Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Another brief entry

Another brief entry
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:27:33 AM
Good morning. We are changing that much is clear. One thing that We have started doing that is fairly new is laying in bed repeating Our mantras; especially: “I love You”. It is still hard/unpleasant for Us to leave Our dream worlds but We do real-eyes that We are waking in multiworlds and that takes some getting used to. Especially setting expectations free. We are sooooo used to clinging to everything.
This morning We are aware of imagining/allowing Our cabin to feel like a space ship AND a holodeck. We like that. We sense Shadow helping Us to feel through the veil of limitation. Limitation is a belief that We are still projecting onto and over the real world. We really One-der how different the real world looks without any limitations and separation. It is hard to even imagine what that will be like.
We are pondering making more changes in Our daily routine. We wonder why We cling to memories of unpleasant experiences so strong? The pony hopping is probably bringing this into Our awareness more since it is about taking responsibility and setting memories free. Clinging to and rehearsing the memories is generally about blaming others and excusing Our behavior. We do not have to do that anymore. We love You. We get to clean rather than cling. That alone creates a lot of change within Us AND in Our life.
We continue to receive insights. Just because We are not focused in the limitation 3D hologram certainly does NOT mean We are not doing anything. Far from it.
This morning's focus seem to be on how making plans and trying to have and remain on a daily routine keeps Us stuck in the limitation 3D hologram. We love You. If nothing else We are pony hopping throughout the day and during the night. We are setting Our old memories free and We are paying attention to Our children within.
Not much to report about Our day. Our active and energetic gradeschooler is making a conscious and obvious effort to talk and play quietly on the bus. This has been going on for a few days and We have been letting his teacher know. We found out that We will be loosing One of Our favorite gradeschoolers at least for a while.
We are doing a lot of pony hopping during the day.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:23:30 AM
Good morning. We woke naturally but We really do not want to leave Our dreams. We are allowing OurSelf to just sit and drift. We woke pony hopping and that is what We are doing as We just sit and drift.
We can tell that We are changing and what We are doing is working but We would really love to stay in dream longer. Being able to dream at work makes it easier yet it is different from just staying in bed and dreaming. We would like to stay in this state even sitting up but We are still learning how to do that.
This semi-dream state that We are in seems to be the precursor to or a sample of being multiworld focused. However, it is hard for Us to stay in this state and function. Apparently We are learning and practicing.
We are getting that this drowsiness We are experiencing and allowing is part of Our learning and growing process. Learning to live in multiworlds just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Another reminder is that everything is perfect. Why do We have to make/judge anything as: “bad”????? The resisdance that We are feeling this morning is just part of Our old memories and programs but it sure feels real. The judgment and resisdance are meant to keep Us locked into limitation 3D. By allowing We make progress into multiD.
Once again today's Manuscript of survival talks about what We are experiencing. It is nice to get confirmation.
We ARE getting more insights and remember being in a similar place before and typing about it. One more trip around the mountain yet We are NOT judging OurSelf the way We used to. Two steps forward and One step back. We KNOW that We are different from what We were the last time and We ARE making progress. That is what really counts. We are learning to live as love in the physical AND We are learning to live in multiworlds. We are trained and programmed to stay in limitation 3D and setting that free with love is no small task.
Our children within keep coming up for recognition and We love “them”/Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

More hints and breadcrumbs

More hints and breadcrumbs
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:09:42 AM
Good morning. Paying attention to Our sleep cycles is quite interesting. We woke naturally this morning but still mostly in dream. Of course this is really where We would like to live. We just would rather not have to get out of bed.
When We heard about REM (rapid eye movement) sleep (years ago and again recently) We really questioned a person only dreaming the last few seconds of sleep. The part We missed is that a person has several sleep cycles per night and goes into REM sleep at the end of each cycle. This explains why We can visit several dream lives each night. We theel that these visits are a lot like remote viewing and those times that We theel We are an observer AND a participant or even just an observer (does that ever happen?????) actually are remote viewings.
Because We still do not fully get Our multiplicity it is hard to grok how We can be observer AND participant. It is also hard to understand how Our subconscious can be a bunch of unruly children rather than just One child. However, having experienced We can accept it without understanding. At least Our heart can even if Our head still struggles with it.
It is interesting to observe how Our learning and path are evolving and progressing. We definitely see inner progress even if Our outer world seems to remain the same. We really are learning to live as love in the physical. We are learning experientially that We are multiples. No One-der multiple personalities has been labeled and seen as bad. It is part of Our true nature. Just like immortality is portrayed as painful and distressing in books and movies.
A while back We mentioned that vampires do not cast a reflection in a mirror because “they” ARE a reflection but now We get it that “they” actually cast “their” reflection onto the entire world. It really is like living in a house of mirrors.
As We have mentioned recently: We know that We have a fear that We will be persecuted IF We live as Our true Self and live rich and powerful. This is a deep seated belief and fear and We have reinforced it with memories and stories and even so called facts. Our children hold these memories as truth Self-evident. Even though We are beginning to see through this veil that We constructed in and of thin air. We made limitation like a god. We placed this veil of limitation between Us and the “real” world. Again this is hard to grok and We intentionally made it that way and We did good.
All the thoughts and ideas that humans resist (seemingly naturally but it is not natural at All) are hints and breadcrumbs that can lead Us back to Our true nature. If We believe something and cling to it tenaciously it probably needs to examined from the assumption that it IS a block AND a limiting belief. Finding that Our waking life is actually only a dream is hard to fathom because We have believed for sooooo long that not only is it real but it is the ONLY thing that IS real. It is actually a construction based on Our beliefs and All the actors and actresses ARE Us. It is One thing to believe this and discuss it philosophically AND it is totally another to experience it.
Dr. Joe Vitale says that he is beginning to doubt limits. That is how it should be. Of course: that too IS Us saying it. We do still think of others as being someOne else. That is part of the thinking We are changing. We really were/are right when We say that We need a complete change of thinking, mindset and beliefs. We need that complete psychic change spoken of in A.A.
All-most forgot to mention that We did a lot of pony hopping during the night and continue this morning. We are also doing some tapping on Our fears, judgments and blocks. We real-eyes that We are setting Our blocks and limiting beliefs free and (at least) for Us this comes before We see any real and lasting change in Our world.
Not too much happened during the day. Lots of dreaming and pony hopping.
We decided to listen to a hypnosis recording before going to bed and We enjoyed it.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Not much time, or so it seems

