Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:33:18 AM

Good morning. Another interesting and fun night. It continues to amaze All the different worlds We explore and friends We make. Much of Our current explorations and adventures relate to expansion. Of course: in Our dream life We experience Our multidimensionality and that is what expansion is All about. However, there is an awareness that was not present previously. Even though We are not remembering a lot of details when We wake, We are aware in Our dream life that We are getting more familiar with more of who and what We really are.

Limitation is a lie and impossibility, yet everything in this world is based upon and built of limitations and separation. Sometimes, in waking We are beginning to get a feeling and a glimpse of what is really here. It is limitless. The physical can still be physical and be limitless. We (masses) just do not know this (yet) because We have never experienced it. Limitless physical is more liquid and or gaseous unless it chooses to be solid for a time. EveryOne knows that liquids and gases are part of the physical yet We predominantly think of physical as solid. What We really do NOT think is possible is for many/most solid physical objects to shapeshift into liquids and gases (on a whim and without any damage) and then change back again to solid if so desired.

For One thing, We do NOT think that objects CAN make choices. We have a lot to learn.

That is something that We remember coming up in dream. A year ago We knew that there was a lot that must change in order for Us to assend and/or become aware of being multidimensional. We were basically clueless about the vast amount of change involved. Many are resisting and that is “their” choice. We (personally) have All-ways maintained that these different versions can and do and will exist side by side.

Most people want to only be aware of and experience One glorious world. To Us that is still limitation and limitation is really what We are most wanting to be free of. That and separation but it does seem like the separation is growing less even for those who still choose limitation. Maybe We can not take on both at Once? Yet, limitation and separation go hand in hand and are very closely related. Perhaps, leaving separation will lead others to limitlessness?

We are feeling very relaxed this morning. We are also getting it how many of Our (personal) motorvations (or lack thereof) and desires directly relate to an expanded world. Some current for instances: We want plants/gardens/forest that will produce great tasting food year around. We do NOT want to have to water, weed or otherwise tend these plants. (Caring for and tending when We feel the desire is a bit different from it being a requirement for “their” survival.) Not needing to heat or cool a building for people to be comfortable in it. Not needing to “protect” anything from the environment. Growing structures rather than building. The list really does go on and on. We get it now that Our desire is based on Our memory that has been suppressed.

BTW: We are planning to go to town sometime today. We want more StarTrek and some groceries and some etc. We hope to get the second coat of paint/stain on All the uprights before that.

We got the uprights done (except the treated Ones which seem dry enough to stain tomorrow or next life). We got some more cleanup done as We were giving One color time to dry before going to the next color on All the boards. We are having a good deal of wind and dark clouds keep blowing through. No rain yet.

We are gonna head for town in a bit.

We went to town and spent way more money than We had intended but We got what We wanted and We allowed this.

As We got in the dragon and began driving We could and did feel some type of clear shift in OurSelf and/or Our world. We feel the transition happening.

When We got home We found that We have class tomorrow. We knew that We had class coming up BUT We had completely forgotten that it is tomorrow. Not happy. We real-eyesed that this means We also have to go to town Thursday AND Friday. We certainly NOT been planning on that many trips to town this week. If We had real-eyesed this We would not have gone to town today AND We real-eyes that this is why We forgot. All these trips are somehow important.

In Our old frame of mind and limitation/separation mindset, this would be extremely frustrating. We recognize that We are changing. Our head is trying to tell Us about All the mean and nasty things that will result but Our heart knows that everything is perfect (and that We even like the color of perfect).

We are going to dream a bit early in preparation for tomorrow.

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