Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Morning Review "Starting over and multi-locating" 3/5/12


Starting over and multi-locating

Morning Review (as I was waking)

My night was about starting over, but not starting from scratch. I'm not sure where to start here. My dream-walking and last-night's dream plus conversation in chat and My processing laid the foundation.

There is much to be accomplished to build/create Our new world. Many are focused on (and excited about or in fear of) the tear down of the old. While that is important I feel strongly that those who need to be involved All-ready know and are participating. Others of Us are being called to begin to build/create the new.

There are many facets of this rebuilding and therefore there are many jobs. I know that there is a key and a balance between doing and being here. Being willing is where We start.

I get the feeling that My dream about unloading supplies from a space ship is about supplying needs to hungry, sick, impoverished people. It is also about providing for those more fortunate who may have trouble getting supplies during the transition. Something that (of course) comes up for Me is the idea/belief that if We are source (and One with All) We actually have no needs. I Am answered that this is easily said on a full stomach.

We and Our space family and friends need to take care of these needs (even if “they” are only perceived needs for Our belief makes everything real) first. After that We can offer options and choices such as belief in being free of need. This is very similar to what I was shown about getting and staying free of money. When We have more that We need it will be easier for everyOne to get it that We are free of need AND that We are truly Our own source.

I see how in the passed good intentions may have gone astray. It would be easy to feed the hungry and attach a price tag of: “You must follow My beliefs”. This is where true, unconditional love comes in. In order to build a world that is better (than what We are experiencing presently) We MUST allow each person “their” choice and honor that choice. This is truly what the New Earth and 5D and beyond is about.

I Am theeling that We can (if We choose) be a part of this relief effort. We can (and will) use bi-location, tri-location and (indeed) multi-location to do this if We choose. This is what I Am being shown. I can (and will) actively participate and assist the relief effort without having to wait on getting a passport, packing My bags, buying a plane ticket etc. This is a skill that is coming online (or more correctly) that We are becoming aware of. Again each person has the choice of believing (or not) that We are able to do this. I choose to be a part, exactly as I have experienced in My dreams.

Next I was in a large city. This was My experience of starting over AND multi-locating. I was considering moving to this city but I knew I didn't really want to totally move to ONLY this city. I did have a bit of a hard time getting My mind around it at first but I decided to just go with it.

I could tell that I was starting over, getting a fresh start in familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings. It is My new earth. My mind tends to think of starting over as starting with nothing and being broke. I was quickly aware that this is not the case. It's brand new, yet familiar and I will never again go without. We are the creators of Our reality and the only way I would ever need to go without again is if I choose to experience that. I don't see that happening for a long, long time.

I do intend to spend (at least) enough time with My new friends (who used to live in poverty) to reassure “them” that these were not empty promises or temporary gifts. I think that as I get used to this multi-locating, I will choose to spend a lot of time with these friends AND in My current location. It will take some getting used to being able to do this and do it permanently not just for short periods of time.

I had some more (very pleasant) experiences of meeting (and being totally accepted by) more youngstars in this large city I was/am in. It was really great to be making new friends and be totally accepted just as I Am. I think I Am really gonna like this new earth and these new abilities.

I was thinking that finding like minded friends will be nice too and I real-eyesed that it will not be as important any more. We will come together in Our diversity and We will experience and celebrate Our differences.

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