Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Receiving assistance from Our family within

Receiving assistance from Our family within
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:05:25 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Once again We know that We visited other worlds and met new friends. We know that many of those worlds are freer and more equal. We also know that this is a choice that We make; this freedom and equality. Whenever We are ready We CAN live in a world like that. Whenever We are done focusing in limitation then We can focus on limitlessness and love.
Love is what We are. It is a choice whether to live in awareness of love or not. We are in transition from pretending to be less than love into being fully aware of and living as love. There are no mistakes or schedules to this transition. Those are old limitation concepts. We created limitation and We love it even though We hate being stuck in it. Love is bigger than We ever imagined and We can imagine a lot. Everything is perfect and Allways has been.
In the game of separation and limitation We pretended to be evil and mean. Then We judged OurSelves for that and We projected that judgment onto Our projections, Our parts and pisces, Our children within. We suffered and We made “them” suffer. We rejected “them” and “they” rejected Us. We ARE sorry. We forgive OurSelves and All Our parts and pisces and especially Our children within. We love You and We love Us. We thank You and We thank Us.
It snowed a little last night. We theel that it has stopped snowing and will melt. We still plan to do the front brakes on Our chariot but We are in no hurry.
On Our first trip outdoors We get even more feeling of being in multidimensionality and multiworlds. It seems warmer than yesterday and the snow seems to mostly be melting. We are experiencing making choices about Our life and world. We are finding that not only are there many options and possibilities: We can chose more than One at a time. This is completely contrary to Our old beliefs and world/mass opinion. It is also more than just a philosophy or theory.
The brake job went much smoother and easier than We had anticipated. We KNOW that We had assistance from Our children within. This ongoing assistance (in many areas of Our life) IS making life smoother and easier. We were reminded of several little things along the way (in the process of redoing the brakes AND putting things away after) that were little but important. We All-most forgot some steps even though We were following the manual (not everything is in the manual). We still have to put the tires back on and test drive Our chariot but All indications are that the procedure was a success. We took lots of breaks to play, relax and warm up. The snow melted but Our toes still got cold. We ARE sooooo grateful to have this done and especially for the assistance. The pads were not worn quite as bad as “they” first looked yesterday which supports Our intuit that it really did not matter if We replaced those worn pads or not. However: after We saw yesterday We are doubtful that “they” would lasted the winter and We sure would rather do this now, at these temps and on a three day weekend than later at subzero and a two day weekend or whatever other options (in limitation 3D) might have occurred.
Even now: We do not feel pressured or wiped out or frightened or, or, or....... That is progress for Us. We ARE grateful.
The test drive felt good and We really did finish a lot earlier than expected (good ol' expectations). We are happy. Thank You. Now We are taking another break before going to town to go to the pool. Just reminded that We want to get to the pool when the hot tub is open. YAY!!!!!! hot tub. We are also going to have a rootbeer float before We go to town. That is for Our children within.
Something else that is coming up is how We feel sooooo different than We did last year. We ARE sooooo much more relaxed. Part is Our driver but more it is the inner changes that We are going through. We are receiving Our complete psychic change that We have been seeking. Our children within ARE playing a huge part in this change and We are very grateful for All the assistance from All of Our family within.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, September 29, 2014

More insights and processing

More insights and processing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:01:07 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
A rather different night for Us. We do not really know how to describe the difference. We visited alternate/parallel realities and met several new friends but there was more about Our waking world. It seemed to be about choices and alternate possibilities in Our waking world. Our head may have been trying to hold on, worry and plan OR Our heart and Our children within may have been trying to set Us free. Or was it both?
What theels clear to Us now is that it is about multiD and multiworlds. It is about concurrent alternate lives and worlds. We are NOT bound in One world, reality and life and We are starting to learn to live that way. Making plans and decisions for the future binds Us to that reality. We are free unless We CHOOSE to lock OurSelves in a cage of limitation. WE ARE FREE. We ARE love learning to live as love in the physical. Up until recently We have been in the physical pretending to be something less than love.
Last night theels like an example and experience of living as love and being aware of living in multiworlds and multiD. It is time that We begin to live by and follow inspiration rather than plan, plan, plan and worry and fear. We ARE free and We need to live that way. We love Our head and We love All Our parts and pisces. We love Our plans and Our planning and We bless “them” and set “them” free with love.
We are experiencing slipping around and in and out of different worlds. This is new and confusing to Our head/brain. Our filters and veils are growing thin indeed. We can still choose and demand and argue for limitation or We can be aware of multiworlds and multidimensions. We are free to play if We will set worry free with love. Saying: “I don't know” is easier and feels okay now. That is a real change for Us. We add love to everywhere We go and everything We do. We love You. We are open and We remain open. We allow love. We set expectations free. We are reminded to stay in the now. Everything is clearly perfect in the now. Everything is perfect but We tend to lose sight of that in the passed and future. We love You.
All of Our hatreds, prejudices, judgments, anger, fear and projections are part of Us. We may hate some of “them” and We love “them” at the same time. No Oneder We get confused. We love All of Our creations and We love hating “them”. We are very attached to All of this, attached to love-hate. We ARE both sides of the coin. We are intuiting and accepting these things like We never have before. We love Us.
We went for rock and water (We did not need heating oil yet). We are most certainly more in multidimensionality than limitation 3D. Our thinking and mindset ARE changing. The changes are slow and subtle but definitely happening. We are doing much better at staying in the now.
After playing a bit We returned to dream. We do not remember what We did but We know that We had a good time. We wanted to remain in dream but Our body is clearly awake. We remember that We are learning to dream and be multidimensional while awake. It is a beautiful day outside and We do have a few outside things that We want to do but We are letting it warm up a bit first. It looks much nicer and warmer than it feels. We only barely need Our heater inside but We relit it to take the slight chill off. We also want to make chicken baked with mushrooms and asparagus soup later. For some reason We bought a can of asparagus soup that We want to use up and this seems like a good idea.
We got Our chariot up on jack stands for replacing the front brakes. Sometimes that can be the hardest part. We will start the rest tomorrow. We are reminding OurSelves that We do not have to finish tomorrow.
It theels like time for dinner and dreaming. We will see what Our children have to input.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

