Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

And still more dreaming and multiD



And still more dreaming and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:41 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

More worlds, more friends, more play and more happy thoughts. We will probably return soon. Right away Our head tries to tell Us that that is not the real world. We theel about Our paradise world. We tell Our head that Our waking world is the world that is NOT real. These transitional worlds, these dream worlds: those ARE the real worlds and We are ready to live there, as love and in/from Our true nature. We are ready to stop pretending to be what We are not.

We are reminded to pony hop and forgive OurSelves and theel delighted with OurSelves. We ARE making progress and We ARE grateful.

Our head tries to plan and create expectations but We know that those are more limitations and limitation thinking. We ARE changing Out thinking, beliefs and mindset. We are reminded that Our waking world IS transitioning and it is Us and what We are doing that is causing this transition. We can choose to live in happy world by theeling happy thoughts.

As We make Our first trip outdoors We theel the choices to stay in limitation thinking or expand and transition with happy thoughts. We are also reminded to stay in the now.

We are having some flash memories (from last night) of being aware of being on ship. We do seem to be more and more aware of this. Even though Our head tries to tell Us We remain stuck in Our waking, limitation world We know that We are no longer stuck there. We are experiencing being in other, alternate and less limited realities more and more. We ARE delighted. Even when We notice that We have returned to limitation thinking then We are delighted that We noticed and We choose happy, better theeling thoughts. We may spend a few minutes or several minutes or even hours theeling these happy thoughts. Often Our happy thoughts are about friends (like minded is a key) in Our paradise world.

We played in multiD while kinda, starting to get ready to go to down and do laundry. We tried to return to dreaming but are not quite ready yet. Then We read some email and then practiced spending fifteen minutes watching Our screensaver (which has many pictures that depict Our desired world) and thinking happy thoughts. One of the things that is coming to mind is: taking inspired action. In the passed We have limited this action to what others would call: action. Our desire/dream/goal is to create with Our mind, use Our psychic abilities to create the life and world We desire (many of Our dream worlds). So: wouldn't it follow that Our inspired action would be creating with Our mind? (DUH) We have started with small things AND are reminded that everything that We have in Our world and life IS a creation of Our mind. Our children within, Our unconscious, Our subconscious play a huge part in this. Our conscious is learning how to play this creation/manifestation game. We ARE delighted with Our progress. We forgive OurSelves for judging and limiting OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally.

We just got the flash that perhaps for now: Our inspired action is reminding OurSelf that We CAN (and do) create with Our mind. Our head tries to sabotage Us and We treat it and care for it as the frightened child that it is. After All: We have created good reason for Our head to be afraid. We projected Our judgments of OurSelf onto Our others and Our world and it reflected back on Us in many horrible ways. We believed that separating with fear, hatred and anger was the only way to separate and We experienced (consciously and unconsciously) many horrible worlds and lives that devolved from that. And yet: We love All of those creations and miscreations for “they” ARE Our creations, Our offspring. We embrace All with love. We set All free with love. These are Our inspired actions.

We returned to dreaming and practiced theeling better theeling thoughts. This is kinda hard to grasp and explain as it was/is a combination of dreaming and waking. Kinda like Our previous waking dream states, yet different. We are experiencing Our transition and transformation both in waking and in dream.

We got up to experience more in waking and to get ready to go do laundry, hot tub and do some grocery shopping.

All done. We were 3D functional and multiD focused. We enjoyed hottubbing and got some more treats at the store. We brought home Chinese takeout and left most of Our laundry and groceries to put away tomorrow because We can. It is the little things that count. We want to go dream as soon as We can and so We will.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

More dreaming, multiD and happy thoughts



More dreaming, multiD and happy thoughts

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:17 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

Lots of new worlds and lots of new friends and some friends from Our waking world. The worlds are less limited and more free than Our waking world but not yet limitless. “They” are transitional and “they” are the most that Our waking head is ready to face, remember and embrace. We are making progress and it is a gradual process. We are being gentle with Our frightened child and children. We pay attention and We do not berate. We love Our head and All Our children within. This is very important and part of Our process.

We are combining many teachings and approaches. There are many teachers who each have a piece or pisces of the puzzle and We (personally) are putting many of these pisces together. We are NOT trying to “figure” it out (even though that IS what Our head wants to do): We are theeling it out. Feelings are the key to Our future.

Once again: what We are doing is totally against the mainstream and socially accepted. That does not make it easy. Basically: if it is socially acceptable then it must be questioned and set free with love. Setting things free with love works sooooo much better than abandoning or destroying “them”. This too is against the laws of the land. So much so that the masses would say that We are going against the laws of nature but in truth We are embracing the laws of nature. We are returning to Our true nature which is NOT the norm.

We are imaginating living in Our paradise world: free of need. We create and manifest everything that We want. We truly have no needs here and anywhere that We are. Needs are imaginary. This is a very hard concept to even imagine much less live by. It is totally unfamiliar. It does go hand in hand with being immortal. We have known this and been striving to live this for some time now. We are drawing closer. Our memory of separating with love and the worlds that evolved from that are drawing closer to Our transitioning, waking world.

All morning Our head has been trying to trip Us up and get Us back into limitation and separation mindset. We are clearly in multiD and it is much easier to resist limitation thinking from this perspective. It is also easier to treat Our head, brain and ego (and All of Our children/family within) with patience, care, tenderness and love from this perspective. We allow Our children to play. Play is good and it must be on “their” terms. We can return here (wherever “their” here might be) any time We want. A big part of Our process IS learning to be “here” AND “there”. It is truly like: what used to be sabotage (or appear that way) is now part of Our transition and expansion. Interesting insight.

We are getting it why We are resisting buying this current process material. Many of the words are traps in “themSelves”. There is a lot of good material in that process but it is still couched in separation mentality. Hard to explain in limitation and separation words. We do need to change Our thinking but at the expense of any parts and/or pisces of OurSelf. We need to go even deeper and further than this process. We recommend it as a great place to start but it is NOT Our goal. Our goal keeps moving further out as We progress. After All: We are exploring infinity.

We love Us, We forgive Us and We thank Us. We are theeling about Our family and team within. We are helping each other and imaginating limitless and free worlds and lives. Growing a partnership as well as structures is an important part of Our process. We really do love OurSelves: All Our parts and pisces.

As We ponder Our life, Our friends and “their” lives We are reminded of One of the foundational concepts of modern day ho’oponopono: whenever You/I/We see a problem: We are there. It is important. We pony hop the problems We see. Much of that is taking responsibility. There IS a reason. We love Us and We forgive Us and We thank Us.

There is a concept that the author (of Our current process “A Bug Free Mind” who will begin to call Andy) keeps bringing up: “When asked a challenging question about Our inner work: If We answer with words that is Our ego, if We answer with Our feelings then that is Us”. We theel this probably applies to All questions. It does fit and resonate with Us. He is much harsher on/with ego than We wish to be but that too is Our projection. We forgive Us.

We would like to expound on this concept but that would take words and more and more: words are hard. We can just feel/theel into it and into Us.

Once again (or is it still??? hopefully) We are drifting into multiD. We likes it.

We ask to continue manifesting an extra $100 on a regular basis. (We are not yet ready to really put any specific time frame on it as Our subconscious knows Us better than Our conscious does). We do not do this out of need or desperation. We just do it because We know that We can and We want to begin to believe it through/from experience. What We are really after is to live limitlessly and as love in Our true nature. We want to enjoy the journey too and help others change/expand “their” thinking.

