Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Insights and dreaming

Insights and dreaming
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:25:00 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
More interesting worlds, lives and friends: In One We were very involved with the President (not Our current President) and the true power structure in the U.S. We were actually protecting the man who was/is going to be elected as President. Perhaps it could have been the man who had been elected and was waiting to be inaugurated but it felt much more like he had not been elected yet but We knew he would be. The whole thing seemed odd (even while We were experiencing it) because We are sooooo not interested in politics. We got the theeling that this is about where We are heading. We ARE changing.
Then We were helping local young people whom We have observed over the recent years. Many are working in retail probably because that career is so readily available here. In that life We are very rich and successful and can hire people at ridiculously high wages and We are doing just that. Our autism website has flourished and We can reach and help lots of types of people. We have a lot of smiles and We see a lot of smiles. This is definitely about where We are heading.
There are a couple of thoughts that are coming up (the first is): “Yeah, sure”. That is Our old thinking and beliefs. We are sorry, please forgive OurSelf, We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. We get that part right away and We know and feel that We really are changing Our world and Our life through Our current process. We actually believe and experience that We are changing Our world and life by the power of Our thoughts and beliefs. We ARE beginning to believe in OurSelf.
We are getting some intuits and theelings about Our life and current changes. It feels good. These are kinda vague and fleeting thoughts that are hard to put into words right now but “they” are clear feelings of good stuff and positive change and progress. We ARE heading where We want to be. We ARE becoming who We really are. There is much less pretending to be what We are not.
As We made Our first trip (of the morning) outside We are reminded to stay in the now. Most of the snow is melted and the sun is rising earlier and earlier. It is easy to fall back into planning Our summer projects. The thing is that “the now” is when and where the change within is happening and that is really what We want in Our waking life. This does not mean that projects and fix ups won't happen, it means that We will act from inspiration rather than re-looping memories and plans. We will do things and live in ways that We had never really believed possible. That IS the key: belief.
We accidentally registered for two webinars at the same time this evening. We really don't know which One We would prefer and hope that whichever One We do not listen to offers a replay. We theel that We may have listened to One All-ready but We did not record it so We are not sure. The other One does not look like We have the right link but that change in the twelve hours between now and that now.
When We got home One webinar was All-ready playing and We had a little trouble getting the other One (the One We thought We wanted to hear) to play. After a few minutes the power went out and stayed out until about a half an hour after both webinars were done. We thought it was something about the webinars but We found that We really, really, really wanted to go to dream as soon as possible. We had a cold meatloaf samich and went off to dream. We woke when the power came back on and got up for a little bit and then went right back to dream. We really wanted to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pondering and living

Pondering and living
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:53:18 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
What a busy night: the Silva exercise certainly had an impact. We were exploring several different worlds and very aware of waking memories from those other worlds. This is part of what We have known about for some time but never been aware of experiencing: memories (real or fantasy) are what keep Us thinking and believing that We are All-ways in the same world, that We wake in the same world We went to sleep in. We think that We live in (and often feel stuck in) the same world moment after moment and year after year. It is not true. It is only belief and memory. Facts are beliefs that We have created proof for.
In these dream experiences We clearly remembered having been awake (often) in these other worlds. We just forget and place congruent memories in the place of the memories/experiences of these alternate, concurrent and parallel realities.
The power went out for several hours so We did not get into deep sleep but We continued having these experiences from other lives and remembering being awake in these lives. There was One where some dogs and wolves could easily shift back and forth between being people and dogs or wolves. Like werewolves only completely docile and friendly. We believe this is the “real” version of werewolves and the Hollywood version is pretend (of course there is at least One uni-verse to support any belief). We remember having a dream experience of this world while Shadow was still with Us. We theel that this is where Shadow is now focused. If We were more aware of this world We would be more aware of Shadow's presence remaining in Our life. That is something to ponder.
We remember that there were many other worlds but the One We remember clearly is where We were reading stuff online. No real surprise that We are aware of doing this in waking since We do a lot of that. What is different is that We were also IN the pages We were reading doing whatever the pages were about. The pages were like a Google search result page or online dictionary or encyclopedia and there We were living out the different topics and articles as well as observing. We were very aware of doing this in waking as well as dream.
This is a new experience for Us, at least remembering it and being fully aware of it being very real experiences is new. We have mentioned the difference before between theory, philosophy, belief and knowing AND experience. It is a major difference and has a huge impact. We are changing Our limiting beliefs, thoughts and mindset. We are experiencing the complete psychic change We are seeking.
We are keeping the experience of living multilives (in a waking state) fresh in Our awareness. We are not holding the specific details (except those that remain easily accessible) so much as the overAll awareness that DO live multilives in waking but forget in order to remain in the hologame of limitation and separation.
This morning We have decided to begin typing up the Optimist Creed because We can not find a long version that We can copy and paste where it is easily accessible. Some good stuff in it and when linked with Our experience of living (in waking mode) in multiworlds and multilives We theel this will be a big boost for Us.
There was an incident on the bus Friday while We were having Our fun day off. Our driver is mad at the energetic gradeschooler and is punishing him and trying to make him be a silent statue. We pony hopped this and We are aware that this too is Our projection. It took most of the day (here and there, off and on) but We did finally come to a workable agreement about where the student will be sitting. The student is quite upset but he bounced out after time to work it out within. A very resilient little boy.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Deeper and deeper

