Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Early outs in multiD



Early outs in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:10 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We ARE looking forward to a short day today and getting to dream in tomorrow. We do have an inservice meeting tomorrow and We get to dream in about four hours.

Thank Us.

We sure do theel OurSelves waking and walking in multiD more and more (deeper and even deeper) every day.

We dreamt very well last night.

And another great day with the kids. Today is early outs and tomorrow no school so most kids are happy about that. A couple of years ago We did have One highschooler who preferred going to school over staying. That is NOT common.

Our bus is down due to a non-working strobe light that is not an easy fix for some reason. We run close to an hour late on Our highschool section. We skip Our potty stop so that makes up some time.

When “they” call parents for Our first gradeschool most parents choose to take “their” kids so We end up on time for both gradeschools. The kids are great.

Both of Our noon kids are wired. It is a playful wired so that is good.

“They” took away Our first PM school which was not necessary. We warn Our dispatcher that the first set of parents are very picky about everything so she may get a call. When We come in for Our PM gradeschool We find out that the bus that covered Our afternoon school was late. We ARE glad. Maybe it won’t happen again.

A couple of Our gradeschoolers do not ride so We finish a little earlier than early. Not too much since One of Our farthest out kids does ride. The kids are happy and ready for the long weekend.

We too are ready.

We stop for groceries on the way home.

At home We thought it was close to Our regular time. Time is not acting the way it used to. By the time We are ready for dinner: We real-eyes it is an hour earlier than usual. We watch some “Eureka” with dinner.

Time to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Another day deeper into multiD



Another day deeper into multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:10 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. Our coffeemaker woke Us. We slept quite sound and are aware of waking in multiD. It theels different. Our world and Our life ARE expanding.

Thank Us.

We can really theel the shifting and expanding. Everything mostly looks the same: it theels quite different. Our vibration IS rising.

We ARE glad it is a short school week. Even though We have an inservice meeting on Friday We will be able to sleep in about four hours. Thursday will be a short day also.

Our kids are great. The highschoolers sleep or listen to “their” tunes as usual. We get to school right on time and “they” do not have to wait on the bus. Sitting at school waiting is hard for kids.

Our gradeschoolers All ride. Some play a DS and some stare out the window seeming to look into other worlds. There is sooooo much out there that A-dults have forgotten how to see.

Our preschooler is betterer today and rides the bus. The first kid is excited to see “them”. The first One does not want to walk up to school by “themSelves” today. Once “they” see a teacher “they” get off the bus pretty well. The older brother is a little hesitant. The preschooler’s teachers are waiting for Us. EveryOne gets right off the bus and walks up to school.

We go for lunch and Wifi on Our first break. We get some juice too. That is All the groceries We need.

Our noon kids do fine. The One wants to sit alone again. That is a little disappointing for the other kid. “They” both have a great ride. The younger One plays. A very curious child that is for certain.

We hottub on Our second break. Nice. Deeper into multiD.

Both of Our first afternoon riders ride. One sleeps and the other watches a video on “their” phone. “They” do not seem to want Us to watch the video?

All of Our gradeschoolers ride and have a fun ride. We sure do enjoy watching kids play. Some have very simple games and others more complex. Some just seem to live in a much happier world than the rest of Us.

We take a potty break at the end of the route and get a dish of I-scream. Two scoops are just right to get Us back to the barn. We can eat I-scream and slip deeper into multiD.

We are deep in multiD when We get home. We play in multiD and have a little bit of New York roast that We had cooked over the weekend. It IS yummy.

Very soon We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Returning to who We really are



Returning to who We really are

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:09 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We do theel that it is worth mentioning: again.

We woke a couple of times during the night and could definitely theel being in alternate worlds. Time was different. At One point Our power had gone out and Our alarm clock was flashing. It turns out that the power outage had been very brief. We did some time warp that time. What seemed like five minutes took thirty minutes according to Our alarm clock.

As We wake now: We can theel that We are in another, slightly different world. We ARE grateful.

Thank Us.

We ARE enjoying waking and walking in alternate worlds. “They” are nearby (vibrationally) and therefore quite similar to Our old, familiar waking worlds. We may have been doing this unawares for a long time. We theel that We have been and just now noticing. We have less resisdance. Lowering resisdance is opening doors.

Our head still tries to cling to limitation 3d and plan doing this and doing that. We open and allow. We love Our head and We ARE taking Our head with Us into limitless 3D.

Our kids are great as usual. One gradeschooler tells Us that We are bad. We do not understand what “they” say We do that bothers “them”. This is a kid that tells Us not to say “they” did a “good” job. Our other kid continues to make great progress. It IS really nice to see.

We get gas and have lunch with Wifi on Our morning break. We have a little dream time before Our noon section.

At first One student wants to sit alone again and then “they” invite the other student to sit with “them”. The One is thrilled to be invited. At headstart “they” ask Us if We have noticed a change in behavior in the first student. We say “definitely”. We have been wondering if something was going on? It is nice to be able to give some feedback.

We hottub on Our second break. We see a guy who spends winters in Arizona. He says it should be in the 80s when he gets there next month. I do NOT miss the 80s. We go deeper into multiD as usual. We ARE spending most of Our time in multiD. We are still in 3D. 3D has less affect on Us. We gave limitation Our power and it takes adjusting to accept that We ARE powerful creators. We are adjusting.

Thank Us.

At Our first PM school: One kid rides and One gets picked up as usual on Tuesdays. Several gradeschoolers do not ride. Our kids who live the farthest out do ride so We finish at about Our regular time.

We go straight home afterwards. We take a little time to play in multiD and have some tacochili for dinner. It is really good. We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Something shifted in 3D within multiD



Something shifted in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:08 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We ARE aware of waking in a nearby and very similar world as before. Similar and slightly different. Perhaps more expanded and less limited? It remains to be seen what is different. Our physical body certainly theels different. We an theel multiD and multiworlds All around Us.

Thank Us.

The energies were intense All weekend and We can theel that “they” remain high. Something HAS shifted. Something inside. Thank Us.

Our waking world looks pretty much the same as We remember. Lately We have been flashing on what memory does and is. What We remember may be nothing like reality. What We have Allways known (and therefore remember?) is limitation and separation which is only a very small part of actual reality. We had Allways thought that it was All there is. Not even close. We ARE theeling more and We are certainly theeling shifting, change, expansion and evolution. We ARE excited.

Thank Us.