3D AND multiD

3D AND multiD
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:39:31 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke from another catering dream. This One is much more relaxed than We were when catering in Our waking life. We did not want to remain in that world but We did want to remain in dream but again We remind OurSelf that We now We can stay in dream while waking. That seems a contradiction but only to Our limitation 3D thinking.
Dreaming is accessing multiD. That is a new perspective for Us. And speaking of new perspectives: We really are getting a lot of experience and insight into Our hates, anger, judgment and prejudices. We are adding love to the targets of these emotions AND to these emotions. We own and bless “them” and set “them” free with love. We are NOT trying to destroy or abandon the targets or the emotions. This is sooooo new and different. It makes no sense to Our logic and limitation/separation thinking. Our head is getting a bit of an overhaul.
Again this morning Our head tries to take Us back to Our old limitation mindset and thinking but We are making progress into Our new and inclusive and expansive thinking and beliefs. We are looking at Our plan to put the snow tires on Our chariot and swinging between letting that trap Us or set Us free. We set OurSelf free with love just like We do everything in Our life and world. It is not easy to make this complete change but We are making it slowly and gently. We love Us.
Limitation 3D thinking keeps coming up and We keep naming it and setting it free with love. We are sorry for this old default way of thinking AND We love it. This IS important for Us to admit, acknowledge and accept. We bless it and set if free with love. We forgive OurSelves. We love OurSelves and We thank Us. Our children within are happy and glowing.
Being multidimensional is NOT about not doing things in 3D (the way We used to think and believe it was). It is about doing what is in front of Us (in whatever world/ reality/dimension that We are focused in) while being aware of more dimensions and realities All around Us and bleeding into Our current dimensional focus. The division between worlds, realities and dimensions is NOT a solid, formidable wall as We have believed and lived. It is a porous membrane that allows passage between worlds, realities and dimensions the way Our arteries, veins and capillaries do. It may (or may not) be that not everything can pass through this membrane. We are clueless as We are only now beginning to allow and explore this insight and possibility. The more We receive insights and intuitions We clearly see why We blocked OurSelves from doing/manifesting many things in Our life the way We see others doing. We keep holding back so that We do NOT settle for less than what We are and are capable of. We know Us. We would happily spend eons in less than if it was just a tiny bit better than Our current experience. By blocking and holding OurSelf back We press on for the brass ring.
This morning We are having fun practicing being multidimensional. We ARE here AND there and it is enjoyable. We are getting ready to go outdoors and do some 3D things and hopefully remain aware of All the rest that coexists.
So far We are doing Our 3D and very much drifting in multidimensionality. We are remembering (for the most part anyway) to set it All free with love. We do theel Our children within assisting Us and revealing “themSelves” to Us.
We got the snowtires on Our chariot and We theel that We finished everything else that We wanted to do today. Unless We didn't but We theel that We did regardless. The cool thing is that We were mostly focused in multiD and Our old thinking did NOT take over control. What progress. We took lots of breaks to play and even had hotdogs for lunch. That is different behavior (at home anyway) for Us.
Now: some more play, a rootbeer float and maybe some chicken terriyaki for dinner with “Merlin”.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

More multiDness and insights

More multiDness and insights
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:26:13 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
The worlds/lives that We visited last night were mostly playful with lots of newfound friends. We remember being absolutely delighted with what We were doing when We woke in the middle of the night. We were also really enjoying OurSelves when We woke this morning. We got up a little early knowing that We can stay in such a frame of mind and multiD. We also knew that if We returned to full dreaming We would have a hard time waking later. We can remember to play this morning. Play is very important. Our children within are delightful.
The feeling of change grows stronger and stronger. More and more theory and philosophy is becoming experiential. We know that Our life is changing even if there is little evidence to support this. We remember that All evidence is created and projected by Us. Our old thinking is being set free. We are much more in tune with flying free than ever before. We are really looking forward to dreaming in this weekend and being less distracted by limitation 3D for three days. Yes: We have a three day weekend coming up.
Oh: We remember something important from yesterday: We are experiencing and becoming much more aware of Our world being projections of Our beliefs, memories, feelings and emotions. We are examining hate and prejudices today. We hate being cold, We hate being late and there are other similar things that We hate. Our prejudices are more about actions rather than race but “they” are prejudices just the same. All of these are hatred of OurSelf and Our creations (which are also Us). We are actually shocked at how much We have grown to hate OurSelf over the lifetimes. We did a lot of pony hopping and We ARE sorry. We ARE forgiving OurSelf. We love Us and We thank Us. All these parts and pisces that We have hated ARE Our children within. We have caused sooooo much pain and suffering. We love those things We hate and We love the part that hates. This is confusing to Our 3D mindset but it is very important.
So much of what We are experiencing is way beyond what the masses can relate to. So much of what is shared in online discussion groups is demanding limitation. We can still relate to that at some level but it is not in Our waking reality any more. We can see it and set it free and love it but We no longer live there. We may still experience limitation but We rarely demand it like We used to.
There is much coming in for Us. We see how We must set Our old beliefs (about Our life) free in order to live the way We now desire. We ARE willing to change and where We are NOT willing then We are willing to be willing. This has long been where We must begin. As much as We desire freedom and abundance We still cling (with fervor) to Our old and limited and separate life and reality. After All: We created it. We also still project evidence of that being All there is and just the way it is and something that MUST be accepted as the only reality. We still see and even feel evidence that We are victims of circumstances, government, religion, schooling and upbringing. Of course this is not true, these are lies that We have told OurSelf for lifetime after lifetime. We have made Our rich and powerful personae villains to the nth degree. AND: We love it. These ARE Our creations and We love “them” even when We hate “them”. More shall be revealed. We are sorry and We set You free AND We love You and thank You. This seems contradictory because We still think in limitation 3D terms. We love that and set it free with love.
Our head is really trying to revert to limitation and scarcity thinking. It is cunning and subtle. We love Our head. It is only trying to do what it knows to do and has done for millenia. It is NOT fair to judge and hate it but that too is part of Us: the hatred and judgment ARE part of Us and We love those too/two. Our head is quite cornfused and baffled. We must nurture this child like All the rest of Our children within. We love Us and We thank Us. We ARE sorry for mistreating and misunderstanding OurSelf, All Our parts and pisces and All of Our children within.
Our grip on limitation 3D (as the/Our only reality) is growing much weaker and We can feel OurSelf beginning to live (in waking consciousness) in other worlds simultaneously. This means that limitation 3D (One of Our creations which We love even though We hate feeling trapped here) is not being abandoned or destroyed. Limitation 3D coexists as part of infinity and multiD. Our head can not (yet) fathom how We can have limitation and limitlessness coexisting but that is because We are still primarily limitation minded. Our ongoing complete psychic change is causing/facilitating this.
Another great multiD morning. Nothing special to report. The kids continue to entertain and teach and delight Us. We really have a great group and variety this year. One preschooler who We really like is going to a different school so We will not be seeing “them”. We are getting a new student for the after highschool program next week.
We are a little more 3D functional today. We do not know if We are less multiD focused or getting better at functioning in 3D while focused in multiD. Probably a little of both.
We continue to add love and “I love You”s to everything and everyOne that We encounter. Looking at Our hates is really I opening too. It seems odd to say that We love what We hate AND that We love the hate and hating too.
Great experiences and growth.
The day continues to be a multiD experience. We continue doing and living Our 3D life but We are no longer only in 3D and only aware of 3D. We are aware of other lives, other realities and other dimensions. The distinctions and differentiations that We (and others) have made in the passed between the words dimensions, densities, worlds, realities, etc. are NOT important. Why should We try to limit and strictly define what is limited? That is limitation 3D logic and thinking. We do not wish to live there any more.
When We arrive home We put Our groceries away and prepared a very large rootbeer float and nachos for dinner. We are up a bit late because We are awake and We can dream in tomorrow. More walking in multiD and multiworlds (which may or may not be the same thing and it does not matter if “they” are or not).