Deeper and deeper
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:36:09 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We got up earlier than normal for a Sunday with the intention of going back to dream soon. Right away We began thinking about 3D stuff. We got it that We have a decision to make. We ARE in a slightly different world IF We acknowledge it. Or We can keep on keeping on in the same ol', same ol'. It IS up to Us. We can start to change by pony hopping Our old thoughts and beliefs and that is what We choose to do. We acknowledge Our unconscious (Our father and children within) and pony hop “them” asking for “their” cooperation and assistance.
This is All taking on new meaning for Us: deeper meaning. As We focus in this direction We can feel that We ARE on ship at Our communication center. It is like We are fading in and out of each existence, back and forth, in and out. This is progress. Allowing and acknowledging that this is real and possible rather than doubting and telling OurSelf that We are delusional. We are making the choice to fully believe and set Our blocks and limiting beliefs FREE!!!!!!! This feels good.
As We make Our first trip outside (this morning) We are reminded of the thoughts and ideas We had as We went to dream last night. What We see is evi-dance that WE created to keep OurSelf locked into the limitation and separation game. It works very well. As We choose to accept and acknowledge this We get the sensation of being in multiworlds. We experience the phasing between these worlds, the in and out. We are reminded that this is not actually new BUT acknowledging and allowing it (rather than denying and banishing it) is new.
Allowing this and pondering the emerging practice of 3D printing (yesterday Our local friends told Us that the material used is now Self-replicating) and real-eye-sing that this may be the growings We have been dreaming and typing about We remember more from Our dreams: We were reinforcing Our belief in OurSelf, Our abilities and powers and setting Our Self-imposed limitations free. There was/is some kind of key to making the shift inside OurSelf that We could not (can not yet) put Our finger on. A method or technique that We use but can use not define. Apparently it remains beyond Our waking consciousness. The closest We can come is imaginating. What We do remember clearly is a toy (looking plane) flying through the sky of/in Our mind with a banner that says: “I Am awesome”. We are reminded of the student (on Our bus last year) who often said: “I Am awesome”. What a great Self-belief.
We are choosing to remain in multiworlds and a dreamy state.
There is something else that has been coming up the last few days: We ARE responsible. When We see devices, advances, techniques and technologies (that We have dreamed of and imagined) beginning to surface and be used in Our waking world” We ARE responsible. We planted the ideas in other people's dreams and “they” developed the idea. This can be taken as a negative on Us but We choose to see it as We did Our part, We introduced the idea and concept. Currently We are focusing (in 3D) about hover craft and the concept is being developed.
Our focus is beginning to evolve into recognizing these things as All-ready here and easily accessible to everyOne who chooses to acknowledge “their” exis-dance. It feels like We are hidden Our mad scientists lab and projecting these ideas to others to avoid being noticed. We are also more aware of teleporting and multilocating than ever before. We are allowing it more. We ARE facing Our fear. This is much like beginning the drive from Sacramento to Fairbanks. We know We can, now We just have to walk through the experience. That is THE only way to experience the experience.
This morning We are practicing living in and following inspiration rather than trying to make plans. This is part of Our expansion and allowing and staying in the now and experiencing being limitless.
We did a few things outside in the nice weather and did some reading and more dreaming. More insights and walking in multiworlds.
As We were outside and looking around Our place, pondering the gardening stuff We did last year and what We may or may not do this year, and remembering that We had intended to start small, We got the message that We like/try to start at the finish line. This is a life long pattern, probably One of those hidden and buried memories that control Our life. We are sorry.
At the end of Our day We listened to an audio of the centering exercise from lesson two of the free Silva Unlimited You course. We have been aware of the Silva method for some time but as We were reading and listening We clearly got it that We just were NOT ready before. We would have gotten something from it before but NOT the fullness for OurSelf that We got today.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Imaginating and doing

Imaginating and doing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:00:48 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We visited lots of worlds last night and met more new friends. We kinda remember some worlds with no clear details. That is not quite accurate: We actually do remember some details like someOne's smile or even a full scene but not in a way that “they” fit together. Scattered bits and pisces. Hmmmmm, that sounds familiar. Could it be?
It feels like We will probably return to dream soon. We may stay up and become more aware of being in multiworlds but it is much easier and more fun to do in dream than waking.
We are learning to walk in multiworlds by bits and pisces. Little by little AND We are setting Our expectations free with love. Expectations are based in limitation and “they” limit Us. We are slip, sliding into limitlessness. We are setting OurSelf free in love. We are reminded of Our unconscious which is made up of Our super conscious (Father within) and Our subconscious (children within). We have All-ways thought that it is Our waking conscious which controls Our life. Our waking conscious actually filters out most of Our life/lives and Our world(s). This is what We are beginning to shift and (again) it takes getting used to. We still argue for and demand Our limits. That is a pattern and memory looping over and over.
However, this too is changing and expanding, gently.
We continue having visions of turning Our vehicles into non-polluting, sustainable/renewable energy powered hover craft. However: even that is part of limitation. Beyond limitation Our vehicles are All-ready perfect and within limitation We have just superimposed and image of something much less than perfect. We have known (or at least suspected) this for some time but it is becoming more and more real to Us. It is still more philosophy than experience but the experience is drawing closer if We will only allow it.
We are still afraid because it is unfamiliar. We hope to imaginate it more into Our waking reality. The more We imaginate it, the more familiar it becomes and the less We fear it as We begin to recognize it. No matter how much We want something, if it is unfamiliar We fear it and that blocks it. As We dream and imagine it: it (usually gradually) becomes familiar and the more We dream and imagine it the more familiar and the less fearful it grows.
This morning We are going back and forth between putting on Our summer tires and waiting until tomorrow. Back and forth, back and forth. We decided to start giving OurSelf permission to stop at any time. We could start today and finish tomorrow but We have said that every year and never done it. We are at least half in dream and multiworlds which is an interesting state to be changing tires in. It is part of learning how to do and live this change that We are in.
We got the summer tires on and both the chariot and the dragon back in “their” homes. We are reminded that many of the things which We think We want are NOT what We really want. We want and are seeking and even creating something much more and expansive. Often what We think We want is actually only more of the illusion of limitation. Therefore We actually push it away. We seek to come to a balance with that. We also fear that some catastrophe will strike before We have created/remembered what We really want and We will need what We are pushing away in order to survive. Obviously: this is False Evidence Appearing Real but it is Ours.
As We read some stuff online We still see most everyOne projecting “their”/Our stuff onto someOne else rather than owning it and taking responsibility. This too is Our projection. We are reminded about active and passive shadows and know that We can project what We are growing out of as well as what We are actively living in/with. In other words what We see, project, reflect may NOT be who We are today, it might be who We are yesterday. If We are to set OurSelf free We must still take responsibility and set it free with love AND forgive OurSelf. Thank You.
Getting ready for dream time We remember that what We see is what We project. The evi-dance that We are living in limitation, the proof of scarcity and lack ARE Our creation. What We call “facts” are actually Our beliefs that We have projected onto Our world.
We like the idea of going into dream with these thoughts and reminders.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Again We dream

