We prefer to theel that it is All the space around and within Us. After All: Our bodies (and All matter) is mostly space.

Another day spent playing in multiD and going back to dream. Oneder what We are dreaming? Other worlds and more new friends but that is about All that We remember.

We are doing a few small, light 3d tasks. More like preparing to do some small tasks when/if We have more 3d energy and focus. Nothing much but still present in 3d while playing in multiD.

We are doing a little reading about Our transition but it is hard to read. Our focus just is not in 3D and words ARE in 3D. Here is a quote that well describes how We used to feel: “caste adrift in a hostile world,”

We are grateful to find that We no longer feel that way.

Again today We are slipping deep into multiD and only vaguely remember what We are doing and did in 3D. That is actually progress.

We watched the newest free episode of “Extant” (not the best IMO) and started watching “Suits”. We realeyes that this is part of forgiving OurSelves. Instead of sitting in judgment of these lifestyles and business practices: We are actually enjoying the show. We ARE making progress. We feel Our body changing and even when it is uncomfortable We recognize that it is part of Our transition. We do seem to be able to eat a little more but that is still limited. We realeyes that We no longer have the same physical needs as We thought that We did a short time ago.

Now: We are ready to dream. We have been kinda amazed at Our ability to slip into dream (from waking multiD) even though We are very well rested and not requiring sleep.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Continuing to explore multiD while in 3D



Continuing to explore multiD while in 3D


Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:34 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

It was cooler last night and We slept much better than We have in quite a while. We did get up around 1:30 this morning to play in multiD a while but that was because We wanted to and not because We could not dream. We do not remember what We dreamed but We continue to theel that We are exploring more unfamiliar territory. After All: that is what We are doing in waking. We are getting Our complete psychic change and We are thrilled. We are grateful and We appreciate Our process. We no longer feel stuck and trapped. This is a great feeling.

Choosing to be happy where We are is/was a great start. It felt like We were making a very slow start but not it feels like We are the express. Thank Us.

We continue to find teachers teaching about what We are experiencing. We appreciate that too. We do know that this is because We are projecting it and that too is very good news. This means that We are truly changing. It remains Our choice whether or not to stop and go back. We do not think We can really fall in like We were but who knows. What We are certain of is that We no longer HAVE to fall in. It reminds Us of when We first went to A.A.: We learned that We no longer had to drink and before that We were not aware that We HAD to drink. In both cases We were not aware that We had no choice until We found a choice.

We really are grateful. We can not thank Us enough. Now: it even feels comfortable to thank OurSelves. We remember when We first started thinking and saying that. It was NOT at All comfortable. We like the way We are changing.

We got up a little early (for a day at home) knowing We could go back to dream at any time We want. We are playing in multiD and want to practice this in waking and feel OurSelves drifting back into dream. We like both. We can do both. We no longer have to choose between worlds. We are beginning to allow OurSelves to have and experience it All. We CAN have Our cake and eat it too. The days of living only in limitation, in scarcity and lack are over IF We choose. We can observe and even visit those worlds, lives and realities anytime We want. We are truly becoming free. Thank Us unconditionally. (We have not yet found anyOne else saying that but We will soon)

The rules and regulations of Our society, Our personal and collective beliefs are (at least some of) the borders and boundaries of limitation. We created those borders and boundaries (and the mindfields that protect “them”) to keep Us well stuck in limitation and separation until We are well and truly ready to expand. Even though/if We say We are leaving limitation: limitation will be here (and there) waiting for Us to return and play here anytime We want. Our “vacation in limitation” may be ending but limitation is NOT ending. How cool is that? How amazing that We are happy about that. We remember when We first heard the term: “vacation in limitation”. It dismayed Us to say the least. We resisted with All Our might and We truly ARE mighty warriors when We choose to be.

We certainly are having an insightful morning.

We notice that Our body IS changing. Some of these changes are subtle and others not so much. We real-eyes that We could go into fear and Our head would love to go there. However: Our heartmind tells Us that All is well and this is simply a part of Our transition. We are getting familiar with not fitting into Our physical bodies and attuning more and more to Our energy body. We have both. Neither are Us as We used to believe that Our physical body was/is. “They” are suits that Our spirit, Our multiD consciousness wears.

We only have limits when/if We believe that We have limits. We ARE moving beyond Our Self-imposed limits because We are beginning to believe that We can. We also real-eyes that most/All of Our psychic abilities are also constructs of limitation. Teleporting supposed that here and there are separated and removed from each other. This is why We have not (yet) experienced teleportation: Our higher mind/Self/awareness knows that We want to experience being limitless and multidimensional. IF We master limitation abilities it would be easy to settle for less than what is really possible. We could “GO” here and there OR We can “BE” here AND there. This is another choice and somewhere deep inside We knew/know this. Many/All of Our frustration has been about not being able to do what is NOT best for Us.

Everything truly IS working together for the best for Us. Often: We do not see this in Our present and We struggle and kick against the goad. We rebel when Our heart leads but Our head does not understand. We ARE grateful for Our process. Especially since We have chosen to be grateful for Our process.

Once again We are spending Our day playing in multiD and going back to dream. SomeOne suggested VR to help Us acclimate to multiD. That makes sense to Us but so far We are having difficulty finding much good info. Well: part of that is Our lack of focus. We are trying to download a game to Our tablet that may help but it is very slow. We have been through that before with other downloads. We are NOT patient on this level. Talk about VR. Hmmmm.

We continue to find teachers teaching about moving into Our new reality. It is sure nice to get the confirmation. Thank Us for projecting this. Yes: Our waking world still looks basically the same. That is cooler and rainy but still the sameish?

We are getting ready to go to town to visit Our friends. We are a bit excited and hope to find “they” reflect the change that We are projecting.

Well: We did not theel like “they” are reflecting what We hoped that We are projecting. Not surprising since most of the world seems mired in Our old choices and projections. Those still hang around Us. We had a good time but One of Our friends was either not feeling well or upset about something. We really did not like watching that. “They” were being very hard on “themSelves” verbally.

We got deep into multiD by the time We got home. That is where We want to be. We had eaten Our fill in town so We did not have desert at home. We played a bit in multiD before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.