Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, April 1, 2013



Making choices

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:26:48 AM

Good morning. We had some really great dreams about Our transitional life and living in Our new world. We really felt “they” were clear enough to remember on waking. Obviously: clear and completely understandable while dreaming is not the same as clear and understandable in waking.

We are still mostly in dream state and sometimes it is hard to have conscious memories in that state. We are aware of what We are doing in more than One reality right now, at least partially in each reality but not fully focused in any One reality. Sometimes as the day progresses and We tend to focus on Our familial waking reality We do remember more from Our dream worlds. Especially if something happens to trigger the memory.

We know Our new world is based in love. We are love. We continue to remember to: open, let go and allow. It is an easy world We live in. This was not All-ways so and it really is NOT the world that has changed, it is Us.

As We wake and prepare to go get water and then go to town to do laundry, We see how much We pressure OurSelves. We are looking for alternatives to this, which work. We have things We want to do and these appear to be on a time schedule. We know that We would prefer to stay home on Saturday on Our laundry weekend. We knew this yesterday but because, because We went to town anyway. It would be kind of viable to postpone laundry to next weekend but We really feel that We want to get it done. This might even be an intuition. What We can do is not push to get to town in time to go to the pool and hot-tub. This is a good past time while Our clothes are drying but We are certain that We can also find other alternatives. We can probably hot-tub during the week on Our splits.

The point is that none of this is life threatening and there are viable alternatives, so why do We pressure OurSelves? It is part of the old trap. We put OurSelves on a tight, demanding schedule and then blame the stress, fear, doubt and worry on life. It is NOT life, it is Our doing. These are important things to learn if We wish to live free. A few weeks ago, We did not know We needed to learn about this. Many are kicking and screaming because Our freedom seems so elusive and never recognizing that We are still in traps of Our own design. We demand Our limitations and then ask why remain limited. We do not see that the cage door is All-ready open as We continue to drink the rancid water (inside Our cage) fearing it is the only water that exists.

It is interesting that Once We relaxed and gave OurSelf permission to go at a comfortable pace (whatever that might be) We got to town with plenty of time to hot-tub while Our clothes were drying. We forget that We are masters of time (We All are).

We even got home in time to do a few extra things, put away the laundry and watch part of Michael Jackson's “Vision” DVD while putting away the laundry. We read up (online) about growing onions from seed and found We needed to give Ours a haircut so We did that. We One-dered if We need to move “them” to larger pots and it looks like We can wait a bit for that. Maybe do some next weekend.

We picked up more plastic containers at the dumpsters for pots and water trays etc. We have several things in mind for using old plastic shit from the dumpsters rather than buying new shit.

When We got home and were unloading the laundry and dumpster treasures (and city water for Our humidifiers), Shadow appeared to be on an Easter egg hunt. He was burying his face and torso in every snow bank and seemed to be having a blast.

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