We are focusing more and more on “Just do it”. This did NOT make any sense to Us for a long time even though it IS the answer. Relax, breathe, open and allow: totally against Our human conditioning. It IS Our nature. We ARE returning to who We really are. We ARE allowing Our vibration to rise. We do NOT make Our vibration rise: We allow. The rest follows. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

Thank Us.

Our kids are great as usual. One highschooler is at One address two weeks and then another for two weeks. This is the first day at the second address. It takes a little longer to get to this address.

One gradeschooler only rides on Mondays. With the road construction it is impossible (in normal time) to make this stop and get to the other stops on time. We get to school a few minutes late. The teachers are used to Us being the last bus and “they” are waiting at the doors for Our arrival. The weather is getting cooler so “they” ARE waiting inside. Two kids sit together and both have “their” DS. The first One asked if “they” could play “their” DS.

Our student that used to have trouble getting off the bus at school is now playing a game with “their” hugs and kiss from mom. We can tell it is now a stalling tactic and so can mom. Mom is not gonna play.

Our preschooler is gonna stay home sick. The older kids get up and get off the bus right away. What progress. It is sure nice to see and deal with.

We go for lunch and Wifi. We get cheese and sourcream for Our tacochili. We have a little dreamtime before Our noon section.

Our driver has an appointment and We have a new subdriver. “They” tell Us that “they” were told We know the route really well and “they” are glad to have an attendant who does “their” job. We say that it just makes it easier for everyOne. It does make a better ride for the kids. “They” ask Us about the second stop and We have no idea what “they” are talking about. We tell “them” to just follow Our directions. “They” make more comments later and We still have no idea what “they” are talking about. We do not think “they” know either.

The kids both do great. The One who sometimes acts up takes “their” time finding a seat and then asks Us to sit with “them”.

We go hottub on Our second break. We sure do enjoy Our hottub time. We easily slip deeper into multiD. We really are dreamwalking through Our day. We tell the lifeguard that We are looking forward to a bowl of soup for dinner.

Both Our kids ride at Our first PM school. This school is for after highschool. One sleeps and the other plays “their” game.

We only have two gradeschoolers ride so We finish way early. Both are happy and playful. We enjoy watching “them” play. Kids ARE great teachers.

We stop at the dumpsters and post office on the way home.

We warm Our cabin while We get ready for dinner. We have decided to have a PBJ samich with Our soup. This means that We can have some tonight and freeze some for later.

We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream early. Did You know that We love to dream?

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Learning to live as love in 3D within multiD



Learning to live as love in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:09 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We woke a little early and were able to kinda return to the world We had been visiting. There are a bunch of youngstars putting together some kind of performance. Many are special needs kids. We are working and playing with “them” and others.

We ARE waking in multiD. More and more We ARE aware of living in multiD and learning how. Allowing is a key.

Last day waking early this week. The energies have been intenser and intenser. We look forward to dreaming in for two days.

Our kids are typical. It is really foggy up in the hills. We miss a stop because We can not see clearly. There is an easy way to circle around and make the stop a few minutes late. When We get back “they” are ready. “They” did see Us drive by. Our driver called in so if the parent called “they” were told what was going on. We end up at school right on time.

Our gradeschoolers are also typical. One does not ride. “They” did not call so did go by the stop. Not waiting for this kid puts Us a little ahead. We get to school a little earlier than usual. Two riders seem to making friends. The younger One adores the older One. Up to now the older One barely tolerated the younger. Today “they” are being very nice and interacting more than We have seen before.

Our preschooler does not ride on Fridays. The older two ARE making a lot of progress and We ARE delighted to see this.

We have Our long break today. We go to Walmart and get more than We had planned. We get some pumpkin spice treats from the bakery. Next We go to Freds where We get the most of Our groceries. We get a few groceries. Then We go to Safeway for lunch and Wifi. We take Our time and read some of Our book on Our Kindle reader.

When We get to the pool some group had a soup feed and there are leftovers. The lifeguard made corn chowder. We are Allready stuffed from lunch. We decide to go ahead and have a bowl of hew homemade cornchowder. While We are hottubbing she gets Us some takehome containers of the vege beef and tacochili leftovers. We have never had tacochili before and look forward to it. Maybe We will mix the vege beef with Our steak soup?

We have some dream time when We get back to base. We ARE learning how to live as love in the physical. How to be who We really are. We ARE here AND there.

Our new rider does not ride. “They” seem to miss a lot of school. Probably do not see any good reason to get up every day.

Two or three kids do not ride from Our PM gradeschool. We still finish around the usual time as One of Our farthest out kids does ride. We have fun. One of Our shy kids is coming out of “their” shell and being very playful.

We are deep in multiD when We finish. We stop at the dumpsters on Our way home. We decide NOT to stop at the postoffice.

Deeper and deeper into multiD. Into who We really are.

We got stuff to make a berry cobbler so We make it and have some for dinner. Still NOT theeling like watching any shows or movies. We ARE into playing in multiD. We welcome more and more multiD.

Now: We are ready to start Our weekend dream spell.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Variety in 3D within multiD



Variety in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:11 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. Our coffeemaker woke Us and that IS a nice gentle way to wake.

We ARE grateful that We have learned that We can (and do) wake in multiD. We have One more wakeup before We get to dream in for the weekend.

Thank Us.

3D is still here and very real. It is NOT as important as it was and it certainly is NOT All there is. We continue to live in 3D AND We are beginning to be aware of living in more. That is why We wanna let kids be kids: “they” ARE living in more and can help introduce the A-dults to the new and exciting.

Welcome to multiD. More and more are beginning to recognize that We ARE Allready slip, sliding in multiD. Some notice 4D and others notice 5D. Some think We are gonna leave 3D behind. We theel that We gonna expand and that nothing and noOne will be left behind. Third star on the right…….

Our driver is out sick today. We have a sub who is fairly nice if a little full of himSelf. It turns out that he (accidentally) took a pain pill before leaving home and We have to get another driver at the highschool. The kids are typical and noOne seems to notice that Our driver is having a hard time staying focused. We suggested that he pull over and get out and stretch. He theels is okay to keep going so We do.

Our dawdler does not ride. It is amazing how far ahead it puts Us even though We went to “their” house since We do not have to wait for “them”. The last kid does not ride either. Probably got a ride with dad.

Our first kid on Our next gradeschool does great. “Their” mom is VERY happy about the progress. The older sibling (at the next stop) is having another rough day and mom is gonna take “them”. She thinks “they” did not get enough sleep.

We get to school a little earlier than usual. The first kid gets to help unbuckle the preschooler much to “their” delight. We just havta convince “them” to NOT try to lift the preschooler out of the seat.

