Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013



A little bit different

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:15:15 AM

Good morning. We seemed to spend a lot of time having waking dreams last night. Were We asleep or awake, well We thought We were awake. Funny thing is that We do not remember what We were doing except that We were recognizing and processing experiences of being multidimensional. We really are, All-ways have been but We are just now becoming aware of it.

We remember experiencing OurSelves being on board ship watching another version of Us being earth bound. That is the only specific part We remember. Oh,oh We just remembered more about living here but with the front of the cabin opening to everything and the side opening into an enchanted forest. Do You remember Our dreams about that? Only this seemed to be a waking experience or memory of it

There is a lot going inside each and every One of Us. Some are noticing and recognizing, others are frustrated and even shocked. Each of Us is exactly where We need to be. Many are struggling to remain in the old patterns and energy. Others are trying to change things from the outside in. Each person has “their” own personal journey and mission. No One needs to be wrong in order for someOne else to be right. Opposites can co-exist. If We were All supposed to sing the same note at the same time why would We need over seven billion of Us? It is time (if We want, if We choose) to learn to be different, to honor Our differences and to live in harmony. In harmony with OurSelves, each other and Our planet.

We are having some experiences this morning that might appear less than perfect. We are reminding OurSelf that everything is perfect. Our old habit is to ponder and mull each thing over and over trying to figure out how to “fix” it. Now, We are taking the approach that maybe it is not broken. Maybe holding on to any of these things is part of what appears to keep Us stuck in limitation 3D. We are working on accepting rather than fixing. It is not easy. Certainly it is simple but it goes against everything We have been programmed to do and think.

We are also having more experiences of noticing other versions of Our reality while awake. It is very gradual progress but We like it that way.

The gradeschoolers continue to amuse and amaze Us. We are making better connections every day and learning “their” likes and dislikes. We really love it when We get smiles and laughter from “them” which is happening more and more.

They” are teaching Us and showing Us how to be now. We have no idea how aware “they” are of this. “They” are just being “themSelves” and We are allowing “them” to be “themSelves” as long as “they” are safe.

When “they” talk, We do not All-ways know what “they” say but We try to talk with “them” regardless. When “they” make up a game, We play along if We can. This usually delights “them”. Some enjoy: “pick on the attendant” the most.

We subbed on the noon route that takes two of Our morning students home. We had a great time playing games with “them” and “they” had a lot of fun too.

The boy in the wheelchair did not ride today.

The middleschoolers were quite loud and trying to annoy each other. No obvious reason why.

When We got home We read an email that reminded Us to use ho'oponopono in such cases. It seems that as We focus more on being multidimensional, We need reminders about tools We have picked up in 3D.

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