We ARE changing Our thinking, beliefs and mindset. We theel that beginning to manifest in small ways is a big part of that. We ARE grateful for All that We have manifested/created so far. We are now imaginating Our reality. We see/theel the manifesting as Allready done and We theel it. Thank Us.

We returned to dream and this time We woke from a world/life where We and some friends are trying to survive and find Our way around a big city. We are somehow lost/trapped in skid row and even worse the part of the city where white people are NOT supposed to go. It seems like We have some abilities but We are NOT using “them” well. Most of the worlds that We visit in dream and pleasant and happy but knot All. This was One of the knots. We have no idea the reason for visiting that world but We have had similar situations in Our waking life. For Once We ARE happy to wake and return to Our waking 3D life. Don’t get Us wrong: We have a great 3D life and it is by Our design and desire. However: usually Our multidimensional world(s) and lives are much more better.

If the message is: “We/You should be grateful” well: We ARE. That is not reason to be stuck. Stuck is NOT the same as happy and safe even if Our head thinks it is. There is more. More, multiD and abundance ARE Our birthright and Our natural way of life. All We seek is to live as love and Our true nature. We do NOT seek to be special any more than everyOne IS special.

The part of Our process that We are reading now reminds Us to stay in the now. Here We are. We ARE delighted to be here, now and to have the prosperity and freedom that We have. We stocked up on treats before Our vacation started and We are treating OurSelves to treats every day. We just a little bottle of juice and it was excellent. We have been drinking a lot more juice the last few months and started keeping small bottles on hand along with large bottles and a pitcher of flavor of the day from concentrate and mixed with complimentary flavored, sparkling water.

We do try to treat Our children within the way “they” want to be treated. A lot of that is the food We give “them”. Good food or bad food are only beliefs. We are working on changing Our beliefs. One can not totally change “their” belief system by holding on to old beliefs (DUH). Everything, everything, everything that We have in Our life/world IS the/a projection of Our beliefs. The good stuff is good beliefs. We ARE improving. We ARE delighted with OurSelves and Our progress. Sure: Our head still tries to tell Us that We will fail but that voice grows weaker and weaker as We theel happier and happier thoughts.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Going back to dream and multiD



Going back to dream and multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:48 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

We remember different worlds and new friends but no details. We had fun and that is what matters. Our head tried to get Us to worry about possible disasters and tell Us that We are doomed, etc. Where does it get its information? Of course: it is a frightened child and We are venturing into a very bright place from a dark and scary forest. We treat Our head gently: with care and love and tenderness. Even though We (personally) have tried and many still do try to abandon and/or destroy Our head, brain and ego: that is no longer Our intention. We love All of Ours parts and pisces and We seek to work as a team. Certainly: in this limitation and separation world of dualism and polarity it seems easier to fight than to accept but that is NOT the natural order of things.

All scarcity and lack, All struggle and strife is imagined. We imagine real good. Butt: it is time for Us to return to Our true nature and that is exactly what We ARE doing. We feel happy about Our chariot. We theel that We want another day free to go back to dream whenever We want and that is what We intend. We intend to theel happy thoughts. We choose to be happy now and that is how We hope to begin every day from here on out. We do not expect perfection but We do expect progress.

We have experienced how Our old thinking tries to suck Us in and drag Us down and then berate Us for being sucked in and dragged down. Oh the cleverness of Us. Subtle, cunning, frightened children We are. We can theel from/in Our waking AND Our dreaming how We are changing and some of the potential. We want (and will) move forward and expand as a team, a family. This is All new and Our children within, Our head, brain and ego really have no reason (passed experience) to trust Us. We must be kind and gentle and We are trying to do just that. We seek forgiveness. We forgive OurSelves across All time, dimensions, space and reality. We love OurSelves unconditionally AND We thank Us.

It is Our head, brain and egos job to keep Us safe and “they” have done an excellent job. But: We NOT need to be stuck to be safe. We are not trying to lead OurSelves into disaster. We are trying to return to Our natural state. We still remember separating with fear and anger and All that devolved from there. We remember how We harmed OurSelves and then projected All that onto Our world and blamed Our others. We are building a new memory of separating with love and compassion and care and a deep connection that can never be fully severed. We became individuals yet remain connected at/in Our hearts. We ARE evolving from there AND Our current world, life and persona is transitioning back to that and the two (legion) are drawing towards each other. We are attracted to OurSelves like magnets, very strong magnets.

All the fears and doubts (that Our head tries to throw at Us) are imagined and make believe. Nothing wrong with that but it can no longer rule Us. We can return here any time that We want. We need to be reassured of that because We love Our creations and miscreations. We love All parts and pisces of Us and We hope “they” will All join Us on Our journey. No One left behind. We can live a life of prosperity and happiness. Both come from within. Prosperity depends on (comes from) being happy. Being happy does NOT depend on prosperity. We love Us.

We are doing some typing and maybe email and definitely playing in multiD AND being happy now and theeling happy thoughts, finding better theeling thoughts. We can Allways find and hold better theeling thoughts. We will probably return to dreaming soon, especially since it was a very short night so far.

We have done a good job of going back to dream so far. We are having fun in transitioning worlds and lives both in dream and awake.

We plan to do the little bit of show snovelling that needs to be done after We wakish more. Then have some pecan pie ala mode afterwards. We have some ribs that We want to bake but will have nachos for dinner. Aren’t You glad We shared that information. We are a bit loopy (not the bad old loop thinking) from being up so late last night. We are sure happy with the way Our life/thinking is evolving. We can take responsibility.

We are reminded to practice Our manifesting request. We have to remember that are asking Our subconscious so that We remember that We are creating and manifesting NOT something external/outside to/of Us. We would like to keep manifesting an extra $100 on a regular basis. We do NOT need the extra $100 but please just send it because We can and We do want to learn this and think this way.

What We really want is to live free of need and We (now) theel that this is a step in that direction. To live in/as Our true nature We MUST change Our thinking, beliefs and mindset and We theel this will help Us. We want to teleport, fly, multilocate, live in peace and harmony with Gaia and much, much more but We have to start where We are and with what We are able to believe in now. This is Our beginning and it IS totally possible. Just because Our old thinking says: “It is impossible” does NOT make that lie true.

Once again We spent Our day going back to dream and in multiD both in waking and dream. It is fun. We practice theeling happy thoughts. Many/most of these are about friends and alternate worlds and lives. We like to play there. We are transitioning Our thinking, Our mind and Our world. We practice Our manifesting thoughts for this is part of changing Our thinking, beliefs and mindset. Our head really resists this. That tells Us We are on the right track. We treat Our head gently like the frightened child that it is. This is another key.

As long as We follow and aim for love We will be fine. Everything will follow and flow. Without love the rest would be empty and meaningless. With love We could do without the rest. We want to change from the inside out and that is Our mission. That is what We do in dream. That is how We heal OurSelf AND Our world.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

A long day of insights and experiences



A long day of insights and experiences

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:15 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

More interesting worlds and lots of new friends. In another world We are on the bus. Not much else is clear about that world. In another We are cleaning up and refurbishing an abandoned resort. We are finding acceptance (from people) where We did not think We would fit in. Both worlds seem about as limited as Our waking world but We are living different scenarios.

