Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

More learning how to do multiD



More learning how to do multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:05 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We had a rough time getting to sleep and dream until after around eleven and then We slept and dreamed through most of the night. We did have difficultly being grateful for the physical discomfort that We were/are theeling. We know that being grateful IS the/a key to transformation and evolving so We practice.

What We remember is that We continue to process and integrate Our process and change. We ARE changing how We think. We are getting lots of intuits and insights. Too bad We are forgetting the words before We type “them”. We are integrating many of the insights and filing others for future reference.

It is mostly about how different Our world is from what We Allways thought and believed. We have so much limitation thinking. What We have Allways thought is “just the way things are” is actually limiting beliefs. Sooooo much.

Today is Halloween for the schools. The kids are very excited and looking forward to it.

There is something up with Our computer this morning. Stuff from the internet is not loading right. We know that We are creating this too and We do not know why. We are not nearly as frustrated with these seeming miscreations as We used to be. We real-eyes that such things are NOT failure.

There is just sooooo much that We think and believe that only serves to keep Us in limitation and for pretending to be what We are NOT!!!!! It is kinda amazing. Our perspective is changing and We had no idea how much it would change. We real-eyes that what society creates (together/collectively) may be a bit disappointing for Us as it will most likely be a nicer version of limitation. Perhaps We will observe it but not be stuck there this time??????

We ARE delighted and even amazed at how much We have changed and there is still sooooo much to evolve. We are reminded to stay in the now. We are reminded of this a lot. The theeling of staying in the now is awesome. We continue to theel like a kid on xmas morning. It IS a gift.

No clue what We did except that We were on the bus and took Our breaks and did some shopping before coming home. We ran late on Our first two sections because of road conditions. No trouble but slow going. On Our PM section several kids did not ride and We ended at the usual time. Our autistic boy on the PM had a bad day at school and was concerned about the ride home. “They” did better than We had anticipated from what the teachers said. If this had been Our first encounter with these teachers We would have judged “them” in the negative. However: We know that “they” really do try and treat the kids well. What We do not know is what went on in class. The student did mention that “they” are not supposed to bite and pinch and that “their” mother spanked “them”. Sooooo????????

We pony hop. We are still very much in 3D: it is just that We are NOT focused only in 3D. This makes remembering what We did a bit difficult and foggy. Our waking 3D world, reality and life look the same physically. It is how We theel that is different. We are learning to theel multidimensionally. It is remembering that is difficult. We do not (yet) know how to remember multiD. MultiD is still new and the deeper We go the deeper it is different. We know how to remember One thing at a time. We do not (yet) know how to remember multithings at the same time. We ARE learning how to do this.

We do remember that a new attendant asked Us how We stay awake on the bus????? We replied that when there are kids on the bus We are sooooo focused on “them” that that keeps Us awake.

At home We either went to dream early, at the usual time or late. We relaxed in Our recliner before dinner and We theel that We may have even laid down a bit before dinner. Obviously We are way deep in multiD and We likes that.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Another, nother day in 3D within multiD



Another, nother day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:19 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

It seemed like We slept poorly All night yet We are better rested than We would probably be if We had slept as poorly as We thought. We are aware that the discomfort and unease that We experienced was/is a dream or some other alternate world/life or this is or All of the above. We ARE aware of experiencing more than One reality and life at a time. Most of the night Our skin was crawling and still is to some extent. We do not fit in this body.

We ARE changing and Our world is changing. We can not really describe what We are experiencing because it really is new and We have no words for it. It IS expansion. We ARE grateful even though it is quite uncomfortable. Not only do We not fit in Our body: We do NOT fit in One world/life/reality. We had not thought of that before. This process is bringing in much new experiences, insights and intuits.

We know that We ARE getting what We asked for and We are delighted. Thank Us. We spent a lot of last night not being delighted and still We knew that this is for Our best.

We have been getting the message to NOT try to forge Our life and world. Our higher/knower Self (Our heart, Our creator aspect[s]) know what is best for Us. Often We draw this mental picture of what best and perfect are and those ideas fall way short of the truth. We get what IS best for Us. We want to accept that and embrace it. When We do not get what We think that We should: that is NOT failure. It is Us giving what is truly the best for Us.

We appreciate Our process and the experiences that are having. We may not Allways like it. That dislike is residue of Our old patterns and ways of thinking. We ARE changing how We think.

The word integration comes up. That IS what We are doing. The unfamiliar is rarely comfortable until it becomes familiar. That is what is going on within and without Us.

We continue to be aware (and to be reminded) that We have these ideas of what “perfect” should look like. These ideas ARE limitation. Our bestest thinking still limits because that is still All We know. Limitation is Our only (waking/conscious) memory. We open and allow and THAT is how We get something new. That is how We experience less limited and slipping into limitlessness.

The kids have sooooo much to teach Us. When will society listen to the children? When will We listen to the silence?

We are spending most of Our time in multiD. 3D is still here and mostly what We see. We feel much more. That is probably the bestest way to describe multiD: “MORE”. Sooooo much more than We ever thought possible. All of Our thinking is limiting and limitation. Everything that We have taught and been taught is limiting and limitation. Yes: We really do theel that everything is the right word.

We ARE here AND there. This is All sooooo new and the words are so inadequate. We do 3D tasks and functions AND We feel sooooo much more around Us and We get it that Our thinking keeps limiting Us. Our way of thinking, Our mindset keeps Us stuck in limitation. We ARE changing. We would like to change faster and yet We know that that would fry Our circuits. We are where We belong and moving at the pace that is best for Us. Everything that is happening is what is best for Us. Everything is working together to bring Us back to living as/in Our true nature. We ARE limitless beans pretending to be totally limited. We are very good at the game. We are masters of the game. We wrote the rules and now We are changing up those rules.

We are gently learning how to live in Our power. There is very little external evidance of this and there is a plethora of internal evidance. Inside is what counts. We did not used to think that way. We ARE changing how We think. Examples of limitation thinking keep coming up. We see how everything that We think and believe (up until now) is limiting. Even most of what We think now is still limiting. Our thinking is evolving. This is a slow and gentle process,

We continue to find people writing about what is going on and not too many talking about doing it. It is hard to describe and each of Us is doing it a little bit different. We are exploring from All the angles.