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Another multiD day

Another multiD day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:04:38 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke with “We are love” running through Our mind. It is nice to wake to that. Again We visited many worlds but that is All We remember about most of the night. In the world/life that We woke from We work for some type of business or organization that must follow a charter. It was like a hospital or something. We are high up in the chain of command and We were required to stand on some very tall and very wobbly platform to oversee the annual meeting. It was very safe but very unstable. It was a rather strange feeling and combination. Now it reminds Us as how We view limitation 3D. We think it is safe and secure but We feel like a leaf in the wind.
As We theel that We are also theeling about Our world being made up of Our feelings and emotions projected out onto a view screen. No Oneder so many people are scared and act erratically. We think “they” are stable but “they” are Our fears and doubts acting out. Our memories play out as events and people. It is a hard concept to hold on to and express unless We are really feeling it.
After feeling like We have struggled with every Adobe update on this computer (but “they” work easily on Our laptop for some reason) the update that failed the other day is successful this morning. We made the changes that the report told Us to make (to the best of Our ability) and waited to see if the automatic update would work and it did. Is this a reflection of Our inner process? That is what Our new perspective would say it is. Everything is Our reflection and projection. We are so much more than We think We are. We are beginning to experience this not just parrot it.
We are sorry for mistreating, judging and rejecting Our feelings and emotions. Please forgive Us and please forgive OurSelf. We love You and We love Us. We thank You and We thank Us. We are adding love and “I love You” to All these projections. We truly love You and We appreciate what We are learning and experiencing. We are making progress, lots of progress. We have been theeling that Our world is very different than We think it is and this is a big part of that. We think (have Allways thought) that Our world is solid, formidable and threatening. We think of it as a place where We must struggle to survive. We are actually experiencing the inside of Our mind. How odd that seems. It IS Our current insight and experience. This really does change everything.
The perspective, concept and insight that Our world is Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories projected onto Our view screen does explain a lot of insights and intuits that We have had and are having. We are sorry that We subjected OurSelves to the belief that We are victims of these projections, of Our fears and angers playing out. We imagined that in order to really and fully experience Our feelings and emotions. We did good and now We can experience from this new perspective. Nothing is being destroyed or rejected but rather experienced from this new perspective. How cool is that?
We are having another great multiD day. In fact: We are so multiD that We really can not type much. There is much to share and many experiences and insights and it just is not coming out Our fingers.
When We arrived home We are still not focused enough in 3D to do or type much. Dinner, more “Merlin” and off to dream. Oh: We did ponder some more about making friends in Our waking world. Something Our driver said about most people thinking she is boring because she does not drink or do drugs. This is a huge factor for Us too. Plus: We just do not relate to what most people talk about anymore. Most people are still focused primarily (or totally) in limitation 3D and play by those rules. We really do NOT relate to that at All any more.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

New perspective

New perspective
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:38:11 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Some of the worlds We visited were not pleasant but that is All that We remember. It does seem like We met new friends there that We like but the worlds “themSelves” and Our lives there were not pleasant. In the world that We woke from We are cashiering at a different store than any from Our waking world. We have been doing a lot of pony hopping and adding love and “I love You”s to many situations and parts of the now.
It does seem that We are holding on to Our limitation and separation beliefs. We want to set it free with love but We cling to the old and familiar. So: We continue to pony hop. We are certainly having the opportunity to apply Our fledgling beliefs to Our waking life. We love You. We may not like it (people's actions) but We love You regardless of appearances. We do not have to like a person's actions to love “them” as One of Our children within. We can remember that “they” feel lost and scared too. That helps a little.
The insights that We are gaining from Our current situations and processing are amazing. We had forgotten to consider Our feelings as part of Our children within. “We” are part of Our children within. Our memories are part of Our children within. We need love. We need it from OurSelf the most. We have judged and continue to judge are reject OurSelf and Our feelings. No Oneder We hurt and feel attacked. We are sorry for how We have treated and continue to treat OurSelf. We love Us. Please forgive OurSelf. We thank Us. Thank You children within for revealing OurSelf to OurSelf. We are opening Our eyes. Thank You. We love You, We love Us.
Our feelings keep coming up and We ARE nurturing “them” can acknowledging “them” and setting “them” free with love. By setting “them” free “they” ARE free to come and go and We love “them” rather than Our previous judging and rejecting “them”. This ongoing change of thinking and believing goes deep and continues going deeper and deeper. We continue adding love to All parts of the now which We encounter and become aware of. It is working and it IS a process. Slow and gentle and caring. We love Us.
Stuff/examples about Our memories and Our feelings continue to come up from within and without. We ARE having a lot of opportunity to pony hop and nurture and pay attention to Our feelings. We are getting it how everything and everyOne We encounter is actually Our feelings (passed and present and maybe even future) being projected onto the screen that We call Our world. We are grateful for this insight. It is not just in and from Our head. This IS Our heart expressing itSelf. We love You One and All. We thank You.
This perspective of everything and everyOne that We encounter being a projection (an expression) of Our feelings is very I opening. How many times (like yesterday) have We been angry with, expressed anger with and acted out anger with Our feelings? Lots to uncover here. We ARE sorry. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us AND We thank Us. Thank You children for showing Us this. More inner change. More: “I love You”s to add.
And true to form: Once We set it free, pony hopped, sent “I love You”s and added love to and for All involved Our perceived problem/abuse/attack turned out just fine. Our carseat boy was totally okay with the new rule imposed on Us by his teacher. We did remind him that his teacher told and showed Us yesterday this/her new rule.
Recognizing the teacher as another wounded/ frightened child is truly an I opener for Us. As We go about Our day paying attention to everything and everyOne as a projection of Our feelings and emotions really puts it All in a new light and a new perspective. Thank You. We love You. We are doing a lot of pony hopping on this. And (of course) We did a lot of pony hopping and mind speak and love sending to Our carseat boy.
Our noon section is changed starting today and We have an hour longer on Our morning break. We like that. We are reminding OurSelf that We do NOT depend on Our job for Our true support. We ARE Our source.
The feeling of Our world being Our feelings and emotions projected outward continues. How to describe it? It certainly puts everything in a different perspective and We are experiencing a sort of giddiness in OurSelves and many people We encounter. We are also meeting new friends in Our waking like We do in Our dream lives. This is a new waking experience for Us. We meet One or two new friends from time to time but most people do not feel like someOne that We really want to get to know and spend time with. However: today We have met several that We theel We would like to spend time with and get to know. These ARE Our feelings and emotions and memories that We project.
This perspective and concept is sooooo foreign to Our limitation 3D thinking, beliefs and mindset that it takes more getting used to. This is a gradual process. This new concept is part of Our complete psychic change.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Experiences and processing