We are practicing being happy now and thinking happy thoughts. Our head is trying to get Us caught up in planning but We choose to be present now (for the most part anyway). We do like to take it One now at a time but Our head thinks We need to plan to be safe. Where does it get its information? We are sorry that We have given Our head good reason to fear and worry and feel the need to stay stuck and safe. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us and We thank Us.

We are very dreamy this morning and will probably return to dreaming soon. Yep, that is what We did and We enjoyed it.

Still: Our head tries to plan and We choose to think happy thoughts instead. It is okay with Us that Our happy thoughts may be fantasies and “unrealistic” in the world’s view. That is exactly what We are after. We want to change Our thinking from the world’s thinking. We want to set worldly and “realistic” thinking free.

Whatever is going with Our mechanic and Our chariot is about Us changing Our thinking. Our old habit and pattern is to try to figure out and plan what We do not have enough (if any) information to even begin. It is looping at its best. So: We choose to theel happy thoughts instead even if “they” “appear” unrealistic. That thought (unrealistic) is Our head trying to keep Us safe and stuck in limitation. We ARE recognizing this and setting it free with love.

We pony hop, We ask: “Are We present now”, We forgive OurSelves, We love OurSelves unconditionally and We thank Us.

Our plow guy showed up as We are getting ready to go to town. That is a good thing as it will be easier getting out with the driveway plowed. We doubt that Our mechanic will call before We get home but We warmed up his car in case he wants to meet up after We get home. He does not need Our help but he might need money for the correct parts. We have no way of knowing until We talk to him. Of course We could call but We would rather let him call Us when he is ready rather than pushing him.

We made Our town run. We got to the pool about half an hour too early to hot tub but that is okay. We got the groceries We wanted/needed and We got some processing done on Our thinking. We still do a lot of old, limitation thinking and We want that to change. We ARE doing what We know to do to change it. It is working and We theel it is working well. We treat OurSelves kindly and patiently and THAT is very important.

Our mechanic still has not called and We take responsibility. Not in a physical way but in a deeper, more mental/psychic way. We ARE creating/manifesting way. It does NOT matter what his reasons are: what matters is Our thinking/mindset that is causing this pattern to loop. We are sorry for whatever it is within Us that causes these imagined problems (because there truly is not a problem at this time). We forgive OurSelves across All time, dimensions, space and reality. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.

We ARE aware that this car/truck experience is about being aware of and changing Our beliefs, thinking and mindset. We are IN the complete psychic change. Our thinking must change before Our circumstances will change. We can fix anything We break but until We fix Our broken thinking and beliefs We will just continue breaking things. This is completely contrary to Our old thinking and the world’s thinking and beliefs but it is true. There are a few others who are coming to this conclusion and belief. There are a few less who are nurturing “their” demons (within and without) and living from/as love. However: this is All Our projection. As We progress then We will find others who emulate the ideals that We live and seek. Until then We will find evidence (because We create it) to support Our old thinking and beliefs.

The other thing is that We want to help and support Our friend. We may not see any affect that Our thinking and presence have but We know it is there. We also know that he could have chosen to finish the job without Us there. (We had missed the significance of this) We really do not talk a lot while he is working but We do both seem to enjoy being there. He has a neighbor friend who drops by the shop frequently but “they” do not talk much either. Are “they” both drawn to Our energy? Our head denies any such possibility so it is probably happening.

Our mechanic called and We will meet up in about forty-five minutes.

We get the right parts and his friend borrows his car soon after We arrive. As he starts putting the pieces back together he finds more wrong parts. It turns out that most of the parts that We originally purchased are wrong. Fortunately his dad showed up because We do not have any running vehicle until his friend returns. We checked All the remaining parts to make sure this is Our last parts run. The parts that were sooooo hard to take out are Allmost as hard to put back in; probably for the same reason (rust and gunk buildup). After getting rid of the rust and gunk buildup everything goes back together smooth and correct.

Our mechanic finished the work and We are ever so grateful that We chose to have him do the work rather than do it OurSelves. There have been many times that Our intuition told Us NOT to try doing a job that We should be capable of doing and each time Our intuition has been correct. This IS One of those times. We paid him a little extra as well as putting gas in his car and buying dinner both work nights. On the drive home We decided that We want to give him a little more money. Our head (and his) tried to imagine/create many different failure and disaster scenarios but Our new thinking is asserting itSelf. Our chariot sales home totally smoothly. Even the shifting problem does not appear. We are having difficulty taking credit for this but We do KNOW that We ARE responsible. Thank Us. We will have to keep working on believing in OurSelf. That is really the point. We MUST change/expand Our thinking, beliefs and mindset. We ARE in process and We must be gentle with OurSelf. Our head/brain tries to trip Us up and We remind it that We love it. We forgive it. We pony hop and We pony hop some more. We are very grateful for how nice Our chariot drives and We really begin to feel it flying.

We get home around the time that We normally wake up. We call Our mechanic to let him know We got home safe and the truck did great. He probably is not aware that it IS a chariot of the gods. Hell: he probably does not even know that he and Us ARE gods.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Another dreamy, multiD day



Another dreamy, multiD day

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:16 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

Whenever We woke during the night We noticed that We did not remember what We had been doing in dream and that We tended not to be happy for some reason. We chose to be happy now and that turned it around. We chose to theel happy thoughts. At some point We did notice that We were onboard ship. We do not know the significance of this. We theel that We are often on the holodeck and unaware of it.

In the world/life that We woke from We are on a school bus and either the area where the school (or wherever We take and pickup kids) is or the area that We go through has some kind of contamination. The people We work with are kinda like zombies. It is kinda strange but We are bringing happy thoughts and attitude to the situation. It is about being “in” the world but NOT “of” the world. The world around Us may be contaminated, limited, separate, etc., but We can live as/in Our true nature. We can be “in” it but NOT living limited, separate and unnatural lives. That is what seems to be up for Us right now.

Apparently: when We woke during the night Our head was resisting changing and expanding. It was trying to get Us to revert to old thinking, beliefs and habits. When We first got up this morning We noticed that it has snowed and Our head tried to make Us think and feel that We are still a victim of Our world. We know better. We choose to be happy now. We ask Our head what benefit there is in the old style of thinking? We choose to theel happy thoughts and this brings a smile to Our face.

Now: We are happy to be here (wherever here is). We ARE practicing Our program AND that IS changing Our thinking and Our mindset. We are grateful for this.

We are still learning about using this word processing program (and We are liking it) and how to transfer these “Today”s from here to Our blog. It is simple but a little different from Our old program. It is a bit like relearning how to think but Our head resists this much less. Our head/brain IS adjusting to Our new thinking but very gradually. We treat it like Our beloved child (because it is) and that helps. We are gonna take Our head, Our brain and Our ego with Us into unconditionally loving multiD. We are All parts and pisces of OurSelf and We are learning to function as a team. We love Us. We forgive Us. We thank Us. AND: We really mean it. These are NOT empty words and phrases. This is how We are learning to live. We truly ARE grateful.

We made Our first trip outdoors and swept about four inches of new snow from Our paths. Our head succeeded in tripping Us into old thinking but it included thoughts of how We are NOT in any danger of even if Our mechanic’s car does not do well in this snow. Our thinking (even when We fall into the old) IS changing but it could still lead Us deeper into the old downward cycle. We ask: “Are We present now?” which brings Us more present AND We recognize that We had to be (at least) a little bit present to ask the question. We choose to be happy now.