It has been snowing All day and since it is colder and the snow is drier the roads are not too bad. There are slick spots and the driving is slow. We are only a few minutes late on All Our sections. We drove Our chariot to town and are not having any trouble. Even after snowing All day there is less than an inch of accumulation.

Two of Our gradeschoolers who usually sit together are getting a bit loud and rowdy so We decide to split “them” up for a day. Not Our best choice. We did tell “them” that is just for the One day IF “they” keep “their” voice to classroom level. “They” try. It is hard for “them”.

At home: We are deep in multiD and do whatever needs doing in 3D without much focus or attention. We ARE learning how to do this. We have dinner with more “Person of Interest” and head for dream about Our usual time. We Oneder how that will go. Will We get into dream easily?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Back on the bus in multiD



Back on the bus in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We wanted to get very deep into multiD on Our four day weekend and We succeeded. We skipped the safety meeting because We just did NOT wanna go. Instead We spent the day dreaming and playing in multiD which is much more productive. We do not really know much else. We do know that We ARE changing and that IS the point. We had a lot of childhood memories come up in dream and waking last night. We are (and were) aware that these are actually alternate, parallel lives.

Other than that We really can not put much to words as it is just too brand new. We likes it and We know that We ARE getting what We are after. We would like to share more but We just do not have words yet.

We are getting ready to go play on the school bus. We are a bit concerned about any repercussions of missing the safety meeting and that is old thinking and behavior. Fear is NOT a good motivator. We know that We made the best choice for Us and that is All that matters. It IS All about Us. We are All there is and We ARE divine.

We are delighted with Our change even though We can not put Our finger on just what the change is. It is Us.

We get it that One of the things that We familiar with (and try to repeat) is planning and future tripping. That is NOT working now. We have no clue what is ahead and anything that We plan is limitation because that is what We know. That is Our basis for thinking. We ARE changing. Part of the change is change. Imagine that.

We are getting it that part of the reason We are having difficulty with words is that We are not really here, not like We used to be. Our familiar, waking, limitation world is no longer Our only world. We ARE here AND there. Right now more there than here and still both. We are having Our complete psychic change.

And another great day with the kids. Our drivers All know Our route so We did not have to focus as much on the directions and that is nice. We are interacting more with the kids these days as We are not needing to be as strict as before. We really like that.

We are very deep in multiD again during the day. This is becoming Our routine, Our life. We likes that too. It does take getting used to and We are getting familiar with it. Sooooo much of what We resisted and fought against All of Our life is exactly what We need to slip, slide into living multidimensionally. In multiD Our 3D life and world continue much the same as “they” Allways have. We are not as zoomed in and focused in only limitation as We were. 3D is not as important as We Allways thought it is. Life does not happen to Us: We create it as We go along.

As Our process continues We are certain that We will become aware of more choices and options than We used to have. Our world is very different from We Allways thought and believed and We are starting to experience that difference.

There are several students not riding Our PM section today so We will finish early. The kids that are riding are pretty wired after the four day weekend. We try to keep “them” calmed a bit and enjoy observing and interacting with “them”.

At home We relax in Our recliner as Our cabin warms up and have an early dinner with “Person of Interest”. We are going to dream early and We have no idea how that will go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

And more dreaming and multiD



And more dreaming and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:12 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We have spent yesterday and today going back to dream and playing in multiD when awake. We do not have any specific memories of what We did and yet We know that We had fun. We know that We are exploring. We ARE changing.

That is what is going on: change. We theel it even if We do not really see any evidance. Seeing is overrated anyway.

We are getting quite deep into OurSelves and visiting many other worlds. We are mostly staying in bed and letting the energies have Us. Again: words are hard.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Slip, sliding in 3D and multiD again/still



Slip, sliding in 3D and multiD again/still

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:10 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt better than We have in some time. It does theel like something has shifted and that the physical symptoms of Our evolution and transformation have let up a bit.

We can tell/sense/feel that the worlds and lives We visited ARE very real. “They” are clearly alternate lives that ARE currently living and similar to Our waking reality and also quite different. “They” are still 3D and also much less limited. This is experiential more than words and theories. We ARE becoming experientially aware of some alternate lives, worlds and realities AND “they” are definitely just as real as Our familiar waking world. This IS important. This is part of living multidimensionally.

We are quite aware that We are slip, sliding through multiD and multiworlds again today. We really did not want to wake and get up yet Our body is awake. So is Our mind and it is clearly NOT focused in limitation. This IS good and still takes some getting used to. We do have to really pay attention to do such 3D tasks as typing, standing, sitting and walking. We ARE here AND there. We are NOT yet used to this. We have been getting more and more practice and as We move deeper and deeper We need even more practice. We MUST be kind and gentle with OurSelves.

Earlier We tried to read an article that thelt very limitation and separation focused. It thelt like eating vomit. This IS Our shadow and projection and it is obvious that this type of thing is becoming Our passive shadow more than Our current, active shadow. It IS still part of Us and We own and honor it without choosing to play in that cat box.

This is a very interesting experience (or several) even if We can not adequately describe it with words. We can clearly sense Our spaceport and We still see the familiar 3D world around Us. Our head is trying to future trip and/or dwell in the passed and/or plan and worry. Anything it can think of to get Us back to Our old. Familiar limitation and separation mindset. We are remembering to stay in the now and be very grateful for this new experience.

This theels “trippy” and “spacey”. It theels like many things We have tried to avoid when functioning in limitation 3d. It was okay to visit “trippy” and “spacey” but We did not think it would be good to live there. We are changing Our mind. We are learning how to function in 3D while being aware of being multiD. We likes it and it does take getting used to. Our body clearly feels different than it has in a while even though We have mild sinus symptoms.

We are getting ready to go to town and visit Our local friends.

We had a good visit even though We were barely here. We were clear with Our friends that We are fine: just very spacey.

We would share more except that We just do not have words for where We are and what We are doing. We are glad that We have a three day weekend. It would be four days but We have a safety meeting Tuesday morning.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Slipping through multiD and multiworlds



Slipping through multiD and multiworlds

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:13 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt well last night. It was very nice. We were even ready to get up a little early this morning. We remember visiting several different versions of Our current waking world. We were/are aware that the difference is Our attitude We are aware that there are myriad different versions of Our current reality and the difference between “them” IS Us.

