Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Morning Review: "An attack that did not happen." 5/22/12


An attack that did not happen.

Morning Review (as I was waking)

The only part of My dreams that I remember clearly was from night school. It was about something I Am feeling strongly in My waking life: Many of Us are asking: “When???” “When will Our world change? When will people wake up? When will We have peace? When will We have equality? When will We stop struggling?”

As I typed that I was reminded that We see what We project. We must be the change that We wish to see in Our world. WE are the Ones We have been waiting for.

Certainly We need help. We've dug OurSelves into quite a hole and no mistake. We need to change to meet Our help half way. Sitting in Our do will not be enough. We must stand and be, stand and feel, stand and care, stand and love.

We see what isn't happening that seems/looks like “business as usual” but We do NOT see or notice what is not happening, that which is being prevented. We do not see what IS BEING done for Us and even by Us, We only see what has yet to be accomplished.

In My dream I was with a group of scientists and nuclear hit men. We were in an operation that was many layered. Some thought it was a protest against nuclear power of any type, some thought it was a military type strike, some thought it was terrorism. We each had nuclear devices (bombs) that were relatively small (in order for Us to be able to haul “them” around). Together, it would create quite a sizable blast. We were stationed over a ground fault in the Hawaiian Islands. We had enough explosive power to affect something but none of Us knew exactly how much effect We might have.

Each of Us was quite happy and determined in Our cause and didn't really concern OurSelves with anyOne else's cause. When I got it that We weren't All (what I might think of as) good guys, I started looking a bit deeper into what We were doing.

From (seemingly) somewhere outside MySelf I got the thought that things were definitely not what “they” appeared. I spotted a truck approaching and knew that it was NOT bringing lunch. The others thought it was a supply truck. Somehow, I convinced “them” that this was not the case and that the truck was carrying even more nuclear firepower and it was meant to destroy Us and Our toys AND set off an even bigger seismic event/disaster than any of Us could imagine. The point was that with All of Us involved and killed it would be impossible to place blame or credit for this catastrophe.

I convinced everyOne to disarm “their” devices.

I talked to the truck driver. He was a terminal cancer patient and had been offered a huge sum of money for his family if he would be a suicide bomber.

I convinced him this was not the way to go and his family would probably never actually get the money. I knew someOne who had and could give him a cure for cancer. (Where did that come from? But I knew it was true) He did not know how to disarm the device in the back of the truck but some of My companions did.

In My mind I asked: “Air lift?” I heard (again in My mind) “Yes, this would be a good time for an airlift”.

We were All airlifted out of the area and apparently lived happily ever after. The nuclear devices were All dismantled by another team.

(The end or the beginning)

This is just One small (all-though major) example of what is being done on Our behalf and for Gaia as well. It may be symbolic and metaphor or it may have actually happened. You must decide which it is for You. Or, You can ignore it All together.

What? You never heard about it or read about it in the newspapers? I will admit: The headlines never read: “Nuclear disaster averted”. I've never read a newspaper article about an earthquake that didn't happen or was diverted to an uninhabited area. I've never heard of a volcano that failed to erupt, maybe spit a little smoke, passed a little gas but not the BIG One it was supposed to blow. I don't remember reading about an airliner that didn't crash. Never seen a headline: “Flight 101 arrives safely”. I've not heard it mentioned that little green men are mowing the Whitehouse lawn or trimming the roses at the Kremlin.

I have read that those who are helping Us are a bit sensitive when We whine and snivel because We never get Our way. We don't see the rosebud before it pierces the skin of the stalk and We say: “You are a very bad rosebush. You will never bloom and I will never see beauty again.” Or do We smile with anticipation as We walk the path through Our garden of life. Do We remove the weeds of fear and doubt and anger? Do We bless the weeds and send “them” on “their” way, perhaps to the compost heap or to another world where weeds are honored and nurtured as We Once honored and nurtured and fed on Our fears?

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