Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More multiD



More multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:49 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt well last night. Even though We do not actually remember clearly what We did in Our dream lives: We know that We visited multiD and multiworlds a lot. We ARE getting familiar with multiD and multiworlds in Our dreams and then We will be able to be consciously aware of living there in waking. We filter out more than We allow in to Our waking life. We have known this for some time and We are getting closer to experiencing it in waking as well as in dream. Our dream lives are real and it would suffice to experience it there IF We could remember it in waking. Or knot.

MultiD exists All around Us and We are beginning to allow Our awareness of this to grow. We theel that the time We are spending this weekend in dream is an important step for Us. The more We allow, the more We grow.

Once again: 3D is NOT going anywhere/away. We ARE here in 3D and very much also in multiD simultaneously. As We go deeper into multiD the experience continues to be new and unfamiliar. Words really do not (can not) describe multiD because words are All about limitation. MultiD is NOT limited. Limitation does exist within multiD. A kind of pair-of-docks but that too is a limitation 3d concept.

MultiD is more. More than Our limitation mindset can ever imagine. We can allow and opening, allowing, believing and setting it All free with love is Our portal. We actually experience multiD All the time but until We set Our filters free with love We can not be aware of these experiences. Our awareness grows and Our thinking is changing. That is very important. We are very aware of Our way of thinking changing and We also revert to Our old thinking. That is part of the process. Back and forth. Owning, accepting, loving and setting it ALL free with love. It IS All part of multiD. We do not escape. We embrace and integrate.

Our 3D life, world and reality remains here and active and real (or knot) and it is no longer the only world/life/reality that is here, active and real. We have been noticing that many of the things that We thought We wanted (and felt deprived of) (including friendships) would hold Us back. We real-eyes that Our higher/knower Self chose this path and life experience to allow Us to evolve. We have NOT missed anything as We thought that We had/are in the passed. Everything waits for Us to experience anything that We want Once We open and allow multiD to be real in Our life/experience. EVERYTHING. We can return anywhere We want whenever We want IF (and when) We allow.

We slipped into multiD and the only thing that We are sure of from there is that We spent another day going back to dream and playing/drifting in multiD when awake. It did start raining in the afternoon. We are in 3D AND in multiD. The borders and boundaries are fading. The big difference is that words do not work well here. No Oneder that autists find that words are hard. We ARE beginning to be aware of living in multiD. Autists live in multiD too.

We would love to share more of what it is like in multiD. It seems to be One of those: “You had to be there” occasions. We ARE there. We ARE changing. We ARE grateful.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Going back to dream and multiD



Going back to dream and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:56 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Yesterday: We were very much in 3D AND sooooo deep into multiD that We had no words to share. We were completely functional in 3D and 3D seemed totally real and captivating and yet We were also aware of more. We ARE learning how to do this. Today: We have a few more words yet still not too many.

We have been up and back to dream several times and We are visiting other realities that are too different and unfamiliar to remember clearly in waking. We are having a good time and Our head is trying to drag Us back into victimhood and limitation. We waver back and forth and that too is part of the process. We are reading an article that speaks of going up AND going down as part of Our expansion. We are expanding in All directions and We forget that part.

We are reminded to set Our old ways of thinking free with love (especially planning) and to trust what We have created and ARE creating. Not a real easy step. Simple but not easy. We have distrusted OurSelves for sooooo long and created a plethora of evidance that We are untrustworthy. We have proved Our case beyond doubt. We have been the accused and the accuser and it is time to forgive unconditionally. Not so easy when We keep creating evidance of being untrustworthy and seeing Our creation(s) as this proof. It is Our judgment that reflects back on Us and seems to condemn Us and punish Us radically. We cling to this old and familiar way of thinking and believing even as We set OurSelves free. Up and down.

It is this clinging that keeps Us trapped and it too is Our salvation (somehow).

This IS Our change, Our shift, Our complete psychic change AND Our assension. It is nothing like We expected. We do try (Our head/brain does) to cling to Our old expectations. We also set those free with love. Maybe if We did not experience these We would not be able to love “them” and set “them” free with love?

Once again We are spending Our day going back to dream and really do not have many words. We ARE learning to live in 3D within multiD and this means many different things (most of which We probably have yet to learn and experience).

We really do not know if We will ever have words for multiD experiences as words are a 3D construct. We can use words to share about Our 3D experiences within multiD but can We find words to describe the other Ds?

We dream later into the evening than We are usually able. We theel this is because We are deeper into multiD than before. Deeper and deeper. Hypnosis is One portal. It really does All exist within Our mind. Going within is where We find what We have been seeking.

We are watching “Person of Interest” and finding more and more of Our parts and pisces to accept, love and set free with love. We had some clam chowder in the afternoon and do not really have an appetite for more dinner.

Again: We go dream for short periods and wake to watch more “Person of Interest” and have a little I-scream. Now: We are going to full dream (hopefully) a while.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

More slip, sliding in multiD AND 3D



More slip, sliding in multiD AND 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:34 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We really do not know what is going on with Us this morning. We are definitely resisting waking. We slept and dreamt about normal and it was clearly not enough. We ARE allowing Us to wake in multiD and that is not enough either. We are just going with it.

We are reminded that multiD includes 3D and here We are. We are having a little trouble doing common 3D tasks but can do so by paying close attention.

This morning: We are deeper into multiD than We have allowed (while waking and/or awake) before. We know that We used to resist and fight this with All We had. We had no idea that this is exactly what We are after. We had no clue how much multiD includes 3D and how dysfunctional We would feel. This is no escape. This is facing OurSelves head on.

We can tell that We are in the midst of lots of change. How (and even if) this will look in 3D We have no clue.

We are having a day. We slipped deep into multiD and even though We are also very much in 3D: We have little 3D focus and awareness. Like walking through a dream more than being awake in limitation. Cool to real-eyes that limitation is becoming the dream and multiD is becoming the reality. Of course: One is as real as the other. We are finding balance even if/when We run passed it on Our way to the other extreme. Eventually the distance between the extremes grows less and the differences merge into similarities.

Of course: this is where many/most of Our students live. “They” can and do help Us IF We allow it.

Sorry that We do not have many words again.

It is a beautiful day and there is a winter storm predicted for tomorrow. Hard to imagine that much difference over night. It theels like this is part of swinging Us into multiD focus.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Where in multiD are We?



Where in multiD are We?

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:08 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We dreamt through ‘til midnight and then got up to play in multiD a bit. We had trouble getting back to dream and when We did We dreamt through until Our alarm. We do like being able to dream in later this year.

