Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

More typical 3D within multiD


More typical 3D within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We would love to stay in dream. We remind Us that We ARE waking and walking in multiD. We remember some of the other worlds We have visited recently. We can continue to visit “them”.

Thank Us.

We left early to stop at a minimart to get large bottles of Code Red for the weekend. The big stores are not carrying that size anymore?

Our morning dispatcher says that Our driver will be back for noon and PMs starting Monday. We ask how that works since usually a part time driver or attendant has to go sub and can not keep a route. We ask because We would like to do that next year only not as a sub.

All of Our highschoolers ride and “they” take Us to dream. “They” take Us to visit “their” world(s0 and We real-eyes that some of the world(s) that We visit in Our dreams at home ARE “their” worlds. Interesting that.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride. The One sits by “themSelves” today and the other is upset. At school: the other One tries to trip the older kid who Allways gets off first. We tell “them” that that IS wrong and that We will talk to “their” teacher. We have tried to explain why the One gets off first to no avail. After the first One gets off We signal the teacher on and tell her that the One tried to trip the other. We hope this will put an end to that behavior. Afterwards We found the tripper had left “their” gloves on the bus and We took “them” in to the office.

Only the first kid rode to Our second school. The siblings are still sick.

The One got up and off the bus with only Our coaxing. We suggested to the teacher that “they” get a reward. We praised the kid so that “they” could hear Us.

We went to hottub on Our first break. Nice.

Only One rode on Our noon section so We finished early.

We went for lunch and Wifi.

We take Our time since it is warmer and We are not concerned about getting a plugin. We read a bit from Our Kindle book and some email.

We get back to base a little early and do get a plugin so We can have Our electric heater on for some dream time.

Our subdriver tells Us that she talked to management and that Our driver being part time has to be temporary in order for her to keep the route. That means that a driver with more seniority can not bid Our route. We are relieved about that.

Both kids ride from Our first PM school. One is wound up with sugar and the other is way into “their” music as usual.

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride. We finish about the usual time and go straight home.

We play in multiD, have dinner and head to dream early.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Typical dreaming and multiD


Typical dreaming and multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We visited (a) world(s) with cherubs and other types of angels. “They” found Us in the woods and sheltered and protected Us from Our fears. “They” were a lot of fun to hang with and play with. “They” had small wings at the top of “their” shoulders not the full, large wings that We often picture on angels. “They” were much more playful than how We usually think of angels.

We kept returning to this/these world(s) whenever We woke and returned to dream. That was cool.

It was kinda cold in Our cabin and We theel it is because it was mostly cold in the world(s) We were visiting. We are really enjoying the memory and even still there somewhat. We ARE allowing. We ARE waking in multiD.

Thank Us.

On Our way out Our first rider called that “they” are not riding. We stopped at Our usual spot and then returned to fuel. Our bus IS using more fuel than it was. Must be the added stops.

The rest of Our kids are typical and take Us to dream and visit “their” world(s) as usual. Our highschoolers do not talk much. One probably would if We sat closer to “them”. “They” could sit closer to Us. We sit in the back to keep a better eye on the wheelchair student. “They” often want extra attention.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride. One seems mad at “their” friend and the friend is hurt, We theel it is probably because the friend sat with Our Monday rider yesterday.

We are pretty deep in multiD.

Our first rider to Our next school comes right out.

“They” wanna lay down and use “their” backpack as a pillow.

The sibling’s mother comes out and tell Us that both kids are sick with fevers. We tell her that We hope “they” get better soon and We miss “them”.

At school: the teacher has to manhandle the One kid up onto “their” feet. Once “they” get to the steps “they” do fine.

We go hottub. The first One in turned on the bubbles. Nice. We talked afterwards and he told Us that One of the ladies has bad legs and likes the bubbles like We do. We thank him for turning the bubbles on.

We have the same driver for Our noon as AM and PM. We do not know why. On Thursday Our noon section will run right into Our PM and We will have to have the same driver do those.

Both kids ride and are typical. The One is slow getting on and does pretty well after that. The other dreams.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our second break. We have a chicken pot pie and onion rings. Allmost too much for Us. We take Our time. It is a little cool to sit in Our chariot and We do not theel like running the heater. We go inside early to do Our parent calls for the early outs.

We only have One rider as usual on Tuesday. The other One’s ride is late so We wait to make sure. “They” did call the school and say that “they” are running late and the school tells Us so We proceed.

We take a break between schools as usual.

Most of Our PM gradeschoolers ride. The twins do not come out so We go in to check on “them”. “They” were absent today.

The One kid is “their” playful, imaginative Self. Two others are playful too.

We have a fun ride watching the kids and “they” do take Us to dream and to visit “their” worlds. Especially on the long stretch to the last two riders homes.

We are deep in multiD.

We go straight home and play in multiD with dinner. We have a steak samich.

Soon: We ARE very ready for dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Another warm day in 3D within multiD


Another warm day in 3D within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We had a little difficulty getting to dream at first. After that We slept and dreamt well. Our coffeemaker woke Us this morning. This is a nice, gentle way to wake.

Thank Us.

We had a relaxing weekend: mostly dreaming and in multiD when awake. We came across a new (to Us) course on manifesting and decided to get it. Mixed theelings about it.

The temperature has been around freezing and above All weekend. Very pleasant and unusual for this time of year.

We visited some/several/many really cool worlds. We met new friends and some friends from Our childhood. We are better friends in that world than We ever were in Our waking life. Lots of fun and play in those other/alternate/parallel worlds.

We have the same driver as We had Friday. She will probably be Our driver for a while on Our AM and PM sections. “They” are trying to keep the same noon driver too.

