Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lots of insights



Lots of insights

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:16:06 AM

Good morning. It seems that We spent the night playing with Our transition, transformation, expansion. We are not sure exactly what that means, it is new. We decided to dream again rather than getting up early to go for water and heating oil. It feels very right. This is Our focus: We ARE unconditional love. We repeated (and keep repeating) over and over: Open, let go and allow. Plus more than repeating it, doing it. We ARE learning how to do this: how to be physical and live as unconditional love. We are love and We are learning to believe and incorporate that into Our physical life. We see/acknowledge how everything that has happened is leading Us to this point and aiding Us to let go.

We recognize that this IS a communication center. We are practicing mind speak and tech speak both. This is about combining and melding and merging love with the physical. After All, the physical is made of love and built of love even though We (humanity) has denied it. It looks and will look very different from what Our logical, unbalanced brains imagine. That is why We MUST let go, open up and allow the new and the rewire of Our hearts and brains. We know that We (personally) will discover how to use Our natural abilities, how to live by/as Our true nature and introduce this into the mass mind simply by doing so. Nothing mysterious, just a complete change. We also feel certain that there are others doing the same thing. We have no clue who (or what) “they” are and where “they” are. So far, We are a pretty quiet group. Probably not a bad idea when it is something that is just about 100% opposite of how most people think and believe. Being the subject of a marshmallow roast would not serve the interest of the people even if it is the people hosting the roast.

We do NOT advocate anything. We simply are open to complete change (even though We also resist but Our resis-dance is slowing drastically) and therefore (because We truly are All One) We will introduce this to the mass consciousness. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. We do NOT know how this will work, how it will proceed, what the discovery is that We will make. Our head is unable to figure it out and We are letting go of trying. We are letting go of Our old ways of thinking and believing. That is the only way this can happen (at least for Us, it may be different for others). We are also getting it why others have something (seemingly) different to contribute. Because this is a blending of physical and love there needs be those who are also changing the physical. The goal will be to meet somewhere in balance. We may need to send out search parties to find balance, she is lost, forgotten and probably starving. She is certainly One of Our many orphans. She may not come willingly after All the years of being abandoned and left out in the cold to wither and die.

This is why We must honor All choices, decisions and paths. Even those that would seem totally contradictory to Ours. This is new. No, not new today but certainly new these passed few years and to live it completely and totally is still futuristic.

Our world is completely different from how We see it and think of it, perceive it and believe it to be. Remember: it is real (even if We call it unreal) because We believe in it AND We created it. However, there is much, much more that is also real. So much more as to make this limited/limitation reality appear unreal. It is very confusing but only to Our limitation mindset. The rumor of its death are highly exaggerated. We (most everyone) spent years trying to kill the ego. Today most people get it that that is impossible and undesirable if it was possible. Our ego has its place and served Us well. Our brain has its place and served Us well. This limitation world has its place and served Us well. All these can and will continue to serve Us well (and play well with OurSelf) if We honor and allow it. That is certainly Our personal choice (even if We seem to do otherwise from time to time). This is a process and We are IN it.

The word organic keeps coming up when We look at Our cabin, it is becoming organic. Whatever that means. Again We are reminded that We do NOT see the BIG picture. We only see limitation and We can not even imagine (if We are controlling Our imagination) All that is really here and now. We feel the space port which We have recognized (mostly in dream) over a year ago. It is here and it is much more than what We see but even that is just a small fraction of All that is here. Remember, in dream We have seen (and known in Our heart) that the front wall of the cabin is actually permeable and opens on to everything.

It feels like We want to go get water and heating oil soon. We are learning to balance and stay in the now. We are love and We love OurSelf unconditionally.

We are back from getting water and heating oil. We had anticipated a long line at the spring (as late as it was) but there were only two people and “they” were leaving just after We arrived. We got more insights about Our process, letting go mainly. Letting go and allowing the new to happen is big. Letting go is not easy for Us. We are practicing.

We are also practicing sending unconditional love to OurSelf and Our others.

We keep being reminded that the way We see, perceive, think of and believe about this world is only a tiny, minuscule fraction of what is real. We really are ready for a complete mindset change. We are ready, willing and able. We are reminded of back when the galactics asked Us if We are willing to be a leader (note: NOT the leader but rather A leader). Yes, We are ready, willing and able. We also remember the kids and the galactics telling Us that “they” wanted to work with Us. It is happening. We are changing.

We open, let go and allow. We are facing Our fear(s).

Here is a very interesting article that adds to what We are intuiting AND experiencing: click here it adds to and confirms. It talks about disconnecting from the game. We do feel it is time but are not being very successful. There is resis-dance. We fear leaving Our creation. However, We can open, let go and allow. We do trust Our higher Self, at least We think that We do. We know that We will get exactly what We need. We have no idea if We will like it or not. Whatever it is, it is perfect. Hopefully We will remember that while getting it.

So, We ask OurSelf how do We detach? It does not seem as easy as it might sound. We get the reply that We are in the midst of detaching. What We are doing, how We are living, Our dreaming, etc. is Our way of detaching. Yeah, let go, letting go over and over and over........... Remember this is new ground and there are not of people exploring this but there are a few. Unconditional love for Self and Our world and Our others is key.

Sooooo many questions and the only answer (at this time anyway) is; “let go”. We open, let go and allow. We get the feeling that there may be some legitimate reason to fear from a 3D perspective. Can't explain that because We also know that We have no reason (or desire) to fear. It is not exactly that there is actually anything to fear but some stuff may well be (probably is) coming that is a bit scary. A bit like waking through a Halloween haunted house.

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