Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Morning Review "Another night distributing supplies" 3/10/12


Another night distributing supplies.

Morning Review (as I was waking)

The dreams started early in the night and were very fun and exciting. I Am aware that I Am doing work behinds the scenes: organizing, planning and scheduling but that is not where My focus is. I Am focused on the work in the field. I Am focused on interacting with the people.

This is a massive operation and it is mind boggling the number of people involved, especially for something so new. We have military from many (if not All) countries and civilians working side by side and space friends joining in (where “they” are not hindered by fear coming from the people “they” are trying to help). This fear of aliens still exists but it loses ground every day.

We use the space ships to transport large amounts of supplies to central areas and also to move massive amounts of military distribution equipment to these central assembly points. Then We use the military (and some civilian) vehicles to distribute the supplies locally. This may take a little longer than direct distribution by the ships but there are too many people who would not trust supplies dropped from space ships. We do air drop some supplies to remote areas to be used until We can get people and equipment into these areas easily. Sometimes the airdrops are done by planes and other times by ships disguised as planes.

There are times when the desire of the people to help is accommodated at the expense of speed if the need isn't too great. We started with the areas of greatest need and immediately delivered food and other supplies to these areas. Next We began moving people and equipment in to begin the building/creating of a sustainable new earth. New systems and new technologies and equality are now the order of the day.

In just a few days enough has been accomplished in the areas where starvation was rampant that We are able to spread Our work into areas where it is more a case of lack and scarcity rather than absolute starvation. This is very encouraging.

I Am totally enjoying My interactions with the workers and those receiving the help. We are seeing real change. Not only are people being fed and cared for but love is spreading. The love is the most important for without it the old conditions will return shortly. However, this love doesn't mean a lot to a starving baby. We must tend to the basic needs as We are living love, “they” go hand in hand.

The smiles and genuine joy that I see everywhere makes every moment exciting.

In areas where there is less need We are beginning to spread money as well as food and other supplies. In a completely impoverished area (where even money can not buy food and water) We will wait to distribute money. By the time it actually has any value there, it may no longer be necessary at All. It is really fun to see the reaction when I give $20 to a child who lives hungry on the streets of a village or city. To know that this child and every child in every city on earth can have $20 (or more) everyday for the rest of “their” lives gives Me a feeling I really can not describe. Most of these children can not (or do not) comprehend that this will continue to happen. To most it is inconceivable that this might be more than a One time thing. We ARE changing Our world and acts of giving and generosity will continue day after day after day.

As We travel to different areas We pass refugees and give “them” aid and transportation. We visit orphanages and play with the children and distribute much needed supplies and leave money to buy more. Some of the workers stay behind in any areas where “they” are needed and more workers arrive every day.

This is a global movement. We are working with people in need All over the world and people who “have” are leaving homes and jobs to be of assistance. Some people are bilocating and even multilocating to be able to participate and also tend to the needs of family and home.

People are truly beginning to give and the governments are now co-operating and providing resources that have been horded for years. I see secret storage facilities and forgotten warehouses being opened time and time again. Some of the stored goods have rotted and are unusable but We sort through and make use of everything that We can.

Farms and factories are beginning to produce needed food and supplies as well as luxury items. We are entering an age of prosperity even as We eliminate starvation in Our world. It will take a little time to equalize everything. Starving people don't care too much about computers and digital TVs but Once the stomach is full the wants and needs move towards luxury.

What is really cool is to see people setting these desires for modern luxuries aside while “they” give of “themSelves” to “their” others.

I know that We will return to Our lives of leisure Once the basic needs of every human, plant and animal are tended to. As We make progress I see that there are enough people to do the work necessary so that We will be free to pay attention to each other. Now, that will be something as new as no One starving anywhere in the world. To know that no animal is abused or neglected is heart warming. To begin to recognize the sentience and value of plants is absolutely amazing.

I know this is important to MySelf and to many but the first need is food for the starving. News about feeding the starving and needy may not make the headlines and chat-rooms as fast as the news of transferring money from massive holdings to everyday people but it is happening.

Caring for Our others is fast becoming Our focus and motivation.

As We begin to feel free of the yoke that has been Our bane for eons, it is much easier to begin sharing and caring. Giving becomes (Once again) Our natural state. Love is infectious and contagious and it is spreading like wildfire.

An interesting aside: soon We will be re-writing the history books and Our journals and emails and websites and blogs will be used to tell his and her story. We are in the midst of building/creating something brand new. For many of Us the “how” is simply unimaginable but if We take it One step at a time, it will unfold before Our very eyes.

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