All of Our highschoolers ride and take Us to dream and “their” world(s). It is fun when We do not resist.

We have a gradeschooler who only rides on Mondays because “they” are at “their” nana’s the rest of the week. We have had “them” a couple of years before. “They” really are growing up. “They” were a bit of a brat at times before. “They” started bringing “their” imaginary friend One year so “their” other friend could no longer sit with “them”. That friend did NOT understand since the One was imaginary.

It is nice to see this kid. The next student wants to sit with “them” and We said it is okay as long as it is okay with both of “them”.

The next student is not riding because “they” have a doctor’s appointment.

The last kid rides and is a little upset because the kid “they” usually sit with is sitting with Our Monday rider. “They” sit across and All three talk and play. We have a good ride to school.

Only the first student rides to Our second AM gradeschool. We did not that the siblings would not be riding. The One does not wanna get off the bus again. “They” did great getting on the bus. We theel that “they” miss “their” friends.

We go hottub on Our first break. We get a report on what the mayor is planning to do with the building. This has been a bit of a controversy for over a year. The previous mayor wanted to tear the building down. This mayor says the building is not in as bad of shape as had been reported. “They” have a ten year for renovations and repairs and hope to pass a bond to build another pool facility apparently “they” are gonna tear down the other nearby pool.

Both of Our noon riders ride. One is slow getting on and then finds a seat and buckles in better than usual. “They” sit in the seat with Our bags. Something new to explore. We do NOT encourage much exploration of Our bags.

The other student sleeps most of the ride. This is mostly normal for “them” and often “they” take Us with “them”.

We get gas for Our chariot and then go for lunch. It is warm enough that We are not concerned about getting a plugin at base. We do get Wifi and play with that a bit with lunch.

Both of Our kids ride from Our first PM school. Both are awake. One is playful and the other into “their” music.

We have most of Our kids at the PM gradeschool. One who is very playful and imaginative gets picked up as usual on Mondays. This makes for a much quieter ride. Our driver comments on the difference. The twins mostly go to “their” worlds. We have several other riders to focus on too. Some play and some go somewhere that “they” go.

We finish a little early and go straight home. We are deep in multiD.

We play in multiD rather than watching any shows. We have nachos for dinner. We are not too hungry. We are more into multiD and ready for dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Another, nother typical day in multiD


Another, nother typical day in multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We woke early and returned to dream exploring other worlds. We do not have much clear memory of those worlds except that We had fun and met more new friends. It does seem that We Allmost Allways meet new friends in new worlds. We seem to have more in common when We meet in dream.

Then: (when We woke a few minutes early) We lay in bed repeating Our mantras.

When We get up: We can theel that We are in multiD and multiworlds. Our waking world looks the same because multiD DOES include 3D. We remain in the physical. However: the physical worlds holds much less power over Us and Our lives than We had believed (and experienced) for soooooo many lifetimes. It is habit.

We ARE evolving. We ARE waking and walking in multiD.

Thank Us.

Our driver is still out and We have a different subdriver. We like her a little better than the sub We had been having. We learned that Our regular driver does not have a babysitter for her foster baby since her daughter moved to Anchorage.

All of Our highschoolers ride and take Us to dream and visit “their” worlds. It is fun now We are resisting less. We are finding this true on sooooo many levels.

Our gradeschoolers All ride. One will not be riding Monday. “They” are in “their” own worlds AND in Our world as usual.

Only One student rides to Our second gradeschool. We theel that “they” miss the other riders. “They” wanna sleep when We get to school. A teacher has to get on and get “them” off the bus. Not as bad as it used to be though.

Today We have a long break since there is no preschool. We go to Walmart and find a couple of coats on clearance that We like. We also got a couple of magnet boards for the bus. We have lots of magnets at home to add to these.

Both of Our kids ride from Our first PM school. We had forgotten that the other bus took “them” home yesterday. We really are more in multiD than just 3D.

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride and We finish about the usual time. We have fun playing and observing. Our subdriver that she does not mind the way “they” were playing. It can get a little loud and We just keep reminding “them” to bring the volume down to acceptable levels.

It is snowing and a little slick. The driver needs to concentrate.

We ARE deep in multiD.

We stop and check the mail on the way home.

We do some of the hookup for Our new desktop computer. It is quite noisy. We Oneder why? We play in multiD and have dinner.

Time to start Our weekend dreaming. We ARE ready.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Another typical day in multiD


Another typical day in multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

Our coffeemaker woke Us today. We had been awake and returned to dream. We visited a future world. Of course: All time is now so it was actually a concurrent world. In that We were fully aware of visiting other worlds in Our waking life. Usually We tired to leave as little trace of Our visit as possible. In One world We decided to leave a lot of evidance of Our visit and attempt to communicate with the inhabitants. We did not stick around to see the result of Our visit and We were quite surprised at how much We shared.

It was quite fun.

Thank Us.

It is nearly up to freezing outside. Nice.

The roads are a little slick. The main problem is that this driver drives fast. He is also good at getting going in slick spots where other drivers would be stuck.

All of Our highschoolers ride. Once again “they” take Us to dream and to visit “their” worlds. We do not know how many of the worlds that We visit in dream (at night) are worlds that the kids have introduced Us to.

We have a little break between schools as usual.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride. “They” are typical for “themSelves”. We would love to see into “their” minds. We enjoy observing “them”.

All of Our students ride to Our second preschool. The siblings mom tells Us that the older One is having dental surgery tomorrow and will not ride.

We go hottub on Our first break. We had forgotten that the building is gonna close at 10AM for staff training. We get there early enough to hottub for about ten minutes.

There is a new lifeguard that We sense a connection with.

We stop for a hotdog since We have sooooo much time.

