Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Smoky mountains and valleys



Smoky mountains and valleys

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:39:39 AM

Good morning. We really did not want to leave dream this morning and We are barely in Our usual 3D still. We like this but We have to be very careful and pay attention to things We often do by rote. We do not clearly remember what We were doing or where We were or who We were with but We are certain that We really liked it. On One hand We want to pull OurSelf into Our familiar 3D world because it is a work day and on the other We want to drift in both/All worlds. We really want to become familiar with being in multiworlds at One time. We know that We actually do this and have been this All along but We have not been aware of it. Our focus has been solely on the make-believe limitation 3D. We labeled everything else as make-believe to fully experience limitation.

This is a bit weird, everything being just a little different than We are used to. Have to really pay attention. It is funny, We have had times (and especially mornings) like this in the passed (before We were aware of being multidimensional) and We resisted and fought to return fully to limitation 3D. Now, We are trying to be both. Interesting to observe as We participate. It seems We really are learning to be multidimensional.

We still One-der what We were doing in dream that We did not want to leave. Maybe We were preparing for this experience?

It amazes Us how much We did not like what We are experiencing now when We experienced it in the passed, before We had a clue what is going on. Now, We are in awe and loving it. We do really have to pay attention to what We are doing in this state. That's okay, just not familiar when doing routine things.

This experience is really different and takes some getting used to but We love it. We just made Our first foray outside and One-der how much Our green man is playing a part. We are certain that decorating Our faerie path is playing a part and it makes sense that Our green man is instrumental in what is going on. Is he coming to life or are We just giving form to and acknowledging a bean that has All-ways been here? It amazes Us how much We resisted this in the passed. We understand because it is sooooo unfamiliar and frowned upon by Our society BUT is sooooo cool and sooooo fun.

Walking in multiworlds is NOT for the feint of heart.

We have moments of trying to hold on to memories, make plans and such but We real-eyes these are the things that keeps Us locked in the ways of limitation. Allowing “them” is One thing, forcing “them” and demanding “them” is limitation. Limitlessness is free flowing. This is sooooo cool. Can You tell that We are excited? We even try to worry about how long We can hold on to this. The only way to experience it is to let go.

The experiences just keep rolling in and We are amazed at the feelings, actions and thoughts that We used to resist which We welcome now. What an I opener.

We happened on to a writing that speaks directly to what We are experiencing. Syncydink. here's the link Even adding that link was an experience. We do not think We have read this author before.

The time warps etc. that are part of being aware of living multidimensionally are a trip. Again, these used to frustrate Us and We resisted with everything We had. Now, We are welcoming and laughing with what We used to resist and deny.

When We got to work We found out that about half of Our route was canceled because of the fires. This gave Us All-most two hours before We had to be at Our first stop at the evacuation sight. We were kinda disappointed to see how quiet it was at the evacuation sight because We have never been to One before. The energetic/dreamer girl did not ride because of the fire and her family's vacation starting. She will not be riding the rest of the summer. This too is disappointing but We know that We connected in a way that goes beyond riding the bus together.

Since We had the extra time it was easy to remain out of 3D focus until We did pick up Our first student. It was a smoky ride to be sure. The interactive girl was Our first rider and she was very excited about the fire and All the ramifications. The fire has not reached “their” house but who knows and it sounds like “they” expect it to. On the ride We could sense the energetic/dreamer girl's energy and had a hard time staying out of dream.

We will probably have a short afternoon too and there is not really any way to know what tomorrow will bring.

We did have a short afternoon and We could barely stay out of dream for the drive home (after work when We were doing the driving). Shadow was a bit confused when We went right to dream but he soon followed suit. Of course he was delighted when We got up to fix dinner. We had dinner and a bit of the movie: “The War” and quickly returned to dream. It seems some youngstars are calling out to Us quite urgently for attention and comfort and recognition and confirmation. “They” are wanting to be told that what “they” are feeling and experiencing are real.

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