We get a few things at Walmart and then go for lunch and Wifi. We read another channeling that sheds more light on what We are experiencing in Our daily life. We ARE evolving and Our world is starting to theel and show the effects. We even have a little dream time before Our noon section. We are mostly in multiD so it is easy to slip into a short dream spell.

Our noon kids do fine. We have to get a teacher to help Us with the One because “they” thought that mom was gonna pick “them” up. “They” keep repeating: “I want My mom” until We get close to daycare. We are a bit concerned about how “they” will act at daycare. “They” do fine. The first kid did perfectly fine and helps keep Us from getting lost on the way in to headstart.

We go hottub on Our second break. We sure do enjoy this. Deeper and deeper into multiD: into who We really are.

We have the same driver as We started the morning with. The pain pill musta worn off. Both of Our riders ride at the first school. We are glad. We wanna get to know this other kid. “They” are more talkative and active than “they” were in the mornings last year.

Two kids do not ride from Our PM gradeschool. One has swimming on Thursdays. We do not know about the other. The rest are playful. One of the older kids wants to sit with the youngest and read while the younger One plays. The youngest is theeling ornery and Allmost gets away from “their” older brother before going in.

We go dream on the ride back to base. We ARE deep in multiD and loving it. Adjusting and loving it.

At home We warm Our cabin and have leftover sgetti for dinner. We stay up a little late playing in multiD. Now: We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

More learning to live in 3D within multiD



More learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:04 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again/still. We woke a little early and lay in bed theeling grateful and theeling into waking and walking in multiD. The experience IS growing. We ARE growing.

It was raining again this morning: maybe still is.

Our highschoolers are a little more awake this morning and We are a bit more able to stay in 3D. We can theel a slight shift in the energies: whatever that means.

Our slow gradeschooler apologizes for taking so long as “they” drag “their” ass to the bus. The dread, midevil disease “dragonass”. Our driver says “they” run on Indian time (she is native). We say the world just needs to run on “their” schedule. The two “friends” are getting along again. It was kinda funny to hear “them” swear that “they” would never be friends again.

Our next group of kids do great. The One still wants to help the other One’s little sister. The teacher and Us coax “them” off the bus and then “they” come back on as We turn Our back to unbuckle the starseat. Our driver blocks the door and the student turns around and gets back off.

The older brother does fine walking up to the school though “they” do not seem to like the teacher that meets the bus?

We have lunch with Wifi today. Our tablet does not do email well because the keyboard no longer works right: some keys do not work anymore. It was nice while it lasted. We may replace it soon: ore knot.

We have a subdriver because Our driver has an appointment. “They” do fine. ”They” are used to driving a big bus and doing it All “themSelves”. The other bus at this school has a new type of starseat. We wanna go look at it since “they” learned how to tighten the straps and We suggest this driver come learn too. It is easy Once We know about the lever (in the front under the seat cushion) that releases and tightens the straps.

Our little kid is acting up a bit. “They” wanna sit with the other kid and are acting up because the other kid wants to sit alone. We have plenty of room so We do NOT make the kids sit together if One wants to sit alone. The little One has difficulty when “they” do NOT get “their” way. “They” soon come around to “their” usual playful Self.

We go hottub on Our second break. Allways nice to hottub.

We are in multiD again while more 3D functional than yesterday. Learning how to live in 3D within multiD. Just takes getting used to.

Two afternoon kids do not ride today. We have fun with the kids that do ride. The two older kids (who live the farthest out) decide to sit together. “They” do not interact much. Interesting behavior.

We are a little more functional at home and still do not wanna watch anything on the tube. We do have dinner though. Soon: We ARE ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Intense energies in 3D within multiD



Intense energies in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:59 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We slept and dreamt well. We visited several alternate realities that We are aware of. There was a lot about fear and facing Our fear(s). We ponyhop.

Thank Us. Lots of ponyhopping during the night. We forgive Us for scaring OurSelves. We love Us AND We thank Us. Sooooo much that We wanted to experience that just does NOT make any sense to Us. Why would We want to experience fear? De-Nile is resisdance and resisdance IS futile.

We notice that We ARE waking and walking in multiD: a lot!

We are aware of lots of things that We set up to cause fear. It IS an awakening for Us.

It is raining outside and it seems a little thick. Glad We got the snowtires.

The roads are not slick and the temp is well above freezing still. That IS a good thing. Of course “good” is still a judgment.

Our highschoolers are dreamy and so are We. We are having difficulty being in 3D at All. We can do Our 3D tasks and that is about it. Sometimes standing and the little walking that We do is a challenge. We can tell that the energies are getting intenser and intenser. Yes: We have said it before and this time We really mean it.

Our gradeschoolers are typical yet a little more “spacey” than usual. One who tends to be way deep in “their” own world (which We appreciate) is getting more talkative it seems. We just do not know if “they” are talking about Our world or knot. One forgets to get “their” DS out to play. The two who were not getting along seem to be getting along now. We thought it would happen. We had suggested that “they” not sit together today. “They” both seemed okay with sitting together and it went well.

Our first student on Our second gradeschool is doing fine. “They” have made a lot of progress. We tell mom that “they” did not seem to understand that We allow toys on the bus. She asked if she should get “them” a toy. We tell her that is “they” want One it is fine: We were just trying to explain to the kid that it is okay for the preschooler to bring toys on the bus. Maybe “they” will want a toy tomorrow? The older sibling is All dressed up for picture day and a little embarassed about it. “They” ARE doing much better today and mom says her meeting with the school went well.

We have a principal’s meeting at this gradeschool this morning. It goes fine. We like meeting the principal and the main contact person for buses.

We go to the store instead of back to base. With the shorter break there would not be much time to return to base and then go to the store and be back for Our noon section. We get a few groceries that We want and get some onion rings for lunch. We ARE eating less and less and still love onion rings.

Our noon kids want to sit alone again. The younger One would like to sit with the older One tho. The older One is a little grumpy. We ask “them” about it and “they” just acknowledge that “they” are. “They” still take Our hand so that We do not get lost. We appreciate that and let “them” know. “They” do seem to cheer up a little walking in to headstart. Several of the other kids line up along the fence to say hello as usual.

The younger One is playful as usual. We do enjoy Our time with “them” even if it can be a challenge to keep “them” sitting safely.

We go hottub on Our second break. It sure is nice to get to hottub every day. Our bus is still having issues and there is no point in taking it back to shop for the same thing until it gets worse. Our driver did call it in to CYA.