Experiences and processing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:34:01 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Many more interesting worlds and many more new friends. In the life We woke from We are a cop of some sort which was evolving into being a florist. How is that for multiD. That world was much more relaxed and We are way to uptight. The world is relaxed All-most to the point of neglect but the neglect is Our limitation and separation thinking. The world is working just fine the way it is. People are really One-da-ring what We are so uptight about. What is the big deal? Allmost a metaphor of Our waking life.
Upon getting up We experience being the observer as well as a participant in both worlds. Even though We did not really want to stay in Our uptight persona neither did We want to wake. We remember that We can remain in dream and got up. We are finding some difficulty functioning here as We are more observer and more multiD. We ARE learning how to live this way.
As We post Our “Today” for yesterday: We can see how yesterday led to Our dream experiences. The emotions run high and the pressure that We (each of Us but especially the sensitives) put on OurSelves can be nigh unbearable. The youngstars are trying and learning to live in multiworld but there is little support (in this waking world) for that. It is a real challenge.
The reminder is that as We (personally) allow OurSelf to be aware that We ARE multidimensional then We real-eyes that We really can and do help others at that level. What We do in Our physical, waking world (what We do physically) is much less important and effective. We are learning this at sooooo many levels. We are beginning to apply it too. We still easily forget and revert to Our limitation defaults but We are recognizing this much faster than before. We appreciate this. We thank Our children within for We know that “they” are assisting Us. We did a lot of pony hopping yesterday afternoon with the older brother. The younger brother chose to sit by himSelf in the back and play imaginary games and worlds All the way home. We are happy to see him living in his imaginary world.
As We go outdoors We experience more of being in multiworlds and multidimensional. Yesterday We had visions of how multidimensionality and multiworlds work and intermingle if We allow. The thing is that We try to take control and this inhibits the free flow of multidimensionality, love and abundance. We still demand Our limits as “they” are familiar and We believe that “they” are Our security. We are sorry for these actions and beliefs. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. Our children see this limiting mindset and want to run free but “they” can not really be free until All are free.
It is easier to relinquish control as the observer.
We are definitely having a multidimensional morning. Cool!!!!!!
There is now evidence of what We are doing. We are creating new evidence just like We created evidence of Our old beliefs and limits.
It is a great multidimensional day except for One situation where We are having the opportunity to add love and send “I love You”s and pony hop. We want to lash out, complain, blame and be angry. It is All old limitation and separation beliefs, thoughts and feelings coming up for release. We keep pony hopping and sending “I love You”s and We continue to be angry but not as bad as in days gone bye. We are doing Our best and even though We are holding on to Our fear and anger and judgment etc. We know this, We acknowledge and accept it and We pony hop it and send love. We must go through the process and We are NOT attacking. We ARE sorry for Our limitation and separation thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You. It remains difficult to see other A-dults as children within but We know that “they” are Our projections, Our children.
We ARE sorry for Our anger and judgment. We know that arguing for Our righteousness, blaming, attacking, demanding Our limits and All Our old default reactions will only keep Us in limitation. We are being hit where We feel and it is a real challenge to set Our limits and separation free with love. We want to demand that We are right and are being attacked. We want Our limitation and separation reactions. The situation only affects about One minute of Our day (every work day) but We are certain that it will be detrimental to Our relationship with Our carseat boy permanently. That (of course) IS Our projection of Our judgment and opinion. We may or may not create evidence that We are right. We hope that We can set it free with love and create evidence of love, love, love. We are having a lot of difficulty with this and it is affecting Our attitude over the entire day. Another great opportunity for lots of pony hopping.
We do NOT understand why society wants/demands to fix something that is NOT broken but We also real-eyes that this is Our creation and projection. Externalizing it is what is broken and We have the opportunity to heal OurSelf. That is the part that We are missing. We remain aggravated because We are clinging to Our limits and separation even as We try to set “them” free with love. These ARE Our feelings and We need to love “them” as We love everything else. We need to give Our feelings “I love You”s as much as We need to give Our others “I love You”s. We ARE getting a lot of insights and intuits as We type this. We must be gentle with OurSelf and Our children and Our projections. Every person and situation in Our life is Our projection of beliefs, thoughts and feelings and emotions. We love You. We love and nurture Our feelings. Our feelings are rearing “their” head because “they” are afraid that We will declare “them” unfit and try to destroy and/or abandon “them”. We love You. We imagine cuddling Our feelings like cuddling an injured child. We love You. We accept You. We ARE sorry. Please forgive Us for mistreating You and ignoring You and abandoning You and trying to destroy You.
Amazing: We really are having a great process now. We envision Our feelings as a small, injured and frightened child. This situation and Our reaction is bringing up lots of feelings of abandonment and rejection. We are sorry for treating Our feelings and children within this way. We knew All along that this is Us and Our projection but it is taking the process to assist Us in seeing and theeling clearly. We can feel the presence of Our children and family within helping Us when We let “them”. Thank You. We love You. We appreciate You.
Our situation/projection stays with Us as much even as We are setting it free because there is something that We want to gain which We are missing. The process continues and We pony hop and send love. This typing is much needed. The process is needed. This goes deep and We must be kind and gentle with OurSelf and We are doing that. We treating OurSelf, Our feelings and Our children within with tenderness and compassion.
We are pony hopping Our way to dream time. Thank You. We love You.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

