Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Snippets from November and December 2009

Written 11/24/09
I go lots of places, not aware of All of "them". Sometimes I come back and just think "wow, that was cool", or maybe "that is really scary" and wonder where "that" is.
Played with My students in dream All weekend. Some were vampires, many were dragon riders and others I don't recall.
I know I Am a dream walker, One who walks in others dreams, I know this tho I rarely have any recall of having done this.

Written 11/25/09
The walls/veils between the realities/worlds/densities/dimensions are thinning and coming down. We are blending it All together. For the most part the blender is still on low and it is a churning, small bits and pieces intersecting. It is a beginning and about All the beginning most of Us can handle at this point.
Written 11/26/09
     I Am loving the dreams I Am having about My students. Providing lots of insights into "them" and Me.
     Had a big time incident on Tues. had to call the MPs (We were on Ft. Wainwright)
     That night I dreamt of the boy who finally confessed to being the One. In the dream He was given his choice of several punishments. He chose living with Me for some period of time. I had 2 reactions when waking: "payback is a bitch" and "who is being punished here: him or Me?"
     But it told Me that he was reaching out for attention from Me even tho he has never responded to My "hello"s or "have a good afternoon"s etc. (Just flashed on love/hate relationship?????) Plus I feel strongly that there is something wrong with his home life. He may get taken off the bus for the rest of the year, I don't know yet. If he does ride again I plan to have him sit behind Me (again may be punishing MySelf there) and hopefully find a way to give him the chance to talk if he wants.
Written 11/27/09
     Something I just got a clue about with My most recent student incident is that he might be experiencing/creating poltergeist AND, as with autistic children (he does not show signs of autism so I was not looking for this before): what if he was trying to telepathically answer Me All along? This sheds some new light on more possibilities about him. I do feel he has been reaching out to Me in dream every night since the incident.
     I Am trying to imagine what it would be like to be aware of creating poltergeist but not know how/why and probably thinking it is something outside trying to harm and/or control You. He might be hearing a voice: "I will hurt You if You admit You are blowing the whistle". Lots of stuff I had not considered. Definitely time to take All this back to dreamland.
Written 11/28/09
     It is definitely every bit as much about Me as it is about him.
     All of these kids are showing Me so much about Me. Very incredible.
     One thing that is cool is to be living what I used to only dream and to be dreaming what I Am living.
     The dream goes on
Written 12/1/09
     This really is an adventure. Now, I do in 3D what I used to do only in dream. It's different in dream, easier, less complicated, less miss-understandings. but to be having 3D contact with kids, is awesome. I feel that I Am building rapport with some of the high school students, some I would have thought (at first) that I could never reach. And several middle schoolers are moving to the front seats to be able to talk to Me or just sit and be quiet.
     The One boy got taken off the bus for 3 days. I heard One of the others say it was stupid, All over a stupid whistle, then "they" moved forward to sit behind Me (which is where the boy who was in trouble was arguing against sitting). Go figure. I think I'm about ready to give up trying to figure and just be happy in the little advances.

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