Back at base We notice that We musta dropped a glove at the minimart where We stopped.

We have the same subdriver for Our noon section as We have been having. We have fun. We are both tired though so a little more quiet. Both kids ride. The hyper One will not buckle so We put “them” in a starseat and “they” cry. Sometimes “they” put “themSelves” in a starseat. Today: “they” wanted to sit in a big seat which would be fine IF “they” would buckle OR let Us buckle “them”. When “their” mad wears off it is just like nothing happened. We would like to be able to let go that easy. We hang on like a dog with a bone. The other student sings “themSelves” to sleep.

Afterwards: We go back to the minimart and Our glove is laying on the ground beside where We parked.

We go for lunch and Wifi. We do not get a Wifi connection and nothing at the deli looks interesting so We mix tater soup with cheddar broccoli soup. We like that combination. We read a little in Our book.

We have a few minutes dreamtime back at base.

The doorswitch goes out at Our first PM school. Another bus takes Our kids home. We had thought that “they” knew where the kids live. “They” want directions. We do Our best and tell “them” that the kids can give “them” directions IF “they” need.

We return to base to get another bus. We wait in Our bus. Our driver has a hard time finding a bus that will start. We are going in to dispatch just as “they” pull around with the new bus.

Our assistant manager is with “them” and We ask him what school he goes to. He is a little slow getting the joke.

We have most of Our gradeschoolers. One is a little noisy with “their” playing and We have “them” move further back at the first stop. This makes it easier for “them” to play with the twins too. “They” have a fun ride.

We go to dream and multiD on the ride. We are deep in multiD by the time We get back to base. We finish a little early because of how this driver drives and having two stops We do not go to.

We go straight home. We turned the heater All the way off this morning. Our cabin is a little cool and does NOT take long to warm because it is near freezing outside.

We play in multiD and have dinner. We do not theel like watching any shows or movies.

We go dream. We accidentally leave Our heater on low and get up after an hour and turn it All the way off. Back to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

And more 3D within multiD


And more 3D within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful

We woke a little early and got up to light Our heater because We had accidentally turned it All the way off last night. It IS warming up outside though not enough to be without heat for too long. We used to turn it off at night or while We are gone at these temps. We are getting a bit spoiled.

We went back to bed repeating Our mantras and Our coffeemaker woke Us again.

Thank Us.

It is noticeably warmer outside and for this We ARE responsible. We ARE starting to take responsibility for everything that We have and experience in Our life/lives. We forget and then We get back up and do it again.

Our driver is out again today. We have the same subdriver as We have been having.

All of Our highschoolers ride. We dreamt well on Our way to the first student. “They” took Us to dream and We visited several of the kid’s worlds. It is interesting and fun when We do not resist.

All of Our gradeschoolers rode to Our first school. “They” were typical. The siblings did not ride to Our second school again today. The One kid fell asleep or pretended to. We do not theel that this One had fallen asleep before. The teacher had to get on and wake “them” and “them” off the bus. A little struggle though not anything like it used to be.

We got to hottub with no bubbles. We could have had about five minutes of bubbles. We had a good corner and were too deep to wanna get out and turn on the bubbles. Neither did We theel like asking anyOne leaving to hit the button.

We have the same driver for noon as We have been having. “They” are making an effort to keep the same subdrivers on the same sections. That is better for everyOne concerned.

Both students ride. The last One’s mom is a bit late as she had just gotten out of the hospital with the little sister.

We go for gas and then lunch and Wifi. We are surprised at how time seemed to fly and We went back to base to finish Our lunch. We had a loaded, baked tater and onion rings. MMMMM.

Both of Our riders ride at Our first PM school. “They” are kinda role reversed. One was wide awake and played with some figures “they” had with “them”. The other (usually deep into “their” music) took a nap.

We fueled and took a short break between schools as usual.

Most of Our kids ride from Our PM gradeschool. Some are very playful. After playing a lot the kids for North Pole are tired and take naps. We enjoy watching “them” play.

We go deep into dream and multiD. We are surprised at how early it is getting back to base. Interesting. Time warp?

We are way deep in multiD at home. We are theeling very dreamy. We do not watch any shows or movies with Our chilidog for dinner.

We go to dream. We have difficulty staying in dream. We may have the cabin too warm. We get up and turn off the heat and play a bit. Now: We are very ready for dreaming.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A slightly warmer day in 3D within multiD


A slightly warmer day in 3D within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We did not sleep well last night. We did visit lots of worlds with lots of new friends. We woke a little early and lay in bed repeating Our mantras and focusing on love. Breathing deep. We ARE love. Love IS Our true nature.

Thank Us.

We had a great three day weekend: mostly dreaming and deep in multiD when awake. We did get Our dishes done. It seems that giving Us permission to procrastinate made it easier to get started. (Note to Self) We also filled Our heating oil and moved some computer stuff around to get ready for Our new computer.

We can pick up Our new computer today. We will probably set it up over the weekend.

Over the weekends (when We are deep in dream and multiD) We really do not theel like focusing enough in 3D to use words. Words are descriptive and also restrictive. Definitions define and restrict.

We are finding (more and more) that the 3D things that used to be important have less and less pull for Us. We ARE becoming limitless and free.

Our driver is out again today. Some people knew and some did not. No One told Our subdriver. He did come in early enough anyway since Our first student is not riding. We had plenty of time to go for breakfast and still be on time. The kids do take Us to dream and “their” worlds. It is cool now that We know what is going on. Once again. We resisted and fought the very thing that We sought.

Silly boy.

All of Our regular gradeschoolers ride. The One did get deleted last week for this week.