Not much time, or so it seems
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:21:49 AM
Good morning. We woke several times during the night apparently at the end of Our natural sleep cycle up until this last segment. We did NOT want to wake an hour early or sleep in a half hour and We were partially awake and partially asleep at Our usual time to wake. We stayed in bed a little while and got up pretty groggy and We are trying to allow OurSelf to stay in waking dream state.
We are certain that We woke in different but similar worlds during the night. What We remember of Our dream worlds/lives is having fun and playing with new friends. In One a new friend took Us flying and as soon as We were up in the air We were able to fly on Our own. That was exciting and very encouraging. It feels like these abilities are coming closer to the surface in Our waking world. We theel that We are setting more and more limiting beliefs and fears and blocks free and getting closer to allowing OurSelf to live as/in/from Our true nature instead of pretending to be what We are not.
There was a lot of pony hopping going on All night and it continues this morning. We find/found OurSelves judging some of Our others and We take responsibility for what We see and judge. We are sorry. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You.
We have not been reading very much channeling lately but what We have does seem to speak of/to the same things We are focusing on. This One this morning is especially right in tune with Us: Ron Head's latest
There are many ways to say and view the same thing. The message is coming out more and more and All the pisces are coming together. That is what matters. It is no longer about who is right: everyOne is right.
We had a substitute driver for Our morning section so We had to stay awake even when there were no students on board. This really does change how Our day evolves. The students behave differently too. We are responsible even though We project this onto Our world.
Also, We are getting it that We ARE spending less and less time in limitation 3D AND We are beginning to be/live limitless even when in limitation 3D. We are again and again reminded that We ARE masters of time. Another hard concept to grasp experientially.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:15:06 AM
Good morning. We learned several things last night. We just don't know what “they” are. Kidding. Kinda.
We woke several times from different dream worlds and because We were paying attention We find that Our normal sleep cycle tends to be around One and a half hours. That would explain why We feel better after seven and a half hours of sleep than We do after eight hours of sleep. In that last half hour We do not get deep enough into Our cycle to wake feeling refreshed. Interesting stuff that.
Earlier this morning We were in a very bizarre world. This reconfirms that not All the other worlds are more fun and enjoyable than this One. We were not at All sure that We would be able to convey that world in words but it feels like it is worth a try. It was obviously a very nearby, parallel and concurrent world because many of the people/actors/players are also in Our waking world. We were also an attendant on a special needs school bus. However, this was nothing like Our waking bus and driver. We even remember calling the driver: “mom” but she is NOT Our “mom” from this life.
We started with Our regular kids but for some reason picked up a whole bunch of kids from another route. At this point none of the kids would stay seated. “They” were completely out of control and unsafe. The harder We tried to get “them” to stay seated the more out of control “they” got. After One boy was hanging from the window outside the bus and the only thing inside the bus were his fingers: We told Our mom to pull over and call for the police but the bus would not stop moving. Mom got out and could walk alongside the bus but it kept moving even after she chocked the wheels. The bus rolled over the blocks and kept going. We called dispatch for the police and any other available help but We could not read the street signs to give an accurate location plus by the time We told One approximate location We were at another location. It was very frustrating. We drove around inside a new hardware store and when We came out a man and several youngstars helped Us hold onto the bus (from the outside) and We were able to stop it for a few minutes. We were inside AND outside of the bus and mom was driving again.
Our supervisor came racing up with her little bitty car packed full of people. It really was like a scene from a car-toon. Pun intended. EveryOne jumped out of her car but We could not hold the bus in place so everyOne climbed on board and tried to keep kids seated. However: each A-dult would hold One child in “their” seat and ignore everyOne else. This still left Us frantically trying to keep kids seated. This never resolved and We woke quite riled up. We real-I-said that We woke in a very different and volatile world than Our normal waking world and We decided We did NOT want to explore that world and went back to bed.
There were several other more pleasant worlds in other dream lives. One was especially pleasant because We kept making new friends and were able to play with All of “them”. We do theel that We will return to dream soon too.
It became obvious that We were exhibiting Our children within. We were not consciously aware of this concept/possibility before. We have never heard or read it expressed so We were quite surprised to find that We have not just One child within or inner child but many. Does this mean that We have more than One subconscious? Probably. We are reminded that We do NOT have to know the answer. We only need to clean the memories which is pony hopping. We pony hopped All the kids in the dream AND that whole situation and All the actors. Thank You One and All. We love You.
There are way too many ramifications in this dream to examine “them” All. That in itSelf is One ramification of this dream. As humans We want to figure everything out and examine All the intricate details. This is another tool to keep Us lost and buried in the details and memories of limitation 3D. We love You. Whatever enters Our awareness is Our responsibility.
It is becoming more and more obvious that We ARE changing from the inside and those changes are showing up in Our outer world. The outer changes are NOT glaring and sudden or even obvious. Everything is going smooth and gentle for Us. It is kinda like the bus in Our dream life: it was moving slow enough to walk beside but sooooo fast that the street-signs were blurry.
Our dreams are calling again.
We do not remember what We dreamed but We do remember pony hopping.
Several times during Our day We could feel that We were slightly different worlds. All are very similar and nearby but still slightly different. This reminds Us of the many versions of Us, Our world and Our life that coexist. Also, the day seemed to kinda disappear.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dream stuff