We are waking in multiD. This is progress. We likes it and it takes some getting used to. This is exactly what We resisted for sooooo long. We thought that it was/is bad. Silly people.

We know that We visited distant and different worlds in Our dreams. These are getting more familiar and hopefully soon We will be able to remember (and experience) “them” in waking. Allready: We are aware of many more worlds than even only a few months ago.

It is interesting to find that We are not sure how to do simple 3D tasks that We do everyday. In the passed this would have been cause for alarm. Now: We know that it is getting/being deeper into multiD and not nearly as completely focused only in limitation 3d. We are very happy with Our progress. We ARE grateful.

Our head is trying to future-trip and plan and make expectations even if it is not worrying yet. Worry is just a step away. We are glad that We recognize this and choose to stay in the now. We are getting better and better at consciously living in multiD.

We are having a good day and mostly in multiD and We do not remember much from 3D and multiD does not really fit in words.

Our driver got her car back and is in a much better mood (at least in the morning). Her mood does seem to deteriorate as the day goes on.

We are theeling more change coming. We are experiencing more change. We know the kids are helping.

We got an email from an online friend who We had not heard much from in quite a while. This is nice and “they” called shortly after We got home. We had a great talk. It is nice to reconnect again. “They” are starting a new discussion group as part of (an extension of) another group that “they” are working with. “They” invited Us and asked for Our help. We gladly agreed and will look forward to more information.

We are having dinner and not really finding much We are interested in watching. We are going to dream a little early.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Getting better at being in multiD AND 3D functional



Getting better at being in multiD AND 3D functional

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:39 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt in approximately One hour segments most of the night. We continue to find that We are not comfortable in Our skin any more. This is a good thing but does not feel good. We are also processing and taking responsibility for yesterday’s events. Shadow casting is still Our default way of thinking about Our others and events in Our life and We know better now. Making the change takes some time and repetition and (of course) pony hopping.

As We wake and play in multiD We are processing some things that We read and experience. We notice that there are still lots of Our others/projections trying to change the world from the outside and not too many changing how “they” think first. One of the first things that We real-eyes is that this too IS Our projection. We ARE changing and it is a slow and gradual process. Many know that Our world must change as it is deteriorating the way it is (We are) going. However: not many are taking responsibility and starting within first and this IS Our projection. We ARE taking responsibility and it is not yet Our default way of thinking. For this We ARE responsible.

More and more We ARE getting it that We ARE responsible and yet We still blame and shadow cast first even if that lasts a lot less time now. We are no longer stuck in blaming and shadow casting for hours, days and lifetimes. We ARE responsible even if it is not Our first line of thinking. When We blame: We pony hop. However: We are amazed at how deep Our old victim, scarcity and lack programming goes. We really do project everything and then blame Our others.

In multiD: limitation is only One of many (or even several of an infinite number of) realities. However: We are sooooo used to thinking of and believing that this as the only reality, life and world (that there is) that changing, evolving, expanding takes practice and going back around the mountain many times. We have begun to change and We have made (are making) a good start.

Spending Our days in the mundane, limited work-a-day world is a real challenge and this is where the work must be done. Even though it is not work as We usually think of work. It is not physical and external and muscular. It is mental and psychic and requires patience and attention and repetition. And then We repeat again. We set it All free with love. We open and allow. We pony hop. We love Our creations unconditionally even though We blame “them” and shadow cast over and over. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally. We ARE learning how to do this. We are getting familiar with being multidimensional and living multidimensionally. We still think of this limitation world as All there is and right on the heels of those thoughts We remember that there is more. Allways more.

The change MUST come from within. Anything less is only temporary at best.

We know that everything that happens (in Our life) is Our projecting in order to experience. This is NOT being sadistic (even though it may appear so in limitation) because in multiD everything is neutral. In multiD there are no threats and no blessings: simply experiences. In limitation Our life is threatened at every turn and We are blessed abundantly. We really do not want to give either up. We ARE willing to change. We are grateful, especially for Our growing awareness.

We are reminded that it is just as important to stop blaming OurSelves as it is to stop blaming Our others. Both get projected onto Our world and reflect back at Us.

Again: We are enjoying Our students and Our driver is (mostly) not. Yes: We do own this reflection and We pony hop a lot.

We think that Our driver has bid on a different route. Even though We have been thinking that it might be nice to ride with a different driver: We have very mixed feelings. After All: We have no idea who Our new driver might be and what “they” may be like. We do know that We will get what is best for Us and We know that that does not Allways feel best. What really bothers Us is that she has not told Us. That kinda hurts. She may not know how AND she may not have made up her mind.

We do lots of pony hopping. Our challenging student does not ride home so We finish a little early. At home We are 3D functional and mostly in multiD. We watch the last free episode of “Lie To Me” with a light dinner. Even though it is a small dinner We can only eat about half. We start watching the first episode of “Gotham” and do not know if We will like it. It theels like everything We dislike about society. More to face and forgive. We are going to try doing to dream a little early.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lots of 3D experience and living in multiD



Lots of 3D experience and living in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:59 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

At first We could only dream in very short spells and after a while We dreamt for a few hours at a time. Now: We are very much in multiD as We wake. We would have like to stay in dream and yet We are awake in multiD.

Words continue to be hard.

We are clearly in 3D AND in multiD and multiworlds. We are experiencing being here and not knowing where We are and what We are doing unless We concentrate consciously. We were trying to do a simple task and had to kinda jerk OurSelves back into Our waking world. This is progress. We are detaching with love. Thank Us.

We are reminded that We have no idea what walking in multiD and multiworlds will be like as We get more fully into it because We simply have never been there (at least not that We have any memory of). It is exciting and frightening at the same time.

Our head wants to plan Our day and Our life. That keeps Us in the old and familiar limitation. It feels secure. The security of a locked cage. We set it free with love. We pony hop. We love Us unconditionally.

We do have some vague memories of last night’s dreams and We know We had fun. There were new friends and some folks from Our waking world too.

We are experiencing getting deeper into multiD and multiworlds while remaining (somewhat) in 3D too. Of course this makes 3D much less limited. We are setting OurSelves free with love. Congratulations.

Another good (short) article about what We are experiencing: It takes time, repetition and experience to get used to living in multiD. First: We do it in Our dreams and then gradually We begin to become aware of being multidimensional and living multidimensionally.

We continue to enjoy Our students and Our driver being short and judgmental with “them” irritates Us and so We find OurSelves being judgmental of Our driver. We know that she has come a long way and that she IS Our projection and Our shadow that We cast upon Our world. We know that her progress is a reflection of Our progress. We also know that changing drivers or jobs is NOT the answer. BTW: changing drivers gets a lot more show time than thinking about changing jobs. We are NOT even entertaining ANY thoughts of changing jobs but We do still think that changing drivers without changing Us would help (be better). We know better. It IS Us that needs to change. Imagine being free of even that need.