Again We dream
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:24:48 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We took today off so We were able to dream in. We wanted to stay in dream longer but Our body seemed to be awake. We are still mostly in dream and that IS good. We have been finding it easier and easier to be aware of multiD and multiworlds during Our day lately and We woke thinking about that. It is NOT about finding other worlds and dimensions: “they” are All-ready All around Us. It is about setting Our limitations free. We cling to Our limits so tenaciously and is sooooo many ways. We have designed Our lives and Our thinking to keep Us stuck.
There are so many ways to deny who and what We are and to demand Our limitations and then to think that We are free, Of course: We are each doing this in Our own unique way and what We see is Our projections. We judge and blame and force that upon Our world and then it gets reflected back at Us and then We judge and blame more and that gets reflected back even more. The phrase We have gotten (and forgotten to share) for several days is: “It's like playing Frisbee in a house of mirrors.
It seems that We are getting to experience allowing more and more of these coexisting worlds, realities, and dimensions this morning. Again: We do NOT need to go looking for “them” (as We previously believed and tried to do) but rather stop denying “them” and demanding only Our limited version of reality. Yes: “the truth IS out there” and it is in here. Once We take responsibility and allow it will unfold right before Our eyes and every other sense We have and maybe some that We are (so far) unaware of. This has begun for Us and it really does take getting used to and opening and allowing.
Again: We are reminded to pony hop All this and We do. It IS Our old beliefs, projections and demands for/of limitation that keep Us (seemingly) stuck in limitation. Imagine that. We are sorry for how We have treated OurSelf. Please forgive Us. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
We tried to do a little in the physical but Our dreams kept calling Us back and that is fine. We love dreaming and We did a lot of it.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Allowing rather than denying

Allowing rather than denying
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:47:12 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We remember that We enjoyed the worlds We explored and the friends We met there but not much else. We do remember something are strawberry jam. We are still mostly in dream state and the message that We are getting is that this is about All the times that We think We are awake in 3D but those too are actually dreams. This is experiencing it not just an idea or philosophy. It is part of Our change of beliefs, thinking and mindset.
As We type (still in Our dream state) it seems that someOne has rearranged Our keyboard and changed many common spellings. Or is it Our mind that has been rearranged??????
There is something coming up about setting it All free with love. Remember that many worlds and lives We visit are much more free than this One? Who is responsible for that? We are of course. So: who is responsible for setting Our waking world and life free?????? This connects with experiencing Our waking world as actually being another dream world. In order to set it free and see it with Our real eyes We must take responsibility, complete responsibility. This reminds Us of Our attitude as We were reading some email this morning. We have judged and projected Our stuff onto Our others (Our creations) and then blamed “them”. We really gotta get over doing that.
We have (Once again) expanded Our pony hopping litany recently: We are sorry for Our old limiting beliefs, projections, memories (etc.). Please forgive Us and set it All free in love, across All time, dimensions, space and reality. Filling Us with love, returning Us to Our natural state, Our true nature and easy world. And so it is done across All time, dimensions, space and reality. We thank Us and We love OurSelf unconditionally.
We are in the process of setting Our world(s) and lives free in love as We change Our thinking, beliefs and mindsets. This IS Our complete psychic change. We are telling different objects and events and Our surroundings: “You ARE FREE”.
It is clear that We are also afraid of setting OurSelf free of limitations because it is unfamiliar. TG for Our dreams that give Us a nice taste of what it is like to live free.
As We go about Our quite typical day We are having many non-typical gremlin like experiences. Our first reaction was: “WTF? Over”. WE quickly got the message that We ARE the gremlin and that We had slipped into another reality, made the change and then slipped back unawares. Of course We started to deny it and demand: “Impossible”. But, We know it is true and We are beginning to accept and allow it. This is progress. We are reminded: “Argue for Your limitations and sure enough: 'they' ARE Yours”. It is Our choice and no, it is not an easy choice (simple butt knot easy).

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Again within

Again within
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:13:45 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We visited several worlds again but the only One We remember clearly is the last One just before We woke. It was a much freer world than this One and Our best friend from Our school days was there with Us.
We are allowing OurSelf to drift and feel the expanding/expanded realms this morning. We like it but it still takes getting used to. We are learning more and more how to be and live in multiworlds and it is sooooo different that it is easy to be resistant. After All We have taught and been taught that it is wrong and bad and dangerous and, and, and......
It is kinda scary too because: even though this is actually natural and going with the flow it goes against the masses and the societal norm so it can easily feel like swimming upstream. Another thing We have bassackwards.
Each evening after work (on Our drive down Our driveway) We are dumping a few buckets of rock into the new ruts. We real-eyesed that We can do this as a gradual process and not have to dump All the buckets on One trip down the drive or try to do it All on the day We change over to Our summer tires. Oh, the cleverness of Me.
We do not have much to type because We are within. And without words.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Writing Our story