There are more memories from last night coming up and out. “They” are about some characters, players, new friends from Our waking world showing up in Our other/alternate worlds. We likes that.

We called Our plow guy to get that out of the way. We are playing Our new Paul Simon CD that We got for Xmas. We really do love his music and Our friends know it. We rarely listen to music at home as We prefer to drift in multiD in the silence. We likes this CD. Adding love and happy thoughts to the memories it brings up. We really do theel that it is important to consciously add love to All that We experience.

The author of this new program (that We are doing) has great stuff to offer Us but that We can add (more) love to it. We get it that We heal Our others AND Our world by healing OurSelves. We are a healer of hearts and minds and it is Our heart and mind that We must heal first. This program is truly helping Us do that. We do NOT need to rewrite or write/create another program (though We do keep that as an open option) as Our work/healing is done from the inside more than from the outside.

We continue working on Our manifesting. We get it that We have been creating and manifesting a world/life that We love but doing it by accident. We have (for many years now) created enough money to live comfortably. We do NOT really “need” to manifest more/extra money but We DO “need” to believe that We can. It is a STEP to living free of need and living as/in Our true nature. We theel that this part of the journey/experience IS important. It is NOT the money that is important but the “experience” that matters. After All: it really is the “experience” that this life is All about.

If We want the life that We want then Our thinking, beliefs, mindset MUST change/expand. We truly do need a complete psychic change and We are in the midst of that. Believing/experiencing manifesting is part of that BUT it MUST (for Us personally at least) come from a new mindset. It must also: be a team effort. This is what IS happening for Us. We love Us AND We thank Us. If We are repeating OurSelves then that is a good thing.

Here is One of his techniques for manifesting:

Say this to yourself, “If I am supposed to read this material then out of nowhere please send me an EXTRA $70… I don’t need you to send me it, just please do. IF you think I should read this.”

When you've done this let it go, spend your time considering the ways that the money could’ve come to you. You found it in the Park. You got a refund. Something you had which got in your way you sold.

Feel grateful that it happened. Go and out live each of the ways it could happen, happening in your mind…

Consider it regularly UNTIL it has shown up.

Now We will reword it a bit: “We ask for another extra $100. (We believe that We created an extra $100 cash the other day, the first day We used his formula). We do not NEED the extra money but please give it to Us. We theel that We do NEED/want the experience in order to evolve. If We do actually need the money and/or the experience then please send it. (We believe that We are asking Our subconscious, Our family withing, the uni-verse and We theel these are All actually names for the same thing)

Now set it All free with love. Theel grateful that it has happened and feel how it feels. Go out and live/feel each of the ways We can imagine that it happened and acknowledge/allow that it can also happen in other/more ways. Allow the great whatever to bring it in however is bestest. Consider it regularly until it has shown up (but do NOT worry and try to plan as those are Our old way of thinking).”

We are finding that We like Open Office features for some of Our documents and WPS for others. We are also finding that test does NOT copy and paste well from One to the other.

We just checked Our unemployment claim status and it looks a bit messed up? We also checked Our direct deposit and was around $100 more than We expected. We really do not care how We manifest money but We do want to keep doing it so that Our head becomes familiar and comfortable with it. Practice makes comfortable. We called about unemployment and “they” said everything is fine with it. We are gonna pay some upcoming bills (early) just to have that out of the way. Our head still wants to plan and try to find something to worry about. We choose to theel happy thoughts.

We returned to dreaming. Again: We do not remember what We did but We know that We had fun. We do know that it was about transitioning. We are reminded that the word transition does imply a process rather than a sudden change. We ARE changing and transitioning.

So far it has been another day of going back to dream and We likes it. Our mechanic has not called yet so We have no clue if We will be going over to finish Our chariot or not and it really does not matter since We are on vacation. We are enjoying Our day and Our head is not getting too crazy about the chariot. We keep choosing to be happy now when Our head tries to act up. We watched an episode of “King Julian” with lunch. It is cute. We had never heard of it before.

We have really enjoyed Our day of going back to dreaming. In One world that We woke from it is summer (maybe summer year round there?) and Our mechanic either called to tell Us he had Our chariot finished or he showed up here with it done. We real-eyes that though it is doubtful: it IS a possibility. Our head is trying to get Us upset about him not calling etc. Why?? What is the benefit? There is none. We choose to be happy now. Friends behaving this way (especially mechanic friends) is a pattern in Our life. Plus: We know that it is NOT “them” it is Us. Why do We project this? Does it matter? It does matter that We recognize this and take responsibility. If it matters why, it We need to change something about Us: then We will know. We pony hop it and forgive OurSelves. That is enough for now. That is how We heal.

We continued going back to dream until it is time for dinner and some Netflix. After that We are returning to dream for the night. We do like to dream. It is Our portal to multiD.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Another day in multiD



Another day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:30 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

Cool. With this program the date and time automatically update. Unless the date and time change automatically on yesterday’s page too. Gotta check that. It does but it is easy to change. Gotta think on this a bit but We theel We can live with it. Everything works together for the best for Us.

We do not know what We did in dream because every time We woke Our head tried to squirrel cage about yesterday. We do not really understand. We theel quite neutral about it and the thoughts were pretty neutral but it seems like Our head was trying to use even that to drag Us back into limitation thinking. We knew that We had made progress but We did not real-eyes how much until We see/experience Our head trying to drag Us back. Poor head. We love You. We are sorry that We have given You good reason to fear change. Please forgive Us. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us.

We choose to be happy now. During the night and this morning We choose to think happy thoughts.

As usual when We go outdoors We get more insights and intuits. We ARE experiencing taking responsibility for everything (or at least much, much more than ever before) and it is pretty awesome. We have been on the path to here (with MUCH resisdance) for some time now. This new (and improved) thinking opens doors that We had no idea even existed. As We ponder how to share this with Our world: We are reminded that We do Our best work in Our dreams AND that We change and heal Our world by changing and healing OurSelf. This too flies in the face of old logic and beliefs. Our head just has to learn new logic and beliefs. We set the old free with love and We can return there any time We choose. Hopefully (if We do choose) We won’t fall in again.

We really do not know how to describe this change. It is kinda like We just stepped into a story, a fantasy adventure, a faerie tale, the “Twilight Zone”???????? Our head is scared and Our heart is delighted. We just need to become accustomed and familiar with this new way of living. It IS what We have been seeking AND this too will evolve. We have arrived at the beginning. It is about time and We ARE delighted with OurSelves.

This morning is the first time We tried copying and pasting from this program to Our blog. We were not at All happy with how it worked at first but We found an easy fix and now Our blog post looks more like We have been wanting it too for some time. We ARE (again) delighted.

We take responsibility for All of it. Our head is resisting but it real-I-says that resisdance is futile. It drags its feet like a resist-ant child but it is coming to the party regardless. We love All Our parts and pisces and We are happy to treat Our head like the wounded, frightened child that it is. We are delighted to be tender and caring. We love Us. We forgive Us.

Our progress IS amazing to Us. Thank Us.

BTW: merry Xmas. The only thing We have to do to get ready to go spend the afternoon with Our friends is wrap “their” gifts. We do want to cook up the hamburger that We thawed for nachos. Yesterday We took Taco Bell back to the shop on Our last parts run, so We did not make dinner at home and the hamburger should probably get cooked up. However: We want to wait a while as We do NOT want to put nacho/taco meat smell into the fridge with Our banana cream pie. The thought of taco-banana cream pie is NOT the least bit appealing.