More multiworld experience

More multiworld experience
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:19:27 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Sooooo many interesting worlds to visit and explore. In the world/life We woke from this morning We do building maintenance for some school district. All the school water systems are connected so that if One has a problem “they” All have the same problem. Interesting metaphor. As We were drifting in and out after that We felt that We should take some tools with Us in case Our dragon develops another leak. Prudence.
We visited more resort worlds. This is clearly Our favorite world/life at this time anyway. Lots of people visit to recharge and rejuvenate yet it does seem at All invasive. The attitudes and demeanors are much more relaxed and less aggressive than in limitation 3D. That makes sense. This makes people much more pleasant to be around. We add love to All the people and places that We meet and visit.
Our perspective is expanding so that We real-eyes that All these realities exist here and now. It is Our choice to recognize and acknowledge “them” or not.
Another advantage to posting Our “Today”s and adding the labels (on Our blog) is that We are reminded about pony hopping, adding love and Our children within. We remember doing a lot of pony hopping during the night and adding love to every reality that We visited. We appreciate Our children within. “They” are with Us and assisting Us constantly. Thank You.
Everytime We allow Adobe Reader to update it glitches. We keep following the instructions to correct this but it Allways finds another file to glitch with. ???????? This time We are NOT reinstalling and will wait and see if it wants to update again and then if the error is fixeded.
We put Our tool box in Our dragon and while We were outdoors We could tell that We are in multiworlds this morning. This is a good thing even though it used to frustrate Us and We tried to avoid and escape it.
Another great multiD day with the kids. We see this affecting other people more and more. The day was great up until the last section when the older brother started to have a meltdown because he made a mistake on his homework. We hate to see anyOne is such dire straights. Poor guy was really, really upset. We thelt that his reaction was way out of proportion and that there was something else behind it. We did what little We could to comfort and calm him and it did work but his feelings remained. We used mostly non-verbal communication. We found that it is VERY important to him to do things right and not make mistakes or be/look “bad”. Because of his condition (whatever that is) this is very hard to maintain. He was Allmost completely out of control over a very minor mistake. At the end of the ride he said he was happy but still sad about what happened.
We hope We were some help for him. It is sad that children feel sooooo much pressure that “they” loose control like that. A-dults really do not understand because We had Our defenses active to shield Us from such emotions. These children are raw and We were battle hardened from early on. “They” choose to keep “their” emotions and it shows.
At home We decided to change Our routine a little and be more multiworld and multiD focused before going to bed.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Functional and multidimensional

Functional and multidimensional
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:15:53 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke thinking: “I love You and I love Me”. We really like that. This is part of the change, a very important part.
During the night We visited a resort that is more like the resorts that We remember from Our childhood in the lower forty-eight. It is less commercial and more natural than many here. We were playing and having a good time enjoying nature with new friends. Of course in Our waking life We live in nature. What We miss is open water. The resort was around a lake and in Our vision of Our dream home there is a large body of water in front of it. We would love to experience that more and last night We did.
MultiD is fascinating but it takes getting used to because We are sooooo familiar with limitation. We are used to being totally focused on only One reality and believing that it is the ONLY reality. Being focused on many realities feels blurry because We have spent sooooo long focusing on only One reality. Our brain and eyes have been trained to only process One world and reality and life at a time and block out everything else. We are being retrained.
We are sorry for Our old limits and beliefs. We are grateful for Our children who are showing Us sooooo much more. Our children within are teaching Us how to play in multiD and multiworlds. It is fun and We are having a good time, no: a great time. We feel much less pressure than We used to. Our chores and tasks are less demanding and life threatening. Of course it is Us that is changing.
Later today We plan to put away laundry and water and work on the leak on Our dragon and check Our chariot a little bit. Play comes first. We may even go back to dream before We take on any tasks and chores. We feel much more comfortable knowing that the repairs are NOT demanding or life threatening. Nothing is life threatening. We ARE Our source. This is becoming experiential not just theory and words.
This morning the clouds are down at ground level. This lends to the look and feel of other worlds and it reminds Us of pleasant childhood memories. It is kinda amazing how going outside usually gives Us visions, insights and intuitions. We are reminded that love is more powerful than limitation and separation. We have given much power and proof to limitation and separation. We ARE returning to love. Love includes limitation and separation so “they” are NOT being destroyed and abandoned but We know (and experience that) there is more.
There is a slight tug-a-war going on within Us today. Heart and head are each trying to take Us in “their” preferred direction. Heart leads to limitlessness, multidimensionality and the unknown (so far). Head leads Us to the familiar world(s) of limitation and separation. Following heart is a bit scary but only because it is new and unfamiliar. We can no longer hide in the familiarity and false security of the familiar limitation and separation. We are explorers. We ARE children about to begin another adventure.
We finished playing with Our dragon and chariot (at least) for today. We will check the coolant in Our dragon when it cools down but that will be it for today unless it snot. We did find a second leak and tightened both leaky connections and that seems to have stopped the leaks. We theel the new radiator cap increased the pressure and made the leaks severe enough to find. Whatever We know (and even feel) that everything IS perfect and happening according to plan. We ARE grateful. Thanks kids. We love You and We love Us. We love Our dragon and Our chariot.
More and more We ARE feeling the presence of these other worlds that We have been imaginating, dreaming and visioning. We are consciously aware of living and being there AND here. Being there is becoming more common and familiar.
Now We are playing and relaxing. We are finding/remembering more things that We wanted to do today. We may and We may not. Mostly: We want to take care of Our children within now. We got the I-scream out to soften a bit. We are having hotdogs for dinner unless the kids within want something else. We may have chips and salsa-cheese sauce after We make the sauce for nachos later this week.
More insights and intuits and multidimensional experiences are coming in and We ARE allowing AND enjoying.
We think that We finished everything that We wanted to do today and We still have plenty of play time left before dream time. Now: We are enjoying a lovely bowl of I-scream and doing some reading online. We gotta relax a bit before We get back to playing... whatever it is that We want to play.
We did good. Now it is time for hotdogs and “Merlin” and then dream time.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another multidimensional day