Our first afternoon rider usually gets picked up on Tuesdays. We go to the school anyway just in case. Today: “they” are NOT getting picked up and are quite upset about it. These kinds of change can be very hard on these kids. We are sure glad We showed up. We have told Our driver this could happen and that is why We go regardless. Our driver does really well at comforting the student when she realeyeses that the student is upset.

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride. One student has swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays. One of the older students sits with the youngest One because “they” are just sooooo cute. When We get the youngest One home We learn that mom had the baby last night and it is another boy.

EveryOne has a great ride. Most are playful and the One is into reading as usual. One left “their” jacket on the bus and We take it back since it is not too far out of Our way. We really thought that “they” had grabbed it. Maybe in One world “they” did. (It IS little things like that which make a big difference with kids and parents.)  This is a foster kid so any attention is appreciated.

We are way deep in multiD All day and even deeper as We ride back to base. We are sure glad that We do not need to stop anywhere on Our way home. We do theel a little resisdance to this change within. We ponyhop. We really ARE grateful for the growth.

We have a piece of rhubarb phi for dinner and play in multiD until We are fully ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Learning to live as love which IS multiD



Learning to live as love which IS multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:55 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We woke early and lay in bed theeling grateful. We are experiencing (in waking and dream) being in multiD and multiworlds. It does take getting used to. Things that We used to do in 3d/3D by rote now take more concentration. It really is like learning to fall off a bike All over again.

We continue to grow and experience. The kids are a big part of this learning experience. Oneder if “they” know it? It is a typical morning. Our regular driver is back. Our highschoolers mostly have “their” tunes. Our gradeschoolers play and stare into space. One has a DS and “they” tell Us that “their” other bus is not gonna let “them” play for a week. We tell “them” that that is that bus and We can not do anything about it. “They” can play on Our bus. It keeps “them” entertained. “They” are unhappy with the last rider who is usually “their” friend. We tell “them” that it would probably be best if “they” do not sit together for a while.

Our next group is mixed. The One who was having trouble is doing very well. The other older sibling is having trouble at school and does NOT wanna get on the bus. At school the first One wants to help the preschooler. We tell “them” that the older sibling will take care of “them”. This gets the One upset and We have a little difficulty. A teacher gets the One off the bus and We explain to the other teacher what was going on. The preschooler walks to class with “their” teacher and the kid who is having trouble with bullies wants to walk by “themSelves”. We are a little late and there is noOne to bother the child. The mother has an appointment to talk with the teacher today.

We discuss All this with Our driver. We are glad to have a driver who cares about the kids.

We get milk and have lunch and Wifi on Our morning break. We read an interesting channeling. It is talking about fear. Since We got on the road to drive to Alaska We have known that this IS about facing Our fears. The channeling talks about wanting to experience fear in All its ramifications. We had not thought about it that way. This sheds new light on a lot of Our experiences.

We ARE learning how to live as love in the physical. We forgive OurSelves for creating fearful circumstances in Our life. It was never an attack from outside of Us. We set it up. We forgive Us. We love Us and thank Us.

Lots of ponyhopping today.

Our noonsection goes well. Apparently One student had a rough start. “They” do great on the bus and the walk in to headstart. The other kid is “their” typical playful Self. We have fun.

Our bus is acting up and Our driver is gonna take it to shop. We ask her to drop Us at base before going to shop. “They” call and ask Us to cover another route. We agree which means that We will have to skip the hottub and shower. “Then” the other route gets going and We do not have to cover it.

We hottub on Our PM break and go deeper into multiD. We are very relaxed and ready for dream. Waking and walking in multiD is a lot like dreaming. It is on the border of dream.

Shop kept Our bus and We have trouble finding a standby bus. We are late for Our first afternoon school. We have to go by shop because Our driver left her paperwork Our bus. We get to Our afternoon gradeschool right on time and the teachers have kids ready for Us.

The first kid on was having trouble leaving the playground. The teachers get on with “them” even though We do not have any trouble. We do Our usual routine and the student cooperates completely. The teacher is a little surprised. Another teacher gets Our preschooler in the starseat while We buckle the first One in. We do appreciate the help. Several kids do not ride and that is good because this is a small bus.

EveryOne does great and has a good time.

We finish about an hour early because of the no rides. We ARE ready and deep in multiD. We ARE glad for how much We have learned to function in 3D while deep in multiD. We ARE glad the kids are in multiD too (whether aware of it or knot).

We stop at the dumpsters on the way home. We got some blueberry muffins at the store and that sounds like a great dinner. We play in multiD while We have Our muffin.

We ARE very ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream an hour earlier than usual. We are reminded that it is the intense energies and not being tired. We dreamed All weekend. We just need more.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, September 17, 2018

A fairly typical day in 3D within multiD



A fairly typical day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:12 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. It is sooooo much better than waking grumping.

We remember that We wake in multiD IF We choose to acknowledge it. This helps Us to NOT resent the dreamtime that We miss going to work. And: We remember that now We wake to play. Ease: a new concept for the working man. Struggle IS the old pairadime.

We ARE grateful that We get to dreamin All weekend.

Our life still looks much the same. It sure does theel different and We theel it continuing to change and evolve. We ARE growing and Our world and life ARE growing as a result.

We are having another great day with the kids. Our highschoolers are pretty typical. One has started reading some mornings and We give “them” Our flashlight. It is often the little things that further Our connections. This bus has better lighting in the wheelchair area so We do not really a light to secure the wheelchair. Maybe when it gets darker? We have more.

Our slow gradeschooler does not ride again so We have some extra time as to not be too early to the other stops and school. We do miss “them” because “they” really are a good kid: “they” just take “their” sweet time.

Both kids on Our second gradeschool section do great. This is some real progress for the One.

We have Our long break on Fridays. We decided to go shopping for new snowtires for Our chariot. After some deliberation and having lunch: We decide to go ahead and get Blizzaks at the tire shop closest to base. We have time to get “them” installed and still go hottub. It could snow anytime and if We wait We might have to leave Our chariot and catch a cab back to base. Studs are not legal until tomorrow and Blizzaks are studless. We have never tried “them” before. Last winter Our neighbor (who plows Our drive) told Us he swears by “them”.

We go hottub next. Nice. We are mostly drifting in multiD. We are very glad to have the snowtires done. We are also looking forward to another weekend of dreaming.

Time is being different. We thought next week was Our next short week. It is not. Our short week is the next week. Time slips.

We have the same PM driver as yesterday and We have Our after-highschooler so We get to show this driver how to secure a wheelchair. At the gradeschool We have two riders that did not ride yesterday and a couple who do not ride today. So: a lot of the route is different. We have to give directions and We would be awake anyway since We have kids.