We actually ran a little ahead of schedule with the delete and this driver drives faster than Our regular driver. It is kinda funny: she has a reputation for driving fast. She did drive faster when she was driving big bus.

We enjoy this group of kids. Especially the middle One who is the oldest. We have had “them” before. “They” spend most of the ride gazing out the window at who knows what. “They” are very polite and respectful.

The two siblings call out on Our second gradeschool so We only have One rider. We theel that “they” are lonely. These kids hate a break in routine. Having yesterday off was Allready a break in routine. “They” are a little hard to get off the bus. Nothing like it used to be though.

We go hottub on Our first break. Nice. We even get bubbles.

Only One of Our noon riders ride. One has a sick little sister. We talk to mom a few minutes as she is picking up the student.

Our rider is “their” curious Self as usual.

We go pick up Our new computer on Our second break. We get soup for lunch and return to base to get a plugin. It is warming. It is still cold. We do not wanna let Our computer sit out in temps around zero. We have no idea if that really hurts computer components.

We would like to take off and go home to hook up Our new computer. That would cost Us Our holyday pay. We will probably hook it up this weekend. We did some rearranging and there is still more to do. We do look forward to living free of limitation and separation.

We have One of the kids from Our first PM school as usual on Tuesday. We do make sure that the other One gets picked up.

We have All but One of Our PM gradeschoolers. Because this driver drives faster We get a little earlier than We would with Our regular driver. This is good for Us because We wanna stop at the postoffice on the way. The pickup window closes at six and We know that We have at least One package to pickup.

We get to the postoffice in plenty of time. Our vitamins are in the box and Our new USB hub has to be picked up. We will be out of vitamins tonight and will want the hub this weekend.

At home: We are deep in multiD Allready.

We play a bit and let Our cabin warm up. Warming up does not take long.

We have nachos with more “Ravenswood”.

We go to dream early and do not get fully there. We get up and play in multiD some and turn Our heater down some. We real-eyes that We accidentally turned it All the way off. We do NOT theel like staying up to relight it.


Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Still cold in 3D within multiD


Still cold in 3D within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We slept and dreamt well and woke just before Our coffeemaker started.

It looks like the temperature has dropped a little. We are ready for it to warm back up. Of course: We ARE creating Our reality to help Us grow and evolve.

Thank Us.

All of Our highschoolers ride and take Us deep into multiD and “their” worlds. It is fun when We do not resist. Our subdriver remembers most of the route so We can dream more.

We have a short break between highschool and Our first gradeschool. Most of Our gradeschoolers ride. “They” are pretty deep in “their” worlds and take Us in. A bit more timid it seems.

Two of Our kids for Our second gradeschool ride. The preschooler does not have class on Fridays. The two are having a bit of a rough day.

We have an aid help One get off the bus.

Since there is no preschool on Fridays We have a long break. We do some extra grocery shopping and go to Office Max to get a new desktop. We have “them” do the setup on it. “They” know what stuff can be taken off to make it run smoother.

We go hottub and enjoy the bubbles.

Next We go to Costco. We have Our picture taken for Our membership card. Because it is a credit card the new One will be mailed to Us. It did not take long. Last week there was a long line. We get a couple of pair of fleece lined jeans for the cold. “They” are out of “their” wool socks.

We have a slice of pizza. We are learning to use the order kiosk and accidentally order only pepperoni and cheese. It is still pretty good and very hot.

We get back to base in time to get a plugin and have some dream time.

Both of Our riders from Our first PM school ride. One takes a nap and the other is into “their” music/world as usual.

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride so We finish about the usual time. This driver drives faster so We finish just a little early.

We are deep in multiD when We get back to base. We do stop at Fred’s for the rest of Our groceries for the long weekend. We do not need much because We still have leftovers from xmas break.

We are very ready to get home and start Our three days of deep dreaming and multiD.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 18, 2019

And still deep in multiD


And still deep in multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

Grateful is much nicer than grumping. We do still look forward to dreaming in over the weekend.

Thank Us.

We are waking in multiD. Our first reaction is resisdance. We allow OurSelves to be in multiD and NOT try to cram OurSelves completely (and only) into 3D. It is much nicer. We open and allow.

Thank Us.

All of Our highschoolers ride. “They” take Us deep into dream and to visit “their” worlds. We are getting familiar with “their” worlds.

Our first gradeschooler does not ride again. The next two ride and “they” are in “their” worlds too. The last does not ride.

All three ride to Our second grade school. “They” seem to be in good moods. Sometimes One or both of the older two have rough days. Today seems to be good in “their” worlds. The rough days may be hard to get into Our world(s) for “them”.

At base One of Our supervisors asks why We are going down One street. We tell her because We have a stop: the boy who is not riding. We tell her what We have done to find out about the stop. She calls school district and “they” tell Us to delete the stop.

We do not get to hottub as the pool is gonna close for training. We do get a short, hot shower.

We stop at a minimart for large bottles of code red and a hotdog. We get kraut on it (the hot dog).

Both of Our noon kids ride. We have the driver that We Allways have fun with.

We get some groceries and a bowl of tomato bisque. We go right back to base and get Our plugin spot. We have most of Our bisque and then go dream a bit. We are deep in multiD again today. Dreaming is nearby.

Both kids ride from Our first PM school. One takes a nap. The second One does not have anyOne to let “them” into “their” building for a while.

We stop for fuel and a potty break as usual.

All of Our kids ride except the two new Ones. “Their” bus did not pick “them” up in the morning.

We finish about the usual time and go straight home after. Deep in multiD.

We fix a small serving of chili nachos and play in multiD. We go dream a little early.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Another cold day and deeper in multiD


Another cold day and deeper in multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

Our coffeemaker woke Us. We like waking this way. We especially like waking knowing that We do NOT have to try to squeeze All of Us into this body. We do not fit. We lived sooooo long thinking that We had to fit. We never made it though. Sooooo much that We resisted was actually what We were seeking.