In a world where Our predominant attitude, mood and outlook is “bummer” then that world IS a bummer. Even though We have known this for some time: this makes it more real, more experiential. For so long We believed that life happens to Us it is hard to fully believe that We create Our life as We go along. It does take time to change Our reflection. Our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes are deep rooted. We must change at this deep level in order to create any real, lasting change.

What really caught Our attention was that several of these different versions are lives that We remember. We remember the world looking like shit AND We remember the world looking like paradise. We have lived and do live in these alternate worlds. Our attitude determines Our world rather than Our world determining Our attitude. This is hard to fully believe and yet it IS true and can be applied. Of course We will Allways get the evidance that We desire because We create the evidance to support Our beliefs.

We ARE that powerful. We are also drowning in De-Nile.

We have come a long way on Our journey. We are making a lot of progress. We really feel the truth of these dream experiences. It is a whole other ballgame to feel this rather than just know or be aware of it. We hope that You can feel it too.

We are aware of visiting other locations on Gaia through Our mind. We also remember dreaming of morphing into a dragon and theel that We may want to rewatch “Children of Dune” again. We continue to practice being grateful for Our life as it is. We remember that everything IS working together for the best for Us. This does change Our life.

Again this morning We are aware of being and living in multiD. It is similar to that spacey feeling that many of Us are familiar with. We do have to really pay attention or We miss some of the details. The details can be great and being zoomed in on “them” can be limitation. We designed this hologame very well.

We do not remember much from Our day. We slipped deep into multiD early and what We do remember does not really fit into words. We know that We were 3D present and functional and that is about it. We theel that We can not put the day into words because We were aware of multiworlds and that living in multiworlds simultaneously does not really fit into Our present language and timeframe. We have language and timeframes for One world at a time not several.

We do remember that Our afternoon kids were wired for sound. When We got off the bus (at the first stop) “they” went wild and the driver had a very hard time controlling “them” and this is the sub-driver who is the most familiar with “them”. When We got back on One student was spitting at another. We were shocked to say the least. It really was like stepping into another world. We did a lot of pony hopping and some stern talk and shortly the behavior turned around.

We were not aware during the day that We were waking and walking in multiworlds as it seemed like the day was passing in “normal” linear fashion just a bit fractured.

Welcome to Our world(s).

When We got home We did whatever We did and are going to dream around the usual time.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, October 23, 2015

More multiD experiences and insights



More multiD experiences and insights

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:06 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We had difficulty getting to dream again. Once We did We slept well and that is welcome. We visited other worlds. We remember changing the code(s) that program Us. Everything had been wiped clean and We had to start over from scratch. That turns out to be a rather daunting task. Imagine a world full of people that can not even breathe and having to program everything from scratch. The people are only the beginning: there are plants and animals too.

We live in a vast and intricate hologram. Without the programming nothing happens. Absolutely nothing. With the programming wiped clean We can start over and program a world of unconditional love. That is pretty cool. It is well worth starting from scratch.

We did not mind getting up because We slept and dreamt well and We know that We are getting better at staying in multiD while awake. We are clearly drifting free in multiD this morning.

Another great day with the kids and deep in multiD. The kids take Us deep. We visit where “they” live whether “they” are aware of living in multiD or not. Even if “they” are aware few know what it is and there are very few people whom are ready and willing to tell “them”. We can share it at a telepathic/mental level but still have to be careful what We say. We continue to enjoy being more lenient with the kids and some are connection more with Us. There are two (that sit together in the afternoon) who have started to include Us in “their” games. That is really cool. Children learn by playing.

The hot tub at the pool is still broken and We miss it. Even though it is warm for this time of year: it is a bit cool to nap in Our car. We are finding ways to fill the time and often that means more time awake in multiD.

MultiD is so very different from what We had expected. We know (and have known for some time) that multiD includes 3D and still We are quite surprised at how much it includes. Being in multiD does affect Our sense of balance and Our equilibrium. It can also affect Our abilities to perform common tasks and functions on autopilot. We ARE learning how to do this. There are sooooo many things and feelings that We avoided and judged as bad which are portals into multiD. We would venture to say that just about anything that We judge as “bad” can/may be a portal into multiD. We did this to keep OurSelves in limitation 3d until We had fully explored and experienced it. We prevent (for the most part) any early outs.

That IS changing now.

Several kids did not ride on Our PM section so We got home a little early. Once again We relaxed in Our recliner while waiting for Our cabin to warm up. We needed that sojourn into multiD without needing to keep OurSelves upright.

We are having an early dinner with “Person of Interest”. We go to dream a bit early knowing that it may well be a short dream session and then up again for a bit. We are learning to be okay with that.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

More multiD experiencing



More multiD experiencing

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:45 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We had a hard time getting to dream last night. Once We finally did get to dream We slept well and We remember some of the worlds that We visited. What We remember clearly was about clinging to Our limitations. We have a hard time setting Our limitations free. We are sooooo used to being limited that it really does feel safe and comfortable. The new, the limitless is a little daunting.

Along with theeling a bit scared of the new and unknown the physical sensations and feelings of this transition are not comfortable. We pony hop a lot. We do want to live multidimensionally and limitless. We want to stop clinging to the old. We set it free with love.

We do notice that We have to pay attention when functioning in 3D and focused in multiD. Otherwise We tend to get lost. It is no mean feat to get lost in a One room cabin in 3D. When OurSelves and the cabin are in multiD: getting lost is oh so easy.

We note that (at least for now) We are moving forward and not taking steps back. Deeper and even deeper.

We are definitely deep in multiD again today. We can theel some of the kids taking Us into dream with “them”. Not All of the kids are aware of living in multiD and yet “they” do spend a lot of time there. Society is trying to program children into limitation and has been quite successful and some kids go along with it to please others and other kids refuse.

We look forward to a day when Our job does not require Us to be a part of that programming. We appreciate Our sub drivers and We can let the kids be kids more. We really like that and it is another learning curve for Us. Letting the kids be kids AND be safe takes more effort and vigilance and it is well worth it. It is Our small contribution to NOT programming the kids. We do know that this will grow. Our world will change as We change Out thinking and beliefs. We do see small examples and those are growing.

It is still hard for Us (Our physical brain) to believe that We CAN change and transition Our world through changing Our thoughts and beliefs. We know that We can. As We start to live it then it will become real for Us. It might be easier to believe that We can create a whole new, loving and caring world rather than transition this One. We ARE doing both. We know this even if We do not experience it yet.