Dream stuff
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:20:20 AM
Good morning. We tried checking Our natural sleep cycle but We are not certain. We woke with no apparent outside stimulus yet We do not remember what We were dreaming like We “should” if it was at the end of a sleep cycle. We tried to go back to sleep but were unsuccessful but then as soon as We started typing We feel groggy. We will try to continue “paying attention” to Our cycles and see if We can determine what is Our optimum cycle. That is the intent of the exercise and experiment: find what works for Us. Once again: “paying attention” comes up.
We hope to get motorvated to go to town and do laundry today. We are adjusting to not having Shadow here in the physical and making several changes in Our daily life. We hope to “pay attention” and find what works for Us towards living as We truly are.
It just occurred to Us that We might not have a standard natural sleep cycle as normal. We may not “fit” the mold. What a surprise, NOT. This might be true for many youngstars too. It is interesting that “paying attention” is coming up as We have been thinking that “paying attention” may be what Our role will be in Our evolving life and world. Of course: which came first? The donkey or the cart?
Also, the first article that We chose to read this morning is about time and its flexibility. This is NOT mentioned in the title but it does resonate and confirm what We are experiencing. We also find We are having a hard time with words this morning. We have decided to go back to dream for a bit. We are reminded this is All a learning curve and what We read about techniques and programs are only pieces of a puzzle. There is NO One answer or key. We are finding the combination that works for Us and maybe it will work more betterer for others two.
Our dream session was very short being mainly a state of waking dream or trance. We got several insights which We hope registered in Our subconscious, Our child within. There are many, many variable and possibilities around Our sleep and diet. Even though the book We are reading does cite some “rules” which do apply to the norm it also tells Us to “pay attention” to what works for Us. We are combining many methods and techniques to find Our optimum (yes, We ARE repeating OurSelf). One important clue is that there are many different states that are very similar and often grouped under the word: “sleep”.
We are multitasking this morning and hopefully will not get too lost in another world (unless it is a pleasant world which We want to explore for a while). We are doing this gently and though Our head still wants to stay in a trap Our heart is becoming more and more of the leader. We are reminded that We read and study different techniques and programs in order to wake the knowledge and abilities and even power that lies dormant within OurSelf. This IS an important point. We are also reminded about: “laying on of hands”. It is NOT required BUT there is a lot of power and energy that is and can be released through Our hands. It may well be an important tool for Our tool box.
What We are doing and experiencing is hard to describe in words (at least within limitation 3D) because We are living AND experiencing within multiworlds and malleable time. It is interesting to be aware of this and in a waking state. We are also reminded that: 1. Many things that We have (in Our passed) taught, been taught and believed are THE very things that are intended to keep Us locked into this limitation and separation game. 2. Memories (which We rely on heavily in limitation 3D) are the very thing We are setting free in love through Our pony hopping.
We All-most forgot to mention that the book states that those who do not remember “their” dreams probably are not getting enough sleep. It might be more accurate to say that “they” are not sleeping naturally or for a natural amount of time. The quality of sleep could be increased just as easily by reducing the length as extending it. This is also connect to time being different and more fluid than We (masses) currently believe.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

We are responsible

We are responsible
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:03:33 AM
Good morning. We just woke from/in an interesting experience. We had woken up about a half an hour early, seemingly wide awake but it was a little cold so We decided to turn up the heat and lay back down to do so horizontal pony hopping. We went back into deep dream with a seemingly bizarre experience. We remember it clearly but are resistant to telling it.
It was a very similar 3D world and experience but on the surface just seems weird. However, when viewed from a pony hopping perspective makes sense at least symbolically. We thought the behavior was something outside Us. We were shocked and angry at a youngstar's sudden rash behavior. We are sorry. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You. Even though We certainly wanted out of that alternate life/reality We very much did NOT want to wake and get up. It seemed like it would have been better to get up earlier but We would have missed this experience which We are NOW grateful for. There is a lot to this. Often We wish We could/would/should leave limitation 3D but We understand (mostly) that We would miss potential experiences which We can and will benefit from. Even though We real-eyes now that We can return to play in limitation 3D any time We want, still We are pretty sure that those visits would be few and far between if We did not (at least seem to) wake here every morning.
The answer (of course??????) is that We do NOT really wake here every morning. We are NOT having a ground hog day experience. It just seems that way. This is part of Our waking and learning process. This last dream, though very uncomfortable had many valuable gems for Us. The extreme behavior is symbolic of some of Our students and the anger is very real. As much as We love Our students and do not want to get angry: We do. We try not to show it or act on it but the students surely sense it. We pony hop it a lot. We take responsibility for what goes on in Our waking AND dream lives. That IS very important.
We can not grow and change if We keep externalizing Our thoughts and behaviors and blaming others for Our plight.
Yesterday (at some point, maybe in last night's dreams?) We got it that if We blame others then We truly are victims even though We are actually the perpetrator. We (many of Us) say that there are no real victims but Our belief makes anything real. When We blame We claim victimhood which is a fantasy made real. This is another concept that is hard to explain clearly because it is sooooo contrary to how We are programed (and YES, We did the programing). There is just so much to unlearn and very few get it that We are responsible because We do NOT (yet) fully get it and so We project THAT onto what We perceive as “the world”.
We ARE responsible. Nothing changes until We change. It may shift and morph but at the core it (whatever “it” might be) remains the same. We see (externally) a lot of people (an entire world full of people) who only want external change. “They” want a nicer limitation reality, a prettier slavery. As much as We theel that We (personally) grasp that We need to change AND We are quite certain that We want to change, still We are projecting that We would rather just paint the world a softer more gentle color and go back to sleep as willing sheeple. We are the problem AND We ARE the solution.
All this spawned from a bizarre dream that We do NOT want to type up. We recognize many distractions and potential distractions that We create to slow Our progress. This can be beneficial in order to give Us more time and potential to integrate what We are learning and experiencing. Or to just play. However, when We think that ARE locked in and stuck it feels frustrating (at the least).
It comes to mind that the grogginess We feel most morning and throughout Our day (which We used to resist with All available resources and now allow but do not really like) is Us inserting OurSelf into Our imaginary world. The world around seems vibrant and alive and awake. That is Our construct. It feels like We are wading in mud because We (quite literally) ARE.
This is All very interesting and I opening to Us. We also real-eyes that (in waking) We are catching glimpses of what/things We are doing in multiD. More and more puzzle pieces coming together.
As We were reading One of Our books “they” talk about sleep cycles. It is interesting that this comes up in Our reading the day We had a waking experience that illustrates what “they” are saying. We will try to “pay attention” to Our sleeping, dreaming and waking tonight to see if We can find Our natural cycle.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Allmost forgot to post

Allmost forgot to post
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:46:44 AM
Good morning. We woke pony hopping Once again. It is a great way to wake. We slept better than We have in quite a while. We theel We are more relaxed and comfortable with how Our waking life is progressing. Even though We still miss Shadow a lot in the physical We are adjusting and sensing more of what is going on. After All: the physical is only a small fragment of Our life. That is part of why (even though We really love being with the kids) We would prefer NOT being in town twelve hours a day five days a week. It is easier to experience other (non-waking) parts of Our life at home. We did go to sleep thinking about the difference between Our dreaming on the bus and dreaming at home in the comfort of Our bed.
We really are sensing a lot of change within, a lot. We also theel that We will be cutting down on the number of hours and days We work. We have no clue how this will work but We are assured that in the right time it will work out.
It is hard for Us to not be able to express OurSelf and Our current experiences better but a lot is just beyond Our ability to put into words. Words are hard. We are enjoying the kids and doing a lot of pony hopping with “them”. We theel the change that results. Remember: We are cleaning Us NOT trying to change “them”. We hope that We (and Our projected world) will begin to see and accept “them” as gifted. We will be delighted when We recognize “their” gifts and allow “them” to express “their” gifts like We did in that dream of letting “them” run free. Maybe We need to get more okay with having a bunch of kids running wild and free in and around Our home. We are willing to be willing.
We are continuing to get a lot of insights, some of which We can share and others are still beyond words. We read about more and more technology and devices being developed and released to the public AND We recognize that Our focus is using OurSelves, Our minds and Our natural abilities to do the things most (projected) people believe that We need devices to do. Yes, We recognize that this IS Our projection and even judgment. We continue to focus on love and pony hopping. As Dr. Hew Len says: “If We do Our cleaning, everyOne else will be fine”.
What will We project next?
Another thought that keeps coming up is that We recently read a quote: “The only purpose for money is to express appreciation”. What a One-der-full world We will project when We believe that. We have been projecting from Our belief that: “The only purpose for money is to keep Us unequal and in slavery”. That is the system We have been projecting and fighting. That system includes how autists are treated and judged. We are changing that by changing Us. We are using several techniques as We have discussed before. Imagine the difference in the world We project and wake in when We change from the latter belief to the former.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Facing more fear

