Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Morning Review: "Around the world in 80 nights (or minutes or?)" 5/7/12


Around the world in 80 nights (or minutes or?)

Morning Review (as I was waking)

We were All over the place last night and I barely know where to begin (or end).

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday (and this was a “How could I forget?” moment) was that We played another version of the game “Wearing another's body”. Some of You may remember the original version where everyOne took off “their” skin and threw it in a pile. Then We each reached in to the pile, grabbed a skin and put on whatever skin We grabbed. This time We would simply walk up to an-other and exchange bodies with “them”. We would walk around and play in this body until We exchanged with someOne else and on and on.

Last night I traveled All over the world visiting camps where the relief effort was going on. I experienced being here AND there, with this group and with that group and being a part of each group but never leaving One for the other. I thought about doing this in waking. I know I can and to some extent I do. I also know that when I get into this (when awake) it is easy to fall asleep. In order to avoid falling down or falling out of My chair or getting some type of jolt or jar back into waking as I begin to fall (asleep) I usually just go to bed when it begins. If I Am in a place where I can't go to bed, I usually don't allow MySelf to go in. I guess You/We could call it going into an altered state. I would like to get more adept at this so I can switch realities/times/locations without falling asleep. I know this has begun, which is why sooooo often I Am here but not focused here like We are familiar with.

I observed MySelf and money. This is a huge subject that continues to be up big time for most everyOne. Generally I Am okay with where I Am financially but I would like to see some evidence that My future is secure. Wouldn't We All? The thing is that I know that Our future is very much up in the air (pun?). What We can/do/will imagine (for Our future) is far, far less than the possibilities. I know with gut assurance that anything We would call security right now is completely false security. It is (at best) a sand castle built at low tide far below the normal high tide level. Yet, how many of Us can just throw down the gauntlet at Our current reality and lifelong teachings and beliefs. I Am, but the questions do come up, the fears and doubts. I accept and own “them”, bless “them” and send “them” on “their” merry way with love.

This brought up another point. How many of Us have fallen into the money pit and are still there. It is hard to dig OurSelves out. It is easy to judge others. It is easy to blame others. It is a bit harder to bless “them” that curse You. Yet, this is the path I would choose. I would bless those that require money. I choose to freely give but I can recognize how easy (and normal) it is to feel We MUST have money.

This connects to the transitional world We are moving into. I do think that some will go through the transition and some may skip it. I know (*heavy sigh*) that I have chosen to walk in both worlds and it sometimes confuses Me (a lot).

I read that someOne had the vision of All the leaders who have mislead Us, misused Us, mistreated Us etc. surrendering “their” positions of power and authority and fortunes to allow the people to take charge of OurSelves and for everyOne to be equal in every sense of the word. I had not had this exact vision but it is the gist of My overAll vision. It is a goal of sending love.

I saw that We need to send love to Our peers as much as Our perceived enemies. Many of Us are suffering in and from anger and fear. Those feed the power/energy that would devour Us (if it could). Love heals. It sounds over simplistic. It is easy to think that We must act in some way to solve Our problems. Action is needed, and will come in time. Love must come first and the action must be born from and issue forth from the inner change. Action is actually happening right now. All-though it may not appear to be the case, We who are sending love are NOT sitting idly by doing nothing. We are very active even if We appear to be sitting still. We are truly multitasking. We are masters of multitasking and multilocating. We just need to admit it.

I know there was more, much more. I may remember it later. I may add it later. I need to stop now and go within.

I just remembered there was also something (quite a bit actually) about Our normal actions and reactions as humans. Judgment is a good example. It is normal but NOT natural. So much of what We do and live (how We live) are ways that We think are natural but are only normal and actually quite UN-natural. It is time to return to Our natural state AND We are. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

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