We are very drifty and would love to nap but it is a little cold in the car without keeping it running. We could do that but We do not want to. We are learning to allow OurSelves to drift while awake and not fall out of a chair or stumble while walking. We ARE learning/remembering how to be multidimensional and live in 3D. We are reminded that being multiD is much different than We had expected. 3D is much more prominent than We expected. What is really different is no boundaries, borders and limits. Hard to even conceive much less experience. Once We accept it Our world changes and the 3D stuff in nearby proximity looks much the same even though there is much beyond the horizon that used to be Our limit.

When We get home We are deep in multiD and relax in Our recliner (after putting away the stuff that We bought in town) while Our cabin warms up. We are aware of being in Our home in Alaska and on board ship which is also Our home. We have a very small dinner with “Person of Interest”. It seems that We are eating less and less. Our body is transitioning. That is not Allways comfortable.

We try to go to dream and it feels like Our skin is crawling. We really do theel that this is what a snake feels like. Another way to keep Us locked in limitation. If the process does NOT feel good most of Us will avoid it. We have done so for millennia.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Another day deeper in multiD



Another day deeper in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:24 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We did not sleep well last night except for about three hours around midnight. We did dream a lot. We revisited a mild incident from yesterday’s afternoon routs. Pony hopping again. Much to be forgiven still. We ARE learning how to live multidimensionally and it IS a process. We are aware that every experience lives on and on. That is part of what revisiting yesterday is about. We are not holding on like a dog with a bone like We would in limitation 3d: We are just reliving a part that keeps replaying over and over. In eternity everything does this. We are simply not familiar with it because of Our belief in linear time.

We also visited other alternate worlds and enjoyed those more because “they” are less limited. It is All part of limitlessness. So much more to learn and remember. The point is just to be with it and experience it. Some parts We experience many times. We ARE learning AND We ARE grateful.

We real-eyes that this is All part of Our process and owning accepting Our power. We do not Allways know “why” except that it is All working together for the best for Us.

We are increasingly, consciously aware that We create what We feel and experience. We do not really know (consciously) how We do it only “that” We “do” it. The temperature is a great example. Any given temperature does not Allways feel the same: it may feel cooler One time and warmer another time. In De-Nile this baffles Us.

As We prepare to go be on the bus We are quite aware of drifting in multiworlds and multiD. This affects Our equilibrium. It seems like standing, sitting and walking in very low gravity. Remember that Our cabin is in Alaska AND on board ship. On board ship would most likely be low gravity. We are becoming more and more aware of living in alternate realities simultaneously. Progress. Not Allways comfy but progress none the less.

Another great day with the kids. We went deep into multiD on Our morning section and spent the day there/here. Because We ARE learning how to do this We functioned just fine. We have to pay attention more and that is okay. The kids are also in multiD even though most have Allready that awareness. Some retain full awareness of being multidimensional and those seem to have the hardest time. If left alone: it is not so hard for “them”. “They” are happy in multiD. It is trying to squeeze into a limited, 3d only box that is hard.

We are deeper into multiD than We have been in town before. We likes it. By the time We get home We are sooooo deep that We would really like to just go dream but Our cabin is a bit cool so We relax in Our recliner and drift even deeper.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

More 3D within multiD: We ARE learning



More 3D within multiD: We ARE learning

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:40 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We did not sleep well last night. Probably because We spent most of the weekend dreaming. We do remember that We visited other worlds. We spent a lot of the night wanting to dream. Our physical discomfort is another factor. We continue to feel Our transitioning, whatever is going on. We know that We do not fit in Our body and that is uncomfortable.

We are glad that We are getting better at staying in multiD as We wake. That makes it much easier to get up on mornings like this.

We are finding that We really have to concentrate to function much in 3D. That is fine. We are more interested in being in multiD. 3D no longer holds the importance that it Once did. We still do not have many words for multiD. More is the best word so far.

We just went outdoors and it is freezing rain as predicted. Will be an interesting day on the roads.

We are having freezing rain in the hills and mixed snow and rain in town. We tried to drive Our dragon and had to turn around and come home to get Our chariot. That was a lot of fun. Backing, downhill, on ice in the dark is quite a challenge. We did make it and only ten minutes late. No trouble Once We got Our chariot.

Lots of buses got stuck and ran late and We did fine. We did chain up and were over half an hour late. “They” canceled PM preschool after We were All on route so We had to take students home. Some parents had All ready left when the bus got back. It was a mild mess. Fortunately We were at Our second stop when We found out and dispatch called the first parent who was home.

We found that the pool is closed today for Alaska Day. Bummer.

The slick roads and weird weather did bring Us more back to 3D and We are able to get into multiD too. We ARE learning. We would like to have a nap but it is a bit cool to nap in Our truck and that is the only good place to nap that We can think of. We do slip into multiD.

On Our afternoon section We have a mild incident with Our autist. For some reason “they” are acting out. We do what We can to keep “them” and others safe and this makes “them” mad so more acting out. A big part of this is Our refection about saying “I’m sorry”. There comes a point where it is pointless. We do real-eyes that We are creating All this for Our best. We do the best that We can and lots of pony hopping.

Again: We slip deep into multiD. We read more articles about what We are experiencing. We ARE delighted with Our process even when it does not feel so good.

We do not have any trouble driving home and are deep into multiD when We get home. We put away the few groceries that We bought and watch “Person of Interest” before and during dinner. We would take a nap but it is a bit cool in Our cabin.

We go dream and get up after a bit to play in multiD. We do this a couple of times before We are able to stay in bed.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Easier to be in multiD than 3D



Easier to be in multiD than 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:43 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

The first part of the night We slept and dreamt well. The second part not so much. It seemed that We had a hard getting and staying back in dream the second part. We got up and went to the spring for water and had the thought that perhaps We had not been waking fully (nor were We on the trip to get water) and therefore were not aware of being fully in dream???? After going for water We did go nicely back to dream.

We are having more multiD insights and intuits. We are growing more and more aware of multiD being All around Us All the time. We just forgot and denied in order to fully experience limitation and separation.

We are reading another article about what We are experiencing. When reading this (and many others) it is easy to imply that there is something that We must do. That is old pair-a-dime thinking. We must allow in order to experience but trying, working, forcing, etc will only keep Us trapped in limitation and separation. Open, allow, expand Our beliefs and set it All free with love. Sounds simple because it is and it is NOT easy because We are very attached to Our old limitation thinking and beliefs. We cling to the old.