Last night and this morning Our head tries to worry about the parts (for Our chariot) being wrong and lure Us back into old limitation thinking. The attempts are quite feeble but it did keep Us awake a lot last night. The thoughts start out looking pretty harmless but still We do recognize “them” and choose better theeling thoughts. A lot of progress going on. We are getting further into Our complete psychic change.

One of Our daily affirmation (whatever) emails suggests an appropriately timed nap. Now THAT is advice that We can happily follow. In fact......

That was nice and fun. We do not actually remember what We did but We know that We enjoyed it. We theel that Our head is resisting. There is a character/person/player who kinda went with Us (in Our mind) into dream and is still here as We wake. It is Our choice whether or not to believe this is real. We choose to believe it is real but Our head definitely resists this. We forgive Us. We love Us. We are clearly in multiD and not sure if We will stay up or go back to dreaming. Probably go back to dreaming.

Our head is still resisting delving more into manifesting and Our new thinking. We just keep choosing to be present now and be happy now. We choose to theel happy thoughts. Theeling about the new friend from Our latest dream helps/works.

We returned to dream again and had a good time again. When We woke it was 11:11. We really did not want to get up but We need to go to Our friends in a couple of hours and We want to wrap “their” presents and cook the nacho meat and theel happy thoughts. Theeling happy thoughts is the most importantist but Our head is resisting again/still.

Playing in multiD: Our head tries to trick Us back into limitation thinking. We real-eyes that All of Our normal thinking up until now is limitation thinking and it is designed to keep Us trapped in limitation, separation, scarcity, lack and victim mentality. AND: it works very, very well. We ARE changing. We ARE going through Our complete psychic change and this process may well take a while. That is okay. We ARE grateful for Our progress so far.

We got Our nacho meat cooked up. We tried something different: We added a can of whole kernel corn that We had accidentally bought (thinking it was cream style). The juice in the can was the same amount as the water We are supposed to add to the seasoning mix. It is simmering now and the taste We took is great. Oh: the cleverness of Me.

We have Our dragon plugged in to warm a bit (it is around 20 above but it did sit through around twenty four hours of 5 below) and are just playing in multiD and maybe doing some reading and theeling happy thoughts until it is time to go.

We had a very nice time with Our friends. We are comfortable drifting in multiD around “them” and “they” are getting comfortable doing it too. We laugh a lot about this experience. “They” are still thinking in the old societal way and that is hard for Us to resist. We set it free with love. Driving home We are very aware of wanting to drift our of limitation 3D but theel that We really do want to pay attention to Our driving. Who knows what the result would be if We drifted into multiD while driving home tonight and We decided We did not want to find out.

We did something when We got home (while We wait for the cabin to warm) but We clearly had drifted into multiD Once We parked Our dragon and We have no clear memory of what We did in 3D. Since We are in multiD it is not limitation 3D.

Our thinking IS changing. We can tell/feel the difference.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

3D experience and multiD insights



3D experience and multiD insights

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:44 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

More worlds and more new friends. One world was definitely NOT a happy world and We chose to exit it as soon as We became aware of this. We were not there very long and We do not remember what was going on. We shifted Our thinking to happy thoughts and chose to be happy now and “poof”. This is really how it works.

In the world/life that We woke from We are oriental and We consciously process vast amounts of information from multiple computers. Our conscious mind has become nearly as efficient as Our subconscious. This world is more free and less limited than Our waking world. Consciously processing All this information is still a bit of an anomaly. We are not the only person who can do it but One of a small minority. Our services remain in high demand. This is probably another transitional world.

We notice that recognizing OurSelf/body as being of/in other ethnic groups is new. We are now aware that there are many ways to transition and types of transitioning worlds. However: We still feel that the transition MUST begin in the heart and mind of the individual. As We ponder Our role: We know that We continue to do Our best work in Our dreams. There remain many people (and We are reminded that “they” are Our projections as is Our entire world) who resist words about taking responsibility and the change coming from within. We can reach “them” in dream and cut through the filters that exist in waking. It does All get a bit (or a lot) confusing for the waking brain/head. In dream We cut through All that.

The confusion probably comes from resis-dance.

The theme of Our night was clearly about Our thoughts creating Our reality. We chose happy thoughts and woke thinking happy thoughts. What progress. We are reminded that changing Our world is not so much about finding One thing and changing the thought that created it. It is more about changing Our mindset and Our general way of thinking. We real-eyes that there are many, many things in Our world that We have no (conscious) idea of what thought, thoughts or group(s) of thoughts created “them”. This creation process goes back a long, long way. In order to maintain change We need to change Our mindset and way of thinking and Our beliefs.

Another thing from last night is setting All the old thoughts and beliefs free with love. We spent a lot of time treating Our head and brain as a frightened child because it is. We ARE sorry for causing this fear. We are sorry for giving Our head/brain good reason to be afraid of change. We revisit Our original separation (the version in which We separated with love) and reveled and immersed OurSelves in that. It was swimming in love. Quite an experience. Then We begin to move forward along that timeline.

We are aware of how Our waking reality devolved into limitation, slavery, power over others, etc. That is NOT the evolution that We visited. That is the timeline that causes Our brain to fear. That is the timeline where We projected Our judgments onto Our world and “they” reflected back upon Us and did Us harm. We pondered how in the real world(s) it is impossible to do harm. Harm is a mental construct within Our hologram of limitation and separation. There really was a lot of processing going on last night.

Love IS the key. Even Our current program seems to miss that. At least so far it is not mentioned directly. The product would probably not be marketable (yet) if it was focusing on love. It also seems to support destroying or abandoning Our ego, old thoughts and thinking. That just does NOT work for Us. We have no idea how that affects the results for anyOne else. We set the old free with love. We treat All (thoughts, thinking, ego, brain, head) as a wounded, frightened child because “they” are. We love All parts and pisces unconditionally. Everything that anyOne tries to destroy and/or abandon is “their” creation and “they” are Our creation. Do not try to figure this out with logic. Or try if You choose. If You do You will get boggled down and overloaded and remain stuck in old thinking. The choice is Yours.

We just set this (post) up in Our new word processing program. We like it All except the way it breaks up the words and lines when We copy and paste it to Our blog. We will see how it looks Once We actually publish it.  It looked the same (messed up) but We found an easy fix. It seems pretty simple and easy to use. We have no clue what All We will use this program for in the future. Probably start with Our “Today”s and then expand over time. Now: We will learn how to send it to Our tablet. (NOTE: for now We will call Our Nook: “Our Nook” and Our new tablet: “Our tablet”).

We are learning to use the new word processing program and other features on Our tablet. Transferring documents between Our desktop and tablet is a little more complicated than We had hoped but at least We CAN do that and use the same program on All devices now.

We made a banana cream pie to take to Our local friends for Xmas tomorrow. After that We thelt really dreamy so We returned to dream. We had fun but forgot what We did in other worlds. We do know that We ARE focusing on those worlds being real: especially Our paradise world. We focused on that quite a bit. We are also practicing theeling some of Our other desires as Allready being done. That is part of imaginating: theeling (feeling and thinking) of it (whatever We want to experience/have) as Allready done. Then We set it free with love.