Another multidimensional day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:39:22 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More new worlds and more new friends. In One We are a monitor on a big bus and the kids are totally out of control. These kids are even more out of control than the Ones were on Our big bus when We first started driving. As We ponder this We find that this is Our weak spot. We really do not know how to balance this. We do NOT like to discipline children (or anyOne) but We do want to keep “them” safe. Plus: the only actual discipline that We can administer is to tell the school. In a world of love none of this would exist. IF We started with love and built with love from there then there would be no danger, no rules and laws because there would be love, connection with everything and limitlessness. We do not live in such a world and in truth can not even conceive of such a thing.
Our world is fraught with danger, predators and rebels. We can not imagine anything different. However: different does exist and We can live in a world of love if We choose to accept the possibility. We do not wish to learn how to live and act in a world without love. We wish to access worlds of love and bring the love into Our other worlds. If worlds without love continue to exist We do wish to know that and maybe even visit and observe but We do NOT want to live there. We want Our primary worlds to be worlds of love. We know it is possible and We even know that We are getting closer.
For now: a world where it is impossible to do harm, where We CAN do whatever We want because All that We want is good for Us and others is only words, or little more. However: We know that it is possible and that it is closer than We imagine. Not long ago the life We have was only words and thoughts and NOW it is real for Us. Thank You.
We know that the kids in that other worlds are some of Our children within. “They” have been abandoned and mistreated. We did that. We ARE sorry. Please forgive Us and please forgive OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. We are imagining a world where Our first reaction to anything and anyOne is: “I love You”. This is not a world that We can imagine with limitation 3D thinking. We must allow Our heart, Our children within to show Us what it is like. That is real imagining.
As Our head tries to plan We remind Us to stay in the now and allow Our world and circumstances to change, evolve and be different from how We remember these with Our limitation 3D memory. This is how We can evolve and begin to live as love in the physical. Clinging to Our limitation memories and demanding “them” and demanding that Our world and life stay the same is what keeps Us locked in limitation. How is that for a blinding flash of the obvious. We MUST set the old memories and beliefs free. We are really beginning to see what Dr. Hew Len means about it All being memory playing out One more time. It really is until We set the memories free with love. Even then it changes gently and gradually until We look back and it appears to have changed overnight. We set it free with love and it does NOT matter what it looks like after that IF We really set it free and do not recapture it. Our head certainly does try to recapture to remain in the familiar. We love You dear head. We set You free too and give You a break, a vacation. Our head is free to run and play. It does not know what to do with that so We ask Our children within to show it the way.
We are finding/experiencing/real-I-sing that part of being multidimensional is being aware of living in multiworlds simultaneously and allowing those worlds to blend as “they” coexist in time and space: in the now. This is new. For Us it explains some things that others foresee which We thelt were mis-perceptions for Us. Others foretold the end of some/other timelines and that just did not gel with Us. If “they” foresaw the timelines blending in the now but were seeing and thinking from limitation then some/others would have seemed/appeared to have ended. When viewed from: All time is now then We can see that “they” mix and mingle, blend and bleed into each other just like drops of water in a pool or ocean. This is how it is theeling for Us currently.
After spending a while playing in multidimensionality and multiworlds, We are getting ready to go to town and do laundry and visit Our local friends. We real-eyes that are still mostly not in limitation 3D focus and that is a good thing. We know that if We set Our thoughts and memories free than the worlds can mix and meld. When We experience that limitation 3D is NOT All there is then it will not seem to matter sooooo much nor seem as life threatening. We ARE getting there.
On Our trip to town We were still mostly in multidimensionality. We did Our laundry and then visited Our friends. “They” were very sleepy too. We see this happening more and more and it is a sign that We are All entering multidimensionality. Our waking brain still can not cope with multidimensionality and so We resort to sleep and dreams. That is a start, a beginning. The energy truly no longer supports limitation. 3D remains but limitation is merely One part of reality not All there is.
We did find a slight leak on Our dragon which explains the coolant loss. It is raining so We are going to deal with the leak another time.
Arriving home We are leaving most Our laundry to be put away another time. We are having some I-scream and off to dream. We are treating Our children within and then letting “them” run wild and free.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Learning to live multidimensionally

Learning to live multidimensionally
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:43:02 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More interesting worlds and more new friends, more freedom, more equality and more acceptance. Less shame and less rules. That's the way We like it.
Still lots of pony hopping and adding love. We can All use more love.
Our waking life is changing too. We are accepting who We are and We are accepting others. We pay attention to Our children within. Our projections are changing too.
Again: We wanted to remain in dream so We are allowing OurSelf to stay in dream as We wake. We are being successful. We are changing and We likes it. We are pony hopping Our old beliefs, limitations, projections and actions. We add love to every part of now that We visit.
The thought of adding to Our autism website keeps coming up so hopefully soon We will be inspired to do so. Most (if not All) of Our students this year are autistic, All at different levels. It is very interesting and educational.
There are sooooo many ways that We hold on to Our limitation reality. We think We are being prudent and wise and doing what is necessary. That is only true within limitation. In limitlessness We are free to do and be whatever We feel inspired to do and be in the moment. Struggle and survival are limitation concepts and behavior. We can only experience limitlessness and multidimensionality when We set the old thinking, believing and projecting free with love. We are noticing these old behaviors much faster and setting “them” free and turning to thoughts of love, freedom and multidimensionality. We notice that every morning Our head tries to start thinking in limitation and need. We label these thoughts and set “them” free.
This morning We are doing pretty well at letting OurSelf drift in multidimensionality.
We are having another great multidimensional day. One of the teachers or aids wants Us to be more aggressive and authoritarian with Our carseat boy. Our first reaction is to complain and rebel. That is old behavior. We see that fairly quickly Once We step away. We have the opportunity to pony hop and add love to this area of Our current life, Our now and that is what We do. Adding love is an invaluable opportunity. We add love to All areas of Our now that We encounter and thus We turn Our life and world into love. The different areas of love grow and expand until “they” touch each other. Has this ever been done before? It is certainly new to Us.
Since it is Friday: at home We are taking Our time and doing a few small things before dinner and dream. We are not 3D functional enough to do much but We can take Our time at not doing much and that feels good. Our head tries to think and plan and try to figure stuff out. We know now that the bestest thing that We can do is set it free with love. We do NOT know the outcome. Any outcome We can yet imagine is less than what is possible. If We open and allow then We can receive much greater gifts than Our limitation thinking can conjure. A magician who allows and does not conjure. Who wooda thunk it?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Dreaming into multidimensionality

Dreaming into multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:42:20 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We visited several interesting lives and worlds last night. One was a combination of school bus and catering. We were loading catering supplies on a school bus with old and new friends. You might say it was a fantasy world. It was also more free and more loving. We also did a lot of pony hopping about Our waking life and some other lives. We continue to add “I love You” to many parts of Our now.
Once again We wanted to stay in dream and We are practicing staying in dream and multiD while waking. It is working and becoming more familiar. We still have some difficulty being in multiD AND functioning in 3D but We are learning and allowing. Our head tries to hold on to thinking and planning in limitation terms but that too is changing. We ARE changing Our default operating system.
It is interesting to be aware of being in multiD and multiworlds. It remains hard to describe except that it is like what We used to call being spacey. It is also much more. Again We are reminded that it is what We have resisted and fought against for a long, long time. Our thinking and beliefs ARE changing and expanding. We are grateful. We add love to All We encounter within and without.
Today We have time to type something but the kids took Us into dream and/or multiworlds and multiD. We are functional but words are hard. We are probably not what We would call high functioning at this point.
Our head is trying to get Us back into limitation 3D by thinking and planning but Our heart is taking charge. We tell Our head that We it and All parts and pisces of OurSelf. We need to learn to function multidimensionally by relaxing. Of course this is the opposite of what We are taught and believe.
There: We found some words. Catch Ya later.
The afternoon kids really took Us into dream. Even Our driver noticed and One of the kids commented on how tired “they” were. Most people do not recognize the need to dream and We (collectively) call it being tired and/or sleepy and often resist. We (personally) could barely stay awake when the kids were on board and went deep into dream as soon as the last students were dropped off.
Once We got home We were functional but only just.
We are well on Our way to dream and dreaming is multidimensional. We would love to type more about this but We just are not here enough.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Adventures in 3D and multiD