We finish a little early because of the kids that do not ride.

We stop at the dumpsters on the way home. We ARE mostly in multiD. We ARE learning how. Sometimes We can barely do 3D. Sometimes We don’t even try. We DO remain in 3D. That IS an important point. Sometimes it is easier than others. Sometimes it takes more concentration to do menial 3D tasks because We are no longer fully focused in 3D. In the world and NOT of the world.

At home We put away a few groceries and have dinner with more “Eureka”. We are up a little later than usual.

Now: We are ready to begin Our weekend dreaming.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, September 14, 2018

And multiD just keeps on comin’



And multiD just keeps on comin’

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:14 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We decided to dream in a few extra minutes while Our coffee finished brewing. We remind OurSelves that We ARE waking in multiD.

Thank Us.

We are theeling the power of Our memory this morning. We can remember (and barely visit) some other realities. If We allow: We could easily slip into a quite different reality. We have known this for some time and never quite experienced it (while aware of it) before.

Our first rider does not ride and We did not get the message. This means We do not have a two hour break. We do get to dream All the way to the second stop. The three that do ride are quieter even than usual. We All seem dreamy.

One of Our gradeschoolers calls in not riding. It is Our slowpoke so We are a little earlier today. “They” are a great kid so We do not mind so much that “they” are slow. “They” say that “they” are hurrying. It is nice to get to school on time and even a little early. Our last kid tells Us that “they” like riding with dad because “they” get to play outside before school when “they” ride with him.

The kid that stayed home yesterday does excellent today. The next kid stays home because “they” are having such a rough day today. We theel the energies recently too. It is affecting the kids as well. Lots of change and change IS hard.

We make a couple of extra stops on Our morning break and then have lunch. The Wifi is not working well at the store. We have a little dreamtime before Our noon section. We have a gal that has been Our subdriver before. She was around back when We had Shadow. She asks if We are ever gonna get another dog. Pets are a lot of responsibility.

Both of Our noon kids ride. The second One is quite playful again today.

We hottub on Our second break.

We have a driver that We have never met before for Our PM. She is not fully sped trained. We teach her how to run the wheelchair lift. Then We learn that Our student is getting picked up.

We have a long break before Our last school. We are craving I-scream so We have some with strawberry Quick.

Several student do not ride. Our two that live the farthest out do ride so We finish about the usual time. This driver knows the area more than many new drivers. We get to dream on the ride back to base and get deeper into multiD. We ARE learning how to do this.

At home We have an early dinner with more “Eureka” and play in multiD a bit and let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream a little early.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

More, more learning to live in 3D within multiD



More, more learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:57 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and We are glad. We have learned, experienced and grown sooooo much.

Thank Us.

We ARE evolving.

We decide to go back to dream for a bit. We are sooooo deep in multiD that it is hard to stay awake. We have plenty of time to dream a bit more and still leave on time to play bus.

Our first rider is dreamier than usual also. Our next kid is reading and We give “them” Our flashlight. It is overcast and darker than yesterday. Our next kid is playing as usual and the last One dreams. Fairly normal with a little more dreaming.

Our first gradeschoolers are typical. We are a bit late and the last does not ride.

Our first rider for Our second morning gradeschool is having a rough day and does not ride. “They” had been doing very well this week. The siblings both ride and are doing well. The mother tells the older One not to fake throwup to go to the nurse. Somedays are just hard for kids.

We get new batteries for Our headlight. It really is handy in many applications and it is getting darker every day. Then We go for lunch and Wifi. We have a little dreamtime before Our noon section.

We have a new driver on Our noon section. She is very talkative. We can cope. Both kids ride and One wants to sit by “themSelves”. When the first One gets off the bus “their” hands are full. We ask which hand We get and “they” say: “So You don’t get lost?” We say yes and thank “them”. The second kid is a bit rambunctious today. “They” really do not like to sit alone when there are other kids on the bus. “They” do okay. Just need a little extra attention. Maybe We do too?

We hottub on Our PM break. Easy to go deep within and We enjoy it.

We have another new driver (for Us) on Our PM. He is young kid who really tries to please and make friends. Reminds Us of a puppy. It goes smooth. Our first rider is playful as usual. The rest are quiet today. One child does not ride. We finish just a little early and are deep in multiD even though We talk with this driver most of the ride home. We have kinda wanted to get to know “them”. We got All We need.

We get to go straight home. We do not play on Our computer much because it is running slow and We are pretty dreamy. We eat a little early and watch a little “Eureka”.

We are VERY ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

More learning to live in 3D within multiD



More learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:55 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We wake a little early and lay in bed repeating Our mantra: “We love Us AND We thank Us”.

We are aware that We are waking in multiD and that We are the One who has limited Us All these years. Our world is very different than We Allways believed. Our beliefs make it the way that We see it. It IS a holographic projection of Our beliefs.

We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us.

We set it All free with love. We can NOT think Our way to living as love and multiD. Our current thinking is All about limitation and separation because that is All that We know (have experienced). We MUST open to something(s) new in order to expand and experience something(s) new. Imagine that?

It does not matter if what We are doing is right or wrong. We are doing Our best and that IS what matters. As Abraham says: “You can’t get it wrong”.

Our kids ARE great. Most of Our regular riders ride. EveryOne seems happy and is having a good time. Our new etch-a-sketch is a hit. It does erase easily and that is a frustration to some kids though.

The One kid does excellent again today. We are excited about the progress,

We go for lunch and do some reading on Our first break.

We have the driver that We used to do summerschool with for Our noon section. It is nice to ride with him again. Our kids are “their” usual Selves and We have a good time.

We go hottub on Our second break and go way deep into multiD. We are barely here afterwards.

The field supervisor ends up driving Our PM. The standby that “they” had on it is on pain meds and can not drive. “They” do not think that “they” even have a driver for Us.

There are several who do not ride. We still end around the usual time because the next to the last kid rides.

There is a lot of chaos on the radio. Our route goes very smooth and We have a great time with the kids.

At home: We wanna go to dream early. By the time We have dinner (with more “Eureka”) and play in multiD a bit it is passed Our usual dream time. We let Our “Vortex” to take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Another great day in 3D within multiD



Another great day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:13 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We had a nice weekend: mostly dreaming. We did do a little bit of cleanup and putting stuff away for winter.

