Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

An interesting day in 3D within multiD



An interesting day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:04 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Even though We woke several times We slept better than We have the last few nights until around midnight. Then We had a hard time getting back to dream. Around 2 AM We got back to dream and slept well until time to wake and get up. We remember that We visited other realities throughout the night with little or no clear waking memory of what We did. We are certain that We continue to get familiar with worlds, lives, realities and abilities that are just too foreign for Our brain to process yet. We ARE able to recognize more and more but there remains much that is not acceptable to Our head.

We vaguely remember that We visited worlds that are similar to Our current waking world and more free AND We visited worlds that are like Our passed and We do things a little different in each One. We like learning that We can do that. We really can do All the things that We wish We had done.

In ways We do wish that We spent more time in worlds where We are rich and We also know that what We really want is to live limitless and free (especially free of need). If We are well aware of being rich, of being able to bring riches into any waking life then it would be easy to settle for that rather than moving forward into who and what We really are. We could easily be trapped in a nicer limitation. There are limitation worlds and lives where We live a more comfortable limitation. We do NOT want to settle for that. We seek to live Our true nature. A victim at any level is still a victim and We are NOT a victim. We never were but We do play a good game of pretend.

This morning We are having a good time exploring living multidimensionally AND being present in 3D. We found an article about a woman from an alternate reality. We have not read it yet. We will probably save for later since there does not seem to be a lot of good reading this morning and We do have lots of break time in town.

We can theel Our change and progress more and more even if We do not see it (yet). We no longer “need” to see it to know that it is real.

We are finding that limitation grows less and less Our predominate and default way of thinking (and therefore projecting). It remains strong even while it grows weaker. Our head still tries to slip Us into limitation, victim, scarcity and lack mentality and We are much faster to recognize this and be grateful and think less limited.

We are having a good day with Our students. After Our morning section: dispatch needed a charter covered and sent Us back out to do the charter. The class/group was too large to All fit on Our bus so only the student in a wheel chair got on. While We were waiting for the second bus (a big bus which the rest of the students wanted to ride) We heard that two middle schools had gone on lock down. Earlier We had heard that there was a road block just outside of town. We radioed dispatch and learned that Our second bus was in One of the lock downs. We told the teachers and “they” chose to wait after checking to make sure that We did not have room for All the students. Then an administrator came out and told Us that this school (a high school) was now on lockdown and “they” took the waiting students and teachers back inside leaving Our student on Our bus. This student got a text from “their” brother saying that he had been shot outside the school. There were no sirens, no police or ambulance so We thelt that the text was a hoax. Certainly NOT a funny hoax.

We waited without any real news and after about half an hour the administrator came back out and took Our student back into the school. “They” said the lockdown had been lifted but it seems that it was actually still in affect. We returned to base. Our driver was quite shook up by the event. Later We learned that there was some kind of shooting and stand off at a store just out of town and the perpetrators had fled.

We read the article (mentioned above) on Our afternoon break and enjoyed it. We theel that We go through these slips into other realities often but not as severe as the three people in the article. We to theel that some have the major slips and shifts, others have minor Ones and most slip, slide All the time but the realities are sooooo close and similar that hardly anyOne ever notices. We think of it as a glitch and/or deja vu. We poo poo and explain it away and therefore deny what We are living and experiencing. We give away Our power.

We find that We are becoming friendlier with people that We encounter. This is NOT a conscious choice but simply some kind of transition. We know that We sometimes appear rude to others and We just do not usually have anything to say. This is changing and We notice the change. We do seem to be sending less signals to “stay away” even if it is not usually to those We would consciously choose. We remember that “they” are All Us: projections of Our beliefs. We recognize more and more how powerful and good at this We really are. We are drowning in De-Nile less and less.

We get to meet another student on Our afternoon section. We kinda get off on the wrong foot but after a teacher helps Us the student makes the effort to make amends and so do We. We theel that We will get along just fine. “They” need a lot of reassurance and attention. There are times that We do not know what “they” need and are bothered by and We do Our best to console “them” and let “them” know that We like “them” and are NOT mad at “them”. “They” are quite autistic but not severe. There are sooooo many ranges and degrees of autism spectrum. “They” live in multiworlds but may or may not know what that is. Most A-dults certainly do NOT know what is going on with “them” and believe there is only One world and reality. “They” (the autists) are trying to help Us become aware as We try to squeeze “them” into One world, One box that “they” just do not fit into.

By the time We finish Our route We are way deep into multiD AND remain 3D functional. At home We have a light dinner and watch some more “Extant” and then “Area 51”. We are not very impressed with “Area 51” and We still want to see where it goes.

We know that We are not really ready to go dream but We choose to try.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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