After We hot tub on Our first break We find out that Our driver is having car trouble. These types of things Allways make her more negative. We think about what she needs to do for her car and try to be encouraging. She asks if We can help on Our second break and We agree to help. We figure out what steps We need to take to help her and do what We need/want to do for OurSelf. Both are important.

On Our noon section Our student with too much power does not ride. We miss him and Our driver does not. She makes some wrong turns as she is thinking/worrying about her car. We truly have been there. We are reminded of how many times We have been there. Our old thinking may be weak (in Us) and it is still strong in Our projections/others. Sooooo many are very caught up in this being the only reality and a very harsh and threatening One at that.

We want to help in the physical and more than that. We want to bring peace, equality and freedom to Our world through Our (everyOne’s) hearts. We want to bring the inner change that We speak of and are experiencing. In limitation this will never happen and in multiD it is Allready happening and even Allready done.

On Our second break: We get Our stuff done (some can easily be put off until another day with no ill affect) and do the repair on Our driver’s car. The repair helps and some lessor symptoms still exist. We agree to follow her to her mechanic after work.

On Our afternoon section Our driver is still obsessing about her car (and We really do understand this) and makes several wrong turns yet We make it to Our schools on time. We have a kindergartner who has never ridden before and the address that We have is wrong. Of course: this takes extra time and We are still only a few minutes late to the student’s homes (We ARE a master of time after All) and on time finishing. Our driver continues to be impatient with Our students and We know that this too is Our projection and We wrestle with blaming her and wrestle with Our thoughts like a dog with a bone. We pony hop. We repeat Our mantras and We set it All free with love. We take responsibility AND We still blame and shadow cast even though those are less than ever before. We ARE making progress and We give OurSelves credit. We ARE grateful. We no longer wear OurSelves out with Our mental gymnastics trying to escape Our responsibility. This is NOT blame and guilt: simply being responsible.

After work We follow Our driver to her mechanic and give her a ride home from there. This only takes a few extra minutes and We okay with it since We do not theel that We need to be in bed dreaming as early as last year.

At home We have dinner with some “Under the Dome” and more “Lie To Me” and go to dream around Our usual time. Lots of pony hopping, taking responsibility and setting it All free with love. We are willing to set blame free with love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Another day in dream and multiD



Another day in dream and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:29 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We dreamt and slept well. We remember some life review and that We visited worlds, lives and realities that are not familiar to Our waking brain (yet). We ARE growing more familiar with expanded and less limited and more free realities.

We got up several times and returned to dream. Now: We are drifting somewhere(s) and enjoying it. Not too many words again. We did get up earlier to go get water and heating oil and returned to dreaming after that too.

We are finding that We are doing better at staying in the now. We are more comfortable in the now and multiD.

We are spending Our day in and out of dream and drifting in multiD while awake AND We are 3D functional. We ARE learning how to do this and getting better at it. What We are having difficulty with right now is typing about it. Lots of authors are talking about it though.

We have an early dinner and go to dream early. We will probably get back up after a bit to watch more “Lie To Me” or read something on the computer.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

It seems that words are hard in multiD



It seems that words are hard in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:07 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We have been up to play in multiD and back to dream several times since around midnight. We slept and dreamt well and We do not remember what We dreamed and what We did there. We ARE certain that it is about getting familiar with Our new ways of thinking, believing and acting.

Even though We are 3D functional: We are also too deep into multiD to do words much.

Another article about what We are living:

Words are hard this weekend so We are cutting this entry short. We did go visit Our local friends and had a good time. “They” too are noticing/feeling the intense energies and We talked a little about that. “They” did start to get into All the “end of the world” stuff and We kinda cut that short.

We are mostly in multiD AND still 3D functional except for the words part.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Another multiD day without many words



Another multiD day without many words

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:23 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt well until around midnight. After that We could only dream in short spurts getting up for a while in between. When We were up We did play in multiD and We know that whatever was going on is about Our transition. We felt totally rested and awake at those times also. Around four We were able to get back to deep dream and Our alarm woke Us. Now: We theel more in dream and multiD. We remind OurSelves that We no longer have to leave multiD to wake. We are practicing allowing.

We did find another author talking about what We are experiencing and did read today’s entry this morning: We ARE making progress and more and more We ARE aware of other worlds, lives and realities that We live. We ARE grateful. We like the idea of living in ease and We real-eyes that We ARE addicted to struggle and strife. Who wooda thunk it?

As We ponder Our current life and experiences We real-eyes that a lot of Our discomfort last year was from trying to please Our driver. We can not make someOne happy who wants to be unhappy. Very few people real-eyes that “they” are comfortable in unhappy. We are on the school bus for the students and for Us. We do not theel that the students should be silent statues. Our driver knows how We operate with the kids and chose to ask Us to be her attendant again this year. We love Us unconditionally.

Our head tries to blame and guilt Our others and then OurSelves for doing so. Tricky. We remember that what We see (in others) is Our reflection, Our shadow casting. We are sorry. We forgive Us unconditionally. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us unconditionally. Blaming and accusing others just brings Us more to blame and accuse about. It is a loop that never ends until We accept responsibility.

Another article about what We are living. At first the date confused Us and it is about slip, sliding in multiworlds and multitimelines. We are doing a lot of pony hopping this morning as Our brain tries to revert to struggle and trouble. We do NOT have to live there any more and it IS a choice. Our heartmind knows this. We ARE grateful.

We are having another good day with the students and being in 3D within multiD. Our pony hopping is clearly paying off. When out and about in the work-a-day world it is easy to slip back into that mentality. We are finding it easier to recognize this and remain centered in Our new ways of thinking, believing and acting.

We do not (yet) see a lot of evidance of outer change but We certainly can theel it and it is definitely showing up in what We read online.

Once again We just do not find the ability to use a lot of words.

At home: We have a rootbeer float for dinner and that fills Us up. We did have pizza for a late lunch on Our afternoon break. We watch a few minutes of “Under the Dome” and then more “Lie To Me” with dinner. We are heading to dream about the normal time. We thought We might stay up a bit but dreams are calling.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Here AND there in multiD AND 3D



Here AND there in multiD AND 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:22 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

An interesting night. We slept and dreamt well until the wee hours. We got up around 1 or 2 AM to play in multiD because Our dream lives were too pressing to return to dream right away. We needed to theel and process what We are experiencing. We visited several familiar worlds in Our dream journeys. Some are familiar from dreaming and some from waking. We are beginning to be consciously aware of living in multiworlds while awake. Yes: We have known this for a while but the waking and conscious awareness of those other worlds is new.