Now We are doing some reading and email and warming up Our truck so it is ready when Our mechanic friend calls. We know that Our doubting his reliability is NOT helping so We are practicing changing that thought pattern. Set free the old free with love and theel it as Allready done. We choose to be happy now. We choose to theel happy thoughts.

Now: We are playing in multiD. We Allways enjoy that. We are do deep in that We are going back to full dream.

Our mechanic called and is ready to work on Our truck so We got up and are getting ready to go. The last tow days lessons have been about manifesting (specifically about manifesting $70). We got out Our money to pay for parts and labor and We find that We have stashed $100 more than We thought. Is this the manifestation? We choose to theel that it is. We are at the turning point: We can choose to believe or We can deny it. Whichever We choose is true. We choose to believe that We manifested an extra $100. That’s Our story and We’re sticking to it.

We meet Our mechanic at the parts store and two of the parts have to be sent over from another store but We have enough to get started. The taking apart goes smooth until the last two parts (One for each side) and the other parts arrive in time for Us to go get “them” before the parts store closes for Xmas eve. We find that he forgot to get two necessary seals and is low on brake cleaner so We make a parts and dinner run.

Those last two parts are really kicking his ass but eventually “they” do come apart. We are totally grateful that We did not try to do this OurSelf. Even in the summer We would have been stuck and at these temperatures without a shop or garage it would be totally horrible. After getting the last two parts out (turns out “they” are the culprits and cause of the reason for doing this job as he suspected from the get go) it is pretty late and the new parts are not the right Ones. We (personally) are not frustrated or upset. He probably is a little but a little booze and a little pot are keeping him mellow. We had thought that his previous behavior might be pot and/or alcohol induced and now We see it is very likely. Of course this too is Our projection. We choose to pony hop it. We are glad to stop the work as (even though he is good at this) We theel the booze and pot just might affect his work if We keep going. We are actually quite surprised at how little booze and pot have a pretty severe affect on him.

He decided to let Us take his car home and he is taking his plow truck home rather than drive Us home. We tell him it is no difference to Us either way so whatever works for him.

It is around 10 PM when We get home and We are ready for dreaming. We are very pleased that We are NOT frustrated or upset. We are pleased with Our progress. We recognize how nicely We have created a life that is much less stressed and much more free than ever before. Because this is All happening over Our two week break it is no problem to take longer than expected. We real-eyes that even though We did not consciously set this up to happen now We did create it. We take responsibility. We recognize that this is NOT just chance and coincidence. Our head (of course) tries to deny any credit and power and ability to create. We choose to know that We ARE creating All this, that it IS perfect and that everything works together for the best for Us.  We ARE changing and We are ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Another day dreaming and multiD

Another day dreaming and multiD
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:39:28 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Lots of fun worlds and new friends. In One We are black. How is that for shapeshifting? It seems Our head is getting more comfortable with happy worlds and happy thoughts but not completely. We ARE changing. There was a lot of transitioning last night. We can theel a lot of change.
We are reminded of how Our normal thinking keeps Us stuck in limitation. We choose to be happy now. We choose to find and hold better theeling thoughts.
We are playing in multiD. Our head keeps trying to lure Us back into limitation and remind Us of things that We “should” do. It is easy to fall back into that type of thinking but so far We are NOT buying it. As soon as We begin to revert to Our old thinking We recognize it and choose to be happy now. Our head keeps throwing rocks at Us with thoughts like: “That is nice for now but what about when You have to return to the real world?” We will cross that bridge IF We come to it. If We change Our thinking then the world that We project will change too.
We continue to be shown/reminded of how Our thoughts and beliefs control Our world/life/reality. All of these examples can be explained and laughed away like We (masses and personally) have All Our lives. Or: We can accept and embrace Our power and abilities. We ARE choosing to recognize, admit and own Our power. We ARE the creator of Our reality. Before We can change it We must embrace it. We created it AND We love it even when We hate it. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us and We thank Us. We embrace OurSelves. We ARE changing Our thinking. Our head tries to sabotage Us and sometimes it succeeds but that is becoming less often. The attempts are sometimes stronger and often more feeble. We love Our head too. We are NOT trying to destroy or abandon Our head. We are teaching Our head new ways of thinking.
There is a common intermittent bug in Our Open Office program: sometimes it will allow Us to paste text. Today this is frustrating Us. We choose to be happy now. Sometimes that is harder than others. Probably hardest just before another break through.
And now this program has changed Allmost All the dates in Our current process document to today's date. What is going on? What is the benefit? What is up with Our thinking that We are projecting this? After closing All Our documents several times and giving up (for now) We noticed that the paste function came back to life and so We did the copy and paste of Our list of what We really want so it is convenient to edit if We want to.
Now We are going to try to stream “The Librarians” again and maybe file Our unemployment. So far the streaming is even worse. Let's see how filing unemployment goes.
Filing was successful as far as We can tell. Now We are reading more of Our process and downloading One of the free movies We got with Our new tablet.
We returned to dreaming and were playing nicely in multiD when a sound went off in Our head like an alarm clock or telephone ringing. This woke Us up quite well so We got up. We are feeling happy from whatever We did and/or whatever happened. We will probably go to town fairly soon.
Our movie is downloading well and We want to try downloading the first episode of “The Librarians” while We are in town. We also theel that We may make a nana cream pie for xmas. We find a bunch of recipes online and are surprised that most of the pudding recipes call for mixing the pudding with whipped cream. Sounds good.
We went to town and had a nice hot tub. The store was way busier than We expected since We got there around 3 PM. However: We kept a happy mind and thought happy thoughts or at least NOT angry and frustrated thoughts. The good new is that We really did not even have to try. We did theel the old thinking coming up and We chose to think different (happy).
After We got home and put Our groceries away We decided to call Our mechanic friend. He answered and said he was just about to call Us????? He is supposed to call in the morning and do the work tomorrow????? Who knows???? What We do know is that everything works together for the best for Us. Here is a comment from an astrologer: On a mundane level, the weekend before Christmas will very likely be disruptive, marked by delays, missteps and unexpected and unsettling events. Generally, people will find it all uncomfortable, inconvenient and disorienting. That would be for the Saturday he did not show up. As far as We know he is a nice kid but a muggle.
With that We will have dinner and watch something on NetFlix and then off to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Returning to dream over and over