Facing more fear
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:05:04 AM
Good morning. Lots more memories coming up to be loved and set free. Memories that We really thought were long gone. Parts of Our childhood that We have not remembered for years are coming to the surface to be loved and set free. Some memories are pleasant and some are painful but “they” are All memories that need to be set free with love.
We woke several times during the night and were saying: “I love You” and pony hopping each time. We woke about an hour early and lay in bed pony hopping. We feel a lot of change happening within that is and will be reflected in/on Our outer world. We love You. We continue to voice Our feelings that We miss Shadow. We feel his presence but We miss his physical presence. We grieve and that is a good thing.
The question comes up as to what Our ability, Our gift is. The answer is love. Feeling Our feelings, feeling and expressing love is a strength and NOT a weakness as We have taught and been taught. We really did a number on OurSelf and Our world. We completely bought into separation and limitation and now We are afraid to leave. The fear is not as strong as it was yesterday when We recognized it. Yesterday it was shear terror and today it is more like caution. We are okay with being cautious. We go gently as All-ways.
The changes are happening, We feel it. The words fall short but the feeling is very strong. We also are setting Our specific expectations free in love. We can expect great things and loving change but if We try to define it and create/allow specific expectations about how it will be then We limit it completely. We choose to set it free in love and allow love to flow and play freely, without restrictions. We are removing the bonds and restrictions We had placed upon OurSelf and Our world.
We ARE free. Thank You.
It is definitely feeling like We are waking Our natural abilities. We have been afraid, very afraid of living as Our true Self, in and from Our true nature.
As a bit of an aside: somehow Our laptop disabled its wireless connector and now Our desktop is making funny symbols in the task bar????? We asked Our laptop to fix itSelf and after a few tries it did but We are clueless what the blinking symbols on Our desktop are about. It seems that it is connected to Our virus protection. We are going to restart Our desktop. We theel that Our changing energy (internal especially and also external) was/is causing these computer problems and “they” All seem to be resolved now. This is probably connected to leaving the security of Our limitation 3D world.
It is bound to be an interesting journey. We are doing a lot of adapting and experimenting. Who knows where this will lead? Adventure awaits.
Interesting: We have been theeling (during the night and this morning) that time is One of the changes We are choosing to embrace and the Mayan Majix sun sign for today is serpent which represents movement and the creation of time. Also, yesterday's reading in Our Miracle Mastery course spoke about creating time. It did feel like last night's process was mainly about opening and allowing these abilities that the course and other input is reminding Us about.
Our day is so full with Our route due to the recent additions that We rarely have time to type during the day. We could type while We wait at school for the next pickup but that is Our dream time during the day. Sometimes We read or listen to a audio recording and even that feels like an intrusion sometimes. We know that We know when We need to read or listen to a recording and when We need to dream. We are following Our inner guidance system and We are getting better at that. This is and will be the corner stone of change and Our future.
We sense several of the physical changes that will be happening soon. It theels like We will be traveling and We really do NOT know how We feel about that. We know that if it is right for Us We will be fine with it. We still would like to remember how to take Our cabin with Us but We also would have liked to take Shadow with Us in similar fashion. We also feel strongly that Shadow is helping from the other side of the veil and able to do more for Us than when he was in a physical body.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another day of dreaming and pony hopping

Another day of dreaming and pony hopping
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:52:25 AM
Good morning. Another interesting night of memories and alternate lives coming up to be loved and set free in love. We woke feeling rebellious. Our rebel has been around most of Our life but We keep him under wraps and guarded. He wants to be set free too. We are afraid to do that. We give him some room to express himSelf but We fear what might happen if We just set him free. Perhaps We will come to some mutually agreeable middle ground?
We thought We were going to go to town this morning but that is not appealing to Us. We want to dream again and again. We will probably opt for dreaming and maybe that will satisfy Our rebel. We feel big change happening in Our life and this is part of it.
We are doing a lot of pony hopping again today and returning to dream.
When We woke from another dream session We recognized that We are afraid of leaving Our limitation and separation world/cage. We decided to watch this weeks hypnosis lesson video and it is teaching Us about releasing such fears AND the memories that cause “them” AND replacing those memories with new positive memories and thoughts. Another thing that is interesting is that We went to see if We have been archiving the emails each week but We thought We had been deleting “them”. It turns out We have been archiving “them”. This is One of several things that We are doing without being consciously aware of it. We also decided to tap on this fear. We think We will want to watch the hypnosis video again later.
We are afraid of leaving this familiar world no matter how much We want to experience more. We are pony hopping and tapping on this fear.
We are doing a lot of nurturing of Our subconscious, Our child within. We are setting a lot of pain and memories free in love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

And dream some more

And dream some more
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:26:59 AM
Good morning. We woke pony hopping and We like that. We did a lot of pony hopping during the night as We visited many memories and alternate lives to be loved and set free. We spent a lot of time (or so it seemed) in an alternate life in India. We really enjoy this/that life. In that life We give OurSelf a lot more permission to actually be OurSelf. We theel this deserves some looking into. We know that We need to set this memory (alternate life) free with love just like everything else but We really want to play in it some more. Well, We can do both. That is the part that We have yet to fully grasp about All of this. We CAN have Our cake and eat it too. That is the magik. That is the truth.
Freedom, that is what this is All about and We really do not know what that is. We have never really experienced freedom. We only know Our Self made prison of: “You have to give up One thing to have another”. Freedom will take some getting used to and getting there will take a lot of setting things free.
We got up to go to an in-service meeting for work but We are seriously considering being bad and NOT going. That will probably be Our choice and part of the change We are going through. That is One of the permissions We need to give OurSelf: it is okay to be bad. We really have been inhibiting Our nature a lot with these judgments of what is good and what is bad. So, We choose to stay home today. We will do whatever comes to mind and keep setting OurSelf free in love. Everytime We set a memory or judgment or limiting belief free with love We set OurSelf free a little bit more. We get closer to living as love in the physical.
We have been feeling a lot of change coming and happening inside AND in Our 3D, physical life. Now, having decided to stay home today, We sense that We are definitely preparing for some major change in Our physical life.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Where did We go?

