Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, November 24, 2012



Primary and secondary realities

We are writing a story in which many realities overlay each other and coexist in the same time and space. Many of Us have been aware of this for some time but not too many have yet been able to experience it. In Ourstory We start with being aware of two realities at the same time and in the same place. Our familiar reality remains the primary and seems to be the most substantial most of the time. Our secondary reality is more like a shadow, something glimpsed out of the corner of Our eye. The newness of this is that it doesn't go away when We pay attention to it. It could be called imaginary and that is okay. It is felt and seen in the heart mind first and then transferred to the head mind. We do theel that it will gain solidity and essence as We pay attention.

Some of Our words may lack accuracy as We try to write a story about infinity and multidimensionality with finite and 3D words.

Paying attention is a theme in this story in many ways. None of this is “brand new” to Us but over time We have gotten distracted. We are writing this into Ourstory in the hopes that We will remain focused on this expansion and continue expanding. We know that the process of transitioning and adapting takes time. We release any judgment of the time and Our process and simply begin rewriting Ourstory from here on.

Our secondary reality includes Our faerie castle which We have All-ways known overlays Our cabin in the woods. In addition there is the communication and control center which We have only recently become aware. We are not certain how closely related/connected the castle and center are but for Us “they” have an integral connection. The ship aspect of Our cabin (that We have been aware of and experienced slightly over time) seems to be more connected to the coordination center.

We have the thought that with the castle and center We may actually be experiencing three realities rather than only two. And then (of course) there are also other ships and visitors which can be part of any reality. We would like to mention that multiple realities and multiple dimensions are not necessarily the same. Multiple realities can exist within any One dimension. However, Once We become more aware of multi-realities We tend to be moving into being multidimensional. Also, each reality has many dimensions. It can get confusing to the conscious mind. Limitation 3D denies and avoids and even ridicules the possibility of multi-realities and multidimensions. Hence the label: “limitation”. There may well be versions of 3D which are limitless but We are not familiar with those (yet). We theel that these would be the versions of 3D that are present within 4D, 5D and beyond.

In Our communication and coordination center We have several things going on. We continue to observe and participate in the relief effort. This is a many faceted effort which is now focusing mainly on growing food and providing goods/toys and services to areas where these have been in short supply. We are using and developing new technology in these areas. There is the filling manmade holes with love project which is flourishing and mostly under the direction of the youngstars.

We are getting more involved in paying attention to youngstars, orphans (of All ages) and the castaways and rejects (by family and/or society) of Our world. This has been a real passion of Ours but We have really only been able to give it fleeting attention. Now We are sort of zeroing in on this project. We are using technology and telepathy to scour the earth in search of the lonely hearts. We do not mean this in any romantic type notion. We speak of those who truly feel lost and abandoned. There are plenty of others perfectly willing to satisfy romantic needs. We seek the unlovely and seemingly unlovable. This is only a perception but it is the perception that most of these castaways hold of “themSelves”. We know it fairly well OurSelves. We have lived there.

Now We are sending teams of volunteers into All areas of Gaia to give care and comfort to Our forgotten and discarded Ones. This also includes non-humans in every form. It is a massive undertaking. When including All the inhabitants of Gaia that are either forgotten or rejected, it is probably going to be the largest project and require the most effort of All. Our heart is in it and so are the hearts of All participants.

Paying attention to Our other realities (at least some of “them”) and paying attention to Our orphans, rejects, castaways and discarded Ones. That is what this chapter of Ourstory is about.

This effort is included in and part of sending love into the grid but this is a more focused and physical effort.

We keep forgetting to mention the part in Our rewrite where Shadow is being taken to healing and rejuvenation chambers. We theel that he is becoming more and more aware of this process. It certainly feels like he is becoming more and more aware of the presence of Our space friends and family.

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