Writing Our story
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:47:17 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
So far this week: it does seem like We are less resistant to waking. The energies are definitely shifting and Our being more aware of everything being energy is helping Us. Also, being inspired to add to Our website motivates Us.
We visited several different realities again last night and remember making even more new friends. It still amazes Us that We can visit sooooo many realities and rarely (if ever) repeat realities (at least that We are aware of). We do have many of the same friends in different realities AND We All-ways meet new friends in each One too. Only in waking do We seem to repeat realities time and again but We really theel that that is a trick created by Our mind to make it seem safe and familiar here.
There was a really cool reality that We remember and would love to revisit: in it We changed the world with Our writing. We vaguely remember a movie or TV show where an artist changes the world with “their” paintings but We did it as We wrote Our stories and ideas about love and acceptance and caring. Could it be? We woke from that world and then remained there a while in waking dream state. That was cool too. It was an exciting experience.
Whether We mention it or not: We do a lot of pony hopping every day. Every morning as We type and post Our “Today”s We are reminded to pony hop and during the day Our life AND Our students AND Our children within remind Us to pony hop.
We are also reminded about the world where writing and rewriting Our stories changes Our life and world. We are also reminded that that is really how this world works too but We have forgotten and denied it so much that We are unaware of it.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Being Once again

Being Once again
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:38:34 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
A rather different night: We seemed to sleep better than We have in a while and only woke Once during the night. We theel that We had fun dream adventures earlier but the last world which We woke from was NOT fun. We were much more focused in/on the physical and doing another “start over” and We had fallen upon hard times. We are not really sure what it was about. Perhaps just memories coming up to be set free with love. We are sorry. Please forgive OurSelf and set these free with love across All time, dimension, space and reality. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
For a while We felt that We are uninspired this morning but that is not true. We are inspired to be rather than do. We are inspired to integrate and recognize Our world as energy. This is quite a change for Us and takes adjustment. We are sooooo familiar with perceiving everything as matter only that it takes a little time and adjustment to also recognize the presence and flow of energy. Remember We ARE human beings not human doings.
The students are pretty wound up and active with the sun and nice weather. Thankfully: “they” are not out of control, just happy and playful.
When We got home We felt inspired to do some writing/typing for Our website and enjoyed doing it. In fact We kinda fell into it and were up a little bit later than usual on a week night.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Focus on energy

Focus on energy
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:51:22 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We did not use the cabin heater last night and We do not need to use it again this morning. Feels nice to have it be this warm outside. This new position for Our computer desk gives Us a much better view outside and this morning it is very clear blue skies through the trees. It looks nice even though the trees are still bare of leaves.
There were several worlds and lives last night and We woke several times coughing. The world We remember was quite different, All-most like on another planet. Actually that was how it felt so All-most might be the wrong word. Yet, it also felt like it IS an alternate current life and though it is not surprising that We have other lives on other planets We are not aware of ever experiencing any of “them” before. It may be part of Our expansion. That reminds Us that somewhere, somewhen in the night We were very aware of Our changing/expanding beliefs and mindset. That is cool. The dream that We remember was about Our father's funeral. In this world he died about twenty some years ago (We All-most typed five years ago??????) but in the dream it was a few days ago and it is now time to prepare for the funeral. Clueless.
It does feel like We are onship at Our new and improved communications center. Not much change can create a lot of change. Our main computer desk now faces Our Feng Shui direction for spiritual growth and wisdom. There is more to the description which We may look up later. We are way to multiD and multiworld focused to do it now. We are enjoying being where We are (multiworlds and multiD) and do not want to zoom in on anything right now. Interesting: the term: “zoned out” is actually being zoomed out. How cool is that?
Somewhere, somewhen last night We were exploring words and phrases that society (remember that is Our projection) has created to make Us think of expansion, living in Our power, being rich, being powerful, All of Our natural states, qualities and abilities as “BAD”. We are very well trained, programed and brainwashed. The temptation here is to blame. There is no blame because there is nothing wrong or bad. It is All part of the game that We chose to play. Now: We are changing up the game.
Something that We are remembering from last night was about seeing/perceiving/recognizing everything as energy. This seems to be the main point of Our taking this Feng Shui webinar. It is also connected to Our NOT being visual and having difficulty with visualization. We have been trained (by OurSelf AND Our projections) to think of and see matter as solid. That is a great trick when matter is actually energy and more fluid and flexible than solid. Somehow: Our mind knows this and what We see when We visualize is the energy NOT solid matter. We just were not consciously aware of this so We totally blocked it. Now: We beginning to allow OurSelf to see the energy rather than just solid matter. We have more adjusting to do.
It seems that Our focus today is getting used to recognizing the energy. We do not really see it yet but We are feeling it and becoming more aware of it. This is changing Us AND Our world.
This awareness of energy is part (probably a very large part) of Our change of thinking, beliefs, mindset and complete psychic change. Seeing and perceiving everything as energy rather than JUST solid matter would/will completely change Our life and Our world. Think about it. Matter is a very slow, dense vibration of energy. Yes, matter is necessary to experience a material world (and that is part of the game We are playing AND changing). However, matter is NOT All there is as We have been believing. When We look at, taste, smell, hear and feel matter AND also sense (in All of these ways and more) the energy that it is comprised of how different Our world will look AND BE.
There is much more here than meets the eye/I.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Rearranging for Feng Shui (and dreaming of course)