Where did We go?
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:28:24 AM
Good morning. We woke pony hopping and We are focusing on everything being alive AND sentient. This is more of Our change of mindset. We love You. Please forgive Us for ignoring and mistreating You. Thank You. We want to change. We are willing to change. In order to live as what We really are We MUST change and We do so want to live as Our true Self. We want to stop pretending to be what We are not.
What We can not do is accomplish this by thinking and planning. We can feel Our way. We love You. We open to love. We set it All free in love. We allow love.
It is interesting how We are feeling today. Kind of energetic and lethargic at the same time. We do theel that acknowledging everything as being alive and sentient is important right now in order to complete this step and move along. We really can not find any better words for right now.
We are doing some 3D chores and listening to another vid of Dr. Hew Len. We can really feel that We ARE very much in the process. We really appreciate the focus on Our child within (Our subconscious).
It seems that We spent Our day in dream and waking dream. We really do not know where the day went. We feel a lot of change going on within Us and that is what We are after.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

learning to live as love

learning to live as love
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:53:28 AM
Good morning. We are pony hopping.
This is Our first weekend without Shadow in All-most sixteen years. The last few days: We have been reflecting on the fact that except for sobriety sixteen years is the longest We have done anything. Also since We are single, Shadow was Our only companion All those years. This is a new beginning. Not exactly the way We have chosen but We did know that it was coming. Yes, We had hoped that Shadow would be here physically to make the shift with Us but as his condition deteriorated We knew that he would move on and help Us from that side of the illusion, the veil.
It is the veil that is the actual illusion.
We love You. We love the game of separation and limitation no matter how painful it is. We love Our child within who keeps clinging to the game. However, it does seem like the grip is weaker. It does help to know that We can return to the game anytime We want. It also helps that now We KNOW that limitation and separation is NOT All there is even if it still does have a death grip on Us (quite literally still).
We continue to be aware of and examine the memory(ies) of living as We truly are: rich and powerful. Scary. And that is why We avoid it still.
For several years We have thelt that We were NOT leaving the game of separation and limitation but rather changing the rules and parameters. We needed/wanted to experience the game thoroughly and completely. The only to do that was to completely in it. We had to absolutely believe that it is real and the ONLY thing that is real. We did good. Now, We have been learning experientially that there is more. There is a multiverse (or many multiverses) and We are just beginning to explore that.
There are realities where wealth and rich and such terms are meaningless because EVERYONE receives the bounty of the multiverse. We have visited at least One of those realities when We visit the two brothers. To Us “they” are the two “rich” brothers but to “them” “they” are just like everyOne else. We like those kinds of realities. But, until We get over Our stuff around money and power We can only visit that type of reality. It is even hard for Us to live in any realities where anyOne is rich because of Our memories (false or imagined) of being rich and powerful.
We decided to watch another vid of Dr. Hew Len and had to pause it to type down something profound that he said: “If I/You/We have a judgment about another person, place or thing then We are judging God.
We have been getting more and more insights into Our learning to live as love, pony hopping and changing Our thinking. These ARE happening in Our life. We are learning to live by allowing and following inspiration. We also recognize several examples of doing this in Our passed. We also recognize and remember the joy We feel in doing this.
It seems like We are drifting again. We like this feeling and expanded awareness AND We recognize how much We have avoided it and rejected it in the passed. Lots of “to do”s are popping into Our head/mind. We set “them” free with love and choose to allow and follow inspiration in each moment to the best of Our ability. We real-eyes that We are well trained in living in limitation and memory and programs. It is normal to place blame but that only keeps Us blocked from living as who We really are.
We ARE the problem AND the solution.
It seems that All Our thoughts and plans have left. We set “them” free in love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Progress not perfection

Progress not perfection
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:23:49 AM
Good morning. We woke pony hopping. We do not remember what We did in Our dream lives. We are still more in dream than awake and We will try to just drift and allow OurSelf.
It has been a rough week because of missing Shadow and there is other processing going on so that We are spending most of Our free time in dream. This is a good thing but We have not been very typative and We have gotten away from some of Our reading and listening to Our recordings. We are okay with that and when We aren't We pony hop that. Dr. Hew Len calls it cleaning on whatever comes up.
We love You and We thank You.
We are doing a lot of dialog with Our child within, Our subconscious. We do theel that how We treat the students on the bus is a big part of establishing a relationship with Our child within. Children are important to Us and that is how it should be and should All-ways have been.
The theeling that We will begin traveling soon keeps coming up. We really do not know what that will look like. We have a sense of several possibilities but do not theel that We are yet able to grasp the potential. We theel that anything We can conceive of with Our conscious mind is an extreme limitation of what is possible.
We are getting more and more insights. It is cold in the morning and then warms up as the day progresses. We accept responsibility for this. Our students continue to be a delight and We accept responsibility for this too. We recognize how We block Our own progress and We accept complete responsibility for this.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Words continue to be hard

