Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Another, nother day in 3D within multiD



Another, nother day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:19 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

It seemed like We slept poorly All night yet We are better rested than We would probably be if We had slept as poorly as We thought. We are aware that the discomfort and unease that We experienced was/is a dream or some other alternate world/life or this is or All of the above. We ARE aware of experiencing more than One reality and life at a time. Most of the night Our skin was crawling and still is to some extent. We do not fit in this body.

We ARE changing and Our world is changing. We can not really describe what We are experiencing because it really is new and We have no words for it. It IS expansion. We ARE grateful even though it is quite uncomfortable. Not only do We not fit in Our body: We do NOT fit in One world/life/reality. We had not thought of that before. This process is bringing in much new experiences, insights and intuits.

We know that We ARE getting what We asked for and We are delighted. Thank Us. We spent a lot of last night not being delighted and still We knew that this is for Our best.

We have been getting the message to NOT try to forge Our life and world. Our higher/knower Self (Our heart, Our creator aspect[s]) know what is best for Us. Often We draw this mental picture of what best and perfect are and those ideas fall way short of the truth. We get what IS best for Us. We want to accept that and embrace it. When We do not get what We think that We should: that is NOT failure. It is Us giving what is truly the best for Us.

We appreciate Our process and the experiences that are having. We may not Allways like it. That dislike is residue of Our old patterns and ways of thinking. We ARE changing how We think.

The word integration comes up. That IS what We are doing. The unfamiliar is rarely comfortable until it becomes familiar. That is what is going on within and without Us.

We continue to be aware (and to be reminded) that We have these ideas of what “perfect” should look like. These ideas ARE limitation. Our bestest thinking still limits because that is still All We know. Limitation is Our only (waking/conscious) memory. We open and allow and THAT is how We get something new. That is how We experience less limited and slipping into limitlessness.

The kids have sooooo much to teach Us. When will society listen to the children? When will We listen to the silence?

We are spending most of Our time in multiD. 3D is still here and mostly what We see. We feel much more. That is probably the bestest way to describe multiD: “MORE”. Sooooo much more than We ever thought possible. All of Our thinking is limiting and limitation. Everything that We have taught and been taught is limiting and limitation. Yes: We really do theel that everything is the right word.

We ARE here AND there. This is All sooooo new and the words are so inadequate. We do 3D tasks and functions AND We feel sooooo much more around Us and We get it that Our thinking keeps limiting Us. Our way of thinking, Our mindset keeps Us stuck in limitation. We ARE changing. We would like to change faster and yet We know that that would fry Our circuits. We are where We belong and moving at the pace that is best for Us. Everything that is happening is what is best for Us. Everything is working together to bring Us back to living as/in Our true nature. We ARE limitless beans pretending to be totally limited. We are very good at the game. We are masters of the game. We wrote the rules and now We are changing up those rules.

We are gently learning how to live in Our power. There is very little external evidance of this and there is a plethora of internal evidance. Inside is what counts. We did not used to think that way. We ARE changing how We think. Examples of limitation thinking keep coming up. We see how everything that We think and believe (up until now) is limiting. Even most of what We think now is still limiting. Our thinking is evolving. This is a slow and gentle process,

We continue to find people writing about what is going on and not too many talking about doing it. It is hard to describe and each of Us is doing it a little bit different. We are exploring from All the angles.

It has been snowing All day and since it is colder and the snow is drier the roads are not too bad. There are slick spots and the driving is slow. We are only a few minutes late on All Our sections. We drove Our chariot to town and are not having any trouble. Even after snowing All day there is less than an inch of accumulation.

Two of Our gradeschoolers who usually sit together are getting a bit loud and rowdy so We decide to split “them” up for a day. Not Our best choice. We did tell “them” that is just for the One day IF “they” keep “their” voice to classroom level. “They” try. It is hard for “them”.

At home: We are deep in multiD and do whatever needs doing in 3D without much focus or attention. We ARE learning how to do this. We have dinner with more “Person of Interest” and head for dream about Our usual time. We Oneder how that will go. Will We get into dream easily?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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