The song “Rainbow Connection” is running through Our head this morning. Good song.

We notice that We are waking and walking in multiD more and more.

Our driver is out for three days. We have a driver who We have had from time to time. Mostly nice and drives a little fast. Our first kid is not gonna ride so We get fuel and hang out in town and have breakfast at One of the minimarts.

We leave a little early and have time for a little dreaming before Our first pickup. Our kids take Us to dream and to visit “their” world(s) as usual.

All of Our regular gradeschoolers ride. We slip deeper into multiD. We have to stay a little more focused in 3D to give the driver directions. We can be both since multiD DOES include 3D. We ARE learning how every day.

All of Our kids ride to Our second gradeschool. “They” are All in good moods. We tend to stay more 3D alert with this group. The first One is at the neighbor’s house. “They” miss “their” parents. We ask if “they” get to see “them” after school and “they” get a big smile and nod “yes”.

We do not get to hottub because it is not getting hot this morning. We won’t get to hottub tomorrow either because “they” are having some kind of staff training. We take a long hot shower. We think about stopping for a hotdog since We have a little extra time. We decide to just take Our time instead. We are quite dreamy.

We get a driver that We have not had in awhile and We Allways have fun with. Both kids ride and are playful. A fun ride.

When We get back “they” ask if We wanna go on a second noon section. We say that We can. We use the restroom and then go right back out. It is another easy section and the kids are quite talkative. One We had for a while last year. “They” do not seem to remember Us. “They” have grown a lot.

We do not have time to get lunch and have snacks from Our stash.

Both of Our kids ride at Our first PM school. One has had this driver before and “they” have fun together. Fun to watch.

We have most of Our riders at gradeschool. Our two new kids are absent today. We enjoy the kids as usual. One has really opened up and We take “them” home instead of daycare because the daycare is closed. We are not sure if it is home or “their” aunty’s until We get there and “they” recognize it as home. We get a little lost because the directions We have are not quite right. The driver checks it on “their” phone and find that We went too far.

The driver’s route sheet is not up to date and this subdriver gets upset for a bit. We get “them” going the right direction. We can not say too much since We did not know the way to the One address. Once “they” figure out where We are going “they” settle down. The kids do not seem to notice as “they” deep in “their” worlds. It often seems nicer in those worlds.

We are quite dreamy and go straight home after We finish. We left the heat a little higher at home and it is comfortable when We get there. It has been a little colder (than yesterday) All day. We had a sausage with kraut before Our last school and are not really hungry now. We just play in multiD a while and go dream early.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Still cold and mostly within multiD


Still cold and mostly within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. Our coffeemaker woke Us and that is pleasant.

We had a rather restless night. The energies have been intense and “they” seemed to wake Us often.

We are transitioning. We theel it in Our body and mind.

Thank Us.

The outside temperature seems to be holding at close to twenty above.

We can theel OurSelves transitioning. We ARE expanding: no longer focused only in 3D. We are transitioning into Our energy bodies.

Our first rider does not ride. This is not unusual for Tuesday. We go out anyway because We did not get the message that “they” were not riding. The rest are “their” usual Selves and take Us to dream and visit “their” world(s). We hope to get familiar with “their” world(s).

Our three regular gradeschoolers ride. We still have not officially heard about the One who is not riding. The three take Us to “their” world. We can theel Our body transitioning to less physical: less dense. Higher vibration.

All of Our riders for Our second gradeschool ride. One is having a rough day and still does great on the bus.

We go hottub and get to have bubbles. It is colder in town today so hot bubbles are very nice.

Both of Our noon kids ride. The last One’s mom is late because the older sibling got sick at school. We wait and Our rider sleeps the whole time. Dispatch approves Our going to Safeway afterwards since We do not get Our full break. This makes it much easier for Us than warming Our cars, going to get lunch and then making it back in time for Our PM section. We do stop to plug in Our chariot since it is below 0.

The temp seems to be on a Yo-yo today.

One of Our first students is getting picked up as usual on Tuesday. This is “their” outing for the week and “they” really look forward to it. The other is deep into “their” music as usual. We do theel that We are growing closer.

All of Our PM gradeschoolers ride. Our driver and Us were both kinda hoping for a short day. Oh well. We enjoy the kids. One has really opened up after being very shy and quiet at the beginning of the year. Several others are playful today. We sit with each when it is “their” turn to be next. We like doing this.

We are way deep in multiD when We finish and go straight home. We do not remember much else from 3D. We ARE here AND mostly there. Of course: “there” is within.

At home We play in multiD while Our cabin warms. We have dinner and do not theel like any shows.

Our cabin is quite toasty and We are ready for dream.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Warmer and mostly in multiD


Warmer and mostly in multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We had a great weekend dreaming and waking in multiD. We ARE learning how to be in 3D within multiD. Sometimes: when We are very deep in multiD then 3D can be a little difficult to function in. We are learning how to balance.

The temperature got down below -20 on Saturday and back up to near +20 on Sunday. We are glad that We got to stay home and stay warm All weekend. MultiD does include 3D even if We have a hard time functioning in 3D. Often: 3D things that We used to do by rote now require Our attention.

We ARE learning and We ARE grateful.

All of Our highschoolers ride. “They” take Us to dream and to visit “their” world(s).

We are mostly in multiD. Sometimes it is easier to function in 3D than others. Today We are pretty functional even though We theel Our body is transitioning.

Thank Us.

Two of Our gradeschoolers do not ride. One may be done and being homeschooled. We have not gotten a definite answer on that yet.