Words continue to be hard
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:26:11 AM
Good morning. We do not remember much about the worlds and friendships We explored last night but We had a good time and We feel a bit more rested this morning. We are pony hopping. We are changing. We ARE learning to live as love in the physical.
We still do not have a lot of words and We miss Our Shadow even though We have a strong sense that he is still visiting Us. He was a great companion.
The sense that We may be traveling soon is growing stronger but We also get it that there are many factors and options and none may look like We would expect if We design expectations around it.
As We ponder and cast about within Our mind We really find Our thinking changing. We really are beginning to live more in the now and less from memories replaying and looping. We are building a partnership with Our child within, Our subconscious. Though We have been somewhat aware of Our subconscious: We did not pay much attention to it. Now, We are paying attention and nurturing it.
It is clear that even though Our head is still trying to plan We recognize this sooner and pony hop it. We are also much more aware of Our child within and there is a dialog starting.
We do theel the way We pay attention to the children on Our bus and try to allow “them” to be “themSelves” (whatever that is) is a big part of making amends to Our child within. Now that We are more aware of him than We have ever been since creation We can begin to treat him the way We treat the kids on the bus.
The memories and reminders of living as One of the rich and powerful keep coming up. We keep getting insights about this. We are not sure whether the memories are the way things really happened or rather Our concocted version from Our projecting Our judgments onto Our world and it reflecting back on Us. We are owning and loving these memories and setting “them” free in love. We are asking Our child within, Our subconscious to assist Us with this process. When We have set these memories (and others) free then Our child within can begin to play. We CAN begin to play and live as Our true nature.
We ARE love. We continue to learn how to live in the physical and We MUST release these memories (that keep replaying) in order to live as love.
The memories include abusing Our power. This is actually impossible but that is what We incorporate into this impossible world We are imagining. What We think is real and possible, even the only thing that IS real and possible: is actually the impossible. What is actually real and possible is what We consider impossible. We are blocking OurSelf from experiencing what and who We really are with these limiting beliefs, blocks and counter intentions.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Our subconscious, Our child within

Our subconscious, Our child within
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:00:00 AM
Good morning. We slept in a little this morning and that is nice. We are repeating Our mantra and pony hopping and We do not have a lot to say yet. We are adjusting to the change of not having Shadow here physically. We theel something new is on the horizon. Yes, that is All-ways true but this is bigger and more than usual and quite a big change for Us.
We are feeling more shift and change this morning and We really do not have too much to share because We are in flux.
We did not have much to say All day. We did a lot of pony hopping and watched another vid of Dr. Hew Len. We are getting a lot from watching and hearing him. More work with Our child within, Our subconscious.
The cold did trigger other/many fears for a bit. It is good to note that We recognized fairly quickly what was going on and began pony hopping. In the vid Dr. Hew Len did more work with the child within (Our subconscious) and We did the same. We can sense the subtle shifting that is going on.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Finding patterns and memories replaying

Finding patterns and memories replaying
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:49:36 AM
Good morning. We had a hard time sleeping but We expected that. We just woke from the most interesting dream (or reality) which We can not fully explain. We will give it a shot: It is a holographic program that projects a message on the wall that says: “To start weekend program Press Here” When You “Press Here” it shuts down Your own program until Monday morning. It had several different possible messages but each One actually shuts down and/or resets itSelf and the target who activates it. Kinda, sorta, maybe.
We experienced this reality from the perspective of the programmer, the remote observer, the present observer, the controller AND the target All at the same time. Trippy to say the least. We are also experiencing something similar in waking. It is related to Shadow being gone from Our physical reality. We heard him several times during the night too. We experienced that like someOne feeling a limb that has been amputated.
Speaking of which: We had a bunch more insights around Shadow and Our current process. SITH teaches that Our life is actually memories replaying over and over until We get clean or to zero point or divine or whatever. We have been taught (in other programs/methods) to look for patterns in Our life in order to identify Our blocks and areas that We need to clean up. Now We see that these patterns ARE the memories that are looping. The difference is that We are not (no longer) “looking” for the patterns because We do not need to nor are We actually able to find “them” All. BUT: many are revealing “themSelves”. This is happening in waking and in dream. We also recognize that Our words fall way short of accurately describing what is happening.
Shadow All-ways had weak legs especially his back legs which correspond to “THE” legs on a person. (We think We have covered some of this a few days ago but there was more last night) From time to time in Our life We have had friends with bad/weak/missing legs. We have often been drawn to complete strangers who had some sort of difficulty with “their” legs. Our first clear memory of this is from junior high school. However, We have a vague memory of it from earlier. In Our twenties Our maternal grandmother had both legs amputated at the knees. (That is the memory that came up during dream last night)
We really get it that (even though We would have liked it to be different) Shadow needed to move on in order for his process and Ours to progress. We got the VERY strong impression that there was a youngstar that was waiting for Shadow's spirit to occupy its body. We also get the theeling that Shadow is both in that body AND free to explore non-physical realms to his heart's delight.
We are also even more aware being in multiworlds and being multidimensional since yesterday.
We just got it (remembered????) that in other realities Shadow did recoup and rejuvenate. We feel some of those but We especially feel Shadow in his non-physical body comforting Us and being playful. Somehow he is a much stronger connection (for Us) to the energy and/or spirit world than any of Our friends or family who have crossed over. We are feeling him, the youngstar, the Fae and many other energy species around Us coming and going. This is normal (for Us) in dream but it is much stronger in waking than ever before.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A very hard day for Us

A very hard day for Us
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:27:54 AM
Good morning. Lots of cleaning, releasing and setting free in love last night. Tons of memories that have been running Our life are coming up, mostly vague but some in gory details as implanted by history. We got the distinct impression that many are actually false memories but We have held onto “them” as Ours for eons. There is something big about Czar Nicholas and other notorious characters. We love You and set You free with love. We really did want to stay in bed and dream but We know this process can go on in waking and We do have things to do in this waking world even though the important parts (things to do) are not what We see and perceive on the surface.
Our world is very, very different from what We see and perceive and that is becoming an experience not just a philosophy. We are beginning to allow OurSelf to access the real world but We must set these frightening and painful memories free so that “they” no longer bind Us in fear. We are talking to Our child within (Our subconscious) to show it love and acceptance and to stop causing it pain and begin acknowledging it. We want to allow Our child its proper place in Our life. We are grateful for Our child within being a part of Us.
This has certainly been a powerful weekend. We have been theeling and continue to theel that We should cut back to only working three days a week. Financially this is scary for Us. It was scary when We did it before too. These are more memories replaying. We will see how this goes. We do want to follow inspiration.
It was interesting during the night to wake to this cleaning and pony hopping going on. We keep saying: “I love You” and doing the pony hopping mantras. We are also hoping that this will set Shadow free from the beliefs in aging and growing weak. We acknowledge Our fear of immortality that is a result of these memories. We are sorry, please forgive OurSelf.
During Our breaks it became apparent that Shadow is really having a hard time getting and staying on his feet. On Friday We both agreed that he is done but We both wanted to take the weekend alone together (not going anywhere just the two of Us at home). We spent most of the time (from when We got home early Friday afternoon [or late morning] up to this morning) dreaming together and telepathically sharing with and comforting each other. We had hoped that he would recoup enough to be able to stick around and NOT suffer but that is obviously not the case.
During the day the kids seemed to sense that We were hurting and were kind to Us. Hard to explain but We definitely felt it. It seems that more and more of Our life and process is hard to put to word(s).
After work We talked more with Shadow and took him to be put to sleep. Once We got him out of the truck he tried to walk and shortly fell down after he had peed. Then, after We lifted his body and got him back on his feet he was sooooo happy. Our first thought was that he did not know what was about to happen. However, immediately he told Us that he knew very well what was about to happen AND he was very happy. All his life (at least until recently) absolutely everything has been an adventure for him. He is now starting an even bigger adventure. He seemed to suddenly grow taller and stronger. He knew he was being set free with love. We had a lot of tears through the whole process and had a lot of difficulty speaking. It is hard to type this.
When We got home We took Our time with doing everything that We usually do when We get home from work. We had lots of tears and lots of insights.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hard to do 3D stuff like reading and typing