We visited other worlds where We are still a sped attendant but the worlds are shifting and different than Our (apparent) stable limitation 3D. It is rather unsettling AND it is beginning to happen in Our waking world. We kept going through the same section of Our route over and over and dropping off the same student at home over and over. It was NOT boring that is for certain. Everytime We went through this section it was different and unrecognizable. Obviously the same section should have grown familiar after a few runs through it but it never did. Then: each time We dropped the student off a different person met “them” and Our list of who could meet “them” was different each time. This kept repeating and We never really did get comfortable with it.

We know that We are getting familiar enough with this to become aware of doing it in Our waking life. Earlier We did some reading and found others experiencing similar but so far none that are aware of what is happening. Most explaining it away as usual.

Our waking world IS changing. We theel it big time and it is quite uncomfortable. It is a very new experience and will probably not be comfortable until it is. We ARE grateful even though it is not comfortable. We ARE getting what We asked for. This is preparing Us to live Our dream. Thank Us unconditionally.

More insights and intuits as We prepare to go be on the bus. There IS some fear and We face it and bless it and set if free with love. We know that everything IS working and WILL work together for the best for Us. It may not feel good at the time and it IS for Our best. We do get the impression that Our near future is gonna get rather interesting. Our dream preparations are giving Us the ability to face it and walk through it. Thank Us unconditionally.

Our limitation world is sooooo familiar that leaving it is hard for Us. We are sooooo attached and addicted to the struggle, scarcity and lack that We cling to it as We endeavor to set it free with love. We ARE making progress. We pony hop and set OurSelves free with love. Lots of mantras.

Our pony hopping and being grateful are paying off. We are having an easier day and We recognize that even when it does not feel good: We ARE responsible for what We have in Our life. We ARE projecting, creating and manifesting everything in Our experience. Not wanting “things” to be different brings a new mindset and outlook. Our driver is still having a hard time with lots of stuff and We pony hop her. We real-eyes that her impatience is Our shadow, even if it is Our passive shadow. We too often have a hard time accepting life. We hope that We affect positive change in the lives of All those around Us.

We do get into multiD a lot during Our day and at home We are aware of being here AND there. This is getting familiar and does not theel as odd as it used to.

We have dinner and watch more: “Lie To Me”. We start to stay up a little later and then real-eyes that We are ready to go dream so off We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

More experiences and articles of living in multiD



More experiences and articles of living in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:09 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We did not sleep well last night. We may/must have dreamed a lot and everytime We woke We were pony hopping. We usually wake several times a night and last night We also had a hard time getting back to dream most of those times. A lot of it is definitely about shifting and transitioning and setting Our old ways/thinking/beliefs free with love. Our head is trying to assail Us with judgments and accusations. We pony hop and set it free with love and Our head’s efforts are kinda like a battering ram. We certainly would never allow anyOne else to treat Us this way. We love Us, All parts and pisces of Us. We know that Our head thinks that it is trying to keep Us safe. We fear the unknown and that is clearly where We are headed. We love Us unconditionally and We forgive Us unconditionally.

We remember thinking about Our head throwing rocks at Us and those rocks being more like dirt clods and evolving into dust bunnies. We can theel a lot of change and Our head really does NOT like that. We thank Us. We ARE grateful. Yes: it is still uncomfortable.

We theel that We are on the verge of a major breakthrough in setting Our old ways of behavior, thinking, mindset and beliefs free with love. Our head is doing a major resis-dance. We set that too free with love. Another thing that is happening is real-eyes-ing that nothing that happens in Our limitation, waking world is important. Our head really chafes at this. There are sooooo many subtle ways that We drag OurSelves back into the old way of thinking and believing and making everything important and even life threatening. That is Our standard m.o. It is a huge mindtrap.

Our head is really, really trying to keep Us in limitation and separation. The only problem is thinking that there is a problem and Our head wants a problem.

Our pony hopping did help. We are having an easier day with Our students and We ARE grateful. We real-eyes that this IS All Our creation, manifestation and projection and that does NOT mean that We Allways like it. We ARE also facing Our fears.

On Our breaks We do some reading online and find a couple more articles about what We are experiencing and “they” even use some of Our words: and what struck Us as especially interesting was where the One talks about Our limitation 3D world and life NOT being important. Exactly what We are experiencing and learning.

We are pretty deep in multiD All day and 3D functional. At home We have dinner and watch “Lie To Me”. Again: We tried watching “Under the Dome” but it stopped streaming pretty quick. We are staying up a little late hoping to be able to stay in dream a while. Now: We are ready to see what dreams may come.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A quieter day in 3D within multiD



A quieter day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:20 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept well and visited many worlds and realities. When We woke during the night We had some clear memories of what We did AND We kept pony hopping Our waking life. Now: We only have vague, foggy memories and We continue to pony hop Our waking life. We want to take responsibility and yet We hate taking responsibility. This IS a big commitment. It is very different living as the creator of Our reality and life from living as the victim of life. It is uncomfortable to say the least.

We really do prefer dreaming and playing in multiD over facing Our projected reality. We did create some messed up hologram or what We created went way out of whack. Limitation and separation are just NOT as fun as We musta thought. However: “they” are still very familiar and the unknown is scary and uncomfortable. We ARE uncomfortable and a bit scared. We face Our fear. We face OurSelf.

If You are just beginning to do this too then You know what We mean.

We do recognize Our resis-dance and We ARE willing to change. It would be (seem to be) easy and much more comfortable to return to the familiar role of playing the victim. When We read that is does NOT actually make any sense but it certainly IS true. Our head is way messed up and very cornfused.

One of the hardest parts of this is getting it that nothing that happens in Our limitation world, reality and life is important. We have Allways made it sooooo important and even life threatening. If We are immortal (and We ARE) then how can anything be life threatening? We are sooooo good at pretending. Master of the game.

We are willing to change or at least willing to be willing. Resisdance runs deep. We pony hop, We remember that everything IS working together for the best for Us. We ask why We want it to be different? Pleasing others is One reason, matching Our expectations is another. NOT good reasons. Not good at All. And then there is: thinking that it is important, that this IS the “real” world and All that limitation thinking.

As We get ready to go be on the bus: We sense subtle, little changes in Us AND Our outer world. Perhaps “changes” is not accurate. It is more like the double exposure effect/feeling of walking in multiworlds and becoming aware of it. We ARE getting what We asked for and what We want. We ARE grateful even though it IS uncomfortable.