All of Our kids for Our second gradeschool ride. The One is kinda acting like “they” might act out. “They” do fine and hold Our hand to walk up to the school.

We go hottub and even get some bubbles. Soooooo nice. Helps Us go deeper within to multiD.

So far We are spending Our day mostly in multiD and 3D functional.

Both kids ride on Our noon section. Both are sleepy. One is probably hyper and only starts to rest before waking wide awake and playful. The other sleeps most of the ride.

We get gas and have lunch on Our second break.

Our driver is late. She had told Us that she had to watch her granddaughter and her husband was not home. She says that she had to call him to get home so she could come to work.

We are a little late at Our first PM school and both kids are coming out when We go to the door. One is awake and playful and the other is into “their” music and vids on “their” phone.

Most of Our kids ride from Our PM gradeschool. We have One kid for North Pole. We check out the address for Our new kids who should start on Wednesday. We find the street easily. We can not find the house number. We have left a message for the people to call to verify the number because it is not on Our map either.

We finish a little early. We stop at the postoffice on Our way home. Our insurance ID card arrived. Our printer is not working right and We have not hooked it up to Our Chromebook. We asked to have the card mailed. We have the electronic One saved on Our tablet too. We do NOT Allways have Our tablet with Us.

At home We start warming up Our cabin right away. It was warm enough that We shut the heater off All the way.

We Google that new address and it shows up. The numbering must be weird on that street because it is NOT in sequence. The picture looks like a much nicer house than most in that neighborhood. It kinda looks like a mirage or transplanted and imposed??????

We have dinner with more “Ravenswood”. We are very ready to dream. We leave the heater on low. It seems that it is too hot to sleep Allmost immediately so We get up and turn off the heater. Now: We can dream.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Another cold day in 3D within multiD


Another cold day in 3D within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We slept and dreamt pretty well. We did get up around midnight and reset the timer on Our chariot heaters. It was a little slow (probably because of power outages).

We woke a little early and lay in bed theeling grateful. We got up just before Our coffeemaker started. It smells great.

The temp has dropped another five degrees or so. We theel that We probably wanna dress a little warmer today just in case. We do real-eyes (kinda) that We ARE creating this.

We ARE pleasantly surprised that We are NOT as miserable as We used to be at these temperatures. Fear had a lot to do with that. We used to be very afraid and We created lots of evidance to support and justify Our fear. We have revised Our “fear” mantra a bit: “We will face Our fear. We will face OurSelves.”

Thank Us.

We ARE learning (experientially) that We truly have nothing to fear (unless We want to: of course).

Our driver is out sick. We have mixed theelings about this subdriver. Sometimes it really seems like he ignores what We tell him. Mirror?

We get through the morning fine and on time. We end up with no students for Our second gradeschool. Probably because of the cold weather.

We are fairly deep in multiD and We have a long break. We do quite a bit of shopping and go hottub. We get bubbles and are told that the on switch for the bubbles has not been working right. It worked for Us and We are sure grateful.

We find that OfficeMax has some desktop computers on clearance and We Allmost get One. We decide to wait. We do not really need One right now. Maybe next week when We will have a three day weekend to set it up.

We get a couple of things (that We are running low on) at Costco and “they” have hamburger for $1.99 a pond so We get a package.

The temperature IS dropping so We leave Our chariot running a lot. We get back to base in time to get a good parking spot at a plugin. We plugin Our cab heater and have some dreamtime before Our PM section.

All of Our riders are here at both PM schools. Some are awake and lively while others are dreamy. The One who has not been riding on Mondays and Fridays is riding and tells Us that “they” will be riding on Mondays and Fridays now. We ARE glad.

We tell One of the teachers that We will have two new riders next week and she finds “their” teacher and let’s “them” know for Us. We really appreciate the help We get from the teachers at this school.

We finish about the usual time since We had All of Our riders. We are deep in multiD.

At home We put Our groceries away without really being focused in 3D. We play in multiD a while and have dinner with more “Ravenswood”.

Now: We start Our weekend dreaming.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Another cold day in multiD


Another cold day in multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We slept and dreamt well. We woke a little early and lay in bed repeating Our mantras and theeling grateful. We are no longer motivated by fear. We were/are amazed when We examined OurSelves and Our life/lives to see how much of Our thinking, actions and beliefs are/were motivated by fear.

We ARE making progress and We ARE delighted.

Thank Us.

It is cold again today and We ARE creating Our reality. We really can see how this is benefiting Us.

All of Our highschoolers ride. “They” take Us to dream and visit “their” world(s). We are releasing resisdance.

Our last gradeschooler rides today (back from vacation). Another is happy to see “them”. These two are great friends and often fight like cats and dogs. We still do not know what is going on with Our first rider.

Our first rider for Our second morning gradeschool is back too. It is nice to see these kids who have been out since before break.

The siblings seem to be happy to see the other One too.

We go hottub and get a good corner after a few minutes. It theels good (especially at these outside temps). We are happy to see that We are NOT as miserable at these temps as We used to be even though it is still cold. In AA We have a saying: “Pain is inevitable. Misery is an option.” We are getting over the “pain is inevitable” part too. Old thinking and energy.

Because, because We have time to get gas after the pool.

Both of Our noon riders ride. The One is playful and the other sleeps. We easily slip into dream and multiD.

We get chili for lunch and take it back to base so that We get a plugin. Our heater keeps Us fairly warm.

We have both of Our students from Our first PM school. One asks Us to sit with “them”. “They” often sleep. Today “they” are wide awake and talkative.

Most of Our PM gradeschoolers ride. The teachers are short handed so “they” start bringing kids out early. It kinda throws the routine off and that is okay.