Rearranging for Feng Shui (and dreaming of course)
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:24:25 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
Another very interesting night about cleaning and clearing and setting old energy free. We have been having a mild sinus cold for a couple of days and We are aware that this is about clearing old energy, thoughts and beliefs (those are energy too). We are trying to cope with Our sinuses and allow the process. That is new and not easy because We really HATE pain.
The webinar We are listening too this week is about Feng Shui which is All about energy. Last night We had ongoing dreams about this clearning (new word and We like it even though it was a typo: cleaning and clearing combined) and releasing. Setting it free with love. That is what We were doing All night. It was like some kind of ceremony or ritual (which We are NOT fond of in 3D). We took two words (apparently Feng Shui but that was very NOT clear at first) and placed “them” over stuff that was gunky and stuck. “They” burned whatever “they” touched. (This is kinda hard to explain and We are not quite getting it right but this is as close as We come in limitation words.)
We usually are not into burning this stuff and tend to avoid or bypass teaching about violet flame etc. The reason is that We have All-ways thought of flames and burning as destroying. We are definitely NOT into destroying anything. The message that We got about this is that We are talking about and dealing with energy: Energy can NOT be destroyed, it can only be transformed. This is what the fire is doing. This is another I opener and major shift for Us. We are glad that We did not adhere to the belief of destroying with fire and now We can theel of fire and flames as transforming and that is exactly what We are doing in/with Our life and world.
Everything is energy. Really getting that is a complete mindshift. Feng Shui and quantum physics and most new age schools recognize this but it has not gotten fully into Our thinking and believing. It needs to be Our core belief and this energy that We are typing about is life energy, chi and most importantly: love. We need to begin to see, perceive and recognize everything as this energy: love. This is the root of the change of thinking and beliefs that We are seeking and experiencing. THIS IS Our complete psychic change.
Will there be more after this change? There is All-ways more but We can NOT get where We are going until We make this shift. Many, many teachers and leaders are getting this same message. We are focusing on changing from the inside out. That is Our goal, Our purpose, Our message and Our mission.
In Our dream lives the more We transformed the more clearly and distinctly We experienced many of the worlds We have visited before. One big difference is that these are not many and separated worlds and lives (as We have perceived “them” before) but rather “they” All flow together and mix and mingle.
We learning a lot from this Feng Shui webinar even though some of the suggestions are very old paradigm. What is really interesting is to find out that We intuitively arranged the cabin mostly in the strongest was according to Our personal energy. We are doing a bit of tweaking and fine tuning starting today but generally We did good. In Our dreams and waking We can feel the energy/life force/love stirring and beginning to flow better. More than Our actions it is Our awareness that is causing this. Both work together.
We are mostly dreaming today. We returned to dream for about four hours and then did some optimizing on Our website. We are also doing a little rearranging in Our cabin to enhance Our personal energy directions.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A bit more about waking

A bit more about waking
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:51:04 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
Another night of not really sleeping well but quite different from the night before. Our sinuses were not actually hurting but stuffy and draining which seemed to wake Us a lot. Our was it Our dream cycles that woke Us???? We remember visiting many worlds that We do not remember ever visiting before and (of course) making many new and instant friends. What seemed interesting is how many worlds are nearby and connected and quite similar to this and other are sooooo different. Visiting a bunch that are similar and a bunch that are very different All in the same caught Our attention.
It seemed like some were about finishing uncompleted business and others were more new to Us and it was more like beginning than finishing.
Again, as We were waking We did not want to come back and squeeze into Our body. It is good to be getting more familiar with being sooooo much more than just this body. We got the image of trying to fit Our entire body into the finger of One glove.
We do not know exactly how it is working but We are now noticing many people whom We have seen around town for years but just today We noticed that “they” exhibit autistic tendencies where We had never been aware of this perspective before. One person in particular was at Our credit union cashing a check. “They” were conducting business just like anyOne (and being very pleasant and polite) while at the same time carrying on quite a conversation with “their” invisible friend(s). “They” actually seemed to be upset and/or arguing with “their” invisible friend(s) but smiling when looking at or talking to anyOne else.
Yes, We had been judgmental rather than accepting and compassionate. We theel this IS related to building Our web site but whatever it is is IS GOOD. We ARE making progress with/in Our process.
Our students were acting quite different than yesterday. Today “they” were calmer and cooperative whereas yesterday “they” were All-most rebellious. What really changed? We did.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, April 18, 2014

A learning day

A learning day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:12:30 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We did not sleep well last night. First We were excited because We had figured out how to set up the new email for Our website: . We had had trouble setting it up and chose to just let it be for a while and when We returned it was easy whereas earlier it seemed that everything We tried failed. We had even thought that We had tried what ended up working.
Then Our sinuses started hurting and seemed to wake Us every hourish. “They” felt much better when standing rather than laying down but We really wanted to stay in deep dream mode which works much better laying down. We did eventually get up around the time We used to get up and Our sinuses are feeling more better. We are still excited about Our website.
We do remember a couple of different worlds where We are working as a special needs attendant with much more relaxed conditions. In One We slept through most of Our day and when We called “their” response: “Oh, You were not here?” Wouldn't that be nice? When We got up We were aware that We are in a slightly different world from Our familiar waking world (though We are NOT sure there really IS any familiar waking world but theel that We just think We wake in the same world every morning) and sitting here at Our computer We do theel that We are on ship. That is a very nice feeling for Us.
Recently We have been quite clutsy and this is happening again this morning. We have no idea what this is about except that it might be about learning to walk/live in multiworlds. Yes, We are certainly walking in multiworlds and experiencing it in many ways.
We got Our new email address posted on Our website and listened to the last segment of the coaching webinar. No surprises: it was a sales pitch. BUT, here IS the surprise: We choose to take responsibility. We know this is Our projection around money, having money and charging money. All that We know to do is pony hop, hop, hop.
Today was a learning day for Us. The kids are teaching Us. We started out with a great conversation with Our newest gradeschooler. One thing “they” told Us is that whenever doing any work “they” imagine it into a game and that is how “they” keep “their” life and world fun. Good advice that.
A couple of Our preschoolers are Ones who do NOT like to wear shoes (as We had mentioned on Our website just the day before). We got frustrated when One kicked off his shoes and socks and threw “them” across the aisle. Then We flashed on what We had typed and We relaxed. For Us, the frustration (pretty much any time We feel it) is about/around trying to get the kids to conform. We do NOT like trying to get “them” to conform and enforcing blanket rules. No Oneder We get frustrated with doing it. Yet, We feel it is Our job, and in many ways it is but there are even more ways We can bend the rules. The kids seemed to spend the afternoon pushing the boundaries. We tried to allow.
We did have to pony hop several incidents. We are reminded that to traditional Hawaiians: any problem is an opportunity to take responsibility and ask for forgiveness. We apologize. Please forgive OurSelf and set it free with love. We thank Us AND We love Us unconditionally.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