Adventures in 3D and multiD
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:37:43 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Upon waking Our first thought is: “I love You”. We likes that. Then Our old, limitation, scarcity and lack thinking tried to take over. We love You and We thank You. This thinking was for Our survival and those times are over. You are free to roam the multiverse and play in other parts. We ARE abundance. We are love.
We can not remember much from last night. Probably worlds that Our waking brain can not (yet) relate to. That is changing. We have vague, blurry memories of the worlds We visited and We wanted to remain there. We told OurSelf that We can stay in dream but Our brain does not (yet) know how to do that. We still revert to Our old default methods and thinking but that too is changing gradually. As We put less demands on OurSelf it is easier to remain in dream. Our children within are helping. “They” want to play instead of struggle.
This is a complete change of thinking and belief and that still takes time. Or: at least it appears to take time. All time is now. Our brain really does NOT know what to do with that. We ARE experiencing a complete psychic change. What We think We project and We are starting to think of ease, play, freedom and abundance.
Our brain seeks the familiar upon waking. Our heart and Our children seek adventure and freedom. The familiar is only make believe. We can do better. We ARE doing better. We are reminded to stay in the now, to change Our thinking AND Our projections.
There was a lot of pony hopping even in Our dreams. Pony hopping has become Our default behavior, in dream and waking.
More and more We are finding/experiencing that Our life and world are not the way We Allways believed. “They” are much more fluid and mutable. We can change and ARE changing Our outer world by changing Our inner thoughts and beliefs. These changes are dependent on Our beliefs. That is why the importance of starting where We are and starting with what We can believe. It is easier to believe in small and gentle changes and so that is where We begin. Another important part is to remember (and remind Our children and All other parts and pisces) that nothing is being destroyed or banished. We are setting All of OurSelves free with love. We are doing what We do in and with love. All aspects are loved dearly.
Our children and All other inner parts and pisces fear that change will bring death, destruction and abandonment but that is exactly the opposite of the truth. The old thinking and believing was about fighting, killing, destruction and abandonment. We are setting All that free and thinking and believing with love for All of Our parts and pisces. We love You AND We thank You. Our old behavior was to hate. We love even that. Love is Our true nature which We also abandoned and We seek to reintegrate. We love All of Us, even the unlovely.
We do still encounter behavior that comes from limitation and separation mentality and beliefs. We ARE sorry. Please forgive Us, please forgive OurSelves. We love Us and We love You unconditionally. We thank Us and We thank You. We set it free with love. We continue adding love. There are many areas, parts and pisces of the now that need love. We/everything can Allways use more love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Multiworlds and multidimensional

Multiworlds and multidimensional
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:53:49 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We visited more worlds that are similar to this waking world yet different. There is more freedom and more love. We do not remember a lot of details: probably because the differences are still too much for Our waking consciousness to translate. There are friends from Our waking life and new friends as well. We are adding love to All Our worlds, lives and realities. Even those with more love than this can still use more. Love grows and grows when given the opportunity.
In Our waking experiences We are having more and more visions of other/alternate/parallel worlds and lives and realities. These are not images that We are consciously creating. “They” are more like viewing, perhaps what We call remote viewing only not far away and distant places and events. These are nearby (very nearby) and concurrently running with Our waking reality. Our waking is becoming much less stable. We (probably everyOne) have Allways feared this but it is a key to Our freedom and expansion and multidimensionality. Setting Our limits free is part of love and love requires this freedom.
We continue to add love to Our present and other parts of the now. If We are repeating OurSelf that is okay. This repetition helps make it habit and common, normal behavior. We desire for love and All its aspects to be part of Our default thinking, believing and acting and being.
Another great multidimensional day. The kids have been taking Us deep into dream so We may not be able to type much coherently. We are experiencing experiences that prove (to Us) and support concepts and precepts that We have known for years now but have not become real in Our life.
These experiences are about Our natural power and ability, Our natural state and Our true nature: the things We forgot, buried and denied. We are waking and changing.
Also: Our driver is showing more interest in the kids and autism. That is a great sign for Us.
We truly ARE powerful AND We ARE changing Our world by changing OurSelf. We keep adding love and sharing “I love You”s with Our world.
The afternoon is more dreaming. Dreaming is accessing multidimensionality and multiworlds. It is distance viewing at its finest. Even upon returning home We are walking in multiworlds. It takes adjustment to get used to living this way.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

More multidimensional experiencing

More multidimensional experiencing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:53:11 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Once again We do not remember much from last night but We were visiting alternate/parallel lives and worlds and adding love. We knew that these lives and worlds were concurrent with Our familiar waking world. We can tell that Our familiar waking world is changing because of the added love. Of course: We have Allways been love and Our world has Allways been love but We pretended to be less and live in a world that is less. We pretended very well and were very convincing.
Now it is Our awareness that is changing. We are becoming aware of All that We have been blind to. Love is multidimensional, that is its nature. It is limitless. Love is playful and free and abundant. Love is free of need and so are We. It is Our old beliefs that limit Us and create scarcity and lack. Like good and bad, scarcity and lack are only judgments and beliefs. When We change Our hearts and minds then everyOne will have everything “they” want and become aware that there is NO need. We ARE energy and that energy is love.
Everything that We have taught and been taught in limitation 3D, absolutely everything is a lie to keep Us limited. We wanted to pretend that We are less than love. That is NOT the way it has to be it is only the way We chose to be. Separation does NOT have to be void of love. That is only One (limited) version. It is only the first version We explored but certainly NOT the only version. We think that it is the only version because it is the only version that We have explored. Now We are changing that. We are still waking in a limited and separate world. We are learning and starting to live as love in that world. We are becoming aware of other (real) worlds and lives. These other worlds and lives can (and do) bleed into each other AND Our waking world. Change is constant and it is All around Us. We block it out with Our senses and beliefs.
We are sorry for Our old, limiting beliefs and projections. Please forgive Us and please forgive OurSelf. We love You and We love Us. We thank You and We thank Us. Dear children within: We love You. We appreciate You. We want to play.
Our head is trying to plan and worry and think. Our heart reminds Us to stay in the now. Now is where the real answers are. Our head only knows how to think in limitation so far. That can change as Our right hemisphere is allowed free reign. Our heart and Our right brain think in multidimensionality and in love which are the same thing. We are love and We are multidimensional. We have pretended to be less for sooooo long that less is All that We remember and have been aware of. We are becoming aware of Our true nature and Our natural state. It is happening: We can theel it.
We are having the opportunity to choose between limitation and love and multidimensionality. Limitation is still Our default but We are consciously choosing love and multidimensionality.
Another great day with the kids and in multidimensionality and multiworlds. How to explain this? To say that things are not the way “they” are is putting it mildly and just about as plain and clear as We can be. How is that? What is wrong is not consistently wrong and what is right is not consistently right. To Us this is proof that We are projecting it All. Not Allways consciously, more often unconsciously but consciously is becoming more common. How is that for clarity?
Our waking world is becoming more like dreams and Our dreams are beginning to feel even more real than ever before. We know (and have known for some time) that Our dreams and imagination are real but now “they” are beginning to really feel that way. We are imaginating a lot. We are not conjuring the realities We imagine the way We might think We would. We are simply allowing and the visions come on and of “their” own making. Trying to imagine would limit the possibilities. Allowing gives the imagining much more freedom and less limits.
We continue to do a lot of pony hopping (in Our dreams and waking both) and We add love to Our present and other parts of the now. We love and appreciate Our children within and We feel “their” presence. We are happier than We have been in a while because We are closer to living as who and what We really are. We are closer to expressing Our true nature. We feel much less limited.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Becoming functional in multidimensionality