As We do 3D stuff while focused more in multiD: We sometimes/often find that it takes a lot of effort and focus to do difficult 3D stuff like walking and sitting in a chair. This is part of the trap We laid to keep OurSelves in limitation. It is circular. We have made it easier to be what We are not than to be what We really are. We ARE that powerful.

The thing is that We ARE finding that what We used to think was important, mandatory and even threatening is no longer important. Our belief runs deep and therefore there are still limitation tasks that We do and experiences that We have. We can NOT force Our change and expansion. Acknowledging that nothing is actually important and/or mandatory sets Us free and it IS a process. We are in the process.

We continue to spend Our day going back to dream. There is sooooo much to explore beyond the bounds of limitation. When We are up We play in multiD and do a little cooking that We want to do. Not much in 3D as We have to really focus to function in 3D. Some days 3D is easier than others. Today is not an easy 3D day. 3D requires a lot of focus and attention. We see 3D All around Us even though We are mostly in multiD. That is the way of it so far anyway.

We get up at some point to have dinner and watch “Person of Interest”. Afterwards We return to dream knowing that it will probably be some short dream sessions. We get up a couple of times and watch more “Person of Interest” before settling down for full dreaming (We hope).

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

MultiD and going back to dream



MultiD and going back to dream

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:52 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt better than We expected: especially since We went to dream rather early. We dreamt until after 1 AM when We got up to play in multiD. We could not go back to dream the first time so We got up and played some more. Every time We woke (during the night and morning) We are aware of visiting nearby worlds similar to Our waking world. Some are what We would think of as alternate current worlds, some future and some passed. We know that All are actually current and simultaneous and yet Our thinker is not yet familiar with this.

We have been up to play in multiD several times today and have a (very) little in 3D. Our computers are acting a bit Mercury retro. We know that this is part of Our transition. Our stomach has not been feeling/acting/playing well yet it is not stopping Us from going back to dream. It may (or may not) be what is waking Us. This too is part of Our transition. Our head wants Us to fret and worry and find some physical cause and/or cure. This applies to sooooo many experiences that We are having. We choose to allow Our mental change to cure any actual ills and know that many “ills” are actually symptoms of waking and expanding.

We have judged and condemned everything and anything that is connected with being/living multidimensionally and limitless. Now: We are open and allow. We expand Our beliefs and set it All free with love.

We are very aware of being quite deep in multiD. We are staying home because Our friends are having another rough day and We know that staying home IS what is best for Us today. We are here and now to experience and be aware of going even deeper into multiD and limitlessness. Our head resists and Our heart allows.

It is an interesting theeling every time We get/go deeper in multiD. There is sooooo much more than We ever imagined AND We ARE sooooo much more than We ever believed.

Another day spent going back to dream and playing in multiD when awake. We ARE growing more and more aware of living in multiD. This means that We are becoming more aware of who and what We have Allways been. Being aware is what is new.

We really enjoying Our day and the sensations of living in multiworlds and multiD.

We get up to have dinner and watch “Person of Interest”. At first NetFlix is not working right so We watch more of “Future World” on Amazon. Interesting that Amazon is streaming great today. “Future World” is an old movie and it is typical acting and music from its era. We can only watch so much at One sitting. We check back on NetFlix and it is working so We can watch “Person of Interest” with dinner.

Now it is time to go dream for the night. We do not know if We will be able to get fully into dream since that is where We spent most of Our day.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Continuing learning to live in 3D within multiD



Continuing learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:42 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

It took a bit for Us to really get into dreaming last night. We got up a couple of times and after playing in multiD (the last time) We went right to dream. We woke remembering, rerunning and rehearsing some stuff about some teachers and other students from Our high school years. We do not know the significance except that that world and life is still going on. The passed is NOT what We think it is: it is ongoing. Nothing is what We think it is. Our belief makes the lies, the fantasy, the imaginary seem real: very real. What We call imaginary, fantasy and lies are actually the real and what We think is real is actually make believe. We do have it All bassackwards.

We make time seem linear. We create false security by thinking that Our world is solid and immutable. Our world is everchanging. We actually know this and it is changing more than We know. What We think is written in stone is written in water. The passed is constantly changing: We just believe that there is only One passed, present and future. We filter out everything else. Just because We filter it out and are unaware of it does NOT mean that it does not exist.

This time We woke from worlds that are very similar to Our current waking world. Interesting (again) to real-eyes that “they” All coexist, simultaneously. It is a hard concept to fully get Our head around since it is sooooo totally contrary to Our old beliefs and thinking.

We are expanding Our beliefs slowly and gently. As a result: Our world is changing slowly and gently.

We are very relaxed this morning as We play in multiD while getting ready to go be on the bus. We are very aware of living in multiD and multiworlds. This awareness is growing on a daily basis.

We have early outs today which means One long break and finishing about an hour and a half early. We are looking forward to this. We also theel other, freer, more equal and less limited worlds on the periphery of Our awareness. NICE.

Another great day with the kids. We are mostly deep in multiD. Our usual sub-driver is not driving today. Our afternoon driver is new to Our route but she had several of the kids on her summer school route. We have early outs so We are finished quite early. She takes the long way to some places and since We have several kids not riding We still finish earlier than scheduled. The kids do well with this driver. Our autist is adjusting to Us not sitting with “them”. It is a bit hard and We are trying to re-enforce that this is NOT meant as punishment. It is what the teachers want Us to teach. Sad in many ways.

The hot tub at the pool is still broken and that is really sad. We use a long hot shower which is Allmost as effective.

Once again We are mostly in multiD which is also where most of the kids live whether “they” are aware of it or not. “They” are mostly being trained and programmed to live limited and only in limitation 3d. This is hard for many of “them” and impossible for others. It is hard for Us because the teachers (and most drivers) want this programming. We ARE changing. We know that this is All part of Our projection(s) and transition. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally.

By the time We get home We are very deep in multiD. We lay down to dream a bit before dinner. We have a very short dream session and it is what We wanted.