We prefer dreaming

We prefer dreaming
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:53:40 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
As We are waking We got it that part of the problem/difficulty We have with waking is that We have to crawl back into Our body and We really do NOT fit. We are sooooo much more and We are just now really getting that even though We have known it for several years. Also, We are just now getting it that We ARE having out of body experiences All the time. It was Our lack of belief and abundance of denial that was preventing Us from being aware of it. This applies to a lot of natural abilities. Most everything that We want We All-ready have and are simply unaware of. Our “wanting” is actually denial and keeps what We desire from Our view and experience.
In One of the worlds that We woke in (during the night) We were aware of Our body (and probably lots of other things) being a mirror image of Our familiar waking body. Everything was on the opposite side. If Our bodies were perfectly symmetrical it would be very hard to distinguish this. As it is “they” are close enough to symmetrical that it took a few minutes of pondering to find what was different. It is an interesting experience to be aware of Our left hand being Our right hand.
As We are aware of that experience and begin to move around a bit We are aware of being in a world that is just slightly different from Our regular waking world. We have mentioned this before but this is a clearer awareness than before. As We continue to progress (move through Our life) these deeper and more profound experiences will continue. We will be typing about having brand new experiences but We will have shared “them” before. The difference will be the depth AND reality of these experiences.
We real-eyes that another part of Our resis-dance to waking and getting up (for the day) is that We “want” to do sooooo much more than We seem able to do in Our waking (especially with Our apparent time restraints). The truth is that We ARE doing much more than We are aware of but in Our dream lives We ARE aware of doing more. It is this: “wanting”, this belief that We are limited and the belief that We are doing “less” than We desire that is actually holding Us back.
Our limits are actually Our beliefs that We are projecting onto and into Our world and life/lives.
We did a lot of pony hopping during the day. This is now normal and some days We forget to mention it because it is sooooo normal for Us.
After work We listened to another segment of the Diamond Feng Shui webinar. It is interesting to learn about and We are trying to begin rearranging Our cabin a bit to suit Our best directions. We theel that the most important point is to be more aware of the flow of energy that is Our life.
We tried setting up Our email for Our website and it just was NOT working. We let it sit for a bit and when We came back it worked just fine. We thelt that if We did NOT try again it would keep Us awake so We are happy it worked so easily and now We can go to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Another short entry

Another short entry
Wizard's Log Star-date: 01:23:48 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We did not seem to sleep well yet We feel rested even though We are up two and a half hours early. We got up early after We felt prompted to make copies of All Our web pages in case anything gets lost in the transition to Our new domain name. We hope it does not take long and We can take a nice nap before time to get up to go play with the kids.
04:11:20 AM
Making copies went well and We went back to dreaming for a couple of hours. We were deep in dream visiting other worlds when Our alarm went off.
We are listening to another webinar which is why We are not typing much.
We spent Our day mostly in dream which is a good thing but We do not remember of Our dreaming or waking day.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Playing “What if?”

Playing “What if?”
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:41:12 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We would like to stay in dream but it is time to start Our day. We visited many worlds again last night. In One We were living with friends and wild animals in a house. We are aware of a cougar and a leopard who woke Us to let “them” out in the morning. That felt very cool.
There is a meditation audio that is recommended for starting Our day but We are not quite 3D enough yet. We may decide to use at the end of the day instead. We listened to it yesterday and it has good stuff in it but We just are not 3D enough. Did We mention that We are not 3D enough? We just need time to drift and be multiD before We get into anything and that is way okay with Us. We would love to stay in multiD and let the cares and obligations of 3D slide. Maybe there is something to that.
As We allow OurSelf to drift and go slowly, very slowly and gently about Our morning routine We remember that it is Us that needs to change. Our thoughts and attitudes about waking need to change. Okay, maybe Our world needs to change too but that will only happen the way We want it too if the change begins within and that transforms Our world. It is NOT that Our world is bad. We have many things and much of what We have dreamt of and longed for and that is much more than material possessions but We have those too. We are attaining Our heart's desire.
It is thinking that We proverbially wake to the same old stuck in limitation 3D world that makes it a PITA to leave Our dreams. We need to real-eyes and embody that We are projecting Our beliefs onto the world. As Our beliefs change then Our projections change.
We had a very interesting day today, All-most as interesting as some nights. First of All We were more aware AND conscious of being in multiworlds All day long than We have ever been, especially on a work day. This led to several interesting experiences and again took some getting used to. In the afternoon some of Our gradeschoolers and I spent quite a while playing a kind of game of what if using Our (mostly “their”) imaginations about what is normally considered impossible. The kids started it and We just encouraged it a lot more than most A-dults normally would. It was a very fun and cool experience and the kids enjoyed it at least as much as We did.
We listened to another webinar and afterwards add some more to Our website. We found that the upgrades are on sale again and We went ahead and upgraded. We theel good about this decision, very good. We are also even more excited.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, April 14, 2014

