Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, November 23, 2012



Set My people free.

Physician heal thySelf.

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:10:27 AM

Good morning. Another great night of messages and alternate realities. It was mostly about sending love and sending love and sending love. Also being love. It relates to today's 11th 11/11 gateway and the collective meditations going on around the world.

We have lived under the illusion and false control of limitation and separation and All the negativity that is inherent in these. When We fight these controls and illusions We actually make “them” stronger. Our fear, anger and even simple frustration feed the negatives. And this feeds the controls and illusions. It gets to be a vicious circle, at least for most of Us.

Love breaks the cycle. Love is the only thing that is effective at resolving and dissolving illusion and controls. Love severs the chords that seemingly bind Us to limitation, control by government, business, religion and society in general. Love simply dissolves these. No fuss, no muss. Love leaves no pollution or waste, no mess to clean up after the work is done.

This is absolutely the opposite of what We have All-ways been taught. We set the game up that way. Since love is the only thing that works, it is the One thing that it is most important for Us to distrust and misunderstand. This is why We (the majority of the masses) believe (or have until fairly recently) that love is weak, love hurts and love betrays. False beliefs but strong and mighty none the less.

Today, We have taken another huge step towards releasing love and dissolving the artificial controls that keep Us in check. A world that is free is All-most unimaginable. We were shown glimpses of what it is like and even still We can barely comprehend any of it and certainly can not grasp the enormity of what it will be like. What it is becoming like.

We have many desires that seem to have been missed or neglected over the years. It is because these desires are based in/on a world of limitation and control. Once these are dissolved the attending desires are pointless, meaningless.

By sending love, remembering that We are love and letting go of the familiar We are setting OurSelves free.

We just remembered One of last night's realities. We were here at home (in Our cabin) and the faerie castle that We know overlays the cabin became visible and tangible. This is the first time for Us to remember this. Of course there were bunches and bunches of fae milling about and playing and doing. There were also space beans. Many were of other species beyond humanoid. It was perfectly natural for Us to talk and touch a being that looks like a huge ant, and “they” were perfectly comfortable with Our odd human shape. We did not get it at the time but this could not have been the first time to have this level of comfort and familiarity.

We remember having the thought: “What a busy place.” We heard/felt a response: “Not really busy, active yes, but not busy.” That was an interesting distinction and it felt important.

We keep being reminded that second to sending love, the most important thing We can do right now is let go of the old. Let go of what We have believed for most of Our life and lives to be the only thing that is real. There is more and it is right here AND right now.

It has been a pretty amazing day. Funny, there was a time We would have thought and said that nothing happened. We know that We have changed and We are extremely grateful. Grateful for the opportunity and grateful that We took advantage of the opportunity. We have returned to dream several times and listened to some meditations and done quite a bit of reading and writing but NO rithmatic. Often We find that meditations from others miss the mark for Us but sometimes “they” are still useful.

We are excited, calmly exuberant that the message of love and moving from Our heads to Our hearts is going out from and to sooooo many now days. This is the most One-der-full news that We can think of. We know that We are a part of this news.

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