Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Another day theeling happy thoughts

Another day theeling happy thoughts
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:40:01 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More worlds and more new friends. Again the world that We remember We are working in/at some school or group home. There is much more freedom and everyOne is living more naturally. We are delighted. No One is living in and doing the unnatural things (like war and poverty) which are considered: “the way things are” in Our waking world.
As We ponder this (the way things are in Our waking world) it is obviously such insanity and yet everyOne buys into it. We Oneder if anyOne besides OurSelf is projecting and living in it? Are All the actors in Our holographic drama experiencing this or just playing “their” part? Is everyOne gone crazy or are We the only Ones? Does not really matter but it sure seems weird that everyOne thinks this insanity is okay and normal.
It theels like someOne is turning on the lights in a very dark and dirty room that has been sealed shut for way too many eons. We ARE grateful. It is amazing how long Our personal process has taken. It has been very slow and gradual yet it seems Allmost instant too. We are learning sooooo much and setting OurSelves free. We know that Our children within are helping and delighted. We hope that soon We will be doing similar for Our students. We have images/visions of Our students being as happy and delighted as Our children within. We are also having feelings and visions of how We have limited OurSelves thinking this world/life is All there is. Sure: We may have said that before but this is much, much deeper.
Progress. We ARE making progress. We did not want to wake and get up this morning but We are in a space where We can theel OurSelves setting Our old world, life, thoughts and beliefs free with love. We CAN experience something completely new. All We have to do is allow it. Stop fighting. Stop demanding Our limits. Insanity is NOT “the way things are”. That is only Our belief projected onto/into Our holodeck. We ARE changing. We may not be able to live the way that We want in this waking world but We CAN change worlds. We also theel certain that this world will change and evolve. We do not predict the future: We create it. It is time to stop creating the future from/with the passed.
Thank You. We love You. We forgive OurSelves. We are thinking and feeling and holding better theeling thoughts.
There are now visions of Our world transitioning into what We used to think was impossible to experience. We imagine, feel and see a waking, physical world like the worlds We visit in Our dreams. It is thrilling, exciting and We ARE delighted.
The visions of what Our world/life is transitioning into (if We allow it by simply NOT clinging to and demanding Our limits) are amazing. We have to slip into Our new mindset (multiD) to even catch the slightest glimpse of what it will be (is) like. Limitation is familiar and therefore seems safe and comfortable. Our mindtraps are clever, subtle and effective. We have created proof positive that these visions are insanity when (in truth) Our projected world is the One gone insane. Our old thinking that war, poverty, disease, scarcity, pain and lack are “just the way things are” is what is really insane. Our head tells Us that Our dreams and desires are impossible and insane when “they” are actually the first sane thoughts that We have ever had. Whenever We had these thoughts in the passed: We dismissed “them” as insane.
Truly: the inmates ARE running the asylum.
Something odd is happening with Our internet connection(s). The only thing that We can seem to open/access (either with Chrome or IE) is Our Gmail. We seem to similar occurrences last December but not until Xmas break. We are having several opportunities to recognize and admit and accept that what We see and experience IS Our projection OR We can reject this, deny it and demand Our limits: remain in limitation 3D. The choice is truly Ours.
Everything that happens is for the best for Us. We know this. We choose to evolve and change Our thinking. When it comes We choose again. We choose to be happy now. It is amazing how that One short sentence completely changes Our mood and outlook AND projections. We get it that We ARE creating All this for Our experience and to aid Us in waking, in choosing Our power and abilities over limitation and victim mentality. It IS All about choice and experience.
The thoughts about love being the opposite of fear come up. We can understand this philosophy but in Our thinking (which is generally fucked up at best) love includes fear and hate. Limitation 3D mentality, mindset and brain can NOT fathom this. However: We do get it that happy and fear are opposites AND love includes both (and everything else). Again: this is All choice.
We did buy a couple of small, plastic drawers to use to organize the clutter on Our computer table. We theel that this is a good idea and We may set up Our communication center a bit better/cleaner/organized over xmas break. Unless We don't.
The day is Once again being spent in multiD. This really is a good place to spend Our day. We are practicing finding and holding better theeling thoughts. This is a good thing. We are learning to control Our thinking and feeling Our life. This brings Us more into the now/present. This is where the magik happens and We do theel it happening for Us. We are experiencing change within Us AND in Our outer world. Some of the changes ARE bouncing back and forth between Our old limitation and separation projections and new, less limited and much more pleasant projections. That is a bit confusing but We appreciate the progress. Our head tries to grab onto the old projections and thoughts and wrangle with “them” like a dog with a bone. We ask Our head: “What is the benefit in that?” This produces rather rapid results for Us and We find happy thoughts and those stick around longer than ever before in waking.
Of course the kids (within and without) support and assist Us. We are imaginating that (in the morning) We pick “them” up and take “them” to places where “they” are free to play and run wild and free. Then: (in the afternoon) We take “them” to happy homes. Our driver is adjusting but it is not easy for her. This too IS Our projection.
At home We find that Our computer/internet connection is over its acting up. We thank it. We really are grateful. Remember: everything that We have Allways thought to be inanimate is actually a living, sentient bean. We stay awake a little later than usual to have warm pecan pie with Iscream before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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