In multiworlds

In multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:26:10 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
Again We visited and played in many worlds with lots of friends, new and old. It is exciting to know sooooo much is available after sooooo many years of feeling stuck and trapped. We felt like We were captives, slaves and victims when All the time it was just Our imagination. We were told that Our limits and separation, lack and scarcity, Our bondage and servitude were All that was real. We were lied to and told that Our limitation 3D reality was the only thing that exists and We were unworthy of good things and less than Our rulers. How could We believe such absurdities? How can the divine believe it is separate from and less than itSelf? The only way is if We are the Ones lieing to OurSelves. We would never accept such blatant deception from an outsider.
We are the problem AND We ARE the solution. We are sorry for believing in separation and limitation. Please forgive OurSelf and set those beliefs and projections free in love, across All time, dimensions, space and reality: filling Us with love and returning Us to Our natural state. We thank Us AND We love Us unconditionally.
Very interesting: this morning We are definitely NOT focused in limitation 3D AND We were sent the link to an Abraham-Hicks video about starting Our day: watch it here the lesson (We plan to listen to today) in One of Our courses is about starting Our day at a higher level.
Once again We seem to have fallen into Our day and forgotten to share much. We returned to dream several times and We do NOT know if We went to sleep any of those times but We certainly went somewhere. We enjoyed visiting alternate realities where We are All much more free (especially of shame and that IS a big deal) and equal. We are much happier.
It was a productive day too. We went for water and heating oil. We listened to some webinar stuff and downloaded a bunch more meditation audios and read some things too and even did several emails. We only added a little to Our website because We were not much inspired. We do not know why but We do know that Our waking, conscious mind can NOT know everything, not yet anyway.
Soon it will be time for some movie and dinner and then back to dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sharing Our inspiration

Sharing Our inspiration
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:08:20 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We woke rather early for a Saturday. We know that We visited and played in lots of worlds with lots of friends (new and old) but We do not remember a lot of details. We real-eyes that are not remembering a lot of details from Our waking life either. Our waking life and Our dream lives seem to be merging. As We pondered this (and microwaved a cup of leftover coffee) We could feel the effect of being on ship. We thought about how many common, everyday gadgets were sci-fi and considered “never possible” when We were a child. Would the great accomplishments in such a short time be possible IF the world is as limited as We are pretending it is?
We are excited to get back to Our website yet We are quite aware that We are not in 3D enough to work it right since We are just learning how to use that program.
Pony hopping comes to mind Once more. That and being grateful for what We have. Maybe We will allow Our world to transform a bit more today. We are also reminded to ask lofty questions. This is another technique to teach Our mind to expand and allow Our goals to materialize. Lofty questions ask how and/or why We are where/what/who We want to be. This takes Our mind to that level. We are the only thing keeping these things (love, freedom, equality, peace and prosperity to name a few) from Our lives. This is part of Our complete psychic change and expanding Our thinking, beliefs and mindset. We are experiencing the shift.
As We play with Our website (gently because of being more focused in multiworlds and multiD than in limitation 3D) We are kinda surprised at how much this is doing FOR Us. We are learning and remembering a bunch of information AND We are having fun. It is quite different to be doing this while NOT fully focused in 3D and that is a big part of Our current process.
We returned to dream while listening to a new meditation audio. It was nice. We have no idea where We went but We did enjoy it.
As We practice pony hopping and taking responsibility for Our world and Our life, We find that more and more We are finding information that resonates and reflects what We are theeling. We find and experience OurSelf creating Our world. When We find that as We expand and take responsibility (instead of judging and blaming) and then this is reflected in the information We find online, it is kinda mind blowing and certainly I opening.
So, Our next inspired action has been to send out an email to friends and Our discussion groups announcing Our web site. We did that and We feel good about everything We are doing. What We really feel the best about is Our ongoing imaginating of Our world. We keep envisioning worlds where the front of Our cabin opens onto a lush meadow that leads to a beach on a large body of water that stretches to the horizon and beyond. We also envision the world of the two brothers where everyOne is equal and has everything “they” need and want and All “their” time is spent doing whatever “they” want (mostly play and what is not play is also play).
More and more We are walking and waking in multiworlds. Yes, this IS what We have been seeking (or part of it anyway) but as it gets deeper and stronger, it takes more and more adjusting and getting used to. Have You ever misplaced a world? Everything looks the same but You/We know that something is very, very different. It is good news but quite disorienting. We could easily think that We misplaced OurSelf but that is not actually possible and that is another trap/trick to prevent Us from meandering out of limitation and separation. It is very comforting to know that everything is connected and nothing is ever lost or destroyed. We just keep setting things (worlds?) free.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

And even deeper

And even deeper
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:56:10 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play)
Allowing OurSelf to dream in really helps. Even though We got up early yesterday: We did that because We wanted to and We may have done it at the end of a dream/sleep cycle. Three AM must be interrupting a cycle. We were quite sleepy during the day yesterday and got into some deep dreaming.
Once again We visited many, many worlds last night and have vague memories of doing that but not much about what We actually did. There was One world where We are still catering but We were ending Our catering career. It was a bit uncomfortable but when We woke a bit and real-eyesed that We are finally making an end of catering in other worlds, it felt great.
We woke thinking about how much We are changing and We love it. Then We remembered that it is Friday and We get to dream in tomorrow. Next We remembered that the last few weekends We have noticed (because We stayed up late some nights) that the dreaming in is NOT about more dreaming as much as NOT ending Our dreaming at 3 AM.
We are pony hopping too. We are anxious to get to Our website.
Interesting: We thought We were quite 3D focused but when We stood up it was obvious that as We were typing We had drifted into multiworlds and it took a bit to figure out exactly what We doing in 3D AND why We were standing up. After We got walking (One foot in front of the other) and were pondering Our website We are reminded to: “stay in the now” AND to allow Our super and sub consciouses to tend to the results and outcome. Kinda a tall order for a dreamer. We are making progress though.
We find that We are falling into working on Our website much like an autist falls into staring into running water or the pattern in a carpet.
Much of Our day was spent going much deeper into dream lives than We normally do on the bus. That is cool.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Making a start