Learning to live multidimensionally is NOT the piece of cake, walk in the park, cakewalk that We had thought it would be. It is NOT hard physically. In fact: if We make it hard physically then We are truly barking up the wrong tree. The thing is that We are sooooo programmed for everything good to be hard that it is hard (mentally and emotionally) to take it easy. It goes against Our programming to relax into success. We even think that it is against Our nature. That is NOT true: it is only a belief. A very strong and deep rooted belief.

We ARE practicing breathing and relaxing, opening and allowing. Our head tells Us that We will die a slow and very painful death as a result of the path that We have chosen. We have a lot of resisdance. We set it free with love. We remember how success theels thereby raising Our vibration. We ARE love. We choose to vibrate and project unconditional love. Fear pops up. Fear is the mind killer. We face Our fear: We let it pass through Us. When the fear is gone there will be nothing: only We will remain.

Thank Us.

Relax and breathe. Set it All free with love. We ARE love.

We ARE learning to live as love in the physical. Without resisdance it would be easier.

Thank Us. We love Us.

We ARE experiencing and learning to be in the world and NOT of the world. It is easy except that We resist. Difficult and struggle are sooooo familiar that “they” are Our comfort zone.

We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us.

Another great morning with the kids. Our driver is out for the week. We have a subdriver that We like. We are glad she is a nonsmoker because We do not have much chance for smoke breaks in the morning.

One highschooler is making more sounds than usual. We have a hard time knowing if “their’ sounds are happy sounds or not. “They” do seem to be smiling. We are not sure about the way that “they” are waving “their” head around. We hope the smile is genuine. There is not much We can do regardless. If We thought something was actually wrong We would have to stop the bus to try and fix it.

One highschooler does not ride. The others are quiet as usual.

Our gradeschoolers are typical. One tells Us about “their” night. Another plays “their” DS. The One says that “they” had a good birthday and are wearing three of “their” presents which “they” show Us. “They” had lots of family over for “their” birthday.

Our kid that was having a rough time last week does terrific today. “They” get right on the bus and sit down and wants Us to buckle “them”. We do not mind. We enjoy helping. Another One does not seem to like Us saying anything about “good”. We Oneder what that is about???? “They” are generally cooperative and a great rider. “They” just tell Us not to say: “Good job” and things like that. “They” are kinda the type that if We say “Yes” then “they” say “No”.

At school the One gets right up and puts on “their” backpack and walks up to the school All by “themSelves”. The other is waiting for “their” sister to be ready to go in. “They” take very good care of “their” little sister.

We finish about the usual time and go for lunch. It is a bit chilly so We decide to have soup. It was around freezing earlier. One thermometer said 27. It did NOT seem that cold. It is warming nicely and still chilly. We take Our time and do some reading. We have a little dream time back at base. As We are waking a driver comes up to Us and asks where We parked. We point and say: “Right here”. She laughs and says she is Our noon driver. We figured that was what she meant.

When We get to the bus she is still doing the pretrip inspection. She must be very thorough. She is a good driver and We like riding with her.

Our noon section is very easy. One kid is being kinda ornery and We put “them” in a starseat since “they” are not staying buckled. That is NOT a safe game to play on the bus. “They” protest and soon get over it. We get to have fun with “them” now that “they” are safe. The other One has a bit of a cold. We had to ask the teachers to wipe “their” nose before “they” get on the bus. The teacher has told Us that “they” are a potential runner so have asked “them” to hold Our hand so We do not get lost going in to headstart. “They” are glad to help Us.

We go hottub on Our second break. This really does help Us relax and drift deeper into multiD: deeper within. We focus on vibrating and projecting pure, unconditional love.

Thank Us.

We have a few minutes dream time before Our PM break.

Our PM driver is kinda a know it All who does NOT really know it All. We have to make a couple of corrections gently.

Two of Our PM kids do not ride. The rest are happy and have a good time. We have a good time with “them”.

We finish a little early. We are ready to go dream.

We stop at the dumpsters and then the post office. Another package has arrived and We had trash to get rid of.

At home We do email before dinner. We start watching “Special Needs Hotel”. We really like the concept. At first We think that We would like to work there. Then We real-eyes that it is too mainstream for Us. “They” are trying to make A-dults out of the kids. This IS understandable and normal. It just is NOT Us. Kids are sooooo good at being kids. Why can’t We let “them”?

We do enjoy the show. We are ready to dream before the end of the first episode. We are sure that We will watch more.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, September 10, 2018

A typical day in 3D within multiD



A typical day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:08 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. Our coffeemaker woke Us barely before Our alarm went off. We were repeating Our gratitude/ponyhopping mantra when Our radio came on. We ARE remembering to wake in multiD and NOT to try to cram All of OurSelf into this body: We do NOT fit. Never did.

Thank Us.

Tomorrow We get to dream in. YAY!!!!!

We ARE learning how to live as Our true, authentic Self. It is good. Time to stop pretending to be what We are NOT. We pretended to be “less than” sooooo much and for so long that We came to believe it completely. It is a long road back because the belief is sooooo strong and embedded.

Our first rider is riding so that fills in Our morning. The long break was nice: it was just a little too long for the most part.

The kids are typical. We know that We connect at a deeper level than just the physical. We meet in multiD. We spend Our day deeper and deeper in multiD. We used to think that what We are experiencing was wrong and bad. We even made jokes about being spacey and missing out on life. We pretended that “doing” and “struggling” was living life to the fullest. We ARE good at telling lies. How else would We believe something so preposterous?

Our oldest gradeschooler tells Us that tomorrow is “their” birthday. We wish “them” a happy birthday. We Oneder how it will affect “them”.

Our kid with separation issues is having another rough morning: not as bad as it has been though.

We have a long break since there is no preschool on Fridays this year. We do some shopping, have lunch and go hottub. We take Our time. We get a rootbeer freeze ‘cause We do love those. We have time to dream when We get back to base.

Our first PM rider takes a nap as usual.

Some of Our gradeschoolers are getting picked up. We have a rider that goes to North Pole so it is close to Our usual finish time. We ARE deep in dream and even more in multiD when We finish. We stop at the dumpsters and post office on Our way home. Our new etch-a-sketch has arrived.

At home We take Our time: dinner with more “Eureka”.

Now: We ARE ready to start Our weekend dreaming.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Another day mostly in multiD



Another day mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:05 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again and that’s the way We likes it.

Thank Us.

We theel Us shifting and expanding beyond Our Self-imposed limits. We ARE excited. It is great to begin experiencing more. We grow gently and gradually.

Thank Us.