A much calmer and easier day today. We have a short morning break because We did Our new morning middleschool section. This student is very quiet and well behaved. On Our noon section We did have to get a teacher to come on the bus and talk to One student. This student has made a lot of improvement but still does not think that “they” need to listen to Us. There is a lot that We have to instruct “them” about safety and We really need for “them” to know that “they” need to listen. We pony hop, a lot. We also finished a charter after Our noon section but still have plenty of time to hot tub and do a little grocery shopping.

Several students are not riding on Our PM section so that is much calmer and easier. Our agitated student did not ride. We need to find a different way to identify “them” as We recognize that thinking of “them” this way enhances the problem. We are sorry for whatever it is within Us that is causing problems for Us AND “them”. Please forgive Us. We love Us. We thank Us.

At home We are rehearsing the days events more than We would like. We pony hop and set it free. Amazon is streaming well so We get to finish an episode of “Under the Dome” and watch most of the latest, available episode of “Extant” with dinner. Since We get to dream in later We took the time to make/finish a batch of stroganoff. We still notice that We are going to dream a bit early. Time.........

We dream a bit and then get up for a bit. Not ready to really get into dreaming until We watch another episode of “Lie To Me”.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A rather crazy day in 3D within multiD



A rather crazy day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:16 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept well and woke a few times to get up and play in multiD. We no longer theel that We have to get up this early on bus days and We thelt that We are awake and ready to get up and wake in multiD.

We remember that We visited several other worlds last night and We do not remember much more. We are remembering more and more Our experiences in multiworlds while awake. This is still hard for Our head to accept and reconcile. Much easier to accept other worlds in Our dreams.

The worlds that We remember visiting are still very 3D and not as limited and much more free. We are finding and accepting other versions of OurSelves both in dream and waking. We know that We slip into other realities and use false memories (or something along those lines) to make OurSelves think that We are Allways in the same world, life and reality. We ARE masters of the game.

We returned to dream for about half an hour and visited worlds that We can barely remember. “They” seemed familiar at the time and must be different enough that Our brain can not translate “them” yet. We were practicing being grateful for what We have knowing that it is working together for the best for Us. Everything is working to help Us accept Our power, to accept and remember who and what We are.

It has been raining All night and that is fine as long as the temp stays above freezing. If it drops to freezing then driving will be treacherous. Of course that too will be fine as it is working together for the best for Us. Our head tries to fear and Our heart knows what is best for Us.

We remind OurSelves that: as We go out into the 9-5 world: everything IS working together for the best for Us. Everything IS perfect AND best. If We can remember this as We walk around in Our limitation projections then maybe We can accept and be grateful for what We have and experience instead of being afraid. We allow OurSelves to fall into fear and old thinking when We are in the work-a-day world. We were doing better but somehow last week We allowed Our old thinking and fears to take over. We forgive OurSelves. That is very important. Everything IS working together for the best for Us.

We set Our fears free with love. We can return here any time We want. We love Our fear and set it free with love.

We are slip, sliding around, back and forth, between and through multiworlds and that IS a very good thing. Recognizing and allowing this is progress. We theel and even vaguely see Our space port and flying Our shuttlecraft. We ARE changing how We think AND We ARE grateful. Very grateful.

Our morning turned crazy when “they” told Us to cover another route We know that We ARE responsible and it is still very easy to blame others. We were very late for the other route and for Our new morning section. “They” had another route cover Our new section and We were both over half an hour late for these sections We covered. On and on. Pony hopping and more pony hopping.

We missed most of Our morning break and then Our noon section went well. We are practicing being grateful for what We have created, manifested and projected and it is not easy. Simple but not easy. It goes against the grain or at least feels like it does. It certainly goes against Our programming.

We get to hot tub and relax on Our second break.

When We start Our PM section Our agitated student is upset and tells Us that “they” had a bad day. We ask if there is anything that We can do, “they” shake “their” head yes and do not tell Us what We can do. It is a rough section as this student is upsetting the other students and then We are told that We have to take another student back to school because there is no One home to receive “them”. This other student breaks down in tears not wanting to go back to school. We take responsibility and pony hop All of this AND Our driver (not happy with “their” reaction and want to blame) and do Our best to settle All the students. We know that the best We can do is pony hopping and work at the mental and psychic level. Something about balance?????

Several students did not ride so We finish early. We keep pony hopping. This is unfamiliar terrain and it IS uncomfortable.

At home We continue to pony hop and be uncomfortable. We real-eyes that what We are feeling is being in uncharted waters. This IS new behavior. We ARE changing and even though it IS what We want, what We asked for it does NOT feel good right now. We ARE grateful. We thank Us unconditionally and it is NOT just words. We ARE getting what We seek and We are grateful even though it does not feel good when it is unfamiliar. Have We mentioned that this is unfamiliar?

We just gotta keep on. We are IN the change and We are not willing to turn back now as much as We want to.

We watch a little more “Under the Dome” but again Amazon is NOT streaming well. We watch “Lie To Me” on Netflix with dinner. We are grateful that We got Netflix back. Our head wants to find things to plan and worry about and that is a quick road back to where We came from. We are NOT going back. At least for now We pony hop and move forward. Everything IS perfect now regardless of how it feels.

We are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, September 14, 2015

More insights and living in 3D within multiD



More insights and living in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:12 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We dreamt well and have been up several times to play in multiD and then return to dream. The first time was at 1:11 and We returned to dream at 2:22 and then dreamt until 4:44. It was snowing and raining then and has been snowing most of the morning. When We first opened this program it was 11:11. We are not sure what We are telling OurSelves and it IS reassuring. We are finding more articles about what We are doing.

We are having/finding more and more memories of alternate lives and realities. We do not know which are dream and which are forgotten/masked waking experiences and All are recent. Most are still 3D and multiworlds, multirealities and lives in 3D lie along the path to multiD. We know that We ARE changing and that is what We have been seeking. Our head still tries to keep Us in the imagined safety of limitation and We are opting more and more to acknowledge, be aware of and experience multiD and expansion. Less limited if not completely limitless (yet). We accept and appreciate progress. We appreciate taking it slow and gentle enough to NOT blow Our circuits.

There is still some snow on the ground and on Our dragon and it is warming a little outdoors.

We are clearly in 3D and everything looks the same (with lots of fall colors and some snow added) and We are drifting gently in multiD. It is kinda like day dreaming or the gentle rocking and waking dreams of laying in a hammock. It IS very pleasant as long as We do not resist. We still do the resisdance but it is a much gentler, slow dance than before.