Hard to do 3D stuff like reading and typing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:31:04 AM
Good morning. Lots more stuff/memories coming up for processing; to be loved and set free in love. Lots of worlds and realities to play in with old and new friends. There is sooooo much available if We just allow.
So many old beliefs and memories run Our lives AND We believe that “that is just the way it is”. It snot. It is a belief and a belief is just a thought that We have thought over and over and over. It can be changed but We love Our beliefs no matter how much “they” hurt. So, We can add new cherished beliefs and set the old beliefs free in love.
There continues to be many things that it is hard to conceive of being responsible for. Our old thinking and beliefs are very deeply rooted inside of Us. We see/perceive how these beliefs and memories are projected on to Our world. We truly can see and remember OurSelf in All these roles BUT the old habits of judging and projecting on to others is sooooo familiar and easy to fall back into. We get it that other peoples judgments and mistreatment of Us is the reflection of Our judgment of OurSelf and others. It is getting easier and quicker to recognize this in Our experience. However, We still believe in Our victim status. We know that it is a lie but it is also a cherished belief.
Again: we spent the day dreaming and pony hopping. We watched a few vids with Dr. Hew Len, We made meatloaf and filled Our oil tank. We are definitely NOT focused in limitation 3D and We are learning how to be here AND there. Words are hard for Us right now.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Another cleaning day

Another cleaning day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 11:54:29 AM
Good morning. We did a good job of dreaming in today. We kept returning to the same dream world where We are much more free and equal and society is transitioning. We are working with kids and helping “them” to unlearn. That is going to be a big job for society. So many of Us (as in nearly All of Us) cling to Our old beliefs and restrictions even if We think that We are progressive.
It seems that physical symptoms are running rampant right now and We are no exception. Shadow is doing better today and We were never actually feeling bad We just are barely 3D functional and so want to lay low, very low. Thinking and planning about All the stuff that We would normally do is a big part of what keeps Us stuck in limitation 3D reality. Not the doing, the thinking. So, We are giving OurSelf permission to just play. For Us dreaming is a big part of that.
There is sooooo much going on inside Us. Even if We could put it to words AND were willing to You probably would not believe it. Maybe tomorrow but not today. We are sooooo much and We believe that We are sooooo little. It really is All smoke and mirrors and We are the One who is projecting the show that We watch and You project Yours. Just accepting that completely is more than most of Us are willing to do.
We spent the day dreaming and pony hopping and had few words to share.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A cleaning day

A cleaning day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:03:43 AM
Good morning. It was a little easier to get up this morning and yet We are still very drifty and obviously NOT very focused in limitation 3D. That is the way We like even though it does take some getting used to. Again We woke saying and thinking: “I love You”. We did a lot of pony hopping last night and We are continuing this morning.
We keep forgetting that We want to discuss: recognizing patterns in Our life and lives. Many memories are coming up as a natural result of Our current process and We ARE finding patterns in these memories from way back. We own and love “them” and set “them” free in love.
We returned to dreaming for a bit and seriously considered taking the day off work. Something IS going on but We are going to go ahead and go to work even though We can only barely get into 3D.
However: as We sit here trying to get mentally ready to go to work We feel a strong sensation that We really need to stay home. So, We have chosen to honor that and see how Our process unfolds. We recognize that We MUST take care of OurSelf first and only then are We of any value to anyOne else. We are changing and We do not pick and choose what days We are 3D functional and what days We just can NOT get into 3D. But, when We called “they” are All-ready short five attendants so We are going to go in.
Whatever is going on is affecting a lot more than just Us and Shadow.
One of the things that We are noticing is that as Our old memories are being set free Our current memories are affected also. After All: Our current memories are just the old memories replaying. Another point that is hard to accept in Our limitation 3D mindset.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 7, 2014

A day for dreaming

A day for dreaming
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:57:23 AM
Good morning. Another interesting night. The first two hours seem like several nights. This morning (Once again) We really do NOT want to leave Our dreams. We are doing Our best to remain in that state while sitting here typing. During the night it definitely felt like something shifted. Once again We woke saying: “I love You”.
It feels like We are in multiworlds and We like that. Being focused totally in One reality is much easier but We theel that Once We get familiar with functioning in multiworlds then it will be much easier. We are certainly feeling inspired by what We are receiving currently. We really enjoy it that so many teachers who are teaching visualization are getting it that it MUST be combined with feeling the feeling in order to work. We ARE making progress.
During the night We developed some sort of sinus stuff. We feel it is a part of Our cleaning process. We are pony hopping it. The feeling and impression/vision of Our computer area being a communication center is growing. We have several vision of Our future/alternate Selves that are growing.
And again We continue to get inspirations and insights into Us and Our development. Our pony hopping and other techniques are reaping results. We see improvement in Shadow AND Our interactions with the students.
Something is definitely going on energetically. We are finding it very difficult to stay the least bit focused in 3D and most of the students are sleeping on the bus, even the Ones who are normally awake.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Insights and inspiration