As We go outside We theel and experience being in two places at Once. It is pretty cool even though it WILL take some getting used to. We are NOT ready to just jump fully into multilocating. Slow and gentle ARE the way to go. Don’t wanna fry Our circuits. We ARE sooooo used to limitation that slipping through the veil is a shock to Our system.

Our first rider does not ride again. As nice as it seems to have the break it is Allmost too long. We both get sleepy waiting.

EveryOne is typical. Another quiet ride.

On Our first gradeschool section We have One kid who really does run on “their” own schedule. “They” apologized this morning for taking sooooo long. Then talked about something before buckling so We could go. We encouraged “them” to buckle first and then tell Us. Then the seatbelt needed to be straightened and …….

We forgot and put a starseat in the seat where the first rider sits. Of course “they” picked another students regular seat. When We asked “them” to move forward “they” said: “Ah, come on.” “They” rarely say anything. We are gonna move the starseat.

Our next kid is the oldest and We have had “them” before. “They” are very friendly though usually very quiet. This is the artist. Perhaps also a dreamer?

The last kid slept better without any nightmares.

We get to school on time and everyOne gets off with not much encouragement required.

Our first rider on Our second gradeschool is better this morning. Still wants to stay home with mom. At school the teacher has to take more time to get “them” off the bus.

The preschooler rides and the older sibling stays home. The younger One does fine by “themSelf”. We even play peek-a-boo. The other kid helps play peek-a-boo and then remembers “their” plight.

We have lunch and read some on Our morning break. The Wifi is not working right and We are pretty deep in multiD. We get a few groceries. We wanna add more soup and mushrooms to some thawed tatertot casserole.

We have time to dream a bit before Our noon section.

Both noon riders ride. “They” sit together with Us sitting with “them” as usual. “They” are very playful as usual too. This is the last day of preschool this week so We both wish “them” a good weekend. The first One is getting good at holding Our hand to the preschool so that We do not get lost. The second finds lots of Oneders to fawn over on the way in to daycare.

We hottub on Our second break. It is sooooo nice to get to hottub nearly every day. We got an extra soda on Our first break so We do not stop for another. We were running a little late too.

Our first rider in the PM is in a better mood today. We do like to see that.

Two kids do not ride from Our PM gradeschool. We have rear door evacuation drill at this school. We talk some with the other buses. One is Our assistant manager who has never done an evacuation drill. He agrees that if We have a student that would be a real problem We can leave “them” on the bus. We assure the others that these teachers ARE very helpful. “They” do give Us All a lot of help with the drill and it goes smooth for All of Us.

Since We did not have the two riders We finish a little early even with the drill.

Our driver needs a pitstop after the last drop and We get a dish of I-scream (good I-scream). We barely finish before We get back to base.

We go straight home.

We watch a little “Eureka” and do not theel like having dinner since We just had the I-scream. Soon: We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

More dreaming and multiD



More dreaming and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:54 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again and We likes it. We can theel change happening within Us and it IS beginning to reflect without Us too.

Thank Us.

We got Our new humidifier setup and running. The other One worked too well: the moisture got into everything. The old One was ultrasonic and the new One is evaporative.

Our first rider is not riding again. We think that “they” are probably moose hunting with granpa. That is very popular here. As One lifeguard put it: “My husband wants to go kill something.” We do not understand. We can accept without understanding.

We are wearing Our brand new Minion t-shirt.

We are glad that We are NOT losing the time. However: two hours of downtime is sleepy making.

The rest of Our highschoolers are typical. It is a quiet ride as usual (even when the first rider rides). The Ones with music have headphones.

Our gradeschoolers are typical also. Our second rider takes “their” time as usual. The world just needs to run on “their” schedule. Wouldn’t it be nice?

Our last gradeschooler tells Us that “they” had four bad dreams last night. “They” too do not get it that everyOne is waiting. “They” wanna tells Us “their” bad dreams before getting seated and buckled. We get “them” buckled and then “they” tell Us about “their” dreams. Oneder what/where the dreams came from?

Our older kid gets to walk in by “themSelves” and We get the other kids to let “them” pass down the aisle. One kid likes to take “their” time getting off and do stretches. “They” do get up and stretch as the others get off. “They” have “their” swim gear with “them” this morning.

Our first rider for Our second gradeschool is still having difficulty with change. A different lady is putting “them” on the bus today. “They” do NOT wanna go. There is some struggle getting on, seated and buckled. The lady has to get on the bus and encourage “them”. We have Our driver call dispatch to call the school that We are delayed. The student is aware: very aware and starts to settle down.

The two siblings do well. Shortly after departing the second stop the first kid unbuckles and stands up. We move quickly into “their” seat and hold “them” in place. We get “them” to sit and buckle as Our driver pulls over and stops.

At school One teacher meets Us and coaxes the One off the bus. We walk the other two (the siblings) up to the front doors. We are not as late as We had thought We might be.

We go for lunch and Wifi. We get some groceries and forget to get bananas. We ate Our last banana on the bus this morning.

We have a little dream time before time to check in. It is nice to have dream time. It is still warm enough to dream in Our chariot. Probably not for long. Unless We evolve more. We can theel Our expansion. We choose to vibrate and project love.

Our noon kids have a fun ride. “They” love to play. We likes that.

We go hottub on Our second break. We really likes that. It is soooooo nice to relax in the warm bubbles. We drift deeper into multiD. It is sooooo easy to do in the hottub.

Our first rider falls asleep as usual. “They” wake a little earlier than usual. “They” do not seem to be in a very good mood: “they” do not seem to be feeling well.

We sweep Our bus between schools. It seems like it got dirty All of a sudden.

We have All of Our kids at Our PM gradeschool. We let the teachers know that the two got switched yesterday. The One that did not ride yesterday has glasses for the first time today so We did not recognize “them”. We mention that We have never seen “them” with glasses and the teachers say that “they” have not either. Our driver recognizes the student. We need help getting the kids seated and buckled in as One is NOT patient and IS having trouble with the buckles while We are buckling the littlest One in.

We have a good ride. Some are playful and some are quiet. The kid with new glasses is shy as usual. We ask “them” some questions and “they” just nod.

We are deep in multiD when We finish. Our last student is sound asleep and pretty disoriented. We tell “them” to take “their” time and get “their” bearings before getting off the bus. “They” was bye as usual. “They” like to walk up to the door by “themSelves” and Allways check to see if We wait at the bus.

We talk with Our driver on the ride back to the barn. We ARE ready to go home and get ready to dream.

