Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, November 9, 2012



Learning to navigate and imaginate
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:37:36 AM

Good morning. Another busy night and literally All over the place. We were many places on planet and off planet a lot.

We met another new friend and this One is a much closer vibrational match than any We have met before. This is a message for Us and the purpose of Our meeting is to learn and put into practice more about matching frequencies and vibrations. (We use both words as We are not yet fully clear on whether there is a difference. We know “they” are related and connected). We met with some of Our aspects, friends etc. and asked about this new closer match. There is no offense or feeling slighted in any of this or any of “them”. It is the way of things, the way of progressing and evolving back to what We really are. These other aspects and friends are different parts of Us and have been assimilated into the whole, yet remain as individual parts. Each has “their” own purpose and specialization so to speak. “They” too are part of meeting this new friend. This friendship is “theirs” as well as We are individual parts of each other.

We are becoming unified rather than separate. We still sometimes revert to separation mindset which is really where the question (of why this new friend feels more of a match than any previous did) comes from. Unity is also a big part of the current message. We do not mind saying that We are really enjoying Our time and connection with this new found piece of Us. It is like two connecting pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and this new piece is the keystone. Finally?

So, We know that Our process has brought Us to focusing on Our vibration and matching the vibration of love. We practiced matching vibration with certain times and space (time and space function a lot like latitude and longitude on a map for navigating) to instantly be at that point in time and space. We quickly real-eyesed that it is very easy to get sucked in to that “other” vibration and forget Our new found higher vibration. We are reminded that this is what happens/happened to most of Us when We entered limitation 3D physically.

We practiced matching vibration to be there without falling in. It is a bit tricky. As We matched vibration We get it that this is a heart function and not a brain function. It probably can be done with the brain but that might account for the falling in aspect too. We were reminded of how the dragons of Pern must have a knowledge of a destination to get there and how “they” go between and appear at “their” destination All-most instantly.

It is interesting stuff and We know We have barely skimmed the surface. Barely enough to be able to translate some of it into words. We know We will continue to focus and practice. We also know this is connected to Our current increase in the amount of imagining We are doing. We ARE moving forward into Our new creation, We are certain of it.

We read part of an article about One of the reported sources of prosperity funds. It sounded appealing for a bit, but We real-eyesed that it was very head centered, at least from Our point of view. We are not saying there is anything actually wrong with it, it just isn't where We want to go. At least this article and author is not. Again, this too is about not getting sucked into someOne (maybe many someOne's) vibration. It is not Our task and We want to explore a different vibration. It is easy for humans to get hooked on messages about physical needs and ways and means that look like “they” will provide for those needs. If We look at history We can see just how well this has ever worked. However this is NOT a popular view.

Our laptop seems to be working fine and correctly. We did a bunch of updates and removing programs etc. from Our desktop. Only really have One small annoyance with it but even tho something We did on the laptop fixed this same little problem We have not resolved it on the desktop. It really is not important, just a minor inconvenience.

We did some imagining while waiting for installs and restarts and watched a couple of vids by Bill Ballard. We usually pretty much agree with him even if We don't All-ways care for his style. Today, We really appreciated what he had to say about money. It is spot on with how We feel. Money is neutral. However, We (masses and rulers) have All-ways used money to feed separation and divide OurSelves. Many of Us (the people) want equality and are desiring a world of sharing and caring. Much of what makes up Our 3D reality can be left behind when We awaken. We hold on to these things as if “they” are Our anchor and security. It is time to allow change and let go of whatever is holding Us back.

We need much less than most of Us believe. A lot of these needs are based on trying to live in competition with nature and each other. Most of Us are totally blind to this and fully believe that what We are doing is not only right but it is the only way possible. It is time to open to more and more possibilities unless We wish to stay in the same old thing.

It dawned on Us that the One thing We had done on Our laptop that We had not done on Our desktop was turn off a lot of start-up programs. We did this with Our desk top also and this fixed Our little problem.

Yesterday (while having so much trouble w/Our laptop) We had looked for recovery discs for the laptop and couldn't find any. Today, We did find “them” but “they” are over 3 years old. We decided to make All new recovery and repair and backup discs. We keep Our desktop backed up on a remote hard drive but We aren't sure how to use that for the laptop too so just doing it on DVD. Most of Our files are kept on Our desktop We just want to able to restore the laptop if it crashes.

We have gotten in some imagining, quite a bit actually. We went to dream and did not think We had been to sleep but found We had been out for over half an hour when We thought it was maybe ten minutes at most. Cool.

We plan to start using the word imaginating (imagining/creating) as that is what We are doing. We may have only just begun or maybe We are only just beginning to real-eyes what We are doing. We also plan to start saying I/We have instead of I/We want. Wanting means that We don't have and We know that We actually have everything. That (being and having everything) is who and what We are.

Dream, dream, dream.......................

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