We finish a little later because of All the riders. We are well into multiD.

We stop at a minimart close to base on Our way home. We wanna let Our chariot warm up more and get some large bottles of code Red. Fred’s seems to have stopped carrying these. We like to have “them” for the weekend.

When We get home We find that We accidentally turned Our heater All the way off. It is cold. Not as cold as it might have been at these temps. We ARE creating Our reality. It is NOT miserable. We ARE making progress.

We go dream in Our recliner while Our cabin warms. We are not too hungry and have a light dinner of leftover cobbler. Our TV is not streaming well for some reason. We notice that Our Chromebook is not streaming well either. We know that We ARE directing Us at a deeper level.

We stay up a little later than usual to get Our cabin warm before We lay down to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Another day learning to live in multiD


Another day learning to live in multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We slept and dreamt betterer last night. At One point it got too hot in Our cabin and We got up and turned the heat down. We remember bits and pieces from other worlds with more friends. Our life and time are theeling less fixed and stuck. We are theeling less controlled by circumstances and more responsible for Our life and circumstances. Life does NOT happen “TO” Us.

We share the events of Our day to show that We ARE in multiD without leaving 3D/3d. We rarely type an entry on the days that We are not on the bus because those days We just do not focus in (zoom into) 3D enough to theel like typing. We tend to get/go very deep within OurSelves, dreams and multiD on those days. We still do 3D things. When We are that deep words ARE hard.

Thank Us.

We woke a little early and lay in bed repeating Our mantra(s) until Our coffeemaker starts.

It is warmer and still cold.

All of Our highschoolers ride. “They” take Us to dream and to visit “their” world(s). We still resist somewhat. We ARE learning, opening and allowing. We ARE living the process.

Thank Us.

We only have two gradeschoolers ride. “They” are in “their” world(s). We enjoy observing.

Our first rider to Our second gradeschool is still not back from vacation. The siblings ride. We enjoy “them” too. We really like these two. Something special here.

We go to hottub on Our first break. No bubbles. We do get a good corner because We got here a little early. It feels good.Even though it is warmer it is still cold. It is All in Our mind of course!

Only One student rides on Our noon section. Our curious kid. Sometimes it is hard for Us to be patient. When We finally get “them” seated “they” ask Us to sit with “them”. We never know.

We finish a little early.

We add antifreeze to Our chariot. We have a slight leak and plugging is so much does evaporate quite a bit.

We get tomato bisque and onion rings at the deli and bring “them” back to base so We can plug in. We plug in the engine heaters and the cab heater. It is nice and warm to eat Our lunch. We even get some dream time.

One student at Our first PM school is home sick. This gives Us a little bit longer between schools.

We have about half of Our kids at the gradeschool. Most are dreamy and take Us within. We are resisting less. We ARE learning how to live in multiD.

All day We keep breathing deep and remembering that We ARE love.

We are pretty deep in multiD when We finish. Our chariot is pretty warm inside so We go straight home.

At home Our cabin is quite arm as We left the heat up pretty high. It is nice.

We play in multiD a little and add oil to Our chariot. Plugging in a lot evaporates that too.

We have dinner with more “Ravenswood”.

We go dream a little earlier than We did yesterday.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

First day back in 3D within multiD


First day back in 3D within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We really do prefer grateful over grumping.

We are learning how to do this on Our Chromebook. We theel that We will probably get another windows desktop because there are some features that We miss. It is usually several years before the updates mess with a computer too bad. We are also considering getting a Mac instead. We will just take Our time. This Chromebook will do fine for a while anyway.

It is still cold as predicted. We set the timer on Our chariot for the heaters to come on at midnight. We theel this may be a little excessive. We thelt during the night that it was a good idea.

We did not sleep/dream well last night. That is not unusual for the last night before returning from a break or even just a weekend.

Thank Us. We really ARE learning how to do this. We ARE transitioning from limitation to limitlessness. From limitation 3d to limitless multiD.

We ARE grateful.

It is still cold even though it is warmer than yesterday. We had Our chariot plenty long enough. Remember: this is All belief(s). Strong, very strong beliefs and We use those beliefs to create Our reality. We ARE evolving and it is a long and gentle process. Rushing the process blows people’s circuits.

We do not have Our first rider and We go ahead and drive out there to have a pitstop at the gas mart along the way and to fill the time. We have tried starting later on the days that We know We do not have this student and it just throws Our whole day off. Also: just hanging out in town “waiting” is hard for Our driver.

The rest of Our highschoolers ride. EveryOne says “they” had a good break. Some are more enthusiastic about it than others. The last One added has been removed and that is why Our checkin time has gone back to around the old time.

Our first gradeschooler does not ride. The next two ride and say “they” had a great break. One asks Us about Our break before We can ask “them”. “They” ask Us Our best gift and We tell “them” Our Chromebook. “They” tell Us about “their” new flashlight. Then “they” get into a discussion about “threes”. “They” are quite animated about how things often happen in “threes”. It is fun to listen to.

Our last gradeschooler does not ride. At school “they” tell Us that the first kid will not be riding even though it is not official. We thank “them” for letting Us know.

Our first rider for Our second gradeschooler does not ride. It kinda looks like “they” are not back from vacation yet.

The sibling ride. The older One asks Us right away how Our break was. We tell “them” Ours was great and ask about “theirs” with no audible response. The younger One seems more in the moment. On the bus We ask the older One again and “they” respond that is was good.

We get to hottub on Our break even though We do not get bubbles or a good corner. It feels nice anyway with a nice hot shower before and after. The “hot” feels especially nice in this cold. We notice that the cold does NOT theel as miserable as it has in the passed. This IS about Our attitude and judgment(s). We ARE responsible for Our theeling(s)/feeling(s).