Returning to dream over and over
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:04:16 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
As usual We visited several worlds/lives and met and played with several new friends and some friends from Our waking world. We do remember more details than usual.
What really caught Our attention was some information about autists: Our subconscious processes millions of bits of information every minute (maybe every second) but Our conscious mind only processes sixty to seventy bits in the same amount of time. An autists conscious mind processes similar amounts to Our subconscious. Think about that for a while. No Oneder “they” do not seem present. “They” do not have time to slow down to Our speed. “They” are doing quantum physics calculations at the speed of a computer and We think that “they” are less intelligent than Us.
We got it that the thing many of “them” do with “their” fingers is like using an abacus at the speed of light. This is some pretty incredible insight for Us. These are happy thoughts. We can imagine worlds where these geniuses are recognized and appreciated for what and who “they” are. If “their” genius is recognized it would NOT seem like such a burden to care for “them”. In a free and equal world We would be happy to give “them” All the attention that “they” need and deserve. “They” have answers to questions that We can not even comprehend.
Let's go to play world. Life is fun in play world and that is the way life is meant to be. We choose fun.
We are playing in multidimensionality and downloading some movies from Our VUDU account which came with Our new tablet. We want to find how much memory this takes AND if the playback is better than streaming and if We can save “them” on a jump drive. The download is pretty slow as anticipated. Hehehehe: We are projecting this.
As We drift and play in multidimensionality: We theel the changes happening in Our thinking and projecting. We find some fear and trepidation about really allowing these changes and moving forward into the unknown. Even though We are certain that this IS Our natural state and not new but only forgotten: still We are a bit afraid. Through experience: We have learned that Our fears are truly False Evidence Appearing Real and still We balk. Why? Because whatever this is and whatever it will be it totally goes against society (even though society too is Our projection) and what We have Allways taught and been taught. Our heart is strong but Our brain resists. We love You. We are learning a new way for Our brain to think and process NOT destroying or abandoning Our brain. We are being kind and compassionate with Our brain. We treat it like a child living in fear because it is. We take Our time.
It looks like this may be another day of going back to dream and that is fine with Us. We just got up from some nice, fun dreaming: visiting and playing with new and old friends. Finding and exploring and playing in happy thoughts. Had not thought of it that way before. One thing that We continue to do (and focus Our attention on) is adding love. We add love to everything We think about and experience. We are learning to experience every good/fun/happy thing that We think about. This is imaginating it into Our waking reality. We ARE changing Our thinking and beliefs and mindset. We ARE having Our complete psychic change.
Our reading today suggests looking for and pondering what it is We really want. The thing is that most people (All teachers that We have found/projected so far) still believe strongly in limits. The most exotic and far fetched goals and desires that We read about remain limited and in limitation 3D. We have not found anyOne who seeks and believes that We can obtain freedom, limitlessness and real multidimensional living. Well: in the realm of those who are not blaming others and getting into creating Our own reality.
We are basically finding two camps: those who seek and believe in multidimensionality still seem to blame others and seek a savior and those who take responsibility believe the best that is attainable is being rich. Why do We project this? Of course these are Our current beliefs that We seek to set free with love. We will find others who seek what We seek when We are ready. When the teacher is ready, the student will appear.
We do a lot of pony hopping. Much of Our happy thinking is pony hopping, forgiving OurSelves and telling OurSelf and All of Our parts and pisces that We love Us. We think and ponder having fun. We remember fun times from Our waking and Our other worlds and lives. We think a lot about Our paradise world. Our screensaver has lots of pictures that depict (as best We can at this time) Our paradise world.
Love IS THE key.
So: what is it that We really want to do with Our life?
  1. To live limitless
  2. To teleport on desire
  3. To multilocate on desire
  4. To be aware of doing these things which We theel We Allready do but forget and deny
  5. To live free of need
  6. To experience freedom
  7. To experience abundant living
  8. To experience Our paradise world more
  9. To live life as life is truly meant to be lived (happy, joyous and free)
  10. To live in Our true nature, Our natural abilities and powers
  11. To really get it, believe it and live it that Our thoughts, beliefs and mindset (unconscious more than conscious) really do create Our reality
  12. To fly by Our own power
  13. To set limiting thoughts and beliefs free with love
  14. To stop throwing rocks at OurSelf
  15. To stop believing the limitation lies that We tell OurSelves everyday
  16. To set Our judgments free with love
All things work together for the best for Us. We love Us and We set Us free with love. We forgive OurSelves. We thank Us.
Once again We returned to dream and whatever We did it involved kids and school buses AND it was a lot of fun. We are thinking happy thoughts.
We tried watching “The Librarians” with dinner but it was not streaming/buffering at All well. We will try again another time. Now it is time to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Dreaming a lot

Dreaming a lot
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:44:08 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We remember visiting several worlds and lives last night. Some of what We remember was fun and happy so We are making progress. In One Our father was helping Us pick out snow tires for Our Mercedes Benz. We have never had a Mercedes and Our father is no longer in the physical so We are not clear what the significance of this was but We were having fun being with him again.
There is a world/life (that We returned to several times) where We are visiting doing volunteer work at some kind of home or camp or resort. Sounds kinda familiar doesn't it? Here the kids are helping Us and doing everything that “they” can think of to make Our visit pleasant. “They” are doing a very good job. We do not what kind of volunteer work We are doing there. This world is much less limited and much more free. It is a world of ease and plenty. Now: We remember being very aware of being at ease and that being the topic throughout most of the night.
The progress is that We are remembering more that is different from limitation 3D so Our brain IS adjusting. We ARE choosing to theel happy thoughts.
We are playing in multiworlds and multiD and doing some more rearranging to make Our communication center more comfortable. We still have not heard from Our mechanic friend and We are still okay with that and theeling happy thoughts. We ARE delighted with OurSelves.
We were not sure how well We were going to like this new arrangement but now that We have finished this part We are happy with it so far. More to come (or not).
We are clearly getting lost in multiworlds and multiD. We likes it but it does take getting used to. Our old fears and thinking tend to kick in when We first become 3D aware that We are no longer focused in limitation 3D. We ARE in 3D and no mistake but NOT limitation. It is very easy to come back to limitation: it is a nice place to visit but We do NOT want to live here. We set it free with love. We forgive OurSelves for Our judgments and fears. We love Us unconditionally.
We went back to dream and had fun. We know that We visited happy worlds even though We do not really remember much. We woke happy and theeling happy thoughts. We really are changing Our thinking, beliefs and mindset. Today's lesson is about the importance of Our mindset.
We keep going so deep into multidimensionality that We keep falling into dream. We did get the rest of Our rearranging done with Our communication center and so far We are happy with it.
We spent Our day going back to dream and doing simple things. We did a little reading but We really did not have the 3D focus to read much. It is fun in multidimensionality.
There are some old memories and disappointments that have come up and this too is part of today's lesson from the program. Fitting. We set “them” free with love and We choose to be happy now. This brings happy thoughts and frees Us from old chains and bonds. We recognize that the world/society (Our projection) thinks that sadness and struggle are just part of life. We see that it does NOT have to be this way. We really do have the choice to be happy and by NOT choosing to be happy We bring on/in Our own misery. We ARE that powerful IF We choose it. We ARE the Ones who bring balance to the force IF We choose it.
We choose to be happy now.
This takes Us to dinner and a bit of “The 100”. We are having difficulty finding anything on NetFlix that resonates to Our thinking. We find lots of programs and movies that We can add love to. We remind OurSelf that All of these programs and movies are what it is like and will be like without adding love. Change without love is NOT really change at All.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy thoughts and experiences