We have dinner with more “Eureka” and are soon ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Another day mostly in dream and multiD



Another day mostly in dream and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:48 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake early AND We wake grateful. We ARE aware of waking in multiD. We ARE allowing OurSelves to wake in multiD.

Thank Us.

We ARE evolving. As We evolve Our world also evolves. The evidance IS within. Look within.

We spent most of Our weekend dreaming. We had thought that We might do more physical stuff. We ARE delighted with Our progress. We really ARE evolving. Our head/brain is still afraid that We will suffer for NOT paying more attention to physical stuff. We ARE evolving and We are going to be doing more and more with Our heartmind. We can not even imagine it because We have no frame of reference. The only thing that We have ever experienced IS limitation and separation. That is All We have to draw on for Our thinking. We MUST go within to tap the wellspring there. This is how We can find clues to what We are becoming and what Our world is evolving into.

It IS All about love.

Thank Us.

Our first rider is a noride this morning so We have two hours to kill. As nice as that may be it is a little too long and We are both pretty groggy All morning. We are kinda disappointed in the minimart where We stopped. Probably pick another store to stop next time.

The rest of Our highschoolers are pretty typical: mostly quiet. It is still quite early in the morning.

A couple of Our gradeschoolers do not ride. One is sooooo absorbed in “their” game that “they” do not even notice when We stop at “their” friends house and “they” do not come out.

Our next group of gradeschoolers are having a bad day. The preschooler is doing great. The kids having a bad day do NOT fight Us as One has in the passed. We sure do appreciate the progress “they” have made. We acknowledge “their” angst. We do have to have a teacher get on the bus and she IS able to coax the One student off without a fight.

We finish Our morning a little late.

We go for lunch and Wifi. We forget that it is Tuesday. Sure theels like a Monday.

Both of Our noon riders ride. “They” sit together and want Us to sit with “them”. We enjoy it. One is a little out of sorts. We are pretty much dreamwalking. Glad We can meet the kids where “they” are too.

We go hottub on Our second break. Sooooo nice. We have time to stop for a soda on the way back. We did not hurry yet We finish earlier than some days. Our driver is late getting back.

Our first PM does not ride as usual on Tuesday. We still have to go to the school. It is NOT official that “they” do not ride on Tuesday. If it was We would lose time on Tuesdays.

We arrive at Our PM gradeschool a little early. When the teachers bring the kids out “they” give Us a kid that rides another bus. We have a kid with the same name who is absent today. We keep looking at the One thinking: “this is NOT Our kid”. We catch the other bus before “they” leave and tell “them” that We think We have “their” kid. Sure enough. Sooooo glad that We caught it before either of Us left. The big thing that told Us We had the wrong kid is the different personalities.

One of Our last stops indicates that “they” want to sit across the aisle from Us. “They” have been sitting in the back which has no seat across from it. “They” ask if We will be sitting in One seat and when We say yes “they” sit across from Us which is One seat forward from where “they” usually sit. “They” spend most of the ride reading. We can theel the connection at a deeper level than just verbal interaction.

We have a student that We had for summerschool who is riding for the first time. It is nice to see “them” again.

Our last student is having fun with imaginary friends. One may be a friend from “their” waking life only “they” are not on the bus. It is a lot of the same conversations (or very similar) from when We had “them” a couple of years ago. EveryOne is in a great mood. We enjoy it that way. We do NOT expect it every day.

We are deep in multiD again/still.

We are going to check the mail on Our way home after stopping at the dumpsters. As We are about to get on the highway We can not find Our house and postoffice keys. “They” are NOT on the ring where We keep “them”. We return to the bus barn to look for Our missing keys. We find “them” fallen on the back floor of Our chariot. Off We go again.

Our new “Minion” t-shirt had arrived and Our humidifier which was not expected until tomorrow. We are excited to get Our Minion shirt. The humidifier is good too.

At home We are barely here.

Last week We received a letter that Walmart was sending Us a new card. It has not arrived and the letter said Our old card would not be valid after mid-month. We look for the letter with no success. We call and the prerecorded message is a jungle. We finally talk to real (semi-real?) person. “They” apologize for the letter being a mistake?????

We have dinner with more “Eureka” and now We are way ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Focus on love in multiD



Focus on love in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:05 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We actually woke a few minutes before Our coffeemaker and lay in bed repeating Our mantra: We love Us AND We thank Us.

We have been processing a lot during Our waking AND dreaming. We ARE learning how to be aware of being multidimensional and how to live it. We can theel the inner transition and it IS being projected outward: slowly, gently and easily. Easy is the theme of multiD. We ARE used to struggle and difficult. We are used to thinking and planning. Anything that We think is limitation based. We can not get to new ground using old methods.

We can only theel Our way. Thinking and planning will keep Us trapped in the old cycles: going round and round the same mountain on the same path and never gaining ground. Thinking and planning: struggle and toil will never show Us what is on the other side.

We ARE the creators of Our reality and NOT the victims. We have spent way too long pretending to what We are not: pretending to be victims. We have spent sooooo long ‘tending that it seems Our natural state and natural state of Our world. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Many/most of Us believe that We need devices, machines and technology to “do” things. This IS part of Our victim mentality. We can do All of these things with Our minds/hearts. ET technology is about using Our minds to create.

We do not trust and believe in OurSelves. We have taught OurSelves that We are “less than” and incapable of being who and what We really are. We CAN turn this around and start to live as OurSelves in well being and love.

We ARE love: pure, unconditional love.

We spent Our day focusing on love: being love incarnate. That IS what multiD is. That is what creation is. That is what source is. Love IS the answer.

We send love to Our kids. “They” do respond even if “they” are not aware. “They” theel it too. A-dults also theel it. “They” may resist more than children.

We have fun with the kids even if it is just watching “them”.

The One kid that used to fight and resist getting off the bus continues to get up and walk up to school by “themSelves”. The One with a preschool sibling is unhappy because the preschooler gets to stay home on Fridays. We work with “them” and do Our best. “They” come around and just seem to want/need a little extra attention.

We do some shopping before having lunch with Wifi.

We have a long break because there is no preschool on Fridays and Our noon section is All preschoolers. This gives Us extra time to do 3D stuff.

We even have dreamtime.

Our first afternoon student is asleep right away again. Sweet dreams.

Several students are getting picked up so We finish early. We stop at the dumpsters on the way home. We sure look forward to the dumpsters being open in the morning again. The policy (that started last year) of opening at 7AM with attendants does not seem to be working that well. In Our opinion. In the winter “they” go back to being open 24 hours.

At home We take Our time with dinner and “Eureka”. We are ready to dream early for a Friday.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.