Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

We are responsible

We are responsible
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:03:33 AM
Good morning. We just woke from/in an interesting experience. We had woken up about a half an hour early, seemingly wide awake but it was a little cold so We decided to turn up the heat and lay back down to do so horizontal pony hopping. We went back into deep dream with a seemingly bizarre experience. We remember it clearly but are resistant to telling it.
It was a very similar 3D world and experience but on the surface just seems weird. However, when viewed from a pony hopping perspective makes sense at least symbolically. We thought the behavior was something outside Us. We were shocked and angry at a youngstar's sudden rash behavior. We are sorry. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You. Even though We certainly wanted out of that alternate life/reality We very much did NOT want to wake and get up. It seemed like it would have been better to get up earlier but We would have missed this experience which We are NOW grateful for. There is a lot to this. Often We wish We could/would/should leave limitation 3D but We understand (mostly) that We would miss potential experiences which We can and will benefit from. Even though We real-eyes now that We can return to play in limitation 3D any time We want, still We are pretty sure that those visits would be few and far between if We did not (at least seem to) wake here every morning.
The answer (of course??????) is that We do NOT really wake here every morning. We are NOT having a ground hog day experience. It just seems that way. This is part of Our waking and learning process. This last dream, though very uncomfortable had many valuable gems for Us. The extreme behavior is symbolic of some of Our students and the anger is very real. As much as We love Our students and do not want to get angry: We do. We try not to show it or act on it but the students surely sense it. We pony hop it a lot. We take responsibility for what goes on in Our waking AND dream lives. That IS very important.
We can not grow and change if We keep externalizing Our thoughts and behaviors and blaming others for Our plight.
Yesterday (at some point, maybe in last night's dreams?) We got it that if We blame others then We truly are victims even though We are actually the perpetrator. We (many of Us) say that there are no real victims but Our belief makes anything real. When We blame We claim victimhood which is a fantasy made real. This is another concept that is hard to explain clearly because it is sooooo contrary to how We are programed (and YES, We did the programing). There is just so much to unlearn and very few get it that We are responsible because We do NOT (yet) fully get it and so We project THAT onto what We perceive as “the world”.
We ARE responsible. Nothing changes until We change. It may shift and morph but at the core it (whatever “it” might be) remains the same. We see (externally) a lot of people (an entire world full of people) who only want external change. “They” want a nicer limitation reality, a prettier slavery. As much as We theel that We (personally) grasp that We need to change AND We are quite certain that We want to change, still We are projecting that We would rather just paint the world a softer more gentle color and go back to sleep as willing sheeple. We are the problem AND We ARE the solution.
All this spawned from a bizarre dream that We do NOT want to type up. We recognize many distractions and potential distractions that We create to slow Our progress. This can be beneficial in order to give Us more time and potential to integrate what We are learning and experiencing. Or to just play. However, when We think that ARE locked in and stuck it feels frustrating (at the least).
It comes to mind that the grogginess We feel most morning and throughout Our day (which We used to resist with All available resources and now allow but do not really like) is Us inserting OurSelf into Our imaginary world. The world around seems vibrant and alive and awake. That is Our construct. It feels like We are wading in mud because We (quite literally) ARE.
This is All very interesting and I opening to Us. We also real-eyes that (in waking) We are catching glimpses of what/things We are doing in multiD. More and more puzzle pieces coming together.
As We were reading One of Our books “they” talk about sleep cycles. It is interesting that this comes up in Our reading the day We had a waking experience that illustrates what “they” are saying. We will try to “pay attention” to Our sleeping, dreaming and waking tonight to see if We can find Our natural cycle.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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