Our head tries to keep Us in limitation (which used to be easy since everything looks mostly the same because We remain in 3D which IS part of multiD and limitlessness) and We clearly theel and even experience that We are in more than One world, life and reality. What used to be life and death important is now much less important in that We know (and are beginning to live) that there are many realities, worlds and lives that We are living simultaneously. This (Our current, familiar, waking world) is only One version. We are not even certain (any more) that it is the same version that it appears to be. We know that We can slip into nearby worlds and never notice. We know that We rely on Our memory (faulty at best) to assure that We keep waking in the same world. That is what We used to desire. Our desire IS changing.

We do have a few 3D tasks that We want to do today and We may. We do hope to reconnect the battery on/in Our chariot since studded tires are legal in two days and it does look like We may need “them” soon. Hopefully: We will be more and more aware of teleporting and flying Our space shuttles and shuttle craft and living in a hologram soon too. Our space port has not been as dominant in Our thoughts as around a week ago. We theel that Our agitated student drew Us back more into limitation and that is part of Our process. The awareness is what is most important. We pony hop, We repeat Our mantras, We acknowledge being/living in multiworlds and multiD and We set it All free with love. We are gentle and nurturing with OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally. We forgive Us unconditionally. We judge OurSelves much less than We used to. We appreciate Our progress and We ARE grateful for Our expanding outlook/perspective. There is much less fear in multiD and multiworlds Once We are less afraid of multiD and multiworlds. We ARE learning to live limitless and free even though it begins with less limited and more free rather than the full Monty (whatever that might be).

Earlier: We read another article about what We are experiencing. It is comforting to find more people experiencing what We experience and more explanations of what is going on. Not explaining it away and embracing Our shifts and changes. We are receiving the complete psychic change that We seek.

We can not plan a life in multiD, a life of love. Planning is part of the human condition(ing). Planning is such an engrained habit that We do not know how to “NOT plan”. All habits can be shifted. Trying to destroy a habit actually reinforces it. Living by/through intuition and inspiration is Our (human) true nature. It is natural but most certainly NOT normal. For eons We thought that whatever is normal IS natural: a lie and We told it.

We read some more which continues to be about what We are living. We have another short dream session before dinner. We try to watch “Under the Dome” but it is a short session as Amazon just is not streaming well. We watch more “Lie To Me” with dinner and now We theel ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Being and doing in 3D within multiD



Being and doing in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:41 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We ARE here AND there and that still takes some getting used to. Everything looks the same (allowing for the change of seasons and most All of the leaves are beautiful fall colors now) and it is sooooo easy to think that We are still only in One world, One reality and stuck in limitation. That is only a choice not a mandate. Our thinking, Our way of thinking determines All that. Which is why We have been before and remained stuck: because We did NOT change Our thinking and broaden Our horizons. We were waiting for the outer view to change. We knew that multiD and limitless includes 3D yet We expected to “SEE” change. We have to change first because We see what We project.

We ARE changing and it IS a slow and gentle process yet compared to the eons that We have chosen to stay within limitation and separation the progress in Allmost instantaneous.

We got to dream right away last night and slept well. We remember visiting other 3D worlds and realities and lives. To say those were weird might give the wrong impression. Others might think that “they” were less limited and less 3D than “they” were/are. “They” were weird in that “they” were nothing like We have ever remembered or imagined doing within limitation. “They” are limited realities unless We recognize that “they” are only One of many versions, worlds, lives and realities that We live in. That real-I-say-tion takes “them” to the realm of limitless. Just like Our waking world is IF We believe and know and live that it is only One of many concurrent lives.

THAT is what takes Us into limitlessness. Not leaving this limitation world but theeling through and beyond the limits. It is a difficult concept to grok because We are still thinking mostly from/in limitation. It really is Our thinking, Our beliefs, Our psyche that must change first. Even IF We slip into limitless worlds: if We still think in limitation We will not even notice. Yes: there are many paths to the same journey and destination. Maybe another route will work for others and for Us: Our thinking has to change first.

It is hard to believe that We are in control of All this. Of course the word “control” does imply a lot of false limitation and separation ideas. It is Our expanded Self, Our limitless and multiD Self that is in control and We control by setting it All free. That certainly does NOT compute in a limitation 3d brain. We limit through Our beliefs. We expand through changing/expanding Our beliefs and how We think. We control by NOT trying to control. Our head rejects these concepts off hand. Our heartmind knows and begins to project the truth of it.

It is All about choice and Our head tries to tell Us otherwise as it (seemingly) Allways has. That too is a choice.

We just did an email and real-eyesed that We are slip, sliding around in multiD which can make for a cornfusing email.

We have had quite a bit of coffee so even though We hope to go back to dream: We may be up for the day. We are theeling that We might play some dragons today.

We are pleasantly surprised that We were able to return to dream. It seemed like a short session (even though We are aware of visiting several nearby and similar worlds) and more time has passed than it felt like. We woke to a world where it is snowing. Another nearby world because Allthough it is not terribly unlikely to snow here at this time of year it was way too warm when We went to dream. The snow is not really sticking but it is starting to maybe.

We think that We will stay home today because We just do not know what the roads might be like in a few hours.

We are very drifty in multiD and may return to dream soon. We do wanna harvest the rest of Our tomatoes (still green) but no rush about that or anything else 3D.

We found another article about what We are doing in Our life. We know that We are not alone. There just are not a lot of people (relatively at least) doing what We are doing. Of course: You guessed it: it IS All Our projection.

We returned to another short dream session. Not sure where We went. Somewhere nearby but far enough to not be completely familiar.

We harvested All the green toms that look worth harvesting. Too bad that We do not like fried green tomatoes. We even found a couple of small, ripe and over-ripe toms. We are thinking of having a tuna samich for dinner and were thinking that a tom would be good in the tuna. We trimmed back a lot of the vines too. The plant is (or was) growing where We hang Our snow brooms and shovels for winter which does seem to be fast approaching. Our finners got cold.

The snow is sticking in lots of places AND melting both. It is a mix of rain and snow. The worst for driving.

We returned to dream. It was mostly waking dream. We got up to a world where it is still snowing lightly and more melting. We are doing some small 3D tasks that We want to do and when We are done it has stopped snowing and is melting. Now it is snowing again and We are clearly slip, sliding between multiworlds. It is not the snow starting and stopping: it IS Us. As We do some more small, simple 3D tasks We are very, very much slip, sliding between/through multiworlds and it is very confusing to Our head. Our head tries to make sense of what does NOT make sense in limitation 3d. We keep reminding OurSelves that We aren’t in Kansas any more.

The snow has stopped and melted and We are still glad that We chose to stay home. We still do not know what the roads and weather will be like around the time that We would have been driving home. We are enjoying spending Our day going back to dream and playing in multiD when awake.

