Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Night School "Recess first, then class" 5/6/12


Recess first, then class

(From night school last night)

RECESS!!!!!!!!!!! I love learning by playing and that is how (at least) the night began.

I was back on the front lines of the relief effort. It was evening and the days work was done and because the effort is progressing sooooo well We were able to relax and play. We did. There was All types of revelry. This is how and now is the time to build camaraderie. Camaraderie between OurSelves and the locals. We are bonding. We are becoming family. Not family like any I have known or observed but family like We All dream and imagine real family should be. I will venture to say it is a bit beyond what anyOne has experienced in a limitation world.

Right away there were questions, fear actually, about building these bonds when some of Us will be leaving soon. This will (seemingly) involve leaving the locals and many of Us on the relief teams going Our separate ways. I knew that this was not to be (is NOT) the case. Because We are multidimensional, and can and will experience being multidimensional if We choose and that in 5D and beyond All time is now and We can multi-locate. WE can stay here, together as well as move on to new assignments. This is terribly hard to get Our logical 3D focused minds around, but it is possible and is happening IF We choose to experience it.

We (those of Us in the relief effort) know that We are a team, We have bonded and continue to bond in a very deep manner. We can remain here, helping, watching and participating in the growth and equality and freedom of these who lived here long before Our arrival. We can become a part of this village and culture, a part of this love. We can ALSO go to other areas that need help. It is All in the now. Some of Us may go One place and some another and yet We will/can ALSO remain together. Impossible in Our old limitation roles but totally possible IF We allow it to be possible. The option lies before Us, will We walk into it? Remember that scene in the original “Star Gate” movie? When “they” first walked through the Star Gate? 5/5/5 is also a Star Gate, open for those who choose to walk through and it remains open for some time.

Fortunately for Me I did NOT even try to figure or puzzle this out. I accepted it and therefore experienced it. And that My friends was pure joy and play. It is not something that words can explain (even to an open mind) it MUST be experienced. We traveled without moving. We experienced the progression of the relief effort, day after day but the sun never set on the current day. We went forward, We went backward. Or, as the line from “Children of Dune” says: “We go forward, We go back”. I never understood the significance of that line before.

We played a game that was a bit like hide and seek, it was called: “Here AND there”. Or: “Catch Me if You Can”. Romping through galaxies and time. Truly “there and back again” without ever leaving the campfire. It was a celebration of the grandest scale. We experienced living without limits.

I have and had questions about My waking life.

Our world is in transition. Many wonder when and where and how this will take place. It is done, it is happening, it will begin tomorrow and it will begin soon. All at the same time depending on what We are able to allow and accept. We are there AND We are moving into it either/and/or/both if We choose.

Some of Us will experience prosperity in a financial manner, some will skip that step and some will jump/slip/slide back and forth. (Remember Paul Simon's “Slip Sliding Away”?) Time will fly, time will stand still. We will aid millions, We will bond ecstatically and intimately with millions. We will aid and bond with One. We will experience it in bits and pieces AND We will experience it ALL.

We will learn to split Our focus, Our awareness like an insect's eyes. We may continue zooming in on One reality (as We have in limitation 3D) and/or We may zoom out and live in a panorama of experience.

We can accept this or deny it. It is Our individual choice. I can not prove this to anyOne, and have no desire to. It is not My job to convince anyOne of the validity of My claims and experiences. It is only My part to share what I experience and that is only because that is My choice.

We have not read in the mainstream news about this relief effort in any form that I Am aware of. There have been no headlines proclaiming an end to starvation in Our world. Yet, I know that it has begun. I know because I have lived there, I Am living there AND I Am living in a world where this is another best kept secret.

In order to experience what I want to experience in My waking life, I must believe it, believe in it and allow it. Sounds rather simple doesn't it? Simple is not All-ways easy. Our world, Our society and indeed Our conscious minds do NOT support such things. In order to live here We must begin to break the rules. I Am doing My part, often in ways that appear to be very, very small yet “they” are also gargantuan. There is a phrase I like: “Times a god-zillion”. That is what I wish for You, and for Me.

I got it that I live in different worlds and different realities where I play different parts, different roles. I live in these different realities concurrently and I can experience “them” this way if I choose, but I must expand My thinking and let go of My limitations to do so. As Richard Bach said: “Argue for Your limitations and sure enough, “they” are Yours”. I tend to cling to My limitations like the drowning clinging to a rock.

I got some more information/experience about dimensions. As if what went before wasn't enough?????? Dimensions are like musical scales (I wish it had not been so many years since music theory because many of the correct terms escape Me) with realities like individual notes within the dimensions (or scales). There are only a certain number of scales/dimensions which are perceivable by the current perceptions/senses of humans. This will probably change as We unlock the 90% of Our brain and DNA that We do not use. I believe this also connects to multi-locating and experiencing All time as now.

There is much more that lies beyond Our current range of vision beyond what lies within it.

I want to let You know that All-though this began in full dream state, it progressed into lucid and even waking states. I did NOT want to leave My dreams but I knew/know that I can begin to (or further) experience doing this, living this way in My full waking state.

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