Insights and inspiration
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:42:50 AM
Good morning. We decided to get up early to have time to watch a vid that is suggested before tonight's webinar. We are not sure about this webinar as it is about visualization which is NOT Our strong suit or desire. However: We recognize that by simply changing the word visualization to imagination OR imaginating it becomes much more interesting to Us. It may even be part of what Our mission to translate this type of thing from visualization to imagination and/or imaginating. We will just have to see where inspiration takes Us.
Again Our first thought on waking is: “I love You”. And then more pony hopping. Child within (subconscious): We love You. Please forgive Us. We thank You for being part of Us. Please set the memories free and help Us to live free and play.
We do have a vision of how We want to live. It is not really new BUT because of memories (real or imagined) from living that way in other lives We have only vaguely looked at or imagined or talked about this life. We have been aware of a ghost like memory or knowledge about small fragments of this life/lives but nothing more. Now that We have begun practicing several techniques for cleaning this memory, fear and unpleasant feelings We are able to get more enthusiasm and feeling and even visual images of living this way. It is Our true nature but We denied it and fled from it for many years. It is living as love in the physical (that part may have been missing in other lives, probably was) and living in Our power and actively using Our natural power and ability. One thing We real-eyes is that We can live this way without shouting it from the rooftops (at least at first and if We choose) but IF We really do clean and are successful at pony hopping then We should no longer be projecting Our fears and judgments onto the masses and that should no longer be reflected back onto Us. Then We will be free to live openly and equal with everyOne else. It should be Our natural state and true nature that is being reflected back on Us.
We also keep getting more and more feeling of this computer area being Our communication center and spending less time working a job. We like that feeling. We certainly do want to continue working with kids in some manner but NOT being away from home twelve hours a day, five days a week. Again, We will see how inspiration unfolds.
We have an idea to write a story about a vampire who keeps falling asleep and forgetting his passed when he wakes. Sort of a mix or Rip Van Winkle, Dorian Grey, Ground Hog Day and maybe some others. Again We will see how that goes and how We use Our time. We are reminded that We are masters of time but We forgot that too and feel victims of time. Time to pony hop (pun intended) and tapping. Feels good. We are even beginning to see why the Hawaiian ho'oponopono practitioners recognize problems AS opportunities.
There were some more vids and PDF files that We wanted to copy to Our Nook for access on the bus and We got that done. Now: We are gonna check out the suggested vid and take some suggested notes to prepare for the webinar after work. If All the kids ride home We will probably be a few minutes late for the webinar so We are gonna leave Our computer on with the webinar page open and Our notes document open.
It is very interesting to Us that the last few times We have read or heard someOne teaching about visualization “they” emphasize that what is really important is to capture the feeling that the visualization inspires. For Us it is All-ways the feeling that is Our primary/initial sense. However visualization is so popular and successful because most people access visually and THEN “they” feel. This is very interesting for Us.
Late in the day We had several visions of Shadow growing stronger. We also got the impression of him being a shapeshifter but it seems he has forgotten. In several visions he shifted into a strong and vibrant youngstar. It was quite cool and We are experiencing Our feelings of elation.
The webinar had just started when We got home and it was One of the better webinars We have attended. We would even like a recording of this One.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Our process unfolding

Our process unfolding
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:57:45 AM
Good morning. We really would love to be able to dream in every morning. Knowing that We get to dream a lot during Our work day helps but it is still hard to leave Our dreams at this time of the morning. We did a lot of pony hopping during the night and again woke saying: “I love You”. These words are much more powerful than We would ever have believed. The only thing is that what We think We want and what love knows is best for Us are not All-ways exactly the same.
One of the things that is coming up for Us lately is Our fear of being immortal. This too is memories replaying and We are using several methods to love these memories and set “them” free. Some of the memories are familiar but We have the feeling that there are others which remain buried. Fear of rejection or fear that no One will want Us is One of the three base subconscious memories that control Our lives. Our child within remembers being punished and even murdered for living as an immortal. There are many powers and abilities that are totally natural which We have judged and blamed in OurSelf and others AND Our others have reflected this back on Us. As We have said before: “the reason a vampire does not show a reflection in a mirror (or so the story goes) is because a vampire IS a reflection of OurSelves”.
And so, We are facing this fear and letting it pass through Us. Fear is the mind killer. We are paying attention to Our child within, Our subconscious and telling Us that We love Us especially telling Our child (Our subconscious) that We love it and thanking it for being part of Us AND for showing Us these things that need to heal, need to be loved and set free in love. Now: We need to set free Our expectations and allow love to do and bring whatever is best for Us. This is a process and it is unfolding. We certainly have a lot of room to pay attention to Our child and make amends by changing Our behaviour. We have been rehearsing the longer version of pony hopping: “If We, Our family, relatives and ancestors have harmed You, Your family and ancestors from the beginning of creation until now, in words, deeds or actions: We ask forgiveness. Let this cleanse, release, heal, purify and set free these energies, memories, vibrations and blocks and transmute these energies into love.
Of course, We have spent so long, so many lifetimes denying and ignoring and even being mean to Our child (Our subconscious) that it takes a bit of time and reassurance to really get the message across. We do NOT want to ever behave that way towards Our child again. That is the real meaning of making amends: to change the behavior. We ask Our higher Self, Our superconscious and the divine within to help Us to change and live as love. Allow and help Us show love to Our world, Our others AND especially All parts of OurSelf.
It would seem (at first glance) that living as love would be easy. It actually is except that old habits die hard and We have spent a lot of time and energy developing and repeating and reinforcing the habit of living as something that We never actually were. We also set up a world and society and system that supports this lie, this fantasy. Then We blamed this society and the powers We set up to run and rule it AND especially anyOne who does NOT pretend to be what We are NOT. We judged and punished and murdered OurSelf and Our others whenever We (or “they”) had the audacity to live as love in Our limitation world. We taught OurSelf (very, very well) that is “bad” and dangerous and unhappy and unrewarding to live as what We really are. There are countless horror stories, myths and fables to support this belief.
Slowly and gradually We have been rewriting and retelling some of these myths (even in mainstream stories and movies) but the beliefs run deep. The only thing that will truly heal and set these beliefs free is love and it must be repeated and rehearsed over and over and become a way of life NOT just on Sundays or on holydays.
We know that EVERYTHING in Our life is reflecting All this back to Us and each and every bitses and pisces must be shown and reassured and it MUST become a way of life and as common and repetitious as breathing. In fact: it MUST be Our life breath. We think that We need nourishment and water and air but love fills All these needs. That is what living free of need truly is: living AS love.
We continue to get lots of insights into Our life, Our world AND Our process. It is ALL Our projections. We ARE responsible and We accept Our responsibility. All the rules and beliefs that We hold within (truths that We have long believed to be Self evident) are meant to support and reinforce and maintain and perpetuate (and do a good job of this) limitation. All these MUST be accepted as such, owned, loved and set free in love in order to move on. We are clueless if this is collective or personal AND it does NOT matter because We are only here to clean Our side of the street. As Dr. Hew Len says: “If We clean, the rest/others will be fine”.
It is interesting: there is a very common limiting belief and counter intention that is All-most universal: We All NEED money. We can own it and set it free in love without blaming or judging anyOne. And so it is done.

Good night AND thank You for playing.