Becoming functional in multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:29:57 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke early and decided to get up to go get water and then go back to dream after that. Since We are awake it seems like a good idea. We spent the night adding love to Our present, passed and future: the now. We really theel the need and desire to focus on adding and sending love, even more than ever before. We ARE love and Our presence adds love to situations. We feel this love, this energy of creation more and more.
It is Us that is changing.
The energy seems to be high and it is affecting Us. We love You. We have been doing a lot of pony hopping and We are paying attention to Our children within and thanking “them” for assisting Us. “Their” presence is appreciated.
As We make Our first trip outdoors We are strongly reminded that We ARE changing. We are becoming even more aware of walking in multiworlds and We theel the change. Gentle and subtle but definitely change.
A large part of this is staying in the now. Now is when and where everything happens.
After going for water We returned to dream. More “I love You”s and more pony hopping. We are changing Our world to a world of love. We are visiting many points in Our passed, present and future (the NOW) and adding love. We are sure having a beautiful fall. It is still warm but it did finally cool down a little while We were dreaming. Most of the leaves have turned color and clear blue skies. We have some windows and Our back door open: NICE.
As We start to move around: We find that We are very much in multidimensionality and multiworlds. We are becoming more familiar with this so it is easier to function. It is such a nice day outside that We want to be outside enjoying the weather. We have several small and easy things that We want to put away and put back together now that Our dragon is flying free. We still had All of Shadow's stuff in Our dragon and We are going to put the back seat back in. We still miss Shadow a lot and We feel other worlds where he runs wild and free just like the children.
Suzanne Lie's latest blog entry speaks directly about what We are experiencing these last few days/weeks. Pretty cool stuff. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
We are changing, We can feel it AND there is much change that awaits Us. We can not push the river but We can ride the current. That can be hard to accept but We are best when We go with the flow (literally).
An early dinner and some “Merlin” and early to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Functional AND multidimensional

Functional AND multidimensional
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:29:55 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More school bus dreams. Several different worlds, realities and versions with many of the same kids. It is interesting to see and experience the different scenarios that exist. Our limitation thinking and beliefs have Us sooooo limited and when We set that free there is sooooo much to explore, sooooo much to do, sooooo much to experience: it is amazing.
As We look back: there have been so many times that We thought We were ready, that We had learned All that there was for Us to learn. Now: We see that We will All-ways be learning and expanding. That is infinity. We have found sooooo much that was beyond Our wildest imaginings at the time. We could never have hoped for so much. We could never have believed that We could do so much and be so happy and make so many friends.
All that Our waking, conscious thinking can come up with, and think it wants is sooooo much less than what is possible. As much as We let go, We still cling to limitation. It is familiar, it is All that We know. That is changing and Our children are a big part of that. Our children within are setting Us free. “They” are giving Us abilities and aid. There was a lot about dragons last night but it is sooooo new and unfamiliar that We only have vague, fleeting memories.
We are definitely in multiD and multiworlds again this morning. We are happy to find OurSelves here AND there. There is just sooooo much to explore, sooooo much to do and We have eternity to spend doing it. Very exciting. The more We acknowledge and pay attention to Our children within the more We gain and are rewarded. This is NOT about earning anything it is about receiving and giving love and attention.
Adding love and “I love You” to now and other points and places and events from this life and others continues to be a big part of Our experience. We are changing Our history. That can be a bit scary. We think that Our history (as it is) gives Us security. A limited history only gives limits. There is nothing wrong with Our history but there is more and We can add love to All of that. Everything, everyOne and everytime can All use more love. We do not really even need to be aware of doing it. Our very presence adds love as Our awareness of love grows and expands. Love is Our purpose, Our essence, what We are made of. When We are aware of this then We exude love wherever and whenever We are. This love changes Our passed and Our present. It begins in very subtle ways and grows exponentially.
Our thinking and believing are changing. This too is a bit subtle but major. Adding love does that.
We find Our old thinking trying to take over. We love it and set it free: “Go play”. We are here and We love You. You can play here, You can play anywhere that You want but You can NOT worry. Worry is old, limitation programing. You are free of that now. Run and play, wild and free.
We returned to dream for a bit. It was very nice even though We do not remember what We did or where We went. Here AND there again/still. We do want to work/play on Our dragon today. It is a desire. We want for Our dragon to fly again and We want to fly with it. We real-eyes that We are learning to live in multiworlds and multidimensions. We would have shortcutted this if We could and missed sooooo much. We still would shortcut if given the chance. Fortunately Our guiding Self knows what is best and remains in control. Our physical brain still fears but We are learning to trust OurSelf. It is a gradual process and that IS a good thing.
Our dragon repairs are coming along well despite having to be a contortionist for part of it. We are trying to remember to take breaks and that We do not have to finish this hour. We are making progress on All fronts. Now (while on Our break) We can truly feel that We are multidimensional. What does that feel like? It is like being high, being zoned out, being totally spacey and All those things that society deems as bad. Bad is only a tool to keep Us locked into limitation 3D. Good is probably the same.
Well: Our dragon repairs/healing seem to be done AND successful. We drove/flew around a bit after letting it sit and idle over half an hour. The fan still seems to not be coming on until it is really hot so We are glad We have a switch for it even though it has not seemed to get to OVER heating. The heater IS working better than it ever has and that is a good thing for Fairbanks winters. We are going to drive it to town now and feel confident that All is well and even looks and feels that way.
Even though We are still not fully in limitation 3D We theel that We are here enough to drive to town and back.
We did well on Our trip to town. We are really glad that We installed the fan switch because Our dragon is getting quite hot before the fan comes on. We do not know what is causing this but Our remedy does seem to be working well.
When We returned home We feel like doing a few little things and having pizza and some “Merlin” before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.