We watch more “Lie To Me” with dinner (tuna sand). We even had a bit of desert. We are watching several episodes until We are ready to go dream and now We are ready.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Experiencing Our projections



Experiencing Our projections

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:36 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept much better last night. We did wake a few times but did not get up until morning. We dreamed too even though We are not sure what We dreamed. We do know that We continue to get familiar with the unfamiliar.

Recently: We have been aware of more times/incidents of living in other/alternate worlds. These are (usually) flash memories that We know that We did which do NOT fit into Our normal, waking world. Hard to explain better than that and We are certain if anyOne ponders this “they” will find similar instances in “their” own life which “they” have explained away. (Unless “they” are embracing this too)

More and more We have clear memories of doing things that We are certain We never did (some We can not even imagine this personality doing) in Our familiar, waking, limitation world. We do slip around between and through other/alternate realities All the time. When We slip into a nearby and similar world We tend to not notice and when it is a more distant and more different world We mask it and forget and deny the experience. Now: We are remembering these different and more distant worlds and experiences.

Is this because “they” are becoming more familiar as a result of dream visits? Probably and We ARE changing and expanding Our thinking and beliefs. There IS sooooo much more than We have been aware of before. Even when We began to real-eyes this it was not part of Our waking experience, at least not much. This is the stuff that fills loony bins and most of Us avoid it like the plague. We have judged it “bad” for sooooo long that it is hard to turn around and embrace these parts, aspects and shadows.

Our head is trying to plan Our future as usual. Now days We slip into that less and less and Our head keeps trying. Our head thinks this planning is safe. It would rather plan than face who and what We really are. Our heart leads Us to wake. We are sooooo much more than We ever imagined, thought and believed. This is beginning to populate Our waking. We pony hop Our old thinking and escape from Our inner reality.

We pony hop and process Our agitated student from yesterday. We really do like this student and just do NOT know how to help in the physical. We CAN help at deeper levels. We KNOW this and Our head tries to deny and escape this. That is another old and familiar pattern. That is very common in limitation reality. In limitation and separation We want to “DO” in the physical and do lip service to anything more/else. The more/else is more powerful and capable. It is part of the actual “real” world(s) and We try to avoid that (and those) with Our greatest strength. Now: We face OurSelf, Our fear. We (Our true nature) are Our greatest fear. Real-I-sing this is a major step. One giant step for man.

We ARE getting some ideas (hopefully inspiration) for things that We can take/do on the bus that might help entertain and calm Our agitated student(s). We are reminded of Our summer school student who loved “their” piggy bank and were greatly calmed by it. We appreciate this.

We are pondering creating Our own reality. We know that We project what We have in Our life. The problem with this is that most of Us simply can not imagine that We would choose, create and project most of the shit that We experience. Most can not even imagine creating the really good stuff. It is sooooo easy (and We are sooooo experienced at) blaming or crediting someOne else for anything extremely good or extremely bad (especially in the moment). We make choices at a very deep level and then forget making these choices. For instance: Our driver has a student that she likes and despises. She antagonizes “them” and instigates “bad” behavior and then gets mad at “them”. It is easy for Us to blame her. We know that We create and project this but that is a bitter pill to swallow AND the evidence supports blame and guilt on her. That is old thinking and behavior and it breeds more of the same.

We are having a good day with the students and drifting in multiD. Next week Our morning break will be shorter and that is actually a good thing. Sometimes We have trouble filling both long breaks and get restless trying to dream in Our car. As the weather gets colder: dreaming in Our car is less of an option. We know that We do NOT actually rely on Our job to bring in finance but it does look that way and it IS how We choose (at this time anyway) to manifest money. We do not know why We have made and continue to make that choice but there it is. We are grateful that We have created and chosen a job that We enjoy sooooo much.

On Our afternoon section We are impressed and even a bit jealous of how Our driver handles Our agitated student. We know that this student knows the way home and is very good at directions. We have been pony hopping Our driver and students. It seems to Us that Our driver instigates rambunctious and loud behavior and then slams down on the kids when it goes too far. We do not theel this is fair to the students and We know that Our driver does NOT take any type of criticism well. Pony hopping is Allways Our bestest choice regardless.

When this One student starts to panic as another school bus follows Us (We have no idea why this bothers “them”) We try to calm “them” to little avail. Our driver asks “them” to give directions to “their” house. Fortunately this agitation happens on the way to “their” house next. It works like a miracle. We do not know why We did not think of it. The books and toys that We had tried worked well for about thirty seconds each. We ARE learning. Afterwards: Our driver comments that Once again We did well as a team. We theel she is giving Us more credit that We deserve. Of course: it is All Our projection.

At home We do not theel like going to dream before dinner. We have a baked potato, I-scream and strawberries because that is what We want for dinner. And more “Lie To Me” with dinner. We stay up a little late watching more “Lie To Me” and now are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Another day slipping around in multiD and dream and 3D



Another day slipping around in multiD and dream and 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:45 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

It took a while to get to dream last night. We got back up and watched a couple more episodes of “Lie To Me” and then were able to go to dream. We do not remember what We dreamed, where We went and what We did but We do know that We visited other worlds. We remember processing some information about other realities and a little bit about yesterday’s articles about slipping into alternate/parallel realities. We know that We do this All the time but not as drastic as those in the article. We are grateful for Our easier, softer path.

We woke around 3 AM and got up to play in multiD a bit and then returned to more dreaming. We woke again after about an hour and even though We would like to stay in dream We are ready to get up. We remind OurSelves that We can (and now do) remain in multiD while waking and afterwards. We ARE making progress. Even though Our world looks basically the same We can theel AND know that We ARE changing and therefore Our world is changing. The changes are simple, subtle and easy to miss if We do not pay close attention.

Many/most of Our projections are either unaware of anything beyond business as usual or look for outer change first. We ARE looking for AND getting inner change first. We used to look for outer change only or mainly. Those who still live there ARE Our passive shadows. In infinity and eternity All the versions of OurSelves remain and go on and on. We can return to any of those any time We choose. We must remember to honor and allow these other versions. This is very important to Us. We wish to integrate and love All Our versions: All of Our castaways, rejects and orphans. The time of trying to destroy and/or abandon any part of Us is passed. We also honor, love and nurture those versions bent on destruction and abandonment. That is a bit harder and “they” too are wounded, frightened children. We had not given this mush notice before. More shall be revealed.

We ARE very aware of waking, walking and living in multiworlds and multiD. This is becoming more and more real to Us. It is no longer just words, theories and philosophy. MultiD is becoming a way, Our way of life. We are experiencing more vertigo as We slip between worlds, mental/relaxation states and dimensions. This take a lot of adjusting and We ARE grateful for the slow and gentle process (most of the time anyway).