We eat a very small, early dinner with “Person of Interest”. We decide to go to dream early.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, October 16, 2015

A typical day of 3D within multiD



A typical day of 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:17 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We did not sleep real well last night and We do not remember any dreams yet We do know that We visited other worlds. We live simultaneously in many other worlds and even dimensions. So far: We are more aware of other 3D worlds than other dimensions and We are becoming more and more aware of more and more. We did not really want to get up and so We reminded OurSelves that We can (and do) remain in multiD when waking and while awake. The more We are aware of being in multiD the less We theel the need/demand for more dreaming. We still love to dream too though.

As We wake, reflect and ponder Our life: it is kinda amazing to Us just how strict We had gotten with Our old driver. We are very happy to be relaxing. We are also amazed at how much more familiar with being multidimensional and living multidimensionally We are. We really are changing how We think, Our beliefs and Our actions. Our world is gently changing as a result of Our inner change. We ARE beginning to project a different life and reality.

It is still easy to get distracted in public. It is easy to get drawn in to the drama and illusion of separation and limitation. Those are familiar. MultiD and limitlessness are growing more familiar. Limitation is not as strong a default world and mindset as it was.

As We ponder Our life, growing up and growing old in Our society/world: We notice (Once again) that We really do have it All bassackwards. It is NOT that anyOne stole from Us, took Our power or took Us prisoner or captive. We gave it All away to experience being less than, being limited and separate. Those are actually impossible yet We are powerful enough to make “them” real. Very real in fact. Or at least: very convincing.

Most people who even have a clue that We are not living to Our full potential still blame others. That seems to be part of the process and (of course) Our projection. As We grow and change We are finding more and more people taking responsibility. This is still a small minority and yet a larger minority than even a few months ago.

We are reading another article about what We ARE experiencing and so far it is spot on.

Another great day with the kids. We continue learning how to be more lenient and keep the bus safe. Soft boundaries are more challenging than hard, fast rules. We do see why so many choose to go with hard, fast rules. We prefer letting kids be kids and that takes more effort on Our part. We can not just let “them” run wild, not yet. We do theel that day is coming and coming in Our lifetime. Actually: it is Allready here just not in Our awareness yet. However: knowing that it exists means it is closer than it was.

The hot tub (at the city pool) is broken. Disappointing. We take a long hot shower which is Allmost as good. We are way into multiD the rest of the day. We have a couple of kids that are not riding in the afternoon so We finish a little early.

At home: We put away what We bought. We got a small propane bottle and cooktop for the next time Our power is out. It can double as heat in Our outhouse. We are well set Allready but did not have heat for the outhouse or an easy way to cook or even heat water when the power is out. Now: We have both. We also have a grill that We can use on it for a propane BBQ. It is small enough that We can leave the bottle outside by Our front door and keep the burner (with its plastic control knob) inside where it won’t freeze and break. That was Allways Our problem with propane BBQs. We like to BBQ in the winter and We broke the control knob on Our last two small BBQs.

We are living in 3D within multiD. We are learning how.

We watch more “ Person of Interest” and have a light dinner and go to dream around Our usual time.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Continuing to live in 3D within multiD



Continuing to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:24 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt well. We did get up around 2 AM and played in multiD. After that We visited a world (or several) where mythical creatures live side by side with familiar humans and animals. We remember how happy We were to real-eyes where We were. We remember living as One of these creatures (One at a time anyway) and being human living in harmony with “them”, It is grand. Very exciting.

We are having another great day. It might seem ordinary. Interesting that multiD and creating Our reality are becoming familiar enough that a day full of these experiences and awareness can now be called ordinary and uneventful.

We are making a lot of progress and learning how to be more lenient with the students and also keep “them” in the safe range. Kids can wind up fast and go from 0 to noisy in under sixty seconds. Some of the kids are playful and some are quiet. Some are playful some of the time and quiet some of the time. We are letting “them” be “themSelves”. That is what We do. We enjoy observing and We enjoy interacting. We enjoy kids being kids.

At the end of the day We are way deep into multiD again. We do not remember much from this just that We are there. Lots of progress. MultiD is definitely becoming more and more familiar.

At home We watch some “Originals” and kinda zone a bit before dinner. Our cabin is a little too cool to take a nap or We would try that. We can zone. Zoning is good. Zoning is healthy. Zoning is multidimensional.

We have dinner and go to dream around Our usual time for this year. We are staying up later than last year and it is nice to have this time after We get home to be awake in multiD. Remember: that multiD does include 3D. It is very different from anything that We expected. Our world is very different from what We have Allways thought and believed and We are adjusting to this. We have yet to fully experience All that Our world holds in store for Us. We still embrace limits and those limits are expanding slowly and gently.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

We keep living in 3D within multiD and love it



We keep living in 3D within multiD and love it

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:15 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt well last night. We woke around midnight and got up to play in multiD a while. We had a bit of a hard time getting back to dream because Our physical body was uncomfortable. We continue to experience the symptoms of not fitting into Our body and We are learning some ways to lessen these symptoms while being aware of not fitting into Our physical body. We are more than just this body and that awareness is growing.

We kinda wanted to stay in dream (when We woke) and yet We are quite awake even though mostly in multiD. We are getting more better at waking in multiD. It is interesting to find that a couple of the websites which We check and maybe read Allmost every morning still have yesterday’s post on the front page. We Oneder if We are waking and walking in a couple of timelines. Whatever it is: it helps Us be aware of living in more than One world, One reality, One timeline at the same time. We ARE making progress. What We used to think is (would be) impossible is not becoming commonplace. Thank Us.

We are spending a lot of attention sending love to OurSelves, Our others and Our world and circumstances and events. We love Us unconditionally. Everything We experience is what We project. This is becoming experientially real and not just words.

This morning We are very aware of being in multiworlds. We are aware of alternate/parallel worlds and lives coexisting. The passed is NOT over and done. The passed is another coexisting world. We visit it often in waking awareness and yet do not usually think of it as existing in the now. Just for today We ARE aware. 3D is still Our predominant world and life and even being aware of several 3Ds is a lot of progress. We ARE delighted.

Our brain tries to worry that Our situation(s) are not really resolved. Of course “they” continue to need Our love and attention. Nothing is/was bad: it just needs love and attention. Surely We can afford to give it???? YES: We can.

If the passed is other worlds, realities, lives and timelines (and it IS) then so is the future. This is another part of multiD.

