Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another multidimensional day

Another multidimensional day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:39:22 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More new worlds and more new friends. In One We are a monitor on a big bus and the kids are totally out of control. These kids are even more out of control than the Ones were on Our big bus when We first started driving. As We ponder this We find that this is Our weak spot. We really do not know how to balance this. We do NOT like to discipline children (or anyOne) but We do want to keep “them” safe. Plus: the only actual discipline that We can administer is to tell the school. In a world of love none of this would exist. IF We started with love and built with love from there then there would be no danger, no rules and laws because there would be love, connection with everything and limitlessness. We do not live in such a world and in truth can not even conceive of such a thing.
Our world is fraught with danger, predators and rebels. We can not imagine anything different. However: different does exist and We can live in a world of love if We choose to accept the possibility. We do not wish to learn how to live and act in a world without love. We wish to access worlds of love and bring the love into Our other worlds. If worlds without love continue to exist We do wish to know that and maybe even visit and observe but We do NOT want to live there. We want Our primary worlds to be worlds of love. We know it is possible and We even know that We are getting closer.
For now: a world where it is impossible to do harm, where We CAN do whatever We want because All that We want is good for Us and others is only words, or little more. However: We know that it is possible and that it is closer than We imagine. Not long ago the life We have was only words and thoughts and NOW it is real for Us. Thank You.
We know that the kids in that other worlds are some of Our children within. “They” have been abandoned and mistreated. We did that. We ARE sorry. Please forgive Us and please forgive OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. We are imagining a world where Our first reaction to anything and anyOne is: “I love You”. This is not a world that We can imagine with limitation 3D thinking. We must allow Our heart, Our children within to show Us what it is like. That is real imagining.
As Our head tries to plan We remind Us to stay in the now and allow Our world and circumstances to change, evolve and be different from how We remember these with Our limitation 3D memory. This is how We can evolve and begin to live as love in the physical. Clinging to Our limitation memories and demanding “them” and demanding that Our world and life stay the same is what keeps Us locked in limitation. How is that for a blinding flash of the obvious. We MUST set the old memories and beliefs free. We are really beginning to see what Dr. Hew Len means about it All being memory playing out One more time. It really is until We set the memories free with love. Even then it changes gently and gradually until We look back and it appears to have changed overnight. We set it free with love and it does NOT matter what it looks like after that IF We really set it free and do not recapture it. Our head certainly does try to recapture to remain in the familiar. We love You dear head. We set You free too and give You a break, a vacation. Our head is free to run and play. It does not know what to do with that so We ask Our children within to show it the way.
We are finding/experiencing/real-I-sing that part of being multidimensional is being aware of living in multiworlds simultaneously and allowing those worlds to blend as “they” coexist in time and space: in the now. This is new. For Us it explains some things that others foresee which We thelt were mis-perceptions for Us. Others foretold the end of some/other timelines and that just did not gel with Us. If “they” foresaw the timelines blending in the now but were seeing and thinking from limitation then some/others would have seemed/appeared to have ended. When viewed from: All time is now then We can see that “they” mix and mingle, blend and bleed into each other just like drops of water in a pool or ocean. This is how it is theeling for Us currently.
After spending a while playing in multidimensionality and multiworlds, We are getting ready to go to town and do laundry and visit Our local friends. We real-eyes that are still mostly not in limitation 3D focus and that is a good thing. We know that if We set Our thoughts and memories free than the worlds can mix and meld. When We experience that limitation 3D is NOT All there is then it will not seem to matter sooooo much nor seem as life threatening. We ARE getting there.
On Our trip to town We were still mostly in multidimensionality. We did Our laundry and then visited Our friends. “They” were very sleepy too. We see this happening more and more and it is a sign that We are All entering multidimensionality. Our waking brain still can not cope with multidimensionality and so We resort to sleep and dreams. That is a start, a beginning. The energy truly no longer supports limitation. 3D remains but limitation is merely One part of reality not All there is.
We did find a slight leak on Our dragon which explains the coolant loss. It is raining so We are going to deal with the leak another time.
Arriving home We are leaving most Our laundry to be put away another time. We are having some I-scream and off to dream. We are treating Our children within and then letting “them” run wild and free.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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