We have been thinking about typing up more of Our thoughts about autism and yesterday We did touch on those. For now that is how We will approach this. We just do not have the 3D attention and focus to go further. We will follow Our intuition and inspiration. That IS progress.

Most of Our day was good and We did get into dream a lot. We also spent a lot of waking time in multiD and enjoyed most of Our time with Our students. We did do the charter that got canceled yesterday and that went well. We had a WiFi connection at the university where the field trip went and We read a bit until We were drawn deep into dream for short time. Very deep. Deeper than We usually go on the bus.

At the pool (during Our afternoon break) We saw some students from a school not on Our route and We are connecting with some of those students. One is from Our summer school route and “they” recognized Us and asked where “they” know Us from. Another We have never seen (in waking) before and “they” clearly made an effort to connect.

On Our afternoon section Our newest student was very anxious and agitated for whatever reason. We did Our best to keep “them” calm and quiet “their” yelling. It bothered Us more because of Our driver than OurSelves. We did Our best and remembered NOT to pressure OurSelves sooooo much just because Our driver does not understand these kids. After All: she wanted Us for her attendant after a whole school year with Us. She knows how We work and wants to work with Us. We were still stressed because Our student was agitated most of the ride. Lots of little things were bothering “them” and We ARE clueless why and what to do. We just did Our best. We were glad to get “them” home. “They” are One of the last students on Our route.

At home We were able to go to dream for a few minutes right away and woke much refreshed. We had dinner with “Lie To Me”. We stayed up a little late because We were not sure if We were ready to go dream and We did NOT want to lay in bed rerunning the afternoon. Now: We theel that We are ready. We pony hop Our day and Our agitated student. We take responsibility even though in the physical We had nothing to do with “their” agitation. We could deny responsibility (Our old pattern for sure) and enhance/feed the problem (whatever it may be). We choose to face Our projection and integrate it.

We love Us unconditionally.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

An interesting day in 3D within multiD



An interesting day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:04 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Even though We woke several times We slept better than We have the last few nights until around midnight. Then We had a hard time getting back to dream. Around 2 AM We got back to dream and slept well until time to wake and get up. We remember that We visited other realities throughout the night with little or no clear waking memory of what We did. We are certain that We continue to get familiar with worlds, lives, realities and abilities that are just too foreign for Our brain to process yet. We ARE able to recognize more and more but there remains much that is not acceptable to Our head.

We vaguely remember that We visited worlds that are similar to Our current waking world and more free AND We visited worlds that are like Our passed and We do things a little different in each One. We like learning that We can do that. We really can do All the things that We wish We had done.

In ways We do wish that We spent more time in worlds where We are rich and We also know that what We really want is to live limitless and free (especially free of need). If We are well aware of being rich, of being able to bring riches into any waking life then it would be easy to settle for that rather than moving forward into who and what We really are. We could easily be trapped in a nicer limitation. There are limitation worlds and lives where We live a more comfortable limitation. We do NOT want to settle for that. We seek to live Our true nature. A victim at any level is still a victim and We are NOT a victim. We never were but We do play a good game of pretend.

This morning We are having a good time exploring living multidimensionally AND being present in 3D. We found an article about a woman from an alternate reality. We have not read it yet. We will probably save for later since there does not seem to be a lot of good reading this morning and We do have lots of break time in town.

We can theel Our change and progress more and more even if We do not see it (yet). We no longer “need” to see it to know that it is real.

We are finding that limitation grows less and less Our predominate and default way of thinking (and therefore projecting). It remains strong even while it grows weaker. Our head still tries to slip Us into limitation, victim, scarcity and lack mentality and We are much faster to recognize this and be grateful and think less limited.

We are having a good day with Our students. After Our morning section: dispatch needed a charter covered and sent Us back out to do the charter. The class/group was too large to All fit on Our bus so only the student in a wheel chair got on. While We were waiting for the second bus (a big bus which the rest of the students wanted to ride) We heard that two middle schools had gone on lock down. Earlier We had heard that there was a road block just outside of town. We radioed dispatch and learned that Our second bus was in One of the lock downs. We told the teachers and “they” chose to wait after checking to make sure that We did not have room for All the students. Then an administrator came out and told Us that this school (a high school) was now on lockdown and “they” took the waiting students and teachers back inside leaving Our student on Our bus. This student got a text from “their” brother saying that he had been shot outside the school. There were no sirens, no police or ambulance so We thelt that the text was a hoax. Certainly NOT a funny hoax.

We waited without any real news and after about half an hour the administrator came back out and took Our student back into the school. “They” said the lockdown had been lifted but it seems that it was actually still in affect. We returned to base. Our driver was quite shook up by the event. Later We learned that there was some kind of shooting and stand off at a store just out of town and the perpetrators had fled.

We read the article (mentioned above) on Our afternoon break and enjoyed it. We theel that We go through these slips into other realities often but not as severe as the three people in the article. We to theel that some have the major slips and shifts, others have minor Ones and most slip, slide All the time but the realities are sooooo close and similar that hardly anyOne ever notices. We think of it as a glitch and/or deja vu. We poo poo and explain it away and therefore deny what We are living and experiencing. We give away Our power.

We find that We are becoming friendlier with people that We encounter. This is NOT a conscious choice but simply some kind of transition. We know that We sometimes appear rude to others and We just do not usually have anything to say. This is changing and We notice the change. We do seem to be sending less signals to “stay away” even if it is not usually to those We would consciously choose. We remember that “they” are All Us: projections of Our beliefs. We recognize more and more how powerful and good at this We really are. We are drowning in De-Nile less and less.

We get to meet another student on Our afternoon section. We kinda get off on the wrong foot but after a teacher helps Us the student makes the effort to make amends and so do We. We theel that We will get along just fine. “They” need a lot of reassurance and attention. There are times that We do not know what “they” need and are bothered by and We do Our best to console “them” and let “them” know that We like “them” and are NOT mad at “them”. “They” are quite autistic but not severe. There are sooooo many ranges and degrees of autism spectrum. “They” live in multiworlds but may or may not know what that is. Most A-dults certainly do NOT know what is going on with “them” and believe there is only One world and reality. “They” (the autists) are trying to help Us become aware as We try to squeeze “them” into One world, One box that “they” just do not fit into.

By the time We finish Our route We are way deep into multiD AND remain 3D functional. At home We have a light dinner and watch some more “Extant” and then “Area 51”. We are not very impressed with “Area 51” and We still want to see where it goes.

We know that We are not really ready to go dream but We choose to try.

Good night AND thank You for playing.