We are having another great day. We have a sub driver morning and afternoon that is familiar with Our route and this gives Us more dream and multiD time. We ARE learning to function in 3D AND be in multiD and it is still easier to get really deep into multiD while not focusing so much in 3D. Our noon driver is not familiar with Our route and We only have two riders and she is another driver that We like and enjoy talking to.

Of course: the kids are the high light of Our day. We are learning to be more lenient with “them”. We like that. The One driver tells Us We can lighten up even more. That is nice to know. We also remember that We communicate with a lot of the students on a subconscious level and that does not Allways show up directly in the physical. When the nonverbal students gently reach for Us and hold Our hand: We know that We are connecting and it is very pleasing.

We do have the distinct theeling that sometime soon We will be expanding and shifting Our waking experiences. Not that We will stop being on the bus with the kids but that Our limits will be much less. Maybe We will be more aware of and experience more worlds, lives and realities going on at the same time. Imagine: consciously living in and experiencing several worlds at Once. It really boggles the mind. When We first experience it: it is a bit hard to cope with.

By the time We get home We are very deep into multiD. We have dinner and watch “The Originals” and are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Changing Our outer world from the inside



Changing Our outer world from the inside

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:26 AM AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

In One world We visited We are a spy or some such. In the last One Our life is very similar to Our waking life. We did not want to get up. We remind OurSelves that We can remain in multiD while waking and awake AND We ARE getting better at that.

We ponder Our day and remember that the world IS very different from what We have Allways believed and that what We think is important is free of importance and free of matter. These are hard concepts to grasp because Our world has been threatening as long as We can remember. Living in Alaska made this “threatening” even more real to Us. It exaggerates the threats.

We know that the threats are only imaginary and We have a very good imagination.

We ARE learning how to do this. Escape is NOT an option. We face Our fear: We face OurSelf. We are free. We are learning to allow Our freedom. We are learning to live free.

We have been sending love to Our world, OurSelves and Our students most of the night and continue this morning. Love IS the answer. We are learning to live as love. Our head keeps trying to think and plan: We set it free with love. We love Our head and We do want to retrain it to theel multidimensionally rather than only in limitation.

What We are doing and experiencing is very different from anything that We expected. Expectations (specific expectations) only limit. We set “them” free with love.

We are reminded that living and being multiD IS Our natural state. We have forgotten and denied this for sooooo long that is seems foreign. We have made the trivial, imaginary control of limitation real to OurSelves and Our others. Limitation is free of importance and matter. We ARE free. The only thing that actually matters is love. We love Us unconditionally. In that WE can not make any mistakes. Whatever else We do is unimportant. Love matters. WE ARE love.

As We go through Our day in the 9-5 world We tend to get caught up in it. Even though We are spending more and more time in multiD everyday: still We believe that what happens in 3D is important. Only the experience is important. We learn from Our students. Children learn by playing and that is actually what We are doing except that We forgot and forget that it is only a game. Our hologram is very convincing and We think the monsters/authorities are real,

We ARE changing and Our outer world is changing as a result. The change is slow and gradual so that We can adjust.

We are learning/remembering how to live as a multidimensional bean. It is not hard. However: We have pretended to be less than for sooooo long that it seems nearly impossible. It is completely contrary to Our thinking and beliefs. We need this complete psychic change. We need to stop believing Our False Evidence Appearing Real.

We are having a great day. We are sending a lot of love, energy and attention to Our students, OurSelf, Our world and Our situations and projections (yes: “they” are All Our projections). That is how We are spending most of Our day. Our morning driver is familiar with Our route so We do not have to focus on that as much. We are mostly focused in multiD which is the way We like it. That is also where the kids live. We like being with the kids both physically and psychically. Our noon driver also knows the route but is a bit distracted. Our afternoon driver is new to Our route but knows where lots of the stops are (at least vaguely).

The anticipated situation (from Friday) goes smoothly. We implement and idea which We got as We set it free and just allowed over the weekend. We actually did well over the weekend. The situation came to mind often and We set it free with love, We pony hopped, We did NOT wrestle with it much. We did NOT try to “figure out” what to do. We know that We made a change and the situation resolved. It may come up again and We hope to follow inspiration. We ARE making progress and that is what really matters. We are having experiences and that is what it is really All about.

At home We are aware of being and living in multiworlds and multitimes. We ARE aware that We influenced the situation on Our afternoon section. We sent love and that is what matters. Love IS the answer. Our world still needs more love and We are here for that.

We have dinner with “The Originals” and are ready to go dream now.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, October 12, 2015

More learning to live in 3D within multiD



More learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:37 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept well and woke around midnight from a world where We are still highschool age. We go to some kind of special school and Our parents and coach take turns carpooling Us to school. We woke from a morning on Our way to school. That is All that We remember.

We have been up to play in multiD and back to dream several times this morning. We have read a couple of article that do not quite resonate with Us. This confused Us at first as these are authors that We usually like and most of what We read these days does resonate. We get it that a lot of stuff is written to appeal to and reach the masses. The majority of people are not ready for what We are exploring. Another thing is that everything is correct and honored in the multiverses. We also want to be aware of All of it even those parts, holograms that We do not choose to play in.

All includes All that is the nature of All. It is NOT just All that appeals to Us. We are learning how to be multidimensional and live multidimensionally. That includes All. If We want it All then We must be open to it All. Sounds simple until We experience parts that do not appeal to Us.

There is still a lot of blame going on out there which means it is also part of what We are/were projecting. We must take responsibility if We want to fully experience what We really are. All part of Our process, part of Our complete psychic change. The important is to NOT take any of it as failure. That is what Our head (limitation/separation thinking) tries to do to Us. We are delighted with OurSelf/OurSelves. We ARE making great progress. This does not mean that We will escape any of it. Escape is NOT the point. Experience and growth, learning, remembering: those are the point.

We are sensing Our space port just outside Our front window. This cabin IS also Our cabin onboard Our ship. Our window is also Our view port. This IS part of multiD. MultiD is simpler than We imagine/think/believe. Our head overcomplicates it to keep it at a distance, to keep it seeming impossible. One of the bestest words for multiD is: “and”.

Some of the none resonant stuff We read and some We discard. One channeling has some good points even if it did seem to limit at first. It is encouraging Us not to “try” and to love what We have and experience. Not “trying” does not have to mean stopping. We can allow without “trying”. Remember Yoda and his famous words to Luke.

We are learning to trust OurSelves and NOT try to escape the experiences We create/attract.