Both of Our noon kids ride and “they” are a little more active than before. “They” both have fun and We enjoy “them”. The first One is VERY curious. That is normal for “them”.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our second break. We want to get back soon to get a plugin for Our chariot. We can not park very close. We do have just enough extension cord for the spot where We park.

It has been warming up All day. How it “feels” is kinda deteriorating as the day goes along. We seem to be kinda wearing down. That is okay. This IS a process AND We ARE learning. Our old beliefs (victim) clings and slowly We ARE setting it free with love.

One of Our kids from Our first PM school is getting picked up. “They” Allways look forward to this weekly outing.

We only have about half of Our PM gradeschoolers. We have One in North Pole so We finish about Our usual time. Some fall asleep and some stay awake and play. We slip into dream and multiD a lot (deep).

We ARE pretty deep in multiD by the time We get back to base. It is kinda like sleep walking.

We stop at the closest store (Fred’s) to use the restroom and let Our chariot warm up more. It is pretty toasty when We come back out. After that We go straight home.

Our cabin is a little cool yet a lot warmer than outside or than it would be if We had not left the heat on. Again: We are reminded that this is All belief.

Our cabin warms quickly and We have dinner with more “Ravenswood”.

Soon: We are ready for dream. Very ready.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Last day of break in 3D within multiD



Last day of break in 3D within multiD

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We have had a Onederfull break. Lots of insights, worlds, new friends and play.

We got a Chromebook and We are setting it up and learning how to use it. It looks like it will be harder to insert date and time into Our Blog posts.

We do not like change. We ARE getting better at accepting change.

Funny: We want to change and expand and yet We resist with All of Our might.

We have an inservice meeting this morning. Afterwards We hope to hottub and then get a few groceries, heating oil and check the mail.

It is thirty below in town and colder on the other side of the street. We wish that We had covered the radiator on Our chariot. It is cold. We acknowledge that We ARE creating this. It is still cold.

We go to base and catch the shuttle to the meeting. The bus is cold too. Not too bad though. We do wanna set the judgement (that cold is bad) free with with love.

We love Us AND We thank Us.

The meeting starts out fine and devolves into a bitch session. “They” cut it off at an hour instead of two. The general manager is frustrated. People are resisting the new mandates from school district. NoOne likes change. Especially in the old pair-a-dime and energy.

We ask for management to call and let the shuttle know that We ended early. Allmost everyOne is gone when the shuttle arrives. We are doing pretty well at being patient.

At base We let Our chariot warm up a bit before leaving. We go to Fred’s (which is next door) and let Our chariot run while We get Iscream and Mountain Dew.

Then We go to Safeway and leave Our chariot running again. We get chili from the deli for chilidogs at home. We have clam chowder for lunch. Tasty and hot.

We stop at the bank on Our way to the pool. We get to the pool just in time for the hottub to open. We get to enjoy the bubbles. A nice treat on a chilly day.

This is Our last stop in town.

We stop for heating oil on the way home. It is soooo cold that the card reader does not work on the pump. We really are not as miserable as We used to be at these temperatures. We ARE learning and evolving.

We stop and check the mail next. Our latest package has arrived. That is the last thing that We had ordered and We are happy to get it.

At home We unload Our heating oil, groceries and mail. We plug Our chariot into the timer and set the timer for One AM. It is about five below out here.

We go inside and drift in multiD. We consider going to dream and decide to stay awake. We ARE learning how to be in multiD while awake.

We do a bunch of stuff getting ready to be back on the bus starting tomorrow. Oneder what We did?

Later: We put cardboard in front of the radiator on Our chariot. This should help it warm up inside betterer.

We try watching some shows with dinner. For some reason Our smart TV is not streaming well. We find something that streams pretty well after a few tries. We are pretty sure that We are directing what We actually wanna watch.

Time for dreaming.

We dream for about an hour and get up and watch some more “Ravenswood”. We like it okay.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Last day before break



Last day before break

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:03 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

We left Our heater on low All night. It was nice to be warmer. Around One We had to get up and turn it down. We thought that We had turned it off. When We got up (after Our coffeemaker started) We found that it was still lit. We turned it up on high and then back down shortly thereafter.

Thank Us.

Our chariot will not start. The temp dropped and apparently We did not have it plugged in long enough. We call dispatch and “they” do not have anyOne to cover Us. We tried Our battery charger and jumpstarter to no avail.

After a few phonecalls Our driver comes to get Us with the bus. (We set the timer for Our chariot heaters to come on at One PM.) We are only about fifteen minutes late and that could have been avoided if Our driver had not taken the long way after picking Us up.

Then Our student loading door stopped working. After Our first stop We figured out how to bungee it shut tight. Our two way radio stopped working Alltogether too.

It is Our last day before winter break. We are enjoying Our kids. Most ride and are ready for break. Behavior is fairly normal. “They” take Us to dream and share “their” world(s).

We took Our bus to shop after Our morning section.

We have a fairly long break because We do not have a noon section or Our first PM school. Our driver gives Us a ride to Safeway. We are glad to get something to eat. We are kinda stuck at base and that is rather boring. We do some reading and just fiddle around with some dreaming too.

We checked with Our ass manager and he okayed for Our driver to take Us home with the bus after route. He even said that he would get Us a ride if she can not take Us. We are pleasantly surprised since We did not think to make that part of the deal this morning.

We only have a few riders from Our PM gradeschool and We finish early.

After Our driver drops Us off and walk down Our drive We start Our chariot before even going inside. It starts like summertime.

We decide to go back to town to hottub, grocery shop and check the mail. We have a successful trip to town.

Back home We have dinner and are ready to go dream.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.