Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Raising Our thinking and vibration

Raising Our thinking and vibration
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:49:41 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke from another world/life where We are working with kids and (of course) have many new friends. We even have a child of Our own but “they” seem more like a foster child or adopted child. We were going to start taking “them” to a day care for respite for Us. We had a kind of resume which turned out to be a photo album which delighted the kids at this day care but there were no pictures of Our child.
We are remembering to think pleasant thoughts and hold “them” for at least fifteen seconds to recondition Our head/thinking. It reminds Us of Abraham-Hicks: “find a better feeling thought” but the instructions are a bit clearer for Us somehow. This reminds Us to pony hop and forgive OurSelves. We use Our mantra a lot when We are holding a pleasant thought. It is kinda amazing how much We (personally and collectively) have trained OurSelves to think negatively or think about negative situations.
As We wake We remember more about yesterday but the words are still hard. Looking for pleasant thoughts We theel about Our students. We are waking AND allowing OurSelf to drift in multidimensionality. It is fun in multidimensionality. These are pleasant thoughts.
We just received the email that Our new tablet with keyboard has shipped and “they” are sending it by postal service to Our P.O. Box. We were not certain that “they” would do that. Yippee!!!!!!! It should be easier for Us to type entries for here while in town since it has a similar word processor to this One which Our Nook does not.
As We kinda reorient into 3D (thinking about Our show snovelling etc.) We are reminded to set Our planning free and find a better feeling thought. Finding pictures online and letting “them” help Us into multidimensionality helps Us do that. We set OurSelves free with love. We are also reminded that it IS about quality NOT quantity. Quantity is part of old, limitation thinking.
We just flashed on: returning to school. Surprisingly it was NOT a totally unpleasant experience. We real-eyesed that this is because it is a school that is not based in, built on and teaching limitation. COOL!!!!!!
Another day spent mostly in multidimensionality while functioning in 3D and not remembering much from either. We do remember that We enjoyed the kids both in multidimensionality and in 3D. 3D is less limited (if not yet limitless) when We are accepting and experiencing multiD.
We used to be afraid of reaching this level. Now: We welcome it.
We do know that We practiced finding and holding better feeling thoughts. This is easier than it was. How long We hold these thoughts is not really important. Recognizing that We are not thinking positively or multidimensionally or with and from love IS important. Starting by holding the better feeling thoughts a few seconds is where We start if that is where We are. Then (with practice) the holding will grow and expand. That is what matters: start where We are, wherever that is. Several times during the day We ask: “Are We present now?” Just this asking brings a smile and lifts Our feelings a bit (or a lot).
We ARE changing. We ARE grateful.
Whatever We did when We got home is but a fleeting memory even only moments after We did it. Multidimensionality is becoming more and more familiar but Our head still has a hard time putting that to words. We still think with words but in a deeper sense and thinking (feeling?) We use images. We can theel that We are accessing more of Our natural abilities but Our head is trying to block those memories to keep Us safe. We set OurSelves free with love. This is still scary for Our head. We love Us. We have stopped harming OurSelves and stopped (or in process of) believing in harm. Harm is part of limitation and separation and it is a bit hard to conceive that harm is actually impossible because We have believed in it for sooooo long.
Often We have been remembering to raise Our thinking, which raises Our mindset and Our vibration. We ARE experiencing Our change of thinking and beliefs. We are having a complete psychic change. We ARE in the world but not of the world. Limitation 3D has a hold on Us but that hold is growing weaker and weaker.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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