Now We find OurSelves drifting deep into multiD again. We are going to go back to bed as it is easier to allow the full experience there and NOT fall out of Our chair.

Our progress and process continues. Sometimes in dream, sometimes waking and walking in multiD and sometimes focused in 3D. Our 3D is becoming less and less limited.

As We process/ponder Our process We real-eyes that much of what We type may seem contradictory if/when viewed/read from a limitation 3d perspective. That is because it IS contradictory from a limitation 3d perspective.

All worlds ARE real. Yet: limitation is not really real. Another contradiction. Perhaps it would be more better to type that some worlds are more real than others???? Then again: maybe knot. Not All worlds (in fact no single world) are All there is. When We expand Our thinking, beliefs and focus this makes any limitation seem unreal. When We focus in/on limitation and separation then “they” seem extremely real and threatening. In limitation and separation We All believe that We will die. That is a threat and then other threats grow from there. Our limitation world/experience seems to take on a life of its own and that life is that of a monster.

Then: We find that We have buried sooooo many fears and pains and etc that We can not allow OurSelves to experience Our natural abilities and We do not know why. Part of it is that We have judged Our previous experiences and found “them” wanting and scary and All around “bad”. And then too there is time when it just is not the time to experience more of what We are. We are just not ready and there is NOTHING wrong with that. We remember to be grateful and even delighted exactly where We are.

We spend another day going back to dream and enjoy it. We have an early dinner and watch some “Originals” and then “Person of Interest”. We go to dream early knowing it will probably only be a nap.

We end up getting up and going back to dream a couple of times and now We theel that We are ready to go to full dream for the night.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Is doing laundry a spiritual/multiD experience?



Is doing laundry a spiritual/multiD experience?

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:07 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Yesterday We just did not have words or the ability to get “them” out of Our fingers. We found OurSelf quite talkative with Our noon driver even though she is much more into the mainstream than We are still: We have Allways connected for some reason.

Our day was about learning how to live in 3D within multiD and seeing how much We still cling to and demand limitation. We really are like a dog with a bone. We create Our problems (small and large) and then demand that We defend and/or suffer or whatever. We cling to the old like the drowning cling to a rock that keeps dragging “them” down. The good news is that We are aware of this: even while in the midst of it and We ARE choosing to make new choices and to set Our old thinking, beliefs and actions free with love. It is working and it is a slow and gradual process. That is okay even when We do not like it. We still have expectations and We set those free with love too.

We are learning how to do this through experience. Our dreams give experiences and support that We need and then We take it into the work-a-day world and practice and integrate it there. This is how is spreads because of the connection which We All have. We have many missions and bringing these experiences and experiments into the mass mind is One of “them”.

We are getting to do laundry today. We have been putting it off and really want to get it done. We also want to go deep into multiD and now We know that We can do both. It is actually more betterer when We do while out in public. We need both the alone and public time. Something called: “balance”??????

Our world is very different than We have thought and believed. We try to plan and cling to problems and limits which keeps Us stuck in Our fantasy world that is very different from the real world (if there even is such a thing). The world, any world and every world is subjective NOT objective. This is another point to goes against everything We have taught, been taught and believed. Our planning and clinging to problems is very old school, old training, old programming and old thinking. We ARE changing. We recognize Our old ways. We ARE changing how We think and gradually this changes how We act and eventually it changes Our outer world.

This is All experience. That is exactly what We are doing this whole thing for. We have known it for years and yet We still believed that is is life threatening and that harm and other bad things could happen to Us. Silly Us. Everything IS working together for the best for Us. We ARE remembering who and what We really are and We are beginning to live true to Our true nature. We ARE love learning to live AS love in a physical body. No owner’s manual, no maps, noOne better than Us who knows how to do this for it has never been done before. Except that is has. No right or wrong, no now or then. Confusing to the monkey mind.

Yesterday: We had a mild incident with Our challenging student in the afternoon. “They” are quite autistic (maybe nearly a high functioning autist) and We really like “them” and “they’ really can be a challenge. “They” seem to like pushing people’s buttons and yesterday “they” pushed Ours. Remember that an autist does NOT necessarily want to act up and act out yet “they” just can not Allways control it and this is nearly impossible for an outsider to remember and understand. We forgot. It was not bad at All: We just had to get things under control for everyOne’s safety as “they” were escalating and when an autist escalates We never know where it will go.

In retrospect We do now why this happened (why We created and projected it). The student is a real, strong reflection of Us and it is not just a passive shadow either. Remember: awakening, going multiD is a lot like being autistic. It may even be the same thing. Autists live in multiD. It can be hard to follow the rules with “them” because the One thing that “they” are incapable of (All the time anyway) is following the rules. We do have rules that We have to follow. Yes: We have mentioned that it is a challenge.

We see OurSelves wrestling with the incident and the “what to do in the future” plans and worries. That is old behavior. It is mostly fear based. We are aware of this and what We are doing. That is real progress. Not denying it is much progress also. We love Us. We love this student. We set it All free with love even though We want to wrestle with it. When it comes up We love it and set it free with love again. Repeat as often as needed (maybe until We are free of need????) We thank Us.

We went to town and did laundry. Our local friends are having a rough time and asked to have the day alone. “Their” cat has cancer and is getting worse. We pony hop. If/when We see a problem: We ARE there. We ARE responsible for this is All Our projection. Whether We like it or not. Everything works (is working) together for the best for Us.

By the time We finished doing laundry We are very deep in multiD. Possibly the deepest We have been yet: while awake. Certainly the deepest We have been while driving. We did Oneder about the safety of driving while sooooo deep into multiD. We know that this IS Our natural state and We ARE safe in Our natural state and yet Our old thinking, beliefs, teachings tell Us what We are a danger to OurSelf and others in such a state. We see a pickup coming towards Us with a family inside and “their” dog chasing “them”. The dog is in Our lane and moves over into “their” lane as We approach. We slow way down and another pickup behind Us does the same. We are aware. We ARE 3D functional even though We are way deep in multiD. Being and living multiD is very different than We had expected.

At home We theel that We want to take a nap and dream before putting away Our laundry. We go dream. When We wake We put away most of Our laundry and have dinner and watch more of “The Originals”.

Our first attempt to go dream for the night is short lived and then after playing in multiD some more We are/theel ready to go to full dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.