Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy thoughts and experiences

Happy thoughts and experiences
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:04:56 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We dreamed in well. In the last world We are catering again with Our old owner from Our waking, limitation 3D. This was also a limitation world/life. It was not particularly pleasant. The worlds and lives We visited earlier in the night were happy and less limited but that is about All that We remember. It seems that Our head is not yet ready to remember the happy worlds. Our head still thinks that limitation is familiar and safe.
We continue to find and hold better theeling thoughts. Our head can learn to think naturally. Our dreaming mind can find pleasant thoughts, lives and worlds. WE choose to be happy now. We are sorry for All the harm that We have done OurSelves. We forgive OurSelf. We love OurSelf. We thank OurSelf. We ARE delighted with OurSelf. These are not just words: “they” are real theelings.
We are allowing OurSelf to drift in happy thoughts and imaginatings. This is how life is meant to be. It is Our choice. It IS Our destiny. The dreamer will awaken.
We are reminded that We do NOT need to rush and pressure OurSelves today. Actually: We never need to rush and pressure OurSelves. Somehow We got into that habit and even though We are aware of it (and have been reducing Our rush and pressure) it remains a familiar option. We are making better choices as We choose to theel happy thoughts. Finding the happy thoughts, the better theeling thoughts is important AND holding “them” and really feeling “them” is even more betterer.
As We theel about Our paradise world (and other similar worlds) We do remember scenes from Our happy worlds last night. Our head resists and We can theel a bit of how much We have sent the message to the uni-verse and Our subconscious (maybe the same thing) that We want to be unhappy and to be restricted and restrained and constrained. Basically: the message has been that We want limitation and separation. We love limitation and separation: after All We created “them”. It is time to set “them” free with love. It is time to set everything free with love. No more hostages.
We are practicing theeling happy thoughts and NOT letting OurSelf get caught back up in scarcity and lack mindset. We love Us. This complete psychic change is quite amazing. We are surprised at how deeply We have fallen into negative thinking and beliefs. We never considered OurSelf a pessimist but who would? We were thinking normally which is NOT natural. We are delighted with Our progress. We can theel how this will change Our life as long as We do NOT fall back into normalcy.
As We find OurSelf drifting in multiworlds and multiD Our first reaction/feeling is fear. That is old thinking. We recognize it right away and look for, find and hold better theeling thoughts. Then We work/play Our way to happy thoughts and allow OurSelf to drift even more in multiworlds and multiD. We ARE delighted with OurSelves. This goes sooooo against Our old training and programing. It is truly delightful. We do not (in this now moment anyway) blame anyOne. The old (All the old) was/is something that We wanted to explore. If We had to go insane: so be it. Now: We are taking back Our power and returning to sanity. It may be a long and arduous journey and it may be short and sweet. Both possibilities have uni-verses to support and experience “them”.
We choose to be happy now. These thoughts bring smiles to Our face. It is pretty hard to tell OurSelf that We choose to be happy now and not smile. Our old thinking ridiculed such thoughts. Now: We embrace “them”.
Insights and intuits about Our old thinking (and now learning how to think) keep coming up. “They” tend to fly through Our awareness refusing to be held captive. This is a good thing even though (especially since) it DOES go against All Our old training and programing. We are reminded that the only way We would ever believe such outlandish lies is if We ARE the One who told those lies to Us.
We are also reminded to remember to relax. Take IT easy. We are practicing this as well as finding better theeling thoughts. We choose to be happy now. We smile.
Our head keeps wanting to return to rush and pressure. We choose to send a message of: “RELAX” to Our subconscious and the uni-verse. We breathe. We pony hop. We forgive OurSelves. Important tools.
We want to fill Our heating oil tank AND read some of Our program before We go to meet Our friend and heal Our chariot. We have plenty of time but try telling Our head that. We succeeded in doing what We wanted to do AND being calm and relaxed.
On the drive in to town We are getting more insights and intuits. The big One (which is no real surprise to Us) is that until We learn natural thinking and beliefs (instead of struggle and strife thinking and beliefs) We can fix All the car troubles but We will continue to manifest car trouble. Again: this is NOT about specific thoughts (as We used to believe it is) but about Our general and overAll mindset and thinking patterns. We can change the whole thing by thinking AND believing in happy thoughts and happy world.
We waited for half an hour but Our mechanic friend did not show up. We are a little disappointed, not really surprised and NOT upset. Some new behavior there and We choose to think happy thoughts. We know that everything works for Our best interest and this is part of that. We are clueless how this will proceed and We KNOW that We do NOT need to worry and try to plan and figure it out. We do try to call him twice before We leave town but he does not answer and We leave two messages. We decided to go to the pool but did not feel like calling Our local friends.
When We got home there was a message from Our local friends but not from Our mechanic friend. We do hope everything is Allright with him. It turns out that Our local friends did not feel like any company today so that worked out great.
Once again We went into multiworlds and multiD and are not really sure what We did the rest of the day. We had fun: We do remember that and We theel that We played a lot in multiD.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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