Making a start
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:28:07 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play)
We do not remember much from last night except that We got up for a while which We typed about yesterday. There are some vague memories of visiting other worlds and realities which are quite transitional and much more free. We also know that We did some pony hopping; probably memories that came up to be set free but do not need specific recall.
We woke thinking about the “Living with autism” website so We got up a little earlier than We have been this week. We did some pony hopping AND We remembered the suggestion to do a little each day. Baby steps get Us further than no steps at All. We can begin even if it is just reading information about setting up a website. We do feel inspired so We should be guided.
One of the things that We feel led to do is to use Chrome to set up the site NOT Windows Explorer. Last night We were using Explorer as that is the browser We are most familiar with but We have found that Chrome works much better for Our blog.
And so it begins. (for some reason that line has been coming up a lot for Us lately).
We are finding sooooo much free information on the net that We like, that resonates, that helps that We can NOT even keep up. Fortunately, We have learned how to record the webinars so We can listen to “them” on days off.
With All this information AND setting up Our new website We may be posting even shorter entries here for a while. We are having some really great feelings about the website AND We are able to leave the how and the results up to the uni-verse/Our higher Self. We are definitely getting the feeling that this will open doors for Us. After doing some research for the site We got the distinct feeling/intuit that there is something We have been missing/overlooking and not aware of in the line of jobs that does/will allow Us more free time and more income.
We also have more great feelings about Our prosperity and amazing life. We really do have an amazing life. There are a lot of people making a lot more money and NOT living as comfortably as We do. Our only discomfort and distress is knowing that there is sooooo much more available and it is NOT about the stuff that money can buy.
More intuits and insights are barreling down on Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A multiday

A multiday
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:12:30 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play)We woke from a world where We were is some kind of rebellion and revolution. Most of Our allies converted to the other side. Just before We woke We were repeating: “It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I Am Merlyn the counselor.” It seems that what matters is that the fighting stopped. We had spoken to most of Our allies and agreed that stopping the fighting was what matters NOT which side won. We remained friends and playmates with those who converted.
There were many other worlds and lives during the night but now only fleeting memories.
We are changing. We can feel it and even see it on the inside and it is beginning to be projected onto Our outer world. We are gaining confidence. Recognizing what We have done and stopping the denial has helped. Taking responsibility seems to be the greatest tool for freedom ever.
We are still kinda lost in the multiverse and multi-D and NOT focused in limitation 3D. This is perfectly fine and We only wish We could stay here. We are reminded that the only thing that does matter is love. We are reminded to keep pony hopping.
We are reminded to focus on Our progress NOT Our lack. What We want is actually All-ready here and focusing on lack is actually De-Nile.
We are remembering less and less of what We have done and are doing in limitation 3D. We theel this is a sign of progress and We are NOT trying to regain the memories. This used to be a great frustration to Us, We thought it was important to remember everything from Our limitation life. We held on to limitation and resisted expansion by clinging to the memories of Our shoulds and needs, etc.
Another thought recently has been that We have to walk very, very close to the border/realm of insanity in order to experience the actual “real”. We set it up that way to keep Us from entering the truly “real” world and keep Us stuck in what We thought was the “real” world. This is a knock off world NOT the real thing. The difference is limitation and limitlessness. We have resisted this border land in sooooo many ways for sooooo long!!!!!!!!!!! Now, We dare to go, possibly where angels fear to tread.
Somewhere along the way today We had the idea to set up a website: “Living with Autism”. We have links to a couple of free website hosts and builders but will have to relearn some (read: effort).
There was a webinar that We planned to listen to after work and somehow We got parts of two different webinars and can not find the rest of either. It is kinda driving Us nutses. However: We are reminded that We are walking and waking in multiworlds AND multiD so it should really not surprise Us. It is a little less nutses making. Just a little.
We had dinner and went to dream but the website idea and autism and stuff seemed to keep Us awake. However, when We got up to start on the website and check into setting up a PayPal account (may or may not be related but it did seem to be the first thing came/comes up when We look for inspiration on what to do next) We find that We are nowhere near awake. So, We looked around a bit and it All sounds like it would be better done when We can focus on it and that is NOT happening now.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Action can be non-action

Action can be non-action
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:01:24 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play)
First there was recess. We real-eyes that We have not mentioned recess for some time. We have mentioned play and playing but not recess. Of course We have not really gotten into any “Night School”s either.
After recess a lot more memories came up for cleaning and being set free with love. It was interesting in that “they” were very similar to Our passed but not the same as Our remembered passed. The same behavior under different (maybe more desired/desirable) circumstances. Even though the circumstances seemed better the behavior made it All feel the same and that was NOT pleasant. This is another example (for Us) of how Our memories keep looping until We begin to take responsibility and clean and set free, until We start truly pony hopping.
We could/can feel a difference in Our waking life even if it is subtle. A lot of the memory stuff was in a waking dream state. This is helping Us to see how We actually do use (and have been using) Our abilities like remote viewing, multilocating and teleporting. Even Our waking dream state is probably what many call lucid dreaming. So, it is NOT that We do not use Our abilities it is that We are unaware of it and then deny it and convince OurSelf that We are failures and All that.
The question keeps coming up: “Are We taking inspired action?”. The answer is: “Yes”. However it does not look like We would expect or most examples that We get of inspired action. Because it is not like “them”. We are NOT headed there. We are going beyond the tried and true, the “normal” world. We are going where Noman has gone before. The reason this seems new is because We have been projecting limitation and separation for sooooo long.
Our judgments of others keep coming up and We are quickly reminded that what We see is ONLY what We project. We see Our actors playing “their” appointed roles. We have no idea, no clue what “they” are really like in “their” world and “their” projection (or what We are like there for that matter and that is none of Our business).
There is sooooo much discomfort, pain and even agony that is caused by thinking/believing that We are victims and slaves. And (of course) as long as We think and believe that We are, then We are. Whenever We experience this pain and agony (etc.) then Our children within (Our subconscious) log into Our memory banks and create a program around it and replay it and loop often until death do Us part. Unless We pony hop it or use other techniques to set it (and US) free in love.
Our thinking and beliefs are changing and expanding. We are even beginning to believe in OurSelf.
Now We remember some more from yesterday: whenever We see evidence of something We have dreamed of or longed for (like Tesla stuff and hover cars and boards) then that too is Our projection and creation. It does NOT matter whether We (personally) are the physical person who invented, designed, created, whatevered it. It is Ours and We are projecting it in a way We can believe.

Good night AND thank You for playing.