Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, April 7, 2013



There is no spoon/prison

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:37:58 AM

Good morning. This We are noticing (and experiencing) how things which indicate that We are (and are a result of) living in multi-worlds are things that We used to resist and really annoyed Us. We can see why people still avoid this, just like We did. The thing is, We do NOT know why it is so uncomfortable. Well, We do and We don't.

This morning (at first) We started to get upset (again) when things were not the way We remembered “them” being and/or We do not remember doing things and We see the result of doing “them”. Or, We find OurSelf sitting here wondering what it was that We were thinking and doing before We slipped away. Now, We recognize that We have slipped into a nearby reality and the further away We slip to closer We come to a reality where people genuinely care about each other.

We long for a reality/world that is based on sharing and caring with an economy of giving. Yet, We cling to this old pair-a-dime. Why? Because it is familiar. Every morning We have the opportunity to create something brand new and One-der-full yet We recreate and replay the same old drama(s). We feel secure in that but it is like building a castle on shifting sand. And truly, that is what We are seeing in Our limitation 3D world. The sands are shifting and Our house(s) of cards are tumbling down. And All the kings horses and All the kings men don't even want to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. BUT, neither do We want to be uncomfortable or living in the unfamiliar. We are truly strange beans.

The cool thing is that (at least) We (personally) are allowing and even enjoying and looking forward to this slip-slide into other realities/dimensions/worlds. It is kinda fun to experience every moment as a new adventure. It can be a bit scarey and unnerving too.

We have programmed OurSelves to think that living in limitation and separation gives Us security and a sense of identity. We really did set this game up well with All the bases (and exits) covered. We wanted to experience fully and We did good.

What confuses Us is: why more people do not see that the cage door is open? We understand the unfamiliarity but We also know that most everyOne is chafing under the yoke We have lain upon Our own necks. There are sooooo many people demanding change and even working for change yet clinging to the old. It is a human condition but NOT a requirement for being human. Many of Us think that it is a requirement. We (as a collective) tend to think that to be more, to live in multi-worlds and expand and awaken We must stop being human. We do NOT theel this is correct. We theel that Our process has been going on for a long time and will continue so. This does not mean that We need to remain slaves and prisoners in Our own private hell. We can real-eyes We are free at any moment. We can live free moment by moment. Major, outer change may take millenia but freedom is only a choice away.

We have been going through millenia of change for millenia All-ready. We do not have” to keep doing that. We can walk through the open door (We love the word “duir” in uses like this) and call to Our friends from without the prison.

We have been experiencing strong cold winds this last week. We keep thinking of: “the winds of change”.

Ah, yes, last night's dreams. Well, We remember being with and working with a local friend from Our waking reality. He is a mechanic and it seems like We were mechanicing together. We were totally clueless about this until We typed it. Then We remembered that the high school boy on Our bus is learning to be a mechanic. Aha. Maybe it was him in the dream, maybe Our friend is also the boy from Our bus. Interesting possibilities here if We allow “them”.

Or, We can demand Our limitations. Freedom is only a choice away.

We continue experiencing being/living in multi-worlds. It really is a bit disconcerting at first. We just remind OurSelf that this is what We have wanted for sooooo long and We must allow, or return to (remain in) limitation. Allow or resist. Theeling this is progress.

We got Noah's book converted to PDF and saved it on both laptop and desktop that way so it is easy to access and read. We also downloaded an ebook reading program for a couple of ebooks that We want to be able to read on either Our laptop or desktop. It was pretty easy to figure out. We just keep learning and this is in many areas. We are learning to let go and allow OurSelf to be aware of multi-worlds, learning about growing some vegetables, learning more about the now kids, learning to do waking dreaming and still function in 3D. What an experience this year is turning out to be.

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