Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, April 20, 2013



Musings and experiences

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:23 AM

Good morning. We are changing and We know that Our dreams are a part of that. More than a part actually. We woke knowing that this world We wake into and live in is Our own projection. We were thinking about work and other daily situations and We started to judge some of Our others who are still very caught up in the game. We real-eyesed that this too is Our projection.

Our 3D world is messed and no mistake. This is because it is based in and on separation and limitation. Nothing short of changing that belief will actually affect any real change in Our 3D world. We are All-ready multidimensional so this should show Us that We can not escape (or be saved from) the world We created in order to experience the impossible. But, We are very fond of Our creation and this experience of the impossible. We want to keep the old AND live better lives. Good luck. But, We are All-ready doing the impossible so who knows what We will create next? The impossible takes a little longer but We have become quite good at doing the impossible.

We (personally) continue to open, let go and allow. This is the avenue We see that will affect real change in Our life.

The children We work with every day refuse to conform. We theel this is a great example. It is hard for most of “them” because “they” also want to be accepted. We who are A-dults know that it is easy(ier) to be accepted when We conform and that is how We (masses) chose to live. Now, We are not really happy living a regimented life but most do not know how to change or even have the will to do so.

There is something that We have been trying to convey in words for some time yet feel that We have fallen short, very short. It may well be what We are living and doing in Our dream life. There is a multidimensional world that exists, maybe it is many worlds maybe it is One world. That distinction and any importance to it is a 3D mentality construct. It just is, the need to label and restrict it is only important in a separation and limitation construct. What We are trying to convey, what We are trying to grasp and draw into Our own awareness and experience is that perfection All-ready exists.

All the disasters and woes and wars have All-ready ended, possibly long ago or in the now. But, out of habit and attachment to the familiar, We keep playing the same old tapes and viewing “them” on the screen We call Our world. This concept is sooooo hard to grasp and harder still to convey. We demand Our “real world” which is actually a lie and an illusion. There is no separation, no limitation, no starvation, no war, no April fools but We have a preponderance of evidence that proves it is All real. How do We slide into a perfect world? How do We do what We are here to do AND experience harmony and healing?

We know that We (personally and collectively) are love but We have very little evidence of this. Ah, but that too is arguable. There are examples every day but it is easier to notice and quote examples of anger and hatred (separation and limitation). We did so damn good when We set up this game, this experience of the impossible. The only way to win is not to play. We (personally) admit that (as much progress as We have made) We really do not know how to do that. We too are caught in the game. Yet, We are not.

Open, let go and allow.

We do recognize that We have made (and are making) much progress. We also recognize (though We usually forget) that each person is having “their” own perfect experience. Each One is entitled to do it “their” way for that truly is the only way We can.

We see what We project. Another concept that is hard to really grok. We are looking inside when We think We are looking out. There are sooooo many implications to that.

It is being a busy day. The schools had early outs which is All-ways a challenge for the buses. We have a charter/field-trip for a student in a wheel chair. Our bus is broken. Fortunately the bus We are using is larger because the entire class is riding with the student in the wheelchair. “They” would not have fit in Our regular bus. We got to meet and interact with a lot more students than usual.

We ended up with a longer break than We had anticipated with All the chaos and We chose to take care of a few things and go hot tub. This is very good for Us. We tried to stress about time and kept being reminded and reminding OurSelf that We are masters of time. We got everything done that We wanted to get done including the hot tubbing.

It is sooooo fun to observe the gradeschoolers as “they” grow and progress and get more and more comfortable with Us. Another boy who does not talk much talked with Us today. The non-verbal boy continues to make progress learning how to buckle and unbuckle himSelf in his car seat. Fortunately, he waits to unbuckle until We are stopped and parked at school. He gets the biggest grin when he knows he has helped and is doing good. The girl seems to be comfortable on the bus again and talks a little with Us.

The boy in the wheelchair asked what he should tell Us about today. He rehearsed All the things he had taught Us so far and remembered some more things that We need to learn about. He is a real delight.

Three of the middleschoolers had video games and were playing together. “They” tended to get excited and a bit loud and We had to keep reminding “them”: “Not so loud”. We told the invisible boy to have an awesome weekend. We have no idea if he even heard it and registered in 3D. As usual We wished each One a good weekend.

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