Happy thoughts and experiences
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:04:56 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We dreamed in well. In the last world We are catering again with Our old owner from Our waking, limitation 3D. This was also a limitation world/life. It was not particularly pleasant. The worlds and lives We visited earlier in the night were happy and less limited but that is about All that We remember. It seems that Our head is not yet ready to remember the happy worlds. Our head still thinks that limitation is familiar and safe.
We continue to find and hold better theeling thoughts. Our head can learn to think naturally. Our dreaming mind can find pleasant thoughts, lives and worlds. WE choose to be happy now. We are sorry for All the harm that We have done OurSelves. We forgive OurSelf. We love OurSelf. We thank OurSelf. We ARE delighted with OurSelf. These are not just words: “they” are real theelings.
We are allowing OurSelf to drift in happy thoughts and imaginatings. This is how life is meant to be. It is Our choice. It IS Our destiny. The dreamer will awaken.
We are reminded that We do NOT need to rush and pressure OurSelves today. Actually: We never need to rush and pressure OurSelves. Somehow We got into that habit and even though We are aware of it (and have been reducing Our rush and pressure) it remains a familiar option. We are making better choices as We choose to theel happy thoughts. Finding the happy thoughts, the better theeling thoughts is important AND holding “them” and really feeling “them” is even more betterer.
As We theel about Our paradise world (and other similar worlds) We do remember scenes from Our happy worlds last night. Our head resists and We can theel a bit of how much We have sent the message to the uni-verse and Our subconscious (maybe the same thing) that We want to be unhappy and to be restricted and restrained and constrained. Basically: the message has been that We want limitation and separation. We love limitation and separation: after All We created “them”. It is time to set “them” free with love. It is time to set everything free with love. No more hostages.
We are practicing theeling happy thoughts and NOT letting OurSelf get caught back up in scarcity and lack mindset. We love Us. This complete psychic change is quite amazing. We are surprised at how deeply We have fallen into negative thinking and beliefs. We never considered OurSelf a pessimist but who would? We were thinking normally which is NOT natural. We are delighted with Our progress. We can theel how this will change Our life as long as We do NOT fall back into normalcy.
As We find OurSelf drifting in multiworlds and multiD Our first reaction/feeling is fear. That is old thinking. We recognize it right away and look for, find and hold better theeling thoughts. Then We work/play Our way to happy thoughts and allow OurSelf to drift even more in multiworlds and multiD. We ARE delighted with OurSelves. This goes sooooo against Our old training and programing. It is truly delightful. We do not (in this now moment anyway) blame anyOne. The old (All the old) was/is something that We wanted to explore. If We had to go insane: so be it. Now: We are taking back Our power and returning to sanity. It may be a long and arduous journey and it may be short and sweet. Both possibilities have uni-verses to support and experience “them”.
We choose to be happy now. These thoughts bring smiles to Our face. It is pretty hard to tell OurSelf that We choose to be happy now and not smile. Our old thinking ridiculed such thoughts. Now: We embrace “them”.
Insights and intuits about Our old thinking (and now learning how to think) keep coming up. “They” tend to fly through Our awareness refusing to be held captive. This is a good thing even though (especially since) it DOES go against All Our old training and programing. We are reminded that the only way We would ever believe such outlandish lies is if We ARE the One who told those lies to Us.
We are also reminded to remember to relax. Take IT easy. We are practicing this as well as finding better theeling thoughts. We choose to be happy now. We smile.
Our head keeps wanting to return to rush and pressure. We choose to send a message of: “RELAX” to Our subconscious and the uni-verse. We breathe. We pony hop. We forgive OurSelves. Important tools.
We want to fill Our heating oil tank AND read some of Our program before We go to meet Our friend and heal Our chariot. We have plenty of time but try telling Our head that. We succeeded in doing what We wanted to do AND being calm and relaxed.
On the drive in to town We are getting more insights and intuits. The big One (which is no real surprise to Us) is that until We learn natural thinking and beliefs (instead of struggle and strife thinking and beliefs) We can fix All the car troubles but We will continue to manifest car trouble. Again: this is NOT about specific thoughts (as We used to believe it is) but about Our general and overAll mindset and thinking patterns. We can change the whole thing by thinking AND believing in happy thoughts and happy world.
We waited for half an hour but Our mechanic friend did not show up. We are a little disappointed, not really surprised and NOT upset. Some new behavior there and We choose to think happy thoughts. We know that everything works for Our best interest and this is part of that. We are clueless how this will proceed and We KNOW that We do NOT need to worry and try to plan and figure it out. We do try to call him twice before We leave town but he does not answer and We leave two messages. We decided to go to the pool but did not feel like calling Our local friends.
When We got home there was a message from Our local friends but not from Our mechanic friend. We do hope everything is Allright with him. It turns out that Our local friends did not feel like any company today so that worked out great.
Once again We went into multiworlds and multiD and are not really sure what We did the rest of the day. We had fun: We do remember that and We theel that We played a lot in multiD.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

MultiD and learning how to think

MultiD and learning how to think
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:26:33 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We remember that there were lots of worlds and lives where We are working with youngstars and meeting new friends. Some of the youngstars are also in Our waking life. The memories are All vague and fleeting. It does theel like We are getting familiar with some new things. We really do not want to return to 3D yet. This is Our last day before Our xmas break. We really are looking forward to getting to dream in every day for two weeks.
A suggestion from Our current program is to make a list of happy thoughts, pleasant experiences (a gratitude list) to ponder for fifteen minutes every day. Since it is hard to ponder and rehearse any single pleasant experience/memory for fifteen minutes (even though We can wrangle anything unpleasant for hours) it is good to have several happy thoughts to ponder, rehearse and even relive. In Our current old mindset it is much easier to stay stuck in the negative than to play in the positive and that is exactly what We are changing.
It is hard to imagine how this will change Our world from Our old limitation/separation mindset. In fact: from that mindset it is impossible to grasp how this can change anything, how this is beneficial and not just a waste of time. Therein lies the trap. The real life changers look small, petty and powerless from Our limitation perspective. We choose to be happy now. We are delighted with OurSelf. These small and simple steps WILL bring Our true evolution. We are in transition AND We are having Our complete psychic change.
We are reminded that pony hopping and forgiving OurSelves are a part of this. Our children within play a huge part. Children are good at theeling happy thoughts and being playful if We allow it. We love Us.
We started Our “Happy thoughts” list.
For some reason: the importance of “feeling” is coming through stronger today (in the course) even though he has been talking about the importance of feelings All through the course. We ARE primarily a feeling bean. Did Our brain try to overlook and play down the importance of feeling? Maybe so.
Once again Our day is spent mostly in multiD and multiworlds. We are practicing theeling happy thoughts and changing Our mindset. We do not remember much. Our head is still NOT comfortable thinking and remembering and theeling happy thoughts. As We practice this more: more pleasant childhood memories come up. Some/many We had banished as taboo or felt guilt when We did remember many things that have done. What a mindtrap. We are very good at sabotaging OurSelf. Now: We are learning how to think and none of this really taboo. It is totally natural and We lied to OurSelf saying it is naughty to act naturally. We were very herdified. With All the progress We have made We were still stuck in herd mentality. Limitation and separation, scarcity and lack were the root of Our mindset and thinking and beliefs. We love Our creations and set “them” free. No One and no thing is being destroyed and/or abandoned. All is being set free with love.
The kids are All excited to begin Our vacation. Some who rarely speak are wishing Us happy holydays. We will miss “them” but know that We will continue connecting in dream and multiD.
Again We are enjoying working a shorter day even though it fills Our break time with more to dos. We real-eyes that that is really a mindtrap. We do NOT have nearly as much to do, as much rushing as Our head told/tells Us that We do. We choose to relax and take it easy. We still finished Our tasks and got back to base early. We ARE creating this and We actually control it unless We give Our control and power away to old thinking and beliefs. Moment to moment We make the choices.
We did some stuff when We got home but We do not know what as We are not really paying attention. We are practicing relaxing, taking it easy, theeling happy thoughts and being in multiworlds and multiD. It is good.

Good night AND thank You for playing.